def plot_psth_photostim_effect(units, condition_name_kw=['both_alm'], axs=None):
    For the specified `units`, plot PSTH comparison between stim vs. no-stim with left/right trial instruction
    The stim location (or other appropriate search keywords) can be specified in `condition_name_kw` (default: both ALM)
    units = units.proj()

    fig = None
    if axs is None:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6))
    assert axs.size == 2

    hemi = _get_units_hemisphere(units)

    # no photostim:
    psth_n_l = psth.TrialCondition.get_cond_name_from_keywords(['_nostim', '_left'])[0]
    psth_n_r = psth.TrialCondition.get_cond_name_from_keywords(['_nostim', '_right'])[0]

    psth_n_l = (psth.UnitPsth * psth.TrialCondition & units
                & {'trial_condition_name': psth_n_l} & 'unit_psth is not NULL').fetch('unit_psth')
    psth_n_r = (psth.UnitPsth * psth.TrialCondition & units
                & {'trial_condition_name': psth_n_r} & 'unit_psth is not NULL').fetch('unit_psth')

    # with photostim
    psth_s_l = psth.TrialCondition.get_cond_name_from_keywords(condition_name_kw + ['_stim_left'])[0]
    psth_s_r = psth.TrialCondition.get_cond_name_from_keywords(condition_name_kw + ['_stim_right'])[0]

    psth_s_l = (psth.UnitPsth * psth.TrialCondition & units
                & {'trial_condition_name': psth_s_l} & 'unit_psth is not NULL').fetch('unit_psth')
    psth_s_r = (psth.UnitPsth * psth.TrialCondition & units
                & {'trial_condition_name': psth_s_r} & 'unit_psth is not NULL').fetch('unit_psth')

    # get event start times: sample, delay, response
    period_names, period_starts = _get_trial_event_times(['sample', 'delay', 'go'], units, 'good_noearlylick_hit')

    # get photostim onset and duration
    stim_trial_cond_name = psth.TrialCondition.get_cond_name_from_keywords(condition_name_kw + ['_stim'])[0]
    stim_durs = np.unique((experiment.Photostim & experiment.PhotostimEvent
                           * psth.TrialCondition().get_trials(stim_trial_cond_name)
                           & units).fetch('duration'))
    stim_dur = _extract_one_stim_dur(stim_durs)
    stim_time = _get_stim_onset_time(units, stim_trial_cond_name)

    if hemi == 'left':
        psth_s_i = psth_s_l
        psth_n_i = psth_n_l
        psth_s_c = psth_s_r
        psth_n_c = psth_n_r
        psth_s_i = psth_s_r
        psth_n_i = psth_n_r
        psth_s_c = psth_s_l
        psth_n_c = psth_n_l

    _plot_avg_psth(psth_n_i, psth_n_c, period_starts, axs[0],
    _plot_avg_psth(psth_s_i, psth_s_c, period_starts, axs[1],

    # cosmetic
    ymax = max([ax.get_ylim()[1] for ax in axs])
    for ax in axs:
        ax.set_ylim((0, ymax))
        ax.set_xlim([_plt_xmin, _plt_xmax])

    # add shaded bar for photostim
    axs[1].axvspan(stim_time, stim_time + stim_dur, alpha=0.3, color='royalblue')

    return fig
Beispiel #2
def plot_psth_bilateral_photostim_effect(units, axs=None):
    units = units.proj()

    hemi = _get_units_hemisphere(units)

    psth_s_l = (
        psth.UnitPsth * psth.TrialCondition & units
        & {
            'trial_condition_name': 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim_left'

    psth_n_l = (
        psth.UnitPsth * psth.TrialCondition & units
        & {
            'trial_condition_name': 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_nostim_left'

    psth_s_r = (
        psth.UnitPsth * psth.TrialCondition & units
        & {
            'trial_condition_name': 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim_right'

    psth_n_r = (
        psth.UnitPsth * psth.TrialCondition & units
        & {
            'trial_condition_name': 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_nostim_right'

    # get event start times: sample, delay, response
    period_names, period_starts = _get_trial_event_times(
        ['sample', 'delay', 'go'], units, 'good_noearlylick_hit')

    # get photostim duration
    stim_durs = np.unique(
        (experiment.Photostim & experiment.PhotostimEvent *
         & units).fetch('duration'))
    stim_dur = _extract_one_stim_dur(stim_durs)

    if hemi == 'left':
        psth_s_i = psth_s_l
        psth_n_i = psth_n_l
        psth_s_c = psth_s_r
        psth_n_c = psth_n_r
        psth_s_i = psth_s_r
        psth_n_i = psth_n_r
        psth_s_c = psth_s_l
        psth_n_c = psth_n_l

    fig = None
    if axs is None:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6))
    assert axs.size == 2

    _plot_avg_psth(psth_n_i, psth_n_c, period_starts, axs[0], 'Control')
    _plot_avg_psth(psth_s_i, psth_s_c, period_starts, axs[1],
                   'Bilateral ALM photostim')
    # cosmetic
    ymax = max([ax.get_ylim()[1] for ax in axs])
    for ax in axs:
        ax.set_ylim((0, ymax))

    # add shaded bar for photostim
    stim_time = period_starts[np.where(period_names == 'delay')[0][0]]
                   stim_time + stim_dur,

    return fig
def plot_unit_bilateral_photostim_effect(probe_insertion, clustering_method=None, axs=None):
    probe_insertion = probe_insertion.proj()

    if not (psth.TrialCondition().get_trials('all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim') & probe_insertion):
        raise PhotostimError('No Bilateral ALM Photo-stimulation present')

    if clustering_method is None:
            clustering_method = _get_clustering_method(probe_insertion)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(str(e) + '\nPlease specify one with the kwarg "clustering_method"')

    dv_loc = (ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation & probe_insertion).fetch1('depth')

    no_stim_cond = (psth.TrialCondition
                    & {'trial_condition_name':

    bi_stim_cond = (psth.TrialCondition
                    & {'trial_condition_name':

    units = ephys.Unit & probe_insertion & {'clustering_method': clustering_method} & 'unit_quality != "all"'

    metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=['unit', 'x', 'y', 'frate_change'])

    # get photostim onset and duration
    stim_durs = np.unique((experiment.Photostim & experiment.PhotostimEvent
                           * psth.TrialCondition().get_trials('all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim')
                           & probe_insertion).fetch('duration'))
    stim_dur = _extract_one_stim_dur(stim_durs)
    stim_time = _get_stim_onset_time(units, 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim')

    # XXX: could be done with 1x fetch+join
    for u_idx, unit in enumerate(units.fetch('KEY', order_by='unit')):
        if clustering_method in ('kilosort2'):
            x, y = (ephys.Unit * lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode.proj()
                    * lab.ProbeType.Electrode.proj('x_coord', 'y_coord') & unit).fetch1('x_coord', 'y_coord')
            x, y = (ephys.Unit & unit).fetch1('unit_posx', 'unit_posy')

        # obtain unit psth per trial, for all nostim and bistim trials
        nostim_trials = ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes & unit & psth.TrialCondition.get_trials(no_stim_cond['trial_condition_name'])
        bistim_trials = ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes & unit & psth.TrialCondition.get_trials(bi_stim_cond['trial_condition_name'])

        nostim_psths, nostim_edge = psth.compute_unit_psth(unit, nostim_trials.fetch('KEY'), per_trial=True)
        bistim_psths, bistim_edge = psth.compute_unit_psth(unit, bistim_trials.fetch('KEY'), per_trial=True)

        # compute the firing rate difference between contra vs. ipsi within the stimulation time window
        ctrl_frate = np.array([nostim_psth[np.logical_and(nostim_edge >= stim_time,
                                                          nostim_edge <= stim_time + stim_dur)].mean()
                               for nostim_psth in nostim_psths])
        stim_frate = np.array([bistim_psth[np.logical_and(bistim_edge >= stim_time,
                                                          bistim_edge <= stim_time + stim_dur)].mean()
                               for bistim_psth in bistim_psths])

        frate_change = (stim_frate.mean() - ctrl_frate.mean()) / ctrl_frate.mean()
        frate_change = abs(frate_change) if frate_change < 0 else 0.0001

        metrics.loc[u_idx] = (int(unit['unit']), x, float(dv_loc) + y, frate_change)

    metrics.frate_change = metrics.frate_change / metrics.frate_change.max()

    # --- prepare for plotting
    shank_count = (ephys.ProbeInsertion & probe_insertion).aggr(lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode * lab.ProbeType.Electrode,
                                                                shank_count='count(distinct shank)').fetch1('shank_count')
    m_scale = get_m_scale(shank_count)

    fig = None
    if axs is None:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 8))

    xmax = 1.3 * metrics.x.max()
    xmin = -1/6*xmax

    cosmetic = {'legend': None,
                'linewidth': 1.75,
                'alpha': 0.9,
                'facecolor': 'none', 'edgecolor': 'k'}

    sns.scatterplot(data=metrics, x='x', y='y', s=metrics.frate_change*m_scale,
                    ax=axs, **cosmetic)

    axs.set_title('% change')
    axs.set_xlim((xmin, xmax))

    return fig
Beispiel #4
def plot_unit_bilateral_photostim_effect(probe_insertion,
    probe_insertion = probe_insertion.proj()

    if clustering_method is None:
            clustering_method = _get_clustering_method(probe_insertion)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                str(e) +
                '\nPlease specify one with the kwarg "clustering_method"')

    dv_loc = (ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation
              & probe_insertion).fetch1('dv_location')

    no_stim_cond = (
        & {
            'trial_condition_name': 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_nostim'

    bi_stim_cond = (psth.TrialCondition
                    & {
                        'trial_condition_name': 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim'

    # get photostim duration
    stim_durs = np.unique(
        (experiment.Photostim & experiment.PhotostimEvent *
         & probe_insertion).fetch('duration'))
    stim_dur = _extract_one_stim_dur(stim_durs)

    units = ephys.Unit & probe_insertion & {
        'clustering_method': clustering_method
    } & 'unit_quality != "all"'

    metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=['unit', 'x', 'y', 'frate_change'])

    _, cue_onset = _get_trial_event_times(['delay'], units,
    cue_onset = cue_onset[0]

    # XXX: could be done with 1x fetch+join
    for u_idx, unit in enumerate(units.fetch('KEY', order_by='unit')):

        x, y = (ephys.Unit & unit).fetch1('unit_posx', 'unit_posy')

        # obtain unit psth per trial, for all nostim and bistim trials
        nostim_trials = ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes & unit & psth.TrialCondition.get_trials(
        bistim_trials = ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes & unit & psth.TrialCondition.get_trials(

        nostim_psths, nostim_edge = psth.compute_unit_psth(
            unit, nostim_trials.fetch('KEY'), per_trial=True)
        bistim_psths, bistim_edge = psth.compute_unit_psth(
            unit, bistim_trials.fetch('KEY'), per_trial=True)

        # compute the firing rate difference between contra vs. ipsi within the stimulation duration
        ctrl_frate = np.array([
                nostim_edge >= cue_onset,
                nostim_edge <= cue_onset + stim_dur)].mean()
            for nostim_psth in nostim_psths
        stim_frate = np.array([
                bistim_edge >= cue_onset,
                bistim_edge <= cue_onset + stim_dur)].mean()
            for bistim_psth in bistim_psths

        frate_change = (stim_frate.mean() -
                        ctrl_frate.mean()) / ctrl_frate.mean()
        frate_change = abs(frate_change) if frate_change < 0 else 0.0001

        metrics.loc[u_idx] = (int(unit['unit']), x, y - dv_loc, frate_change)

    metrics.frate_change = metrics.frate_change / metrics.frate_change.max()

    fig = None
    if axs is None:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 8))

    cosmetic = {
        'legend': None,
        'linewidth': 1.75,
        'alpha': 0.9,
        'facecolor': 'none',
        'edgecolor': 'k'

                    s=metrics.frate_change * m_scale,

    axs.set_title('% change')
    axs.set_xlim((-10, 60))

    return fig