Beispiel #1
def snare(amp, length):
    if amp == 0:
        return dsp.pad('', 0, length)

    # Two layers of noise: lowmid and high
    out = dsp.mix([ dsp.bln(int(length * 0.2), 700, 3200, 'impulse'), dsp.bln(int(length * 0.01), 7000, 9000) ])
    out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')
    out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out))

    out = dsp.amp(out, amp)
    return out
Beispiel #2
    def hat(length):
        lowf = dsp.rand(600, 7000)
        highf = dsp.rand(7000, 19000)
        if dsp.randint(0, 6) == 0:
            out = dsp.bln(length, lowf, highf)
            out = dsp.env(out, 'line')
            out = dsp.bln(int(length * 0.05), lowf, highf)
            out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')
            out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out))

        return out
Beispiel #3
def clap(amp, length):
    if amp == 0:
        return dsp.pad('', 0, length)

    # Two layers of noise: lowmid and high
    lowlow, lowhigh = dsp.rand(300, 600), dsp.rand(700, 1200)
    highlow, highhigh = dsp.rand(3000, 7000), dsp.rand(7000, 9000)
    out = dsp.mix([ dsp.bln(int(length * 0.2), lowlow, lowhigh), dsp.bln(int(length * 0.2), 7000, 9000) ])
    out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')
    out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out))
    out = dsp.amp(out, amp)

    return out
Beispiel #4
def makeHat(length, i):
    h = dsp.bln(length / 4, dsp.rand(6000, 8000), dsp.rand(9000, 16000))
    h = dsp.amp(h, dsp.rand(0.5, 1))
    h = dsp.env(h, 'phasor')
    h = dsp.fill(h, length, silence=True)

    return h
Beispiel #5
def rhodes(total_time, freq=220.0, ampscale=0.5):
    partials = [
        # Multiple, amplitude, duration
        [1, 0.6, 1.0],
        [2, 0.25, 0.35],
        [3, 0.08, 0.15],
        [4, 0.005, 0.04],

    layers = []
    for plist in partials:
        partial = dsp.tone(freq=plist[0] * freq,
                           amp=plist[1] * ampscale)

        env_length = (total_time * plist[2] * 2) / 32
        wtable = dsp.wavetable('hann', int(env_length))
        wtable = wtable[int(env_length / 2):]
        wtable.extend([0 for i in range(total_time - len(wtable))])
        print env_length, len(wtable), dsp.flen(partial)

        partial = dsp.split(partial, 32)
        partial = [dsp.amp(partial[i], wtable[i]) for i in range(len(partial))]
        layer = ''.join(partial)

        layers += [layer]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)
    noise = dsp.amp(dsp.bln(dsp.flen(out) * 2, 2000, 20000), 0.005)
    noise = dsp.fill(noise, dsp.flen(out))

    out = dsp.mix([out, noise])

    return out
Beispiel #6
def rhodes(total_time, freq=220.0, ampscale=0.5):
    partials = [
            # Multiple, amplitude, duration
            [1, 0.6, 1.0], 
            [2, 0.25, 0.35], 
            [3, 0.08, 0.15],
            [4, 0.005, 0.04],

    layers = []
    for plist in partials:
        partial = dsp.tone(freq=plist[0] * freq, length=total_time, amp=plist[1] * ampscale)

        env_length = (total_time * plist[2] * 2) / 32 
        wtable = dsp.wavetable('hann', int(env_length))
        wtable = wtable[int(env_length / 2):]
        wtable.extend([0 for i in range(total_time - len(wtable))])
        print env_length, len(wtable), dsp.flen(partial)
        partial = dsp.split(partial, 32)
        partial = [ dsp.amp(partial[i], wtable[i]) for i in range(len(partial)) ]
        layer = ''.join(partial)

        layers += [ layer ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)
    noise = dsp.amp(dsp.bln(dsp.flen(out) * 2, 2000, 20000), 0.005)
    noise = dsp.fill(noise, dsp.flen(out))

    out = dsp.mix([out, noise])

    return out
Beispiel #7
def rhodes(length=22050, freq=220.0, amp=0.5, wavetype='sine'):
    partials = [
            # Multiple, amplitude, duration
            [1, 0.6, 1.0], 
            [2, 0.25, 0.35], 
            [3, 0.08, 0.15],
            [4, 0.005, 0.04],

    layers = []
    for plist in partials:
        partial = dsp.tone(freq=plist[0] * freq, length=length, amp=plist[1], wavetype=wavetype)

        env_length = (length * plist[2] * 2) / 32 
        if env_length <= 2:
            env_length = 4

        wtable = dsp.wavetable('hann', int(env_length))
        wtable = wtable[int(env_length / 2):]
        wtable.extend([0 for i in range(length - len(wtable))])
        partial = dsp.split(partial, 32)
        partial = [ dsp.amp(partial[i], wtable[i]) for i in range(len(partial)) ]
        layer = ''.join(partial)

        layers += [ layer ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)
    noise = dsp.amp(dsp.bln(dsp.flen(out) * 2, 2000, 20000), 0.005)
    noise = dsp.fill(noise, dsp.flen(out))

    out = dsp.mix([out, noise])
    out = dsp.amp(out, amp)

    return out
Beispiel #8
def makeSnare(length, i):
    burst = dsp.bln(length, dsp.rand(400, 800), dsp.rand(8000, 10000))
    burst = dsp.env(burst, 'phasor')
    s = dsp.mix([snare, burst])
    s = dsp.transpose(s, dsp.rand(0.9, 1.1))

    s = dsp.fill(s, length, silence=True)

    return dsp.taper(s, 40)
Beispiel #9
def brass(length=22050, freq=220, amp=0.5):
    pw = dsp.rand(0.25, 0.5)
    note = pulsar(length=length, freq=freq, pulsewidth=pw, amp=amp)
    noise = dsp.bln(length, dsp.rand(1000, 2000), dsp.rand(2000, 3000))
    noise = dsp.fill(noise, length)
    noise = fx.bend(noise, [ dsp.rand() for _ in range(dsp.randint(5, 10)) ], dsp.rand(0.01, 0.3))
    noise = dsp.amp(noise, dsp.rand(0.001, 0.002))
    noise = dsp.env(noise, 'tri')
    note = dsp.mix([ note, noise ])

    return note
Beispiel #10
def play(ctl):
    param = ctl.get('param')
    lpd = ctl.get('midi').get('lpd')

    freqs = [
        (10000, 15000),
        (5000, 15000),
        (5000, 10000),

    low = dsp.rand(50, 100) 
    high = dsp.rand(80, 120)

    low = 80
    high = 120

    wform = 'sine2pi'

    amp = lpd.get(5, low=0, high=1, default=0)

    low = dsp.rand(low * 0.9, low)
    high = dsp.rand(high, high * 1.1)

    length = dsp.mstf(lpd.get(1, low=10, high=900)) 

    if dsp.rand() > 10.5:
        length = length / 2

    pulselength = lpd.geti(2, low=dsp.mstf(10), high=length, default=length)

    out = dsp.bln(pulselength, low, high, wform)
    out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')

    if dsp.rand() > 10.1:
        beep = dsp.tone(dsp.flen(out), dsp.rand(12000, 12000), amp=dsp.rand(0.5, 1))
        out = dsp.mix([out, beep])

    out = dsp.drift(out, dsp.rand(0, 1))
    out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out))

    out = dsp.pan(out, dsp.rand())
    out = dsp.amp(out, amp)

    return out
Beispiel #11
def play(ctl):
    grains = dsp.randint(1, 100)

    o = ""
    for g in range(grains):
        length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.001, 0.1))
        numpoints = dsp.randint(10, 30)
        points = [0] + [dsp.rand(-1, 1) for _ in range(numpoints)] + [0]

        out = dsp.bln(length, 330, 330, "tri")
        # out =, dsp.tone(length, dsp.rand(10, 100)))
        out = dsp.env(out, "random")
        out = dsp.pan(out, dsp.rand())
        out = dsp.amp(out, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.9))

        o += out

    out = dsp.env(o, "random")
    out = dsp.pad(out, 0, dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.1, 1)))

    return out
Beispiel #12
def play(ctl):
    param = ctl.get('param')
    lpd = ctl.get('midi').get('lpd')

    pc = ctl.get('midi').get('pc')

    gamut = {
        'high': [
            (10000, 15000),
            (5000, 15000),
            (5000, 10000),

        'mid': [
            (1000, 5000),
            (1000, 2000),

        'pitch': [
            tuple([ dsp.rand(500, 2000) for p in range(2) ]),
            tuple([ dsp.rand(100, 1000) for p in range(2) ]),
            tuple([ dsp.rand(1000, 5000) for p in range(2) ]),

        'low': [
            (20, 5000),
            (30, 10000),
            (40, 10000),

    area = param.get('wash-area', default='high')
    area = dsp.randchoose(['high', 'mid', 'pitch', 'low'])
    area = 'pitch'


    freqs = dsp.randchoose(gamut[area])

    freqscale = pc.get(16, low=0.125, high=2, default=1)
    #freqscale = dsp.rand(0.125, 2)

    low = freqs[0] * freqscale
    high = freqs[1] * freqscale

    wform = dsp.randchoose(['sine2pi', 'tri', 'vary', 'square'])

    timescale = pc.get(17, low=1, high=4, default=1)
    #timescale = dsp.rand(1, 4)
    lengthscale = pc.get(18, low=0.125, high=2.5)
    #lengthscale = dsp.rand(0.125, 2.5)

    amp = pc.get(0, low=0, high=0.5, default=0.5)
    #amp = dsp.rand(0, 0.5)

    if area == 'high':
        low = dsp.rand(low * 0.9, low)
        high = dsp.rand(high, high * 1.1)

        length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.01, 0.3) * lengthscale)
        out = dsp.bln(length, low, high, wform)
        out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')

        if dsp.rand() > 10.5:
            beep = dsp.tone(dsp.flen(out), high * 2, amp=dsp.rand(0.5, 1))
            out = dsp.mix([out, beep])

        out = dsp.pad(out, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(1, 400) * timescale))
        out = out * dsp.randint(1, 3)
        out = dsp.drift(out, dsp.rand(0, 1))

    elif area == 'mid':
        low = dsp.rand(low * 0.9, low)
        high = dsp.rand(high, high * 1.1)

        length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.01, 0.5) * lengthscale)
        out = dsp.bln(length, low, high, wform)
        out = dsp.env(out, 'random')

        if timescale > 1:
            out = dsp.pad(out, 0, dsp.mstf(500 * timescale * dsp.rand(0.5, 1.5)))

    elif area == 'pitch':
        low = dsp.rand(low * 0.9, low)
        high = dsp.rand(high, high * 1.1)

        length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.01, 0.5) * lengthscale)
        out = dsp.bln(length, low, high, wform)
        out = dsp.env(out, 'random')

        if timescale > 1:
            out = dsp.pad(out, 0, dsp.mstf(500 * timescale * dsp.rand(0.5, 1.5)))

    elif area == 'low':
        low = dsp.rand(low * 0.9, low)
        high = dsp.rand(high, high * 1.1)

        length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.2, 2) * lengthscale)
        out = dsp.bln(length, low, high, wform)
        out = dsp.env(out, 'random')
        out = dsp.mix([out, dsp.tone(length, low)])

        if dsp.rand() > 0.5:
            beep = dsp.tone(dsp.flen(out), high, amp=dsp.rand(0.015, 0.1), wavetype=dsp.randchoose(['hann', 'impulse', 'square', 'vary', 'sine']))
            out = dsp.mix([out, beep])

        if timescale > 1:
            out = dsp.pad(out, 0, dsp.mstf(500 * timescale * dsp.rand(0.5, 1.5)))

    if dsp.rand() > pc.get(19, low=0, high=1, default=0.75):
        plength = length * dsp.randint(2, 6)
        freq = tune.ntf(param.get('key', default='c'), octave=dsp.randint(0, 4))
        out = dsp.mix([ dsp.pine(out, plength, freq), dsp.pine(out, plength, freq * 1.25) ])
        out = dsp.fill(out, length)

    out = dsp.pan(out, dsp.rand())
    out = dsp.amp(out, amp)

    return out
Beispiel #13
        highs = dsp.breakpoint(
            [dsp.rand(60, 15000) for _ in range(npulses / 50)], npulses)
        lows = [dsp.rand(20, freq) for freq in highs]
        amps = dsp.breakpoint(
            [dsp.rand(0.1, 0.3) for _ in range(npulses / 50)], npulses)
        pans = dsp.breakpoint([dsp.rand(0, 1) for _ in range(npulses / 10)],
        lengths = [
            dsp.mstf(l) for l in dsp.breakpoint(
                [dsp.rand(1, 30) for _ in range(npulses / 10)], npulses)

        for high, low, amp, pan, length in zip(highs, lows, amps, pans,
            p = dsp.bln(length,
                        wform=dsp.randchoose(['hann', 'sine2pi', 'tri']))
            p = dsp.env(p, 'hann')
            p = dsp.taper(p, 20)
            p = dsp.amp(p, amp)
            p = dsp.pan(p, pan)

            layer += p

        layers += [layer]

    freqs = tune.fromdegrees([dsp.randint(1, 9) for _ in range(nlayers)],

    for i, freq in enumerate(freqs):
Beispiel #14
nlayers = 3
sectionlength = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(10, 12))

for _ in range(nchords):
    layers = []

    for _ in range(nlayers):
        layer = ''
        highs = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(60, 15000) for _ in range(npulses / 50) ], npulses)
        lows = [ dsp.rand(20, freq) for freq in highs ]
        amps = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.1, 0.3) for _ in range(npulses / 50) ], npulses)
        pans = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for _ in range(npulses / 10) ], npulses)
        lengths = [ dsp.mstf(l) for l in dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(1, 30) for _ in range(npulses / 10) ], npulses) ]

        for high, low, amp, pan, length in zip(highs, lows, amps, pans, lengths):
            p = dsp.bln(length, low, high, wform=dsp.randchoose(['hann', 'sine2pi', 'tri']))
            p = dsp.env(p, 'hann')
            p = dsp.taper(p, 20)
            p = dsp.amp(p, amp)
            p = dsp.pan(p, pan)

            layer += p

        layers += [ layer ]

    freqs = tune.fromdegrees([dsp.randint(1, 9) for _ in range(nlayers)], octave=1, root='a')

    for i, freq in enumerate(freqs):
        layers[i] = dsp.pine(layer, dsp.flen(layer) * 10, freq)

    section = dsp.fill(dsp.mix(layers), sectionlength)