Beispiel #1
    def test_pospix(self):
        # Posmap separable and non-separable on CAR
        for res in [6,12,24]:
            shape,wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=np.deg2rad(res/60.),proj='car')
            posmap1 = enmap.posmap(shape,wcs)
            posmap2 = enmap.posmap(shape,wcs,separable=True)
            assert np.all(np.isclose(posmap1,posmap2))

        # Pixmap plain
        pres = 0.5
        shape,wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0,0),shape=(30,30),res=pres*,proj='plain')
        yp,xp = enmap.pixshapemap(shape,wcs)
        assert np.all(np.isclose(yp,pres*
        assert np.all(np.isclose(xp,pres*
        yp,xp = enmap.pixshape(shape,wcs)
        parea = enmap.pixsize(shape,wcs)
        assert np.isclose(parea,(pres***2)
        assert np.isclose(yp,pres*
        assert np.isclose(xp,pres*
        pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(shape,wcs)
        assert np.all(np.isclose(pmap,(pres***2))

        # Pixmap CAR
        pres = 0.1
        dec_cut = 89.5 # pixsizemap is not accurate near the poles currently
        shape,wcs = enmap.band_geometry(dec_cut=dec_cut*,res=pres*,proj='car')
        # Current slow and general but inaccurate near the poles implementation
        pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(shape,wcs)
        # Fast CAR-specific pixsizemap implementation
        dra, ddec = wcs.wcs.cdelt*
        dec = enmap.posmap([shape[-2],1],wcs)[0,:,0]
        area = np.abs(dra*(np.sin(np.minimum(np.pi/2.,dec+ddec/2))-np.sin(np.maximum(-np.pi/2.,dec-ddec/2))))
        Nx = shape[-1]
        pmap2 = enmap.ndmap(area[...,None].repeat(Nx,axis=-1),wcs)
        assert np.all(np.isclose(pmap,pmap2))
Beispiel #2
def wfactor(n, mask, sht=True, pmap=None, equal_area=False):
    Approximate correction to an n-point function for the loss of power
    due to the application of a mask.

    For an n-point function using SHTs, this is the ratio of 
    area weighted by the nth power of the mask to the full sky area 4 pi.
    This simplifies to mean(mask**n) for equal area pixelizations like
    healpix. For SHTs on CAR, it is sum(mask**n * pixel_area_map) / 4pi.
    When using FFTs, it is the area weighted by the nth power normalized
    to the area of the map. This also simplifies to mean(mask**n)
    for equal area pixels. For CAR, it is sum(mask**n * pixel_area_map) 
    / sum(pixel_area_map).

    If not, it does an expensive calculation of the map of pixel areas. If this has
    been pre-calculated, it can be provided as the pmap argument.
    assert mask.ndim == 1 or mask.ndim == 2
    if pmap is None:
        if equal_area:
            npix = mask.size
            pmap = 4 * np.pi / npix if sht else enmap.area(
                mask.shape, mask.wcs) / npix
            pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(mask.shape, mask.wcs)
    return np.sum((mask**n) * pmap) / np.pi / 4. if sht else np.sum(
        (mask**n) * pmap) / np.sum(pmap)
Beispiel #3
 def _get_jysr2thermo(self, mode="car"):
     assert (mode == "car")
     if self.jysr2thermo is None:
         pixsizemap = enmap.pixsizemap(self.shape, self.wcs)
         self.jysr2thermo = (1e-3 * jysr2thermo(148) / pixsizemap);
         del pixsizemap
         self.jysr2thermo = self.jysr2thermo.astype(np.float32)
     return self.jysr2thermo
Beispiel #4
def get_power(map_list, ivar_list, a, b, mask, N=20):
	Calculate the average coadded flattened power spectrum P_{ab} used to generate simulation for the splits.
	map_list: list of source free splits
	ivar_list: list of the inverse variance maps splits
	a: 0,1,2 for I,Q,U respectively
	b:0,1,2 for I,Q,U, respectively
	N: window to smooth the power spectrum by in the rolling average.
	mask: apodizing mask

	1D power spectrum accounted for w2 from 0 to 10000
    pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(map_list[0].shape, map_list[0].wcs)

    cl_ab = []
    n = len(map_list)
    #calculate the coadd maps
    if a != b:
        coadd_a = coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, a)
        coadd_b = coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, b)
        coadd_a = coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, a)

    for i in range(n):
        if a != b:
            d_a = map_list[i][a] - coadd_a
            noise_a = d_a * np.sqrt(ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap) * mask
            alm_a = cs.map2alm(noise_a, lmax=10000)
            d_b = map_list[i][b] - coadd_b
            noise_b = d_b * np.sqrt(ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap) * mask
            alm_b = cs.map2alm(noise_b, lmax=10000)
            cls = hp.alm2cl(alm_a, alm_b)
            d_a = map_list[i][a] - coadd_a
            noise_a = d_a * np.sqrt(ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap) * mask
            print("generating alms")
            alm_a = cs.map2alm(noise_a, lmax=10000)
            cls = hp.alm2cl(alm_a)
    cl_ab = np.array(cl_ab)
    sqrt_ivar = np.sqrt(ivar_eff(0, ivar_list) / pmap)
    mask_ivar = sqrt_ivar * 0 + 1
    mask_ivar[sqrt_ivar <= 0] = 0
    mask = mask * mask_ivar
    mask[mask <= 0] = 0
    w2 = np.sum((mask**2) * pmap) / np.pi / 4.
    power = 1 / n / (n - 1) * np.sum(cl_ab, axis=0)
    ls = np.arange(len(power))
    power[~np.isfinite(power)] = 0
    power = rolling_average(power, N)
    bins = np.arange(len(power))
    power = maps.interp(bins, power)(ls)
    return power / w2
Beispiel #5
def generate_sim(ivar_list, cls, lmax, seed):
	Input: ivar_list: list of inverse variance maps
	cls: flattened 1D power spectrum Pab
	lmax:maximum multipole to generate the simulated maps
	seed: currently a number, need to fix this.
	list of sumulated maps.
    shape = ivar_list[0].shape
    wcs = ivar_list[0].wcs
    pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs)
    k = len(ivar_list)
    sim_maplist = []
    for i in range(len(ivar_list)):
        sim_map = np.sqrt(k) * cs.rand_map(
            shape, wcs, cls, lmax, spin=0, seed=seed + i) / (np.sqrt(
                ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap))
        sim_map[~np.isfinite(sim_map)] = 0
    return sim_maplist
Beispiel #6
def check_simulation(a, b, map_list, sim_list, ivar_list, mask):
	Check whether simulated power spectrum P_{ab} is consistent with data. Returns list of (split_sim-coadd,split_data-coadd)
	weighted by the mask*effective_ivar.
    shape = ivar_list[0].shape
    wcs = ivar_list[0].wcs
    pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs)
    sim_coadd = []
    data_coadd = []
    for i in range(len(sim_list)):
        dsim = sim_list[i] - coadd_map(sim_list, ivar_list)
        dsim = dsim * mask * ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap
        testalm = cs.map2alm(dsim, lmax=10000)
        testalm = testalm.astype(np.complex128)
        testcl = hp.alm2cl(testalm)
    if a == b:
        for i in range(len(map_list)):
            dataco = map_list[i][a] - coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, a)
            dataco = dataco * mask * ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap
            testalm = cs.map2alm(dataco, lmax=10000)
            testalm = testalm.astype(np.complex128)
            testcl = hp.alm2cl(testalm)
        for i in range(len(map_list)):
            data_a = map_list[i][a] - coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, a)
            data_a = data_a * mask * ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap
            data_b = map_list[i][b] - coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, b)
            data_b = data_b * mask * ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap
            testalm_a = cs.map2alm(data_a, lmax=10000)
            testalm_a = testalm_a.astype(np.complex128)
            testalm_b = cs.map2alm(data_b, lmax=10000)
            testalm_b = testalm_b.astype(np.complex128)
            testcl = hp.alm2cl(testalm_a, testalm_b)
    sim_coadd = np.array(sim_coadd)
    data_coadd = np.array(data_coadd)
    return (sim_coadd, data_coadd)
Beispiel #7
    def get_poisson_srcs_alms(self, set_idx, sim_num, patch, alm_shape, oshape,
        def deltaTOverTcmbToJyPerSr(freqGHz, T0=2.726):
            @brief the function name is self-eplanatory
            @return the converstion factor
            stolen from Flipper -- van engelen
            kB = 1.380658e-16
            h = 6.6260755e-27
            c = 29979245800.
            nu = freqGHz * 1.e9
            x = h * nu / (kB * T0)
            cNu = 2 * (kB * T0)**3 / (h**2 *
                                      c**2) * x**4 / (4 * (np.sinh(x / 2.))**2)
            cNu *= 1e23
            return cNu

        TCMB_uk = 2.72e6

        if oshape[0] > 3:
            #then this is a multichroic array, and sadly we only have this at 150 GHz for now
            raise Exception('get_poisson_srcs_alms only implemented for 150 GHz so far ' \
                            + '(that is the model we currently have for radio sources) ')
            freq_ghz = 148

        #ideally this RNG stuff would be defined in a central place to
        #avoid RNG collisions.  Old version is currently commented out at top of
        templ = self.get_template(patch, shape=oshape, wcs=owcs)

        templ[:] = 0
        seed = seedgen.get_poisson_seed(set_idx, sim_num)

        #Wasn't sure how to codify this stuff outside this routine - hardcoded for now
        S_min_Jy = .001
        S_max_Jy = .015

        tucci = np.loadtxt(

        S = tucci[:, 0]
        dS = S[1:] - S[0:-1]
        dS = np.append(dS, [0.])
        dNdS = tucci[:, 1]

        mean_numbers_per_patch = dNdS * enmap.area(templ.shape, templ.wcs) * dS

        numbers_per_fluxbin = np.random.poisson(mean_numbers_per_patch)

        #note pixel areas not constant for pixell maps
        pixel_areas = enmap.pixsizemap(templ.shape, templ.wcs)

        for si, fluxval in enumerate(S[S <= S_max_Jy]):
            xlocs = np.random.randint(templ.shape[-1],
            ylocs = np.random.randint(templ.shape[-2],

            #add the value in jy / sr, i.e. divide by the solid angle of a pixel.
            templ[0, ylocs, xlocs] += fluxval / pixel_areas[ylocs, xlocs]

        map_factor = TCMB_uk / deltaTOverTcmbToJyPerSr(freq_ghz)
        templ *= map_factor

        #GET ALMs
        output = curvedsky.map2alm(templ[0], lmax=hp.Alm.getlmax(alm_shape[0]))

        return output
Beispiel #8
deg = 25.
px = 2.0

shape,wcs = maps.rect_geometry(width_deg=deg,px_res_arcmin=px,proj='plain')

modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs)
ymap,xmap = enmap.posmap(shape,wcs)

omap = np.sin(ymap/np.pi*100) + np.cos(xmap/np.pi*100)
mfact = 10
afact = 20
rms = (omap - omap.min())*mfact + afact
# io.hplot(rms,colorbar=True)

pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(shape,wcs)

ivar = maps.ivar(shape,wcs,rms,ipsizemap=pmap)
# io.hplot(ivar,colorbar=True)

my_tasks = range(nsims)

theory = cosmology.default_theory()
cov = theory.lCl('TT',modlmap)
mgen = maps.MapGen((1,)+shape,wcs,cov=cov[None,None])

fwhm = 1.5
wnoise = 40.
kbeam = maps.gauss_beam(modlmap,fwhm)

feed_dict = {}
Beispiel #9
    def get_maps(self, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compts=None, use_sht=True, ret_alm=True, transfer=None,
                 load_processed=False, save_processed=False, flux_cut=None):
        if compts is None: compts = self.compts
        shape, wcs = self.geometry
        nshape = (len(compts),) + shape[-2:]
        ret = enmap.zeros(nshape, wcs)

        if load_processed and not ret_alm:
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.processed_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx)
                print("loading", input_file)
                temp = enmap.read_map(input_file)
                ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy()
                del temp
            return ret
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                if "pts" not in compt_idx:
                    input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx)
                    print("loading", input_file)

                    alm = np.complex128(hp.read_alm(input_file, hdu=(1)))
                    ret[i, ...] = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, enmap.zeros(nshape[1:], wcs))
                    input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx,
                    print("loading", input_file)
                    temp = enmap.read_map(input_file)
                    ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy()
                    del temp
        alms = None
        if transfer is not None:
            l, f = transfer
            interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(l, f, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
            if use_sht:
                l_intp = np.arange(self.lmax + 1)
                f_int = interp_func(l_intp)
                alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0)
                for i in range(len(compts)):
                    alms[i] = hp.almxfl(alms[i], f_int)
                ret = curvedsky.alm2map(alms, ret, spin=0)
                ftmap = enmap.fft(ret)
                f_int = interp_func(enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs).ravel())
                ftmap = ftmap * np.reshape(f_int, (shape[-2:]))
                ret = enmap.ifft(ftmap).real;
                del ftmap

        if save_processed:
            raise NotImplemented()

        if flux_cut is not None:
            flux_map = flux_cut / enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs)
            flux_map *= 1e-3 * jysr2thermo(148)
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                if "pts" not in compt_idx: continue
                loc = np.where(ret[i] > flux_map)
                ret[i][loc] = 0.
            del flux_map

        if ret_alm and alms is None:
            alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0)
        return ret if not ret_alm else (ret, alms)
Beispiel #10
    def get_maps(self, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compts=None, use_sht=True, ret_alm=True, transfer=None,
                 load_processed=False, save_processed=False, flux_cut=None):
        if compts is None: compts = self.compts
        shape, wcs = self.geometry
        nshape = (len(compts),) + shape[-2:]
        ret = enmap.zeros(nshape, wcs)

        if load_processed and not ret_alm:
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.processed_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx)
                print("loading", input_file)
                temp = enmap.read_map(input_file)
                ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy()
                del temp
            return ret
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx)
                print("loading", input_file)
                alm = np.complex128(hp.read_alm(input_file, hdu=(1)))
                ret[i, ...] = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, enmap.zeros(nshape[1:], wcs))
                del alm
                if compt_idx in self.highflux_cats:
                    print("adding high flux cats")

                    hiflux_cat = np.load(self.get_highflux_cat_path(compt_idx))
                    hiflux_cat[:, :2] = car2hp_coords(hiflux_cat[:, :2])

                    mat_rot, _, _ = hp.rotator.get_rotation_matrix(
                        (rot_angle1 * * -1, rot_angle2 *, 0))
                    uvec = hp.ang2vec(hiflux_cat[:, 0], hiflux_cat[:, 1])
                    rot_vec = np.inner(mat_rot, uvec).T
                    temppos = hp.vec2ang(rot_vec)
                    rot_pos = np.zeros(hiflux_cat[:, :2].shape)
                    rot_pos[:, 0] = temppos[0]
                    rot_pos[:, 1] = temppos[1]
                    rot_pos = hp2car_coords(rot_pos)
                    del temppos
                    rot_pix = np.round(enmap.sky2pix(nshape[-2:], wcs, rot_pos.T).T).astype(
                    loc = np.where((rot_pix[:, 0] >= 0) & (rot_pix[:, 0] < nshape[-2]) & (rot_pix[:, 1] >= 0.) & (
                            rot_pix[:, 1] < nshape[-1]))
                    hiflux_cat = hiflux_cat[loc[0], 2]
                    rot_pix = rot_pix[loc[0], :]

                    hiflux_map = enmap.zeros(nshape[-2:], wcs)
                    hiflux_map[rot_pix[:, 0], rot_pix[:, 1]] = hiflux_cat
                    if flux_cut is not None:
                        tmin = flux_cut * 1e-3 * jysr2thermo(148)
                        loc = np.where(hiflux_map > tmin)
                        hiflux_map[loc] = 0
                    hiflux_map = hiflux_map / enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs)
                    ret[i, ...] = ret[i, ...] + hiflux_map
                    del hiflux_map

        alms = None
        if transfer is not None:
            l, f = transfer
            interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(l, f, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
            if use_sht:
                l_intp = np.arange(self.lmax + 1)
                f_int = interp_func(l_intp)
                alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0)
                for i in range(len(compts)):
                    alms[i] = hp.almxfl(alms[i], f_int)
                ret = curvedsky.alm2map(alms, ret, spin=0)
                ftmap = enmap.fft(ret)
                f_int = interp_func(enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs).ravel())
                ftmap = ftmap * np.reshape(f_int, (shape[-2:]))
                ret = enmap.ifft(ftmap).real;
                del ftmap

        if save_processed:
            raise NotImplemented()

        if ret_alm and alms is None:
            alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0)
        return ret if not ret_alm else (ret, alms)