def keypoint_rcnn_loss(pred_keypoint_logits, instances, normalizer):
        pred_keypoint_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (N, K, S, S) where N is the total number
            of instances in the batch, K is the number of keypoints, and S is the side length
            of the keypoint heatmap. The values are spatial logits.
        instances (list[Instances]): A list of M Instances, where M is the batch size.
            These instances are predictions from the model
            that are in 1:1 correspondence with pred_keypoint_logits.
            Each Instances should contain a `gt_keypoints` field containing a `structures.Keypoint`
        normalizer (float): Normalize the loss by this amount.
            If not specified, we normalize by the number of visible keypoints in the minibatch.

    Returns a scalar tensor containing the loss.
    heatmaps = []
    valid = []

    keypoint_side_len = pred_keypoint_logits.shape[2]
    for instances_per_image in instances:
        if len(instances_per_image) == 0:
        keypoints = instances_per_image.gt_keypoints
        heatmaps_per_image, valid_per_image = keypoints.to_heatmap(
            instances_per_image.proposal_boxes.tensor, keypoint_side_len

    if len(heatmaps):
        keypoint_targets = cat(heatmaps, dim=0)
        valid = cat(valid, dim=0).to(dtype=torch.uint8)
        valid = torch.nonzero(valid).squeeze(1)

    # torch.mean (in binary_cross_entropy_with_logits) doesn't
    # accept empty tensors, so handle it separately
    if len(heatmaps) == 0 or valid.numel() == 0:
        global _TOTAL_SKIPPED
        _TOTAL_SKIPPED += 1
        storage = get_event_storage()
        storage.put_scalar("kpts_num_skipped_batches", _TOTAL_SKIPPED, smoothing_hint=False)
        return pred_keypoint_logits.sum() * 0

    N, K, H, W = pred_keypoint_logits.shape
    pred_keypoint_logits = pred_keypoint_logits.view(N * K, H * W)

    keypoint_loss = F.cross_entropy(
        pred_keypoint_logits[valid], keypoint_targets[valid], reduction="sum"

    # If a normalizer isn't specified, normalize by the number of visible keypoints in the minibatch
    if normalizer is None:
        normalizer = valid.numel()
    keypoint_loss /= normalizer

    return keypoint_loss
Beispiel #2
def convert_boxes_to_pooler_format(box_lists: List[Boxes]):
    Convert all boxes in `box_lists` to the low-level format used by ROI pooling ops
    (see description under Returns).

        box_lists (list[Boxes] | list[RotatedBoxes]):
            A list of N Boxes or N RotatedBoxes, where N is the number of images in the batch.

        When input is list[Boxes]:
            A tensor of shape (M, 5), where M is the total number of boxes aggregated over all
            N batch images.
            The 5 columns are (batch index, x0, y0, x1, y1), where batch index
            is the index in [0, N) identifying which batch image the box with corners at
            (x0, y0, x1, y1) comes from.
        When input is list[RotatedBoxes]:
            A tensor of shape (M, 6), where M is the total number of boxes aggregated over all
            N batch images.
            The 6 columns are (batch index, x_ctr, y_ctr, width, height, angle_degrees),
            where batch index is the index in [0, N) identifying which batch image the
            rotated box (x_ctr, y_ctr, width, height, angle_degrees) comes from.
    pooler_fmt_boxes = cat([
        _fmt_box_list(box_list.tensor, i)
        for i, box_list in enumerate(box_lists)

    return pooler_fmt_boxes
def keypoint_rcnn_inference(pred_keypoint_logits: torch.Tensor, pred_instances: List[Instances]):
    Post process each predicted keypoint heatmap in `pred_keypoint_logits` into (x, y, score)
        and add it to the `pred_instances` as a `pred_keypoints` field.

        pred_keypoint_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, K, S, S) where R is the total number
           of instances in the batch, K is the number of keypoints, and S is the side length of
           the keypoint heatmap. The values are spatial logits.
        pred_instances (list[Instances]): A list of N Instances, where N is the number of images.

        None. Each element in pred_instances will contain extra "pred_keypoints" and
            "pred_keypoint_heatmaps" fields. "pred_keypoints" is a tensor of shape
            (#instance, K, 3) where the last dimension corresponds to (x, y, score).
            The scores are larger than 0. "pred_keypoint_heatmaps" contains the raw
            keypoint logits as passed to this function.
    # flatten all bboxes from all images together (list[Boxes] -> Rx4 tensor)
    bboxes_flat = cat([b.pred_boxes.tensor for b in pred_instances], dim=0)

    pred_keypoint_logits = pred_keypoint_logits.detach()
    keypoint_results = heatmaps_to_keypoints(pred_keypoint_logits, bboxes_flat.detach())
    num_instances_per_image = [len(i) for i in pred_instances]
    keypoint_results = keypoint_results[:, :, [0, 1, 3]].split(num_instances_per_image, dim=0)
    heatmap_results = pred_keypoint_logits.split(num_instances_per_image, dim=0)

    for keypoint_results_per_image, heatmap_results_per_image, instances_per_image in zip(
        keypoint_results, heatmap_results, pred_instances
        # keypoint_results_per_image is (num instances)x(num keypoints)x(x, y, score)
        # heatmap_results_per_image is (num instances)x(num keypoints)x(side)x(side)
        instances_per_image.pred_keypoints = keypoint_results_per_image
        instances_per_image.pred_keypoint_heatmaps = heatmap_results_per_image
Beispiel #4
    def predict_boxes(self, predictions: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor],
                      proposals: List[Instances]):
            predictions: return values of :meth:`forward()`.
            proposals (list[Instances]): proposals that match the features that were
                used to compute predictions. The ``proposal_boxes`` field is expected.

                A list of Tensors of predicted class-specific or class-agnostic boxes
                for each image. Element i has shape (Ri, K * B) or (Ri, B), where Ri is
                the number of proposals for image i and B is the box dimension (4 or 5)
        if not len(proposals):
            return []
        _, proposal_deltas = predictions
        num_prop_per_image = [len(p) for p in proposals]
        proposal_boxes = cat([p.proposal_boxes.tensor for p in proposals],
        predict_boxes = self.box2box_transform.apply_deltas(
        )  # Nx(KxB)
        return predict_boxes.split(num_prop_per_image)
Beispiel #5
    def predict_boxes_for_gt_classes(self, predictions, proposals):
            predictions: return values of :meth:`forward()`.
            proposals (list[Instances]): proposals that match the features that were used
                to compute predictions. The fields ``proposal_boxes``, ``gt_classes`` are expected.

                A list of Tensors of predicted boxes for GT classes in case of
                class-specific box head. Element i of the list has shape (Ri, B), where Ri is
                the number of proposals for image i and B is the box dimension (4 or 5)
        if not len(proposals):
            return []
        scores, proposal_deltas = predictions
        proposal_boxes = cat([p.proposal_boxes.tensor for p in proposals],
        N, B = proposal_boxes.shape
        predict_boxes = self.box2box_transform.apply_deltas(
            proposal_deltas, proposal_boxes)  # Nx(KxB)

        K = predict_boxes.shape[1] // B
        if K > 1:
            gt_classes =[p.gt_classes for p in proposals], dim=0)
            # Some proposals are ignored or have a background class. Their gt_classes
            # cannot be used as index.
            gt_classes = gt_classes.clamp_(0, K - 1)

            predict_boxes = predict_boxes.view(N, K, B)[
                torch.arange(N, dtype=torch.long, device=predict_boxes.device),
        num_prop_per_image = [len(p) for p in proposals]
        return predict_boxes.split(num_prop_per_image)
Beispiel #6
 def forward(self, fine_grained_features, coarse_features):
     x =, coarse_features), dim=1)
     for layer in self.fc_layers:
         x = F.relu(layer(x))
         if self.coarse_pred_each_layer:
             x = cat((x, coarse_features), dim=1)
     return self.predictor(x)
def point_sample_fine_grained_features(features_list, feature_scales, boxes,
    Get features from feature maps in `features_list` that correspond to specific point coordinates
        inside each bounding box from `boxes`.

        features_list (list[Tensor]): A list of feature map tensors to get features from.
        feature_scales (list[float]): A list of scales for tensors in `features_list`.
        boxes (list[Boxes]): A list of I Boxes  objects that contain R_1 + ... + R_I = R boxes all
        point_coords (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, P, 2) that contains
            [0, 1] x [0, 1] box-normalized coordinates of the P sampled points.

        point_features (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, C, P) that contains features sampled
            from all features maps in feature_list for P sampled points for all R boxes in `boxes`.
        point_coords_wrt_image (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, P, 2) that contains image-level
            coordinates of P points.
    cat_boxes =
    num_boxes = [b.tensor.size(0) for b in boxes]

    point_coords_wrt_image = get_point_coords_wrt_image(
        cat_boxes.tensor, point_coords)
    split_point_coords_wrt_image = torch.split(point_coords_wrt_image,

    point_features = []
    for idx_img, point_coords_wrt_image_per_image in enumerate(
        point_features_per_image = []
        for idx_feature, feature_map in enumerate(features_list):
            h, w = feature_map.shape[-2:]
            scale = _as_tensor([w, h]) / feature_scales[idx_feature]
            point_coords_scaled = point_coords_wrt_image_per_image /
                ).squeeze(0).transpose(1, 0))
        point_features.append(cat(point_features_per_image, dim=1))

    return cat(point_features, dim=0), point_coords_wrt_image
Beispiel #8
def _dense_box_regression_loss(
    anchors: List[Boxes],
    box2box_transform: Box2BoxTransform,
    pred_anchor_deltas: List[torch.Tensor],
    gt_boxes: List[torch.Tensor],
    fg_mask: torch.Tensor,
    Compute loss for dense multi-level box regression.
    Loss is accumulated over ``fg_mask``.

        anchors: #lvl anchor boxes, each is (HixWixA, 4)
        pred_anchor_deltas: #lvl predictions, each is (N, HixWixA, 4)
        gt_boxes: N ground truth boxes, each has shape (R, 4) (R = sum(Hi * Wi * A))
        fg_mask: the foreground boolean mask of shape (N, R) to compute loss on
        box_reg_loss_type (str): Loss type to use. Supported losses: "smooth_l1", "giou".
        smooth_l1_beta (float): beta parameter for the smooth L1 regression loss. Default to
            use L1 loss. Only used when `box_reg_loss_type` is "smooth_l1"
    anchors = type(anchors[0]).cat(anchors).tensor  # (R, 4)
    if box_reg_loss_type == "smooth_l1":
        gt_anchor_deltas = [
            box2box_transform.get_deltas(anchors, k) for k in gt_boxes
        gt_anchor_deltas = torch.stack(gt_anchor_deltas)  # (N, R, 4)
        loss_box_reg = smooth_l1_loss(
            cat(pred_anchor_deltas, dim=1)[fg_mask],
    elif box_reg_loss_type == "giou":
        pred_boxes = [
            box2box_transform.apply_deltas(k, anchors)
            for k in cat(pred_anchor_deltas, dim=1)
        loss_box_reg = giou_loss(torch.stack(pred_boxes)[fg_mask],
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid dense box regression loss type '{box_reg_loss_type}'")
    return loss_box_reg
Beispiel #9
    def _subdivision_inference(self, features, mask_representations,
        assert not

        pred_boxes = [x.pred_boxes for x in instances]
        pred_classes = cat([x.pred_classes for x in instances])

        mask_logits = None
        # +1 here to include an initial step to generate the coarsest mask
        # prediction with init_resolution, when mask_logits is None.
        # We compute initial mask by sampling on a regular grid. coarse_mask
        # can be used as initial mask as well, but it's typically very low-res
        # so it will be completely overwritten during subdivision anyway.
        for _ in range(self.mask_point_subdivision_steps + 1):
            if mask_logits is None:
                point_coords = generate_regular_grid_point_coords(
                mask_logits = interpolate(mask_logits,
                uncertainty_map = calculate_uncertainty(
                    mask_logits, pred_classes)
                point_indices, point_coords = get_uncertain_point_coords_on_grid(
                    uncertainty_map, self.mask_point_subdivision_num_points)

            # Run the point head for every point in point_coords
            fine_grained_features = self._point_pooler(features, pred_boxes,
            point_logits = self._get_point_logits(fine_grained_features,

            if mask_logits is None:
                # Create initial mask_logits using point_logits on this regular grid
                R, C, _ = point_logits.shape
                mask_logits = point_logits.reshape(
                # The subdivision code will fail with the empty list of boxes
                if len(pred_classes) == 0:
                    mask_rcnn_inference(mask_logits, instances)
                    return instances
                # Put point predictions to the right places on the upsampled grid.
                R, C, H, W = mask_logits.shape
                point_indices = point_indices.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, C, -1)
                mask_logits = (mask_logits.reshape(R, C, H * W).scatter_(
                    2, point_indices, point_logits).view(R, C, H, W))
        mask_rcnn_inference(mask_logits, instances)
        return instances
Beispiel #10
def roi_mask_point_loss(mask_logits, instances, point_labels):
    Compute the point-based loss for instance segmentation mask predictions
    given point-wise mask prediction and its corresponding point-wise labels.
        mask_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, C, P) or (R, 1, P) for class-specific or
            class-agnostic, where R is the total number of predicted masks in all images, C is the
            number of foreground classes, and P is the number of points sampled for each mask.
            The values are logits.
        instances (list[Instances]): A list of N Instances, where N is the number of images
            in the batch. These instances are in 1:1 correspondence with the `mask_logits`. So, i_th
            elememt of the list contains R_i objects and R_1 + ... + R_N is equal to R.
            The ground-truth labels (class, box, mask, ...) associated with each instance are stored
            in fields.
        point_labels (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, P), where R is the total number of
            predicted masks and P is the number of points for each mask.
            Labels with value of -1 will be ignored.
        point_loss (Tensor): A scalar tensor containing the loss.
    with torch.no_grad():
        cls_agnostic_mask = mask_logits.size(1) == 1
        total_num_masks = mask_logits.size(0)

        gt_classes = []
        for instances_per_image in instances:
            if len(instances_per_image) == 0:

            if not cls_agnostic_mask:
                gt_classes_per_image =

    gt_mask_logits = point_labels
    point_ignores = point_labels == -1
    if gt_mask_logits.shape[0] == 0:
        return mask_logits.sum() * 0

    assert gt_mask_logits.numel() > 0, gt_mask_logits.shape

    if cls_agnostic_mask:
        mask_logits = mask_logits[:, 0]
        indices = torch.arange(total_num_masks)
        gt_classes = cat(gt_classes, dim=0)
        mask_logits = mask_logits[indices, gt_classes]

    # Log the training accuracy (using gt classes and 0.0 threshold for the logits)
    mask_accurate = (mask_logits > 0.0) ==
    mask_accurate = mask_accurate[~point_ignores]
    mask_accuracy = mask_accurate.nonzero().size(0) / max(mask_accurate.numel(), 1.0)
    get_event_storage().put_scalar("point/accuracy", mask_accuracy)

    point_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
        mask_logits,, weight=~point_ignores, reduction="mean"
    return point_loss
Beispiel #11
    def losses(self, predictions, proposals):
            predictions: return values of :meth:`forward()`.
            proposals (list[Instances]): proposals that match the features that were used
                to compute predictions. The fields ``proposal_boxes``, ``gt_boxes``,
                ``gt_classes`` are expected.

            Dict[str, Tensor]: dict of losses
        scores, proposal_deltas = predictions

        # parse classification outputs
        gt_classes = (cat([p.gt_classes for p in proposals], dim=0)
                      if len(proposals) else torch.empty(0))
        _log_classification_stats(scores, gt_classes)

        # parse box regression outputs
        if len(proposals):
            proposal_boxes = cat([p.proposal_boxes.tensor for p in proposals],
                                 dim=0)  # Nx4
            assert not proposal_boxes.requires_grad, "Proposals should not require gradients!"
            # If "gt_boxes" does not exist, the proposals must be all negative and
            # should not be included in regression loss computation.
            # Here we just use proposal_boxes as an arbitrary placeholder because its
            # value won't be used in self.box_reg_loss().
            gt_boxes = cat(
                [(p.gt_boxes if p.has("gt_boxes") else p.proposal_boxes).tensor
                 for p in proposals],
            proposal_boxes = gt_boxes = torch.empty(
                (0, 4), device=proposal_deltas.device)

        losses = {
            cross_entropy(scores, gt_classes, reduction="mean"),
            self.box_reg_loss(proposal_boxes, gt_boxes, proposal_deltas,
        return {k: v * self.loss_weight.get(k, 1.0) for k, v in losses.items()}
def sample_point_labels(instances, point_coords):
    Sample point labels from ground truth mask given point_coords.

        instances (list[Instances]): A list of N Instances, where N is the number of images
            in the batch. So, i_th elememt of the list contains R_i objects and R_1 + ... + R_N is
            equal to R. The ground-truth gt_masks in each instance will be used to compute labels.
        points_coords (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, P, 2), where R is the total number of
            instances and P is the number of points for each instance. The coordinates are in
            the absolute image pixel coordinate space, i.e. [0, H] x [0, W].

        Tensor: A tensor of shape (R, P) that contains the labels of P sampled points.
    with torch.no_grad():
        gt_mask_logits = []
        point_coords_splits = torch.split(
            [len(instances_per_image) for instances_per_image in instances])
        for i, instances_per_image in enumerate(instances):
            if len(instances_per_image) == 0:
            assert isinstance(
                instances_per_image.gt_masks, BitMasks
            ), "Point head works with GT in 'bitmask' format. Set INPUT.MASK_FORMAT to 'bitmask'."

            gt_bit_masks = instances_per_image.gt_masks.tensor
            h, w = instances_per_image.gt_masks.image_size
            scale = torch.tensor([w, h],
            points_coord_grid_sample_format = point_coords_splits[i] / scale

    point_labels = cat(gt_mask_logits)
    return point_labels
Beispiel #13
 def _sample_train_points(self, coarse_mask, instances):
     gt_classes = cat([x.gt_classes for x in instances])
     with torch.no_grad():
         # sample point_coords
         point_coords = get_uncertain_point_coords_with_randomness(
             lambda logits: calculate_uncertainty(logits, gt_classes),
         # sample point_labels
         proposal_boxes = [x.proposal_boxes for x in instances]
         cat_boxes =
         point_coords_wrt_image = get_point_coords_wrt_image(
             cat_boxes.tensor, point_coords)
         point_labels = sample_point_labels(instances,
     return point_coords, point_labels
Beispiel #14
def mask_rcnn_inference(pred_mask_logits: torch.Tensor,
                        pred_instances: List[Instances]):
    Convert pred_mask_logits to estimated foreground probability masks while also
    extracting only the masks for the predicted classes in pred_instances. For each
    predicted box, the mask of the same class is attached to the instance by adding a
    new "pred_masks" field to pred_instances.

        pred_mask_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (B, C, Hmask, Wmask) or (B, 1, Hmask, Wmask)
            for class-specific or class-agnostic, where B is the total number of predicted masks
            in all images, C is the number of foreground classes, and Hmask, Wmask are the height
            and width of the mask predictions. The values are logits.
        pred_instances (list[Instances]): A list of N Instances, where N is the number of images
            in the batch. Each Instances must have field "pred_classes".

        None. pred_instances will contain an extra "pred_masks" field storing a mask of size (Hmask,
            Wmask) for predicted class. Note that the masks are returned as a soft (non-quantized)
            masks the resolution predicted by the network; post-processing steps, such as resizing
            the predicted masks to the original image resolution and/or binarizing them, is left
            to the caller.
    cls_agnostic_mask = pred_mask_logits.size(1) == 1

    if cls_agnostic_mask:
        mask_probs_pred = pred_mask_logits.sigmoid()
        # Select masks corresponding to the predicted classes
        num_masks = pred_mask_logits.shape[0]
        class_pred = cat([i.pred_classes for i in pred_instances])
        indices = torch.arange(num_masks, device=class_pred.device)
        mask_probs_pred = pred_mask_logits[indices,
                                           class_pred][:, None].sigmoid()
    # mask_probs_pred.shape: (B, 1, Hmask, Wmask)

    num_boxes_per_image = [len(i) for i in pred_instances]
    mask_probs_pred = mask_probs_pred.split(num_boxes_per_image, dim=0)

    for prob, instances in zip(mask_probs_pred, pred_instances):
        instances.pred_masks = prob  # (1, Hmask, Wmask)
Beispiel #15
def assign_boxes_to_levels(
    box_lists: List[Boxes],
    min_level: int,
    max_level: int,
    canonical_box_size: int,
    canonical_level: int,
    Map each box in `box_lists` to a feature map level index and return the assignment

        box_lists (list[Boxes] | list[RotatedBoxes]): A list of N Boxes or N RotatedBoxes,
            where N is the number of images in the batch.
        min_level (int): Smallest feature map level index. The input is considered index 0,
            the output of stage 1 is index 1, and so.
        max_level (int): Largest feature map level index.
        canonical_box_size (int): A canonical box size in pixels (sqrt(box area)).
        canonical_level (int): The feature map level index on which a canonically-sized box
            should be placed.

        A tensor of length M, where M is the total number of boxes aggregated over all
            N batch images. The memory layout corresponds to the concatenation of boxes
            from all images. Each element is the feature map index, as an offset from
            `self.min_level`, for the corresponding box (so value i means the box is at
            `self.min_level + i`).
    box_sizes = torch.sqrt(cat([boxes.area() for boxes in box_lists]))
    # Eqn.(1) in FPN paper
    level_assignments = torch.floor(canonical_level +
                                    torch.log2(box_sizes / canonical_box_size +
    # clamp level to (min, max), in case the box size is too large or too small
    # for the available feature maps
    level_assignments = torch.clamp(level_assignments,
    return - min_level
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(
            box2box_transform (Box2BoxTransform/Box2BoxTransformRotated):
                box2box transform instance for proposal-to-detection transformations.
            pred_class_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, K + 1) storing the predicted class
                logits for all R predicted object instances.
                Each row corresponds to a predicted object instance.
            pred_proposal_deltas (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, K * B) or (R, B) for
                class-specific or class-agnostic regression. It stores the predicted deltas that
                transform proposals into final box detections.
                B is the box dimension (4 or 5).
                When B is 4, each row is [dx, dy, dw, dh (, ....)].
                When B is 5, each row is [dx, dy, dw, dh, da (, ....)].
            proposals (list[Instances]): A list of N Instances, where Instances i stores the
                proposals for image i, in the field "proposal_boxes".
                When training, each Instances must have ground-truth labels
                stored in the field "gt_classes" and "gt_boxes".
                The total number of all instances must be equal to R.
            smooth_l1_beta (float): The transition point between L1 and L2 loss in
                the smooth L1 loss function. When set to 0, the loss becomes L1. When
                set to +inf, the loss becomes constant 0.
            box_reg_loss_type (str): Box regression loss type. One of: "smooth_l1", "giou"
        self.box2box_transform = box2box_transform
        self.num_preds_per_image = [len(p) for p in proposals]
        self.pred_class_logits = pred_class_logits
        self.pred_proposal_deltas = pred_proposal_deltas
        self.smooth_l1_beta = smooth_l1_beta
        self.box_reg_loss_type = box_reg_loss_type

        self.image_shapes = [x.image_size for x in proposals]

        if len(proposals):
            box_type = type(proposals[0].proposal_boxes)
            # cat(..., dim=0) concatenates over all images in the batch
            self.proposals =
                [p.proposal_boxes for p in proposals])
            assert (not self.proposals.tensor.requires_grad
                    ), "Proposals should not require gradients!"

            # "gt_classes" exists if and only if training. But other gt fields may
            # not necessarily exist in training for images that have no groundtruth.
            if proposals[0].has("gt_classes"):
                self.gt_classes = cat([p.gt_classes for p in proposals], dim=0)

                # If "gt_boxes" does not exist, the proposals must be all negative and
                # should not be included in regression loss computation.
                # Here we just use proposal_boxes as an arbitrary placeholder because its
                # value won't be used in self.box_reg_loss().
                gt_boxes = [
                    p.gt_boxes if p.has("gt_boxes") else p.proposal_boxes
                    for p in proposals
                self.gt_boxes =
            self.proposals = Boxes(
                torch.zeros(0, 4, device=self.pred_proposal_deltas.device))
        self._no_instances = len(self.proposals) == 0  # no instances found
Beispiel #17
    def losses(
        anchors: List[Boxes],
        pred_objectness_logits: List[torch.Tensor],
        gt_labels: List[torch.Tensor],
        pred_anchor_deltas: List[torch.Tensor],
        gt_boxes: List[torch.Tensor],
    ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        Return the losses from a set of RPN predictions and their associated ground-truth.

            anchors (list[Boxes or RotatedBoxes]): anchors for each feature map, each
                has shape (Hi*Wi*A, B), where B is box dimension (4 or 5).
            pred_objectness_logits (list[Tensor]): A list of L elements.
                Element i is a tensor of shape (N, Hi*Wi*A) representing
                the predicted objectness logits for all anchors.
            gt_labels (list[Tensor]): Output of :meth:`label_and_sample_anchors`.
            pred_anchor_deltas (list[Tensor]): A list of L elements. Element i is a tensor of shape
                (N, Hi*Wi*A, 4 or 5) representing the predicted "deltas" used to transform anchors
                to proposals.
            gt_boxes (list[Tensor]): Output of :meth:`label_and_sample_anchors`.

            dict[loss name -> loss value]: A dict mapping from loss name to loss value.
                Loss names are: `loss_rpn_cls` for objectness classification and
                `loss_rpn_loc` for proposal localization.
        num_images = len(gt_labels)
        gt_labels = torch.stack(gt_labels)  # (N, sum(Hi*Wi*Ai))

        # Log the number of positive/negative anchors per-image that's used in training
        pos_mask = gt_labels == 1
        num_pos_anchors = pos_mask.sum().item()
        num_neg_anchors = (gt_labels == 0).sum().item()
        storage = get_event_storage()
        storage.put_scalar("rpn/num_pos_anchors", num_pos_anchors / num_images)
        storage.put_scalar("rpn/num_neg_anchors", num_neg_anchors / num_images)

        localization_loss = _dense_box_regression_loss(

        valid_mask = gt_labels >= 0
        objectness_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            cat(pred_objectness_logits, dim=1)[valid_mask],
        normalizer = self.batch_size_per_image * num_images
        losses = {
            "loss_rpn_cls": objectness_loss / normalizer,
            # The original Faster R-CNN paper uses a slightly different normalizer
            # for loc loss. But it doesn't matter in practice
            "loss_rpn_loc": localization_loss / normalizer,
        losses = {
            k: v * self.loss_weight.get(k, 1.0)
            for k, v in losses.items()
        return losses
Beispiel #18
def _fmt_box_list(box_tensor, batch_index: int):
    repeated_index = torch.full_like(box_tensor[:, :1],
    return cat((repeated_index, box_tensor), dim=1)
Beispiel #19
def mask_rcnn_loss(pred_mask_logits: torch.Tensor,
                   instances: List[Instances],
                   vis_period: int = 0):
    Compute the mask prediction loss defined in the Mask R-CNN paper.

        pred_mask_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (B, C, Hmask, Wmask) or (B, 1, Hmask, Wmask)
            for class-specific or class-agnostic, where B is the total number of predicted masks
            in all images, C is the number of foreground classes, and Hmask, Wmask are the height
            and width of the mask predictions. The values are logits.
        instances (list[Instances]): A list of N Instances, where N is the number of images
            in the batch. These instances are in 1:1
            correspondence with the pred_mask_logits. The ground-truth labels (class, box, mask,
            ...) associated with each instance are stored in fields.
        vis_period (int): the period (in steps) to dump visualization.

        mask_loss (Tensor): A scalar tensor containing the loss.
    cls_agnostic_mask = pred_mask_logits.size(1) == 1
    total_num_masks = pred_mask_logits.size(0)
    mask_side_len = pred_mask_logits.size(2)
    assert pred_mask_logits.size(2) == pred_mask_logits.size(
        3), "Mask prediction must be square!"

    gt_classes = []
    gt_masks = []
    for instances_per_image in instances:
        if len(instances_per_image) == 0:
        if not cls_agnostic_mask:
            gt_classes_per_image =

        gt_masks_per_image = instances_per_image.gt_masks.crop_and_resize(
        # A tensor of shape (N, M, M), N=#instances in the image; M=mask_side_len

    if len(gt_masks) == 0:
        return pred_mask_logits.sum() * 0

    gt_masks = cat(gt_masks, dim=0)

    if cls_agnostic_mask:
        pred_mask_logits = pred_mask_logits[:, 0]
        indices = torch.arange(total_num_masks)
        gt_classes = cat(gt_classes, dim=0)
        pred_mask_logits = pred_mask_logits[indices, gt_classes]

    if gt_masks.dtype == torch.bool:
        gt_masks_bool = gt_masks
        # Here we allow gt_masks to be float as well (depend on the implementation of rasterize())
        gt_masks_bool = gt_masks > 0.5
    gt_masks =

    # Log the training accuracy (using gt classes and 0.5 threshold)
    mask_incorrect = (pred_mask_logits > 0.0) != gt_masks_bool
    mask_accuracy = 1 - (mask_incorrect.sum().item() /
                         max(mask_incorrect.numel(), 1.0))
    num_positive = gt_masks_bool.sum().item()
    false_positive = (mask_incorrect & ~gt_masks_bool).sum().item() / max(
        gt_masks_bool.numel() - num_positive, 1.0)
    false_negative = (mask_incorrect & gt_masks_bool).sum().item() / max(
        num_positive, 1.0)

    storage = get_event_storage()
    storage.put_scalar("mask_rcnn/accuracy", mask_accuracy)
    storage.put_scalar("mask_rcnn/false_positive", false_positive)
    storage.put_scalar("mask_rcnn/false_negative", false_negative)
    if vis_period > 0 and storage.iter % vis_period == 0:
        pred_masks = pred_mask_logits.sigmoid()
        vis_masks =[pred_masks, gt_masks], axis=2)
        name = "Left: mask prediction;   Right: mask GT"
        for idx, vis_mask in enumerate(vis_masks):
            vis_mask = torch.stack([vis_mask] * 3, axis=0)
            storage.put_image(name + f" ({idx})", vis_mask)

    mask_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred_mask_logits,
    return mask_loss
Beispiel #20
def find_top_rpn_proposals(
    proposals: List[torch.Tensor],
    pred_objectness_logits: List[torch.Tensor],
    image_sizes: List[Tuple[int, int]],
    nms_thresh: float,
    pre_nms_topk: int,
    post_nms_topk: int,
    min_box_size: float,
    training: bool,
    For each feature map, select the `pre_nms_topk` highest scoring proposals,
    apply NMS, clip proposals, and remove small boxes. Return the `post_nms_topk`
    highest scoring proposals among all the feature maps for each image.

        proposals (list[Tensor]): A list of L tensors. Tensor i has shape (N, Hi*Wi*A, 4).
            All proposal predictions on the feature maps.
        pred_objectness_logits (list[Tensor]): A list of L tensors. Tensor i has shape (N, Hi*Wi*A).
        image_sizes (list[tuple]): sizes (h, w) for each image
        nms_thresh (float): IoU threshold to use for NMS
        pre_nms_topk (int): number of top k scoring proposals to keep before applying NMS.
            When RPN is run on multiple feature maps (as in FPN) this number is per
            feature map.
        post_nms_topk (int): number of top k scoring proposals to keep after applying NMS.
            When RPN is run on multiple feature maps (as in FPN) this number is total,
            over all feature maps.
        min_box_size (float): minimum proposal box side length in pixels (absolute units
            wrt input images).
        training (bool): True if proposals are to be used in training, otherwise False.
            This arg exists only to support a legacy bug; look for the "NB: Legacy bug ..."

        list[Instances]: list of N Instances. The i-th Instances
            stores post_nms_topk object proposals for image i, sorted by their
            objectness score in descending order.
    num_images = len(image_sizes)
    device = proposals[0].device

    # 1. Select top-k anchor for every level and every image
    topk_scores = []  # #lvl Tensor, each of shape N x topk
    topk_proposals = []
    level_ids = []  # #lvl Tensor, each of shape (topk,)
    batch_idx = torch.arange(num_images, device=device)
    for level_id, (proposals_i, logits_i) in enumerate(
            zip(proposals, pred_objectness_logits)):
        Hi_Wi_A = logits_i.shape[1]
        if isinstance(Hi_Wi_A, torch.Tensor):  # it's a tensor in tracing
            num_proposals_i = torch.clamp(Hi_Wi_A, max=pre_nms_topk)
            num_proposals_i = min(Hi_Wi_A, pre_nms_topk)

        # sort is faster than topk:
        # topk_scores_i, topk_idx = logits_i.topk(num_proposals_i, dim=1)
        logits_i, idx = logits_i.sort(descending=True, dim=1)
        topk_scores_i = logits_i.narrow(1, 0, num_proposals_i)
        topk_idx = idx.narrow(1, 0, num_proposals_i)

        # each is N x topk
        topk_proposals_i = proposals_i[batch_idx[:, None],
                                       topk_idx]  # N x topk x 4

            torch.full((num_proposals_i, ),

    # 2. Concat all levels together
    topk_scores = cat(topk_scores, dim=1)
    topk_proposals = cat(topk_proposals, dim=1)
    level_ids = cat(level_ids, dim=0)

    # 3. For each image, run a per-level NMS, and choose topk results.
    results: List[Instances] = []
    for n, image_size in enumerate(image_sizes):
        boxes = Boxes(topk_proposals[n])
        scores_per_img = topk_scores[n]
        lvl = level_ids

        valid_mask = torch.isfinite(
            boxes.tensor).all(dim=1) & torch.isfinite(scores_per_img)
        if not valid_mask.all():
            if training:
                raise FloatingPointError(
                    "Predicted boxes or scores contain Inf/NaN. Training has diverged."
            boxes = boxes[valid_mask]
            scores_per_img = scores_per_img[valid_mask]
            lvl = lvl[valid_mask]

        # filter empty boxes
        keep = boxes.nonempty(threshold=min_box_size)
        if _is_tracing() or keep.sum().item() != len(boxes):
            boxes, scores_per_img, lvl = boxes[keep], scores_per_img[
                keep], lvl[keep]

        keep = batched_nms(boxes.tensor, scores_per_img, lvl, nms_thresh)
        # In Detectron1, there was different behavior during training vs. testing.
        # (
        # During training, topk is over the proposals from *all* images in the training batch.
        # During testing, it is over the proposals for each image separately.
        # As a result, the training behavior becomes batch-dependent,
        # and the configuration "POST_NMS_TOPK_TRAIN" end up relying on the batch size.
        # This bug is addressed in Detectron2 to make the behavior independent of batch size.
        keep = keep[:post_nms_topk]  # keep is already sorted

        res = Instances(image_size)
        res.proposal_boxes = boxes[keep]
        res.objectness_logits = scores_per_img[keep]
    return results
def get_uncertain_point_coords_with_randomness(coarse_logits, uncertainty_func,
                                               num_points, oversample_ratio,
    Sample points in [0, 1] x [0, 1] coordinate space based on their uncertainty. The unceratinties
        are calculated for each point using 'uncertainty_func' function that takes point's logit
        prediction as input.
    See PointRend paper for details.

        coarse_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (N, C, Hmask, Wmask) or (N, 1, Hmask, Wmask) for
            class-specific or class-agnostic prediction.
        uncertainty_func: A function that takes a Tensor of shape (N, C, P) or (N, 1, P) that
            contains logit predictions for P points and returns their uncertainties as a Tensor of
            shape (N, 1, P).
        num_points (int): The number of points P to sample.
        oversample_ratio (int): Oversampling parameter.
        importance_sample_ratio (float): Ratio of points that are sampled via importnace sampling.

        point_coords (Tensor): A tensor of shape (N, P, 2) that contains the coordinates of P
            sampled points.
    assert oversample_ratio >= 1
    assert importance_sample_ratio <= 1 and importance_sample_ratio >= 0
    num_boxes = coarse_logits.shape[0]
    num_sampled = int(num_points * oversample_ratio)
    point_coords = torch.rand(num_boxes,
    point_logits = point_sample(coarse_logits,
    # It is crucial to calculate uncertainty based on the sampled prediction value for the points.
    # Calculating uncertainties of the coarse predictions first and sampling them for points leads
    # to incorrect results.
    # To illustrate this: assume uncertainty_func(logits)=-abs(logits), a sampled point between
    # two coarse predictions with -1 and 1 logits has 0 logits, and therefore 0 uncertainty value.
    # However, if we calculate uncertainties for the coarse predictions first,
    # both will have -1 uncertainty, and the sampled point will get -1 uncertainty.
    point_uncertainties = uncertainty_func(point_logits)
    num_uncertain_points = int(importance_sample_ratio * num_points)
    num_random_points = num_points - num_uncertain_points
    idx = torch.topk(point_uncertainties[:, 0, :],
    shift = num_sampled * torch.arange(
        num_boxes, dtype=torch.long, device=coarse_logits.device)
    idx += shift[:, None]
    point_coords = point_coords.view(-1, 2)[idx.view(-1), :].view(
        num_boxes, num_uncertain_points, 2)
    if num_random_points > 0:
        point_coords = cat(
    return point_coords