Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, move_type, img, *args):
        Initializes the Enemy instance. Arguments:
        move_type  = Movement type of the Enemy. See Enemy.move
        img        = pygame.Surface of the Enemy
        bounds     = pygame.Rect of the bounds to move in
        game_speed = Speed of the street
        super(Enemy, self).__init__(*args)
        self.move_type = move_type
        self.img = img
        self.rect = img.get_rect()
        self.hitmask = pixelperfect.get_alpha_hitmask(self.img, self.rect)

        if move_type < 2:
            x = self.bounds.right
            y = randint(, self.bounds.bottom)
        elif move_type < 4:
            x = randint(self.bounds.right / 2, self.bounds.right)
            if move_type == 2: y = self.bounds.bottom
            else: y =
            print "MOVE_TYPE > 3"

        self.rect.move_ip(x, y)
Beispiel #2
    def parser_basic_info(self, parse):
        @brief Método que parsea la información basica de un objeto del juego.
        @param parse Parse a Archivo xml con xml.dom.minidom
        parent_node = parse.firstChild
        sprite_name = str(parent_node.getAttribute('sprite_code'))
        self.original_sprite = resource.get_new_sprite(sprite_name)

        #Cargamos las distintas animaciones del objeto
        for element in parse.getElementsByTagName('animation'):
            animation_name = str(element.getAttribute('name'))
            animation_frames = str(element.getAttribute('frames'))
            animation_delay = int(element.getAttribute('delay'))

            #Vemos que tipo de animación es y lo añadimos al mapa de imagenes
            if animation_name == 'normal':
                self.animations[NORMAL] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'noaction':
                self.animations[NOACTION] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'run':
                self.animations[RUN] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'forward':
                self.animations[FORWARD] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'reverse':
                self.animations[REVERSE] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'damaged':
                self.animations[DAMAGED] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'erase':
                self.animations[ERASE] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'yaw':
                self.animations[YAW] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'fall':
                self.animations[FALL] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)
            elif animation_name == 'turbo':
                self.animations[TURBO] = animation.Animation(
                    animation_frames, animation_delay)

        #Inicializamos la imagen, el rectangulo y la mascara de pixeles
        self.image = self.original_sprite.get_frame(
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
        self.hitmask = pixelperfect.get_alpha_hitmask(self.image, self.rect)
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, img, *args):
     Initializes the Player instance. Arguments:
     img        = pygame.Surface of the Player
     bounds     = pygame.Rect of the bounds to move in
     game_speed = Speed of the street
     super(Player, self).__init__(*args)
     self.img = img
     self.rect = self.img.get_rect()
     self.hitmask = pixelperfect.get_alpha_hitmask(self.img, self.rect)
     self.speed = self.bounds.height / 40
 def parser_basic_info(self, parse):
     @brief Método que parsea la información basica de un objeto del juego.
     @param parse Parse a Archivo xml con xml.dom.minidom
     parent_node = parse.firstChild
     sprite_name = str(parent_node.getAttribute('sprite_code'))
     self.original_sprite = resource.get_new_sprite(sprite_name)
     #Cargamos las distintas animaciones del objeto
     for element in parse.getElementsByTagName('animation'):
         animation_name = str(element.getAttribute('name'))
         animation_frames = str(element.getAttribute('frames'))
         animation_delay = int(element.getAttribute('delay'))
         #Vemos que tipo de animación es y lo añadimos al mapa de imagenes
         if animation_name == 'normal':
             self.animations[NORMAL] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'noaction':
             self.animations[NOACTION] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'run':
             self.animations[RUN] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'forward':
             self.animations[FORWARD] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'reverse':
             self.animations[REVERSE] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'damaged':
             self.animations[DAMAGED] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'erase':
             self.animations[ERASE] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'yaw':
             self.animations[YAW] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'fall':
             self.animations[FALL] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
         elif animation_name == 'turbo':
             self.animations[TURBO] = animation.Animation(animation_frames, 
     #Inicializamos la imagen, el rectangulo y la mascara de pixeles
     self.image = self.original_sprite.get_frame(self.animations[NORMAL].get_frame())
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
     self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
     self.hitmask = pixelperfect.get_alpha_hitmask(self.image, self.rect)
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, xpos, ypos, image, boxfit=False):
     self.boxfit = boxfit
     self.image = pygame.image.load(curdir + "\\sprites\\" + image)
     self.width, self.height = self.image.get_size()
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
     self.rect.x = xpos
     self.rect.y = ypos
     self.x = xpos
     self.y = ypos
     self.renderx = xpos + scrwidth / 2 - self.width / 2
     self.rendery = scrheight / 2 - ypos + self.height / 2
     self.hitmask = pixelperfect.get_alpha_hitmask(self.image, self.rect)
     self.dict = {}
 def update_image(self):
     @bnief Actualiza la imagen, según el estado actual de la animación y el angulo del objeto
     #Rotamos la imagen actual de la animación
     self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.original_sprite.get_frame(self.animations[self.state].get_frame()), -self.actual_angle)
     #Actualizamos tanto el alto como el ancho 
     self.rect.w = self.image.get_width()
     self.rect.h = self.image.get_height()
     #Obtenemos la nueva mascara de pixeles
     self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
     self.hitmask = pixelperfect.get_alpha_hitmask(self.image, self.rect)
Beispiel #7
    def update_image(self):
        @bnief Actualiza la imagen, según el estado actual de la animación y el angulo del objeto
        #Rotamos la imagen actual de la animación
        self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(
                self.animations[self.state].get_frame()), -self.actual_angle)

        #Actualizamos tanto el alto como el ancho
        self.rect.w = self.image.get_width()
        self.rect.h = self.image.get_height()

        #Obtenemos la nueva mascara de pixeles
        self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
        self.hitmask = pixelperfect.get_alpha_hitmask(self.image, self.rect)
Beispiel #8
class BaseEntity(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    Base Entity Class. All Renderables should derive from this class.
    position = (0, 0)  # Position in pixels
    velocity = (0, 0)  # Velocity in pixels/s
    accel    = (0, 0)  # Acceleration in pixels/s^2
    theta = 0  # Angle in degrees w.r.t. 0 degrees
    omega = 0  # Angular velocity in degrees/s
    alpha = 0  # Angular acceleration in degrees/s^2

    hitrect = None
    image = None
    blit_image = None
    hitmask = None

    def __init__(self):

    def render(self, screen):
        Render sprite to the screen. If own image is null, it errors.
        :param screen: pygame surface to blit to
        :return: void
        if self.image is not None:
            screen.blit(self.blit_image, self.hitrect)
            raise Exception("Can't render with a null image")

    def setImage(self, newImage):
        Sets own image to a surface, then uses PixelPerfect to calc hitmasks
        :param newImage:
        :return: void
            self.image = pygame.image.load(newImage)
        except pygame.error, message:
            print "Couldn't load image:{0}, reverting to fallback".format(newImage)
            print message
            self.image = pygame.image.load("triangle.png")
        self.image = self.image.convert_alpha()
        self.blit_image = self.image
        self.hitrect = self.image.get_rect() = self.position
        self.hitmask = pixelperfect.get_alpha_hitmask(self.image, self.hitrect)