def _create_tree_topology(self, pattern: Pattern, statistics: Dict,
                              leaves: List[TreePlanNode]):
        if StatisticsTypes.ARRIVAL_RATES in statistics and \
                StatisticsTypes.SELECTIVITY_MATRIX in statistics and \
                len(statistics) == 2:
            selectivity_matrix = statistics[StatisticsTypes.SELECTIVITY_MATRIX]
            arrival_rates = statistics[StatisticsTypes.ARRIVAL_RATES]
            raise MissingStatisticsException()

        order = self._get_initial_order(selectivity_matrix, arrival_rates)
        args_num = len(order)
        items = tuple(order)
        suborders = {(i, ): (TreePlanLeafNode(i),
                             self._get_plan_cost(pattern, TreePlanLeafNode(i),
                     for i in items}

        tree_to_second_min_tree_map = {}
        invariants = ZStreamTreeInvariants(self._get_plan_cost)
        all_sub_trees = []

        # iterate over suborders sizes
        for i in range(2, args_num + 1):
            # iterate over suborders of size i
            for j in range(args_num - i + 1):
                # create the suborder (slice) to find its optimum.
                suborder = tuple(order[t] for t in range(j, j + i))
                # use first split of suborder as speculative best.
                order1_, order2_ = suborder[:1], suborder[1:]
                tree1_, _ = suborders[order1_]
                tree2_, _ = suborders[order2_]
                tree = TreePlanBuilder._instantiate_binary_node(
                    pattern, tree1_, tree2_)
                cost = self._get_plan_cost(pattern, tree, statistics)
                suborders[suborder] = tree, cost

                second_prev_cost = cost
                second_min_tree = tree

                # iterate over splits of suborder
                for k in range(2, i):

                    # find the optimal topology of this split, according to optimal topologies of subsplits.
                    order1, order2 = suborder[:k], suborder[k:]
                    tree1, _ = suborders[order1]
                    tree2, _ = suborders[order2]
                    _, prev_cost = suborders[suborder]
                    new_tree = TreePlanBuilder._instantiate_binary_node(
                        pattern, tree1, tree2)
                    new_cost = self._get_plan_cost(pattern, new_tree,
                    if new_cost < prev_cost:
                        second_prev_cost = prev_cost
                        second_min_tree = suborders[suborder][0]

                        suborders[suborder] = new_tree, new_cost

                    elif new_cost < second_prev_cost or second_min_tree == tree:
                        second_prev_cost = new_cost
                        second_min_tree = new_tree

                if i != 2:
                                                [0]] = second_min_tree

        # Eliminates all trees that are not in best tree from map_tree_to_second_min_tree
            suborders[items][0], all_sub_trees)

        for tree in all_sub_trees:
            invariants.add(Invariant(tree, tree_to_second_min_tree_map[tree]))

        # return the topology (index 0 at tuple) of the entire order, indexed to 'items'
        return suborders[items][0], invariants