def __init__(self, image_Address, dbLocation, botRadius, botMaxVelocity, botturningVelocity, RSS0, nakagamiA, nakagamiB, scale_factor, timeStep):
     #self.gui = guiStart()
     self.dbHelper = databaseManager(dbLocation)
     self.input_image = image_Address
     self.scale_factor = scale_factor
     self.timeStep = timeStep
     self.apLocations = self.dbHelper.getDbEntry('L1')
     self.legalPoints = self.dbHelper.getDbEntry('L2')
     self.fingerprintDict = self.dbHelper.getDbEntry('L3')
     self.mapParametersDict = self.dbHelper.getDbEntry('L4')
     self.rssFingerprintDict = self.dbHelper.getDbEntry('L5')
     self.locactionServicesHelper = locationServices(self.rssFingerprintDict,self.apLocations,self.legalPoints,RSS0,nakagamiA,nakagamiB)
     self.pathPlanner = planPath(self.input_image,'Database/runtimeImages/path.jpg',self.legalPoints,self.scale_factor)
     self.pathTracker = pathTracker()
     self.magnificationServiceHelper = magnificationService(self.input_image,self.scale_factor)
     self.botRadius =botRadius
     self.botMaxVelocity = botMaxVelocity
     self.botturningVelocity = botturningVelocity
     self.vL = 0
     self.vR = 0
     self.timeStepCount =0
     self.currentWP = 0
     self.img = cv2.imread(self.input_image,0)
     self.img = cv2.cvtColor(self.img,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
     self.img = cv2.resize(self.img,(int(self.img.shape[1]*self.scale_factor),int(self.img.shape[0]*self.scale_factor)))
Beispiel #2
def gen_waypoints(passed_in_arguments):
    # Read in arguments:
    argboundaryVertices = np.asarray(passed_in_arguments['boundaryVerts'])
    arghotSpotsIn = np.asarray(passed_in_arguments['hotSpots'])
    arghotSpots = sortWesternPoints(arghotSpotsIn)
    argPVal = passed_in_arguments['pSliderVal']
    argGridVal = passed_in_arguments['gridSliderVal']
    argPathDirection = passed_in_arguments['pathDirection']

    # argboundaryVertices = np.array([[37.886928977295476, -76.81533336639404], [37.890527558618025, -76.81533336639404], [37.890527558618025, -76.80932521820068], [37.886928977295476, -76.80932521820068], [37.886928977295476, -76.81533336639404]])
    # arghotSpots = np.array([[37.88865631827983, -76.8123185634613]])

    # Find bottom left point of boundary:
    latLonBoundingBox = minimum_bounding_box(argboundaryVertices)
    originPoint = Location(latLonBoundingBox[0], latLonBoundingBox[2])

    # Find X/Y distance from bottom left point to all other points:
    xyBoundary = []
    for point in argboundaryVertices:
        tmpPoint = Location(point[0], point[1])
        xComp, yComp = originPoint.getXYFromPoint(tmpPoint)
        xyBoundary.append([xComp, yComp])
    xyBoundaryArray = np.asarray(xyBoundary)

    xyHotSpots = []
    for point in arghotSpots:
        tmpPoint = Location(point[0], point[1])
        xComp, yComp = originPoint.getXYFromPoint(tmpPoint)
        xyHotSpots.append([xComp, yComp])
    xyHotSpotsArray = np.asarray(xyHotSpots)
    # X/Y distance to each point is the X/Y coordinates of each point now.

    # Create a path to validate at the end:
    # originalBoundaryPath = path.Path(xyBoundaryArray)

    # Normalize based on the transformed points:
    temp_bounding_box = minimum_bounding_box(xyBoundaryArray)
    normFactor_x = np.float64(
        temp_bounding_box[1] - temp_bounding_box[0]
    )  # this should always be positive based on the math
    normFactor_y = np.float64(temp_bounding_box[3] - temp_bounding_box[2])

    normedBoundary = []
    for point in xyBoundaryArray:
        bnormX = np.float64((point[0] - temp_bounding_box[0]) / normFactor_x)
        bnormY = np.float64((point[1] - temp_bounding_box[2]) / normFactor_y)
        normedBoundary.append([bnormX, bnormY])
    boundaryVerticesNormalized = np.array(normedBoundary)

    normedHotSpots = []
    for hotPoints in xyHotSpotsArray:
        normX = np.float64(
            (hotPoints[0] - temp_bounding_box[0]) / normFactor_x)
        normY = np.float64(
            (hotPoints[1] - temp_bounding_box[2]) / normFactor_y)
        normedHotSpots.append([normX, normY])
    hotSpotsNormalized = np.array(normedHotSpots)

    # Plan paths:
    # **** Start main script **** #
    validatePointsPath = path.Path(boundaryVerticesNormalized)

    for i in range(len(hotSpotsNormalized)):
        if validatePointsPath.contains_point(hotSpotsNormalized[i]) is False:
            raise AttributeError(
                "One of the selected points of interest is either on or not contained in the boundary: "
                + str(hotSpotsNormalized[i]))

    bounding_box = minimum_bounding_box(boundaryVerticesNormalized)
    vor = voronoi(hotSpotsNormalized, bounding_box)
    # fig = pl.figure()
    # ax = fig.gca()
    # # Plot initial points
    # ax.plot(vor.filtered_points[:, 0], vor.filtered_points[:, 1], 'go', markerSize=10)
    # Plot ridges points
    planningRegions = []
    planningHotSpots = []
    for region in vor.filtered_regions:
        vertices = vor.vertices[region, :]
        # ax.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'bo')
        regionPath = path.Path(vertices)
        for point in hotSpotsNormalized:
            if regionPath.contains_point((point[0], point[1])):

    # Plot ridges
    for region in vor.filtered_regions:
        vertices = vor.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
        # ax.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'k-')

    # Compute and plot centroids
    centroids = []
    for region in vor.filtered_regions:
        vertices = vor.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
        centroid = centroid_region(vertices)
        centroids.append(list(centroid[0, :]))
        # ax.plot(centroid[:, 0], centroid[:, 1], 'c.')

    # Plot boundary supplied:
    # ax.plot(xyBoundaryArray[:, 0], xyBoundaryArray[:, 1], 'b-')

    # ax.set_xlim([bounding_box[0] - 1, bounding_box[1] + 1])
    # ax.set_ylim([bounding_box[2] - 1, bounding_box[3] + 1])
    # ax.set_xlim([temp_bounding_box[0] - 1, temp_bounding_box[1] + 1])
    # ax.set_ylim([temp_bounding_box[2] - 1, temp_bounding_box[3] + 1])

    # Plan the path based on the boundaries:
    vehiclePaths = []
    vehiclePathsNormalized = []
    vehiclePathsLatLon = []
    planningRegionsUnNormalized = []
    # pVal = 0.01
    # gridSpacing = 1.01
    # pathDirection = "EastWest"
    pVal = argPVal
    gridSpacing = argGridVal
    pathDirection = argPathDirection
    waypointTrimmer = TrimWaypoints(1.0)
    for i in xrange(0, len(planningRegions)):
        # print "PLANNING REGIONS"
        # print planningRegions[i]
        tmpWaypoints = planPath(planningRegions[i], pathDirection, gridSpacing,
                                planningHotSpots[i], pVal)
        waypointsInBoundary = []
        for point in tmpWaypoints:
            if validatePointsPath.contains_point(point):

        unNormalizedPoints = []
        transformedPoints = []

        for point in waypointsInBoundary:
            # Un-normalize first:
            newX = point[0] * normFactor_x + temp_bounding_box[0]
            newY = point[1] * normFactor_y + temp_bounding_box[2]
            unNormalizedPoints.append([newY, newX])
            # Transform to lat/lon:
            distance, bearing = originPoint.getDistanceBearingFromXY(
                [newX, newY])
            lat, lon = originPoint.getLatLonFromDistanceBearing(
                distance, bearing)
            transformedPoints.append([lat, lon])

        tmpRegion = []
        for boundaryPoint in planningRegions[i]:
            regionX = boundaryPoint[0] * normFactor_x + temp_bounding_box[0]
            regionY = boundaryPoint[1] * normFactor_y + temp_bounding_box[2]
            # Transform to lat/lon:
            distance, bearing = originPoint.getDistanceBearingFromXY(
                [regionX, regionY])
            lat, lon = originPoint.getLatLonFromDistanceBearing(
                distance, bearing)
            tmpRegion.append([lat, lon])

        # vehiclePaths.append(unNormalizedPoints)
        # vehiclePathsNormalized.append(waypointsInBoundary)

        # Trim the waypoint arrays for easier handling:
        vehiclePathsTrimmed = waypointTrimmer.trimWPArray(transformedPoints)
        # vehiclePathsLatLon.append(transformedPoints)

    return planningRegionsUnNormalized, vehiclePathsLatLon
Beispiel #3
ax.set_xlim([bounding_box[0] - 1, bounding_box[1] + 1])
ax.set_ylim([bounding_box[2] - 1, bounding_box[3] + 1])
# pl.savefig("bounded_voronoi.png")

# sp.spatial.voronoi_plot_2d(vor)
# pl.savefig("voronoi.png")

# Plan the path based on the boundaries:
vehiclePaths = []
vehiclePathsNormalized = []
pVal = 0.5
gridSpacing = 0.25
for i in xrange(0, len(planningRegions)):
    #     print i
    # for region in planningRegions:
    tmpWaypoints = planPath(planningRegions[i], "NorthSouth", gridSpacing,
                            planningHotSpots[i], pVal)
    transformedPoints = []
    for point in tmpWaypoints:
        # Un-normalize first:
        newX = point[0] * normFactor_x + temp_bounding_box[0]
        newY = point[1] * normFactor_y + temp_bounding_box[2]
        # Transform to lat/lon:
        #lat,lon = mercToLatLon(newX, newY)plot
        #transformedPoints.append([lat, lon])
        transformedPoints.append([newY, newX])
    # vehiclePaths.append(tmpWaypoints)

Beispiel #4
fc = {"thrust":100,
      "veff": 14}#Flight characteristics of the drone

paths = []  # append your paths to this list to draw them all at once (for comparison)
realpath, allpaths, nonintersectingpath = tanDjikstra.tangentDjikstra(waypoint_list,obstacle_list,bound_segments)

#paths.append(gravity.simplegravity(obstacle_list, waypoint_list, config.FIELD_HEIGHT, config.FIELD_WIDTH))

save_files.save_files(paths, waypoint_list, obstacle_list)
# load_files.load_files()
drawObstaclesPath(obstacle_list, paths, bound_segments, waypoint_list, config.FIELD_HEIGHT, config.FIELD_WIDTH,config.FILENAME_MAPIMAGE)


posTimes = planPath.planPath('tandji',obstacle_list,waypoint_list[1:],bound_segments,waypoint_list[0],fc,config)

#Save the positions and the times to a csv file

# Plan the path based on the boundaries:
vehiclePaths = []
vehiclePathsNormalized = []
vehiclePathsLatLon = []
planningRegionsUnNormalized = []
# pVal = 0.01
# gridSpacing = 1.01
# pathDirection = "EastWest"
pVal = argPVal
gridSpacing = argGridVal
pathDirection = argPathDirection
for i in xrange(0, len(planningRegions)):
    # print "PLANNING REGIONS"
    # print planningRegions[i]
    tmpWaypoints = planPath(planningRegions[i], pathDirection, gridSpacing, planningHotSpots[i], pVal)
    waypointsInBoundary = []
    for point in tmpWaypoints:
        if validatePointsPath.contains_point(point) == True:

    unNormalizedPoints = []
    transformedPoints = []

    for point in waypointsInBoundary:
        # Un-normalize first:
        newX = point[0]*normFactor_x + temp_bounding_box[0]
        newY = point[1]*normFactor_y + temp_bounding_box[2]
        unNormalizedPoints.append([newY, newX])
        # Transform to lat/lon: