def plan_to(self, pose): """Plan a path to the given pose using A*.""" x_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) x_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_i = nearest_free((self.x, self.y), self.occupancy_strict, self.plan_resolution) x_g = nearest_free((pose[0], pose[1]), self.occupancy_strict, self.plan_resolution) publish_marker("goal", (x_g[0], x_g[1]), 100, (0, 0, 1)) problem = AStar(x_min, x_max, x_i, x_g, self.occupancy_strict, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) success = problem.solve() if not success: return None return problem
def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo( "New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if not self.aligned(): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return rospy.loginfo("Ready to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK)
def replan(self, force=False): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") return # Check if the goal is free if not self.x_g or not self.y_g or not self.theta_g: rospy.loginfo("No goal.") return X_g = (self.x_g, self.y_g) # Before planning a path, load goal pose self.pose_controller.load_goal(X_g[0], X_g[1], self.theta_g) # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = nearest_free((self.x, self.y), self.occupancy_strict, self.plan_resolution) self.plan_start = x_init problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, X_g, self.occupancy_strict, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) success = problem.solve() if not success: if self.prev_goal != X_g: self.error_count = 0 self.prev_goal = X_g self.error_count += 1 return planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if len(planned_path) < 4: self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr and not (self.new_goal or force): self._publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self._publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.new_goal = False self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if not self.aligned(): self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK)
def run_navigator(self): """ computes a path from current state to goal state using A* and sends it to the path controller """ # makes sure we have a location try: (translation, rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform( '/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): print("tf exception in run navigator") self.current_plan = [] return # makes sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: self.current_plan = [] print("no map") return # if close to the goal, use the pose_controller instead if self.close_to_end_location(): rospy.loginfo("Navigator: Close to nav goal using pose controller") pose_g_msg = Pose2D() pose_g_msg.x = self.x_g pose_g_msg.y = self.y_g pose_g_msg.theta = self.theta_g self.nav_pose_pub.publish(pose_g_msg) self.current_plan = [] self.V_prev = 0 return # if there is no plan, we are far from the start of the plan, # or the occupancy grid has been updated, update the current plan if len(self.current_plan) == 0 or not ( self.close_to_start_location()) or self.occupancy_updated: # use A* to compute new plan state_min = self.snap_to_grid( (-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid( (self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: Computing navigation plan") if problem.solve(): if len(problem.path) > 3: # cubic spline interpolation requires 4 points self.current_plan = problem.path self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_start_loc = [self.x, self.y] self.occupancy_updated = False # publish plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in self.current_plan: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) self.nav_path_pub.publish(path_msg) path_t = [0] path_x = [self.current_plan[0][0]] path_y = [self.current_plan[0][1]] for i in range(len(self.current_plan) - 1): dx = self.current_plan[i + 1][0] - self.current_plan[i][0] dy = self.current_plan[i + 1][1] - self.current_plan[i][1] path_t.append(path_t[i] + np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) / V_DES) path_x.append(self.current_plan[i + 1][0]) path_y.append(self.current_plan[i + 1][1]) # interpolate the path with cubic spline self.path_x_spline = scipy.interpolate.splrep(path_t, path_x, k=3, s=SMOOTH) self.path_y_spline = scipy.interpolate.splrep(path_t, path_y, k=3, s=SMOOTH) self.path_tf = path_t[-1] # to inspect the interpolation and smoothing # t_test = np.linspace(path_t[0],path_t[-1],1000) # plt.plot(path_t,path_x,'ro') # plt.plot(t_test,scipy.interpolate.splev(t_test,self.path_x_spline,der=0)) # plt.plot(path_t,path_y,'bo') # plt.plot(t_test,scipy.interpolate.splev(t_test,self.path_y_spline,der=0)) # else: rospy.logwarn("Navigator: Path too short, not updating") else: rospy.logwarn("Navigator: Could not find path") self.current_plan = [] # if we have a path, execute it (we need at least 3 points for this controller) if len(self.current_plan) > 3: # if currently not moving, first line up with the plan if self.V_prev == 0: theta_init = np.arctan2( self.current_plan[1][1] - self.current_plan[0][1], self.current_plan[1][0] - self.current_plan[0][0]) theta_err = theta_init - self.theta if abs(theta_err) > THETA_START_THRESH: cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = 0 cmd_msg.angular.z = np.sign(theta_err) * np.min( [THETA_START_P * np.abs(theta_err), W_MAX]) self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_msg) return # compute the "current" time along the path execution t = (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() t = max(0.0, t) t = min(t, self.path_tf) x_d = scipy.interpolate.splev(t, self.path_x_spline, der=0) y_d = scipy.interpolate.splev(t, self.path_y_spline, der=0) xd_d = scipy.interpolate.splev(t, self.path_x_spline, der=1) yd_d = scipy.interpolate.splev(t, self.path_y_spline, der=1) xdd_d = scipy.interpolate.splev(t, self.path_x_spline, der=2) ydd_d = scipy.interpolate.splev(t, self.path_y_spline, der=2) # publish current desired x and y for visualization only pathsp_msg = PoseStamped() pathsp_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' pathsp_msg.pose.position.x = x_d pathsp_msg.pose.position.y = y_d theta_d = np.arctan2(yd_d, xd_d) quat_d = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta_d) pathsp_msg.pose.orientation.x = quat_d[0] pathsp_msg.pose.orientation.y = quat_d[1] pathsp_msg.pose.orientation.z = quat_d[2] pathsp_msg.pose.orientation.w = quat_d[3] self.nav_pathsp_pub.publish(pathsp_msg) if self.V_prev <= 0.0001: self.V_prev = linalg.norm([xd_d, yd_d]) dt = (rospy.get_rostime() - self.V_prev_t).to_sec() xd = self.V_prev * np.cos(self.theta) yd = self.V_prev * np.sin(self.theta) u = np.array([ xdd_d + KPX * (x_d - self.x) + KDX * (xd_d - xd), ydd_d + KPY * (y_d - self.y) + KDY * (yd_d - yd) ]) J = np.array( [[np.cos(self.theta), -self.V_prev * np.sin(self.theta)], [np.sin(self.theta), self.V_prev * np.cos(self.theta)]]) a, om = linalg.solve(J, u) V = self.V_prev + a * dt # apply saturation limits cmd_x_dot = np.sign(V) * min(V_MAX, np.abs(V)) cmd_theta_dot = np.sign(om) * min(W_MAX, np.abs(om)) elif len(self.current_plan) > 0: # using the pose controller for paths too short # just send the next point pose_g_msg = Pose2D() pose_g_msg.x = self.current_plan[0][0] pose_g_msg.y = self.current_plan[0][1] if len(self.current_plan) > 1: pose_g_msg.theta = np.arctan2( self.current_plan[1][1] - self.current_plan[0][1], self.current_plan[1][0] - self.current_plan[0][0]) else: pose_g_msg.theta = self.theta_g rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: Using Pose Controller For Paths Too Short") self.nav_pose_pub.publish(pose_g_msg) return else: # just stop print("Going backward to find new path") cmd_x_dot = BACKWARD_RECOVERY_SPEED cmd_theta_dot = 0 # saving the last velocity for the controller self.V_prev = cmd_x_dot self.V_prev_t = rospy.get_rostime() cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = cmd_x_dot cmd_msg.angular.z = cmd_theta_dot self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_msg)
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.loginfo('Executing state PLANNING') ci_outcome = check_inputs(userdata) if ci_outcome: return ci_outcome if not userdata.nav_in.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") return 'failure' # Attempt to plan a path state_min = userdata.nav_out.snap_to_grid( (-userdata.nav_in.plan_horizon, -userdata.nav_in.plan_horizon)) state_max = userdata.nav_out.snap_to_grid( (userdata.nav_in.plan_horizon, userdata.nav_in.plan_horizon)) x_init = userdata.nav_out.snap_to_grid( (userdata.nav_in.x, userdata.nav_in.y)) userdata.nav_out.plan_start = x_init x_goal = userdata.nav_out.snap_to_grid( (userdata.nav_in.x_g, userdata.nav_in.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, userdata.nav_out.occupancy, userdata.nav_out.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return 'failure' rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") return 'failure' # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, userdata.nav_in.v_des, userdata.nav_in.spline_alpha, userdata.nav_in.traj_dt) # Otherwise follow the new plan userdata.nav_out.publish_planned_path( planned_path, userdata.nav_out.nav_planned_path_pub) userdata.nav_out.publish_smoothed_path( traj_new, userdata.nav_out.nav_smoothed_path_pub) userdata.nav_out.pose_controller.load_goal(userdata.nav_in.x_g, userdata.nav_in.y_g, userdata.nav_in.theta_g) userdata.nav_out.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) userdata.nav_out.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() userdata.nav_out.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] userdata.nav_out.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] userdata.nav_out.heading_controller.load_goal(traj_new[0, 2]) return 'success'
def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") #tell squirtle we could not find a path msg = String() = "no_path" self.publish_squirtle.publish(msg) if self.mode == Mode.BACKING_UP: self.deflate_map() self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if self.at_goal(): #check the stop flag and don't post 'at_goal' if set (or else Squirtle will get confused at stop signs) if not self.stop_flag: rospy.loginfo("Path already at goal pose") #tell squirtle we are at the goal msg = String() = "at_goal" self.publish_squirtle.publish(msg) self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return elif len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo( "New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if not self.aligned(): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") if self.mode == Mode.BACKING_UP: self.switch_mode(Mode.INFLATE_ALIGN) else: self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return if self.mode == Mode.BACKING_UP: #what happens if we want to nav to new goal here...? self.start_timer(INFLATE_TIME) self.switch_mode(Mode.INFLATE) else: rospy.loginfo("Ready to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK)
def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) astar_problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rrt_problem = GeometricRRTConnect(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") rospy.loginfo("Current mode: " + str(self.mode)) astar_success = astar_problem.solve() astar_path = astar_problem.path rrt_success = rrt_problem.solve() rrt_path = rrt_problem.path success = (astar_success or rrt_success) if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return else: rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") if astar_success: traj_new_astar, t_new_astar, path_length_astar = compute_smoothed_traj( astar_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) else: path_length_astar = np.Inf if rrt_success: traj_new_rrt, t_new_rrt, path_length_rrt = compute_smoothed_traj( rrt_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) else: path_length_rrt = np.Inf if path_length_astar <= path_length_rrt: traj_new = traj_new_astar t_new = t_new_astar planned_path = astar_path rospy.loginfo("AStar Gave Shortest Path") else: traj_new = traj_new_rrt t_new = t_new_rrt planned_path = rrt_path rospy.loginfo("RRT Gave Shortest Path") # load goal into pose controller self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) # Check whether path is too short ''' if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return ''' # Smooth and generate a trajectory # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo( "New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if (not self.aligned() and self.mode != Mode.CROSS and self.mode != Mode.STOP) \ or (self.mode == Mode.IDLE): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return