Beispiel #1
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # Read In lat0, lon0 From CSV Into Floating Point Values -- First Line
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            first_line = f.readline()
            for col in [x.strip() for x in first_line.split(',')]:
                lat_lon.append(float(col.split(' ')[1]))
        # Set Home Position To (lon0, lat0, 0)
        # Debugging: Print Home Position
        self.set_home_position(lat_lon[1], lat_lon[0], 0)
        print("Home Position - Longitude, Latitude, Altitude: ", self.global_home)

        # Retrieve Current Global Position
        # Debugging: Print Global Position
        global_pos = self.global_position
        print("Global Position-  Longitude, Latitude, Altitude: ", global_pos)
        # Convert To Current Local Position Using global_to_local()
        # Debugging: Print Local Position
        local_pos = global_to_local(global_pos, self.global_home)
        # Print Global Home, Global Position, Local Position
        print('Global Home: {0} \nGlobal Position: {1} \nLocal Position: {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read In Obstacle Map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define Grid For A Particular Altitude And Safety Distance Around Obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define Starting Point On Grid (Grid Center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)

        # Tmp Goal
        goal_lat = 37.795049
        goal_lon = -122.396362

        # Convert Start Position To Current Position Rather Than Map Center
        grid_start = (int(local_pos[0]) - north_offset, int(local_pos[1]) - east_offset)
        # Set Goal As Some Arbitrary Position On Grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset+50, -east_offset+50)

        # Adapt To Set Goal As Lat/Lon Position And Convert
        global_goal = [-122.396362, 37.795049, self._altitude]
        local_goal = global_to_local(global_goal, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(local_goal[0])-north_offset, int(local_goal[1])-east_offset)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Local Start And Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # Prune Path
        path = prune_path(path)

        # Convert Path To Waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]

        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints

        # Send Waypoints To Sim (For Visualization Of Waypoints)
Beispiel #2
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv', 'r') as f:
            first_line = f.readline().strip('\n')

        fl_list = first_line.split()
        lat0 = float(fl_list[1].strip(','))
        lon0 = float(fl_list[3])

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        self.global_position[0] = self._longitude
        self.global_position[1] = self._latitude
        self.global_position[2] = self._altitude

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_position = global_to_local(self.global_position,
        self._north = local_position[0]
        self._east = local_position[1]
        self._down = local_position[2]

        print('global home  {0}, position  {1}, local position  {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        #grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        start_north = int(self._north) - north_offset
        start_east = int(self._east) - east_offset
        grid_start = (start_north, start_east)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid, last used for diag tests
        # grid_goal = (start_north - 5, start_east + 5)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        # updated to include parsed args (for srource see line 2)
        goal_north, goal_east, goal_alt = global_to_local(
            self.goal_global_position, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(np.ceil(goal_north - north_offset)),
                     int(np.ceil(goal_east - east_offset)))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation - done
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        print('local._north and local._east: ', self._north, self._east)
        ori_path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        # added prune_path to planning_utlis
        pruned_path = prune_path(ori_path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #3
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        TARGET_ALTITUDE = 10

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        # The first line of colliders.csv provides the latitude and longitude that we will call home
        f = open('colliders.csv')
        line_list = f.readline().rstrip().split(', ')
        line_list_lat = line_list[0].split()
        line_list_lon = line_list[1].split()
        lat0 = float(line_list_lat[1])
        lon0 = float(line_list_lon[1])

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        # After extracting those latitude and longitude values from the file, we actually set it as the home.
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        # Let's gather where (latitude and longitude) we are on the map (e.g. using GPS)
        # current_position_global = self.global_position
        current_position_global = [
            self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        # Now, let's determine how far (north and east) we are from the home position
        current_position_local = global_to_local(current_position_global,
        # current_position_local = self.local_position
        current_position_local_north = int(np.round(current_position_local[0]))
        current_position_local_east = int(np.round(current_position_local[1]))

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        # Subtract offets from current local position, rather than the local home position
        grid_start = (current_position_local_north - north_offset,
                      current_position_local_east - east_offset)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        # grid_goal = (current_position_local_north + grid_goal[0], current_position_local_east + grid_goal[1])
        # Define a goal latitude and longitude, convert to the local frame, and then adjust by the offsets
        goal_position_global = (-122.396855, 37.794185, 0)
        goal_position_local = global_to_local(goal_position_global,
        goal_position_local_north = int(np.round(goal_position_local[0]))
        goal_position_local_east = int(np.round(goal_position_local[1]))
        grid_goal = (goal_position_local_north - north_offset,
                     goal_position_local_east - east_offset)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        # We send the path generated by A* to the path pruner.
        path = prune_path(path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE
        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv', newline='') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            row1 = next(reader)
        lat = re.findall("\d+\.\d+", row1[0])
        lon = re.findall("[-+]\d+\.\d+", row1[1])
        lat0 = [float(s) for s in lat]
        lon0 = [float(s) for s in lon]

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        global_home = [lon0, lat0, 0]
        # TODO: retrieve current global position

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_local_position = global_to_local(self.global_position,
        # print(local_coordinates_NED)
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2} '.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start1 = (int(current_local_position[0] - north_offset),
                       int(current_local_position[1] - east_offset))
        # printf("{}".format(self.grid_start))
        # geodetic_current_coordinates = local_to_global(grid_goal, geodetic_home_coordinates)
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset + 50, -east_offset + 50)

        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        geodetic_goal = (-122.39632967, 37.79755765, 0.)
        # getting error
        # geodetic_current_coordinates = local_to_global(self.grid_goal,self.global_home )
        # print(geodetic_current_coordinates)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal

        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        p1 = prune_path(path)
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in p1]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        path_planing function
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            origin_pos_data = f.readline().split(',')
        lat0 = float(origin_pos_data[0].strip().split(' ')[1])
        lon0 = float(origin_pos_data[1].strip().split(' ')[1])

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        global_position = self.global_position
        print(lon0, lat0)
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_position = global_to_local(global_position, (lon0, lat0, 0))
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(,

        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        #grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(local_position[0]) - north_offset,
                      int(local_position[1]) - east_offset)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        #grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        #global_goal = (-122.397850, 37.792580, 0.0) # (37.792480, -122.397450)
        global_goal = self.global_goal
        local_goal = global_to_local(global_goal, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(local_position[0] - north_offset + local_goal[0]),
                     int(local_position[1] - east_offset + local_goal[1]))
        #grid_goal = (290, 445)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)

        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        path = prune_path(path)

        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints

        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #6
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        lat0, lon0 = read_home('colliders.csv')
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_north, local_east, _ = global_to_local(self.global_position,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset,

        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center

        grid_start = (int(np.ceil(grid_start[0] + local_north)),
                      int(np.ceil(grid_start[1] + local_east)))
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid

        grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        global_goal_position = np.array([-122.395148, 37.794142, 5])
        local_goal_north, local_goal_east, _ = global_to_local(global_goal_position,

        print("Local Grid Goal : " + str(local_goal_north) + "-" + str(local_goal_east))
        grid_goal = (int(np.ceil(local_goal_north + grid_goal[0])),
                      int(np.ceil(local_goal_east + grid_goal[1])))

        print("Grid Goal : " + str(grid_goal[0]) + "-" + str(grid_goal[1]))
        plt.imshow(grid, origin='lower')
        plt.plot(grid_start[0], grid_start[1], 'rx')
        plt.plot(grid_goal[0], grid_goal[1], 'bx')
        #plt.plot(grid_goal[0], grid_goal[1], 'bx')
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #7
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            s = f.readline()
        s = s.replace(',', ' ')    
        data = s.split()
        lat0 = float(data[1])
        lon0 = float(data[3])
        print(lat0, lon0)
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)
        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        self._global_position = [self._latitude, self._longitude, self._altitude]

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        self._local_position = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        #grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(self.local_position[0])-north_offset, int(self.local_position[1])-east_offset)
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        #grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        #LAT=37.797337 lON = -122.401122 
        goal_gps = [-122.401122, 37.797337, 0]
        #goal_gps = [-122.397629, 37.793520, 0]
        goal_local = global_to_local(goal_gps, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(goal_local[0])-north_offset, int(goal_local[1])-east_offset)
        #Show goal as location seems weird
        plt.imshow(grid, cmap='Greys', origin='lower')
        plt.plot(grid_start[1], grid_start[0], 'x')
        plt.plot(grid_goal[1], grid_goal[0], 'x')
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        print('Start A*')
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)

        plt.imshow(grid, cmap='Greys', origin='lower')

        # For the purposes of the visual the east coordinate lay along
        # the x-axis and the north coordinates long the y-axis.
        plt.plot(grid_start[1], grid_start[0], 'x')
        plt.plot(grid_goal[1], grid_goal[0], 'x')

        if path is not None:
            pp = np.array(path)
            plt.plot(pp[:, 1], pp[:, 0], 'g')


        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
        for i in range(1, len(waypoints)):
            wp1 = waypoints[i-1]
            wp2 = waypoints[i]
            # Set heading of wp2 based on relative position to wp1
            waypoints[i][3] = np.arctan2((wp2[1]-wp1[1]), (wp2[0]-wp1[0]))
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        lat0 = 0.0
        lon0 = 0.0
        with open('colliders.csv', 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            head = lines[0]
            half_h = head.split(',')
            lat0 = float(half_h[0].strip().split(' ')[1])
            lon0 = float(half_h[1].strip().split(' ')[1])

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        my_global_position = self.global_position

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        my_local_position = global_to_local(my_global_position,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(my_local_position[0] - north_offset),
                      int(my_local_position[1] - east_offset))
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        global_goal = (-122.397450 - 0.0017, 37.792480 + 0.0038, 0)
        local_goal = global_to_local(global_goal, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(local_goal[0] - north_offset),
                     int(local_goal[1] - east_offset))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        print('Initial path ', len(path), ' points')
        path = prune_path(path)
        print('After pruning path: ', len(path), ' points')
        l = len(path)
        dl = 10
        while dl != 0:
            path = pick_uncrossed(grid, path)
            dl = l - len(path)
            l = len(path)

        print('After removing uncrossed points: ', len(path), ' points')

        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = []
        for p in path:
                [p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0])
            if len(waypoints) > 1:
                waypoints[-1][3] = np.arctan2(
                    (waypoints[-1][1] - waypoints[-2][1]),
                    (waypoints[-1][0] - waypoints[-2][0]))
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #9
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv', newline='') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            for row in reader:
                lhs, rhs = row[0], row[1]

        _, lat = lhs.split()

        _, lon = rhs.split()
        lat0, lon0 = float(lat), float(lon)

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)

        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        global_position = self.global_position

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()

        local_position = global_to_local(global_position, self.global_home)

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        #grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to curren0t position rather than map center
        grid_start = (abs(int(local_position[1])) - north_offset,
                      abs(int(local_position[0])) - east_offset)
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        #grid_goal = (200, 200)

        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        goal_y, goal_x = lat_lon_goal(37.796391, -122.398300, self.global_home)

        grid_goal = (int(goal_y - north_offset), int(goal_x - east_offset))

        #Need to cehck if start and goal are in free space
        skeleton = medial_axis(invert(grid))
        skel_start, skel_goal = find_start_goal(skeleton, grid_start,

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)

        grid_start = int(skel_start[0]), int(skel_start[1])
        grid_goal = int(skel_goal[0]), int(skel_goal[1])

        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)

        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)

        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        #  waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints

        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #10
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE
        # -------------------------------------
        # YW [1]:  read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        # -------------------------------------
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            first_line = f.readline()
            geo_lat_lon = []
            for col in [x.strip() for x in first_line.split(',')]:
                geo_lat_lon.append(float(col.split(' ')[1]))

        print("Global home coordinate in Lat-Long: ", geo_lat_lon)
        # YW: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0). Beware of the lat0, lon0 in collider.csv!
        self.set_home_position(geo_lat_lon[1], geo_lat_lon[0], 0)

        # -------------------------------------
        # YW [2]: retrieve current global position
        # -------------------------------------
        global_pose = self.global_position
        print("Current global pose (lon, lat, alt): ", global_pose)
        print("Global home coord (lon, lat, alt): ", self.global_home)

        # YW: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        cur_pose_local = global_to_local(global_pose, self.global_home)
        print("local pose: ", cur_pose_local)
        print('global home {0} \nglobal position {1} \nlocal position {2}'.
              format(self.global_home, self.global_position,

        # -------------------------------------
        # YW [3]: Read in obstacle map
        # -------------------------------------
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
        int_cur_pose_local = cur_pose_local.astype(int)
        print("local int_cur_pose_local: ", int_cur_pose_local)

        global_goal = [-122.396580, 37.796085, self._altitude]

        print("global_goal (long-lat-alt): ", global_goal)
        local_goal = global_to_local(global_goal, self.global_home)
        int_local_goal = local_goal.astype(int)
        print("local_goal : ", int_local_goal)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_min, east_min = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North min = {0}, east min = {1}".format(north_min, east_min))
        # plt.imshow(grid, origin='lower')
        # plt.xlabel('EAST')
        # plt.ylabel('NORTH')

        grid_start = (int_cur_pose_local[0] - north_min,
                      int_cur_pose_local[1] - east_min)
        # YW: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        # Don't add tuple and numpy array
        print("grid_start: ", grid_start)
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # -------------------------------------
        # YW: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        # use the manual mode to get the appropriate goal coordinate
        # -------------------------------------
        # convert the local NORTH EAST direction to the grid map
        grid_goal = (int_local_goal[0] - north_min,
                     int_local_goal[1] - east_min)
        #grid_goal = (-north_min + 20, - east_min )
        print("grid_goal: ", grid_goal)
        print("Grid size: ", grid.shape)
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # YW: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here) -> planning_utils
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, " -> ", grid_goal)

        if self.mode == 'grid':
            path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
            path = prune_path(path)
            print("Path: ", path)
            # Convert path to waypoints
            waypoints = [[
                p[0] + north_min, p[1] + east_min, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
            ] for p in path]
            print("Waypoints: ", waypoints)

        elif self.mode == "graph":
            # Use KdSampler instead of create grid
            graph_start = tuple(int_cur_pose_local.tolist())
            graph_goal = tuple(int_local_goal.tolist())

            print("Start: {0}, goal: {1}".format(graph_start, graph_goal))

            kdtree_sampler = prmap.KdSampler(data, 140, graph_start,
                                             graph_goal, SAFETY_DISTANCE)

            print("Number of samples: ", len(kdtree_sampler._kept_samples))
            print("Number of rejected samples: ",
            t0 = time.time()
            # YW NOTE: given a large amount of k allows the algorithm to connect
            # the nodes that has a long distance

            g = prmap.create_graph(kdtree_sampler, 10)
            print('graph took {0} seconds to build'.format(time.time() - t0))
            path, cost = prmap.a_star_graph(g, heuristic, graph_start,
            print("A* graph length {0}, path: {1} \ncost: {2}".format(
                len(path), path, cost))
            prmap.visualize_graph(grid, data, g, kdtree_sampler, path)

            # Convert path to waypoints
            waypoints = [[p[0], p[1], TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]
            print("Error: Unknown planning mode!")

        print("Waypoints: ", waypoints)
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #11
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        TARGET_ALTITUDE = 10

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        first_line = open('colliders.csv').readline()
        lat_lon = dict(val.strip().split(' ') for val in first_line.split(','))

        # set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(float(lat_lon['lon0']), float(lat_lon['lat0']),

        # retrieve current global position
        # convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_position = global_to_local(self.global_position,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        # Create Voronoi graph from obstacles
        grid, edges, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid_and_edges(
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define starting point on the grid
        # convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (-north_offset + int(local_position[0]),
                      -east_offset + int(local_position[1]))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert

        # some possible destinations on the map
        destinations = [[-122.39324423, 37.79607305],
                        [-122.39489652, 37.79124152],
                        [-122.40059743, 37.79272177],
                        [-122.39625334, 37.79478161]]

        # randomly choose one of destinations
        destination = destinations[np.random.randint(0, len(destinations))]
        destination_local = global_to_local(
            [destination[0], destination[1], TARGET_ALTITUDE],

        # adjust destination coordinates on the grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset + int(destination_local[0]),
                     -east_offset + int(destination_local[1]))

        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)

        # create Voronoi graph with the weight of the edges
        # set to the Euclidean distance between the points
        voronoi_graph = nx.Graph()

        for e in edges:
            p1 = e[0]
            p2 = e[1]
            dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(p2) - np.array(p1))
            voronoi_graph.add_edge(p1, p2, weight=dist)

        # find the nearest points on the graph for start and the goal
        voronoi_start = nearest_point(grid_start, voronoi_graph)
        voronoi_finish = nearest_point(grid_goal, voronoi_graph)

        # run A-star on the graph
        voronoi_path, voronoi_cost = a_star_graph(voronoi_graph, heuristic,

        # prune path - from Lesson 6.5
        print('Original path len: ', len(voronoi_path))
        voronoi_path = prune_path(voronoi_path)
        print('Pruned path len: ', len(voronoi_path))

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            int(p[0]) + north_offset,
            int(p[1]) + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in voronoi_path]

        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints

        # send waypoints to sim
Beispiel #12
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            line = np.array(f.readline().replace(',', ' ').split())
            line = line[[1,3]]
            lat0, lon0 = np.asarray(line, dtype=np.float64)

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0.0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        current_global = self.global_position

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_local = global_to_local(current_global, self.global_home)

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        print("grid shape", grid.shape)
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        #grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(current_local[0])-north_offset, int(current_local[1])-east_offset)
        print("grid_start", grid_start)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        #grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        lat_goal = 37.794766  #37.796077
        lon_goal = -122.399456 #-122.398163
        goal_global = [lon_goal, lat_goal, 0.]
        goal_local = global_to_local(goal_global, self.global_home)
        #grid_goal = (goal_local[0], goal_global[1])
        grid_goal = (int(goal_local[0])-north_offset, int(goal_local[1])-east_offset)
        print("grid_goal", grid_goal)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        path = prune_path(path)
        path = bresenham_prune(grid, path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #13
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        # TARGET_LAT = 37.792653
        # TARGET_LON = -122.397075

        #around the corner
        TARGET_LAT = 37.792504
        TARGET_LON = -122.397980


        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
            "# TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values"
        homeGPSLat, homeGPSLon = self.getFirstRowOfCSV()
        print("homeGPSLon = " + str(homeGPSLon))
        print("homeGPSLat = " + str(homeGPSLat))

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        print("# TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)")
        self.set_home_position(homeGPSLon, homeGPSLat, 0)
        print("# home position set")

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        print("# TODO: retrieve current global position")
        currentGPSLat = self._latitude
        currentGPSLon = self._longitude
        currentGPSAlt = self._altitude
        print("currentGPSLon = " + str(currentGPSLon))
        print("currentGPSLat = " + str(currentGPSLat))
        print("currentGPSAlt = " + str(currentGPSAlt))

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
            "# TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()"
        geodetic_current_coordinates = [
            currentGPSLon, currentGPSLat, currentGPSAlt
        geodetic_home_coordinates = [homeGPSLon, homeGPSLat, 0]
        print("geodetic_current_coordinates " +
        print("geodetic_home_coordinates " + str(geodetic_home_coordinates))
        local_coordinates_NED = global_to_local(geodetic_current_coordinates,
        print("local_coordinates_NED " + str(local_coordinates_NED))

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # print("original grid_start " + str(grid_start))

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
            "# TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center"
        grid_start = (int(-north_offset + local_coordinates_NED[0]),
                      int(-east_offset + local_coordinates_NED[1]))
        print("Overriding start location to " + str(grid_start))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 20)

        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        geodetic_goal_cordinates = [TARGET_LON, TARGET_LAT,
                                    TARGET_ALTITUDE]  # center of MAP
        print("geodetic_goal_cordinates " + str(geodetic_goal_cordinates))
        goal_coordinates_NED = global_to_local(geodetic_goal_cordinates,
        print("goal_coordinates_NED " + str(goal_coordinates_NED))
        grid_goal = (int(-north_offset + goal_coordinates_NED[0]),
                     int(-east_offset + goal_coordinates_NED[1]))
        print("grid_goal" + str(grid_goal))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)

        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        print("path len before pruning " + str(len(path)))
        path = prune_path(path)
        print("path len after pruning " + str(len(path)))
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints

        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #14
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        filename = 'colliders.csv'

        f = open(filename)
        line1 = f.readline()
        line1 = line1.split(" ")
        lat0 = np.float(line1[1][:-1])
        lon0 = np.float(line1[3])
        print("lat0", lat0)
        print("lon0", lon0)

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0.0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        current_global_position = self.global_position

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_local_position = global_to_local(self.global_position,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))

        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(current_local_position[0]) - north_offset,
                      int(current_local_position[1]) - east_offset)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        #grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)

        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        # Corner of Front St & Market st
        goal_lon = -122.398494
        goal_lat = 37.791558

        goal_home_position = (goal_lon, goal_lat, 0)
        goal_local_position = global_to_local(goal_home_position,
        grid_goal = (int(goal_local_position[0]) - north_offset,
                     int(goal_local_position[1]) - east_offset)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        print('Pruned Path:', pruned_path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        filename = 'colliders.csv'
        with open(filename) as f:
            origin_pos_data = f.readline().split(',')
        lat0 = float(origin_pos_data[0].strip().split(' ')[1])
        lon0 = float(origin_pos_data[1].strip().split(' ')[1])

        # set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # retrieve current global position
        current_global_position = [
            self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude

        # convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_local_position = global_to_local(current_global_position,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(np.round(current_local_position[0])) - north_offset,
                      int(np.round(current_local_position[1])) - east_offset)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        # Path not found
        # goal_lon = -122.396342
        # goal_lat = 37.796520
        # OK
        # goal_lon = -122.397532
        # goal_lat = 37.792973
        goal_lon = -122.399219
        goal_lat = 37.794262
        goal_global = (goal_lon, goal_lat, 0)
        goal_local = global_to_local(goal_global, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(np.round(goal_local[0])) - north_offset,
                     int(np.round(goal_local[1])) - east_offset)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic_grid, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        print('prunning path', path)
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        print('prunned path', pruned_path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, 5, 0]
                     for p in pruned_path]

        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
Beispiel #16
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        #read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        lat0, lon0 = self.get_home()

        #set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_north, local_east, _ = global_to_local(self.global_position,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid
        # convert start position to current position rather than map center

        grid_start = (int(local_north) - north_offset,
                      int(local_east) - east_offset)
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        #set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        goal_lat = 37.79456
        goal_lon = -122.397437
        local_goal = global_to_local((goal_lon, goal_lat, 0), self.global_home)
        # convert to grid coordinates
        grid_goal = (int(local_goal[0]) - north_offset,
                     int(local_goal[1]) - east_offset)
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # I added diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        print('Path:', path)

        # prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        prunned_path = prune_path(path)
        print('Prunned path:', prunned_path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        latitude, longitude = self.get_home_position()

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(longitude, latitude, 0.0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_global_position = np.array(
            [self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude])
        self._north, self._east, self._down = global_to_local(
            current_global_position, self.global_home)

        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
        # Get a graph representation with edges for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        graph, north_offset, east_offset = create_graph(
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        current_position = self.local_position
        start = (-north_offset + int(current_position[0]),
                 -east_offset + int(current_position[1]))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        goal_longitude = -122.397745
        goal_latitude = 37.793837

        #goal_longitude = -122.394324
        #goal_latitude =  37.791684

        #goal_longitude =  -122.401216
        #goal_latitude =  37.796713

        target_location = global_to_local([goal_longitude, goal_latitude, 0],
        goal = (int(-north_offset + target_location[0]),
                int(-east_offset + target_location[1]))

        # Compute the closest points to the start and goal positions
        closest_start = closest_point(
            graph, (-north_offset + int(current_position[0]),
                    -east_offset + int(current_position[1])))
        closest_goal = closest_point(graph,
                                     (-north_offset + int(target_location[0]),
                                      -east_offset + int(target_location[1])))

        print("Local Start and Goal : ", start, goal)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        path, _ = a_star_graph(graph, closest_start, closest_goal)
        print("Found a path of length : ", len(path))

        # Check for collinearity between points and prune the obtained path
        path = prune_path(path)
        # Convert path to waypoints
        self.waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]
        # TODO: send waypoints to simulator
        print("Sending waypoints to the simulator")
Beispiel #18
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        """ probably the np.genfromtxt fuction could have done this, but I was not able
        to find the way, used csv.reader to get it"""
        latlondata = csv.reader(open('colliders.csv', newline=''),
        for row in latlondata:
            lat0, lon0 = row[:2]
        lat0 = lat0.replace("lat0 ", "")
        lon0 = lon0.replace(" lon0 ", "")
        lat0 = float(lat0)
        lon0 = float(lon0)
        # # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)
        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        Globalcurrent = np.array(
            (self.global_position[0], self.global_position[1],
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        Localcurrent = global_to_local(Globalcurrent, self.global_home)
        #self.local_position = [Localcurrent[0],Localcurrent[1],Localcurrent[2]]
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        """ Create grid comes from the so we can call it directly here"""
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        """ Using Medial-Axis solution for motion planning 3"""
        skeleton = medial_axis(invert(grid))
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_center = (north_offset, east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        """ Get local grid position and determine the new grid start from global home then
        add it to grid center """
        Localcurrent = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)
        grid_start = (int(-grid_center[0] + Localcurrent[0]),
                      int(-grid_center[1] + Localcurrent[1]))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        #grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        """ code to get the grid goal based on LAT LONG position, assume altitude is 0 for goal"""
        grid_goal_lat_lon = (-122.39966, 37.793593, 0)
        #grid_goal_lat_lon = (-122.397185, 37.792857, 0)
        grid_goal = global_to_local(grid_goal_lat_lon, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = tuple((int(grid_goal[0] - north_offset),
                           int(grid_goal[1] - east_offset)))
        print(grid_start, grid_goal)
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        """ Done on """
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        """ Using Medial-Axis solution to find the skeleton start and goal"""
        skel_start, skel_goal = find_start_goal(skeleton, grid_start,

        print(grid_start, grid_goal)
        print(skel_start, skel_goal)
        """ a_star, heuristic come from the so we can call it directly"""
        #path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(
            invert(skeleton).astype(, heuristic, tuple(skel_start),
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        """ Add the grid goal so that it can fly to the exact location"""
        pruned_path.append([grid_goal[0], grid_goal[1]])

        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        """ USE RRT to replan """
        # num_vertices = 300
        # dt = 1
        # x_init = (50, 50)

        # rrt = generate_RRT(grid, x_init, num_vertices, dt)
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]
        #print (waypoints)
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
        """ This function sends the waypoints to the sim for visualization"""
Beispiel #19
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        """ probably the np.genfromtxt fuction could have done this, but I was not able
        to find the way, used csv.reader to get it"""
        latlondata = csv.reader(open('colliders.csv', newline=''),
        for row in latlondata:
            lat0, lon0 = row[:2]
        lat0 = lat0.replace("lat0 ", "")
        lon0 = lon0.replace(" lon0 ", "")
        lat0 = float(lat0)
        lon0 = float(lon0)
        # # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)
        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        Globalcurrent = np.array(
            (self.global_position[0], self.global_position[1],
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        Localcurrent = global_to_local(Globalcurrent, self.global_home)
        #self.local_position = [Localcurrent[0],Localcurrent[1],Localcurrent[2]]
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
        Zmax = np.max(data[:, 2] + data[:, 5])
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        """ Create grid comes from the so we can call it directly here"""
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        """ Using Medial-Axis solution for motion planning 3"""
        skeleton = medial_axis(invert(grid))
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_center = (north_offset, east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        """ Get local grid position and determine the new grid start from global home then
        add it to grid center """
        Localcurrent = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)
        grid_start = (int(-grid_center[0] + Localcurrent[0]),
                      int(-grid_center[1] + Localcurrent[1]))
        #if local position is not at altitude 0, update the altitute for takeoff
        if -Localcurrent[2] > TARGET_ALTITUDE:
            TARGET_ALTITUDE = int(TARGET_ALTITUDE - Localcurrent[2])
            self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        if UseLatLonAlt == False:
            grid_goal = (-north_offset + Localcurrent[0] + 10,
                         -east_offset + Localcurrent[1] + 10)
            print("using grid position for the goal")
            print("using Lat, Lon, Alt position for the goal")
            # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
            """ See global variable grid_lat_lon at the top of the file"""
            """ code to get the grid goal based on LAT LONG position, assume altitude is 0 for goal"""
            grid_goal = global_to_local(grid_goal_lat_lon_alt,
            grid_goal = tuple((int(grid_goal[0] - north_offset),
                               int(grid_goal[1] - east_offset)))
            print(grid_start, grid_goal)
            # if Altitude is not ground level adapt to new altitude
            if grid_goal_lat_lon_alt[2] > TARGET_ALTITUDE:
                TARGET_ALTITUDE = grid_goal_lat_lon_alt[2] + SAFETY_DISTANCE
                self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE
                #self.global_home[2] = grid_goal_lat_lon_alt[2]
                grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(
                    data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
                """ Using Medial-Axis solution for motion planning 3"""
                skeleton = medial_axis(invert(grid))
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        """ Done on """
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        """ Using Medial-Axis solution to find the skeleton start and goal"""
        skel_start, skel_goal = find_start_goal(skeleton, grid_start,

        print(grid_start, grid_goal)
        print(skel_start, skel_goal)
        """ a_star, heuristic come from the so we can call it directly"""
        #path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _, FoundPath = a_star(
            invert(skeleton).astype(, heuristic, tuple(skel_start),
        while FoundPath == False:
            # increase target altitude by 5 ft, get new skeeton and try again
            TARGET_ALTITUDE += 20
            print("TRY AGAIN, NEW CRUISE ALTITUDE")
            self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE
            grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(
            skeleton = medial_axis(invert(grid))
            skel_start, skel_goal = find_start_goal(skeleton, grid_start,
            path, _, FoundPath = a_star(
                invert(skeleton).astype(, heuristic, tuple(skel_start),
            if TARGET_ALTITUDE > Zmax:
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        """ Add the grid goal so that it can fly to the exact location"""
        pruned_path.append([grid_goal[0], grid_goal[1]])
        sampler = Sampler(data, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        polygons = sampler._polygons
        # Second Prunning to try to minimize waypoints by doing direct to
        # Also add Altitude
        Path3D, TARGET_ALTITUDE = get3DPath(pruned_path,TARGET_ALTITUDE,self.local_position[2],\
                            grid_goal_lat_lon_alt[2],SAFETY_DISTANCE, polygons)

        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        #add heading to all the waypoints
        Path_with_heading = []
        Path_with_heading.append([Path3D[0][0], Path3D[0][1], 0])
        for i in range(0, len(Path3D) - 1):
            heading = np.arctan2((Path3D[i + 1][1] - Path3D[i][1]),
                                 (Path3D[i + 1][0] - Path3D[i][0]))
                [Path3D[i + 1][0], Path3D[i + 1][1],
        if FoundPath == False:
            # if path not found then takeoff and land on the spot
            localpos = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)
            waypoints = [[int(localpos[0]),int(localpos[1]),5,0],\
            # Convert path to waypoints
            waypoints = [[
                int(p[0] + north_offset),
                int(p[1] + east_offset), TARGET_ALTITUDE,
            ] for p in Path_with_heading]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
        """ This function sends the waypoints to the sim for visualization"""
Beispiel #20
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        SAFETY_DISTANCE = 8  # extra margin of safety around obstacles

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # debug flag
        debug = True

        # Requirement #1:
        # * Read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        # * set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        lat0, lon0 = get_latlon_fromfile('colliders.csv')
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # Requirement #2:
        # * retrieve current global position
        # * convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        curr_global_pos = (self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude)
        curr_global_home = self.global_home
        curr_local_pos = global_to_local(curr_global_pos, self.global_home)

        if debug:
            print("curr_global_pos: ", curr_global_pos)
            print("curr_global_home: ", curr_global_home)
            print("curr_local_pos: ", curr_local_pos)

        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,

        # save offsets as tuple
        offsets = (north_offset, east_offset)

        # Requirement #3: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = get_gridrelative_position(curr_local_pos[0:2], offsets)

        # Requirement #4: set goal as latitude/longitude
        # specified as command line args
        custom_goal_pos = (self.goal_longitude, self.goal_latitude, 0)
        goal_local = global_to_local(custom_goal_pos, self.global_home)[0:2]
        grid_goal = get_gridrelative_position(goal_local, offsets)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Grid Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        print('START: Path planning....')
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        print('Path planning complete!')

        # Requirement 6: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        path = prune_path(path)

        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]

        if debug:
            for i, waypoint in enumerate(waypoints):
                print("{}: {}".format(i, waypoint))

        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints

        # Send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # Read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        lat0 = lon0 = None
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            ns = re.findall("-*\d+\.\d+", f.readline())
            assert len(
            ) == 2, "Could not parse lat0 & lon0 from 'colliders.csv'. The file might be broken."
            lat0, lon0 = float(ns[0]), float(ns[1])

            lon0, lat0, 0)  # set home position as stated in colliders.csv
        # curLocal - is local position of drone relative home)
        curLocal = global_to_local(
            (self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude),

        print('global home {0}'.format(self.global_home.tolist()))
        print('position {0}'.format(self.global_position.tolist()))
        print('local position {0}'.format(self.local_position.tolist()))

        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        timer = time.time()
        grid, offset, edges = create_grid_and_edges(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print('Voronoi {0} edges created in {1}s'.format(
            time.time() - timer))
        print('Offsets: north = {0} east = {1}'.format(offset[0], offset[1]))

        G = nx.Graph()
        for e in edges:
                       weight=np.linalg.norm(np.array(e[1]) - np.array(e[0])))
        print('Graph created')

        # Define starting point on the grid as current location
        grid_start = (-offset[0] + int(curLocal[0]),
                      -offset[1] + int(curLocal[1]))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # grid_goal = (-offset[0] + 64, -offset[1] + 85)
        # grid_goal = (290, 720)
        if self.goal is None:
            grid_goal = None
            while not grid_goal:
                i, j = random.randint(0, grid.shape[0] - 1), random.randint(
                    0, grid.shape[1] - 1)
                if not grid[i, j]: grid_goal = (i, j)
            target_global = global_to_local(
                (self.goal[1], self.goal[0], TARGET_ALTITUDE),
            grid_goal = (-offset[0] + int(target_global[0]),
                         -offset[1] + int(target_global[1]))
        print('Path: {0} -> {1}'.format(grid_start, grid_goal))

        graph_start = closest_point(G, grid_start)
        graph_goal = closest_point(G, grid_goal)
        print('Graph path: {0} -> {1}'.format(
            (graph_start[0] - offset[0], graph_start[1] - offset[1]),
            (graph_goal[0] - offset[0], graph_goal[1] - offset[1])))

        timer = time.time()
        path, cost = a_star_graph(G, graph_start, graph_goal)
        if path is None:
            print('Could not find path')
        print('Found path on graph of {0} waypoints in {1}s'.format(
            time.time() - timer))

        # Add to path exact (non-voronoi) start&goal waypoints
        path = [(int(p[0]), int(p[1])) for p in path]
        path.insert(0, grid_start)
        path.insert(len(path), grid_goal)

        # Prune the path on grid twice
        timer = time.time()
        pruned_path = prune_path(path, grid)
        pruned_path = prune_path(pruned_path, grid)
        print('Pruned path from {0} to {1} waypoints in {2}s'.format(
            len(path), len(pruned_path),
            time.time() - timer))
        path = pruned_path

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + offset[0], p[1] + offset[1], TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0]
                     for p in path]

        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv', newline='') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            row1 = next(reader)

        for item in row1:
            if 'lat0' in item:
                lat0 = np.float(item.strip().split(' ')[1])
            elif 'lon0' in item:
                lon0 = np.float(item.strip().split(' ')[1])

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_position = global_to_local(self.global_position,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start_north = int(np.ceil(local_position[0] + grid_start[0]))
        grid_start_east = int(np.ceil(local_position[1] + grid_start[1]))
        grid_start = (grid_start_north, grid_start_east)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        # Goal
        goal_lon = -122.40199327
        goal_lat = 37.79245808
        goal_global_pos = global_to_local((goal_lon, goal_lat, 0),
        grid_goal_north = int(np.ceil(goal_global_pos[0] + grid_start[0]))
        grid_goal_east = int(np.ceil(goal_global_pos[1] + grid_start[1]))
        grid_goal = (grid_goal_north, grid_goal_east)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        plot_path(grid, pruned_path, north_offset, east_offset, grid_start,

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv', newline='') as f:
            r = csv.reader(f)
            r1 = next(r)

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        lat0 = float((r1[0].strip('lat0')))      
        lon0 = float((r1[1].strip(' lon0')))

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        global_position = (self._longitude,self._latitude,self._altitude)
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_position =  global_to_local(global_position,self.global_home)
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        n_start = int(local_position[0])
        e_start = int(local_position[1])
        grid_start = ((n_start + -north_offset),(e_start + -east_offset))
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        print ("Grid_Start:",grid_start)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and conver

        goal_lon = -122.396640
        goal_lat =  37.796232
        goal_global = [goal_lon ,goal_lat , 0]
        goal_local = global_to_local (goal_global,self.global_home)
        north_goal = int(goal_local[0])
        east_goal = int(goal_local[1])
        grid_goal = ((north_goal+-north_offset)  ,(east_goal+-east_offset))
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        home = np.genfromtxt('colliders.csv',
        home_lat = home[0].split()[1]
        home_long = home[1].split()[1]
        # TODO: set home position to (lat0, lon0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(float(home_long), float(home_lat), 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_local = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(current_local[0]) - north_offset,
                      int(current_local[1]) - east_offset)
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        global_goal = (-122.396504, 37.795887, 0)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        local_goal = global_to_local(global_goal, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(local_goal[0]) - north_offset,
                     int(local_goal[1]) - east_offset)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        print('Found waypoints: {}'.format(waypoints))
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # Done: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        f = open('colliders.csv')
        header = f.readline().strip('\n').split(',')
        long_lat = {}
        for h in header:
            line = h.strip().split(' ')
            long_lat[line[0]] = np.float(line[1])
        print("HOME Position %s", long_lat)
        # DONE: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(long_lat['lon0'], long_lat['lat0'], 0)
        # retrieve current global position
        # DONE: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_north, local_east, _ = global_to_local(self.global_position,
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        print("LOCAL POS %s %s" % (local_north, local_east))
        # DONE: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(local_north - north_offset),
                      int(local_east - east_offset))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # DONE: Adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        local_goal_north, local_goal_east, _ = global_to_local(
            self._global_goal_position, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(local_goal_north - north_offset),
                     int(local_goal_east - east_offset))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # DONE: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)

        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # DONE: prune path to minimize number of waypoints

        path = prune_path(path, grid)
        print("No. of points %s" % len(path))
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        TARGET_ALTITUDE = 20

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # Read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv', newline='') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            row1 = next(reader)

        lat0 = float(row1[0].split()[1])
        lon0 = float(row1[1].split()[1])

        # Set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # Retrieve current global position
        global_pos = self.global_position

        # Convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_pos = global_to_local(global_pos, self.global_home)

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        #grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)

        # Create a voxmap (2.5D map) centered at TARGET_ALTITUDE
        # and with a resolution of:
        VOXMAP_RES = 10
        voxmap, north_offset, east_offset = create_voxmap(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE, VOXMAP_RES)
        # Create a 1m3 resolution voxmap (for local planning)
        self.voxmap, self.north_offset, self.east_offset = create_voxmap(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE, 1)

        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid
        grid_start = (int(local_pos[0]-north_offset), int(local_pos[1]-east_offset), TARGET_ALTITUDE)

        # Define starting point on the voxmap
        voxmap_start = (grid_start[0] // VOXMAP_RES, grid_start[1] // VOXMAP_RES, grid_start[2] // VOXMAP_RES)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid/voxmap
        while True:
            n_goal = random.randint(0, voxmap.shape[0] - 1)
            e_goal = random.randint(0, voxmap.shape[1] - 1)
            alt_goal = random.randint(0, voxmap.shape[2] - 1)
            if voxmap[n_goal, e_goal, alt_goal] == 0:

        # Voxmap goal
        voxmap_goal = (n_goal, e_goal, alt_goal)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Voxmap Start and Goal: ', voxmap_start, voxmap_goal)

        # Grid Search
        #path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # Graph Search
        #path, _ = graph_a_star(G, heuristic, graph_start, graph_goal)
        # 3D A* Search
        path, _ = a_star_3D(voxmap, heuristic, voxmap_start, voxmap_goal)

        # Prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        path = prune_path(path)
        print("Path: ", path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = []
        for i in range(len(path)):
            p = path[i]
            if i:
                last_p = path[i-1]
                # Set heading based on relative position to last wp
                heading = np.arctan2((p[1]-last_p[1]), (p[0]-last_p[0]))
                heading = 0
            # Append waypoint
            waypoints.append([p[0] * VOXMAP_RES + north_offset, p[1] * VOXMAP_RES + east_offset, p[2] * VOXMAP_RES, heading])

        print("Waypoints: ", waypoints)

        # Set self.global_waypoints
        self.global_waypoints = waypoints
        # Send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv', newline='') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            row1 = next(reader)  # gets the first line
            lat0, lon0 = float(row1[0][5:]), float(row1[1][5:])

        # TODO: set home position to (lat0, lon0, 0)
            lon0, lat0, 0)  # set the current location to be the home position

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        current_global_pos = (self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude)

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_local_pos = global_to_local(current_global_pos,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Get the center of the grid
        north_offset = int(np.floor(np.min(data[:, 0] - data[:, 3])))
        east_offset = int(np.floor(np.min(data[:, 1] - data[:, 4])))

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # This is now the routine using Voronoi
        grid_graph, edges = create_grid_and_edges(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("GRAPH EDGES:", len(edges))

        # Create the graph with the weight of the edges
        # set to the Euclidean distance between the points
        G = nx.Graph()
        for e in edges:
            p1 = e[0]
            p2 = e[1]
            dist = LA.norm(np.array(p2) - np.array(p1))
            G.add_edge(p1, p2, weight=dist)

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(current_local_pos[0] - north_offset),
                      int(current_local_pos[1] - east_offset))

        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        goal_global_pos = (-122.393010, 37.790000, 0)
        goal_local_pos = global_to_local(goal_global_pos, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(goal_local_pos[0] - north_offset),
                     int(goal_local_pos[1] - east_offset))

        #goal_ne = (840., 100.)
        start_ne_g = closest_point(G, grid_start)
        goal_ne_g = closest_point(G, grid_goal)
        print("START NE GOAL:", start_ne_g)
        print("GOAL NE GOAL", goal_ne_g)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)

        path, cost = a_star_graph(G, heuristic_graph, start_ne_g, goal_ne_g)
        print("Path Length:", len(path), "Path Cost:", cost)

        int_path = [[int(p[0]), int(p[1])] for p in path]

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(int_path)
        print("Length Pruned Path:", len(pruned_path))

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]

        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim
    def plan_local_path(self):
        "Plans a local path inside a local volume around the current location"

        # Define current position in the (global) voxmap
        if len(self.local_waypoints):
            last_wp = self.local_waypoints[-1]
            current_voxmap = (int(last_wp[0]-self.north_offset),
            current_voxmap = (int(self.local_position[0]-self.north_offset),

        # Define size of local map (40m x 40m x 10 m)
        d_north = 20
        d_east = 20
        d_alt = 5

        vox_shape = self.voxmap.shape

        north_min = int(np.clip(current_voxmap[0] - d_north, 0, vox_shape[0]))
        north_max = int(np.clip(current_voxmap[0] + d_north, 0, vox_shape[0]))

        east_min = int(np.clip(current_voxmap[1] - d_east, 0, vox_shape[1]))
        east_max = int(np.clip(current_voxmap[1] + d_east, 0, vox_shape[1]))

        alt_min = int(np.clip(current_voxmap[2] - d_alt, 0, vox_shape[2]))
        alt_max = int(np.clip(current_voxmap[2] + d_alt, 0, vox_shape[2]))

        local_voxmap = self.voxmap[north_min:north_max, east_min:east_max, alt_min:alt_max]

        # Define next global wp
        next_wp = self.global_waypoints[0]

        # Define start in the center of voxmap
        local_start = (d_north, d_east, d_alt)

        # Define goal to a node in the direction of the next waypoint
        local_goal = (np.clip(next_wp[0]-self.north_offset-north_min, 0, 2*d_north-1),
                      np.clip(next_wp[1]-self.east_offset-east_min, 0, 2*d_east-1),
                      np.clip(next_wp[2]-alt_min, 0, 2*d_alt-1))

        # 3D A* Search
        path, _ = a_star_3D(local_voxmap, heuristic, local_start, local_goal)

        if (len(path) == 0):
            # Go to the next waypoint if failed to find a path
            del self.global_waypoints[0]
            if len(self.global_waypoints):

        # Prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        path = prune_path(path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        for i in range(1, len(path)):
            p = path[i]
            # Append waypoint to local waypoints
            self.local_waypoints.append([p[0] + self.north_offset + north_min,
                                         p[1] + self.east_offset + east_min,
                                         p[2] + alt_min, next_wp[3]])

            # Delete next global wp if already reached
            if np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.local_waypoints[-1]) - np.array(self.global_waypoints[0])) < 1.0:
                del self.global_waypoints[0]

        print("Waypoints: ", self.local_waypoints)
Beispiel #29
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            row1 = f.readline().strip().replace(',','').split(' ')
        home = {row1[0]: float(row1[1]), row1[2]: float(row1[3])}

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(home['lon0'],  home['lat0'],  0.0)

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_north, local_east, local_down = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)

        if self.planning_option == 'GRID':
            print('creating grid...')
            # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
            grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
            print('creating graph...')
            grid, edges, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid_and_edges(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(local_north-north_offset), int(local_east-east_offset))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        goal_global = [-122.40196856, 37.79673623, 0.0]
        goal_north, goal_east, goal_down = global_to_local(goal_global, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(goal_north-north_offset), int(goal_east-east_offset))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        if self.planning_option == 'GRID':
            # Call A* based on grid search
            path, _ = a_star_grid(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
            # creating a graph first
            G = nx.Graph()
            for e in edges:
                p1 = e[0]
                p2 = e[1]
                dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(p2) - np.array(p1))
                G.add_edge(p1, p2, weight=dist)
            # find nearest from the graph nodes
            start_ne_g = closest_point(G, grid_start)
            goal_ne_g = closest_point(G, grid_goal)
            # Call A* based on graph search
            path, _ = a_star_graph(G, heuristic, start_ne_g, goal_ne_g)
            # Append the actual start and goal states to path
            path = [grid_start] + path + [grid_goal]

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)

        # Convert path to waypoints(use integer for waypoints)
        waypoints = [[int(p[0] + north_offset), int(p[1] + east_offset), TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]

        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints

        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        TARGET_ALTITUDE = 10

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # DONE: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            first_line = f.readline().split(',')
        lat0 = float(first_line[0].strip().split(' ')[1])
        lon0 = float(first_line[1].strip().split(' ')[1])
        alt0 = 0.
        print('start pos: ({}, {}, {})'.format(lon0, lat0, alt0))
        # DONE: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, alt0)

        # DONE: retrieve current global position
        print('global_position: {}'.format(self.global_position))

        # DONE: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        n_loc, e_loc, d_loc = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)
        print('n_loc: {}, e_loc: {}, d_loc: {}'.format(n_loc, e_loc, d_loc))

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, edges, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid_and_edges(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print('grid = {}'.format(grid))
        # print("edges = {}".format(edges))
        print('north_offset: {}, east_offset: {}'.format(north_offset, east_offset))

        # create the graph with the weight of the edges set to the Euclidean distance between the points
        G = nx.Graph()
        for e in edges:
            p1 = e[0]
            p2 = e[1]
            dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(p2) - np.array(p1))
            G.add_edge(p1, p2, weight=dist)

        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # DONE: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        #grid_start = [local_pos[0], local_pos[1]]
        grid_start = (int(np.ceil(n_loc - north_offset)), int(np.ceil(e_loc - east_offset)))
        graph_start = closest_point(G, grid_start)
        print('grid_start: {}, graph_start: {}'.format(grid_start, graph_start))

        # # redefine home so that the drone does not spawn inside a building
        # lat1, lon1, alt1 = local_to_global((grid_start[0], grid_start[1], 0.), self.global_home)
        # self.set_home_position(lon1, lat1, alt1)
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # DONE: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        super_duper_burgers = (-122.39400878361174, 37.792827005959616, 0.)
        grid_goal_global = super_duper_burgers 
        print('grid_goal_global: {}'.format(grid_goal_global))
        grid_goal_local = global_to_local(grid_goal_global , self.global_home)
        print('grid_goal_local: {}'.format(grid_goal_local))
        graph_goal = closest_point(G, (grid_goal_local[0], grid_goal_local[1]))
        print('graph_goal: {}'.format(graph_goal))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # DONE: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        path, cost = a_star(G, heuristic, graph_start, graph_goal)
        self.plot(grid, edges, path, grid_start, graph_start, grid_goal_local, graph_goal, 'full_path.png')

        # DONE: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        self.plot(grid, edges, pruned_path, grid_start, graph_start, grid_goal_local, graph_goal, 'pruned_path.png')

        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[int(p[0] + north_offset), int(p[1] + east_offset), TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
        print('waypoints: {}'.format(waypoints))
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # DONE: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)