def main():
  # Get options
  args = options()
  # Read image (converting fmax and track to 8 bit just to create a mask, use 16-bit for all the math)
  mask, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.fmax)
  #mask = cv2.imread(args.fmax)
  track = cv2.imread(args.track)
  mask1, mask2, mask3= cv2.split(mask)
  # Pipeline step
  device = 0
  # Mask pesky track autofluor
  device, track1= pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(track, 'v', device, args.debug)
  device, track_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(track1, 0, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, track_inv=pcv.invert(track_thresh, device, args.debug)
  device, track_masked = pcv.apply_mask(mask1, track_inv, 'black', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the Saturation image
  device, fmax_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(track_masked, 20, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Median Filter
  device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(fmax_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
  device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(fmax_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 5, device, args.debug)
  device, sfill_cnt = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 5, device, args.debug)
  # Identify objects
  device, id_objects,obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(mask, sfill_cnt, device, args.debug)
  # Define ROI
  device, roi1, roi_hierarchy= pcv.define_roi(mask,'circle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,True, 0,0,-100,-100)
  # Decide which objects to keep
  device,roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(mask,'partial',roi1,roi_hierarchy,id_objects,obj_hierarchy,device, args.debug)
  # Object combine kept objects
  device, obj, masked = pcv.object_composition(mask, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)
################ Analysis ################  
  # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
  device, shape_header,shape_data,shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(mask, args.fmax, obj, masked, device,args.debug, args.outdir+'/'+filename)
  # Fluorescence Measurement (read in 16-bit images)
  fdark=cv2.imread(args.fdark, -1)
  fmin=cv2.imread(args.fmin, -1)
  fmax=cv2.imread(args.fmax, -1)
  device, fvfm_header, fvfm_data=pcv.fluor_fvfm(fdark,fmin,fmax,kept_mask, device, args.outdir+'/'+filename, 1000, args.debug)

  # Output shape and color data
  pcv.print_results(args.fmax, shape_header, shape_data)
  pcv.print_results(args.fmax, fvfm_header, fvfm_data)
def main():
  # Get options
  args = options()
  # Read image
  img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
  brass_mask = cv2.imread(args.roi)
  # Pipeline step
  device = 0

  # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
  device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the Saturation image
  device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 49, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
   #Median Filter
  device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
   #Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, s_mblur, 'white', device, args.debug)
#   Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta 
  device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
#   Threshold the green-magenta 
  device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 133, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, soila_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 133, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)

#   Fill small objects
  device, soil_fill = pcv.fill(soila_thresh, soila_cnt, 200, device, args.debug)
#   Median Filter
  device, soil_mblur = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 13, device, args.debug)
  device, soil_cnt = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 13, device, args.debug)
#   Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_mblur, soil_cnt, 'white', device, args.debug)
#   Identify objects
  device, id_objects,obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, soil_cnt, device, args.debug)
#   Define ROI
  device, roi1, roi_hierarchy= pcv.define_roi(img,'rectangle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,True, 400,400,-400,-400)
#   Decide which objects to keep
  device,roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img,'partial',roi1,roi_hierarchy,id_objects,obj_hierarchy,device, args.debug)
#   Object combine kept objects
  device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)
############## Analysis ################  
  # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
  device, shape_header,shape_data,shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, args.image, obj, mask, device,args.debug,args.outdir+'/'+filename)
  # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
  device, color_header,color_data,norm_slice= pcv.analyze_color(img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug,'all','rgb','v','img',300,args.outdir+'/'+filename)
  # Output shape and color data
  pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
  pcv.print_results(args.image, color_header, color_data)
Beispiel #3
def main():
  # Get options
  args = options()
  # Read image
  img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
  brass_mask = cv2.imread(args.roi)
  # Pipeline step
  device = 0

  # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
  device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the Saturation image
  device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 49, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Median Filter
  device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
  device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
  device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the blue image
  device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 100, device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
  device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, args.debug)
  # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs,'white', device, args.debug)
  # Mask pesky brass piece
  device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, 'v', device, args.debug)
  device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, brass_inv=pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, args.debug)
  device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Further mask soil and car
  device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, soil_car = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
  device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
  device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 118, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 155, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)

  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
  device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, args.debug)

  # Fill small objects
  device, soil_fill = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 75, device, args.debug)

  # Median Filter
  device, soil_mblur = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)
  device, soil_cnt = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)
  # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Identify objects
  device, id_objects,obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, soil_cnt, device, args.debug)

  # Define ROI
  device, roi1, roi_hierarchy= pcv.define_roi(img,'circle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,True, 0,0,-50,-50)
  # Decide which objects to keep
  device,roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img,'partial',roi1,roi_hierarchy,id_objects,obj_hierarchy,device, args.debug)
  # Object combine kept objects
  device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)
############## Analysis ################  
  # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
  device, shape_header,shape_data,shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, args.image, obj, mask, device,args.debug,args.outdir+'/'+filename)
  # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
  device, color_header,color_data,color_img= pcv.analyze_color(img, args.image, kept_mask, 256, device, args.debug,'all','v','img',300,args.outdir+'/'+filename)
  # Output shape and color data
  pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
  pcv.print_results(args.image, color_header, color_data)
def process_tv_images_core(vis_id, vis_img, nir_id, nir_rgb, nir_cv2, brass_mask, traits, debug=None):
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(vis_img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 75, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(vis_img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 100, device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(vis_img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, 'v', device, debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, debug)
    device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, 'white', device, debug)

    # Further mask soil and car
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, soil_car1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, soil_car2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, soil_car = pcv.logical_or(soil_car1, soil_car2, device, debug)
    device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 124, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 148, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 300, device, debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, 'white', device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, soil_cnt, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(vis_img, 'rectangle', device, None, 'default', debug, True, 600, 450, -600,

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(vis_img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy,
                                                                           id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(vis_img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, debug)

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(vis_img, vis_id, obj, mask, device, debug)

    # Determine color properties
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(vis_img, vis_id, mask, 256, device, debug, None,
                                                                    'v', 'img', 300)

    # Output shape and color data
    vis_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(shape_header)):
        vis_traits[shape_header[i]] = shape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(color_header)):
        vis_traits[color_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(color_data[i])

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "horizontal", device, debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.116148, 0.116148, device, debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir_rgb, nmask, device, 15, 5, "top", "right", debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir_rgb, newmask, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir_rgb, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################

    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(nir_cv2, nir_id, nir_combinedmask, 256,
                                                                           device, False, debug)
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(nir_cv2, nir_id, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask,
                                                                       device, debug)

    nir_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(nshape_header)):
        nir_traits[nshape_header[i]] = nshape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(nhist_header)):
        nir_traits[nhist_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(nhist_data[i])

    # Add data to traits table
    traits['tv_area'] = vis_traits['area']

    return [vis_traits, nir_traits]
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    #roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device,

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    #device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device,

    # Fill small objects
    #device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark',
                                                  device, args.debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light',
                                                  device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,

    # Fill small objects
    device, ab_fill = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, args.debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_fill, 'white', device,

    # Select area with black bars and find overlapping plant material
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy1 = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device,
                                                  None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                  True, 0, 0, -1900, 0)
    device, id_objects1, obj_hierarchy1 = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)
    device, roi_objects1, hierarchy1, kept_mask1, obj_area1 = pcv.roi_objects(
        masked2, 'cutto', roi1, roi_hierarchy1, id_objects1, obj_hierarchy1,
        device, args.debug)
    device, masked3 = pcv.apply_mask(masked2, kept_mask1, 'white', device,
    device, masked_a1 = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked3, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, masked_b1 = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked3, 'b', device, args.debug)
    device, maskeda_thresh1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a1, 122, 255, 'dark',
                                                   device, args.debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b1, 170, 255,
                                                   'light', device, args.debug)
    device, ab1 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh1, maskedb_thresh1, device,
    device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh1, maskedb_thresh1, device,
    device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab1, ab_cnt1, 300, device, args.debug)

    device, roi2, roi_hierarchy2 = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device,
                                                  None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                  True, 1900, 0, 0, 0)
    device, id_objects2, obj_hierarchy2 = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)
    device, roi_objects2, hierarchy2, kept_mask2, obj_area2 = pcv.roi_objects(
        masked2, 'cutto', roi2, roi_hierarchy2, id_objects2, obj_hierarchy2,
        device, args.debug)
    device, masked4 = pcv.apply_mask(masked2, kept_mask2, 'white', device,
    device, masked_a2 = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked4, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, masked_b2 = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked4, 'b', device, args.debug)
    device, maskeda_thresh2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a2, 122, 255, 'dark',
                                                   device, args.debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b2, 170, 255,
                                                   'light', device, args.debug)
    device, ab2 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh2, maskedb_thresh2, device,
    device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh2, maskedb_thresh2, device,
    device, ab_fill2 = pcv.fill(ab2, ab_cnt2, 200, device, args.debug)

    device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.logical_or(ab_fill1, ab_fill2, device, args.debug)
    device, masked3 = pcv.apply_mask(masked2, ab_cnt3, 'white', device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects3, obj_hierarchy3 = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi3, roi_hierarchy3 = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device,
                                                  None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                  True, 525, 0, -500, -900)

    # Decide which objects to keep and combine with objects overlapping with black bars
    device, roi_objects3, hierarchy3, kept_mask3, obj_area1 = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'cutto', roi3, roi_hierarchy3, id_objects3, obj_hierarchy3,
        device, args.debug)
    device, kept_mask4_1 = pcv.logical_or(ab_cnt3, kept_mask3, device,
    device, kept_cnt = pcv.logical_or(ab_cnt3, kept_mask3, device, args.debug)
    device, kept_mask4 = pcv.fill(kept_mask4_1, kept_cnt, 200, device,
    device, masked5 = pcv.apply_mask(masked2, kept_mask4, 'white', device,
    device, id_objects4, obj_hierarchy4 = pcv.find_objects(
        masked5, kept_mask4, device, args.debug)
    device, roi4, roi_hierarchy4 = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device,
                                                  None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                  False, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    device, roi_objects4, hierarchy4, kept_mask4, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi4, roi_hierarchy4, id_objects4, obj_hierarchy4,
        device, args.debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects4, hierarchy4,
                                               device, args.debug)

    ############## Analysis ################

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug,
        args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, 950, device, args.debug,
        args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, norm_slice = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, kept_mask4, 256, device, args.debug, 'all', 'rgb',
        'v', 'img', 300, args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Output shape and color data
    pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, color_header, color_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, boundary_header, boundary_data)
def main():

    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    device = 0
    img = cv2.imread(args.image, flags=0)
    path, img_name = os.path.split(args.image)
    # Read in image which is average of average of backgrounds
    img_bkgrd = cv2.imread(

    # NIR images for burnin2 are up-side down. This may be fixed in later experiments
    img = ndimage.rotate(img, 0)
    img_bkgrd = ndimage.rotate(img_bkgrd, 0)

    # Subtract the image from the image background to make the plant more prominent
    device, bkg_sub_img = pcv.image_subtract(img, img_bkgrd, device,
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(bkg_sub_img, 'bkg_sub_img')
    device, bkg_sub_thres_img = pcv.binary_threshold(bkg_sub_img, 150, 255,
                                                     'dark', device,
    bkg_sub_thres_img = cv2.inRange(bkg_sub_img, 50, 190)
    if args.debug:
        cv2.imwrite('bkgrd_sub_thres.png', bkg_sub_thres_img)

    #device, bkg_sub_thres_img = pcv.binary_threshold_2_sided(img_bkgrd, 50, 190, device, args.debug)

    # if a region of interest is specified read it in
    roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Start by examining the distribution of pixel intensity values
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(img, 'hist_img')

    # Will intensity transformation enhance your ability to isolate object of interest by thesholding?
    device, he_img = pcv.HistEqualization(img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(he_img, 'hist_img_he')

    # Laplace filtering (identify edges based on 2nd derivative)
    device, lp_img = pcv.laplace_filter(img, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(lp_img, 'hist_lp')

    # Lapacian image sharpening, this step will enhance the darkness of the edges detected
    device, lp_shrp_img = pcv.image_subtract(img, lp_img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(lp_shrp_img, 'hist_lp_shrp')

    # Sobel filtering
    # 1st derivative sobel filtering along horizontal axis, kernel = 1, unscaled)
    device, sbx_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 1, 0, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sbx_img, 'hist_sbx')

    # 1st derivative sobel filtering along vertical axis, kernel = 1, unscaled)
    device, sby_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 0, 1, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sby_img, 'hist_sby')

    # Combine the effects of both x and y filters through matrix addition
    # This will capture edges identified within each plane and emphesize edges found in both images
    device, sb_img = pcv.image_add(sbx_img, sby_img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sb_img, 'hist_sb_comb_img')

    # Use a lowpass (blurring) filter to smooth sobel image
    device, mblur_img = pcv.median_blur(sb_img, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, mblur_invert_img = pcv.invert(mblur_img, device, args.debug)

    # combine the smoothed sobel image with the laplacian sharpened image
    # combines the best features of both methods as described in "Digital Image Processing" by Gonzalez and Woods pg. 169
    device, edge_shrp_img = pcv.image_add(mblur_invert_img, lp_shrp_img,
                                          device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(edge_shrp_img, 'hist_edge_shrp_img')

    # Perform thresholding to generate a binary image
    device, tr_es_img = pcv.binary_threshold(edge_shrp_img, 150, 255, 'dark',
                                             device, args.debug)

    # Prepare a few small kernels for morphological filtering
    kern = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    kern1 = np.copy(kern)
    kern1[1, 1:3] = 1
    kern2 = np.copy(kern)
    kern2[1, 0:2] = 1
    kern3 = np.copy(kern)
    kern3[0:2, 1] = 1
    kern4 = np.copy(kern)
    kern4[1:3, 1] = 1

    # Prepare a larger kernel for dilation
    kern[1, 0:3] = 1
    kern[0:3, 1] = 1

    # Perform erosion with 4 small kernels
    device, e1_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern1, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e2_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern2, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e3_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern3, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e4_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern4, 1, device, args.debug)

    # Combine eroded images
    device, c12_img = pcv.logical_or(e1_img, e2_img, device, args.debug)
    device, c123_img = pcv.logical_or(c12_img, e3_img, device, args.debug)
    device, c1234_img = pcv.logical_or(c123_img, e4_img, device, args.debug)

    # Perform dilation
    # device, dil_img = pcv.dilate(c1234_img, kern, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, comb_img = pcv.logical_or(c1234_img, bkg_sub_thres_img, device,

    # Get masked image
    # The dilated image may contain some pixels which are not plant
    device, masked_erd = pcv.apply_mask(img, comb_img, 'black', device,
    # device, masked_erd_dil = pcv.apply_mask(img, dil_img, 'black', device, args.debug)

    # Need to remove the edges of the image, we did that by generating a set of rectangles to mask the edges
    # img is (254 X 320)

    # mask for the bottom of the image
    device, box1_img, rect_contour1, hierarchy1 = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (75, 212), (250, 252), device, args.debug)
    # mask for the left side of the image
    device, box2_img, rect_contour2, hierarchy2 = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (1, 1), (75, 252), device, args.debug)
    # mask for the right side of the image
    device, box3_img, rect_contour3, hierarchy3 = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (245, 1), (318, 252), device, args.debug)
    # mask the edges
    device, box4_img, rect_contour4, hierarchy4 = pcv.border_mask(
        img, (1, 1), (318, 252), device, args.debug)

    # combine boxes to filter the edges and car out of the photo
    device, bx12_img = pcv.logical_or(box1_img, box2_img, device, args.debug)
    device, bx123_img = pcv.logical_or(bx12_img, box3_img, device, args.debug)
    device, bx1234_img = pcv.logical_or(bx123_img, box4_img, device,
    device, inv_bx1234_img = pcv.invert(bx1234_img, device, args.debug)

    # Make a ROI around the plant, include connected objects
    # Apply the box mask to the image
    # device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(masked_erd_dil, inv_bx1234_img, 'black', device, args.debug)

    device, edge_masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(masked_erd, inv_bx1234_img,
                                             'black', device, args.debug)

    device, roi_img, roi_contour, roi_hierarchy = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (50, 50), (280, 215), device, args.debug)

    plant_objects, plant_hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edge_masked_img,
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy5, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi_contour, roi_hierarchy, plant_objects,
        plant_hierarchy, device, args.debug)

    # Apply the box mask to the image
    device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(kept_mask, inv_bx1234_img, 'black',
                                        device, args.debug)
    rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    # Generate a binary to send to the analysis function
    device, mask = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_img, 1, 255, 'light', device,
    mask3d = np.copy(mask)
    plant_objects_2, plant_hierarchy_2 = cv2.findContours(
        mask3d, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    device, o, m = pcv.object_composition(rgb, roi_objects, hierarchy5, device,

    ### Analysis ###
    device, hist_header, hist_data, h_norm = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug,
        args.outdir + '/' + img_name)

    device, shape_header, shape_data, ori_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        rgb, args.image, o, m, device, args.debug,
        args.outdir + '/' + img_name)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, hist_header, hist_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
def process_tv_images(session, url, vis_id, nir_id, traits, debug=False):
    """Process top-view images.

    session = requests session object
    url     = Clowder URL
    vis_id  = The Clowder ID of an RGB image
    nir_img = The Clowder ID of an NIR grayscale image
    traits  = traits table (dictionary)
    debug   = None, print, or plot. Print = save to file, Plot = print to screen.

    :param session: requests session object
    :param url: str
    :param vis_id: str
    :param nir_id: str
    :param traits: dict
    :param debug: str
    :return traits: dict
    # Read VIS image from Clowder
    vis_r = session.get(posixpath.join(url, "api/files", vis_id), stream=True)
    img_array = np.asarray(bytearray(vis_r.content), dtype="uint8")
    img = cv2.imdecode(img_array, -1)

    # Read the VIS top-view image mask for zoom = 1 from Clowder
    mask_r = session.get(posixpath.join(url, "api/files/57451b28e4b0efbe2dc3d4d5"), stream=True)
    mask_array = np.asarray(bytearray(mask_r.content), dtype="uint8")
    brass_mask = cv2.imdecode(mask_array, -1)

    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 75, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 100, device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, 'v', device, debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, debug)
    device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, 'white', device, debug)

    # Further mask soil and car
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, soil_car1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, soil_car2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, soil_car = pcv.logical_or(soil_car1, soil_car2, device, debug)
    device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 124, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 148, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 300, device, debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, 'white', device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, soil_cnt, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(img, 'rectangle', device, None, 'default', debug, True, 600, 450, -600,

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy,
                                                                           id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, debug)

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, vis_id, obj, mask, device, debug)

    # Determine color properties
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(img, vis_id, mask, 256, device, debug, None,
                                                                    'v', 'img', 300)

    # Output shape and color data
    vis_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(shape_header)):
        vis_traits[shape_header[i]] = shape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(color_header)):
        vis_traits[color_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(color_data[i])
    add_plantcv_metadata(session, url, vis_id, vis_traits)

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Read NIR image from Clowder
    nir_r = session.get(posixpath.join(url, "api/files", nir_id), stream=True)
    nir_array = np.asarray(bytearray(nir_r.content), dtype="uint8")
    nir = cv2.imdecode(nir_array, -1)
    nir_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(nir, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "horizontal", device, debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.116148, 0.116148, device, debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir_rgb, nmask, device, 15, 5, "top", "right", debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir_rgb, newmask, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir_rgb, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################

    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(nir, nir_id, nir_combinedmask, 256,
                                                                           device, False, debug)
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(nir, nir_id, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask,
                                                                       device, debug)

    nir_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(nshape_header)):
        nir_traits[nshape_header[i]] = nshape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(nhist_header)):
        nir_traits[nhist_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(nhist_data[i])
    add_plantcv_metadata(session, url, nir_id, nir_traits)

    # Add data to traits table
    traits['tv_area'] = vis_traits['area']

    return traits
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    brass_mask = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, "s", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 49, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, "b", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, "v", device, args.debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Further mask soil and car
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, "a", device, args.debug)
    device, soil_car1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)
    device, soil_car2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    device, soil_car = pcv.logical_or(soil_car1, soil_car2, device, args.debug)
    device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, "a", device, args.debug)
    device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, "b", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 124, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)
    device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 148, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 250, device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    # device, soil_mblur = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)
    # device, soil_cnt = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, soil_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(
        img, "rectangle", device, None, "default", args.debug, True, 600, 450, -600, -350

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, "partial", roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device, args.debug

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)
    ############## VIS Analysis ################

    outfile = False
    if args.writeimg == True:
        outfile = args.outdir + "/" + filename

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug, outfile

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, "v", "img", 300, outfile

    # Output shape and color data

    result = open(args.result, "a")
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, shape_header)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, shape_data)))
    for row in shape_img:
        result.write("\t".join(map(str, row)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, color_header)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, color_data)))
    for row in color_img:
        result.write("\t".join(map(str, row)))
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    brass_mask = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 49, 255, 'light', device,

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device,

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, 'v', device, args.debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, 'light',
                                                device, args.debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, 'white', device,

    # Further mask soil and car
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, soil_car = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'dark', device,
    device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, 'white',
                                         device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 118, 255, 'dark',
                                                device, args.debug)
    device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 150, 255, 'light',
                                                device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device,
    device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device,

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 75, device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    #device, soil_mblur = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)
    #device, soil_cnt = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, 'white', device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, soil_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(img, 'circle', device, None,
                                                 'default', args.debug, True,
                                                 0, 0, -200, -200)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                               device, args.debug)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################

    outfile = False
    if args.writeimg == True:
        outfile = args.outdir + "/" + filename

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug, outfile)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, 'v', 'img', 300,

    # Output shape and color data

    result = open(args.result, "a")
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_data)))
    for row in shape_img:
        result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_data)))
    for row in color_img:
        result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Find matching NIR image
    device, nirpath = pcv.get_nir(path, filename, device, args.debug)
    nir, path1, filename1 = pcv.readimage(nirpath)
    nir2 = cv2.imread(nirpath, -1)

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "horizontal", device, args.debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.1304, 0.1304, device, args.debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir, nmask, device, 9, 12, "top",
                                             "left", args.debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        nir, newmask, device, args.debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(
        nir, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, args.debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################
    outfile1 = False
    if args.writeimg == True:
        outfile1 = args.outdir + "/" + filename1

    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(
        nir2, filename1, nir_combinedmask, 256, device, False, args.debug,
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(
        nir2, filename1, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask, device, args.debug,

    coresult = open(args.coresult, "a")
    coresult.write('\t'.join(map(str, nhist_header)))
    coresult.write('\t'.join(map(str, nhist_data)))
    for row in nir_imgs:
        coresult.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))

    coresult.write('\t'.join(map(str, nshape_header)))
    coresult.write('\t'.join(map(str, nshape_data)))
    coresult.write('\t'.join(map(str, nir_shape)))
Beispiel #10
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    #roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device,

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    #device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device,

    # Fill small objects
    #device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark',
                                                  device, args.debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light',
                                                  device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,

    # Fill small noise
    device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 2, device, args.debug)

    # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
    device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)
    device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)

    # Fill dilated image mask
    device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.fill(ab_cnt2, ab_cnt1, 150, device, args.debug)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_cnt3, 'white', device,

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, 'dark',
                                                   device, args.debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255,
                                                   'light', device, args.debug)
    device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh, masked2b_thresh, device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device,
                                                 None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                 True, 550, 0, -600, -925)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                               device, args.debug)

    ############### Analysis ################

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug,
        args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, 900, device, args.debug,
        args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, kept_mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, 'v', 'img',
        300, args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Output shape and color data
    pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, color_header, color_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, boundary_header, boundary_data)
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()
    if args.debug:
      print("Analyzing your image dude...")
    # Read image
    img = cv2.imread(args.image, flags=0)
    # if a region of interest is specified read it in
    roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)
    # Pipeline step
    device = 0
    # Start by examining the distribution of pixel intensity values
    if args.debug:
      pcv.plot_hist(img, 'hist_img')
    # Will intensity transformation enhance your ability to isolate object of interest by thesholding?
    device, he_img = pcv.HistEqualization(img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
      pcv.plot_hist(he_img, 'hist_img_he')
    # Laplace filtering (identify edges based on 2nd derivative)
    device, lp_img = pcv.laplace_filter(img, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
      pcv.plot_hist(lp_img, 'hist_lp')
    # Lapacian image sharpening, this step will enhance the darkness of the edges detected
    device, lp_shrp_img = pcv.image_subtract(img, lp_img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
      pcv.plot_hist(lp_shrp_img, 'hist_lp_shrp')
    # Sobel filtering  
    # 1st derivative sobel filtering along horizontal axis, kernel = 1, unscaled)
    device, sbx_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 1, 0, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
      pcv.plot_hist(sbx_img, 'hist_sbx')
    # 1st derivative sobel filtering along vertical axis, kernel = 1, unscaled)
    device, sby_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 0, 1, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
      pcv.plot_hist(sby_img, 'hist_sby')
    # Combine the effects of both x and y filters through matrix addition
    # This will capture edges identified within each plane and emphesize edges found in both images
    device, sb_img = pcv.image_add(sbx_img, sby_img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
      pcv.plot_hist(sb_img, 'hist_sb_comb_img')
    # Use a lowpass (blurring) filter to smooth sobel image
    device, mblur_img = pcv.median_blur(sb_img, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, mblur_invert_img = pcv.invert(mblur_img, device, args.debug)
    # combine the smoothed sobel image with the laplacian sharpened image
    # combines the best features of both methods as described in "Digital Image Processing" by Gonzalez and Woods pg. 169 
    device, edge_shrp_img = pcv.image_add(mblur_invert_img, lp_shrp_img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
      pcv.plot_hist(edge_shrp_img, 'hist_edge_shrp_img')
    # Perform thresholding to generate a binary image
    device, tr_es_img = pcv.binary_threshold(edge_shrp_img, 145, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
    # Prepare a few small kernels for morphological filtering
    kern = np.zeros((3,3), dtype=np.uint8)
    kern1 = np.copy(kern)
    kern2 = np.copy(kern)
    kern3 = np.copy(kern)
    kern4 = np.copy(kern)
    # Prepare a larger kernel for dilation
    # Perform erosion with 4 small kernels
    device, e1_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern1, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e2_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern2, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e3_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern3, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e4_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern4, 1, device, args.debug)
    # Combine eroded images
    device, c12_img = pcv.logical_or(e1_img, e2_img, device, args.debug)
    device, c123_img = pcv.logical_or(c12_img, e3_img, device, args.debug)
    device, c1234_img = pcv.logical_or(c123_img, e4_img, device, args.debug)
    # Perform dilation
    device, dil_img = pcv.dilate(c1234_img, kern, 1, device, args.debug)
    # Get masked image
    # The dilated image may contain some pixels which are not plant
    device, masked_erd = pcv.apply_mask(img, c1234_img, 'black', device, args.debug)
    device, masked_erd_dil = pcv.apply_mask(img, dil_img, 'black', device, args.debug)
    # Need to remove the edges of the image, we did that by generating a set of rectangles to mask the edges
    # img is (254 X 320)
    device, box1_img, rect_contour1, hierarchy1 = pcv.rectangle_mask(img, (1,1), (64,252), device, args.debug)
    device, box2_img, rect_contour2, hierarchy2 = pcv.rectangle_mask(img, (256,1), (318,252), device, args.debug)
    device, box3_img, rect_contour3, hierarchy3 = pcv.rectangle_mask(img, (1,184), (318,252), device, args.debug)
    device, box4_img, rect_contour4, hierarchy4 = pcv.border_mask(img, (1,1), (318,252), device, args.debug)
    # combine boxes to filter the edges and car out of the photo
    device, bx12_img = pcv.logical_or(box1_img, box2_img, device, args.debug)
    device, bx123_img = pcv.logical_or(bx12_img, box3_img, device, args.debug)
    device, bx1234_img = pcv.logical_or(bx123_img, box4_img, device, args.debug)
    device, inv_bx1234_img = pcv.invert(bx1234_img, device, args.debug)
    # Apply the box mask to the image
    device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(masked_erd_dil, inv_bx1234_img, 'black', device, args.debug)
    # Generate a binary to send to the analysis function
    device, mask = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_img, 1, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
    pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, 'example')
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    # roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    device = 0

    device, mask = pcv.naive_bayes_classifier(img, "naive_bayes.pdf.txt",
                                              device, args.debug)

    mask1 = np.uint8(mask)

    mask_copy = np.copy(mask1)

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_fill = pcv.fill(mask1, mask_copy, 200, device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, soil_mblur = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(img, soil_cnt, 'white', device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, soil_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(img, 'rectangle', device,
                                                 None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                 True, 0, 0, 0, -900)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                               device, args.debug)

    # ############# Analysis ################
    # output mask
    device, maskpath, mask_images = pcv.output_mask(device, img, mask,
                                                    filename, args.outdir,
                                                    True, args.debug)

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, 830, device)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images,
    # output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, 'v', 'img', 300)

    result = open(args.result, "a")
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_data)))
    for row in mask_images:
        result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_data)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_data)))
Beispiel #13
def test_plantcv_apply_mask():
    img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(TEST_DATA, TEST_INPUT_COLOR))
    mask = cv2.imread(os.path.join(TEST_DATA, TEST_INPUT_BINARY), -1)
    device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(img=img, mask=mask, mask_color="white", device=0, debug=None)
    assert all([i == j] for i, j in zip(np.shape(masked_img), TEST_COLOR_DIM))
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()
    path_mask = '/home/mfeldman/tester/mask/mask_brass_tv_z3000_L2.png'

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    brass_mask = cv2.imread(path_mask)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, 'v', device, args.debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, 'light',
                                                device, args.debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, masked_image = pcv.apply_mask(img, brass_inv, 'white', device,

    # Looks like we can detect very bright soil particles with the h channel
    device, h = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(masked_image, 'h', device, args.debug)
    h_soil = cv2.inRange(h, 100, 255)

    # Make an image mask to cover these points
    h_soil_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(h_soil)

    # We can remove the outer ring of the pot using the s channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(masked_image, 's', device, args.debug)
    s_ring = cv2.inRange(s, 0, 40)
    s_ring_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(s_ring)

    # We can do a pretty good job of identifying the plant from the a channel
    device, a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked_image, 'a', device, args.debug)
    a_thresh = cv2.inRange(a, 100, 117)

    # Lets blur the result a bit to get rid of unwanted noise
    blur = cv2.medianBlur(a_thresh, 5)

    # Get cart to remove from b channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked_image, 'b', device, args.debug)
    b_cart = cv2.inRange(b, 0, 110)
    b_cart_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(b_cart)

    # Now lets set of a series of filters to remove unwanted background
    filter1 = cv2.bitwise_and(blur, b_cart_inv)
    filter2 = cv2.bitwise_and(filter1, h_soil_inv)
    plant_shape = cv2.bitwise_and(filter2, s_ring_inv)

    # Now remove all remaining small points using erosion with a 3 x 3 kernel
    kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    erosion = cv2.erode(plant_shape, kernel, iterations=1)

    # Now dilate to fill in small holes
    kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    dilation = cv2.dilate(erosion, kernel, iterations=1)

    # Apply mask to the background image
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, plant_shape, 'white', device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        img, erosion, device, args.debug)

    # Get ROI contours
    device, roi, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked_image,

    # ROI
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        masked_image, 'partial', roi, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy,
        device, args.debug)

    # Get object contour and masked object
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                               device, args.debug)

    ############## Landmarks    ################

    device, points = pcv.acute_vertex(obj, 20, 10, 40, img, device, args.debug)
    boundary_line = 'NA'
    # Use acute fxn to estimate tips
    device, points_r, centroid_r, bline_r = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, points, boundary_line, device, args.debug)
    # Get number of points
    tips = len(points_r)
    # Use turgor_proxy fxn to get distances
    device, vert_ave_c, hori_ave_c, euc_ave_c, ang_ave_c, vert_ave_b, hori_ave_b, euc_ave_b, ang_ave_b = pcv.turgor_proxy(
        points_r, centroid_r, bline_r, device, args.debug)
    # Get pseudomarkers along the y-axis
    device, left, right, center_h = pcv.y_axis_pseudolandmarks(
        obj, mask, img, device, args.debug)
    # Re-scale the points
    device, left_r, left_cr, left_br = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, left, boundary_line, device, args.debug)
    device, right_r, right_cr, right_br = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, right, boundary_line, device, args.debug)
    device, center_hr, center_hcr, center_hbr = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, center_h, boundary_line, device, args.debug)

    # Get pseudomarkers along the x-axis
    device, top, bottom, center_v = pcv.x_axis_pseudolandmarks(
        obj, mask, img, device, args.debug)

    # Re-scale the points
    device, top_r, top_cr, top_br = pcv.scale_features(obj, mask, top,
                                                       boundary_line, device,
    device, bottom_r, bottom_cr, bottom_br = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, bottom, boundary_line, device, args.debug)
    device, center_vr, center_vcr, center_vbr = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, center_v, boundary_line, device, args.debug)

    ## Need to convert the points into a list of tuples format to match the scaled points
    points = points.reshape(len(points), 2)
    points = points.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for p in points:
        p = tuple(p)
    points = temp_out
    left = left.reshape(20, 2)
    left = left.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for l in left:
        l = tuple(l)
    left = temp_out
    right = right.reshape(20, 2)
    right = right.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for r in right:
        r = tuple(r)
    right = temp_out
    center_h = center_h.reshape(20, 2)
    center_h = center_h.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for ch in center_h:
        ch = tuple(ch)
    center_h = temp_out
    ## Need to convert the points into a list of tuples format to match the scaled points
    top = top.reshape(20, 2)
    top = top.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for t in top:
        t = tuple(t)
    top = temp_out
    bottom = bottom.reshape(20, 2)
    bottom = bottom.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for b in bottom:
        b = tuple(b)
    bottom = temp_out
    center_v = center_v.reshape(20, 2)
    center_v = center_v.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for cvr in center_v:
        cvr = tuple(cvr)
    center_v = temp_out

    #Store Landmark Data
    landmark_header = ('HEADER_LANDMARK', 'tip_points', 'tip_points_r',
                       'centroid_r', 'baseline_r', 'tip_number', 'vert_ave_c',
                       'hori_ave_c', 'euc_ave_c', 'ang_ave_c', 'vert_ave_b',
                       'hori_ave_b', 'euc_ave_b', 'ang_ave_b', 'left_lmk',
                       'right_lmk', 'center_h_lmk', 'left_lmk_r',
                       'right_lmk_r', 'center_h_lmk_r', 'top_lmk',
                       'bottom_lmk', 'center_v_lmk', 'top_lmk_r',
                       'bottom_lmk_r', 'center_v_lmk_r')

    landmark_data = ('LANDMARK_DATA', points, points_r, centroid_r, bline_r,
                     tips, vert_ave_c, hori_ave_c, euc_ave_c, ang_ave_c,
                     vert_ave_b, hori_ave_b, euc_ave_b, ang_ave_b, left, right,
                     center_h, left_r, right_r, center_hr, top, bottom,
                     center_v, top_r, bottom_r, center_vr)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################

    outfile = False
    #if args.writeimg==True:

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug, outfile)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, 330, device, args.debug, outfile)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, 'v', 'img', 300,

    # Output shape and color data

    result = open(args.result, "a")
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_data)))
    for row in shape_img:
        result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_data)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_data)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_img1)))
    for row in color_img:
        result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, landmark_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, landmark_data)))
def main():
    # Parse command-line options
    args = options()

    device = 0

    # Open output file
    out = open(args.outfile, "w")

    # Open the image file
    img, path, fname = pcv.readimage(filename=args.image, debug=args.debug)
    # Classify healthy and unhealthy plant pixels
    device, masks = pcv.naive_bayes_classifier(img=img,

    # Use the identified blue mesh area to build a mask for the pot area
    # First errode the blue mesh region to remove background
    device, mesh_errode = pcv.erode(img=masks["Background_Blue"],
    # Define a region of interest for blue mesh contours
    device, pot_roi, pot_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(img=img,
    # Find blue mesh contours
    device, mesh_objects, mesh_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(img=img,
    # Keep blue mesh contours in the region of interest
    device, kept_mesh_objs, kept_mesh_hierarchy, kept_mask_mesh, _ = pcv.roi_objects(
    # Flatten the blue mesh contours into a single object
    device, mesh_flattened, mesh_mask = pcv.object_composition(
    # Initialize a pot mask
    pot_mask = np.zeros(np.shape(masks["Background_Blue"]), dtype=np.uint8)
    # Find the minimum bounding rectangle for the blue mesh region
    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(mesh_flattened)
    # Create a contour for the minimum bounding box
    box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
    box = np.int0(box)
    # Create a mask from the bounding box contour
    cv2.drawContours(pot_mask, [box], 0, (255), -1)
    # If the bounding box area is too small then the plant has likely occluded too much of the pot for us to use this
    # as a marker for the pot area
    if np.sum(pot_mask) / 255 < 2900000:
        print(np.sum(pot_mask) / 255)
        # Create a new pot mask
        pot_mask = np.zeros(np.shape(masks["Background_Blue"]), dtype=np.uint8)
        # Set the mask area to the ROI area
        box = np.array([[0, 500], [0, 2806], [2304, 2806], [2304, 500]])
        cv2.drawContours(pot_mask, [box], 0, (255), -1)
    # Dialate the blue mesh area to include the ridge of the pot
    device, pot_mask_dilated = pcv.dilate(img=pot_mask,
    # Mask the healthy mask
    device, healthy_masked = pcv.apply_mask(img=cv2.merge(
        [masks["Healthy"], masks["Healthy"], masks["Healthy"]]),
    # Mask the unhealthy mask
    device, unhealthy_masked = pcv.apply_mask(img=cv2.merge(
        [masks["Unhealthy"], masks["Unhealthy"], masks["Unhealthy"]]),
    # Convert the masks back to binary
    healthy_masked, _, _ = cv2.split(healthy_masked)
    unhealthy_masked, _, _ = cv2.split(unhealthy_masked)

    # Fill small objects
    device, fill_image_healthy = pcv.fill(img=np.copy(healthy_masked),
    device, fill_image_unhealthy = pcv.fill(img=np.copy(unhealthy_masked),
    # Define a region of interest
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(img=img,
    # Filter objects that overlap the ROI
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy_healthy = pcv.find_objects(
        img=img, mask=fill_image_healthy, device=device, debug=args.debug)
    device, _, _, kept_mask_healthy, _ = pcv.roi_objects(
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy_unhealthy = pcv.find_objects(
        img=img, mask=fill_image_unhealthy, device=device, debug=args.debug)
    device, _, _, kept_mask_unhealthy, _ = pcv.roi_objects(
    # Combine the healthy and unhealthy mask
    device, mask = pcv.logical_or(img1=kept_mask_healthy,

    # Output a healthy/unhealthy image
    classified_img = cv2.merge([
        np.zeros(np.shape(mask), dtype=np.uint8), kept_mask_healthy,
                        os.path.basename(args.image)[:-4] + ".classified.png"))

    # Output a healthy/unhealthy image overlaid on the original image
    overlayed = cv2.addWeighted(src1=np.copy(classified_img),
                        os.path.basename(args.image)[:-4] + ".overlaid.png"))

    # Extract hue values from the image
    device, h = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img=img,

    # Extract the plant hue values
    plant_hues = h[np.where(mask == 255)]

    # Initialize hue histogram
    hue_hist = {}
    for i in range(0, 180):
        hue_hist[i] = 0

    # Store all hue values
    hue_values = []

    # Populate histogram
    total_px = len(plant_hues)
    for hue in plant_hues:
        hue_hist[hue] += 1

    # Parse the filename
    genotype, treatment, replicate, timepoint = os.path.basename(
    replicate = replicate.replace("#", "")
    if timepoint[-3:] == "dbi":
        timepoint = -1
        timepoint = timepoint.replace("dpi", "")

    # Output results
    for i in range(0, 180):
            map(str, [
                genotype, treatment, timepoint, replicate, total_px, i,
            ])) + "\n")

    # Calculate basic statistics
    healthy_sum = int(np.sum(kept_mask_healthy))
    unhealthy_sum = int(np.sum(kept_mask_unhealthy))
    healthy_total_ratio = healthy_sum / float(healthy_sum + unhealthy_sum)
    unhealthy_total_ratio = unhealthy_sum / float(healthy_sum + unhealthy_sum)
    stats = open(args.outfile[:-4] + ".stats.txt", "w")
    stats.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f" %
                (os.path.basename(args.image), healthy_sum, unhealthy_sum,
                 healthy_total_ratio, unhealthy_total_ratio) + '\n')

    # Fit a 3-component Gaussian Mixture Model
    gmm = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=3,
                                  tol=0.001), 1))
    gmm3 = open(args.outfile[:-4] + ".gmm3.txt", "w")
    gmm3.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f" %
               (os.path.basename(args.image), gmm.means_.ravel()[0],
                gmm.means_.ravel()[1], gmm.means_.ravel()[2],
                np.sqrt(gmm.covariances_.ravel()[2]), gmm.weights_.ravel()[0],
                gmm.weights_.ravel()[1], gmm.weights_.ravel()[2]) + '\n')

    # Fit a 2-component Gaussian Mixture Model
    gmm = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=2,
                                  tol=0.001), 1))
    gmm2 = open(args.outfile[:-4] + ".gmm2.txt", "w")
    gmm2.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f" %
               (os.path.basename(args.image), gmm.means_.ravel()[0],
                gmm.means_.ravel()[1], np.sqrt(gmm.covariances_.ravel()[0]),
                np.sqrt(gmm.covariances_.ravel()[1]), gmm.weights_.ravel()[0],
                gmm.weights_.ravel()[1]) + '\n')

    # Fit a 1-component Gaussian Mixture Model
    gmm = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=1,
                                  tol=0.001), 1))
    gmm1 = open(args.outfile[:-4] + ".gmm1.txt", "w")
        "%s, %f, %f, %f" %
        (os.path.basename(args.image), gmm.means_.ravel()[0],
         np.sqrt(gmm.covariances_.ravel()[0]), gmm.weights_.ravel()[0]) + '\n')
def main():
  # Get options
  args = options()
  # Read image
  img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
  #roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)
  # Pipeline step
  device = 0

  # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
  device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the Saturation image
  device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Median Filter
  device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
  device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
  device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the blue image
  device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
  device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, args.debug)
  # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
  device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
  device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 122, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 133, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
  device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, ab_fill = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, args.debug)
  # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_fill, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Select area with black bars and find overlapping plant material
  device, roi1, roi_hierarchy1= pcv.define_roi(masked2,'rectangle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,True, 0, 0,-1900,0)
  device, id_objects1,obj_hierarchy1 = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)
  device,roi_objects1, hierarchy1, kept_mask1, obj_area1 = pcv.roi_objects(masked2,'cutto',roi1,roi_hierarchy1,id_objects1,obj_hierarchy1,device, args.debug)
  device, masked3 = pcv.apply_mask(masked2, kept_mask1, 'white', device, args.debug)
  device, masked_a1 = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked3, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, masked_b1 = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked3, 'b', device, args.debug)
  device, maskeda_thresh1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a1, 122, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, maskedb_thresh1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b1, 170, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, ab1 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh1, maskedb_thresh1, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh1, maskedb_thresh1, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab1, ab_cnt1, 300, device, args.debug)

  device, roi2, roi_hierarchy2= pcv.define_roi(masked2,'rectangle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,True, 1900, 0,0,0)
  device, id_objects2,obj_hierarchy2 = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)
  device,roi_objects2, hierarchy2, kept_mask2, obj_area2 = pcv.roi_objects(masked2,'cutto',roi2,roi_hierarchy2,id_objects2,obj_hierarchy2,device, args.debug)
  device, masked4 = pcv.apply_mask(masked2, kept_mask2, 'white', device, args.debug)
  device, masked_a2 = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked4, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, masked_b2 = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked4, 'b', device, args.debug)
  device, maskeda_thresh2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a2, 122, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, maskedb_thresh2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b2, 170, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, ab2 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh2, maskedb_thresh2, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh2, maskedb_thresh2, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_fill2 = pcv.fill(ab2, ab_cnt2, 200, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.logical_or(ab_fill1, ab_fill2, device, args.debug)
  device, masked3 = pcv.apply_mask(masked2, ab_cnt3, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Identify objects
  device, id_objects3,obj_hierarchy3 = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)

  # Define ROI
  device, roi3, roi_hierarchy3= pcv.define_roi(masked2,'rectangle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,True, 500, 0,-450,-530)
  # Decide which objects to keep and combine with objects overlapping with black bars
  device,roi_objects3, hierarchy3, kept_mask3, obj_area1 = pcv.roi_objects(img,'cutto',roi3,roi_hierarchy3,id_objects3,obj_hierarchy3,device, args.debug)
  device, kept_mask4_1 = pcv.logical_or(ab_cnt3, kept_mask3, device, args.debug)
  device, kept_cnt = pcv.logical_or(ab_cnt3, kept_mask3, device, args.debug)
  device, kept_mask4 = pcv.fill(kept_mask4_1, kept_cnt, 200, device, args.debug)
  device, masked5 = pcv.apply_mask(masked2, kept_mask4, 'white', device, args.debug)
  device, id_objects4,obj_hierarchy4 = pcv.find_objects(masked5, kept_mask4, device, args.debug)
  device, roi4, roi_hierarchy4= pcv.define_roi(masked2,'rectangle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,False, 0, 0,0,0)
  device,roi_objects4, hierarchy4, kept_mask4, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img,'partial',roi4,roi_hierarchy4,id_objects4,obj_hierarchy4,device, args.debug)

 # Object combine kept objects
  device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects4, hierarchy4, device, args.debug)
############## Analysis ################  
  # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
  device, shape_header,shape_data,shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, args.image, obj, mask, device,args.debug,args.outdir+'/'+filename)
  # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
  device, boundary_header,boundary_data, boundary_img1= pcv.analyze_bound(img, args.image,obj, mask, 950, device,args.debug,args.outdir+'/'+filename)
  # Tiller Tool Test
  device, tillering_header, tillering_data, tillering_img= pcv.tiller_count(img, args.image,obj, mask, 965, device,args.debug,args.outdir+'/'+filename)

  # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
  device, color_header,color_data,norm_slice= pcv.analyze_color(img, args.image, kept_mask4, 256, device, args.debug,'all','rgb','v',args.outdir+'/'+filename)
  # Output shape and color data
  pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
  pcv.print_results(args.image, color_header, color_data)
  pcv.print_results(args.image, boundary_header, boundary_data)
  pcv.print_results(args.image, tillering_header,tillering_data)
Beispiel #17
def main():
  # Get options
  args = options()
  # Read image
  img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
  # Pipeline step
  device = 0

  # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
  device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the Saturation image
  device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Median Filter
  device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
  device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  #device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
  device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the blue image
  device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  #device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
  device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, args.debug)
  # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
  device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
  device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
  device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small noise
  device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 2, device, args.debug)
  # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
  device, ab_cnt1=pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt2=pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)
  # Fill dilated image mask
  device, ab_cnt3=pcv.fill(ab_cnt2,ab_cnt1,150,device,args.debug)
  device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_cnt3, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
  device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
  device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh, masked2b_thresh, device, args.debug)
  # Identify objects
  device, id_objects,obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)
  # Define ROI
  device, roi1, roi_hierarchy= pcv.define_roi(masked2,'rectangle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,True, 525, 0,-490,-150)
  # Decide which objects to keep
  device,roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img,'partial',roi1,roi_hierarchy,id_objects,obj_hierarchy,device, args.debug)
  # Object combine kept objects
  device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)
  ############## VIS Analysis ################
  if args.writeimg==True:
  # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
  device, shape_header,shape_data,shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, args.image, obj, mask, device,args.debug,outfile)
  # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
  device, boundary_header,boundary_data, boundary_img1= pcv.analyze_bound(img, args.image,obj, mask, 325, device,args.debug,outfile)
  # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
  device, color_header,color_data,color_img= pcv.analyze_color(img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug,None,'v','img',300,outfile)
  # Output shape and color data

  for row in shape_img:
  for row in color_img:
Beispiel #18
def main():
    # obtiene opciones de imagen
    args = options()
    #LINEA 22
    if args.debug:
        print("Debug mode turned on...")
    # lee la imagen el flags=0 indica que se espera una imagen a escala de grises
    img = cv2.imread(args.image, flags=0)
    # cv2.imshow("imagen original",img)
    # Get directory path and image name from command line arguments
    path, img_name = os.path.split(args.image)

    #LINEA 30
    # Read in image which is the pixelwise average of background images
    img_bkgrd = cv2.imread("background_average.jpg", flags=0)
    #cv2.imshow("ventana del fondo",img_bkgrd)
    # paso del procesamiento de imagenes
    device = 0
    ######hasta qui bien
    #linea 37
    # Restar la imagen de fondo de la imagen con la planta.
    device, bkg_sub_img = pcv.image_subtract(img, img_bkgrd, device,
    #cv2.imshow("imagen resta",bkg_sub_img)
    # Threshold the image of interest using the two-sided cv2.inRange function (keep what is between 50-190)
    bkg_sub_thres_img = cv2.inRange(bkg_sub_img, 50, 190)
    if args.debug:
        cv2.imwrite('bkgrd_sub_thres.png', bkg_sub_thres_img)
#hasta qui todo bien
#linea 46
# Filtrado de Laplace (identificar bordes basados ​​en la derivada 2)
    device, lp_img = pcv.laplace_filter(img, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("imagen de filtrado",lp_img)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(lp_img, 'histograma_lp')

    # Lapacian image sharpening, this step will enhance the darkness of the edges detected
    device, lp_shrp_img = pcv.image_subtract(img, lp_img, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("imagen de borde lapacian",lp_shrp_img)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(lp_shrp_img, 'histograma_lp_shrp')
#hasta aqui todo bien linea 58
# Sobel filtering-filtrado de sobel
# 1ª derivada filtrado sobel a lo largo del eje horizontal, núcleo = 1, sin escala)
    """    segun esta masl son siete,kito scale y me kedo con apertura k,chekar sobel en docs
    device, sbx_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 1, 0, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, sbx_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 1, 0, 1, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("imagen sobel-eje horizontal",sbx_img)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sbx_img, 'histograma_sbx')

    # Filtrado de la primera derivada sobel a lo largo del eje vertical, núcleo = 1, sin escala)
    device, sby_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 0, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("imagen sobel-ejevertical",sby_img)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sby_img, 'histograma_sby')

    # Combina los efectos de ambos filtros x e y mediante la suma de matrizes
    # Esto captura los bordes identificados dentro de cada plano y enfatiza los bordes encontrados en ambas imágenes
    device, sb_img = pcv.image_add(sbx_img, sby_img, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("imagen suma de sobel",sb_img)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sb_img, 'histograma_sb_comb_img')
#hasta aqui todo bien linea 82
# usar filtro pasa bajo blur para suavizar la imagen de sobel
    device, mblur_img = pcv.median_blur(sb_img, 1, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("imagen blur",mblur_img)
    device, mblur_invert_img = pcv.invert(mblur_img, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("imagen blur-invertido",mblur_invert_img)
    # Combinar la imagen suavizada del sobel con la imagen afilada del laplaciano
    # combines the best features of both methods as described in "Digital Image Processing" by Gonzalez and Woods pg. 169
    #Combina las mejores características de ambos métodos como se describe en "Digital Image Processing" por González y Woods pág. 169
    device, edge_shrp_img = pcv.image_add(mblur_invert_img, lp_shrp_img,
                                          device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(edge_shrp_img, 'hist_edge_shrp_img')

    # Realizar el umbral para generar una imagen binaria
    device, tr_es_img = pcv.binary_threshold(edge_shrp_img, 125, 255, 'dark',
                                             device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("imagen binaria de combinacion",tr_es_img)
    #hasta aqui todo bien linea 99
    # Prepare a few small kernels for morphological filtering
    #prepara nucleos pequeños para un filtrado moorfologico
    kern = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    kern1 = np.copy(kern)
    kern1[1, 1:3] = 1
    kern2 = np.copy(kern)
    kern2[1, 0:2] = 1
    kern3 = np.copy(kern)
    kern3[0:2, 1] = 1
    kern4 = np.copy(kern)
    kern4[1:3, 1] = 1

    # prepara un nucleo grande para la dilatacion
    kern[1, 0:3] = 1
    kern[0:3, 1] = 1
    # Perform erosion with 4 small kernels
    device, e1_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("erosion 1",e1_img)
    device, e2_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("erosion 2",e2_img)
    device, e3_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("erosion 3",e3_img)
    device, e4_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("erosion 4",e4_img)

    # Combine eroded images
    device, c12_img = pcv.logical_or(e1_img, e2_img, device, args.debug)
    device, c123_img = pcv.logical_or(c12_img, e3_img, device, args.debug)
    device, c1234_img = pcv.logical_or(c123_img, e4_img, device, args.debug)

    # Bring the two object identification approaches together.
    # Using a logical OR combine object identified by background subtraction and the object identified by derivative filter.
    device, comb_img = pcv.logical_or(c1234_img, bkg_sub_thres_img, device,
    # Get masked image, Essentially identify pixels corresponding to plant and keep those.
    device, masked_erd = pcv.apply_mask(img, comb_img, 'black', device,
    #cv2.imshow("imagen original chkar",img)
    # Need to remove the edges of the image, we did that by generating a set of rectangles to mask the edges
    # img is (254 X 320)
    # mask for the bottom of the image
    device, im2, box1_img, rect_contour1, hierarchy1 = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (120, 184), (215, 252), device, args.debug, color='white')
    # mask for the left side of the image
    device, im3, box2_img, rect_contour2, hierarchy2 = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (1, 1), (85, 252), device, args.debug, color='white')
    # mask for the right side of the image
    device, im4, box3_img, rect_contour3, hierarchy3 = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (240, 1), (318, 252), device, args.debug, color='white')
    # mask the edges
    device, im5, box4_img, rect_contour4, hierarchy4 = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (1, 1), (318, 252), device, args.debug)

    # combine boxes to filter the edges and car out of the photo
    device, bx12_img = pcv.logical_or(box1_img, box2_img, device, args.debug)
    device, bx123_img = pcv.logical_or(bx12_img, box3_img, device, args.debug)
    device, bx1234_img = pcv.logical_or(bx123_img, box4_img, device,
    #cv2.imshow("combinacion logica or",bx1234_img)

    # invert this mask and then apply it the masked image.
    device, inv_bx1234_img = pcv.invert(bx1234_img, device, args.debug)
    # cv2.imshow("combinacion logica or invertida",inv_bx1234_img)
    device, edge_masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(masked_erd, inv_bx1234_img,
                                             'black', device, args.debug)
    # cv2.imshow("edge_masked_img",edge_masked_img)

    # assign the coordinates of an area of interest (rectangle around the area you expect the plant to be in)
    device, im6, roi_img, roi_contour, roi_hierarchy = pcv.rectangle_mask(
        img, (120, 75), (200, 184), device, args.debug)
    # get the coordinates of the plant from the masked object
    plant_objects, plant_hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edge_masked_img,

    # Obtain the coordinates of the plant object which are partially within the area of interest
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy5, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi_contour, roi_hierarchy, plant_objects,
        plant_hierarchy, device, args.debug)

    # Apply the box mask to the image to ensure no background
    device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(kept_mask, inv_bx1234_img, 'black',
                                        device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("mascara final",masked_img)
    #device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(kept_mask, inv_bx1234_img, 'black', device, args.debug)
    rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    # Generate a binary to send to the analysis function
    device, mask = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_img, 1, 255, 'light', device,
    mask3d = np.copy(mask)
    plant_objects_2, plant_hierarchy_2 = cv2.findContours(
        mask3d, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    device, o, m = pcv.object_composition(rgb, roi_objects, hierarchy5, device,

    # Get final masked image
    device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(kept_mask, inv_bx1234_img, 'black',
                                        device, args.debug)
    #cv2.imshow("maskara final2",masked_img)
    ################### copia lo de arriba esta mal el tutorial
    # Obtain a 3 dimensional representation of this grayscale image (for pseudocoloring)
    #rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    # Generate a binary to send to the analysis function
    #device, mask = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_img, 1, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)

    # Make a copy of this mask for pseudocoloring
    #mask3d = np.copy(mask)

    # Extract coordinates of plant for pseudocoloring of plant
    #plant_objects_2, plant_hierarchy_2 = cv2.findContours(mask3d,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    #device, o, m = pcv.object_composition(rgb, roi_objects, hierarchy5, device, args.debug)

    # Extract coordinates of plant for pseudocoloring of plant
    #plant_objects_2, plant_hierarchy_2 = cv2.findContours(mask3d,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    #device, o, m = pcv.object_composition(rgb, roi_objects, hierarchy5, device, args.debug)
    ### Analysis ###
    # Perform signal analysis
    #################pruebas de que esta masl el tutorial""""""""""""""""
    #print ols
    ##############pruebas de que no agarro     device, hist_header, hist_data, h_norm = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, args.outdir + '/' + img_name)

    #al final si salio se agrego lo qyue esta debug= and filename=
    ##################################################### debug me marca True por ello puse pritn de mas
    #device, hist_header, hist_data, h_norm = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(img, rgb, mask, 256, device, debug='print', filename=False)
    device, hist_header, hist_data, h_norm = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(
        filename=args.outdir + '/' + img_name)

    # Perform shape analysis
    device, shape_header, shape_data, ori_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        filename=args.outdir + '/' + img_name)

    # Print the results to STDOUT
    pcv.print_results(args.image, hist_header, hist_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)

Beispiel #19
def main():

    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    debug = args.debug

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 85, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 160, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 160, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_or(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 115, 255, 'dark',
                                                  device, debug)
    device, maskeda_thresh1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 135, 255, 'light',
                                                   device, debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light',
                                                  device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab1 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh1, ab1, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh1, ab1, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, ab_fill = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_fill, 'white', device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, ab_fill, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device,
                                                 None, 'default', debug, True,
                                                 550, 0, -500, -1900)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                               device, debug)
Beispiel #20
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image (converting fmax and track to 8 bit just to create a mask, use 16-bit for all the math)
    mask, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.fmax)
    #mask = cv2.imread(args.fmax)
    track = cv2.imread(args.track)

    mask1, mask2, mask3 = cv2.split(mask)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Mask pesky track autofluor
    device, track1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(track, 'v', device, args.debug)
    device, track_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(track1, 0, 255, 'light',
                                                device, args.debug)
    device, track_inv = pcv.invert(track_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, track_masked = pcv.apply_mask(mask1, track_inv, 'black', device,

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, fmax_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(track_masked, 20, 255, 'light',
                                               device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(fmax_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(fmax_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 110, device, args.debug)
    device, sfill_cnt = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 110, device, args.debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        mask, sfill_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(mask, 'circle', device, None,
                                                 'default', args.debug, True,
                                                 0, 0, -50, -50)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        mask, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy,
        device, args.debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, masked = pcv.object_composition(mask, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                                 device, args.debug)

    ################ Analysis ################

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        mask, args.fmax, obj, masked, device, args.debug,
        args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Fluorescence Measurement (read in 16-bit images)
    fdark = cv2.imread(args.fdark, -1)
    fmin = cv2.imread(args.fmin, -1)
    fmax = cv2.imread(args.fmax, -1)

    device, fvfm_header, fvfm_data = pcv.fluor_fvfm(
        fdark, fmin, fmax, kept_mask, device, args.outdir + '/' + filename,
        1000, args.debug)

    # Output shape and color data
    pcv.print_results(args.fmax, shape_header, shape_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.fmax, fvfm_header, fvfm_data)
Beispiel #21
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    brass_mask = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 49, 255, 'light', device,

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device,

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 100, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, 'v', device, args.debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, 'light',
                                                device, args.debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, 'white', device,

    # Further mask soil and car
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, soil_car1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'dark',
                                             device, args.debug)
    device, soil_car2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'light',
                                             device, args.debug)
    device, soil_car = pcv.logical_or(soil_car1, soil_car2, device, args.debug)
    device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, 'white',
                                         device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 124, 255, 'dark',
                                                device, args.debug)
    device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 148, 255, 'light',
                                                device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device,
    device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device,

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 200, device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    #device, soil_mblur = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)
    #device, soil_cnt = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, 'white', device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, soil_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(img, 'rectangle', device,
                                                 None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                 True, 600, 450, -600, -350)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                               device, args.debug)

    ############## Analysis ################

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug,
        args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, norm_slice = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, kept_mask, 256, device, args.debug, 'all', 'rgb', 'v',
        'img', 300, args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Output shape and color data
    pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, color_header, color_data)
def main():
  # Get options
  args = options()
  # Read image
  img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
  # Pipeline step
  device = 0

  # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
  device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the Saturation image
  device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Median Filter
  device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
  device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  #device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
  device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the blue image
  device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  #device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
  device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, args.debug)
  # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
  device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
  device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
  device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small noise
  device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 2, device, args.debug)
  # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
  device, ab_cnt1=pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt2=pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)
  # Fill dilated image mask
  device, ab_cnt3=pcv.fill(ab_cnt2,ab_cnt1,150,device,args.debug)
  device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_cnt3, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
  device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
  device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh, masked2b_thresh, device, args.debug)
  # Identify objects
  device, id_objects,obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)
  # Define ROI
  device, roi1, roi_hierarchy= pcv.define_roi(masked2,'rectangle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,True, 550, 0,-600,-925)
  # Decide which objects to keep
  device,roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img,'partial',roi1,roi_hierarchy,id_objects,obj_hierarchy,device, args.debug)
  # Object combine kept objects
  device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)
  ############## VIS Analysis ################
  if args.writeimg==True:
  # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
  device, shape_header,shape_data,shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, args.image, obj, mask, device,args.debug,outfile)
  # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
  device, boundary_header,boundary_data, boundary_img1= pcv.analyze_bound(img, args.image,obj, mask, 900, device,args.debug,outfile)
  # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
  device, color_header,color_data,color_img= pcv.analyze_color(img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug,None,'v','img',300,outfile)
  # Output shape and color data

  for row in shape_img:
  for row in color_img:
############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
  # Find matching NIR image
  device, nirpath=pcv.get_nir(path,filename,device,args.debug)
  nir, path1, filename1=pcv.readimage(nirpath)
  # Flip mask
  device, f_mask= pcv.flip(mask,"vertical",device,args.debug)
  # Reize mask
  device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.11532,0.11532, device, args.debug)
  # position, and crop mask
  # Identify objects
  device, nir_objects,nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir, newmask, device, args.debug)
  # Object combine kept objects
  device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, args.debug)

####################################### Analysis #############################################
  if args.writeimg==True:

  device,nhist_header, nhist_data,nir_imgs= pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(nir2, filename1, nir_combinedmask, 256, device,False, args.debug, outfile1)
  device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(nir2, filename1, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask, device, args.debug, outfile1)
  for row in nir_imgs:
Beispiel #23
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    # roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device,

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device,

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 122, 255, 'dark',
                                                  device, args.debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 133, 255, 'light',
                                                  device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,

    # Fill small objects
    device, ab_fill = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, args.debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_fill, 'white', device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(img, 'rectangle', device,
                                                 None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                 True, 0, 0, 0, -900)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                               device, args.debug)

    # ############# Analysis ################
    # output mask
    device, maskpath, mask_images = pcv.output_mask(device, img, mask,
                                                    filename, args.outdir,
                                                    True, args.debug)

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, 830, device)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images,
    # output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, 'v', 'img', 300)

    result = open(args.result, "a")
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_data)))
    for row in mask_images:
        result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_data)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_data)))
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, "s", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, "b", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, "a", device, args.debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, "b", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small noise
    device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 2, device, args.debug)

    # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
    device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)
    device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)

    # Fill dilated image mask
    device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.fill(ab_cnt2, ab_cnt1, 150, device, args.debug)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_cnt3, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, "a", device, args.debug)
    device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, "b", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh, masked2b_thresh, device, args.debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(
        masked2, "rectangle", device, None, "default", args.debug, True, 500, 0, -600, -885

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, "partial", roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device, args.debug

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################

    outfile = False
    if args.writeimg == True:
        outfile = args.outdir + "/" + filename

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug, outfile

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, 845, device, args.debug, outfile

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, "v", "img", 300, outfile

    # Output shape and color data

    result = open(args.result, "a")
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, shape_header)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, shape_data)))
    for row in shape_img:
        result.write("\t".join(map(str, row)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, color_header)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, color_data)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, boundary_header)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, boundary_data)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, boundary_img1)))
    for row in color_img:
        result.write("\t".join(map(str, row)))

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Find matching NIR image
    device, nirpath = pcv.get_nir(path, filename, device, args.debug)
    nir, path1, filename1 = pcv.readimage(nirpath)
    nir2 = cv2.imread(nirpath, -1)

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "vertical", device, args.debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.1304, 0.1304, device, args.debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir, nmask, device, 65, 0, "top", "left", args.debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir, newmask, device, args.debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, args.debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################
    outfile1 = False
    if args.writeimg == True:
        outfile1 = args.outdir + "/" + filename1

    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(
        nir2, filename1, nir_combinedmask, 256, device, False, args.debug, outfile1
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(
        nir2, filename1, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask, device, args.debug, outfile1

    coresult = open(args.coresult, "a")
    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nhist_header)))
    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nhist_data)))
    for row in nir_imgs:
        coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, row)))

    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nshape_header)))
    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nshape_data)))
    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nir_shape)))
def process_sv_images_core(vis_id, vis_img, nir_id, nir_rgb, nir_cv2, traits, debug=None):
    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(vis_img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(vis_img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(vis_img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)

    # Fill small noise
    device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, debug)

    # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
    device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, debug)

    # Fill dilated image mask
    device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.fill(ab_cnt2, ab_cnt1, 150, device, debug)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_cnt3, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    device, masked2a_thresh_blur = pcv.median_blur(masked2a_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh_blur = pcv.median_blur(masked2b_thresh, 13, device, debug)

    device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh_blur, masked2b_thresh_blur, device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device, None, 'default', debug, True, 700,
                                                 0, -600, -300)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(vis_img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy,
                                                                           id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(vis_img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, debug)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################
    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(vis_img, vis_id, obj, mask, device, debug)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(vis_img, vis_id, obj, mask, 384, device,

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and
    # Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(vis_img, vis_id, mask, 256, device, debug,
                                                                    None, 'v', 'img', 300)

    # Output shape and color data
    vis_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(shape_header)):
        vis_traits[shape_header[i]] = shape_data[i]
    for i in range(1, len(boundary_header)):
        vis_traits[boundary_header[i]] = boundary_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(color_header)):
        vis_traits[color_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(color_data[i])

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "vertical", device, debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.1154905775, 0.1154905775, device, debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir_rgb, nmask, device, 30, 4, "top", "right", debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir_rgb, newmask, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir_rgb, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################
    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(nir_cv2, nir_id, nir_combinedmask, 256,
                                                                           device, False, debug)
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(nir_cv2, nir_id, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask,
                                                                       device, debug)

    nir_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(nshape_header)):
        nir_traits[nshape_header[i]] = nshape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(nhist_header)):
        nir_traits[nhist_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(nhist_data[i])

    # Add data to traits table

    return [vis_traits, nir_traits]
Beispiel #26
def process_sv_images_core(vis_id,
    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(vis_img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(vis_img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(vis_img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark',
                                                  device, debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light',
                                                  device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,

    # Fill small noise
    device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, debug)

    # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
    device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, debug)

    # Fill dilated image mask
    device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.fill(ab_cnt2, ab_cnt1, 150, device, debug)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_cnt3, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, 'dark',
                                                   device, debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255,
                                                   'light', device, debug)

    device, masked2a_thresh_blur = pcv.median_blur(masked2a_thresh, 5, device,
    device, masked2b_thresh_blur = pcv.median_blur(masked2b_thresh, 13, device,

    device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh_blur,
                                     masked2b_thresh_blur, device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, ab_fill, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device,
                                                 None, 'default', debug, True,
                                                 700, 0, -600, -300)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        vis_img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy,
        device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(vis_img, roi_objects,
                                               hierarchy3, device, debug)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################
    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        vis_img, vis_id, obj, mask, device, debug)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(
        vis_img, vis_id, obj, mask, 384, device, debug)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and
    # Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        vis_img, vis_id, mask, 256, device, debug, None, 'v', 'img', 300)

    # Output shape and color data
    vis_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(shape_header)):
        vis_traits[shape_header[i]] = shape_data[i]
    for i in range(1, len(boundary_header)):
        vis_traits[boundary_header[i]] = boundary_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(color_header)):
        vis_traits[color_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(color_data[i])

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "vertical", device, debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.1154905775, 0.1154905775, device,

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir_rgb, nmask, device, 30, 4,
                                             "top", "right", debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        nir_rgb, newmask, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(
        nir_rgb, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################
    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(
        nir_cv2, nir_id, nir_combinedmask, 256, device, False, debug)
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(
        nir_cv2, nir_id, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask, device, debug)

    nir_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(nshape_header)):
        nir_traits[nshape_header[i]] = nshape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(nhist_header)):
        nir_traits[nhist_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(nhist_data[i])

    # Add data to traits table

    return [vis_traits, nir_traits]
def analyze_object_MF(img,imgname,obj,mask,line_position,device,debug=False,filename=False):
  # Outputs numeric properties for an input object (contour or grouped contours)
  # Also color classification?
  # img = image object (most likely the original), color(RGB)
  # imgname= name of image
  # obj = single or grouped contour object
  # line_position = boundary line
  # device = device number. Used to count steps in the pipeline
  # debug= True/False. If True, print image
  # filename= False or image name. If defined print image
  device += 1
  if len(np.shape(img))==3:
  # Change line postion to coordinate location on image
  # size is black and white image
  # size1 is dimensions of the image
  size = ix,iy,3
  size1 = ix,iy
  background = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8)
  background1 = np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8)
  background2 = np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8)
  # Check is object is touching image boundaries (QC)
  frame_background = np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8)
  for i,c in enumerate(vobj):
      pptest=cv2.pointPolygonTest(frame_contour[0],xy, measureDist=False)
  in_bounds=all(c==1 for c in ptest)
  # Convex Hull
  hull = cv2.convexHull(obj)
  hull_vertices = len(hull)
  # Moments
  #  m = cv2.moments(obj)
  m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True)
  ## Properties
  # Area
  area = m['m00']
  if area:
    # Convex Hull area
    hull_area = cv2.contourArea(hull)
    # Solidity
    solidity = 1
    if int(hull_area) != 0:
      solidity = area / hull_area
    # Perimeter
    perimeter = cv2.arcLength(obj, closed=True)
    # x and y position (bottom left?) and extent x (width) and extent y (height)
    x,y,width,height = cv2.boundingRect(obj)
    # Centroid (center of mass x, center of mass y)
    cmx,cmy = (m['m10']/m['m00'], m['m01']/m['m00'])
    # Ellipse
    center, axes, angle = cv2.fitEllipse(obj)
    major_axis = np.argmax(axes)
    minor_axis = 1 - major_axis
    major_axis_length = axes[major_axis]
    minor_axis_length = axes[minor_axis]
    eccentricity = np.sqrt(1 - (axes[minor_axis]/axes[major_axis]) ** 2)
    #Longest Axis: line through center of mass and point on the convex hull that is furthest away, (int(cmx),int(cmy)), 4, (255,255,255),-1)
    center_p = cv2.cvtColor(background, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    ret,centerp_binary = cv2.threshold(center_p, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    centerpoint,cpoint_h = cv2.findContours(centerp_binary,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)

    for i,c in enumerate(vhull):
      pptest=cv2.pointPolygonTest(centerpoint[0],xy, measureDist=True)
    caliper_max_x, caliper_max_y=list(tuple(vhull[max_i]))
    caliper_mid_x, caliper_mid_y=[int(cmx),int(cmy)]

    xdiff = float(caliper_max_x-caliper_mid_x)
    ydiff= float(caliper_max_y-caliper_mid_y)
    if xdiff!=0: 
    if xdiff==0:
    if slope==0:
      if 0<=xintercept<=iy and 0<=xintercept1<=iy:
      elif xintercept<0 or xintercept>iy or xintercept1<0 or xintercept1>iy:
        if xintercept<0 and 0<=xintercept1<=iy:
        elif xintercept>iy and 0<=xintercept1<=iy:
        elif 0<=xintercept<=iy and xintercept1<0:          
        elif 0<=xintercept<=iy and xintercept1>iy:
    ret1,line_binary = cv2.threshold(background1, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    cv2.drawContours(background2, [hull], -1, (255), -1)
    ret2,hullp_binary = cv2.threshold(background2, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    caliper_transpose1 = np.lexsort((caliper_y, caliper_x))
    caliper_transpose2 = [(caliper_x[i],caliper_y[i]) for i in caliper_transpose1]
    ##### Measure Canopy Height
    height_ab = line_position - y

    # If height is greater than 20 pixels make 20 increments (5% intervals)
    if height_ab >= 20:
      inc = height_ab /20

      # Define variable for max points and min points
      pts_max = []
      pts_min = []
      # Get max and min points for each of the intervals
      for i in range(1,20):
        if (i == 1):
          pt_max = y
          pt_min = y + (inc * i)
          pt_max = y + (inc * (i-1))
          pt_min = y + (inc * i)
        # Put these in an array

      # Combine max and min into a set of tuples
      point_range = list(zip(pts_max,pts_min))

      # define some list variables to fill

      # For each of the 20 intervals
      for pt in point_range:
        # Get the lower and upper bounds  (lower and higher in terms of value; low point is actually towards top of photo, higher is lower of photo)
        low_point, high_point = pt
        # Get all rows within these two points
        # Get a continuous list of the values between the top and the bottom of the interval save as vals
        vals = list(range(low_point, high_point))
        # For each row... get all coordinates from object contour that match row
        for v in vals:
          # Value is all entries that match the row
          value = obj[v == obj[:,0,1]]
          if len(value) > 0:
            # Could potentially be more than two points in all contour in each pixel row
            # Grab largest x coordinate (column)
            largest = value[:,0,0].max()
            # Grab smallest x coordinate (column)
            smallest = value[:,0,0].min()
            # Take the difference between the two (this is how far across the object is on this plane)
            row_width = largest - smallest
            # Append this value to a list
          if len(value) == 0:
            row_width = 1
        # For each of the points find the median and average width

      # Get the indicie of the largest median/average x-axis value (if there is a tie it takes largest index)
      indice_median = row_median.index(max(row_median))
      indice_ave = row_ave.index(max(row_ave))
      median_value = row_median[indice_median]
      ave_value = row_ave[indice_ave]
      max_value = max_width[indice_ave]

      # Canopy height as the height at which the average pixel width across a scoring window is maximized
      indice_reported = point_range[indice_ave]

      # Now you can get indice of point_range and make plots (lower and higher in terms of value; low point is actually towards top of photo, higher is lower of photo)

      lp, hp = indice_reported
      # Report Canopy height as the average of the upper and lower values of the scoring window (lower and higher in terms of value; low point is actually towards top of photo, higher is lower of photo)
      canopy_height = (lp + hp)/2
      # Define canopy width as mean value across scoring window
      canopy_width = ave_value
      # Find the center of the window
      w_center = (x+(x+int(max_value)))/2

      each_side = ave_value/2
      lside = w_center - each_side
      rside = w_center + each_side

      # Make rectangle and draw line at canopy height

      size = ix,iy,3
      size1 = ix,iy
      background = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8)
      background_ch = np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8)

      # Make a gray scale image with color area masked out
      gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
      gray_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(gray,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
      # Fill the rectable to be totally black (-1)
      cv2.rectangle(gray_rgb, (x, lp), (x+int(max_value), hp), (0,0,0), -1)

      cv2.rectangle(background_ch, (x, lp), (x+int(max_value), hp), (255,255,255), -1)
      device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(img_copy, background_ch, 'black', device, debug)

      # LOGICAL OR statement to combine background (gray_rgb) and the scoring window of canopy height (masked_img)
      device, example = pcv.logical_or(gray_rgb, masked_img, device, debug)
      # Draw scoring window rectangle
      cv2.rectangle(example, (x, lp), (x+int(max_value), hp), (255,0,0), 5)
      # Draw lines for height and max width in rectangle
      cv2.line(example, (int(lside), int(canopy_height)), (int(rside), int(canopy_height)), (0,0,255), 3)
      cv2.line(example, (int(w_center), int(canopy_height)), (int(w_center), int(y+height)), (0,0,255), 3)

      # Print image
      #cv2.imwrite('example_img.png', example)
    # If height is < 20 pixels Get widest point and report  
    if height_ab < 20:
      # Get a continuous list of the values between the top and the bottom of the interval save as vals
      #vals = list(range(y, y+height_ab))
      # For each row... get all coordinates from object contour that match row
      #for v in vals:
        # Value is all entries that match the row
        #value = obj[v == obj[:,0,1]]
        # Could potentially be more than two points in all contour in each pixel row
        # Grab largest x coordinate (column)
        #largest = value[:,0,0].max()
        # Grab smallest x coordinate (column)
        #smallest = value[:,0,0].min()
        # Take the difference between the two (this is how far across the object is on this plane)
        #row_width = largest - smallest
        # Append this value to a list
      # For each of the points find the median and average width  (if there is a tie it takes largest index)
      #max_width = np.max(np.array(rows))
      #canopy_height = rows.index(max(rows))
      #canopy_width = max_width
      max_width = width
      canopy_height = height
      #  hull_area, solidity, perimeter, width, height, cmx, cmy = 'ND', 'ND', 'ND', 'ND', 'ND', 'ND', 'ND'
    # Change the values to reflect actual measurments not just point coordinates
    canopy_height = line_position - canopy_height
    centroid_y = line_position - cmy
    ellipse_y = line_position - center[1]
  #Store Shape Data

  shape_data = (

  analysis_images = []
   #Draw properties
  if area and filename:
    cv2.drawContours(ori_img, obj, -1, (255,0,0), 1)
    cv2.drawContours(ori_img, [hull], -1, (0,0,255), 1)
    cv2.line(ori_img, (x,y), (x+width,y), (0,0,255), 1)
    cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx),y), (int(cmx),y+height), (0,0,255), 1)
    cv2.line(ori_img,(tuple(caliper_transpose[caliper_length-1])),(tuple(caliper_transpose[0])),(0,0,255),1), (int(cmx),int(cmy)), 10, (0,0,255), 1)
    # Output images with convex hull, extent x and y
    extention = filename.split('.')[-1]
    #out_file = str(filename[0:-4]) + '_shapes.' + extention
    out_file = str(filename[0:-4]) + '_shapes.jpg'
    out_file1 = str(filename[0:-4]) + '_mask.jpg'
    print_image(ori_img, out_file)
    analysis_images.append(['IMAGE', 'shapes', out_file])
  if debug:
    cv2.drawContours(ori_img, obj, -1, (255,0,0), 1)
    cv2.drawContours(ori_img, [hull], -1, (0,0,255), 1)
    cv2.line(ori_img, (x,y), (x+width,y), (0,0,255), 1)
    cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx),y), (int(cmx),y+height), (0,0,255), 1), (int(cmx),int(cmy)), 10, (0,0,255), 1)
  return device, shape_header, shape_data, analysis_images
Beispiel #28
def process_tv_images_core(vis_id,
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(vis_img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 75, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(vis_img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 100, device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(vis_img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, 'v', device, debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, 'light',
                                                device, debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, debug)
    device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, 'white', device,

    # Further mask soil and car
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, soil_car1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'dark',
                                             device, debug)
    device, soil_car2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'light',
                                             device, debug)
    device, soil_car = pcv.logical_or(soil_car1, soil_car2, device, debug)
    device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, 'white',
                                         device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 124, 255, 'dark',
                                                device, debug)
    device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 148, 255, 'light',
                                                device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device,

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 300, device, debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, 'white', device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, soil_cnt, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(vis_img, 'rectangle', device,
                                                 None, 'default', debug, True,
                                                 600, 450, -600, -350)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        vis_img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy,
        device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(vis_img, roi_objects,
                                               hierarchy3, device, debug)

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        vis_img, vis_id, obj, mask, device, debug)

    # Determine color properties
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        vis_img, vis_id, mask, 256, device, debug, None, 'v', 'img', 300)

    # Output shape and color data
    vis_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(shape_header)):
        vis_traits[shape_header[i]] = shape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(color_header)):
        vis_traits[color_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(color_data[i])

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "horizontal", device, debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.116148, 0.116148, device, debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir_rgb, nmask, device, 15, 5,
                                             "top", "right", debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        nir_rgb, newmask, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(
        nir_rgb, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################

    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(
        nir_cv2, nir_id, nir_combinedmask, 256, device, False, debug)
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(
        nir_cv2, nir_id, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask, device, debug)

    nir_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(nshape_header)):
        nir_traits[nshape_header[i]] = nshape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(nhist_header)):
        nir_traits[nhist_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(nhist_data[i])

    # Add data to traits table
    traits['tv_area'] = vis_traits['area']

    return [vis_traits, nir_traits]
Beispiel #29
	# Channel 'b' should make the plant brighter over background. Otherwise, use a different channel. 

    # Gaussian blur
	device, g_blur = pcv.gaussian_blur(device, b, (5,5), 0, None, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, img_thresh = pcv.triangle_auto_threshold(device, g_blur, 255, 'light', 20, args.debug)
    device, img_cnt = pcv.triangle_auto_threshold(device, g_blur, 255, 'light', 20, args.debug)
	# Modify the number 20 in both lines to an appropriate threshold that best separates plant from background

    # Fill small objects
    device, img_fill = pcv.fill(img_thresh, img_cnt, 50, device, args.debug)
	# Modify the number 50 to what best fills holes in the plant (white) and background (black)

    # Mask white-balanced image (here, based on blue channel)
	device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(corr_img, b_fill, 'white', device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked, img_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Define region of interest
	device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked, 'rectangle', device, None, 'default', debug, True, 
                                             1000, 10, -1000, -300)
	# Modify the 4 numbers in the parenthesis to draw a square that surrounds or overlaps the entire plant, 
	# but does not surround or overlap background.

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(corr_img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy,
                                                                           id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,
    # Object combine kept objects
Beispiel #30
def main():
    # Get options 1
    args = options()

    # lee imagen 2
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
   # cv2.imshow("imagen",img)
    # pasos del pipeline 3
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel 4
    #convertir RGB a HSV y extraer el canal de saturacion
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("rgb a hsv y extraer saturacion 4",s)
     # Threshold the Saturation image 5
     #sacar imagen binaria del canal de saturacion
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 85, 255, 'light', device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("imagen binaria de hsv",s_thresh)
    # Median Filter 6
    #sacar un filtro median_blur
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("s_mblur",s_mblur)
   # cv2.imshow("s_cnt",s_cnt)
    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel 7
    #convertir RGB(imagen original) a LAB Y extraer el canal azul
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("convertir RGB a LAB",b)
    # Threshold the blue image 8
    #sacar imagen binaria de LAB  imagen blue
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 160, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 160, 255, 'light', device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("imagen binaria de LAB",b_thresh)
   # cv2.imshow("imagen binaria",b_cnt)
    # Fill small objects
    #device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, debug)
     # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images 9
    device, bs = pcv.logical_or(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("suma logica s_mblur and b_cnt",bs)
     # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white) 10
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("aplicar mascara masked",masked)
    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels 11
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("canal verde-magenta",masked_a)
   # cv2.imshow("canal azul-amarillo",masked_b)  
    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images 12
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 115, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, maskeda_thresh1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 135, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("threshold de canal verde-magenta dark",maskeda_thresh)
   # cv2.imshow("threshold de canal verde-magenta light",maskeda_thresh1)
   # cv2.imshow("threshold de canal azul-amarillo",maskedb_thresh)
    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR) 13
    device, ab1 = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh1, ab1, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh1, ab1, device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("suma logica or 1",ab1)
   # cv2.imshow("suma logica or 2 ab",ab)
   # cv2.imshow("suma logica or 3 ab_cnt",ab_cnt)
    # Fill small objects 14
    device, ab_fill = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("ab_fill",ab_fill)
    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white) 15
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_fill, 'white', device, debug)
   # cv2.imshow("aplicar maskara2 white",masked2)
    ####################entendible hasta aqui######################
    # Identify objects 16 solo print Se utiliza para identificar objetos (material vegetal) en una imagen.
    #imprime la imagen si uso print o no si uso plot no almacena la imagen pero en pritn si la aguarda
    #usa b_thresh y observa
    device,id_objects,obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2,ab_fill, device, debug)
    # Define ROI 17 solo print encierra el objeto detectato pero aun es manual aun no automatico
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy= pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device, None, 'default', debug, True, 92, 80, -127, -343)
    # Decide which objects to keep 18
    device,roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device, debug)
    # Object combine kept objects 19
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, debug)

    ############### Analysis ################

    if args.writeimg==True:

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img,'image', obj, mask, device,args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(img, args.image, obj, mask, 1680, device, debug, args.outdir + '/' + filename)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(img, args.image, kept_mask, 256, device, debug, 'all', 'v', 'img', 300, args.outdir + '/' + filename)

     #Write shape and color data to results file
    for row in shape_img:  
    for row in color_img:
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    brass_mask = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, "s", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 49, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, "b", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, "v", device, args.debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Further mask soil and car
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, "a", device, args.debug)
    device, soil_car = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)
    device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, "a", device, args.debug)
    device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, "b", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 118, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)
    device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 150, 255, "light", device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 75, device, args.debug)

    # Median Filter
    # device, soil_mblur = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)
    # device, soil_cnt = pcv.median_blur(soil_fill, 5, device, args.debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, soil_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(
        img, "circle", device, None, "default", args.debug, True, 0, 0, -200, -200

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, "partial", roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device, args.debug

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################

    outfile = False
    if args.writeimg == True:
        outfile = args.outdir + "/" + filename

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug, outfile

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, "v", "img", 300, outfile

    # Output shape and color data

    result = open(args.result, "a")
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, shape_header)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, shape_data)))
    for row in shape_img:
        result.write("\t".join(map(str, row)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, color_header)))
    result.write("\t".join(map(str, color_data)))
    for row in color_img:
        result.write("\t".join(map(str, row)))

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Find matching NIR image
    device, nirpath = pcv.get_nir(path, filename, device, args.debug)
    nir, path1, filename1 = pcv.readimage(nirpath)
    nir2 = cv2.imread(nirpath, -1)

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "horizontal", device, args.debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.1304, 0.1304, device, args.debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir, nmask, device, 9, 12, "top", "left", args.debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir, newmask, device, args.debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, args.debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################
    outfile1 = False
    if args.writeimg == True:
        outfile1 = args.outdir + "/" + filename1

    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(
        nir2, filename1, nir_combinedmask, 256, device, False, args.debug, outfile1
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(
        nir2, filename1, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask, device, args.debug, outfile1

    coresult = open(args.coresult, "a")
    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nhist_header)))
    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nhist_data)))
    for row in nir_imgs:
        coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, row)))

    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nshape_header)))
    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nshape_data)))
    coresult.write("\t".join(map(str, nir_shape)))
def process_tv_images(vis_img, nir_img, debug=False):
    """Process top-view images.

    vis_img = An RGB image.
    nir_img = An NIR grayscale image.
    debug   = None, print, or plot. Print = save to file, Plot = print to screen.

    :param vis_img: str
    :param nir_img: str
    :param debug: str
    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(vis_img)
    brass_mask = cv2.imread('mask_brass_tv_z1_L1.png')

    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 75, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 150, device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 100, device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Mask pesky brass piece
    device, brass_mask1 = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(brass_mask, 'v', device, debug)
    device, brass_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(brass_mask1, 0, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, brass_inv = pcv.invert(brass_thresh, device, debug)
    device, brass_masked = pcv.apply_mask(masked, brass_inv, 'white', device, debug)

    # Further mask soil and car
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(brass_masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, soil_car1 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, soil_car2 = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, soil_car = pcv.logical_or(soil_car1, soil_car2, device, debug)
    device, soil_masked = pcv.apply_mask(brass_masked, soil_car, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, soil_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, soil_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(soil_masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, soila_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_a, 124, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, soilb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(soil_b, 148, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, soil_ab = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, soil_ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(soila_thresh, soilb_thresh, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, soil_cnt = pcv.fill(soil_ab, soil_ab_cnt, 300, device, debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(soil_masked, soil_cnt, 'white', device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, soil_cnt, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(img, 'rectangle', device, None, 'default', debug, True, 600, 450, -600,

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy,
                                                                           id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, debug)

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, vis_img, obj, mask, device, debug)

    # Determine color properties
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(img, vis_img, mask, 256, device, debug, None,
                                                                    'v', 'img', 300)

    print('\t'.join(map(str, shape_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, shape_data)) + '\n')
    for row in shape_img:
        print('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, color_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, color_data)) + '\n')
    for row in color_img:
        print('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n')

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Read NIR image
    nir, path1, filename1 = pcv.readimage(nir_img)
    nir2 = cv2.imread(nir_img, -1)

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "horizontal", device, debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.116148, 0.116148, device, debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir, nmask, device, 15, 5, "top", "right", debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir, newmask, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################

    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(nir2, filename1, nir_combinedmask, 256,
                                                                           device, False, debug)
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(nir2, filename1, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask,
                                                                       device, debug)

    print('\t'.join(map(str,nhist_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str,nhist_data)) + '\n')
    for row in nir_imgs:
      print('\t'.join(map(str,row)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str,nshape_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str,nshape_data)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str,nir_shape)) + '\n')
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)
    # roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    ## Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    # device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)
    ## Threshold the Saturation image
    # device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 90, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
    ## Median Filter
    # device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    # device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
    ## Fill small objects
    ##device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)
    ## Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    # device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)
    ## Threshold the blue image
    # device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 135, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
    # device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 135, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
    ##Fill small objects
    # device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)
    ## Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    # device, bs = pcv.logical_or(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, args.debug)
    ## Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    # device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, "a", device, args.debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, "b", device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 135, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 140, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    #  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    device, ab_fill = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 1000, device, args.debug)

    # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(img, ab_fill, "white", device, args.debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(
        masked2, "rectangle", device, None, "default", args.debug, True, 550, 0, -500, -300

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, "partial", roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device, args.debug

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)

    ############### Analysis ################

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug, args.outdir + "/" + filename

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    # device, boundary_header,boundary_data, boundary_img1= pcv.analyze_bound(img, args.image,obj, mask, 1680, device,args.debug,args.outdir+'/'+filename)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, norm_slice = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, kept_mask, 256, device, args.debug, "all", "rgb", "v", "img", 300, args.outdir + "/" + filename

    # Output shape and color data
    pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, color_header, color_data)
def process_sv_images(vis_img, nir_img, debug=None):
    """Process side-view images.

    vis_img = An RGB image.
    nir_img = An NIR grayscale image.
    debug   = None, print, or plot. Print = save to file, Plot = print to screen.

    :param vis_img: str
    :param nir_img: str
    :param debug: str
    # Read VIS image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(vis_img)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)

    # Fill small noise
    device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, debug)

    # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
    device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, debug)

    # Fill dilated image mask
    device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.fill(ab_cnt2, ab_cnt1, 150, device, debug)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_cnt3, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    device, masked2a_thresh_blur = pcv.median_blur(masked2a_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh_blur = pcv.median_blur(masked2b_thresh, 13, device, debug)

    device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh_blur, masked2b_thresh_blur, device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device, None, 'default', debug, True, 700,
                                                 0, -600, -300)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy,
                                                                           id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, debug)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################
    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, vis_img, obj, mask, device, debug)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(img, vis_img, obj, mask, 384, device,

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and
    # Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(img, vis_img, mask, 256, device, debug,
                                                                    None, 'v', 'img', 300)

    # Output shape and color data
    print('\t'.join(map(str, shape_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, shape_data)) + '\n')
    for row in shape_img:
        print('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, color_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, color_data)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_data)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_img1)) + '\n')
    for row in color_img:
        print('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n')

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Read NIR image
    nir, path1, filename1 = pcv.readimage(nir_img)
    nir2 = cv2.imread(nir_img, -1)

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "vertical", device, debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.1154905775, 0.1154905775, device, debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir, nmask, device, 30, 4, "top", "right", debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir, newmask, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################
    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(nir2, filename1, nir_combinedmask, 256,
                                                                           device, False, debug)
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(nir2, filename1, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask,
                                                                       device, debug)

    print('\t'.join(map(str, nhist_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, nhist_data)) + '\n')
    for row in nir_imgs:
        print('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, nshape_header)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, nshape_data)) + '\n')
    print('\t'.join(map(str, nir_shape)) + '\n')
Beispiel #35
def main():

    # Get options
    args = options()
    if args.debug:
        print("Analyzing your image dude...")
    # Read image
    device = 0
    img = cv2.imread(args.image, flags=0)
    path, img_name = os.path.split(args.image)
    # Read in image which is average of average of backgrounds
    img_bkgrd = cv2.imread("bkgrd_ave_z2500.png", flags=0)

    # NIR images for burnin2 are up-side down. This may be fixed in later experiments
    img = ndimage.rotate(img, 180)
    img_bkgrd = ndimage.rotate(img_bkgrd, 180)

    # Subtract the image from the image background to make the plant more prominent
    device, bkg_sub_img = pcv.image_subtract(img, img_bkgrd, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(bkg_sub_img, "bkg_sub_img")
    device, bkg_sub_thres_img = pcv.binary_threshold(bkg_sub_img, 145, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)
    bkg_sub_thres_img = cv2.inRange(bkg_sub_img, 30, 220)
    if args.debug:
        cv2.imwrite("bkgrd_sub_thres.png", bkg_sub_thres_img)

    # device, bkg_sub_thres_img = pcv.binary_threshold_2_sided(img_bkgrd, 50, 190, device, args.debug)

    # if a region of interest is specified read it in
    roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)

    # Start by examining the distribution of pixel intensity values
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(img, "hist_img")

    # Will intensity transformation enhance your ability to isolate object of interest by thesholding?
    device, he_img = pcv.HistEqualization(img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(he_img, "hist_img_he")

    # Laplace filtering (identify edges based on 2nd derivative)
    device, lp_img = pcv.laplace_filter(img, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(lp_img, "hist_lp")

    # Lapacian image sharpening, this step will enhance the darkness of the edges detected
    device, lp_shrp_img = pcv.image_subtract(img, lp_img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(lp_shrp_img, "hist_lp_shrp")

    # Sobel filtering
    # 1st derivative sobel filtering along horizontal axis, kernel = 1, unscaled)
    device, sbx_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 1, 0, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sbx_img, "hist_sbx")

    # 1st derivative sobel filtering along vertical axis, kernel = 1, unscaled)
    device, sby_img = pcv.sobel_filter(img, 0, 1, 1, 1, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sby_img, "hist_sby")

    # Combine the effects of both x and y filters through matrix addition
    # This will capture edges identified within each plane and emphesize edges found in both images
    device, sb_img = pcv.image_add(sbx_img, sby_img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(sb_img, "hist_sb_comb_img")

    # Use a lowpass (blurring) filter to smooth sobel image
    device, mblur_img = pcv.median_blur(sb_img, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, mblur_invert_img = pcv.invert(mblur_img, device, args.debug)

    # combine the smoothed sobel image with the laplacian sharpened image
    # combines the best features of both methods as described in "Digital Image Processing" by Gonzalez and Woods pg. 169
    device, edge_shrp_img = pcv.image_add(mblur_invert_img, lp_shrp_img, device, args.debug)
    if args.debug:
        pcv.plot_hist(edge_shrp_img, "hist_edge_shrp_img")

    # Perform thresholding to generate a binary image
    device, tr_es_img = pcv.binary_threshold(edge_shrp_img, 145, 255, "dark", device, args.debug)

    # Prepare a few small kernels for morphological filtering
    kern = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    kern1 = np.copy(kern)
    kern1[1, 1:3] = 1
    kern2 = np.copy(kern)
    kern2[1, 0:2] = 1
    kern3 = np.copy(kern)
    kern3[0:2, 1] = 1
    kern4 = np.copy(kern)
    kern4[1:3, 1] = 1

    # Prepare a larger kernel for dilation
    kern[1, 0:3] = 1
    kern[0:3, 1] = 1

    # Perform erosion with 4 small kernels
    device, e1_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern1, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e2_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern2, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e3_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern3, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, e4_img = pcv.erode(tr_es_img, kern4, 1, device, args.debug)

    # Combine eroded images
    device, c12_img = pcv.logical_or(e1_img, e2_img, device, args.debug)
    device, c123_img = pcv.logical_or(c12_img, e3_img, device, args.debug)
    device, c1234_img = pcv.logical_or(c123_img, e4_img, device, args.debug)

    # Perform dilation
    # device, dil_img = pcv.dilate(c1234_img, kern, 1, device, args.debug)
    device, comb_img = pcv.logical_or(c1234_img, bkg_sub_thres_img, device, args.debug)

    # Get masked image
    # The dilated image may contain some pixels which are not plant
    device, masked_erd = pcv.apply_mask(img, comb_img, "black", device, args.debug)
    # device, masked_erd_dil = pcv.apply_mask(img, dil_img, 'black', device, args.debug)

    # Need to remove the edges of the image, we did that by generating a set of rectangles to mask the edges
    # img is (254 X 320)
    # mask for the bottom of the image
    device, box1_img, rect_contour1, hierarchy1 = pcv.rectangle_mask(img, (120, 184), (215, 252), device, args.debug)
    # mask for the left side of the image
    device, box2_img, rect_contour2, hierarchy2 = pcv.rectangle_mask(img, (1, 1), (85, 252), device, args.debug)
    # mask for the right side of the image
    device, box3_img, rect_contour3, hierarchy3 = pcv.rectangle_mask(img, (240, 1), (318, 252), device, args.debug)
    # mask the edges
    device, box4_img, rect_contour4, hierarchy4 = pcv.border_mask(img, (1, 1), (318, 252), device, args.debug)

    # combine boxes to filter the edges and car out of the photo
    device, bx12_img = pcv.logical_or(box1_img, box2_img, device, args.debug)
    device, bx123_img = pcv.logical_or(bx12_img, box3_img, device, args.debug)
    device, bx1234_img = pcv.logical_or(bx123_img, box4_img, device, args.debug)
    device, inv_bx1234_img = pcv.invert(bx1234_img, device, args.debug)

    # Make a ROI around the plant, include connected objects
    # Apply the box mask to the image
    # device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(masked_erd_dil, inv_bx1234_img, 'black', device, args.debug)

    device, edge_masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(masked_erd, inv_bx1234_img, "black", device, args.debug)

    device, roi_img, roi_contour, roi_hierarchy = pcv.rectangle_mask(img, (120, 75), (200, 184), device, args.debug)

    plant_objects, plant_hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edge_masked_img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy5, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, "partial", roi_contour, roi_hierarchy, plant_objects, plant_hierarchy, device, args.debug

    # Apply the box mask to the image
    # device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(masked_erd_dil, inv_bx1234_img, 'black', device, args.debug)
    device, masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(kept_mask, inv_bx1234_img, "black", device, args.debug)
    rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    # Generate a binary to send to the analysis function
    device, mask = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_img, 1, 255, "light", device, args.debug)
    mask3d = np.copy(mask)
    plant_objects_2, plant_hierarchy_2 = cv2.findContours(mask3d, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    device, o, m = pcv.object_composition(rgb, roi_objects, hierarchy5, device, args.debug)

    ### Analysis ###
    device, hist_header, hist_data, h_norm = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, args.outdir + "/" + img_name
    device, shape_header, shape_data, ori_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        rgb, args.image, o, m, device, args.debug, args.outdir + "/" + img_name

    pcv.print_results(args.image, hist_header, hist_data)
    pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
def process_sv_images(session, url, vis_id, nir_id, traits, debug=None):
    """Process side-view images from Clowder.

    session = requests session object
    url     = Clowder URL
    vis_id  = The Clowder ID of an RGB image
    nir_img = The Clowder ID of an NIR grayscale image
    traits  = traits table (dictionary)
    debug   = None, print, or plot. Print = save to file, Plot = print to screen

    :param session: requests session object
    :param url: str
    :param vis_id: str
    :param nir_id: str
    :param traits: dict
    :param debug: str
    :return traits: dict
    # Read VIS image from Clowder
    vis_r = session.get(posixpath.join(url, "api/files", vis_id), stream=True)
    img_array = np.asarray(bytearray(vis_r.content), dtype="uint8")
    img = cv2.imdecode(img_array, -1)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, debug)
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Fill small objects
    # device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, debug)

    # Fill small noise
    device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, debug)

    # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
    device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, debug)
    device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, debug)

    # Fill dilated image mask
    device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.fill(ab_cnt2, ab_cnt1, 150, device, debug)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_cnt3, 'white', device, debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'a', device, debug)
    device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'b', device, debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, 'dark', device, debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255, 'light', device, debug)

    device, masked2a_thresh_blur = pcv.median_blur(masked2a_thresh, 5, device, debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh_blur = pcv.median_blur(masked2b_thresh, 13, device, debug)

    device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh_blur, masked2b_thresh_blur, device, debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device, None, 'default', debug, True, 700,
                                                 0, -600, -300)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy,
                                                                           id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, debug)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################
    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, vis_id, obj, mask, device, debug)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(img, vis_id, obj, mask, 384, device,

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and
    # Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(img, vis_id, mask, 256, device, debug,
                                                                    None, 'v', 'img', 300)

    # Output shape and color data
    vis_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(shape_header)):
        vis_traits[shape_header[i]] = shape_data[i]
    for i in range(1, len(boundary_header)):
        vis_traits[boundary_header[i]] = boundary_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(color_header)):
        vis_traits[color_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(color_data[i])
    add_plantcv_metadata(session, url, vis_id, vis_traits)

    ############################# Use VIS image mask for NIR image#########################
    # Read NIR image from Clowder
    nir_r = session.get(posixpath.join(url, "api/files", nir_id), stream=True)
    nir_array = np.asarray(bytearray(nir_r.content), dtype="uint8")
    nir = cv2.imdecode(nir_array, -1)
    nir_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(nir, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    # Flip mask
    device, f_mask = pcv.flip(mask, "vertical", device, debug)

    # Reize mask
    device, nmask = pcv.resize(f_mask, 0.1154905775, 0.1154905775, device, debug)

    # position, and crop mask
    device, newmask = pcv.crop_position_mask(nir_rgb, nmask, device, 30, 4, "top", "right", debug)

    # Identify objects
    device, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(nir_rgb, newmask, device, debug)

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask = pcv.object_composition(nir_rgb, nir_objects, nir_hierarchy, device, debug)

    ####################################### Analysis #############################################
    device, nhist_header, nhist_data, nir_imgs = pcv.analyze_NIR_intensity(nir, nir_id, nir_combinedmask, 256,
                                                                           device, False, debug)
    device, nshape_header, nshape_data, nir_shape = pcv.analyze_object(nir, nir_id, nir_combined, nir_combinedmask,
                                                                       device, debug)

    nir_traits = {}
    for i in range(1, len(nshape_header)):
        nir_traits[nshape_header[i]] = nshape_data[i]
    for i in range(2, len(nhist_header)):
        nir_traits[nhist_header[i]] = serialize_color_data(nhist_data[i])
    add_plantcv_metadata(session, url, nir_id, nir_traits)

    # Add data to traits table

    return traits
def main():
  # Get options
  args = options()

  # Read image
  img = cv2.imread(args.image)
  roi = cv2.imread(args.roi)
  # Pipeline step
  device = 0

  # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
  device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the Saturation image
  device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Median Filter
  device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
  device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 5, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
  device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the blue image
  device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 138, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 150, device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
  device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_fill, b_fill, device, args.debug)
  # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
  device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
  device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, args.debug)
  # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
  device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 122, 255, 'dark', device, args.debug)
  device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 133, 255, 'light', device, args.debug)
  # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
  device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device, args.debug)
  # Fill small objects
  device, ab_fill = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 200, device, args.debug)
  # Apply mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
  device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(masked, ab_fill, 'white', device, args.debug)
  # Identify objects
  device, id_objects,obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)
 # Define ROI
  device, roi1, roi_hierarchy= pcv.define_roi(img,'rectangle', device, None, 'default', args.debug,False, 0, 0,0,0)
  # Decide which objects to keep
  device,roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(img,'partial',roi1,roi_hierarchy,id_objects,obj_hierarchy,device, args.debug)
  # Object combine kept objects
  device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3, device, args.debug)
############## Analysis ################  
  # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
  device, shape_header,shape_data,shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, args.image, obj, mask, device,args.debug,True)
  # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
  device, color_header,color_data,norm_slice= pcv.analyze_color(img, args.image, kept_mask, 256, device, args.debug,'all','rgb','v')
  # Output shape and color data
  pcv.print_results(args.image, shape_header, shape_data)
  pcv.print_results(args.image, color_header, color_data)
def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Read image
    img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(args.image)

    # Pipeline step
    device = 0

    # Convert RGB to HSV and extract the Saturation channel
    device, s = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the Saturation image
    device, s_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(s, 36, 255, 'light', device,

    # Median Filter
    device, s_mblur = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)
    device, s_cnt = pcv.median_blur(s_thresh, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Fill small objects
    #device, s_fill = pcv.fill(s_mblur, s_cnt, 0, device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Blue channel
    device, b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the blue image
    device, b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device,
    device, b_cnt = pcv.binary_threshold(b, 137, 255, 'light', device,

    # Fill small objects
    #device, b_fill = pcv.fill(b_thresh, b_cnt, 10, device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images
    device, bs = pcv.logical_and(s_mblur, b_cnt, device, args.debug)

    # Apply Mask (for vis images, mask_color=white)
    device, masked = pcv.apply_mask(img, bs, 'white', device, args.debug)

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, masked_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, maskeda_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_a, 127, 255, 'dark',
                                                  device, args.debug)
    device, maskedb_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked_b, 128, 255, 'light',
                                                  device, args.debug)

    # Join the thresholded saturation and blue-yellow images (OR)
    device, ab = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,
    device, ab_cnt = pcv.logical_or(maskeda_thresh, maskedb_thresh, device,

    # Fill small noise
    device, ab_fill1 = pcv.fill(ab, ab_cnt, 2, device, args.debug)

    # Dilate to join small objects with larger ones
    device, ab_cnt1 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)
    device, ab_cnt2 = pcv.dilate(ab_fill1, 3, 2, device, args.debug)

    # Fill dilated image mask
    device, ab_cnt3 = pcv.fill(ab_cnt2, ab_cnt1, 150, device, args.debug)
    img2 = np.copy(img)
    device, masked2 = pcv.apply_mask(img2, ab_cnt3, 'white', device,

    # Convert RGB to LAB and extract the Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow channels
    device, masked2_a = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'a', device, args.debug)
    device, masked2_b = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(masked2, 'b', device, args.debug)

    # Threshold the green-magenta and blue images
    device, masked2a_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_a, 127, 255, 'dark',
                                                   device, args.debug)
    device, masked2b_thresh = pcv.binary_threshold(masked2_b, 128, 255,
                                                   'light', device, args.debug)
    device, ab_fill = pcv.logical_or(masked2a_thresh, masked2b_thresh, device,

    # Identify objects
    device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(
        masked2, ab_fill, device, args.debug)

    # Define ROI
    device, roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.define_roi(masked2, 'rectangle', device,
                                                 None, 'default', args.debug,
                                                 True, 650, 10, -600, -340)

    # Decide which objects to keep
    device, roi_objects, hierarchy3, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img, 'partial', roi1, roi_hierarchy, id_objects, obj_hierarchy, device,

    # Object combine kept objects
    device, obj, mask = pcv.object_composition(img, roi_objects, hierarchy3,
                                               device, args.debug)

    ############## Landmarks    ################

    device, points = pcv.acute_vertex(obj, 40, 30, 40, img, device, args.debug)
    boundary_line = 290
    # Use acute fxn to estimate tips
    device, points_r, centroid_r, bline_r = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, points, boundary_line, device, args.debug)
    # Get number of points
    tips = len(points_r)
    # Use turgor_proxy fxn to get distances
    device, vert_ave_c, hori_ave_c, euc_ave_c, ang_ave_c, vert_ave_b, hori_ave_b, euc_ave_b, ang_ave_b = pcv.turgor_proxy(
        points_r, centroid_r, bline_r, device, args.debug)
    # Get pseudomarkers along the y-axis
    device, left, right, center_h = pcv.y_axis_pseudolandmarks(
        obj, mask, img, device, args.debug)
    # Re-scale the points
    device, left_r, left_cr, left_br = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, left, boundary_line, device, args.debug)
    device, right_r, right_cr, right_br = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, right, boundary_line, device, args.debug)
    device, center_hr, center_hcr, center_hbr = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, center_h, boundary_line, device, args.debug)

    # Get pseudomarkers along the x-axis
    device, top, bottom, center_v = pcv.x_axis_pseudolandmarks(
        obj, mask, img, device, args.debug)

    # Re-scale the points
    device, top_r, top_cr, top_br = pcv.scale_features(obj, mask, top,
                                                       boundary_line, device,
    device, bottom_r, bottom_cr, bottom_br = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, bottom, boundary_line, device, args.debug)
    device, center_vr, center_vcr, center_vbr = pcv.scale_features(
        obj, mask, center_v, boundary_line, device, args.debug)

    ## Need to convert the points into a list of tuples format to match the scaled points
    points = points.reshape(len(points), 2)
    points = points.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for p in points:
        p = tuple(p)
    points = temp_out
    left = left.reshape(20, 2)
    left = left.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for l in left:
        l = tuple(l)
    left = temp_out
    right = right.reshape(20, 2)
    right = right.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for r in right:
        r = tuple(r)
    right = temp_out
    center_h = center_h.reshape(20, 2)
    center_h = center_h.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for ch in center_h:
        ch = tuple(ch)
    center_h = temp_out
    ## Need to convert the points into a list of tuples format to match the scaled points
    top = top.reshape(20, 2)
    top = top.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for t in top:
        t = tuple(t)
    top = temp_out
    bottom = bottom.reshape(20, 2)
    bottom = bottom.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for b in bottom:
        b = tuple(b)
    bottom = temp_out
    center_v = center_v.reshape(20, 2)
    center_v = center_v.tolist()
    temp_out = []
    for cvr in center_v:
        cvr = tuple(cvr)
    center_v = temp_out

    #Store Landmark Data
    landmark_header = ('HEADER_LANDMARK', 'tip_points', 'tip_points_r',
                       'centroid_r', 'baseline_r', 'tip_number', 'vert_ave_c',
                       'hori_ave_c', 'euc_ave_c', 'ang_ave_c', 'vert_ave_b',
                       'hori_ave_b', 'euc_ave_b', 'ang_ave_b', 'left_lmk',
                       'right_lmk', 'center_h_lmk', 'left_lmk_r',
                       'right_lmk_r', 'center_h_lmk_r', 'top_lmk',
                       'bottom_lmk', 'center_v_lmk', 'top_lmk_r',
                       'bottom_lmk_r', 'center_v_lmk_r')

    landmark_data = ('LANDMARK_DATA', points, points_r, centroid_r, bline_r,
                     tips, vert_ave_c, hori_ave_c, euc_ave_c, ang_ave_c,
                     vert_ave_b, hori_ave_b, euc_ave_b, ang_ave_b, left, right,
                     center_h, left_r, right_r, center_hr, top, bottom,
                     center_v, top_r, bottom_r, center_vr)

    ############## VIS Analysis ################

    outfile = False
    #if args.writeimg==True:

    # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional)
    device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, device, args.debug, outfile)

    # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional)
    device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img1 = pcv.analyze_bound(
        img, args.image, obj, mask, 290, device, args.debug, outfile)

    # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, output color analyzed images (optional)
    device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color(
        img, args.image, mask, 256, device, args.debug, None, 'v', 'img', 300,

    # Output shape and color data

    result = open(args.result, "a")
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_data)))
    for row in shape_img:
        result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_data)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_data)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_img1)))
    for row in color_img:
        result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, landmark_header)))
    result.write('\t'.join(map(str, landmark_data)))