Beispiel #1
    def package_info(self):
        # PCL has a find script which populates variables holding include paths
        # and libs, but since it doesn't define a target, and re-searches for
        # Eigen and other dependencies, it's a little annoying to use - still,
        # it's available by adding the resdir (below) to the CMAKE_MODULE_DIR
        # While this might break encapsulation a little, we will add the libs
        # to the package info such that we can simply use the conan package if
        # we wish.

        (pcl_release, pcl_major) = [int(i) for i in self.version.split('.')[:2]]
        pcl_version_str = f'{pcl_release}.{pcl_major}'

        # Add the directory with CMake.. Not sure if this is a good use of resdirs
        self.cpp_info.resdirs = [self.pcl_cmake_dir]

        # Add the real include path, the default one points to include/ but the one
        # we use is include/pcl-1.8
        self.cpp_info.includedirs = [os.path.join('include', f'pcl-{pcl_version_str}')]

        # Populate the libs
        self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)

        if self.options.shared and 'Windows' == self.settings.os:
            # Add our libs to PATH
            self.env_info.path.append(os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib'))

        # Populate the pkg-config environment variables
        with tools.pythonpath(self):
            from platform_helpers import adjustPath, appendPkgConfigPath

            self.env_info.PKG_CONFIG_PCL_PREFIX = adjustPath(self.package_folder)
            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib', 'pkgconfig')), self.env_info)
Beispiel #2
    def package_info(self):
        # For now, don't export the lib
        # self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)

        # Populate the pkg-config environment variables
        with tools.pythonpath(self): # Compensate for #2644
            from platform_helpers import adjustPath, appendPkgConfigPath

            self.env_info.PKG_CONFIG_MPFR_PREFIX = adjustPath(self.package_folder)
            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib', 'pkgconfig')), self.env_info)
Beispiel #3
    def package_info(self):
        self.cpp_info.libs = ['ffi']
        self.env_info.MANPATH.append(os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'share', 'man'))

        # Populate the pkg-config environment variables
        with tools.pythonpath(self):
            from platform_helpers import adjustPath, appendPkgConfigPath

            self.env_info.PKG_CONFIG_LIBFFI_PREFIX = adjustPath(self.package_folder)
            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib', 'pkgconfig')), self.env_info)
    def package_info(self):
        self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)

        # Populate the pkg-config environment variables
        with tools.pythonpath(self):
            from platform_helpers import adjustPath, appendPkgConfigPath
            self.env_info.PKG_CONFIG_FLANN_PREFIX = adjustPath(self.package_folder)
            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib', 'pkgconfig')), self.env_info)

        if tools.os_info.is_windows:
            # console_bridge installs the dll to the lib directory.  We prefer to
            # see it in the bin/ directory, but because there are CMake files and
            # stuff, we're just going to point bin at lib for simplicity.
            self.cpp_info.bindirs = self.cpp_info.libdirs
Beispiel #5
    def package_info(self):
        self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)

        # Populate the pkg-config environment variables
        with tools.pythonpath(self):
            from platform_helpers import adjustPath, appendPkgConfigPath

            pkg_config_path = os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib',
            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(pkg_config_path), self.env_info)

            pc_files = glob.glob(
                adjustPath(os.path.join(pkg_config_path, '*.pc')))
            for f in pc_files:
                p_name = re.sub(r'\.pc$', '', os.path.basename(f))
                p_name = re.sub(r'\W', '_', p_name.upper())
                setattr(self.env_info, 'PKG_CONFIG_%s_PREFIX' % p_name,

            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(pkg_config_path), self.env_info)
Beispiel #6
    def package_info(self):
        self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)
        self.env_info.CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.append(os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib', 'cmake'))

        if tools.os_info.is_windows:
            # VLC-Qt appears to copy all of VLC's plugins to it's local bin
            # directory.  This env var is required or else VLC cannot be
            # loaded. (Though, we could likely also just point to the vlc/../bin/plugins
            self.env_info.VLC_PLUGIN_PATH = os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'bin', 'plugins')

        # Populate the pkg-config environment variables
        with tools.pythonpath(self):
            from platform_helpers import adjustPath, appendPkgConfigPath

            pkg_config_path = os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib', 'pkgconfig')
            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(pkg_config_path), self.env_info)

            pc_files = glob.glob(adjustPath(os.path.join(pkg_config_path, '*.pc')))
            for f in pc_files:
                p_name = re.sub(r'\.pc$', '', os.path.basename(f))
                p_name = re.sub(r'\W', '_', p_name.upper())
                setattr(self.env_info, f'PKG_CONFIG_{p_name}_PREFIX', adjustPath(self.package_folder))

            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(pkg_config_path), self.env_info)
Beispiel #7
    def package_info(self):
        libs = ['avdevice', 'avfilter', 'avformat', 'avcodec', 'swresample', 'swscale', 'avutil']
        if self.options.postproc:
        if self.settings.compiler == 'Visual Studio':
            if self.options.shared:
                self.cpp_info.libs = libs
                self.cpp_info.libs = ['lib' + lib for lib in libs]
            self.cpp_info.libs = libs
        if self.settings.os == "Macos":
            frameworks = ['CoreVideo', 'CoreMedia', 'CoreGraphics', 'CoreFoundation', 'OpenGL', 'Foundation']
            if self.options.appkit:
            if self.options.avfoundation:
            if self.options.coreimage:
            if self.options.audiotoolbox:
            if self.options.videotoolbox:
            if self.options.vda:
            if self.options.securetransport:
            for framework in frameworks:
                self.cpp_info.exelinkflags.append("-framework %s" % framework)
            self.cpp_info.sharedlinkflags = self.cpp_info.exelinkflags
        elif self.settings.os == "Linux":
            self.cpp_info.libs.extend(['dl', 'pthread'])
            if self.options.alsa:
            if self.options.jack:
            if self.options.pulse:
            if self.options.vaapi:
                self.cpp_info.libs.extend(['va', 'va-drm', 'va-x11'])
            if self.options.vdpau:
                self.cpp_info.libs.extend(['vdpau', 'X11'])
            if self.options.xcb:
                self.cpp_info.libs.extend(['xcb', 'xcb-shm', 'xcb-shape', 'xcb-xfixes'])
        elif self.settings.os == "Windows":
            self.cpp_info.libs.extend(['ws2_32', 'secur32', 'shlwapi', 'strmiids', 'vfw32'])

        # Populate the pkg-config environment variables
        with tools.pythonpath(self):
            from platform_helpers import adjustPath, appendPkgConfigPath

            pkg_config_path = os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'lib', 'pkgconfig')
            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(pkg_config_path), self.env_info)

            pc_files = glob.glob(adjustPath(os.path.join(pkg_config_path, '*.pc')))
            for f in pc_files:
                p_name = re.sub(r'\.pc$', '', os.path.basename(f))
                p_name = re.sub(r'\W', '_', p_name.upper())
                setattr(self.env_info, f'PKG_CONFIG_{p_name}_PREFIX', adjustPath(self.package_folder))

            appendPkgConfigPath(adjustPath(pkg_config_path), self.env_info)