Beispiel #1
def aim(now_card, user, aimer):
	if (now_card == 0):
		return 0
	tot = len(pl.player_in_game)
	if ( == 10 or == 20):
		# print(user.pos,aimer.pos)
		return pl.distance(user, aimer) <= 1 and user.pos != aimer.pos
	elif ( <= 3):
		defence = aimer.equip[1]
		if (user.equip[0].id != 25):
			if ( == 33 and now_card.type & 1 == 0):  # 仁王盾
				# print("%s使用了[%s]" % (, card_nm[aimer.equip[1].id]))
				return 0
			elif ( == 34 and == 1):  # 藤甲
				# print("%s使用了[%s]" % (, card_nm[aimer.equip[1].id]))
				return 0
		return pl.distance(user, aimer) <= user.equip[0].range and user.pos != aimer.pos
	elif ( in [5, 6, 15] or > 20):
		return user.pos == aimer.pos
	elif ( in [4, 18, 11, 12, 13, 14]):
		return 0
	elif ( in [7, 9, 10, 16, 19]):
		return user.pos != aimer.pos

	return 1
Beispiel #2
def target_tile(max_range=None):
    """Selects a tile either from a mouse click or selection"""

    x = player.x
    y = player.y
    mx = t.state(t.TK_MOUSE_X)
    my = t.state(t.TK_MOUSE_Y)

    render.draw_cursor(x, y)
    render.draw_max_range(player, max_range)

        "Select using the mouse or movements keys. Use M1, Enter, 5 to confirm and ESC/SPACE to cancel",

    key =
    while key not in (t.TK_MOUSE_LEFT, t.TK_ENTER, t.TK_KP_ENTER, t.TK_KP_5,
                      t.TK_ESCAPE, t.TK_SPACE):
        dx = x
        dy = y
        if key in DIR:
            (dir_x, dir_y) = DIR.get(key)
            dx += dir_x
            dy += dir_y
        zx = t.state(t.TK_MOUSE_X)
        zy = t.state(t.TK_MOUSE_Y)
        if zx != mx or zy != my:
            mx = zx
            my = zy
            dx = mx
            dy = my

        #Check for Out of Bounds/Range
        if 0 < dx and dx < MAP_WIDTH and 0 < dy and dy < MAP_HEIGHT:
            #Check for within range
            if player.distance(dx, dy) <= max_range and not gmap.is_blocked(dx, dy, None, tilesOnly=True) \
                and gmap.is_explored(dx, dy):
                x = dx
                y = dy

        render.draw_cursor(x, y)
        if t.has_input():
            key =
            key = None

    #Check if it was a mouse confirm or a key confirm/cancel
    render.draw_cursor(None, None)
    render.draw_max_range(None, None)
    if key == t.TK_MOUSE_LEFT:
        x = t.state(t.TK_MOUSE_X)
        y = t.state(t.TK_MOUSE_Y)
    #Cancel selection process
    elif key in (t.TK_ESCAPE, t.TK_SPACE):
        return (None, None)
    #Return coordinates selected
    return (x, y)
Beispiel #3
def generate_treasure(fitness, level, done, closest_dist):
    (x, y) = get_treasure_pos()

    #Check if the new treasure position is not occupied by any other obstacles.
    while ((x, y) == player.current_pos or level[y][x] == 1):
        (x, y) = get_treasure_pos()

    level[y][x] = 3

    #Add 10 points to the genomes fitness (Rewarded)
    fitness += 10

    #The function is used to update the map with the new treasure position
    update_maze(level, True)

    #Get the distance between the player and the new treasure
    closest_dist = player.distance(treasure.current_pos)

    return (fitness, level, done, closest_dist)
Beispiel #4
#The configuration file contains values which detemines the structure of the neural network and
#how it will train itself.
config = neat.Config(neat.DefaultGenome, neat.DefaultReproduction,
                     neat.DefaultSpeciesSet, neat.DefaultStagnation,

level = np.array(levels[level_select])

#Initilize the neural network with only one genome
net = neat.nn.recurrent.RecurrentNetwork.create(genome, config)

update_maze(level, True)

#Get the distance between the player and the treasure
closest_dist = player.distance(treasure.current_pos)

#Turn off screen updates

#Used to count amount of fitness in a game run
fitness_current = 0

#Used to check amount of steps the player has used
counter = 0

max_counter = counters

done = False

while not done:
Beispiel #5

player = player.Player()
car = car.Car()

screen.onkey(player.go_up, 'Up')
screen.onkey(player.go_down, 'Down')

while True:

    if player.ycor() > 280:

    for i in
        if player.distance(i) < 23:

    for i in
        if i.xcor() > 290:
            r = random.randint(-200, 200)
            i.goto(-290, r)
        if i.xcor() < -290:
            r = random.randint(-200, 200)
            i.goto(290, r)

Beispiel #6
def eval_genomes(genomes, config):
    global level_select

    #Let every genome play the game
    for genome_id, genome in genomes:
        level = np.array(levels[level_select])

        net = neat.nn.recurrent.RecurrentNetwork.create(genome, config)

        update_maze(level, True)

        #Get the distance between the player and the treasure
        closest_dist = player.distance(treasure.current_pos)

        #Turn off screen updates

        #Used to count amount of fitness in a game run
        fitness_current = 0

        #Used to check amount of steps the player has used
        counter = 0

        max_counter = counters

        done = False

        while not done:

            (px, py) = player.current_pos
            (tx, ty) = treasure.current_pos

            #Get 8 inputs to feed to the neural network
            #Every input contains a 1 or 0
            #1 = Yes
            #0 = No

            #Input 1 - is it clear to the left?
            left = whatIsNext(level[py][px - 1])
            #Input 2 - is it clear to the right?
            right = whatIsNext(level[py][px + 1])
            #Input 3 - is it clear up?
            up = whatIsNext(level[py + 1][px])
            #Input 4 - is it clear down?
            down = whatIsNext(level[py - 1][px])

            #Input 5 - is the treasure to the left?
            leftG = sign(px - tx)
            #Input 6 - is the treasure to the right?
            rightG = sign(tx - px)
            #Input 7 - is the treasure up?
            upG = sign(py - ty)
            #Input 8 - is the treasure down?
            downG = sign(ty - py)

            #Add the inputs into the neural network
            nnOutput = net.activate(
                [left, up, right, down, leftG, upG, rightG, downG])

            #Get the output back from the neural network
            #The output decides is the next move which the play will take
            done = player.next_move(nnOutput.index(max(nnOutput)), level)

            if done:

            #Reload the map with new values

            current_dist = player.distance(treasure.current_pos)

            #Check if the player has come closer to the treasure
            #If true then add 1 point to the the genome fitness and the reset the counter
            if closest_dist > current_dist:
                closest_dist = current_dist
                fitness_current += 1
                counter = 0

            counter += 1

            #If the pplayer reached the treasure, spawn a new treasure
            if current_dist == 0:
                (fitness_current, level, done,
                 closest_dist) = generate_treasure(fitness_current, level,
                                                   done, closest_dist)
                counter = 0

   = fitness_current

            #If the player has reached the maximum amount of moves then end the game for the current genome
            #Or if the genome has exceeded it's fintess goal then end the training
            if done or counter == max_counter or fitness_current > 10000:
                done = True = fitness_current