Beispiel #1
def on_client_disconnect(index):
    # This can occur if the player leaves the server before OnClientActive was called
        uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo_from_index(index))
    except ValueError:

    wcsplayer = Player(uniqueid)

    # If we failed to get the correct uniqueid for some reason, do not proceed
    assert wcsplayer.uniqueid == uniqueid, (wcsplayer.uniqueid, uniqueid)


    for delay in _delays.pop(wcsplayer.userid, []):

    del Player._cache_userids[wcsplayer.userid]
    del Player._cache_indexes[wcsplayer.index]

    if wcsplayer.ready:
        wcsplayer._lastconnect = time()

Beispiel #2
    def from_index(cls, index):
        wcsplayer = cls._cache_indexes.get(index)

        if wcsplayer is None:
            playerinfo = playerinfo_from_index(index)
            uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo)

            wcsplayer = cls._cache_indexes[index] = cls(uniqueid)

        return wcsplayer
Beispiel #3
    def _chosen_value(self, menu, index, option):
        """Store the player's chosen value for the setting."""
        # Get the client's uniqueid
        uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo_from_index(index))

        # Set the player's setting
        _player_settings_storage[uniqueid][self.convar] = option.value

        # Send the player a message about their changed setting
        _message.send(index, convar=self.convar, value=option.value)
Beispiel #4
    def from_userid(cls, userid):
        wcsplayer = cls._cache_userids.get(userid)

        if wcsplayer is None:
            index = index_from_userid(userid)
            playerinfo = playerinfo_from_index(index)
            uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo)

            wcsplayer = cls._cache_userids[userid] = cls(uniqueid)

        return wcsplayer
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, index):
        self.index = index
        self.salt = None

        playerinfo = playerinfo_from_index(index)
        uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo)

        if uniqueid != playerinfo.steamid:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot initialize MOTDPlayer for bots or LAN players")

        self.steamid64 = str(SteamID.parse(playerinfo.steamid).to_uint64())

        self._next_session_id = 1
        self._sessions = {}
        self._loaded = False
Beispiel #6
    def is_player_authorized(
            self, playerinfo, level=None, permission=None, flag=None):
        """Check to see if the player is authorized."""
        # Get the player's uniqueid
        uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo)

        # Loop through all loaded auth providers
        for provider in self:

            # Is the player authorized?
            if self[provider].is_player_authorized(
                    uniqueid, level, permission, flag):

                # If the player is authorized, return true
                return True

        # If the player is not found authorized for any provider, return false
        return False
Beispiel #7
    def is_player_authorized(
            self, playerinfo, level=None, permission=None, flag=None):
        """Check to see if the player is authorized."""
        # Get the player's uniqueid
        uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo)

        # Loop through all loaded auth providers
        for provider in self:

            # Is the player authorized?
            if self[provider].is_player_authorized(
                    uniqueid, level, permission, flag):

                # If the player is authorized, return true
                return True

        # If the player is not found authorized for any provider, return false
        return False
Beispiel #8
    def get_setting(self, index):
        """Return the setting value for the given player index."""
        # Get the client's convar value
        value = engine_server.get_client_convar_value(index, self.convar)

        # Try to typecast the value, suppressing ValueErrors
        with suppress(ValueError):

            # Typecast the given value
            value = self._type(value)

            # Is the given value a proper one for the convar?
            if self._is_valid_setting(value):

                # If so, return the value
                return value

        # Get the client's uniqueid
        uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo_from_index(index))

        # Is the uniqueid in the setting's storage dictionary?
        if uniqueid in _player_settings_storage:

            # Is the convar in the clients's dictionary?
            if self.convar in _player_settings_storage[uniqueid]:

                # Get the client's value for the convar
                value = _player_settings_storage[uniqueid][self.convar]

                # Try to typecast the value, suppressing ValueErrors
                with suppress(ValueError):

                    # Typecast the given value
                    value = self._type(value)

                    # Is the given value a proper one for the convar?
                    if self._is_valid_setting(value):

                        # Return the value
                        return value

        # Return the default value
        return self.default
    def uniqueid(self):
        """Return the player's unique ID.

        :rtype: str
        return uniqueid_from_playerinfo(self.playerinfo)
Beispiel #10
    def uniqueid(self):
        """Return the player's unique ID.

        :rtype: str
        return uniqueid_from_playerinfo(self.playerinfo)
Beispiel #11
def on_client_active(index):
    wcsplayer = Player(uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo_from_index(index)))

    wcsplayer._userid = userid_from_index(index)
    wcsplayer._index = index
Beispiel #12
 def uniqueid(self):
     """Return the player's uniqueid."""
     return uniqueid_from_playerinfo(self.playerinfo)
Beispiel #13
 def uniqueid(self):
     """Return the player's uniqueid."""
     return uniqueid_from_playerinfo(self.playerinfo)
Beispiel #14
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Register the return type functions
_player_iter_manager.register_return_type('index', index_from_edict)
_player_iter_manager.register_return_type('edict', lambda edict: edict)
    'basehandle', basehandle_from_edict)
    'inthandle', inthandle_from_edict)
    'pointer', pointer_from_edict)
    'userid', userid_from_edict)
    'uniqueid', lambda edict: uniqueid_from_playerinfo(
    'address', lambda edict: address_from_playerinfo(
    'playerinfo', playerinfo_from_edict)
    'player', lambda edict: PlayerEntity(
    'name', lambda edict: playerinfo_from_edict(edict).get_name())
    'steamid', lambda edict: playerinfo_from_edict(
    'location', lambda edict: playerinfo_from_edict(edict).get_abs_origin())
Beispiel #15
 def uniqueid(self):
     '''Returns the player's uniqueid'''
     return uniqueid_from_playerinfo(
Beispiel #16
    def get_setting(self, index):
        '''Returns the setting value for the given player index'''

        # Get the convar's value
        convar = self.prefix +' ', '_')

        # Get the client's convar value
        value = EngineServer.get_client_convar_value(index, convar)

        # Use try/except to typecast the value

            # Typecast the given value
            value = self._type(value)

        # Was an exception encountered?
        except ValueError:

            # Do nothing if the error occurred

        # Was no exception encountered?

            # Is the given value a proper one for the convar?
            if self._is_valid_setting(value):

                # If so, return the value
                return value

        # Get the client's uniqueid
        uniqueid = uniqueid_from_playerinfo(playerinfo_from_index(index))

        # Is the uniqueid in the setting's storage dictionary?
        if uniqueid in _PlayerSettingsStorage:

            # Is the convar in the clients's dictionary?
            if convar in _PlayerSettingsStorage[uniqueid]:

                # Get the client's value for the convar
                value = _PlayerSettingsStorage[uniqueid][convar]

                # Use try/except to typecast the value

                    # Typecast the given value
                    value = self._type(value)

                # Was an exception encountered?
                except ValueError:

                    # Do nothing if the error occurred

                # Was no exception encountered?

                    # Is the given value a proper one for the convar?
                    if self._is_valid_setting(value):

                        # Return the value
                        return value

        # Return the default value
        return self.default