def pull (repo, response, params): # check the parameters remote_repo = params.get('repository') if not remote_repo: response.error(HTTPCodes.BAD_REQUEST, "<p>No remote repository specified.") return remote_password = params.get('password', "") # build a list of document fingerprints hash_dict = _build_hash_dict(repo) note("hash dict is %s", hash_dict) # check each fingerprint with remote repository remote_matches = _check_hashes (hash_dict.keys(), remote_repo, remote_password) note("remote matches are %s", remote_matches) fp = if not remote_matches: fp.write("<P>Both repositories match.<br>\n") else: # push across all matches that aren't on the remote side for match in remote_matches: note("hash is %s, match_code is %s", match[0], match[1]) if match[1] == 'R': _pull_doc (repo, match[2], remote_repo, remote_password) note("remote doc ID is %s", match[2]) fp.write("pulled doc %s...<br>" % match[2]) fp.close()
def rip(self, folderpath, id): # create a resource fork with the document's first page on it try: bigfirstpageiconpath = os.path.join(folderpath, "page-images", "page00001.png") if os.path.exists(bigfirstpageiconpath): os.system('/usr/bin/sips -i "%s" > /dev/null' % bigfirstpageiconpath) if '' in listxattr(bigfirstpageiconpath): icon = getxattr(bigfirstpageiconpath, '') resourceforkpath = os.path.join(folderpath, "thumbnails", "mac-icon.rsrc") fp = open(resourceforkpath, 'wb') fp.write(icon) fp.close() except Exception, x: note("MacRipper: exception %s encountered.", repr(x))
def check_hashes (repo, response, params): """Return values are one of <hash> L <hash> R <docid> <title> """ remote_hashes = params.get("hashes") note("checking hashes...") if not remote_hashes: response.error(HTTPCodes.BAD_REQUEST, "<p>No hashes specified.") note("no hashes") return note("hashes are %s", remote_hashes) hash_dict = _build_hash_dict(repo) remote_hash_list = string.split(remote_hashes, "\n") retval = "" for hash in remote_hash_list: note("checking remote hash %s", hash) if hash_dict.has_key(hash): # document present in both places # retval = retval + "%s B" % hash + "\n" del hash_dict[hash] else: # document present only in caller retval = retval + "%s L" % hash + "\n" for key in hash_dict.keys(): # document present only on callee title = hash_dict[key].get_metadata("title") or "" title = re.sub("\s", "`", title) retval = retval + "%s R" % key + " " + hash_dict[key].id + " " + title + "\n" note(3, "return values are %s", retval) fp ="text/plain") fp.write(retval) fp.close() return
def sync (repo, response, params): # check the parameters remote_repo = params.get('repository') if not remote_repo: response.error(HTTPCodes.BAD_REQUEST, "<p>No remote repository specified.") return remote_password = params.get('password', "") # build a list of document fingerprints hash_dict = _build_hash_dict(repo) note("hash dict is %s", hash_dict) # check each fingerprint with remote repository remote_matches = _check_hashes (hash_dict.keys(), remote_repo, remote_password) note("remote matches are %s", remote_matches) fp = if not remote_matches: fp.write("<P>Both repositories match.<br>\n") else: # push across all matches that aren't on the remote side for match in remote_matches: note("hash is %s, match_code is %s", match[0], match[1]) if match[1] == 'L': _push_doc (hash_dict[match[0]], remote_repo, remote_password) doc = hash_dict[match[0]] note("doc is %s", doc) fp.write("pushed doc %s (%s)...<br>" % (, doc.get_metadata("title"))) elif match[1] == 'R': _pull_doc (repo, match[2], remote_repo, remote_password) note("remote doc ID is %s", match[2]) title = ((len(match) > 3) and re.sub("`", " ", match[3])) or "" fp.write("pulled doc %s (%s)...<br>" % (match[2], title)) fp.close()
def myformat (pathname): if pathname.endswith(".webloc"): try: import MacOS from Carbon import Res except: note(3, "can't import MacOS or Res") return False url = None title = None try: rf = Res.FSpOpenResFile(pathname, 0) except MacOS.Error, e: if e.args[0] == -39: # not a resource file note(3, "file %s not a resource file", pathname) return False else: raise else: for i in range(1, Res.Count1Types() + 1): typ = Res.Get1IndType(i) for j in range(1, Res.Count1Resources(typ) + 1): res = Res.Get1IndResource(typ, j) id_, typ2, name = res.GetResInfo() if typ == 'url ': url = if typ == 'urln': title = if url and title: break Res.CloseResFile(rf) if url: result = URLDoc.myformat(url) if type(result) == type({}): result['real-url'] = url if title: result['title'] = title return result
def _check_hashes (hashes, remote_repo, remote_password): host, port, path = parse_URL(remote_repo) hashtext = string.join(hashes, "\n") # create zipfile of the folder errcode, errmsg, headers, text = https_post_multipart(host, port, remote_password, "/action/SynchronizeRepositories/check_hashes", [("hashes", hashtext),], ()) if errcode != 200: note("Errcode %s received. Error text from repository was\n%s.\n", errcode, errmsg) return None else: results = [] resultsA = text.split("\n") for result in resultsA: rr = string.strip(result) if rr: results.append(string.split(rr)) return results
def myformat (pathname): if (sys.platform == "darwin") and pathname.endswith(".textClipping"): try: import MacOS from Carbon import Res except: note(3, "can't import MacOS or Res") return False text = None try: rf = Res.FSpOpenResFile(pathname, 0) except MacOS.Error, e: if e.args[0] == -39: # not a resource file note(3, "file %s not a resource file", pathname) return False else: raise else: for i in range(1, Res.Count1Types() + 1): typ = Res.Get1IndType(i) for j in range(1, Res.Count1Resources(typ) + 1): res = Res.Get1IndResource(typ, j) id_, typ2, name = res.GetResInfo() if typ == 'utf8': text = unicode(, 'utf8', 'replace') break if typ == 'TEXT': text = unicode(, 'macroman', 'replace') break Res.CloseResFile(rf) if text: tfile = mktempfile() fp =, "wb", "utf8", "replace") fp.write(text) fp.close() return { 'tempfile' : tfile }
def synchronize (repo, response, params): def test_boolean_param (param): return ((param.lower() == "true") or (param.lower() == "on") or (param.lower() == "yes")) def _prompt_for_target(response, target="https://"): fp = fp.write('<html><head><title>Synchronize Two UpLib Repositories</title></head>\n') fp.write('<body bgcolor="%s">' % STANDARD_BACKGROUND_COLOR + '<form action="/action/SynchronizeRepositories/synchronize" method=POST>' '<p>URL of repository to synchronize with:<br>') fp.write('<input type=text name=repository value="%s" size=80>\n' % target) fp.write('<p>Password for remote repository:<br>') fp.write('<input type=password size=80 name=password value="">') fp.write('<p><input type=checkbox name=localchecked value=true checked>Push Local Docs to Remote Repository, by default') fp.write('<p><input type=checkbox name=remotechecked value=true>Pull Remote Docs to Local Repository, by default') fp.write('<p><input type=submit value="Show Differences" style="padding: 10px">') fp.write('</form></body></html>') fp.close() return repository_url = params.get('repository') if not repository_url: _prompt_for_target(response) return note("params are %s", params.items()) local_checked = test_boolean_param(params.get("localchecked", "false")) remote_checked = test_boolean_param(params.get("remotechecked", "false")) # build a list of document fingerprints hash_dict = _build_hash_dict(repo) note("hash dict is %s", hash_dict) # check each fingerprint with remote repository remote_password = params.get("password", "") remote_matches = _check_hashes (hash_dict.keys(), repository_url, remote_password) note("remote_matches are %s", remote_matches) if remote_matches is None: response.error(HTTPCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Remote repository can't reply.") return fp = fp.write('<html><head><title>Differences: %s and https://%s:%d/</title></head>\n' % (repository_url, get_fqdn(), repo.port() - 1)) if len(remote_matches) == 0: fp.write("<body>No differences. The repositories are synchronized.</body>\n") fp.close() return remote_only = [item for item in remote_matches if item[1] == 'R'] local_only = [item for item in remote_matches if item[1] == 'L'] note("local_only is %s, remote_only is %s", local_only, remote_only) nrows = max(len(remote_only), len(local_only)) + 2 fp.write('<body bgcolor="%s">\n' % STANDARD_BACKGROUND_COLOR) fp.write('<p><font size=+1><center><b>Differences between %s and %s</b></center><br><hr><p>\n' % (repository_url, "https://%s:%d/" % (get_fqdn(), repo.port() - 1))) fp.write('<form action="/action/SynchronizeRepositories/syncdocs" method=POST>\n' + '<input type=hidden name=repository value="%s">\n' % repository_url + '<input type=hidden name=password value="%s">\n' % remote_password) fp.write('<table width=100% border=0>\n' + '<tr><td><center><i>Remote only</i></center><br><hr>\n</td>' + '<td><center><i>Local only</i></center><br><hr>\n</td></tr>\n') fp.write("<tr><td>") for match in remote_only: title = ((len(match) > 3) and match[3]) or match[2] title = re.sub('`', ' ', title) fp.write('<input type=checkbox name=doc_id value="R%s" %s>%s ' % (match[2], (remote_checked and "checked") or "", title)) fp.write('<a href="%s%s" target="_blank">(see)</a><br>\n' % (repository_url, _doc_show_URL(match[2]))) fp.write('<p><center><input type=submit name="pull" value="Pull These Docs" style="padding: 10px">' '</center></td>\n') fp.write("<td>\n") for match in local_only: doc = hash_dict[match[0]] title = doc.get_metadata("title") or fp.write('<input type=checkbox name=doc_id value="L%s" %s>%s ' % (, (local_checked and "checked") or "", title)) fp.write('<a href="%s" target="_blank">(see)</a><br>\n' % (_doc_show_URL(,)) fp.write('<p><center><input type=submit name="push" value="Push These Docs" style="padding: 10px">' '</center></td>\n') fp.write("</tr></table><hr>"+ '<center><input type=submit name="both" value="Synchronize both repositories" style="padding: 10px">' '</center></form>\n</body></html>\n') fp.close() return
def _push_doc (doc, remote_repo_url, remote_password): note(3, "pushing %s (%s)...",, doc.get_metadata("title")) tdir = tempfile.mktemp() os.mkdir(tdir) try: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "page-images")): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "page-images"), os.path.join(tdir, "page-images")) else: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "document.tiff"), os.path.join(tdir, "document.tiff")) if os.path.exists(doc.text_path()): shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "contents.txt"), os.path.join(tdir, "contents.txt")) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "paragraphs.txt")): shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "paragraphs.txt"), os.path.join(tdir, "paragraphs.txt")) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "wordbboxes")): shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "wordbboxes"), os.path.join(tdir, "wordbboxes")) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "images")): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "images"), os.path.join(tdir, "images")) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "originals")): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "originals"), os.path.join(tdir, "originals")) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "links")): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(doc.folder(), "links"), os.path.join(tdir, "links")) # filter the metadata conf = configurator() md = doc.get_metadata() newmd = {} properties = string.split(conf.get('synchronizing-properties') or conf.get('metadata-sharing-properties') or conf.get('metadata-sharing-default-properties'), ':') for property in ["title", "date", "authors", "citation"]: if not property in properties: properties.append(property) for prop in properties: if md.has_key(prop): newmd[prop] = md[prop] update_metadata(os.path.join(tdir, "metadata.txt"), newmd) host, port, path = parse_URL(remote_repo_url) # create zipfile of the folder tmpfilename = zipup(tdir) try: # send it to the repository errcode, errmsg, headers, text = https_post_multipart(host, port, remote_password, "/action/basic/repo_add", (("password", remote_password,), ("filetype", "zipped-folder",)), (("newfile", tmpfilename),)) if errcode != 200: raise ValueError("Posting of data to repository %s resulted in error %d (%s).\nReturned text was:\n%s" % (remote_repo_url, errcode, errmsg, text)) note(3, "text from remote repository was\n%s.\n", text) note(3, "%s successfully posted to %s.", tdir, remote_repo_url) finally: if os.path.exists(tmpfilename): os.unlink(tmpfilename) return text.strip() finally: if os.path.exists(tdir): shutil.rmtree(tdir)