def weighted_modus_ponens_formula(B, AB, A): tA = get_ttv(A) tAB = get_ttv(AB) #print("Input: A=", tA, " AB=", tAB); new_tv = torch.sigmoid(w[0] * tA * tAB + w[1] * tA + w[2] * tAB + w[3]) set_ttv(B, new_tv) #print("Result: B=", new_tv) return B
def test_modus_ponens(self): rule_base = ConceptNode('PLN') set_ttv(ConceptNode("apple"), TTruthValue((0.8, 0.9))) inh = InheritanceLink(ConceptNode("apple"), ConceptNode("fruit")) set_ttv(inh, TTruthValue(0.8, 0.4)) bc = BackwardChainer(self.atomspace, rule_base, ConceptNode("fruit")) bc.do_chain() result = get_ttv(bc.get_results().out[0]) self.assertTrue(abs(0.68 - float(result.mean)) < 0.0001)
def test_contraposition(self): rule_base = ConceptNode('PLN') A = PredicateNode('A') set_ttv(A, (1.0, 1.0)) B = PredicateNode('B') set_ttv(B, (1.0, 1.0)) set_ttv(ImplicationLink(A, B), (1.0, 1.0)) NBNA = ImplicationLink(NotLink(B), NotLink(A)) bc = BackwardChainer(self.atomspace, rule_base, NBNA) bc.do_chain() result = bc.get_results().out[0] self.assertTrue(0 < get_ttv(result).confidence, 'fails due to')
def test_fuzzy_conjunction(self): rule_base = ConceptNode('PLN') apple = ConceptNode('apple') inh_green = InheritanceLink(PredicateNode("green"), ConceptNode("color")) set_ttv(inh_green, torch.tensor([0.96, .9])) ev_green = EvaluationLink(PredicateNode('green'), apple) set_ttv(ev_green, TTruthValue(0.85, 0.95)) conj = AndLink(ev_green, inh_green) bc = BackwardChainer(self.atomspace, rule_base, conj) bc.do_chain() result = get_ttv(bc.get_results().out[0]) self.assertTrue(abs(result.mean - 0.85) < 0.0001) self.assertTrue(abs(result.confidence - 0.9) < 0.0001)
def main(): build_modus_ponens() # train implication or just weigths of modus_ponens_formula train_implication = False if train_implication: print("train implication and modus_ponens_formula' weights") else: print("train only modus_ponens_formula' weights") optimizer = optim.SGD(params(train_implication), lr=1e-1) initial_w = w.clone() print('initial ' + res_string.format(*initial_w)) print("inital implication links") for color in colors: for fruit in fruits: print(ImplicationLink(PredicateNode(fruit), PredicateNode(color))) for i in range(300): fruit_id = np.random.randint(len(fruits)) color_id = np.random.choice(len(colors), p=Pcolorfruit[fruit_id]) fruit = fruits[fruit_id] color = colors[color_id] x = fruit + "-" + str(i) set_ttv(EvaluationLink(PredicateNode(fruit), ConceptNode(x)), TTruthValue(1.0, 1.0)) optimizer.zero_grad() loss = torch.zeros(1) for c in colors: bc = BackwardChainer( atomspace, rule_base, EvaluationLink(PredicateNode(c), ConceptNode(x))) bc.do_chain() evlink = bc.get_results().out[0] p = get_ttv(evlink) # print(evlink) if color == c: loss = loss - torch.log(p[0]) else: loss = loss - torch.log(1 - p[0]) loss.backward() optimizer.step() print("implication links") for color in colors: for fruit in fruits: print(ImplicationLink(PredicateNode(fruit), PredicateNode(color))) print("after training") print(res_string.format(w[0], w[1], w[2], w[2], w[3]))
def test_cons_disj_elimination(self): rule_base = ConceptNode('PLN') A = PredicateNode('A') set_ttv(A, (1.0, 1.0)) B = PredicateNode('B') set_ttv(B, (1.0, 1.0)) C = PredicateNode('C') set_ttv(C, (1.0, 1.0)) set_ttv(ImplicationLink(A, C), (0.55, 0.55)) set_ttv(ImplicationLink(A, OrLink(B, C)), (1.0, 1.0)) impl = ImplicationLink(A, B) bc = BackwardChainer(self.atomspace, rule_base, impl) bc.do_chain() result = get_ttv(bc.get_results().out[0]) self.assertTrue(result.mean == 1.0) alpha = 0.9 self.assertTrue(result.confidence == alpha * 0.55)