def comment_data(abstract):
    """Helper function returning the number and concatenated text
    of comments made on 'abstract'"""
    # try old API first
        reply_count = abstract.portal_discussion.getDiscussionFor(abstract).replyCount(abstract)
        replies = abstract.portal_discussion.getDiscussionFor(abstract).getReplies()
        if not replies:
            return 0, 'None'
        comments = []
        for r in replies:
            comments.append("%s (%s): %s - %s" % (r.Creator(),
        comments = " -- ".join(comments)
        return reply_count, comments
    except AttributeError:
        # usually happens if is used
        # then the following should work
        from import IConversation
        conversation = IConversation(abstract)
        reply_count = len(conversation.objectIds())
        if not reply_count:
            return 0, 'None'        
        replies = [conversation[id] for id in conversation.objectIds()]
        comments = []
        for r in replies:
            comments.append("%s (%s): %s" % (r.author_name,
                                              r.modification_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
        comments = " -- ".join(comments)
        return reply_count, comments.encode('utf-8')            
Beispiel #2
    def getComments(self, workflow_actions=True):
        """Returns all replies to a content object.

        If workflow_actions is false, only published
        comments are returned.

        If workflow actions is true, comments are
        returned with workflow actions.
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        conversation = IConversation(context, None)

        if conversation is None:
            return iter([])

        wf = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')

        # workflow_actions is only true when user
        # has 'Manage portal' permission

        def replies_with_workflow_actions():
            # Generator that returns replies dict with workflow actions
            for r in conversation.getThreads():
                comment_obj = r['comment']
                # list all possible workflow actions
                actions = [
                    a for a in wf.listActionInfos(object=comment_obj)
                    if a['category'] == 'workflow' and a['allowed']
                r = r.copy()
                r['actions'] = actions
                yield r

        def published_replies():
            # Generator that returns replies dict with workflow status.
            for r in conversation.getThreads():
                comment_obj = r['comment']
                workflow_status = wf.getInfoFor(comment_obj, 'review_state')
                if workflow_status == 'published':
                    r = r.copy()
                    r['workflow_status'] = workflow_status
                    yield r

        # Return all direct replies
        lenvalue = len(conversation.objectIds())

        if len(conversation.objectIds()):
            if workflow_actions:
                return replies_with_workflow_actions()
                return published_replies()
Beispiel #3
 def get_replies(self):
     """Returns all replies to a content object.
     context = aq_inner(self.context)
     conversation = IConversation(context, None)
     wf = api.portal.get_tool('portal_workflow')
     if len(conversation.objectIds()):
         replies = False
         for r in conversation.getThreads():
             r = r.copy()
             # Yield comments for the field
             if any([
                     r['comment'].title ==,
                     replies and r['comment'].in_reply_to,
                 # List all possible workflow actions
                 r['actions'] = [
                     a for a in wf.listActionInfos(object=r['comment'])
                     if a['category'] == 'workflow' and a['allowed']
                 r['review_state'] = wf.getInfoFor(  # noqa: P001
                 # Yield
                 yield r
                 replies = True
                 replies = False
Beispiel #4
    def get_replies(self, workflow_actions=False):
        """Returns all replies to a content object.

        If workflow_actions is false, comments are returned without workflow

        If workflow actions is true, comments are returned with workflow
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        conversation = IConversation(context, None)

        if conversation is None:
            return iter([])

        wf = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')
        pm = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership')

        # workflow_actions is only true when user
        # has 'Manage portal' permission

        def replies_with_workflow_actions():
            """ Generator that returns replies dict with workflow actions
            for r in conversation.getThreads():
                comment_obj = r['comment']
                # list all possible workflow actions
                actions = [
                    a for a in wf.listActionInfos(object=comment_obj)
                    if a['category'] == 'workflow' and a['allowed']
                r = r.copy()
                r['actions'] = actions
                yield r

        def published_replies():
            """ Generator that returns replies dict with workflow status.
            for r in conversation.getThreads():
                comment_obj = r['comment']
                workflow_status = wf.getInfoFor(comment_obj, 'review_state')
                if pm.checkPermission('View', comment_obj):
                    r = r.copy()
                    r['workflow_status'] = workflow_status
                    yield r

        # Return all direct replies
        if len(conversation.objectIds()):
            if workflow_actions:
                return replies_with_workflow_actions()
                return published_replies()
Beispiel #5
    def get_replies(self, workflow_actions=False):
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        conversation = IConversation(context)
        wf = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')
        def replies_with_workflow_actions():
            # Generator that returns replies dict with workflow actions
            for comment_obj  in conversation.getComments():

                # list all possible workflow actions
                actions = [a for a in wf.listActionInfos(object=comment_obj)
                               if a['category'] == 'workflow' and a['allowed']]

                yield {'comment': comment_obj,
                       'actions': actions}

        if len(conversation.objectIds()) > 0:
            return replies_with_workflow_actions()
 def actual_comment_count(self):
     """Count the actual comments on this context, not the comments
     in the catalog.
     context = aq_inner(self.context)
     if IConversation is not None:
         conversation = IConversation(context, None)
         if conversation is not None:
             return len(conversation.objectIds())
     portal_discussion = getToolByName(context, 'portal_discussion')
         talkback = portal_discussion.getDiscussionFor(context)
     except DiscussionNotAllowed:
         # Try anyway:
         if not hasattr(aq_base(context), 'talkback'):
             return 0
         talkback = getattr(context, 'talkback')
     return len(talkback.objectIds())
Beispiel #7
    def get_replies(self, workflow_actions=False):
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        conversation = IConversation(context)
        wf = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')

        def replies_with_workflow_actions():
            # Generator that returns replies dict with workflow actions
            for comment_obj in conversation.getComments():

                # list all possible workflow actions
                actions = [
                    a for a in wf.listActionInfos(object=comment_obj)
                    if a['category'] == 'workflow' and a['allowed']

                yield {'comment': comment_obj, 'actions': actions}

        if len(conversation.objectIds()) > 0:
            return replies_with_workflow_actions()
Beispiel #8
 def hasComments(self):
     conversation = IConversation(self)
     return len(conversation.objectIds()) > 0