def mag_plots(gmin=16.0, gmax=22.5): path = "/home/mnewby/Desktop/" #path="/home/newbym/Desktop/FTO-stars/" #files = [path+"MSTO_North_plus20.csv", path+"MSTO_South_minus20.csv"] #files = [path+"MSTO_North.csv", path+"MSTO_South.csv"] files = [path + "blue_all.csv"] out = [] for f in files: data = np.loadtxt(f, delimiter=",", skiprows=1) print "Loaded:", f pb = pr.Progressbar(steps=data.shape[0], prefix="Loading Stars:", suffix=None, symbol="#", active="=", brackets="[]", percent=True, size=40) for i in range(data.shape[0]): #if data[i,2] < ac.getr(16.0): continue #if data[i,2] > ac.getr(22.5): continue gmag = data[i, 3] # for BHB data #gmag = data[i,2] #for MSTO data if gmag < gmin: continue if gmag > gmax: continue lam, bet = (ac.lb2sgr(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], 30.0))[3:5] if lam > 170.0: #if bet > 10.0: continue #if bet < 2.5: continue if bet > -2.5: continue if bet < -10.0: continue else: #if bet < -2.5: continue #if bet > 5.0: continue if bet > -5.0: continue if bet < -12.5: continue out.append([lam, bet, gmag]) if i % 10000 == 0: pb.updatebar(float(i) / float(data.shape[0])) pb.endbar() print "Transformed coordinates:", f out = np.array(out) hist = pp.HistMaker(out[:, 0], out[:, 2], 0.5, 0.1, yarea=(16.0, 22.5), xarea=(0.0, 360.0)) hist.savehist(outfile="blue_faint_faint_hist.csv", fmt='%.1f') hist.yflip = 0 hist.xflip = 1 hist.labels = (r"$\Lambda$", r"$g_0$") hist.ticks = (sc.arange(20.0, 321.0, 20.0), sc.arange(16.0, 22.6, 0.5)) #hist.ticklabels = (None, ["16.0", "16.5", "17.0", "17.5", "18.0", "18.5", "19.0", "19.5", "20.0", # "20.5", "21.0", "21.5", "22.0", "22.5"]) hist.varea = (0.0, 30.0) pp.PlotHist(hist, imfile="blue_faint_faint.png", cbarO='horizontal') pp.PlotHist(hist, imfile="", cbarO='horizontal')
def make_total_plot(path="/home/newbym2/Desktop/starfiles", RGB=0, imfile=None, rcut=None, vrange=None, outfile=None): """ Makes a 2D histogram """ files = glob.glob(path+"/stars*") print files data=[] pb = pr.Progressbar(steps=len(files), prefix="Loading Stars:", suffix=None, symbol="#", active="=", brackets="[]", percent=True, size=40) for f in files: wedge = int(f.split("-")[1].split(".")[0]) count=0 stripedata = open(f, "r") for line in stripedata: count = count + 1 if count==1: continue if line.strip()=="": continue temp = line.split() for i in range(len(temp)): temp[i] = float(temp[i]) if rcut != None: if temp[2] < rcut[0]: continue if temp[2] > rcut[1]: continue if ac.SDSS_primary(temp[0],temp[1],wedge,fmt="lb",low=9,high=27)==0: continue data.append(temp) stripedata.close() pb.updatebar(float(files.index(f)+1)/float(len(files)) ) data = np.array(data) count, nStars, pb2 = 0, float(len(data[:,0])), pr.Progressbar(steps=100, prefix="Changing Coordinates:", suffix=None, symbol="#", active="=", brackets="[]", percent=True, size=40) for i in range(len(data[:,0])): count = count + 1 #data[i,0], data[i,1] = ac.lb2GC(data[i,0], data[i,1], 15) #data[i,0], data[i,1] = ac.lbToEq(data[i,0], data[i,1]) data[i,0], data[i,1] = (ac.lb2sgr(data[i,0], data[i,1], 10.0))[3:5] data[i,2] = ac.getg(data[i,2], 4.2) if count % 100 == 0: pb2.updatebar(float(count)/nStars) pb2.endbar() if RGB==1: RGB_plot(data, imfile=imfile) else: allsky = pp.HistMaker(data[:,0], data[:,1], xsize=0.5, ysize=0.5, #xarea=(200.0, 300.0), yarea=(-40.0, 30.0)) xarea=(230.0, 255.0), yarea=(-10.0, 15.0)) #allsky.scale = 'sqrt' allsky.cmap="bw" allsky.yflip = 1 if vrange != None: allsky.varea = (vrange[0], vrange[1]) if outfile==None: pp.PlotHist(allsky, "sgrall_GC.png") else: pp.PlotHist(allsky, outfile) #allsky.savehist("SDSSnorthGC.csv") print "Ended Successfully"
def make_diff_hist(): """ Subtracts the simulated streams from the real data """ folder = "/home/newbym2/Dropbox/Research/sgrLetter/" data = np.loadtxt("SDSSnorth.csv", delimiter=",") sims = ["streamgen_bifGood.csv", "streamgen_bif50Good.csv", "streamgen_bifExtra.csv", "streamgen_bifShift.csv"] outs = ["streamgen_ccdiff.png", "streamgen_cc50good.png", "streamgen_ccExtra.png", "streamgen_ccShift.png"] #sim = np.loadtxt("simtotbif50m30_radec.csv", delimiter=",") #sim = np.loadtxt("simtotbifm2_radec.csv", delimiter=",") #sim = np.loadtxt("streamgen_bifExtra.csv", delimiter=",") #sim = np.loadtxt("streamgen_bifGood.csv", delimiter=",") #sim = np.loadtxt("streamgen_bif50Good.csv", delimiter=",") for z in range(len(sims)): sim = np.loadtxt(folder+sims[z], delimiter=",") for i in range(sim.shape[0]): for j in range(sim.shape[1]): if data[i,j] < 1.0: sim[i,j] = 0.0 sky = pp.HistMaker([1,2], [1,2], xsize=0.5, ysize=0.5, xarea=(120.0, 250.0), yarea=(-10.0, 50.0)) #new = sim #data - sim new = data - sim sky.H = new sky.cmap = 'color' sky.varea = (0.0,200.0) pp.PlotHist(sky, "sim_"+outs[z]) #pp.PlotHist(sky, "data.png"); break #pp.PlotHist(sky, "streamgen_bif50Good_bwdiff.png") print "All done"
def plot_from_file( infile="/home/newbym2/Newby-tools/paper-tools/FTO_All_hist.csv", outfile="FTO_All.png"): """ creates a image plot from a file """ #indata = np.loadtxt(infile, delimiter=",") #hist = pp.HistMaker([0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], 0.5, 0.5, yarea=(-70.0, 40.0), xarea=(20.0, 320.0)) #hist = pp.HistMaker([0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], 1.0, 1.0, yarea=(-70.0, 40.0), xarea=(20.0, 320.0)) hist = pp.HistFromFile(infile, 0.5, 0.5, yarea=(-70.0, 40.0), xarea=(20.0, 320.0)) #hist.H = indata hist.yflip = 1 hist.xflip = 1 hist.cmap = "bw" hist.labels = (r"$\Lambda$", r"${\rm B}$") hist.ticks = (range(20, 321, 20), [-60, -40, -20, 0, 20, 40]) #hist.varea=(0.0, 200.0) # FTOs, color hist.varea = (0.0, 120.0) # FTOs, bw #hist.varea=(0.0, 45.0) # BHBs pp.PlotHist(hist, imfile=outfile, cbarO='horizontal', cax=[0.1, 0.75, 0.8, 0.02])
def bhb_tools(infile="/home/newbym2/Desktop/sdssN-stars/sgr_bhbs_all.csv", out=[], gmin=15.0, gmax=22.5, suffix="All"): """ bhb stuff """ data = np.loadtxt(infile, delimiter=",", skiprows=1) ff = 1 if "c-c" in out: ug0 = data[:, 2] - data[:, 3] gr0 = data[:, 3] - data[:, 4] plt.figure(ff) ff += 1 plt.scatter(gr0, ug0, c="k", s=2) plt.xlabel(r"$(g-r)_0$") plt.ylabel(r"$(u-g)_0$") plt.xlim(-0.5, 1.5) plt.ylim(3.0, 0.0) if "c-mag" in out: #rr = ac.getr(data[:,3], 0.7) ## BHB M #Not working right? gr0 = data[:, 3] - data[:, 4] cmag = pp.HistMaker(gr0, data[:, 3], 0.01, 0.1) cmag.yflip = 1 cmag.scale = 'sqrt' cmag.varea = (0.0, 2000.0) cmag.plot() if "sgrplot" in out: # use only primaries sgr = [] for i in range(data.shape[0]): #if ac.SDSS_primary(data[i,0],data[i,1],wedge,fmt="lb",low=9,high=27)==0: continue if data[i, 3] > gmax: continue if data[i, 3] < gmin: continue sgr.append([data[i, 0], data[i, 1]]) sgr = np.array(sgr) lam, bet = (ac.lb2sgr(sgr[:, 0], sgr[:, 1], 30.0))[3:5] hist = pp.HistMaker(lam, bet, 1.0, 1.0, xarea=(20.0, 320.0), yarea=(-70.0, 40.0)) hist.xflip = 1 hist.yflip = 1 hist.varea = (0.0, 6.0) hist.savehist("sgr_bhbs.csv", fmt='%.1f') #hist.ticks= [[20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, 100.0, 120.0, 140.0],[-40.0, -20.0, 0.0, 20.0]] # mask the data if "mask" in out: mask = np.loadtxt("Rhist_sgr.csv", delimiter=",") for i in range(len(mask[:, 0])): for j in range(len(mask[0, :])): if mask[i, j] == 0.0: hist.H[i, j] = 0.0 hist.savehist("bhb" + suffix + "_hist.csv", fmt='%.1f') pp.PlotHist(hist, imfile="BHB_" + suffix + ".png", cbarO='horizontal', cax=[0.1, 0.75, 0.8, 0.02])
def Mgiant_hist(): data = np.loadtxt("/home/newbym/Desktop/Mgiant_wise_sgr.csv", delimiter=",", skiprows=1) print data.shape #data[:,9] = -1.0*data[:,9] hist = pp.HistMaker(data[:, 8], data[:, 9], 1.0, 1.0, yarea=(-90.0, 90.0)) #, xarea=(20.0, 320.0) ) #lam, bet = ac.lb2sgr(data[:,2], data[:,3], 100.0 )[3:5] # use the proxy distance that is same as MSTOs #hist = pp.HistMaker(lam, bet, 1.0, 1.0, yarea=(-90, 90)) hist.savehist(outfile="Mgiant_test3.csv", fmt='%.1f') hist.yflip = 1 hist.xflip = 1 hist.labels = (r"$\Lambda$", r"$B$") #hist.ticks = (None, [-40.0, -20.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0]) hist.varea = (0.0, 200.0) pp.PlotHist(hist, imfile="Mgiant_sgr.png", cbarO='horizontal')
def make_sim_stream_plot(filein="stream_50shift.txt", RGB=0, imfile=None): """ Makes the plot for the simulated streams /home/newbym2/Dropbox/Research/sgrnorth_paper/sgr_separated_stars_MRT.txt""" folder = "/home/newbym2/Dropbox/Research/sgrLetter/" filename=folder + filein #file2="/home/newbym2/Dropbox/Research/sgrnorth_paper/sgr_separated_stars_MRT.txt" #file2="streamgen_sgr_sim.txt" #file2="streamgen_sgrfidprim.txt" file2 = folder+"streamgen_sfp2.txt" data = np.loadtxt(filename) data2 = [] datasgr = np.loadtxt(file2) for i in range(len(data[:,0])): #data[i,0], data[i,1] = ac.lbToEq(data[i,0], data[i,1]) #if ac.SDSS_primary(temp[0],temp[1],wedge,fmt="lb",low=9,high=27)==0: continue data[i,0], data[i,1], data[i,2] = (ac.lb2sgr(data[i,0], data[i,1], data[i,2]))[3:] lam, bet = new_shift_sgr(data[i,0], data[i,1]) #move 2nd stream to new position data2.append([lam, bet, ac.getg(data[i,2], M=4.2)]) data2 = sc.array(data2) for i in range(len(datasgr[:,0])): datasgr[i,0], datasgr[i,1] = (ac.lb2sgr(datasgr[i,0], datasgr[i,1], 10.0))[3:5] datasgr[i,2] = ac.getg(data[i,2], M=4.2) """ data2 = np.loadtxt(file2) for i in range(len(data2[:,0])): #data2[i,0], data2[i,1] = ac.lbToEq(data2[i,0], data2[i,1]) data2[i,0], data2[i,1] = (ac.lb2sgr(data2[i,0], data2[i,1], 10.0))[3:5] """ if RGB==1: data3 = np.concatenate((data2,datasgr), axis=0) #data3 = np.concatenate((data2,data), axis=0) RGB_plot(data3, imfile=imfile, mask_data="Bhist_sgr.csv", muddle=0) else: sky = pp.HistMaker(np.concatenate([data[:,0],data2[:,0]]), np.concatenate([data[:,1],data2[:,1]]), xsize=0.5, ysize=0.5, xarea=(120.0, 250.0), yarea=(-10.0, 50.0)) sky.varea = (0.0,200.0) sky.H = sky.H + np.random.normal(60.0, 15.0, sky.H.shape) #for i in range(sky.H.shape[0]): # if i < 14: sky.H[i,:] = sky.H[i,:]*0.0; continue # sky.H[i,:] = sky.H[i,:] + 45.0 - (0.5/1.0)*i pp.PlotHist(sky, "streamgen_bifExtra_radec.png") sky.savehist("streamgen_bifExtra.csv") print "Ended Successfully"
def crotus_cut(path="/home/newbym2/Desktop/starfiles", cdata=None): if cdata == None: files = glob.glob(path+"/stars*") data=[] r_cut_low, r_cut_high = ac.getr(16.0), ac.getr(23.5) #30.0, 45.0 pb = pr.Progressbar(steps=len(files), prefix="Loading Stars:", suffix=None, symbol="#", active="=", brackets="[]", percent=True, size=40) for f in files: wedge = int(f.split("-")[1].split(".")[0]) sdata = np.loadtxt(f, skiprows=1) for i in range(sdata.shape[0]): if (sdata[i,2] < r_cut_low) or (sdata[i,2] > r_cut_high): continue if ac.SDSS_primary(sdata[i,0],sdata[i,1],wedge,fmt="lb",low=9,high=27)==0: continue lam, bet = (ac.lb2sgr(sdata[i,0], sdata[i,1], 10.0))[3:5] if (lam <230.0) or (lam > 255.0): continue data.append([sdata[i,0], sdata[i,1], sdata[i,2], lam, bet]) pb.updatebar(float(files.index(f)+1)/float(len(files)) ) pb.endbar() data = np.array(data) np.savetxt("crotus_data.txt", data, fmt='%.6f') else: data = [] rdata = np.loadtxt(cdata) rlim0 = 28.5 #ac.getr(22.5) rlim1 = 45.0 for i in range(rdata.shape[0]): if rdata[i,2] < rlim0: continue if rdata[i,2] > rlim1: continue data.append(rdata[i,:]) data = np.array(data) #Now do analysis sky = pp.HistMaker(data[:,3], data[:,4], xsize=0.25, ysize=0.25, xarea=(230.0, 255.0), yarea=(-10.0, 15.0)) sky.varea = (0.0, 60.0) sky.cmap="color" #sky.scale = 'sqrt' sky.yflip = 1 pp.PlotHist(sky, "crotus_cut.png") #sky.savehist("streamgen_bifExtra.csv") print "### - Done"
def FTO_skyplot(path="/home/mnewby/Desktop/", gmin=16.0, gmax=22.5, multistep=None): """Make a skyplot with updated MSTO stars from SDSS """ #files = glob.glob(path+"stars*") #files.append(path+"South/stars-79-new.txt") #files.append(path+"South/stars-82-new.txt") #files.append(path+"South/stars-86-new.txt") #files = glob.glob(path+"FTO_All*") #files.append(path+"FTO_south_dirty.csv") #files = glob.glob(path+"*dirty*") #files = [path+"MSTO_North_plus20.csv", path+"MSTO_South_minus20.csv"] files = [path + "blue_all.csv"] out = [] for f in files: #data = np.loadtxt(f, skiprows=1) data = np.loadtxt(f, delimiter=",", skiprows=1) print "Loaded:", f for i in range(data.shape[0]): #if data[i,2] < ac.getr(16.0): continue #if data[i,2] > ac.getr(22.5): continue gmag = data[i, 3] # for FTO data #gmag = data[i,2] #for MSTO data if gmag < gmin: continue if gmag > gmax: continue #Distance is ambiguous for blue stars #lam, bet = (ac.lb2sgr(data[i,0], data[i,1], ac.getr(data[i,3]) ) )[3:5] lam, bet = (ac.lb2sgr(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], 10000.0))[3:5] out.append([lam, bet, gmag]) print "Transformed coordinates:", f out = np.array(out) if multistep != None: #runs = np.arange(10.0, 50.0, 5.0) #for distance runs = np.arange(gmin, gmax, multistep) runs = [ 20.0 + 0.25, 20.66 + 0.25, 21.33 + 0.25, 22.0 + 0.25, 23.0 + 0.25 ] #Belokurov 2006 + g-r=0.25 for run in runs: print "Starting run", run gslice = [] for i in range(out.shape[0]): if out[i, 2] < run: continue if out[i, 2] >= (run + multistep): continue gslice.append(out[i, :]) gslice = np.array(gslice) hist = pp.HistMaker(gslice[:, 0], gslice[:, 1], 0.5, 0.5, yarea=(-70.0, 40.0), xarea=(20.0, 320.0)) hist.savehist(outfile="FTO_" + str(run) + "_hist.csv", fmt='%.1f') hist.yflip = 1 hist.xflip = 1 hist.ticks = (None, [-60, -40.0, -20.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0]) hist.varea = (0.0, 12.0) pp.PlotHist(hist, imfile="FTO_" + str(run) + ".png", cbarO='horizontal') else: hist = pp.HistMaker(out[:, 0], out[:, 1], 1.0, 1.0, yarea=(-70.0, 40.0), xarea=(20.0, 320.0)) hist.savehist(outfile="BLUE_all_hist.csv", fmt='%.1f') hist.yflip = 1 hist.xflip = 1 hist.labels = (r"$\Lambda$", "B") hist.ticks = (None, [-40.0, -20.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0]) hist.varea = (0.0, 30.0) pp.PlotHist(hist, imfile="BLUE_all.png", cbarO='horizontal')