fap2 = collector.FieldAtPoint("fap2", savedir + "graph/{}".format(filename),
                              TF, loc2, 'cupy')
fap3 = collector.FieldAtPoint("fap3", savedir + "graph/{}".format(filename),
                              TF, loc3, 'cupy')
fap4 = collector.FieldAtPoint("fap4", savedir + "graph/{}".format(filename),
                              TF, loc4, 'cupy')
fap5 = collector.FieldAtPoint("fap5", savedir + "graph/{}".format(filename),
                              TF, loc5, 'cupy')

#-------------------- Graphtool object settings -------------------#

# Set plotfield options
plot_per = 100
TFgraphtool = plotfield.Graphtool(TF, 'TF', savedir)

#------------------------ Time loop begins ------------------------#

# Save what time the simulation begins.
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

# time loop begins
for tstep in range(Tsteps):

    # At the start point
    if tstep == 0:
        if TF.MPIrank == 0:
# Line source along y axis.
#FDTDspace.set_src((src_xpos, 0, FDTDspace.Nzc), (src_xpos+1, FDTDspace.Ny, FDTDspace.Nzc+1))

# Line source along z axis.
#FDTDspace.set_src((src_xpos, FDTDspace.Nyc, 0), (src_xpos+1, FDTDspace.Nyc+1, FDTDspace.Nz))

# Set Poynting vector calculator.
leftx, rightx = int(Nx/4), int(Nx*3/4)
lefty, righty = int(Ny/4), int(Ny*3/4)
leftz, rightz = int(Nz/4), int(Nz*3/4)

#Sx_R_getter = rft.Sx("SF_R", "./graph/Sx", FDTDspace, (rightx, lefty, leftz), (rightx+1, righty, rightz), freqs, 'cupy')

# Set plotfield options
FDTDgraphtool = plotfield.Graphtool(FDTDspace, 'FDTD', savedir)
PSTDgraphtool = plotfield.Graphtool(PSTDspace, 'PSTD', savedir)
Diffgraphtool = plotfield.Graphtool(Diffspace, 'Diff', savedir)

# Save what time the simulation begins.
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

# time loop begins
for tstep in range(FDTDspace.tsteps+1):

    # At the start point
    if tstep == 0:
        if FDTDspace.MPIrank == 0:
            print("Total time step: %d" %(FDTDspace.tsteps))
            print(("Size of a total field array : %05.2f Mbytes" %(FDTDspace.TOTAL_NUM_GRID_SIZE)))
Beispiel #3
#Box = structure.Box(Space, Box1_srt, Box1_end, 4., 1.)

# Set PML and PBC
Space.set_PML({'x': '', 'y': '', 'z': ''}, 10)
Space.apply_PBC({'y': False, 'z': False})

# Save eps, mu and PML data.

# Set position of Src, Ref and Trs.
Space.set_src_pos((Space.Nxc, Space.Nyc, Space.Nzc),
                  (Space.Nxc + 1, Space.Nyc + 1, Space.Nzc + 1))

# Set plotfield options
graphtool = plotfield.Graphtool(Space, 'TF', savedir)

# initialize the core

# Save what time the simulation begins.
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

# time loop begins
for tstep in range(Space.tsteps):

    # At the start point
    if tstep == 0:
        if Space.MPIrank == 0:
            print("Total time step: %d" % (Space.tsteps))
Beispiel #4
                            (righty, rightz), freqs, 'cupy')
SF_Sx_R_calculator = rft.Sx("Sx_SF_R", "./graph/Sx", SF, rightx,
                            (lefty, leftz), (righty, rightz), freqs, 'cupy')

SF_Sy_L_calculator = rft.Sy("Sy_SF_L", "./graph/Sy", SF, lefty, (leftx, leftz),
                            (rightx, rightz), freqs, 'cupy')
SF_Sy_R_calculator = rft.Sy("Sy_SF_R", "./graph/Sy", SF, righty,
                            (leftx, leftz), (rightx, rightz), freqs, 'cupy')

SF_Sz_L_calculator = rft.Sz("Sz_SF_L", "./graph/Sz", SF, leftz, (leftx, lefty),
                            (rightx, righty), freqs, 'cupy')
SF_Sz_R_calculator = rft.Sz("Sz_SF_R", "./graph/Sz", SF, rightz,
                            (leftx, lefty), (rightx, righty), freqs, 'cupy')

# Set plotfield options
TFgraphtool = plotfield.Graphtool(TF, 'TF', savedir)
IFgraphtool = plotfield.Graphtool(IF, 'IF', savedir)
SFgraphtool = plotfield.Graphtool(SF, 'SF', savedir)

# Save what time the simulation begins.
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

# time loop begins
for tstep in range(Tsteps):

    # At the start point
    if tstep == 0:
        if TF.MPIrank == 0:
            print("Total time step: %d" % (TF.tsteps))
            print(("Size of a total field array : %05.2f Mbytes" %