fig = ff.create_distplot(hist_data, group_labels) st.plotly_chart(fig) if plot_type2 == "Histogram of Area": fig = pd.DataFrame(df["area"]).iplot(kind="histogram", bins=40, theme="white", title="Histogram of area", xTitle='area', yTitle='Count', asFigure=True) st.plotly_chart(fig) if plot_type2 == "Violin Plot of Area": fig = px.violin(df, y="area", box=True, points='all') st.plotly_chart(fig) if red == "About the Project": # st.text("hello world") components.html(""" <div style="background-color:#ff0055;padding:10px"> <h1 style="color:white;text-align:center;">About the Project</h1> </div> """) img_top = """<center><img src="" width="700px"></center>""" st.markdown(img_top, unsafe_allow_html=True) topic = """
data.append(trace) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # - # ### Violin Plot # + import as px fig = px.violin( df_features_targets, y="g_o", x="effective_ox_state", box=True, points="all", ) # + layout = go.Layout( xaxis=go.layout.XAxis(title=dict(text="Ir Effective Oxidation State", ), ), yaxis=go.layout.YAxis(title=dict(text="ΔG<sub>O</sub>", ), ), ) tmp = fig.update_layout(layout) tmp = fig.update_layout(layout_shared) # -
print(df[:10][[ 'Year', 'Period', 'State', 'Affected by', 'Percent of Colonies Impacted' ]]) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build the violin/box plot violinfig = px.violin( data_frame=df.query("State == ['{}','{}']".format('TEXAS', 'IDAHO')), x="Affected by", y="Percent of Colonies Impacted", orientation="v", points='all', box=True, color='State', color_discrete_map={ "TEXAS": "limegreen", "IDAHO": "red" }, hover_data=['Period'], labels={"State": "STATE"}, title='What is killing our Bees', width=1400, height=600, template='plotly_dark', ) violinfig.update_traces(meanline_visible=True, meanline_color='blue')
def mainFunc(request): #윤진씨 studentData = pd.read_csv( '', encoding='cp949') # print(studentData.head(3)) # studentData.성적.value_counts() # plot_div = sns.countplot(x='부모의학교만족도',data = studentData, hue='성적',palette='bright') # fig = plt.gcf() # fig.savefig('C:/work/py_sou/chartdb/mychart/static/image/chart.png', dpi=fig.dpi) # df = studentData.groupby(['성적','부모의학교만족도']) print(studentData.groupby(['성적'])['부모의학교만족도'].size()) fig = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='Good', x=['H', 'L', 'M'], y=studentData[studentData['부모의학교만족도'] == 'Good'].groupby( ['성적', '부모의학교만족도']).size(), marker_color='#9bb1d6'), go.Bar(name='Bad', x=['H', 'L', 'M'], y=studentData[studentData['부모의학교만족도'] == 'Bad'].groupby( ['성적', '부모의학교만족도']).size(), marker_color='#a39bd6'), ]) # Change the bar mode fig = fig.update_layout(barmode='group', width=600, height=600, xaxis_title='성적', yaxis_title='합계', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0)', font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', color='#fff', size=18)) #데이터를 그룹화하여 표에 적용 # fig =, x='성적', y='부모의학교만족도', barmode='group',height=400) plot_div = plot(fig, output_type='div') #전공별 비율 fig2 = go.Figure(data=[ go.Pie(labels=[ 'Arabic', 'Biology', 'Chemistry', 'English', 'French', 'Geology', 'History', 'IT', 'Math', 'Quran', 'Science', 'Spanish' ], values=studentData.groupby(['전공']).size(), textinfo='label+percent', insidetextorientation='radial') ]) fig2 = fig2.update_layout(width=550, height=500, paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', color='#fff', size=18), showlegend=False) pie_div = plot(fig2, output_type='div') # print('룰루랄ㄹ라\n',studentData.groupby(['전공']).size()) #전공별 성적 비교----의미가 있는지 없는지 확인받기 majors = [ 'Arabic', 'Biology', 'Chemistry', 'English', 'French', 'Geology', 'History', 'IT', 'Math', 'Quran', 'Science', 'Spanish' ] fig3 = go.Figure() fig3.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=studentData[studentData['성적'] == 'H'].groupby(['전공']).size(), y=majors, marker=dict(color="crimson", size=12), mode="markers", name="High", )) fig3.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=studentData[studentData['성적'] == 'M'].groupby(['전공']).size(), y=majors, marker=dict(color="gold", size=12), mode="markers", name="Middle", )) fig3.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=studentData[studentData['성적'] == 'L'].groupby(['전공']).size(), y=majors, marker=dict(color="black", size=12), mode="markers", name="Low", )) fig3.update_layout(xaxis_title="학생수", yaxis_title="전공", width=700, height=500, paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', color='#fff', size=18)) last_div = plot(fig3, output_type='div') fig4 = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='7일이하', x=['H', 'L', 'M'], y=studentData[studentData['결석일수'] == 'Under-7'].groupby( ['성적']).size(), text=studentData[studentData['결석일수'] == 'Under-7'].groupby( ['성적']).size(), textposition='auto', marker_color='rgb(204,153,153)'), go.Bar(name='7일이상', x=['H', 'L', 'M'], y=studentData[studentData['결석일수'] == 'Above-7'].groupby( ['성적']).size(), text=studentData[studentData['결석일수'] == 'Above-7'].groupby( ['성적']).size(), textposition='auto', marker_color='rgb(255,204,204)') ]) print(studentData[studentData['결석일수'] == 'Above-7'].groupby(['성적']).size()) fig4.update_layout(xaxis_title="성적", yaxis_title="학생수", width=600, height=600, paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', color='#fff', size=18)) ab_plot = plot(fig4, output_type='div') fig5 = px.scatter_matrix(studentData, dimensions=["발표수", "과정반복수", "새공지사항확인수", "토론참여수"], color="성적", width=1200, height=1000) fig5.update_layout(width=800, height=800, paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', color='#fff', size=18)) plot5_div = plot(fig5, output_type='div') #찬규씨 plt.clf() data = pd.read_csv( '', encoding='euc-kr') data['성적'] = data['성적'].map({'H': 2, 'M': 1, 'L': 0}) # 국가별 성적 상.중.하 인원 분포도 df = pd.DataFrame({"국적": data['국적'], "성적": data['성적']}) df7 = pd.crosstab(df.성적, df.국적, margins=True) # print(df7.columns) for i in df7.columns: df7[i] = df7[i].values / df7.loc['All', i] * 100 # result = df7['Egypt'].values / df7.loc['All', 'Egypt'] * 100 # print(result) df7 = df7.drop(['All']) fig8 = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='H', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df7.iloc[0, :17].values, marker_color='rgb(152,105,247)'), go.Bar(name='M', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df7.iloc[1, :17].values, marker_color='rgb(247,152,105)'), go.Bar(name='L', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df7.iloc[2, :17].values, marker_color='rgb(105,247,152)'), ]) # Change the bar mode fig8.update_layout(barmode='stack', width=900, paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', color='#fff', size=18)) plot10_div = plot(fig8, output_type='div') #--------- 국가별 성별 비율 그래프 df1 = pd.DataFrame({"국적": data['국적'], "성별": data['성별']}) print(df1) df8 = pd.crosstab(df1.성별, df1.국적, margins=True) print(df8) df8 = df8.drop(['All']) fig50 = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='M', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df8.iloc[0, :17].values, marker_color='rgb(247,105,200)'), go.Bar(name='F', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df8.iloc[1, :17].values, marker_color='rgb(105,200,247)'), ]) # Change the bar mode fig50.update_layout(barmode='stack', width=900, paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', color='#fff', size=18)) cg_graph = plot(fig50, output_type='div') fig9 = px.violin(data, y="과정반복수", x="결석일수", color="성별", box=True, points="all", hover_data=df.columns) fig9.update_layout(width=1300) fig9.update_layout(height=300) plot11_div = plot(fig9, output_type='div') # 3---1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1=-1--1-1-1-1-1-1-- df1 = pd.DataFrame({"결석일수": data['결석일수'], "새공지사항확인수": data['새공지사항확인수']}) print(df1) df8 = pd.crosstab(df1.결석일수, df1.새공지사항확인수, margins=True) print(df8) df8 = df8.drop(['All']) fig50 = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='Under-7', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df8.iloc[0, :17].values), go.Bar(name='Above-7', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df8.iloc[1, :17].values), ]) # Change the bar mode fig50.update_layout(xaxis_title='국적', yaxis_title='새공지사항확인수') fig50.update_layout(width=700) fig50.update_layout(height=250) cg_graph7 = plot(fig50, output_type='div') df1 = pd.DataFrame({"결석일수": data['결석일수'], "토론참여수": data['토론참여수']}) print(df1) df8 = pd.crosstab(df1.결석일수, df1.토론참여수, margins=True) print(df8) df8 = df8.drop(['All']) fig51 = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='Under-7', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df8.iloc[0, :17].values), go.Bar(name='Above-7', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df8.iloc[1, :17].values), ]) # Change the bar mode fig51.update_layout(xaxis_title='국적', yaxis_title='토론참여수') fig51.update_layout(width=700) fig51.update_layout(height=250) cg_graph71 = plot(fig51, output_type='div') df1 = pd.DataFrame({"결석일수": data['결석일수'], "발표수": data['발표수']}) print(df1) df8 = pd.crosstab(df1.결석일수, df1.발표수, margins=True) print(df8) df8 = df8.drop(['All']) fig52 = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='Under-7', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df8.iloc[0, :17].values), go.Bar(name='Above-7', x=[ 'Egypt', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'KW', 'Lybia', 'Morocco', 'Palestine', 'SaudiArabia', 'Syria', 'Tunis', 'USA', 'lebanon', 'venzuela' ], y=df8.iloc[1, :17].values), ]) # Change the bar mode fig52.update_layout(xaxis_title='국적', yaxis_title='발표수') fig52.update_layout(width=700) fig52.update_layout(height=250) cg_graph72 = plot(fig52, output_type='div') # 33333 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - -2-2-2- 2- 2- 22 2 2 2 222 3D model data = pd.read_csv( '', encoding='euc-kr') data['결석일수'] = data['결석일수'].map({'Under-7': 0, 'Above-7': 1}) data['성별'] = data['성별'].map({'M': 0, 'F': 1}) data['성적'] = data['성적'].map({'L': 0, 'M': 1, 'H': 2}) fig54 = px.scatter_3d(data[:480], x='발표수', y='토론참여수', z='새공지사항확인수', color='결석일수', size_max=5, symbol='성별') # tight layout fig54.update_layout(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0)) fig54.update_traces(opacity=1, marker=dict(showscale=True, reversescale=True, cmid=6)) fig54.update_layout(width=800) fig54.update_layout(height=700) fig54.update_layout(plot_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0.5)') cg_graph74 = plot(fig54, output_type='div') # 랜덤포레스트 사용 # 모델 평가 생성 data = pd.read_csv( '', encoding='euc-kr') df2 = pd.DataFrame({ "결석일수": data['결석일수'], "발표수": data['발표수'], "새공지사항확인수": data['새공지사항확인수'], "토론참여수": data['토론참여수'] }) df2['결석일수'] = data['결석일수'].map({'Under-7': 0, 'Above-7': 1}) x = df2[['발표수', '토론참여수', '새공지사항확인수']].values # 2차원 y = df2[['결석일수']].values # 1차원 # 여기서부터 분류 예측 모델별 생성 후 정확도 분석 # 모델 평가 생성 - > 정확도 분석 # 랜덤포레스트 new_x = [[0, 20, 10]] model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=1000, criterion='mse').fit(x, y) modelflatten = model.predict(x)[:10] a = model.predict(x) xh = np.where(a.flatten() > 0.5, 1, 0) # print(xh.shape) # print(y.shape) # print('RandomForestRegressor : ' , accuracy_score(y,xh)) # print('RandomForestRegressor 새로운 값으로 예측 : ' ,model.predict(new_x)) # print('===========================================================') # LinearRegression model1 = LinearRegression().fit(x, y) model1flatten = model1.predict(x)[:10] # print('예측값 ', np.where(model1flatten.flatten() > 0.5 , 1, 0)) # print('실제값 : ', y[:10].ravel()) a = model1.predict(x) xh = np.where(a.flatten() > 0.5, 1, 0) resultLinearRegression = accuracy_score(y, xh) # print('LinearRegression : ' , resultLinearRegression) # print('LinearRegression 새로운 값으로 예측 : ' ,model.predict(new_x)) # print('===========================================================') # # KNeighborsRegressor model2 = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=3).fit(x, y) model2flatten = model2.predict(x)[:10] # print('예측값 ', np.where(model2flatten.flatten() > 0.5 , 1, 0)) # print('실제값 : ', y[:10].ravel()) a = model2.predict(x) xh = np.where(a.flatten() > 0.5, 1, 0) resultKNeighborsRegressor = accuracy_score(y, xh) # print('KNeighborsRegressor : ' , accuracy_score(y,xh)) # print('KNeighborsRegressor 새로운 값으로 예측 : ' ,model.predict(new_x)) # print('===========================================================') # # XGboost 96%의 확률 model3 = XGBRegressor(n_estimators=100).fit(x, y) model3flatten = model3.predict(x)[:10] # print('예측값 ', np.where(model3flatten.flatten() > 0.5 , 1, 0)) # print('실제값 : ', y[:10].ravel()) a = model3.predict(x) xh = np.where(a.flatten() > 0.5, 1, 0) resultXGboost = accuracy_score(y, xh) # print('XGboost : ' , accuracy_score(y,xh)) # print('XGboost 새로운 값으로 예측 : ' ,model.predict(new_x)) # print('===========================================================') # # = = = = == = = = = = = = 모델별 시각화 import plotly.figure_factory as ff text = [['모델명', '예측값', '실제값', '정확도'], [ 'RandomForestRegressor', np.where(modelflatten.flatten() > 0.5, 1, 0), y[:10].ravel(), accuracy_score(y, xh) ], [ 'LinearRegression', np.where(model1flatten.flatten() > 0.5, 1, 0), y[:10].ravel(), resultLinearRegression ], [ 'KNeighborsRegressor', np.where(model2flatten.flatten() > 0.5, 1, 0), y[:10].ravel(), resultKNeighborsRegressor ], [ 'XGboost', np.where(model3flatten.flatten() > 0.5, 1, 0), y[:10].ravel(), resultXGboost ]] colorscale = [[0, '#272D31'], [.5, '#ffffff'], [1, '#ffffff']] font = ['#FCFCFC', 'red', 'black', 'black', 'red'] fig51 = ff.create_table(text, colorscale=colorscale, font_colors=font) fig51.layout.width = 1300 cg_chart = plot(fig51, output_type='div') # ================================= #경석씨 df = data # print(data.columns) # LabelEncoder le = LabelEncoder() # apply "le.fit_transform" df = df.apply(le.fit_transform) # 성적 순으로 숫자를 재배치 df.loc[df['성적'] == 0, '성적'] = 3 df.loc[df['성적'] == 2, '성적'] = 2 df.loc[df['성적'] == 1, '성적'] = 1 # print(df['성적'].head()) # # print(df) # print(df['발표수'].head(20)) # print(np.corrcoef(df['발표수'], df['국적'])) # print(df.corr()) # 피어슨의 상관계수는 일반적으로, # 값이 -1.0 ~ -0.7 이면, 강한 음적 상관관계 # 값이 -0.7 ~ -0.3 이면, 뚜렷한 음적 상관관계 # 값이 -0.3 ~ -0.1 이면, 약한 음적 상관관계 # 값이 -0.1 ~ +0.1 이면, 없다고 할 수 있는 상관관계 # 값이 +0.1 ~ +0.3 이면, 약한 양적 상관관계 # 값이 +0.3 ~ +0.7 이면, 뚜렷한 양적 상관관계 # 값이 +0.7 ~ +1.0 이면, 강한 양적 상관관계로 해석됩니다. fig20 = px.imshow(df.corr(), x=[ '성별', '국적', '출생지', '교육단계', '학년', '학급', '전공', '학기', '담당부모', '발표수', '과정반복수', '새공지사항확인수', '토론참여수', '부모의학교만족도', '결석일수', '성적' ], y=[ '성별', '국적', '출생지', '교육단계', '학년', '학급', '전공', '학기', '담당부모', '발표수', '과정반복수', '새공지사항확인수', '토론참여수', '부모의학교만족도', '결석일수', '성적' ], width=1000, height=900, color_continuous_scale='RdBu_r') fig20.update_layout(width=800, height=800, paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', color='#fff', size=18)) plot20_div = plot(fig20, output_type='div') # print(studentData[studentData['성적']=='M'].groupby(['전공']).size()) #-------------------------------------- #박윤호 data = pd.read_csv( '', encoding='euc-kr') # print(data) label = LabelEncoder() Cat_Colums = data.dtypes.pipe( lambda Features: Features[Features == 'object']).index for col in Cat_Colums: data[col] = label.fit_transform(data[col]) x = data.drop('성적', axis=1) y = data['성적'] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=52) model = XGBClassifier(max_depth=10, learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=100, seed=10) fit_model =, y_train) pred = fit_model.predict(X_train) #'yh_xgboost.hdf5') # model = tf.keras.models.load_model('yh_xgboost.hdf5') #yh_acc = accuracy_score(y_train, y_test) #print('예측값 : ', pred[:5]) #print('실제값 : ', np.array(test_y[:5])) #print('분류 정확도 : ', accuracy_score(test_y, pred)) feature_important = model.get_booster().get_score(importance_type='weight') keys = list(feature_important.keys()) values = list(feature_important.values()) #print('특성 중요도 :\n{}'.format(model.feature_importances_)) yh_fig1 = go.Figure( go.Bar( x=values, y=keys, marker=dict(color='#F88137'), name='성적과 관련된 중요도 그래프', orientation='h', )) yh_fig1.update_layout(legend=dict(x=0.029, y=1.038, font_size=10), margin=dict(l=100, r=20, t=70, b=70), paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0.2)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0.2)', font=dict(color='#000', size=30), height=600) yh_fig1.update_layout(yaxis={'categoryorder': 'total ascending'}) yh_grap1 = plot(yh_fig1, output_type='div') data = pd.read_csv( '', encoding='euc-kr') yh_fig2 = px.scatter(data, x="발표수", y="토론참여수", color="성적", size='과정반복수', hover_data=['토론참여수']) yh_fig2.update_layout( paper_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0.2)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0.2)', font=dict(color='#000', size=30), height=550, width=1400, ) yh_grap2 = plot(yh_fig2, output_type='div') data = pd.read_csv( '', encoding='euc-kr') data['성적'] = data['성적'].map({'H': 2, 'M': 1, 'L': 0}) fig = px.scatter_3d(data, x='발표수', y='토론참여수', z='과정반복수', color='성적', opacity=0.7) # tight layout fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0), width=600, height=700) yh_3D = plot(fig, output_type='div') #-------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #경석이형 return render( request, 'full.html', { 'yh_grap1': yh_grap1, 'yh_grap2': yh_grap2, 'yh_3D': yh_3D, 'cg_graph74': cg_graph74, 'cg_graph72': cg_graph72, 'cg_graph71': cg_graph71, 'cg_graph7': cg_graph7, 'yj_grap1': plot_div, 'yj_pie': pie_div, 'yj_grap2': last_div, 'yj_grap3': ab_plot, 'yj_scatter': plot5_div, 'cg_graph1': plot10_div, 'cg_graph2': plot11_div, 'cg_graph3': cg_graph, 'cg_chart': cg_chart, 'heatmap': plot20_div })
import as px df = fig = px.strip(df, x="total_bill", y="time", orientation="h", color="smoker") fig =, x="day", y="total_bill", color="smoker", notched=True) fig = px.violin(df, y="tip", x="smoker", color="sex", box=True, points="all", hover_data=df.columns)
def make_grouped_plot( self, ensembles: list, parameters: List[Any], plot_type: str = "distribution", ) -> go.Figure: """Create subplots for selected parameters""" df = self.dataframe_melted.copy() df = df[df["ENSEMBLE"].isin(ensembles)] df = df[df["PARAMETER"].isin(parameters)] df = self._sort_parameters_col(df, parameters) if plot_type == "distribution": fig = (px.violin( df, x="VALUE", facet_col="PARAMETER", facet_col_wrap=min( min([ x for x in range(100) if (x * (x + 1)) >= len(parameters) ]), 20, ), facet_row_spacing=max((0.08 - (0.00071 * len(parameters))), 0.03), color="ENSEMBLE", color_discrete_sequence=self.colorway, custom_data=["PARAMETER"], ).update_xaxes( matches=None, fixedrange=True, title=None, showticklabels=len(parameters) <= 100, tickangle=0, tickfont_size=max((18 - (0.4 * len(parameters))), 10), ).update_yaxes( showticklabels=False).for_each_trace(lambda t: t.update( y0=0, hoveron="violins", hoverinfo="none", meanline_visible=True, orientation="h", side="positive", width=2, points=False, )).for_each_annotation(lambda a: a.update( text=(a.text.split("=")[-1]), visible=len(parameters) <= 42, font_size=max((18 - (0.4 * len(parameters))), 10), ))) # Create invisible boxes used for hoverinfo on the violin plots # Necessary due to ensembles = df["ENSEMBLE"].unique() hovertraces = [] for trace in fig["data"]: parameter = trace["customdata"][0][0] # check of parameter value to determine print formatter value = abs( self.get_stat_value(parameter, ensembles[0], stat_column="Avg")) form = ".1f" if value > 10 else ".2g" hovertraces.append( go.Scatter( x=[min(trace.x), min(trace.x), max(trace.x), max(trace.x)], y=[0, 1, 1, 0], xaxis=trace.xaxis, yaxis=trace.yaxis, mode="lines", fill="toself", opacity=0, showlegend=False, text=(f"<b>{parameter}</b><br>" + "<br>".join( f"<b>{ens}:</b><br>" "Avg: " f"{self.get_stat_value(parameter, ens, stat_column='Avg'):{form}}<br>" "Std: " f"{self.get_stat_value(parameter, ens, stat_column='Stddev'):{form}}" for ens in ensembles)), hoverinfo="text", hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor="#E6FAEC", font=dict(color="#243746", size=15)), )) fig = fig.to_dict() fig["data"].extend(hovertraces) fig["layout"] = self.theme.create_themed_layout(fig["layout"]) fig["layout"].update(paper_bgcolor="white", plot_bgcolor="white") return fig
import json import pandas as pd import plotly import as px file = 'задание 14.xls' xl = pd.read_excel(file) fig4 = px.violin(xl, x='предмет', y='балл', color="округ", template='presentation', points='outliers', box=True) fig4.write_html('file.html') print( with open('file.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(fig4, f, cls=plotly.utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
def generate_report(self): grouped = self.all_rejects[[ 'journal', 'count' ]].groupby("journal").count() # journal becomes the index if not self.selected_external_journal_names: external_jou_names = grouped.sort_values(by='count', ascending=False) self.selected_external_journal_names = list( external_jou_names[:self.n_top].index) external_journals = self.found[self.found['journal'].isin( self.selected_external_journal_names)].copy() my_journal = self.found[self.found['decision'] == 'accepted'].copy() virtual_journal = pd.concat([external_journals, my_journal]) external_journals['category'] = 'Assemblage' virtual_journal['category'] = 'Cuvee' my_journal['category'] = 'Grand Cru' fig = px.violin( pd.concat([external_journals, virtual_journal, my_journal]), y="citations", x="category", category_orders={"category": ['Grand Cru', 'Cuvee', 'Assemblage']}, # color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.G10, color_discrete_map={ "Grand Cru": "lime", "Cuvee": "red", 'Assemblage': "orange" }, points="all", title=f"Citation distributions", color="category", template="plotly_dark", hover_name="journal", hover_data={ "citations": False, "decision": False, "category": False, "doi": True, "retrieved_title": True, "original_title": True, "manuscript_nm": True, }) fig.update_traces( marker={ "opacity": 0.4, "size": 5, "symbol": 'circle-open' # }, jitter=0.6, meanline_visible=True, ) fig.update_layout(height=800) fig.update_xaxes(tickfont_size=24) fig.update_yaxes(tickfont_size=24) # fig.add_annotation( # x=1.1, y=0.95, xref="paper", yref="paper", # text=f"Average number<br>of transfers:<br>{avg_transfer:.2f}", # showarrow=False, # font={"size": 12} # ) return fig
fig.write_html(os.path.join(dir_name, "histogram_histfunc.html")) tips = fig = px.strip(tips, x="total_bill", y="time", orientation="h", color="smoker") fig.write_html(os.path.join(dir_name, "strip.html")) tips = fig =, x="day", y="total_bill", color="smoker", notched=True) fig.write_html(os.path.join(dir_name, "box.html")) tips = fig = px.violin( tips, y="tip", x="smoker", color="sex", box=True, points="all", hover_data=tips.columns, ) fig.write_html(os.path.join(dir_name, "violin.html")) # #### Ternary Coordinates election = fig = px.scatter_ternary( election, a="Joly", b="Coderre", c="Bergeron", color="winner",
external_stylesheets = [''] app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets) df = pd.read_csv('airbnb_NYC_2019.csv') fig = px.scatter_mapbox(df, lat="latitude", lon="longitude", color="neighbourhood_group", zoom=9) fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="carto-positron") figSunburst = px.sunburst(df, path=['neighbourhood_group', 'room_type'], values='price') room_histogram = px.histogram(df, x="room_type", color="neighbourhood_group") violin_fig = px.violin(df, y="price", x='neighbourhood_group', box=True) treemap_fig = px.treemap( df, path=[px.Constant('nyc'), 'neighbourhood_group', 'neighbourhood'], values='price', hover_data=['neighbourhood']) app.layout = html.Div([ html.H1(children='Airbnb NYC', style={ 'font-family': 'Helvetica', 'textAlign': 'center' }), html.Div([ html.Label('Select a neighborhood', style={'font-family': 'Helvetica'}),
def main(): st.title("Speech Emotion Recognition") st.sidebar.markdown("### Use the menu to navigate on the site") img ="images/emotion3.jpg") with st.sidebar: st.image(img, width=300) menu = ["Emotion recognition", "Dataset description", "Our team", "Leave feedback"] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu", menu) if choice == "Emotion recognition": audio_file = st.file_uploader("Upload audio file", type=['wav']) if st.button('Record'): with st.sidebar.spinner(f'Recording for 5 seconds ....'): st.sidebar.write("Recording...") time.sleep(3) st.sidebar.success("Recording completed") if audio_file is not None: st.markdown("## Analyzing...") st.sidebar.subheader("Audio file") file_details = {"Filename":, "FileSize": audio_file.size} st.sidebar.write(file_details), format='audio/wav', start_time=0) st.sidebar.markdown("### Settings:") show_more_labels = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show prediction for 7 emotions") show_mel = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Mel-spec model prediction") show_gender = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show gender prediction") path = os.path.join("audio", save_audio(audio_file) # extract features wav, sr = librosa.load(path, sr=44100) Xdb = get_melspec(path)[1] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4), sharex=True) fig.set_facecolor('#d1d1e0') plt.subplot(211) plt.title("Wave-form") librosa.display.waveplot(wav, sr=sr) plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["left"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.set_facecolor('#d1d1e0') plt.subplot(212) plt.title("Mel-log-spectrogram") librosa.display.specshow(Xdb, sr=sr, x_axis='time', y_axis='hz') plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["left"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False) st.write(fig) st.markdown("## Getting the result...") # mfccs model results with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): mfccs = get_mfccs(path, model.input_shape[-1]) mfccs = mfccs.reshape(1, *mfccs.shape) pred = model.predict(mfccs)[0] txt = "MFCCs\n" + get_title(pred) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) plot_emotions(data6=pred, fig=fig, title=txt) st.write(fig) if show_more_labels: with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): model_ = load_model("model4.h5") mfccs_ = get_mfccs(path, model_.input_shape[-2]) mfccs_ = mfccs_.T.reshape(1, *mfccs_.T.shape) pred = model_.predict(mfccs_)[0] txt = "MFCCs\n" + get_title(pred, CAT7) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) plot_polar(fig, predictions=pred, categories=CAT7, title=txt) st.write(fig) if show_gender: with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): gmodel = load_model("model_mw.h5") gmfccs = get_mfccs(path, gmodel.input_shape[-1]) gmfccs = gmfccs.reshape(1, *gmfccs.shape) gpred = gmodel.predict(gmfccs)[0] gdict = [["female","woman.png"], ["male","man.png"]] ind = gpred.argmax() txt = "Predicted gender: " + gdict[ind][0] st.subheader(txt) img ="images/"+ gdict[ind][1]) st.image(img, width=300) if show_mel: ################################################################################# st.subheader("This section was disabled") st.write("Since we are currently using a free tier instance of AWS, " "we are not going to deploy this model.\n\n" "If you want to try it we recommend to clone our GitHub repo") link = '[GitHub](' st.markdown(link, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("After that, just uncomment this section in the main file " "to use the mel-spectrograms model:") code = ''' # tmodel = load_model("tmodel_all.h5") # # # mel-spec model results # mel = get_melspec(path)[0] # mel = mel.reshape(1, *mel.shape) # tpred = tmodel.predict(mel)[0] # txt = "Mel-spectrograms" + get_title(tpred) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) # plot_emotions(data6=tpred, fig=fig, title=txt) # st.write(fig)''' st.code(code, language='python') ################################################################################# ############## Uncomment this section below to enable the model ################# # tmodel = load_model("tmodel_all.h5") # # # mel-spec model results # mel = get_melspec(path)[0] # mel = mel.reshape(1, *mel.shape) # tpred = tmodel.predict(mel)[0] # txt = "Mel-spectrograms\n" + get_title(tpred) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) # plot_emotions(data6=tpred, fig=fig, title=txt) # st.write(fig) ################################################################################# elif choice == "Dataset description": st.subheader("Dataset analysis") link = '[GitHub](' st.markdown(link, unsafe_allow_html=True) df = pd.read_csv("df_audio.csv") fig = px.violin(df, y="source", x="emotion4", color="actors", box=True, points="all", hover_data=df.columns) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # st.write(df.source.value_counts()) # st.write(df.actors.value_counts()) # st.write(df.emotion4.value_counts()) elif choice == "Our team": st.subheader("Our team")"*****@*****.**")"*****@*****.**")"*****@*****.**") st.balloons() else: st.subheader("Leave feedback") user_input = st.text_area("Your feedback is greatly appreciated") user_name = st.selectbox("Choose your personality", ["checker1","checker2","checker3","checker4"]) if st.button("Submit"): log_file(user_name + " " + user_input) st.success(f"Message\n\"\"\"{user_input}\"\"\"\nwas sent") thankimg ="images/sticky.png") st.image(thankimg)
def main(): start_t = # Input dataset dataset = datasets.load_diabetes() X = y = for idx, column in enumerate(X.T): feature_name = dataset.feature_names[idx] predictor = statsmodels.api.add_constant(column) # Continuous predictor, X, and continuous response, y if y.dtype == np.number and X.dtype == np.number: linear_regression_model = statsmodels.api.OLS(y, predictor) linear_regression_model_fitted = print(f"Variable: {feature_name}") print(linear_regression_model_fitted.summary()) # Get the stats t_value = round(linear_regression_model_fitted.tvalues[1], 6) p_value = "{:.6e}".format( linear_regression_model_fitted.pvalues[1]) # Plot the figure to a local html file fig = px.scatter(x=column, y=y, trendline="ols") fig2 = px.histogram(x=column, nbins=20) # This is not working, giving NaN _, bins = np.histogram(column, bins=20) bin_means = pd.Series(column).groupby(pd.cut(column, bins)).mean() Sumallll = sum(column) pop_avg = Sumallll / all(column) Diff = 1 / 20 * sum(bin_means - pop_avg)**2 fig.update_layout( title= f"Variable:{feature_name}:(t-value={t_value})(p-value={p_value})", xaxis_title=f"Variable: {feature_name}", yaxis_title="y", ) fig2.update_layout( title=f"Variable:{feature_name}:Mean difference = {Diff}", xaxis_title=f"Variable: {feature_name}", yaxis_title="count", ) with open("./p_graph.html", "a") as f: f.write(fig.to_html(full_html=False, include_plotlyjs="cdn")) f.write(fig2.to_html(full_html=False, include_plotlyjs="cdn")) # Categorical predictor, X, and continuous response, y elif y.dtype == np.number and X.dtype != np.number: logistic_regression_model = LogisticRegression( random_state=1234).fit(predictor, y) print(f"Variable: {feature_name} Fit Score") print(logistic_regression_model.score(predictor, y)) score = logistic_regression_model.score(predictor, y) # Plot the Figure to a local html file fig = px.violin(x=y, y=column) fig.update_layout( title= f"Variable:{feature_name},Logistic Regression Fit Score={score}", xaxis_title=f"Variable: {feature_name}", yaxis_title="y", ) with open("./p_graph.html", "a") as f: f.write(fig.to_html(full_html=False, include_plotlyjs="cdn")) # Continuous predictor, X, and categorical response, y elif y.dtype != np.number and X.dtype == np.number: logistic_regression_model = LogisticRegression( random_state=1234).fit(predictor, y) print(f"Variable: {feature_name} Fit Score") print(logistic_regression_model.score(predictor, y)) score = logistic_regression_model.score(predictor, y) # Plot the Figure to a local html file fig = px.violin(x=y, y=column) fig.update_layout( title= f"Variable: {feature_name},Logistic Regression Fit Score={score}", xaxis_title=f"Variable: {feature_name}", yaxis_title="y", ) with open("./p_graph.html", "a") as f: f.write(fig.to_html(full_html=False, include_plotlyjs="cdn")) else: # Categorical response, X, categorical response, y logistic_regression_model = LogisticRegression( random_state=1234).fit(predictor, y) print(f"Variable: {feature_name} Fit Score") print(logistic_regression_model.score(predictor, y)) score = logistic_regression_model.score(predictor, y) # Plot the Figure to a local html file fig = px.violin(x=y, y=column) fig.update_layout( title= f"Variable:{feature_name},Logistic Regression Fit Score={score}", xaxis_title=f"Variable: {feature_name}", yaxis_title="y", ) with open("./p_graph.html", "a") as f: f.write(fig.to_html(full_html=False, include_plotlyjs="cdn")) # Continuous predictor, X, and continuous response, y if y.dtype == np.number and X.dtype == np.number: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) sc = StandardScaler() X_train = sc.fit_transform(X_train) X_test = sc.transform(X_test) regressor = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=200, random_state=0), y_train) y_pred = regressor.predict(X_test) print("******Random forest regression performance*******") print("Mean Absolute Error:", metrics.mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)) print("Mean Squared Error:", metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)) print( "Root Mean Squared Error:", np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)), ) importances = regressor.feature_importances_ indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1] print("*****Feature ranking:*****") for f in range(X.shape[1]): print("%d. feature %d (%f)" % (f + 1, indices[f], importances[indices[f]])) # Categorical predictor, X, and continuous response, y elif y.dtype == np.number and X.dtype != np.number: rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=2, random_state=0), y) importances = rf.feature_importances_ indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1] print("*****Feature ranking:*****") for f in range(X.shape[1]): print("%d. feature %d (%f)" % (f + 1, indices[f], importances[indices[f]])) # Continuous predictor, X, and categorical response, y elif y.dtype != np.number and X.dtype == np.number: rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=2, random_state=0), y) importances = rf.feature_importances_ indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1] print("*****Feature ranking:*****") for f in range(X.shape[1]): print("%d. feature %d (%f)" % (f + 1, indices[f], importances[indices[f]])) else: # Categorical response, X, categorical response, y rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=2, random_state=0), y) importances = rf.feature_importances_ indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1] print("*****Feature ranking:*****") for f in range(X.shape[1]): print("%d. feature %d (%f)" % (f + 1, indices[f], importances[indices[f]])) print(f" {( - start_t)} seconds")
def plot_age(self): top_k_countries = self.countries_to_plot["Country"][:5] df_top_countries = self.df.loc[self.df['Country'].isin(top_k_countries)].copy() df_top_countries_by_age = df_top_countries.sort_values(by="Age", ascending=True) return px.violin(df_top_countries_by_age, y="Age", x="Country", title="Relationship between countries and age", hover_data=self.df.columns)
# ### Plotting # #### (1) To get the Service with the most content. # In[9]: tv_shows_combined.groupby('StreamingOn').Title.count().plot(kind='bar') # #### (2) Violin charts to gauge the content rating(IMDB) and freshness (Rotten Tomatoes) accross all the streaming service. # In[10]: figure = [] figure.append( px.violin(tv_shows_both_ratings, x='StreamingOn', y='IMDb', color='StreamingOn')) figure.append( px.violin(tv_shows_both_ratings, x='StreamingOn', y='Rotten Tomatoes', color='StreamingOn')) fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=4, shared_yaxes=True) for i in range(2): for j in range(4): fig.add_trace(figure[i]['data'][j], row=i + 1, col=j + 1) fig.update_layout(autosize=False, width=800, height=800)
# Correlation matrix st.subheader("Feature correlation") st.write("Correlation matrix that shows the features that have highest \ linear correlation with metallicity. Each quantity is calculated purely \ based on the crystal composition.") corr = data.corr().abs() top_5 = corr["is_metal"].sort_values(ascending=False).index[:5] corr = data[top_5].corr().abs() corr_fig = px.imshow(corr) st.plotly_chart(corr_fig) # Feature relationships top_3 = corr["is_metal"].sort_values(ascending=False).index[1:4] for idx, col in enumerate(top_3): box_fig = px.violin(data, x="Metal vs Nonmetal", y=col, box=True, color="Metal vs Nonmetal") st.plotly_chart(box_fig) # Pivot tables st.subheader("Pivot tables") st.write("Pivot tables help us understand the statistical relationships " "between a target variable and other descriptors of a sample.") table = pd.pivot_table(data, index="Metal vs Nonmetal", values=top_3, aggfunc=[np.mean, np.median, np.var]) st.write(table)
df = pd.melt(sales, id_vars=['id', 'item_id', 'dept_id', 'cat_id', 'store_id', 'state_id'], var_name='d', value_name='sold').dropna() ## Merge calendar and prices dataframes into df df = pd.merge(df, calendar, on='d', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, prices, on=['store_id','item_id','wm_yr_wk'], how='left') ## EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS ## ## Check average sale price for each item ## the groupby function, groups together specific columns and column values. Here I specify that I want the ## average sell price to be from each state, store and item group_price_store = df.groupby(['state_id','store_id','item_id'],as_index=False)['sell_price'].mean().dropna() ## Using plotly express, plot the prices vs the store. Display different colours for the state and use the hover ## property to identify which item is present fig = px.violin(group_price_store, x='store_id', color='state_id', y='sell_price',box=True, hover_name='item_id') fig.update_xaxes(title_text='Store') fig.update_yaxes(title_text='Selling Price($)') fig.update_layout(template='seaborn',title='Distribution of Items prices wrt Stores',legend_title_text='State') ## FEATURE ENGINEERING ## ## Label encoding ## Store the different categories found in each column with their corresponding codes d_id = dict(zip(, d_item_id = dict(zip(, df.item_id)) d_dept_id = dict(zip(, df.dept_id)) d_cat_id = dict(zip(, df.cat_id)) d_store_id = dict(zip(, df.store_id)) d_state_id = dict(zip(, df.state_id))
def test_update_graph(df_2019, var_to_filter, filter, var_to_see, score_to_see): df = filter_function(df_2019, var_to_filter, filter) df.sort_values(var_to_see, inplace=True) return px.violin(df, x=var_to_see, y=score_to_see, box=True)
def violinPlot(self, df, yName, title=None): """Create and show a violin plot""" # create violin plot fig = px.violin(df, y=yName)
email.drop(['Unnamed: 0', 'filename', 'Message-ID'],axis=1,inplace=True) email.groupby('Class').describe().T email['label'] = email['Class'].map({'Non Abusive': 0, 'Abusive': 1}) # add 'label' column sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.countplot(email['Class']) plt.title('Distribution of Abusive and Non_Abusive') # Make a new column to show the length of content messages email['length'] = email['content'].apply(len) import as px fig = px.violin(data_frame=email, y="length", points="all", color="Class", width=800, height=600) # it shows median length of Abusive mail = 591.5 & Non_aAbusive = 735 colors = ['#ff9999','#66b3ff'] email["Class"].value_counts().plot(kind = 'pie',colors = colors ,explode = (0.1,0),autopct = '%1.1f%%') from collections import Counter count1 = Counter(" ".join(email[email['Class']=='Non Abusive']["content"]).split()).most_common(30) df1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(count1) df1 = df1.rename(columns={0: "words in Non-Abusive", 1 : "count"}) count2 = Counter(" ".join(email[email['Class']=='Abusive']["content"]).split()).most_common(30) df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(count2) df2 = df2.rename(columns={0: "words in Abusive", 1 : "count_"})
def main(): st.sidebar.title('O que você gostaria de ver?') opcao = ['Análise Estatística', 'Gráficos', 'Referências'] choice =' ', opcao) st.sidebar.title('Data')""" Caso não tenha um arquivo csv por perto, você pode baixar por aqui:\n [Titanic](\n [Iris](\n [Tips](\n """) st.sidebar.title('Créditos')""" Feito por Raul.\n [github]( [linkedin](\n Duvidas ou informações: [email protected] ou [email protected]\n Para mais informações do projeto ver Referências. """) if choice == 'Análise Estatística': st.header('Análise Estatística') st.subheader(""" Para começar carregue um arquivo csv. """) data = st.file_uploader(' ', type=['csv']) if data is not None: df = pd.read_csv(data) st.write(df.head()) aux = pd.DataFrame({'colunas': df.columns, 'tipos': df.dtypes}) col_num = list(aux[aux['tipos'] != 'object']['colunas']) col_obj = list(aux[aux['tipos'] == 'object']['colunas']) colunas = list(df.columns) hue = df.columns[df.nunique() < 10].values.tolist() if st.checkbox('Tamanho DataFrame'): st.write('Número de linhas', df.shape[0]) st.write('Número de colunas', df.shape[1]) if st.checkbox('Mostrar colunas'): colunas = list(df.columns) st.write(colunas) if st.checkbox('Mostrar tipos das colunas'): st.write(df.dtypes) if st.checkbox('Mostrar Sumário'): st.write(df.describe()) if st.checkbox('Mostrar % valores nulos'): st.write(df.isnull().mean() * 100) if st.checkbox('Escolha uma coluna númerica'): coluna_num = st.selectbox('Coluna', col_num) st.write('Média', df[coluna_num].mean()) st.write('Moda', df[coluna_num].mode()[0]) st.write('Desvio Padrão', df[coluna_num].std()) st.write('Maior Valor', df[coluna_num].max()) st.write('Menor Valor', df[coluna_num].min()) st.write('% datos faltantes', (df[coluna_num].isnull().mean() * 100)) st.write('Valores únicos na coluna', df[coluna_num].nunique()) elif choice == 'Gráficos': st.header('Visualização dos Dados.') st.subheader('Para começar carregue um arquivo csv.')""" Alguns gráficos terão uma opção para selecionar a cor. A opção cor vai determinar qual coluna no dataframe deve ser usada para codificação de cores, adicionando o parâmetro cor, indica para o gráfico que você deseja colorir os dados de maneira diferente com base na coluna selecionada. """) data = st.file_uploader(' ', type=['csv'], key='graficos') if data is not None: df = pd.read_csv(data) st.write(df.head()) aux = pd.DataFrame({'colunas': df.columns, 'tipos': df.dtypes}) col_num = list(aux[aux['tipos'] != 'object']['colunas']) col_obj = list(aux[aux['tipos'] == 'object']['colunas']) colunas = list(df.columns) hue = df.columns[df.nunique() < 10].values.tolist()""" Caso seu dataframe seja muito grande, você pode selecionar um sample do mesmo, escolhendo qual a porcentagem dos dados que serão usadas. """) pct = st.slider("Sample size % :", int(0), int(100), int(100)) frame = df.sample(frac=(pct / 100)) if st.checkbox('Tamanho do DataFrame'): st.write('Número de linhas', frame.shape[0]) st.write('Número de colunas', frame.shape[1]) if st.checkbox('Scatter Plot'): eixo_x = st.selectbox('Selecione Eixo X', col_num, key='unique') eixo_y = st.selectbox('Selecione Eixo Y', col_num, key='unique') cor = st.selectbox('Cor', hue, key='unique') fig = px.scatter(frame, x=eixo_x, y=eixo_y, color=cor, template=cmap, title=f'Scatter Plot {eixo_x} x {eixo_y}') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox('Histogram'):""" Caso o parâmetro cor tenha algum dado faltante o mesmo será preenchido, automaticamente com a moda da coluna selecionada. """) coluna_num = st.selectbox('Selecione Eixo X', col_num, key='coluna_num') color = st.selectbox('Cor', hue, key='color') fig1 = px.histogram(frame, x=coluna_num, color=frame[color].fillna( frame[color].mode()), histfunc='sum', title=f'Histogram {coluna_num}') st.plotly_chart(fig1, use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox('Counts'):""" Este gráfico retorna, os valores únicos do dataframe em porcetagem, com base na coluna selecionada. """) value = st.selectbox('Selecione uma coluna', colunas, key='value') plot_value = frame[value].value_counts(normalize=True) fig = plot_value.plot(kind='bar', title=f'Count Coluna: {value}') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox('Bar Plot'): cols = st.selectbox('Selecione uma coluna', colunas, key='cols') target = st.selectbox('Cor', hue, key='target') gb = pd.crosstab(frame[cols], frame[target]) fig = gb.plot(kind='bar', title=f'Bar Plot {cols} x {target}') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox('Violin Plot'): coluna_num1 = st.selectbox('Selecione o Eixo X', col_obj, key='coluna_num1') coluna_x1 = st.selectbox('Selecione o Eixo Y', col_num, key='coluna_x1') color1 = st.selectbox('Cor', hue, key='color1') fig = px.violin( frame, x=coluna_num1, y=coluna_x1, color=color1, title=f'Violet Plot {coluna_num1} x {coluna_x1}') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox('Box Plot'): coluna_num2 = st.selectbox('Selecione o Eixo X', col_obj, key='coluna_num2') coluna_x2 = st.selectbox('Selecione o Eixo Y', col_num, key='coluna_x2') color2 = st.selectbox('Cor', hue, key='color2') fig =, x=coluna_num2, y=coluna_x2, color=color2, title=f'Box Plot {coluna_num2} x {coluna_x2}') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox('Line Plot'):""" Line Plot é normalmanete usado para medir variações atráves do tempo, caso seu dataframe não tenha uma coluna que seja datetime , não é recomendado o uso do Line Plot, use Scatter Plot ou Bar Plot. """) eixo_x2 = st.selectbox('Selecione o Eixo X', colunas, key='eixo_x2') eixo_y2 = st.selectbox('Selecione o Eixo Y', colunas, key='eixo_y2') fig = frame.plot(kind='line', x=eixo_x2, y=eixo_y2, title=f'Line Plot {eixo_x2} x {eixo_y2}') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox('Heatmap'): metodo = st.selectbox('Selecione o Método de correlação', ['pearson', 'kendall', 'spearman'], key='metodo') corr = frame.corr(method=metodo) ax = sns.heatmap(corr, annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap="YlGnBu") st.pyplot() if st.checkbox('Heatmap Colunas'): """Você pode selecionar quais colunas você quer usar para fazer seu heatmap. """) metodo1 = st.selectbox('Selecione o Método de correlação', ['pearson', 'kendall', 'spearman'], key='metodo1') cols = st.multiselect('Selecione colunas que serão usadas', col_num, key='cols') corr = frame[cols].corr(method=metodo1) ax = sns.heatmap(corr, annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap="YlGnBu") st.pyplot() elif choice == 'Referências': st.image(codenation, width=800, format='PNG') st.header('Referências') st.write(""" Esse projeto foi proposto pelo Professor [Túlio Souza]( da [Codenation](, na semana 3 do Acelera Dev Data Science turma do meio do ano de 2020. Para saber mais sobre a codenation e seus "Aceleramentos" de carreira e ver o trabalho incrível que eles fazem, podem entra no [Site Codenation](, [facebook]( ou pelo [linkedin]( """) st.subheader('Gráficos') st.write(""" Alguns gráficos desse projeto foram feitos usando a biblioteca plotly e sua extensão para pandas. \n \n Heatmap foi feito usando seaborn.\n\n Os datasets no menu lateral foram arquivados no site, uma ótima forma de guardar arquivos curtos e com download simples.\n Para informações adicionais do streamlit acesse: \n \n \n Tips e iris data set foram retirados.\n\n Titanic data set.\n\n Deploy do projeto feito no heroku:\n Obrigado por ver meu primeiro app e obrigado codenation pela oportunidade de aprender, qualquer dúvida manda um email.\n [email protected] ou [email protected] """)
visible_table = cache_get(session_id, CACHE_KEYS['visible_table']) filtered_table = filter_all( data, num_keys, num_values, cat_keys, cat_values, visible_table, visible_list ) if c_violin == 'None': violin_fig = px.violin(filtered_table, x=x_key, y=y_key, box=True, violinmode='group', labels={x_key: x_label, y_key: y_label}) else: violin_fig = px.violin(filtered_table, x=x_key, y=y_key, color=c_violin, box=True, violinmode='group', labels={x_key: x_label, y_key: y_label}) else: violin_fig = { 'data': [{'type': 'histogram',
value=[], #list(self.volumes["SOURCE"])[0] placeholder="Select months", style={'backgroundColor': '#1E1E1E'}, className='monthselector'), ], style={'color': '#1E1E1E'}) ]), html.Div(className='eight columns div-for-charts', children=[ dcc.Graph(id='up_down', config={'displayModeBar': False}, animate=True, figure=px.violin( template='plotly_dark').update_layout({ 'plot_bgcolor': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'paper_bgcolor': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' })) ]) ]), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Div( className='row', children=[ html.Div( className='four columns div-user-controls', children=[
def main(): # reading in the data column_names = [ "sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width", "class", ] iris_df = pd.read_csv( "C:/Users/KRATI PATIDAR/Desktop/BDA696_MLE/", names=column_names ) print(iris_df.head()) # summary statistics iris_arr = iris_df.to_numpy() print(iris_arr) print("Mean = ", np.mean(iris_df)) print("Minimum = ", np.min(iris_df)) print("Maximum = ", np.max(iris_df)) print("First quantile = ", np.quantile(iris_arr[:, :-1], q=0.25, axis=0)) print("Second quantile = ", np.quantile(iris_arr[:, :-1], q=0.50, axis=0)) print("Third quantile = ", np.quantile(iris_arr[:, :-1], q=0.75, axis=0)) print("Fourth quantile = ", np.quantile(iris_arr[:, :-1], q=1, axis=0)) print(iris_df["class"].unique()) # making plots plot_1 = px.scatter( iris_df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length", size="petal_length", hover_data=["petal_width"], color="class", title="Scatter Plot for all variables for different classes", ) plot_2 = px.line( iris_df, x="petal_width", y="petal_length", color="class", title="Line Plot for Petal Width and Petal Length for all classes", ) plot_3 = px.violin( iris_df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length", color="class", title="Violin Plot for sepal length and sepal width for all classes", ) plot_4 = px.scatter_3d( iris_df, x="sepal_length", y="sepal_width", z="petal_length", color="class", title="3-D Scatter Plot for sepal length, sepal width and petal length", ) plot_5 = px.line_3d( iris_df, x="petal_width", y="petal_length", z="sepal_width", hover_data=["sepal_length"], color="class", title="3-D Line Plot for all variables of all classes ", ) # normalization, random forest and decision tree classifiers x = iris_arr[:, 0:-1] y = iris_df["class"].values # pipeline_1 for random forest classifier pipeline_1 = Pipeline( [ ("normalize", Normalizer()), ("randomforest", RandomForestClassifier(random_state=1234)), ] ) print(, y)) # pipeline_2 for decision tree classifier pipeline_2 = Pipeline( [ ("normalize", Normalizer()), ("decisiontree", DecisionTreeClassifier()), ] ) print(, y)) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets) # assume you have a "long-form" data frame # see for more options df = pd.read_csv( '' ) df["Survived"] = df["Survived"].replace([0], "Didn't Survived") df["Survived"] = df["Survived"].replace([1], "Did Survived") fig1 = px.scatter(df, x="Age", y="Fare", color="Pclass", log_x=False) fig2 = px.violin(df, y="Age", x="Survived", color="Sex", box=True, points="all", hover_data=df.columns) fig3 = px.histogram(df, x="Survived", color="Pclass") fig4 = px.histogram(df, x="Survived", color="Sex") app.layout = html.Div(children=[ # All elements from the top of the page html.Div([ html.H1(children='Yasir Alhejaili Project'), html.Div(children=''' A scatter plot to see the relation between Age , Fare and each class '''),
def return_tests_and_deaths_violin_figure(self, multiselection): try: import pandas as pd import math import as px from page_numbers_normalized_by_population import normalized_numbers_by_population_evolution as population_num multiselection_tests_data = [ 'United States' if x == 'US' else x for x in multiselection ] selected_countries_tests_data = self.get_tests_evolution_data( multiselection_tests_data) not_nan_mask = pd.isna( selected_countries_tests_data['Cumulative total per thousand'] ) == False selected_countries_tests_data = selected_countries_tests_data[ not_nan_mask] selected_countries_tests_data[ 'Cumulative total per thousand'] = selected_countries_tests_data[ 'Cumulative total per thousand'].apply( lambda x: int(x) if math.isnan(x) == False else x) desired_cols = ['Date', 'Country', 'Cumulative total per thousand'] tests_sub_data = selected_countries_tests_data[desired_cols] violin_tests_data = pd.DataFrame() for country in tests_sub_data.Country.unique(): country_tests_violin_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Date', 'Country', 'Tests_per_thousand', 'Violin_color' ]) country_sub_data = tests_sub_data[tests_sub_data.Country == country] for date in country_sub_data.Date: country_date_tests_violin_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Date', 'Country', 'Tests_per_thousand', 'Violin_color' ]) country_sub_data_in_date = country_sub_data[ country_sub_data.Date == date] cum_per_thousand_in_date = int( country_sub_data_in_date.iloc[-1] ['Cumulative total per thousand']) tests_dates = [ date for _ in range(cum_per_thousand_in_date) ] country_date_tests_violin_df['Date'] = tests_dates country_date_tests_violin_df['Country'] = country country_date_tests_violin_df[ 'Tests_per_thousand'] = cum_per_thousand_in_date country_tests_violin_df = country_tests_violin_df.append( country_date_tests_violin_df) country_tests_violin_df[ 'Violin_color'] = country_tests_violin_df[ 'Tests_per_thousand'].max() violin_tests_data = violin_tests_data.append( country_tests_violin_df) import numpy as np import as px fig = px.violin( violin_tests_data, y="Date", x="Country", #color=DEATH RATE box=True, hover_data=violin_tests_data.columns, #['Tests_per_thousand'], title='Tests carried out per country', color='Violin_color') fig.update_layout(margin={ "r": 10, "t": 60, "l": 10, "b": 10 }, height=600, width=710, showlegend=False, paper_bgcolor="#EBF2EC") return fig except Exception as exc: logger.exception('raised exception at {}: {}'.format( + '.' + 'return_tests_and_deaths_figure', exc))
def build_graph(graph_type, x_axis, y_axis, color): dff = df if graph_type == 'LINE': fig = px.line(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, color=color, height=600) fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) elif graph_type == 'SCATTER': fig = px.scatter(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, color=color, height=600) fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) elif graph_type == 'BAR': fig =, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, color=color, height=600) fig.update_xaxes(type='category') fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) elif graph_type == 'AREA': fig = px.area(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, color=color, height=600) fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) elif graph_type == 'HEET': fig = px.density_heatmap(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, nbinsx=20, nbinsy=20, marginal_x="histogram", marginal="histogram") elif graph_type == 'BOX': fig =, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, color=color, height=600) fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) elif graph_type == 'PIE': fig = px.pie(dff, values=x_axis, names=y_axis, height=600) fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) elif graph_type == 'HIST': fig = px.histogram(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, marginal="box", color=color, height=600) # can be box or violin fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) elif graph_type == 'SMX': fig = px.scatter_matrix(dff, color=color) fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) elif graph_type == 'VIOLIN': fig = px.violin(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, box=True, color=color, height=600) # can be box or violin fig.update_layout(yaxis={'title': y_axis}, title={ 'text': x_axis + ' vs ' + y_axis, 'font': { 'size': 28 }, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center' }) return fig
def main(): side_img ="images/emotion3.jpg") with st.sidebar: st.image(side_img, width=300) st.sidebar.subheader("Menu") website_menu = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Menu", ("Emotion Recognition", "Project description", "Our team", "Leave feedback", "Relax")) st.set_option('deprecation.showfileUploaderEncoding', False) if website_menu == "Emotion Recognition": st.sidebar.subheader("Model") model_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("How would you like to predict?", ("mfccs", "mel-specs")) em3 = em6 = em7 = gender = False st.sidebar.subheader("Settings") st.markdown("## Upload the file") with st.container(): col1, col2 = st.columns(2) # audio_file = None # path = None with col1: audio_file = st.file_uploader("Upload audio file", type=['wav', 'mp3', 'ogg']) if audio_file is not None: if not os.path.exists("audio"): os.makedirs("audio") path = os.path.join("audio", if_save_audio = save_audio(audio_file) if if_save_audio == 1: st.warning("File size is too large. Try another file.") elif if_save_audio == 0: # extract features # display audio, format='audio/wav', start_time=0) try: wav, sr = librosa.load(path, sr=44100) Xdb = get_melspec(path)[1] mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(wav, sr=sr) # # display audio #, format='audio/wav', start_time=0) except Exception as e: audio_file = None st.error( f"Error {e} - wrong format of the file. Try another .wav file." ) else: st.error("Unknown error") else: if st.button("Try test file"): wav, sr = librosa.load("test.wav", sr=44100) Xdb = get_melspec("test.wav")[1] mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(wav, sr=sr) # display audio"test.wav", format='audio/wav', start_time=0) path = "test.wav" audio_file = "test" with col2: if audio_file is not None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2)) fig.set_facecolor('#d1d1e0') plt.title("Wave-form") librosa.display.waveplot(wav, sr=44100) plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["left"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.set_facecolor('#d1d1e0') st.write(fig) else: pass # st.write("Record audio file") # if st.button('Record'): # with st.spinner(f'Recording for 5 seconds ....'): # st.write("Recording...") # time.sleep(3) # st.success("Recording completed") # st.write("Error while loading the file") if model_type == "mfccs": em3 = st.sidebar.checkbox("3 emotions", True) em6 = st.sidebar.checkbox("6 emotions", True) em7 = st.sidebar.checkbox("7 emotions") gender = st.sidebar.checkbox("gender") elif model_type == "mel-specs": st.sidebar.warning("This model is temporarily disabled") else: st.sidebar.warning("This model is temporarily disabled") # with st.sidebar.expander("Change colors"): # st.sidebar.write("Use this options after you got the plots") # col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7 = st.columns(7) # # with col1: # a = st.color_picker("Angry", value="#FF0000") # with col2: # f = st.color_picker("Fear", value="#800080") # with col3: # d = st.color_picker("Disgust", value="#A52A2A") # with col4: # sd = st.color_picker("Sad", value="#ADD8E6") # with col5: # n = st.color_picker("Neutral", value="#808080") # with col6: # sp = st.color_picker("Surprise", value="#FFA500") # with col7: # h = st.color_picker("Happy", value="#008000") # if st.button("Update colors"): # global COLOR_DICT # COLOR_DICT = {"neutral": n, # "positive": h, # "happy": h, # "surprise": sp, # "fear": f, # "negative": a, # "angry": a, # "sad": sd, # "disgust": d} # st.success(COLOR_DICT) if audio_file is not None: st.markdown("## Analyzing...") if not audio_file == "test": st.sidebar.subheader("Audio file") file_details = { "Filename":, "FileSize": audio_file.size } st.sidebar.write(file_details) with st.container(): col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2)) fig.set_facecolor('#d1d1e0') plt.title("MFCCs") librosa.display.specshow(mfccs, sr=sr, x_axis='time') plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["left"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False) st.write(fig) with col2: fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2)) fig2.set_facecolor('#d1d1e0') plt.title("Mel-log-spectrogram") librosa.display.specshow(Xdb, sr=sr, x_axis='time', y_axis='hz') plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["left"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False) st.write(fig2) if model_type == "mfccs": st.markdown("## Predictions") with st.container(): col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) mfccs = get_mfccs(path, model.input_shape[-1]) mfccs = mfccs.reshape(1, *mfccs.shape) pred = model.predict(mfccs)[0] with col1: if em3: pos = pred[3] + pred[5] * .5 neu = pred[2] + pred[5] * .5 + pred[4] * .5 neg = pred[0] + pred[1] + pred[4] * .5 data3 = np.array([pos, neu, neg]) txt = "MFCCs\n" + get_title(data3, CAT3) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) COLORS = color_dict(COLOR_DICT) plot_colored_polar(fig, predictions=data3, categories=CAT3, title=txt, colors=COLORS) # plot_polar(fig, predictions=data3, categories=CAT3, # title=txt, colors=COLORS) st.write(fig) with col2: if em6: txt = "MFCCs\n" + get_title(pred, CAT6) fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) COLORS = color_dict(COLOR_DICT) plot_colored_polar(fig2, predictions=pred, categories=CAT6, title=txt, colors=COLORS) # plot_polar(fig2, predictions=pred, categories=CAT6, # title=txt, colors=COLORS) st.write(fig2) with col3: if em7: model_ = load_model("model4.h5") mfccs_ = get_mfccs(path, model_.input_shape[-2]) mfccs_ = mfccs_.T.reshape(1, *mfccs_.T.shape) pred_ = model_.predict(mfccs_)[0] txt = "MFCCs\n" + get_title(pred_, CAT7) fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) COLORS = color_dict(COLOR_DICT) plot_colored_polar(fig3, predictions=pred_, categories=CAT7, title=txt, colors=COLORS) # plot_polar(fig3, predictions=pred_, categories=CAT7, # title=txt, colors=COLORS) st.write(fig3) with col4: if gender: with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): gmodel = load_model("model_mw.h5") gmfccs = get_mfccs(path, gmodel.input_shape[-1]) gmfccs = gmfccs.reshape(1, *gmfccs.shape) gpred = gmodel.predict(gmfccs)[0] gdict = [["female", "woman.png"], ["male", "man.png"]] ind = gpred.argmax() txt = "Predicted gender: " + gdict[ind][0] img ="images/" + gdict[ind][1]) fig4 = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3)) fig4.set_facecolor('#d1d1e0') plt.title(txt) plt.imshow(img) plt.axis("off") st.write(fig4) # if model_type == "mel-specs": # st.markdown("## Predictions") # st.warning("The model in test mode. It may not be working properly.") # if st.checkbox("I'm OK with it"): # try: # with st.spinner("Wait... It can take some time"): # global tmodel # tmodel = load_model_cache("tmodel_all.h5") # fig, tpred = plot_melspec(path, tmodel) # col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) # with col1: # st.markdown("### Emotional spectrum") # dimg ="images/spectrum.png") # st.image(dimg, use_column_width=True) # with col2: # fig_, tpred_ = plot_melspec(path=path, # tmodel=tmodel, # three=True) # st.write(fig_, use_column_width=True) # with col3: # st.write(fig, use_column_width=True) # except Exception as e: # st.error(f"Error {e}, model is not loaded") elif website_menu == "Project description": import pandas as pd import as px st.title("Project description") st.subheader("GitHub") link = '[GitHub repository of the web-application]' \ '(' st.markdown(link, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.subheader("Theory") link = '[Theory behind - Medium article]' \ '(' st.markdown(link + ":clap::clap::clap: Tal!", unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.expander("See Wikipedia definition"): components.iframe( "", height=320, scrolling=True) st.subheader("Dataset") txt = """ This web-application is a part of the final **Data Mining** project for **ITC Fellow Program 2020**. Datasets used in this project * Crowd-sourced Emotional Mutimodal Actors Dataset (**Crema-D**) * Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (**Ravdess**) * Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion (**Savee**) * Toronto emotional speech set (**Tess**) """ st.markdown(txt, unsafe_allow_html=True) df = pd.read_csv("df_audio.csv") fig = px.violin(df, y="source", x="emotion4", color="actors", box=True, points="all", hover_data=df.columns) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) st.subheader("FYI") st.write( "Since we are currently using a free tier instance of AWS, " "we disabled mel-spec and ensemble models.\n\n" "If you want to try them we recommend to clone our GitHub repo") st.code( "git clone", language='bash') st.write( "After that, just uncomment the relevant sections in the file " "to use these models:") elif website_menu == "Our team": st.subheader("Our team") st.balloons() col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 2]) with col1:"*****@*****.**")"*****@*****.**")"*****@*****.**") with col2: liimg ="images/LI-Logo.png") st.image(liimg) st.markdown( f""":speech_balloon: [Maria Startseva](""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown( f""":speech_balloon: [Tal Baram](""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown( f""":speech_balloon: [Asher Holder](""", unsafe_allow_html=True) elif website_menu == "Leave feedback": st.subheader("Leave feedback") user_input = st.text_area("Your feedback is greatly appreciated") user_name = st.selectbox( "Choose your personality", ["checker1", "checker2", "checker3", "checker4"]) if st.button("Submit"): st.success(f"Message\n\"\"\"{user_input}\"\"\"\nwas sent") if user_input == "log123456" and user_name == "checker4": with open("log0.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as f: st.text( elif user_input == "feedback123456" and user_name == "checker4": with open("log.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as f: st.text( else: log_file(user_name + " " + user_input) thankimg ="images/sticky.png") st.image(thankimg) else: import requests import json url = '' if st.button("get random mood"): with st.container(): col1, col2 = st.columns(2) n = np.random.randint(1, 1000, 1)[0] with col1: quotes = { "Good job and almost done": "checker1", "Great start!!": "checker2", "Please make corrections base on the following observation": "checker3", "DO NOT train with test data": "folk wisdom", "good work, but no docstrings": "checker4", "Well done!": "checker3", "For the sake of reproducibility, I recommend setting the random seed": "checker1" } if n % 5 == 0: a = np.random.choice(list(quotes.keys()), 1)[0] quote, author = a, quotes[a] else: try: r = requests.get(url=url) text = json.loads(r.text) quote, author = text['content'], text['author'] except Exception as e: a = np.random.choice(list(quotes.keys()), 1)[0] quote, author = a, quotes[a] st.markdown(f"## *{quote}*") st.markdown(f"### ***{author}***") with col2: st.image(image=f"{n}")
def main(): columns = ["Sepal_Length", "Sepal_Width", "Petal_Length", "Petal_Width", "Species"] iris_data = pd.read_csv("", names=columns) print(iris_data.head(10)) print( # getting the number of missing values missing = iris_data.isnull().sum() print(missing) # calculating the summary statistics print("Mean statistics:", np.mean(iris_data)) print("Maximum value:", np.max(iris_data)) print("Minimum value:", np.min(iris_data)) # Calculating quantiles iris_np = np.array(iris_data) print("25 percent- ", np.quantile(iris_np[:, :-1], 0.25, axis=0)) print("50 percent-", np.quantile(iris_np[:, :-1], 0.50, axis=0)) print("75 percent-", np.quantile(iris_np[:, :-1], 0.75, axis=0)) # Visualizing the data plot1 = px.violin( iris_data, y="Sepal_Length", x="Species", color="Species", hover_data=iris_data.columns, title="Violin plot to visualize Sepal Length ", ) plot2 = px.scatter_3d( iris_data, x="Sepal_Width", y="Sepal_Length", z="Petal_Width", color="Species", hover_data=iris_data.columns, title="3d Scatter plot between Sepal Width, " "Sepal length and Petal width", ) plot3 = px.histogram( iris_data, x="Sepal_Length", y="Sepal_Width", color="Species", title="Distribution of Sepal length and Sepal width with respect to species", ) iris_data.plot(kind="scatter", x="Sepal_Length", y="Petal_Length") plt.title("Scatter plot between Sepal Length and petal Length") sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.FacetGrid(iris_data, hue="Species", height=6).map( plt.scatter, "Sepal_Length", "Petal_Length" ).add_legend() plt.title( "Scatter plot between Sepal Length and Petal Length, with different species" ) # Splitting the dataset into train and test X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( iris_data.iloc[:, :-1].values, iris_data["Species"], test_size=0.2, random_state=1234, ) # Making a Pipeline for Normalizing the data and fitting RandomForestClassifier pipeline = Pipeline( [("Normalize", Normalizer()), ("rf", RandomForestClassifier(random_state=1234))] ), y_train) predict = pipeline.predict(X_test) # Generating the confusion matrix and accuracy score for the RandomForestClassifier cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, predict) print("Confusion Matrix- RandomForestClassifier", cm) accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, predict) print("Accuracy of RandomForestClassifier", accuracy) # Making a pipeline for Normalizing the data and fitting LDAClassifier pipeline = Pipeline([("Normalize", Normalizer()), ("lda", LDA(n_components=1))]), y_train) predict = pipeline.predict(X_test) # Generating the confusion matrix and accuracy score for the LDAClassifier cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, predict) print("Confusion Matrix- LDAClassifier", cm) accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, predict) print("Accuracy of LDAClassifier", accuracy)
!pip install sweetviz import sweetviz as sv my_report = sv.analyze(dataset[['profit', 'sales', 'Cost', 'quantity']].sample(frac=0.2)) my_report.show_notebook() country = dataset.loc[['Germany', 'United Kingdom'])] sns.countplot(y='country', data=country, order=['Germany', 'United Kingdom'], palette=['Red', 'yellow']) # country['country'].value_counts().index """# Plotly Express""" import as px fig = px.violin(dataset, y='sales', x='ship_mode') country = dataset.groupby(['country']).sum()['quantity'].reset_index(), x='country', y='quantity').show() """# Folium""" import folium dataset.head() m = folium.Map(location=[49.006890, 8.403653]) m
def plot_graphs(request): print("plot_graphs function") global ppd fig = None fig_error = False blank_choice = (None, '---------') features_name = [(i, i) for i in ppd.getFeatureName()] category_features_name = [(i, i) for i in ppd.get_category_list()] numeric_features_name = [(i, i) for i in ppd.get_numeric_features_name()] features_name.append(blank_choice) category_features_name.append(blank_choice) numeric_features_name.append(blank_choice) if request.method == 'POST': if 'scatter_btn' in request.POST: print("scatter form") print(request.POST) scatter = Scatter_form(request.POST) scatter.fields['x'].choices = features_name scatter.fields['y'].choices = features_name scatter.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name scatter.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name scatter.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name scatter.fields['size'].choices = numeric_features_name print(scatter.errors) if scatter.is_valid(): print("form valid") x = scatter.cleaned_data['x'] y = scatter.cleaned_data['y'] facet_row = scatter.cleaned_data['facet_row'] facet_col = scatter.cleaned_data['facet_col'] facet_col_wrap = scatter.cleaned_data['facet_col_wrap'] color = scatter.cleaned_data['color'] size = scatter.cleaned_data['size'] data_feature_list = list() data_feature_list.append(x) data_feature_list.append(y) if len(size) > 0: data_feature_list.append(size) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) if len(facet_row) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_row) if len(facet_col) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_col) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = px.scatter( data_frame=data, x=x, y=y, facet_row=None if len(facet_row) == 0 else facet_row, facet_col=None if len(facet_col) == 0 else facet_col, facet_col_wrap=facet_col_wrap, title=scatter.cleaned_data['title'], color=None if len(color) == 0 else color, size=None if len(size) == 0 else size, log_x=scatter.cleaned_data['log_x'], log_y=scatter.cleaned_data['log_y'], render_mode=scatter.cleaned_data['render_mode'], height=800) print("fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'scatter_3d_btn' in request.POST: scatter_3d = Scatter_3d_form(request.POST) scatter_3d.fields['x'].choices = features_name scatter_3d.fields['y'].choices = features_name scatter_3d.fields['z'].choices = features_name scatter_3d.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name scatter_3d.fields['size'].choices = numeric_features_name if scatter_3d.is_valid(): x = scatter_3d.cleaned_data['x'] y = scatter_3d.cleaned_data['y'] z = scatter_3d.cleaned_data['z'] color = scatter_3d.cleaned_data['color'] size = scatter_3d.cleaned_data['size'] data_feature_list = list() data_feature_list.append(x) data_feature_list.append(y) data_feature_list.append(z) if len(size) > 0: data_feature_list.append(size) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = px.scatter_3d( data_frame=data, x=x, y=y, z=z, title=scatter_3d.cleaned_data['title'], color=None if len(color) == 0 else color, size=None if len(size) == 0 else size, log_x=scatter_3d.cleaned_data['log_x'], log_y=scatter_3d.cleaned_data['log_y'], log_z=scatter_3d.cleaned_data['log_z'], height=800) print("fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'line_btn' in request.POST: print("Line Plot") line = Line_form(request.POST) line.fields['x'].choices = features_name line.fields['y'].choices = features_name line.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name line.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name line.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name if line.is_valid(): print("line is valid") x = line.cleaned_data['x'] y = line.cleaned_data['y'] facet_row = line.cleaned_data['facet_row'] facet_col = line.cleaned_data['facet_col'] facet_col_wrap = line.cleaned_data['facet_col_wrap'] color = line.cleaned_data['color'] data_feature_list = list() data_feature_list.append(x) data_feature_list.append(y) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) if len(facet_row) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_row) if len(facet_col) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_col) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = px.line( data_frame=data, x=x, y=y, facet_row=None if len(facet_row) == 0 else facet_row, facet_col=None if len(facet_col) == 0 else facet_col, facet_col_wrap=facet_col_wrap, title=line.cleaned_data['title'], color=None if len(color) == 0 else color, height=800) print("fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'bar_btn' in request.POST: print("Bar Plot") bar = Bar_form(request.POST) bar.fields['x'].choices = features_name bar.fields['y'].choices = features_name bar.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name bar.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name bar.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name if bar.is_valid(): print("Bar is valid") x = bar.cleaned_data['x'] y = bar.cleaned_data['y'] facet_row = bar.cleaned_data['facet_row'] facet_col = bar.cleaned_data['facet_col'] facet_col_wrap = bar.cleaned_data['facet_col_wrap'] color = bar.cleaned_data['color'] title = bar.cleaned_data['title'] orientation = bar.cleaned_data['orientation'] bar_mode = bar.cleaned_data['bar_mode'] data_feature_list = list() data_feature_list.append(x) data_feature_list.append(y) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) if len(facet_row) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_row) if len(facet_col) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_col) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = data_frame=data, x=x, y=y, facet_row=None if len(facet_row) == 0 else facet_row, facet_col=None if len(facet_col) == 0 else facet_col, facet_col_wrap=facet_col_wrap, title=title, color=None if len(color) == 0 else color, orientation=orientation, barmode=bar_mode, height=800) print("fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'pie_btn' in request.POST: print("Pie Plot") pie = Pie_form(request.POST) pie.fields['values'].choices = features_name pie.fields['names'].choices = category_features_name pie.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name if pie.is_valid(): print("Pie is valid") values = pie.cleaned_data['values'] names = pie.cleaned_data['names'] color = pie.cleaned_data['color'] title = pie.cleaned_data['title'] data_feature_list = list() data_feature_list.append(values) data_feature_list.append(names) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = px.pie(data_frame=data, values=values, names=names, color=None if len(color) == 0 else color, title=title, height=800) print("fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'histogram_btn' in request.POST: print("Plot Histogram") histogram = Histogram_form(request.POST) histogram.fields['x'].choices = features_name histogram.fields['y'].choices = features_name histogram.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name histogram.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name histogram.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name print(histogram.errors) if histogram.is_valid(): print("Histogram is valid") x = histogram.cleaned_data['x'] y = histogram.cleaned_data['y'] facet_row = histogram.cleaned_data['facet_row'] facet_col = histogram.cleaned_data['facet_col'] facet_col_wrap = histogram.cleaned_data['facet_col_wrap'] color = histogram.cleaned_data['color'] title = histogram.cleaned_data['title'] orientation = histogram.cleaned_data['orientation'] bar_mode = histogram.cleaned_data['bar_mode'] marginal = histogram.cleaned_data['marginal'] bar_norm = histogram.cleaned_data['bar_norm'] hist_norm = histogram.cleaned_data['hist_norm'] hist_func = histogram.cleaned_data['hist_func'] log_x = histogram.cleaned_data['log_x'] log_y = histogram.cleaned_data['log_y'] cumulative = histogram.cleaned_data['cumulative'] data_feature_list = list() data_feature_list.append(x) data_feature_list.append(y) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) if len(facet_row) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_row) if len(facet_col) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_col) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = px.histogram( data_frame=data, x=x, y=y, facet_row=None if len(facet_row) == 0 else facet_row, facet_col=None if len(facet_col) == 0 else facet_col, facet_col_wrap=facet_col_wrap, title=title, color=None if len(color) == 0 else color, orientation=orientation, barmode=bar_mode, marginal=marginal, barnorm=bar_norm, histnorm=hist_norm, histfunc=hist_func, log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y, cumulative=cumulative, height=800) print("Fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'scatter_matrix_btn' in request.POST: print("Scatter Matrix Plot") scatter_matrix = Scatter_matrix_form(request.POST) scatter_matrix.fields['feature_1'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['feature_2'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['feature_3'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['feature_4'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['size'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['symbol'].choices = category_features_name if scatter_matrix.is_valid(): print("Scatter Matrix is valid") feature_1 = scatter_matrix.cleaned_data['feature_1'] feature_2 = scatter_matrix.cleaned_data['feature_2'] feature_3 = scatter_matrix.cleaned_data['feature_3'] feature_4 = scatter_matrix.cleaned_data['feature_4'] color = scatter_matrix.cleaned_data['color'] symbol = scatter_matrix.cleaned_data['symbol'] size = scatter_matrix.cleaned_data['size'] title = scatter_matrix.cleaned_data['title'] data_feature_list = list() data_feature_list.append(feature_1) data_feature_list.append(feature_2) data_feature_list.append(feature_3) data_feature_list.append(feature_4) if len(size) > 0: data_feature_list.append(size) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = px.scatter_matrix( data_frame=data, dimensions=[ feature_1, feature_2, feature_3, feature_4 ], color=None if len(color) == 0 else color, symbol=None if len(symbol) == 0 else symbol, size=None if len(size) == 0 else size, title=title) print("fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'box_btn' in request.POST: box = Box_form(request.POST) box.fields['x'].choices = features_name box.fields['y'].choices = features_name box.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name box.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name box.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name print(box.errors) if box.is_valid(): x = box.cleaned_data['x'] y = box.cleaned_data['y'] facet_row = box.cleaned_data['facet_row'] facet_col = box.cleaned_data['facet_col'] color = box.cleaned_data['color'] facet_col_wrap = box.cleaned_data['facet_col_wrap'] title = box.cleaned_data['title'] orientation = box.cleaned_data['orientation'] log_x = box.cleaned_data['log_x'] log_y = box.cleaned_data['log_y'] box_mode = box.cleaned_data['box_mode'] points = box.cleaned_data['points'] notched = box.cleaned_data['notched'] data_feature_list = list() if len(x) > 0: data_feature_list.append(x) if len(y) > 0: data_feature_list.append(y) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) if len(facet_row) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_row) if len(facet_col) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_col) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = data_frame=data, x=None if len(x) == 0 else x, y=None if len(y) == 0 else y, facet_row=None if len(facet_row) == 0 else facet_row, facet_col=None if len(facet_col) == 0 else facet_col, facet_col_wrap=facet_col_wrap, title=title, orientation=orientation, log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y, boxmode=box_mode, points=points, notched=notched) print("fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'violin_btn' in request.POST: violin = Violin_form(request.POST) violin.fields['x'].choices = features_name violin.fields['y'].choices = features_name violin.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name violin.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name violin.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name print(violin.errors) if violin.is_valid(): x = violin.cleaned_data['x'] y = violin.cleaned_data['y'] facet_row = violin.cleaned_data['facet_row'] facet_col = violin.cleaned_data['facet_col'] color = violin.cleaned_data['color'] facet_col_wrap = violin.cleaned_data['facet_col_wrap'] title = violin.cleaned_data['title'] orientation = violin.cleaned_data['orientation'] log_x = violin.cleaned_data['log_x'] log_y = violin.cleaned_data['log_y'] violin_mode = violin.cleaned_data['violin_mode'] points = violin.cleaned_data['points'] box = violin.cleaned_data['box'] data_feature_list = list() if len(x) > 0: data_feature_list.append(x) if len(y) > 0: data_feature_list.append(y) if len(color) > 0: data_feature_list.append(color) if len(facet_row) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_row) if len(facet_col) > 0: data_feature_list.append(facet_col) data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_features_data(data_feature_list)) try: fig = px.violin( data_frame=data, x=None if len(x) == 0 else x, y=None if len(y) == 0 else y, facet_row=None if len(facet_row) == 0 else facet_row, facet_col=None if len(facet_col) == 0 else facet_col, facet_col_wrap=facet_col_wrap, title=title, orientation=orientation, log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y, violinmode=violin_mode, points=points, box=box) print("fig create success") except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None if 'heat_map_btn' in request.POST: print("Heat Map") heat_map_data = pd.DataFrame(ppd.get_corr_matrix()) print(heat_map_data.columns) try: fig = px.imshow(heat_map_data.astype(float), x=heat_map_data.columns, y=heat_map_data.index, zmax=1, zmin=-1, height=800) except: print("fig create error") fig_error = True fig = None scatter = Scatter_form() scatter.fields['x'].choices = features_name scatter.fields['y'].choices = features_name scatter.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name scatter.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name scatter.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name scatter.fields['size'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_3d = Scatter_3d_form() scatter_3d.fields['x'].choices = features_name scatter_3d.fields['y'].choices = features_name scatter_3d.fields['z'].choices = features_name scatter_3d.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name scatter_3d.fields['size'].choices = numeric_features_name line = Line_form() line.fields['x'].choices = features_name line.fields['y'].choices = features_name line.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name line.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name line.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name bar = Bar_form() bar.fields['x'].choices = features_name bar.fields['y'].choices = features_name bar.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name bar.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name bar.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name pie = Pie_form() pie.fields['values'].choices = features_name pie.fields['names'].choices = category_features_name pie.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name histogram = Histogram_form() histogram.fields['x'].choices = features_name histogram.fields['y'].choices = features_name histogram.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name histogram.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name histogram.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name scatter_matrix = Scatter_matrix_form() scatter_matrix.fields['feature_1'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['feature_2'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['feature_3'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['feature_4'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['size'].choices = numeric_features_name scatter_matrix.fields['symbol'].choices = category_features_name box = Box_form() box.fields['x'].choices = features_name box.fields['y'].choices = features_name box.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name box.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name box.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name violin = Violin_form() violin.fields['x'].choices = features_name violin.fields['y'].choices = features_name violin.fields['facet_row'].choices = category_features_name violin.fields['facet_col'].choices = category_features_name violin.fields['color'].choices = category_features_name context = { 'fig': None, 'scatter': scatter, 'line': line, 'scatter_3d': scatter_3d, 'bar': bar, 'pie': pie, 'histogram': histogram, 'scatter_matrix': scatter_matrix, 'box': box, 'violin': violin } if fig is not None: context['fig'] = pio.to_html(fig=fig, full_html=False, include_plotlyjs=False) elif fig_error is True: context[ 'fig'] = "Plot Graph Error When Setting Parameters. Please Try Again!" else: context['fig'] = None return render(request, 'data_cleaning_app/plot_graphs.html', context=context)