def plot_downstream(clwe, table, output, ylim): df = pd.read_csv(data_file(table)) df = df[df.clwe == clwe] df = df.assign( refine=pd.Categorical(df['refine'], ['Original', '+retrofit', '+synthetic']), language=pd.Categorical(df['language'], ['DE', 'ES', 'FR', 'IT', 'JA', 'RU', 'ZH', 'AVG']) ) g = p9.ggplot(df, p9.aes(x='language', y='accuracy', fill='refine')) g += p9.geom_bar(position='dodge', stat='identity', width=.8) g += p9.coord_cartesian(ylim=ylim) g += p9.scale_fill_manual(['#999999', '#EA5F94', '#FFB14E']) g += p9.theme_void(base_size=FONT_SIZE, base_family='Arial') g += p9.theme( plot_background=p9.element_rect(fill='white'), panel_grid_major_y=p9.element_line(), axis_text_x=p9.element_text(margin={'t': 10}), axis_text_y=p9.element_text(margin={'r': 8}), legend_position=(.7, .9), legend_direction='horizontal', legend_title=p9.element_blank(), legend_text=p9.element_text(size=FONT_SIZE), legend_box_margin=0, figure_size=(12, 3) )
def plot_fusion(self): """ plot fusion count """ p9.theme_set(p9.theme_void()) for ref in self.pos_dict: if ref in self.df_tsne.columns: out_plot_file = f'{self.out_prefix}_{ref}_fusion.pdf' plot = p9.ggplot(self.df_tsne, p9.aes(x="tSNE_1", y="tSNE_2", color=ref)) + \ p9.geom_point(size=0.2) + \ p9.theme_bw() + \ p9.scale_color_gradient(low="lightgrey",high="blue")
def plot_patch(patch, vmin=None, vmax=None, round_digits=1, threshold=None): if len(patch.shape) == 1: patch = patch.reshape(1, -1) if threshold is None: threshold = patch.mean() vmin = vmin or patch.min() vmax = vmax or patch.max() tile_height = tile_width = 0.95 hshift = 0 vshift = 0.5 * tile_height plotr = pd.DataFrame({ 'x': ( np.tile(np.arange(patch.shape[1]), patch.shape[0]).flatten() + hshift ), 'y': ( - np.repeat(np.arange(patch.shape[0]), patch.shape[1]).flatten() + vshift ), 'value': np.round(patch.flatten(), round_digits), 'color_text': patch.flatten() < threshold }) return ( p9.ggplot(p9.aes('x', 'y')) + p9.geom_tile(plotr, p9.aes(width=tile_width, height=tile_height)) + p9.geom_text(plotr, p9.aes(label='value', color='color_text')) + p9.aes(fill='value') + p9.coord_equal(expand=False) + p9.theme_void() + p9.scales.scale_fill_gradient( high='#f0f0f0', low='#252525', guide=False) + p9.scales.scale_color_gray(breaks=[False, True], guide=False) )
def pictures(self, mode='bw', subset=None, n_random=10): """Returns a picture of the selected images. Creates either a colored or a black-white picture of the selected images. Args: mode: Should the picture be black-white ('bw') or in color ('color')? subset: Optional list of picture indices that should be included in the dataframe. If specified, n_random will be ignored. n_random: Optional number of randomly selected images. If neither subset nor n_random are specified, all images will be included. Returns: A plotnine object including all pictures with their label. Raises: NotImplementedError: mode must be either 'bw' or 'color'.""" dataframe = self.rgb_dataframe(subset=subset, n_random=n_random) if mode == 'bw': fill_key = 'rgb_bw' elif mode == 'color': fill_key = 'rgb' else: raise NotImplementedError("Pictures are either in black-white" "('bw') or in color ('color').") picture = ( gg.ggplot(dataframe, gg.aes(x='x', y='y', fill=fill_key)) + gg.geom_tile() + gg.theme_void() + gg.theme(legend_position='none') + gg.scale_fill_manual( values={key: key for key in dataframe[fill_key].unique()}) + gg.facet_wrap('image_id', labeller=self.labeller) + gg.scale_y_reverse() + gg.coord_fixed()) return picture
def test_theme_void(self): p = self.g + labs(title='Theme Void') + theme_void() assert p + _theme == 'theme_void'
gradient = ( (0.99, 0.88, 0.87), (0.98, 0.62, 0.71), (0.86, 0.20, 0.59), bcolor, bcolor, bcolor_darker, bcolor_darker) df1 = df[:n//3:9] df2 = df[n//3:2*n//3] df3 = df[2*n//3::12] p = (ggplot(aes('x', 'y', color='y', fill='y')) + annotate(geom='label', x=0.295, y=0.495, label='pl tnine', label_size=1.5, label_padding=.1, size=24, fill=bcolor_lighter, color=bcolor) + geom_point(df1, size=8, stroke=0, show_legend=False) + geom_line(df2, size=2, color=bcolor_darker, show_legend=False) + geom_bar(df3, aes('x+.06'), stat='identity', size=0, show_legend=False) + scale_color_gradientn(colors=gradient) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors=gradient) + theme_void() + theme(figure_size=(3.6, 3.6)))'logo.pdf', pad_inches=-0.04) # Remove the project name p.layers = p.layers.__class__(p.layers[1:])'logo-small.pdf', pad_inches=-0.04)
bcolor_darker = '#631d41' gradient = ((0.99, 0.88, 0.87), (0.98, 0.62, 0.71), (0.86, 0.20, 0.59), bcolor, bcolor, bcolor_darker, bcolor_darker) df1 = df[:n // 3:9] df2 = df[n // 3:2 * n // 3] df3 = df[2 * n // 3::12] p = (ggplot(aes('x', 'y', color='y', fill='y')) + annotate(geom='label', x=0.295, y=0.495, label='pl tnine', label_size=1.5, label_padding=.1, size=24, fill=bcolor_lighter, color=bcolor) + geom_point(df1, size=8, stroke=0, show_legend=False) + geom_line(df2, size=2, color=bcolor_darker, show_legend=False) + geom_bar(df3, aes('x+.06'), stat='identity', size=0, show_legend=False) + scale_color_gradientn(colors=gradient) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors=gradient) + theme_void() + theme(figure_size=(3.6, 3.6)))'logo.pdf', pad_inches=-0.04) # Remove the project name p.layers = p.layers.__class__(p.layers[1:])'logo-small.pdf', pad_inches=-0.04)
def plot_sinew_inputs(df, var=None, sweep_ind="sweep_ind"): r"""Inspect a sinew design Create a scatterplot matrix with hues. Often used to visualize a sinew design before evaluating the model functions. Usually called as a dispatch from plot_auto(). Args: df (Pandas DataFrame): Input design data var (list of strings): Variables to plot sweep_ind (string): Sweep index column in df Returns: Seaborn scatterplot matrix Examples: >>> import grama as gr >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from grama.models import make_cantilever_beam >>> md = make_cantilever_beam() >>> ## Dispatch from autoplotter >>> ( >>> md >>> >> gr.ev_sinews(df_det="swp", skip=True) >>> >> gr.pt_auto() >>> ) >>> ## Re-create without metadata >>> ( >>> md >>> >> gr.ev_sinews(df_det="swp") >>> >> gr.pt_sinew_inputs(var=md.var) >>> ) """ if var is None: raise ValueError("Must provide input columns list as keyword var") ## Define helpers labels_blank = lambda v: [""] * len(v) breaks_min = lambda lims: (lims[0], 0.5 * (lims[0] + lims[1]), lims[1]) ## Make blank figure fig = ( df >> ggplot() + geom_blank() + theme_void() ).draw(show=False) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(var), len(var)) for i, v1 in enumerate(var): for j, v2 in enumerate(var): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i, j]) ## Switch labels if j == 0: labels_y = _sci_format else: labels_y = labels_blank if i == len(var) - 1: labels_x = _sci_format else: labels_x = labels_blank ## Label if i == j: p = ( df >> ggplot() + annotate( "label", x=0, y=0, label=v1, ) + theme_void() + guides(color=None) ) ## Scatterplot else: p = ( df >> ggplot(aes(v2, v1, color="factor("+sweep_ind+")")) + geom_point(size=0.1) + scale_x_continuous( breaks=breaks_min, labels=labels_x, ) + scale_y_continuous( breaks=breaks_min, labels=labels_y, ) + guides(color=None) + theme_minimal() + theme( axis_title=element_text(va="top", size=12), ) ) _ = p._draw_using_figure(fig, [ax]) ## Plot # NB Returning the figure causes a "double plot" in Jupyter....
def plot_scattermat(df, var=None): r"""Create a scatterplot matrix Create a scatterplot matrix. Often used to visualize a design (set of inputs points) before evaluating the functions. Usually called as a dispatch from plot_auto(). Args: var (list of strings): Variables to plot Returns: ggplot: Scatterplot matrix Examples: >>> import grama as gr >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from grama.models import make_cantilever_beam >>> md = make_cantilever_beam() >>> ## Dispatch from autoplotter >>> ( >>> md >>> >> gr.ev_sample(n=100, df_det="nom", skip=True) >>> >> gr.pt_auto() >>> ) >>> ## Re-create plot without metadata >>> ( >>> md >>> >> gr.ev_sample(n=100, df_det="nom") >>> >> gr.pt_scattermat(var=md.var) >>> ) """ if var is None: raise ValueError("Must provide input columns list as keyword var") ## Define helpers labels_blank = lambda v: [""] * len(v) breaks_min = lambda lims: (lims[0], 0.5 * (lims[0] + lims[1]), lims[1]) ## Make blank figure fig = ( df >> ggplot() + geom_blank() + theme_void() ).draw(show=False) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(var), len(var)) for i, v1 in enumerate(var): for j, v2 in enumerate(var): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i, j]) ## Switch labels if j == 0: labels_y = _sci_format else: labels_y = labels_blank if i == len(var) - 1: labels_x = _sci_format else: labels_x = labels_blank ## Density if i == j: xmid = 0.5 * ( df[v1].min() + df[v1].max() ) p = ( df >> ggplot(aes(v1)) + geom_density() + scale_x_continuous( breaks=breaks_min, labels=labels_x, ) + scale_y_continuous( breaks=breaks_min, labels=labels_y, ) + annotate( "label", x=xmid, y=0, label=v1, va="bottom", ) + theme_minimal() + labs(title=v1) ) ## Scatterplot else: p = ( df >> ggplot(aes(v2, v1)) + geom_point() + scale_x_continuous( breaks=breaks_min, labels=labels_x, ) + scale_y_continuous( breaks=breaks_min, labels=labels_y, ) + theme_minimal() + theme( axis_title=element_text(va="top", size=12), ) ) _ = p._draw_using_figure(fig, [ax]) ## Plot # NB Returning the figure causes a "double plot" in Jupyter....