Beispiel #1
def read_status(dirname, my_hash):
      Reads a JSON status file whose name is defined by dirname and my_hash.

   status = None
   file_path = dirname + "/" + my_hash + "-status.json"
      with open(file_path, 'r') as status_file:
         status = json.load(status_file)
   except IOError as err:
      if err.errno == 2:
         debug(2, "Status file {} not found".format(file_path))

   return status
Beispiel #2
def read_status(dirname, my_hash):
      Reads a JSON status file whose name is defined by dirname and my_hash.

   status = None
   file_path = dirname + "/" + my_hash + "-status.json"
      with open(file_path, 'r') as status_file:
         status = json.load(status_file)
   except IOError as err:
      if err.errno == 2:
         debug(2, u"Status file {} not found".format(file_path))

   return status
Beispiel #3
    def update_status(self, progress):
        if time.clock() > self.last_time + 60:
            self.last_time = time.clock()
            starting_percentage = 94.0 / self.status_details[
                'num_series'] * self.status_details['current_series'] + 1
            percentage = int(
                round((progress / float(self.numline) * 75 + 19) /
                      self.status_details['num_series'] + starting_percentage))
            debug(3, "Overall progress: {}%".format(percentage))
            if self.status_details[
                    'current_series'] == self.status_details['num_series'] - 1:
                minutes_remaining = int(
                    round((time.clock() - self.start_time) / progress *
                          (self.numline - progress) / 60))
                debug(3, "Remaining: {} mins".format(minutes_remaining))
                minutes_remaining = -1


            5, "Extracting: {}%".format(
                round(progress / float(self.numline) * 100, 3)))
   def getFiles(self, slices_in_range, max_slices):
      files = []
      total_requests = int(math.ceil(len(slices_in_range) / float(max_slices)))
      next_start = 0
      for i in range(0, int(math.ceil(len(slices_in_range) / float(max_slices)))):
         start = slices_in_range[next_start].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
         if next_start + max_slices <= len(slices_in_range):
            end_index = next_start + max_slices - 1
            end_index = len(slices_in_range) - 1
         end = slices_in_range[end_index].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
         next_start = next_start + max_slices
         extract_dates = start + '/' + end

         wcs_extractor = WCSRawHelper(self.wcs_url, extract_dates, self.extract_variable, self.extract_area, self.extract_depth)

         # Generate the file name based on the request URL
         fname = self.outdir + hashlib.md5(wcs_extractor.generateGetCoverageUrl()).hexdigest() + ".nc"

         if not os.path.isfile(fname):
            # If the same request hasn't been downloaded before
            download_complete = False
            while not download_complete:
               if plotting:
                  debug(3, "Making request {} of {}".format(i + 1, total_requests))
               data = wcs_extractor.getData()

               # Generate a temporary file name to download to
               fname_temp = self.outdir + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".nc"

               if plotting:
                  debug(3,"Starting download {} of {}".format(i + 1, total_requests))
               # Download in 16K chunks. This is most efficient for speed and RAM usage.
               chunk_size = 16 * 1024
               with open(fname_temp, 'w') as outfile:
                  while True:
                     chunk =
                     if not chunk:

                  download_complete = True
               except RuntimeError:
                  if plotting:
                     debug(3, "Download is corrupt. Retrying...")
            # Rename the file after it's finished downloading
            os.rename(fname_temp, fname)

         if plotting:
            self.update_status(i + 1, total_requests)
      return files
   def getFiles(self, slices_in_range, max_slices):
      files = []
      total_requests = int(math.ceil(len(slices_in_range) / float(max_slices)))
      next_start = 0
      for i in range(0, int(math.ceil(len(slices_in_range) / float(max_slices)))):
         start = slices_in_range[next_start].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
         if next_start + max_slices <= len(slices_in_range):
            end_index = next_start + max_slices - 1
            end_index = len(slices_in_range) - 1
         end = slices_in_range[end_index].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
         next_start = next_start + max_slices
         extract_dates = start + '/' + end

         wcs_extractor = WCSRawHelper(self.wcs_url, extract_dates, self.extract_variable, self.extract_area, self.extract_depth)

         # Generate the file name based on the request URL
         fname = self.outdir + hashlib.md5(wcs_extractor.generateGetCoverageUrl()).hexdigest() + ".nc"

         if not os.path.isfile(fname):
            # If the same request hasn't been downloaded before
            download_complete = False
            while not download_complete:
               if plotting:
                  debug(3, "Making request {} of {}".format(i + 1, total_requests))
               data = wcs_extractor.getData()

               # Generate a temporary file name to download to
               fname_temp = self.outdir + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".nc"

               if plotting:
                  debug(3,"Starting download {} of {}".format(i + 1, total_requests))
               # Download in 16K chunks. This is most efficient for speed and RAM usage.
               chunk_size = 16 * 1024
               with open(fname_temp, 'w') as outfile:
                  while True:
                     chunk =
                     if not chunk:

                  download_complete = True
               except RuntimeError:
                  if plotting:
                     debug(3, "Download is corrupt. Retrying...")
            # Rename the file after it's finished downloading
            os.rename(fname_temp, fname)

         if plotting:
            self.update_status(i + 1, total_requests)
      return files
Beispiel #6
   def update_status(self, progress):
      if time.clock() > self.last_time + 60:
         self.last_time = time.clock()
         starting_percentage = 94.0 / self.status_details['num_series'] * self.status_details['current_series'] + 1
         percentage = int(round((progress / float(self.numline) * 75 + 19) / self.status_details['num_series'] + starting_percentage))
         debug(3, "Overall progress: {}%".format(percentage))
         if self.status_details['current_series'] == self.status_details['num_series'] - 1:
            minutes_remaining = int(round((time.clock() - self.start_time) / progress * (self.numline - progress) / 60))
            debug(3, "Remaining: {} mins".format(minutes_remaining))
            minutes_remaining = -1

         update_status(self.status_details['dirname'], self.status_details['my_hash'],
            Plot_status.extracting, percentage=percentage,

      debug(5, "Extracting: {}%".format(round(progress / float(self.numline) * 100, 3)))
   def getData(self):
      if plotting:
         debug(2,"Getting coverage description...")
      coverage_description = self.getCoverageDescriptionData()
      max_slices = self.getMaxSlices(coverage_description['offset_vectors'])
      slices_in_range = self.getSlicesInRange(coverage_description['time_slices'])

      files = []
      if slices_in_range:
         retries = 0
         if plotting:
            debug(2, "Getting files...")
         while not files and retries < 4:
               files = self.getFiles(slices_in_range, max_slices)
            except urllib.error.HTTPError:
               max_slices = max_slices / 2
               retries += 1
         if plotting:
            debug(2, "No time slices in range.")

      return files
   def getData(self):
      if plotting:
         debug(2,"Getting coverage description...")
      coverage_description = self.getCoverageDescriptionData()
      max_slices = self.getMaxSlices(coverage_description['offset_vectors'])
      slices_in_range = self.getSlicesInRange(coverage_description['time_slices'])

      files = []
      if slices_in_range:
         retries = 0
         if plotting:
            debug(2, "Getting files...")
         while not files and retries < 4:
               files = self.getFiles(slices_in_range, max_slices)
            except urllib2.HTTPError:
               max_slices = max_slices / 2
               retries += 1
         if plotting:
            debug(2, "No time slices in range.")

      return files
Beispiel #9
    def process(self):
        if plotting:
            debug(2, "Extracting...")
        netcdf_file = netCDF.MFDataset(self.files, aggdim='time')
        time_var = netcdf_file.variables['time']
        data_var = netcdf_file.variables[self.variable]

        times = time_var[:]

        if time_var.units:
            times = [
                    netCDF.num2date(x, time_var.units,
                    "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") for x in times
            # the time variable doesn't have units; this can be caused by a thredds aggregation that uses dateFormatMark
            # to grab the date from the filename, in which case the date is an array of strings
            times = [
                datetime.datetime.strptime(x.tostring(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
                for x in times

        with open(self._csv, "rb") as csvfile:
            csv_file =
        with open(self._csv, "rb") as csvfile:
            self.numline = len(csvfile.readlines())

        data = csv.DictReader(csv_file.splitlines(), delimiter=',')

        ret = []

        times_sorted_indexes = np.argsort(times)
        times_sorted = np.sort(times)

        average_time_interval = (times_sorted[-1] - times_sorted[0]) / len(

        lat_var = getCoordinateVariable(netcdf_file, "Lat")[:]
        lon_var = getCoordinateVariable(netcdf_file, "Lon")[:]

        if np.amax(lat_var) > 90:
            for i, lat in enumerate(lat_var):
                if lat > 90:
                    lat_var[i] = lat - 180

        if np.amax(lon_var) > 180:
            for i, lon in enumerate(lon_var):
                if lon > 180:
                    lon_var[i] = lon - 360

        lat_end = len(lat_var) - 1
        lat_offset = (lat_var[lat_end] - lat_var[0]) / lat_end

        lon_end = len(lon_var) - 1
        lon_offset = (lon_var[lon_end] - lon_var[0]) / lon_end

        # Calculate the distance from the centre of a pixel to a corner
        offset_distance = calculateDistance(0, 0, lat_offset, lon_offset) / 2

        self.start_time = time.clock()
        self.last_time = time.clock()

        for row in data:
            if len(lat_var) <= 1:
                lat_index = 0
                current_lat = float(row['Latitude'])
                t_lat = current_lat - lat_var[0]
                lat_index = int(round(abs(t_lat / lat_offset)))

            if len(lon_var) <= 1:

                lon_index = 0
                current_lon = float(row['Longitude'])
                t_lon = current_lon - lon_var[0]
                lon_index = int(round(abs(t_lon / lon_offset)))

                track_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    row['Date'], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
            except ValueError:
                track_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    row['Date'], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

            time_index = find_closest(times_sorted,

            if lat_index > lat_end:
                lat_index = lat_end
            if lon_index > lon_end:
                lon_index = lon_end

            # Calculate the distance from the desired point to the centre of the chosen pixel
            distance_from_desired = calculateDistance(current_lat, current_lon,

            if distance_from_desired > offset_distance:
                # If the distance is greater than the offset distance then something has gone wrong
                # and the wrong pixel has been chosen.
                # Set the value to NaN to avoid returning an incorrect result
                data_value = float('nan')
                if plotting:
                        "Incorrect pixel selected! Pixel at {:+07.3f}, {:+08.3f} is further than {:6.2f}km from point at {:+07.3f}, {:+08.3f} ({:8.2f}km). Setting {} value to NaN."
                        .format(lat_var[lat_index], lon_var[lon_index],
                                offset_distance, current_lat, current_lon,
                                distance_from_desired, self.variable))
            elif abs(times[time_index] - track_date) > (2 *
                data_value = float('nan')
            elif len(data_var.dimensions) == 4:
                # If the file has a depth variable, use the first depth
                data_value = data_var[time_index][0][lat_index][lon_index]
                data_value = data_var[time_index][lat_index][lon_index]

            _ret = {}
            _ret['track_date'] = track_date.isoformat()
            if time_var.units:
                _ret['data_date'] = netCDF.num2date(
                    time_var[time_index], time_var.units,
                _ret['data_date'] = time_var[time_index].tostring()

            if self.matchup:
                _ret['match_value'] = row['data_point']

            _ret['track_lat'] = row['Latitude']
            _ret['track_lon'] = row['Longitude']
            _ret['data_value'] = float(data_value) if not np.isnan(
                float(data_value)) else "null"
            if plotting and self.status_details:

        return ret
Beispiel #10
   def process(self):
      if plotting:
         debug(2, "Extracting...")
      netcdf_file = netCDF.MFDataset(self.files, aggdim='time')
      time_var = netcdf_file.variables['time']
      data_var = netcdf_file.variables[self.variable]

      times = time_var[:]

      if time_var.units:
         times = [datetime.datetime.strptime(netCDF.num2date(x, time_var.units, calendar='standard').isoformat(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") for x in times]
         # the time variable doesn't have units; this can be caused by a thredds aggregation that uses dateFormatMark
         # to grab the date from the filename, in which case the date is an array of strings
         times = [datetime.datetime.strptime(x.tostring(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") for x in times]

      with open(self._csv, "rb") as csvfile:
         csv_file =
      with open(self._csv, "rb") as csvfile:
         self.numline = len(csvfile.readlines())

      data = csv.DictReader(csv_file.splitlines(), delimiter=',')

      ret = []

      times_sorted_indexes = np.argsort(times)
      times_sorted = np.sort(times)

      lat_var = getCoordinateVariable(netcdf_file, "Lat")[:]
      lon_var = getCoordinateVariable(netcdf_file, "Lon")[:]

      if np.amax(lat_var) > 90:
         for i, lat in enumerate(lat_var):
            if lat > 90:
               lat_var[i] = lat - 180

      if np.amax(lon_var) > 180:
         for i, lon in enumerate(lon_var):
            if lon > 180:
               lon_var[i] = lon - 360

      lat_end = len(lat_var) - 1
      lat_offset = (lat_var[lat_end] - lat_var[0]) / lat_end

      lon_end = len(lon_var) - 1
      lon_offset = (lon_var[lon_end] - lon_var[0]) / lon_end

      self.start_time = time.clock()
      self.last_time = time.clock()

      for row in data:
         if len(lat_var) <= 1:
            lat_index = 0
            current_lat = float(row['Latitude'])
            t_lat = current_lat - lat_var[0]
            lat_index = int(round(abs(t_lat / lat_offset)))

         if len(lon_var) <= 1:

            lon_index = 0
            current_lon = float(row['Longitude'])
            t_lon = current_lon - lon_var[0]
            lon_index = int(round(abs(t_lon / lon_offset)))

         track_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
         time_index = find_closest(times_sorted, track_date, arr_indexes=times_sorted_indexes, time=True, arr_sorted=True)

         if lat_index > lat_end:
            lat_index = lat_end
         if lon_index > lon_end:
            lon_index = lat_end

         if len(data_var.dimensions) == 4:
            # If the file has a depth variable, use the first depth
            data = data_var[time_index][0][lat_index][lon_index]
            data = data_var[time_index][lat_index][lon_index]

         _ret = {}
         _ret['track_date'] = track_date.isoformat()
         if time_var.units:
            _ret['data_date'] = netCDF.num2date(time_var[time_index], time_var.units, calendar='standard').isoformat()
            _ret['data_date'] = time_var[time_index].tostring()

         if self.matchup:
            _ret['match_value'] = row['data_point']

         _ret['track_lat'] = row['Latitude']
         _ret['track_lon'] = row['Longitude']
         _ret['data_value'] = float(data) if not np.isnan(float(data)) else "null"
         if plotting and self.status_details:

      return ret
 def update_status(self, progress, total_requests):
    starting_percentage = 94.0 / self.status_details['num_series'] * self.status_details['current_series'] + 1
    percentage = int(round(progress / float(total_requests) * 19 / self.status_details['num_series'] + starting_percentage))
    update_status(self.status_details['dirname'], self.status_details['my_hash'],
       Plot_status.extracting, percentage=percentage)
    debug(3, "Overall progress: {}%".format(percentage))
Beispiel #12
   def process(self):
      if plotting:
         debug(2, "Extracting...")
      netcdf_file = netCDF.MFDataset(self.files, aggdim='time')
      time_var = netcdf_file.variables['time']
      data_var = netcdf_file.variables[self.variable]

      times = time_var[:]

      if time_var.units:
         times = [datetime.datetime.strptime(netCDF.num2date(x, time_var.units, calendar='standard').isoformat(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") for x in times]
         # the time variable doesn't have units; this can be caused by a thredds aggregation that uses dateFormatMark
         # to grab the date from the filename, in which case the date is an array of strings
         times = [datetime.datetime.strptime(x.tostring(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") for x in times]

      with open(self._csv, "rb") as csvfile:
         csv_file =
      with open(self._csv, "rb") as csvfile:
         self.numline = len(csvfile.readlines())

      data = csv.DictReader(csv_file.splitlines(), delimiter=',')

      ret = []

      times_sorted_indexes = np.argsort(times)
      times_sorted = np.sort(times)

      average_time_interval = (times_sorted[-1] - times_sorted[0]) / len(set(times_sorted))

      lat_var = getCoordinateVariable(netcdf_file, "Lat")[:]
      lon_var = getCoordinateVariable(netcdf_file, "Lon")[:]

      if np.amax(lat_var) > 90:
         for i, lat in enumerate(lat_var):
            if lat > 90:
               lat_var[i] = lat - 180

      if np.amax(lon_var) > 180:
         for i, lon in enumerate(lon_var):
            if lon > 180:
               lon_var[i] = lon - 360

      lat_end = len(lat_var) - 1
      lat_offset = (lat_var[lat_end] - lat_var[0]) / lat_end

      lon_end = len(lon_var) - 1
      lon_offset = (lon_var[lon_end] - lon_var[0]) / lon_end

      # Calculate the distance from the centre of a pixel to a corner
      offset_distance = calculateDistance(0, 0, lat_offset, lon_offset) / 2

      self.start_time = time.clock()
      self.last_time = time.clock()

      for row in data:
         if len(lat_var) <= 1:
            lat_index = 0
            current_lat = float(row['Latitude'])
            t_lat = current_lat - lat_var[0]
            lat_index = int(round(abs(t_lat / lat_offset)))

         if len(lon_var) <= 1:

            lon_index = 0
            current_lon = float(row['Longitude'])
            t_lon = current_lon - lon_var[0]
            lon_index = int(round(abs(t_lon / lon_offset)))

            track_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
         except ValueError:
                  track_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
            except ValueError:
                  track_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], "%d/%m/%Y")

         time_index = find_closest(times_sorted, track_date, arr_indexes=times_sorted_indexes, time=True, arr_sorted=True)

         if lat_index > lat_end:
            lat_index = lat_end
         if lon_index > lon_end:
            lon_index = lon_end

         # Calculate the distance from the desired point to the centre of the chosen pixel
         distance_from_desired = calculateDistance(current_lat, current_lon, lat_var[lat_index], lon_var[lon_index])

         if distance_from_desired > offset_distance:
            # If the distance is greater than the offset distance then something has gone wrong
            # and the wrong pixel has been chosen.
            # Set the value to NaN to avoid returning an incorrect result
            data_value = float('nan')
            if plotting:
               debug(0, "Incorrect pixel selected! Pixel at {:+07.3f}, {:+08.3f} is further than {:6.2f}km from point at {:+07.3f}, {:+08.3f} ({:8.2f}km). Setting {} value to NaN.".format(
                  lat_var[lat_index], lon_var[lon_index], offset_distance, current_lat, current_lon, distance_from_desired, self.variable))
         elif abs(times[time_index] - track_date) > (2 * average_time_interval):
            data_value = float('nan')
         elif len(data_var.dimensions) == 4:
            # If the file has a depth variable, use the first depth
            data_value = data_var[time_index][0][lat_index][lon_index]
            data_value = data_var[time_index][lat_index][lon_index]

         _ret = {}
         _ret['track_date'] = track_date.isoformat()
         if time_var.units:
            _ret['data_date'] = netCDF.num2date(time_var[time_index], time_var.units, calendar='standard').isoformat()
            _ret['data_date'] = time_var[time_index].tostring()

         if self.matchup:
            _ret['match_value'] = row['data_point']

         _ret['track_lat'] = row['Latitude']
         _ret['track_lon'] = row['Longitude']
         _ret['data_value'] = float(data_value) if not np.isnan(float(data_value)) else "null"
         if plotting and self.status_details:

      return ret
Beispiel #13
 def update_status(self, progress, total_requests):
    starting_percentage = 94.0 / self.status_details['num_series'] * self.status_details['current_series'] + 1
    percentage = int(round(progress / float(total_requests) * 19 / self.status_details['num_series'] + starting_percentage))
    update_status(self.status_details['dirname'], self.status_details['my_hash'],
       Plot_status.extracting, percentage=percentage)
    debug(3, "Overall progress: {}%".format(percentage))
Beispiel #14
def update_status(dirname, my_hash, plot_status, message="", percentage=0, traceback="", base_url="", minutes_remaining=-1):
      Updates a JSON status file whose name is defined by dirname and my_hash.

   initial_status = dict(
      percentage = 0,
      state = plot_status,
      message = message,
      completed = False,
      traceback= traceback,
      job_id = my_hash,
      minutes_remaining = -1

   # Read status file, create if not there.
   file_path = dirname + "/" + my_hash + "-status.json"
      with open(file_path, 'r') as status_file:
         if plot_status == Plot_status.initialising:
            status = initial_status
            status = json.load(status_file)
   except IOError as err:
      if err.errno == 2:
         debug(2, "Status file {} not found".format(file_path))
         # It does not exist yet so create the initial JSON
         status = initial_status

   # Update the status information.
   status["message"] = message
   status["traceback"] = traceback
   status["state"] = plot_status
   if plot_status == Plot_status.complete:
      status["completed"] = True
      status['percentage'] = 100
      status['minutes_remaining'] = 0
      status['filename'] = dirname + "/" + my_hash + "-plot.html"
      status['csv'] = dirname + "/" + my_hash + ".zip"
      if base_url:
         status['csv_url'] = base_url + "/" + my_hash + ".zip"
   elif plot_status == Plot_status.failed:
      status["completed"] = True
      status['percentage'] = 100
      status['minutes_remaining'] = 0
      status['filename'] = None
      status['csv'] = None
      status["completed"] = False
      status['percentage'] = percentage
      status['minutes_remaining'] = minutes_remaining
      status['filename'] = None
      status['csv'] = None

   debug(4, "Status: {}".format(status))

   # Write it back to the file.
   with open(file_path, 'w') as status_file:
      json.dump(status, status_file)

   return status
Beispiel #15
def update_status(dirname, my_hash, plot_status, message="", percentage=0, traceback="", base_url="", minutes_remaining=-1):
      Updates a JSON status file whose name is defined by dirname and my_hash.

   initial_status = dict(
      percentage = 0,
      state = plot_status,
      message = message,
      completed = False,
      traceback= traceback,
      job_id = my_hash,
      minutes_remaining = -1

   # Read status file, create if not there.
   file_path = dirname + "/" + my_hash + "-status.json"
      with open(file_path, 'r') as status_file:
         if plot_status == Plot_status.initialising:
            status = initial_status
            status = json.load(status_file)
   except IOError as err:
      if err.errno == 2:
         debug(2, u"Status file {} not found".format(file_path))
         # It does not exist yet so create the initial JSON
         status = initial_status

   # Update the status information.
   status["message"] = message
   status["traceback"] = traceback
   status["state"] = plot_status
   if plot_status == Plot_status.complete:
      status["completed"] = True
      status['percentage'] = 100
      status['minutes_remaining'] = 0
      status['filename'] = dirname + "/" + my_hash + "-plot.html"
      status['csv'] = dirname + "/" + my_hash + ".zip"
      if base_url:
         status['csv_url'] = base_url + "/" + my_hash + ".zip"
   elif plot_status == Plot_status.failed:
      status["completed"] = True
      status['percentage'] = 100
      status['minutes_remaining'] = 0
      status['filename'] = None
      status['csv'] = None
      status["completed"] = False
      status['percentage'] = percentage
      status['minutes_remaining'] = minutes_remaining
      status['filename'] = None
      status['csv'] = None

   debug(4, u"Status: {}".format(status))

   # Write it back to the file.
   with open(file_path, 'w') as status_file:
      json.dump(status, status_file)

   return status