Beispiel #1
def hovmoellerPlot(varlist, clevs=None,cbls=None,title='',subplot=(),slices={},figargs={'figsize':(8,8)},**plotargs):
  import matplotlib.pylab as pyl    
  from pygeode.axis import XAxis, YAxis, TAxis
  from plotting.misc import multiPlot, sharedColorbar
  if not isinstance(varlist,list): varlist = [varlist]
  if not isinstance(clevs,list): clevs = [clevs]
  if not isinstance(cbls,list): cbls = [cbls]
  pyl.ioff() # non-interactive mode
  # construct figure and axes    
  f = pyl.figure(**figargs)    
  # create zonal-mean variables
  titles = [ for var in varlist]
  plotlist = [var(**slices).mean(XAxis).transpose(YAxis,TAxis) for var in varlist] # latitude sliced
  # organize colorbar (cleanup arguments) 
  colorbar = plotargs.pop('colorbar',{})
  manualCbar = colorbar.pop('manual',False)
  if manualCbar: cbar = False
  else: cbar = colorbar 
  # set default margins  
  defaultMargins = {'left':0.065,'right':0.975,'bottom':0.05,'top':0.95,'wspace':0.05,'hspace':0.1}
  ## make subplots
  (f,cf,subplot) = multiPlot(f=f,varlist=plotlist,titles=titles,clevs=clevs,cbls=cbls,subplot=subplot, #
  if title: f.suptitle(title,fontsize=14) 
  ## add common colorbar
  if manualCbar:
    f = sharedColorbar(f, cf, clevs, colorbar, cbls, subplot, defaultMargins)        
  # finalize
  pyl.draw(); # pyl.ion();
  return f
Beispiel #2
def hovmoellerPlot(varlist, clevs=None,cbls=None,title='',subplot=(),slices={},figargs={'figsize':(8,8)},**plotargs):
  import matplotlib.pylab as pyl    
  from pygeode.axis import XAxis, YAxis, TAxis
  from plotting.misc import multiPlot, sharedColorbar
  if not isinstance(varlist,list): varlist = [varlist]
  if not isinstance(clevs,list): clevs = [clevs]
  if not isinstance(cbls,list): cbls = [cbls]
  pyl.ioff() # non-interactive mode
  # construct figure and axes    
  f = pyl.figure(**figargs)    
  # create zonal-mean variables
  titles = [ for var in varlist]
  plotlist = [var(**slices).mean(XAxis).transpose(YAxis,TAxis) for var in varlist] # latitude sliced
  # organize colorbar (cleanup arguments) 
  colorbar = plotargs.pop('colorbar',{})
  manualCbar = colorbar.pop('manual',False)
  if manualCbar: cbar = False
  else: cbar = colorbar 
  # set default margins  
  defaultMargins = {'left':0.065,'right':0.975,'bottom':0.05,'top':0.95,'wspace':0.05,'hspace':0.1}
  ## make subplots
  (f,cf,subplot) = multiPlot(f=f,varlist=plotlist,titles=titles,clevs=clevs,cbls=cbls,subplot=subplot, #
  if title: f.suptitle(title,fontsize=14) 
  ## add common colorbar
  if manualCbar:
    f = sharedColorbar(f, cf, clevs, colorbar, cbls, subplot, defaultMargins)        
  # finalize
  pyl.draw(); # pyl.ion();
  return f
Beispiel #3
def surfacePlot(varlist, times=None, clevs=None,cbls=None,title='',axTitles=True,subplot=(),slices={},figargs={'figsize':(10,8)},**plotargs):
  import matplotlib.pylab as pyl
  from plotting.misc import multiPlot, sharedColorbar
  if not isinstance(varlist,list): varlist = [varlist]
  if not isinstance(times,list): times = [times]
  if not isinstance(clevs,list): clevs = [clevs]
  if not isinstance(cbls,list): cbls = [cbls]  
  pyl.ioff() # non-interactive mode
  # construct figure and axes    
  f = pyl.figure(**figargs)    
  ## handle multiplot meta data
  if len(varlist)==1: 
    # plot single variable, possibly multiple times
    titles = []; plotlist = [];
    for time in times: 
      if time and axTitles: titles.append('time '+str(time))
      else: titles.append('')
      if varlist[0].hasaxis('time'): slices['time'] = time
    # plot multiple variables side-by-side, each time-step 
    if not subplot: subplot = (len(times),len(varlist))
    titles = []; plotlist = []; 
    for time in times:
      for var in varlist:
        if axTitles: titles.append(', time '+str(time))
        else: titles.append('')
        if var.hasaxis('time'): slices['time'] = time
        plotlist.append(var(**slices)) # sliced for time and latitude
  # expansion of other lists
  clevlist = clevs*len(times) # create contour level list for each plot
  cbllist = cbls*len(times) # create contour level list for each plot
  # organize colorbar (cleanup arguments) 
  colorbar = plotargs.pop('colorbar',{})
  manualCbar = colorbar.pop('manual',False)
  if manualCbar: cbar = False
  else: cbar = colorbar 
  # set default margins  
  defaultMargins = {'left':0.065,'right':0.975,'bottom':0.05,'top':0.95,'wspace':0.025,'hspace':0.1}
  ## draw (sub-)plots  
  (f,cf,subplot) = multiPlot(f=f,varlist=plotlist,titles=titles,clevs=clevlist,cbls=cbllist, #
  if title: f.suptitle(title,y=defaultMargins['top'],fontsize=plotargs.get('fontsize',12)+2) 
  ## add common colorbar
  if manualCbar:
    if len(varlist)==1: subplot = (1,1) # need only one colorbar, reference to first axes
    sharedColorbar(f, cf, clevs, colorbar, cbls, subplot, defaultMargins)   
  # finalize
  pyl.draw(); # pyl.ion(); 
  return f
Beispiel #4
def surfacePlot(varlist, times=None, clevs=None,cbls=None,title='',axTitles=True,subplot=(),slices={},figargs={'figsize':(10,8)},**plotargs):
  import matplotlib.pylab as pyl
  from plotting.misc import multiPlot, sharedColorbar
  if not isinstance(varlist,list): varlist = [varlist]
  if not isinstance(times,list): times = [times]
  if not isinstance(clevs,list): clevs = [clevs]
  if not isinstance(cbls,list): cbls = [cbls]  
  pyl.ioff() # non-interactive mode
  # construct figure and axes    
  f = pyl.figure(**figargs)    
  ## handle multiplot meta data
  if len(varlist)==1: 
    # plot single variable, possibly multiple times
    titles = []; plotlist = [];
    for time in times: 
      if time and axTitles: titles.append('time '+str(time))
      else: titles.append('')
      if varlist[0].hasaxis('time'): slices['time'] = time
    # plot multiple variables side-by-side, each time-step 
    if not subplot: subplot = (len(times),len(varlist))
    titles = []; plotlist = []; 
    for time in times:
      for var in varlist:
        if axTitles: titles.append(', time '+str(time))
        else: titles.append('')
        if var.hasaxis('time'): slices['time'] = time
        plotlist.append(var(**slices)) # sliced for time and latitude
  # expansion of other lists
  clevlist = clevs*len(times) # create contour level list for each plot
  cbllist = cbls*len(times) # create contour level list for each plot
  # organize colorbar (cleanup arguments) 
  colorbar = plotargs.pop('colorbar',{})
  manualCbar = colorbar.pop('manual',False)
  if manualCbar: cbar = False
  else: cbar = colorbar 
  # set default margins  
  defaultMargins = {'left':0.065,'right':0.975,'bottom':0.05,'top':0.95,'wspace':0.025,'hspace':0.1}
  ## draw (sub-)plots  
  (f,cf,subplot) = multiPlot(f=f,varlist=plotlist,titles=titles,clevs=clevlist,cbls=cbllist, #
  if title: f.suptitle(title,y=defaultMargins['top'],fontsize=plotargs.get('fontsize',12)+2) 
  ## add common colorbar
  if manualCbar:
    if len(varlist)==1: subplot = (1,1) # need only one colorbar, reference to first axes
    sharedColorbar(f, cf, clevs, colorbar, cbls, subplot, defaultMargins)   
  # finalize
  pyl.draw(); # pyl.ion(); 
  return f
Beispiel #5
def linePlot(varlist, coord, axis=None, clevs=None,title='',subplot=(),expand=True,figargs={'figsize':(10,8)},transpose=False, mplrc=None, **plotargs):
  from plotting.misc import multiPlot, loadMPL
  # load matplotlib and apply config dictionary
  mpl = loadMPL(mplrc)
  import matplotlib.pyplot as pyl
  # precondition input
  if isinstance(expand,bool): expand = (expand,)*2 # handle both levels equally
  if not isinstance(varlist,list): varlist = [[varlist]] # list of variables to be plotted
  else: varlist = [var if isinstance(var,list) else [var] for var in varlist]
  if not isinstance(coord,list): coord = [[coord]] # slices that will be applied to the variables
  else: coord = [co if isinstance(co,list) else [co] for co in coord]
  lv = len(varlist); lc = len(coord)  
  # expand auxiliary arguments to variable length
  if not isinstance(clevs,list): clevs = [clevs]*lv
  assert len(clevs)==lv or len(clevs)==lv*lc, 'length of clevs and varlist/coord are incompatible'
  # model axis list after varlist
  if not isinstance(axis,list): axis = [axis]*lv # alternate axes (variables with the same axes as the variables)
  assert len(axis)==lv, 'length of varlist and axis lists do not match'
  for i in xrange(lv):
    if not isinstance(axis[i],list): axis[i] = [axis[i]]*len(varlist[i])
    assert len(axis[i])==len(varlist[i]), 'length of varlist and axis lists in axis #%g do not match'%i
  ## handle multiplots (in the end varlist and coord should have the same shape)
  # variables arranged horizontally, coordinates/slices arranged vertically
  # expand outer list (multiplot layout)
  if expand[0]:
    if not subplot: subplot = (lc,lv) # use this as multiplot layout
    # expand lists
    if transpose:
      coord = [co for v in xrange(lv) for co in coord] # varying slow (outer loop; horizontal)
      varlist = [var for var in varlist for c in xrange(lc)] # varying fast (inner loop; vertical)
      axis = [ax for ax in axis for c in xrange(lc)] # analogous to varlist
      if len(clevs) == lv: # expand clevs like varlist if length matches
        clevs = [clv for clv in clevs for c in xrange(lc)]
      coord = [co for co in coord for v in xrange(lv)] # varying fast (inner loop; vertical)
      varlist = [var for c in xrange(lc) for var in varlist] # varying slow (outer loop; horizontal)
      axis = [ax for c in xrange(lc) for ax in axis] # analogous to varlist
      if len(clevs) == lv: # expand clevs like varlist if length matches
        clevs = [clv for c in xrange(lc) for clv in clevs]
    # do some simple adjustments and checks and use linear layout
    if lv==1: varlist = varlist*lc; axis = axis*lc
    elif lc==1: coord = coord*lv
    else: assert len(coord)==len(varlist), 'length of variable and coordinate list do not match; consider using the expand option'    
  le = len(varlist)
  assert le==len(coord), 'length mismatch between variable and coordinate list'
  if subplot: assert le==subplot[0]*subplot[1], 'subplot layout incompatible with number of variables and slices'
  # expand inner list (plots within one axis)  
  if expand[1]:
    for n in xrange(le):
      # expand lists
      lc = len(coord[n]); lv = len(varlist[n])
      coord[n] = [co for v in xrange(lv) for co in coord[n]] # varying fast
      varlist[n] = [var for var in varlist[n] for c in xrange(lc)] # varying slow      
      axis[n] = [ax for ax in axis[n] for c in xrange(lc)] # analogous to varlist 
    # do some simple adjustments and checks and use linear layout
    for n in xrange(le):
      if len(varlist[n])==1: varlist[n] = varlist[n]*len(coord[n]); axis[n] = axis[n]*len(coord[n])
      elif len(coord[n])==1: coord[n] = coord[n]*len(varlist[n])
      else: assert len(coord[n])==len(varlist[n]), 'length of variable and coordinate list do not match; consider using the expand option'
  ## make (sub-)plots  
  # prepare list of variables for plotting
  plotlist = []
  # loop over axes
  for n in xrange(le):
    lm = len(varlist[n])
    assert len(coord[n])==lm, 'length mismatch between variable and coordinate list in axis number %.0f'%n
    linelist = [] # list of variables in one axis
    # loop over line plots
    for m in xrange(lm):
      if varlist[n][m] is not None:
        # select slice
        slvar = varlist[n][m](**coord[n][m])
        # copy plot properties of replaced axes
        for i in xrange(slvar.naxes):
        # replace remaining axis with variable in axis-list, if given, 
        #  and provided it does not already have this axis
        if axis[n][m] and not slvar.hasaxis(axis[n][m].name):
          slax = axis[n][m](**coord[n][m])
          # find relevant axis
          for ax in slvar.axes: 
            if ax.values.size>1: 
              replaceAxis =; break
          # set attributes while preserving orientation w.r.t. horizontal or vertical
          axargs = {'name', 'atts':slax.atts, 'plotatts':slax.plotatts}
          if isinstance(ax,ZAxis): 
            axisdict = {replaceAxis:ZAxis(values=slax.squeeze().get(), **axargs)}
            axisdict = {replaceAxis:Axis(values=slax.squeeze().get(), **axargs)}
          # replace axis
          slvar = slvar.replace_axes(axisdict=axisdict)        
        linelist = None
    # store variable list in plotlist
  # construct figure    
  pyl.ioff() # non-interactive mode
  f = pyl.figure(**figargs)        
  # set default margins  
  defaultMargins = {'left':0.075,'right':0.965,'bottom':0.075,'top':0.975,'wspace':0.025,'hspace':0.025}
  # call multiplot
  (f,cf,subplot) = multiPlot(f=f,varlist=plotlist,clevs=clevs,subplot=subplot,margins=defaultMargins, transpose=transpose,**plotargs)  
  if title: f.suptitle(title,fontsize=14) 
  # finalize
  pyl.draw(); # pyl.ion(); 
  return f  
Beispiel #6
def linePlot(varlist,
             figargs={'figsize': (10, 8)},
    from plotting.misc import multiPlot, loadMPL
    # load matplotlib and apply config dictionary
    mpl = loadMPL(mplrc)
    import matplotlib.pyplot as pyl

    # precondition input
    if isinstance(expand, bool):
        expand = (expand, ) * 2  # handle both levels equally
    if not isinstance(varlist, list):
        varlist = [[varlist]]  # list of variables to be plotted
        varlist = [var if isinstance(var, list) else [var] for var in varlist]
    if not isinstance(coord, list):
        coord = [[coord]]  # slices that will be applied to the variables
        coord = [co if isinstance(co, list) else [co] for co in coord]
    lv = len(varlist)
    lc = len(coord)
    # expand auxiliary arguments to variable length
    if not isinstance(clevs, list): clevs = [clevs] * lv
    assert len(clevs) == lv or len(
        clevs) == lv * lc, 'length of clevs and varlist/coord are incompatible'
    # model axis list after varlist
    if not isinstance(axis, list):
        axis = [
        ] * lv  # alternate axes (variables with the same axes as the variables)
    assert len(axis) == lv, 'length of varlist and axis lists do not match'
    for i in xrange(lv):
        if not isinstance(axis[i], list): axis[i] = [axis[i]] * len(varlist[i])
        assert len(axis[i]) == len(
        ), 'length of varlist and axis lists in axis #%g do not match' % i

    ## handle multiplots (in the end varlist and coord should have the same shape)
    # variables arranged horizontally, coordinates/slices arranged vertically
    # expand outer list (multiplot layout)
    if expand[0]:
        if not subplot: subplot = (lc, lv)  # use this as multiplot layout
        # expand lists
        if transpose:
            coord = [co for v in xrange(lv)
                     for co in coord]  # varying slow (outer loop; horizontal)
            varlist = [var for var in varlist for c in xrange(lc)
                       ]  # varying fast (inner loop; vertical)
            axis = [ax for ax in axis
                    for c in xrange(lc)]  # analogous to varlist
            if len(clevs) == lv:  # expand clevs like varlist if length matches
                clevs = [clv for clv in clevs for c in xrange(lc)]
            coord = [co for co in coord for v in xrange(lv)
                     ]  # varying fast (inner loop; vertical)
            varlist = [var for c in xrange(lc) for var in varlist
                       ]  # varying slow (outer loop; horizontal)
            axis = [ax for c in xrange(lc)
                    for ax in axis]  # analogous to varlist
            if len(clevs) == lv:  # expand clevs like varlist if length matches
                clevs = [clv for c in xrange(lc) for clv in clevs]
        # do some simple adjustments and checks and use linear layout
        if lv == 1:
            varlist = varlist * lc
            axis = axis * lc
        elif lc == 1:
            coord = coord * lv
            assert len(coord) == len(
            ), 'length of variable and coordinate list do not match; consider using the expand option'
    le = len(varlist)
    assert le == len(
        coord), 'length mismatch between variable and coordinate list'
    if subplot:
        assert le == subplot[0] * subplot[
            1], 'subplot layout incompatible with number of variables and slices'
    # expand inner list (plots within one axis)
    if expand[1]:
        for n in xrange(le):
            # expand lists
            lc = len(coord[n])
            lv = len(varlist[n])
            coord[n] = [co for v in xrange(lv)
                        for co in coord[n]]  # varying fast
            varlist[n] = [var for var in varlist[n]
                          for c in xrange(lc)]  # varying slow
            axis[n] = [ax for ax in axis[n]
                       for c in xrange(lc)]  # analogous to varlist
        # do some simple adjustments and checks and use linear layout
        for n in xrange(le):
            if len(varlist[n]) == 1:
                varlist[n] = varlist[n] * len(coord[n])
                axis[n] = axis[n] * len(coord[n])
            elif len(coord[n]) == 1:
                coord[n] = coord[n] * len(varlist[n])
                assert len(coord[n]) == len(
                ), 'length of variable and coordinate list do not match; consider using the expand option'

    ## make (sub-)plots
    # prepare list of variables for plotting
    plotlist = []
    # loop over axes
    for n in xrange(le):
        lm = len(varlist[n])
        assert len(
        ) == lm, 'length mismatch between variable and coordinate list in axis number %.0f' % n
        linelist = []  # list of variables in one axis
        # loop over line plots
        for m in xrange(lm):
            if varlist[n][m] is not None:
                # select slice
                slvar = varlist[n][m](**coord[n][m])
                # copy plot properties of replaced axes
                for i in xrange(slvar.naxes):
                # replace remaining axis with variable in axis-list, if given,
                #  and provided it does not already have this axis
                if axis[n][m] and not slvar.hasaxis(axis[n][m].name):
                    slax = axis[n][m](**coord[n][m])
                    # find relevant axis
                    for ax in slvar.axes:
                        if ax.values.size > 1:
                            replaceAxis =
                    # set attributes while preserving orientation w.r.t. horizontal or vertical
                    axargs = {
                        'atts': slax.atts,
                        'plotatts': slax.plotatts
                    if isinstance(ax, ZAxis):
                        axisdict = {
                            ZAxis(values=slax.squeeze().get(), **axargs)
                        axisdict = {
                            Axis(values=slax.squeeze().get(), **axargs)
                    # replace axis
                    slvar = slvar.replace_axes(axisdict=axisdict)
                linelist = None
        # store variable list in plotlist
    # construct figure
    pyl.ioff()  # non-interactive mode
    f = pyl.figure(**figargs)
    # set default margins
    defaultMargins = {
        'left': 0.075,
        'right': 0.965,
        'bottom': 0.075,
        'top': 0.975,
        'wspace': 0.025,
        'hspace': 0.025
    defaultMargins.update(plotargs.pop('margins', {}))
    # call multiplot
    (f, cf, subplot) = multiPlot(f=f,
    if title: f.suptitle(title, fontsize=14)

    # finalize
    # pyl.ion();
    return f