def duplicate_rate_plots(data, outdir):
    """Make plots with duplicate read rate percentages."""
    meta = {
        'dup_report_all': {
            'key1': 'dup_report',
            'key2': 'dup_all',
            'title': 'Percentage of Duplicate Marked Reads',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Reads',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'dup_all.pdf'
        'dup_report_q40': {
            'key1': 'dup_report',
            'key2': 'dup_q40',
            'title': 'Percentage of Duplicate Marked Reads',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Reads',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'dup_q40.pdf'

    for vals in meta.values():
        plot_data = utils.retrieve_single_element_data_from_dict_one_output(
            data, vals['key1'], vals['key2'], True)
        plotting.create_rep_avg_plot(plot_data, vals['title'], vals['xlab'],
                                     vals['ylab'], vals['xlims'],

    return 0
def read_alignment_plot(data, outdir):
    """Make plot with percentage of optimally/sub-optimally/not aligned reads."""
    A, B = utils.retrieve_aligned_reads(data, True)
                                        'Fragment Mapping Overview: Sample A',
                                        'Percentage of Fragments', '',
                                        (0, 100, 10),
                                        outdir + 'read_mapping_sample_A.pdf')
                                        'Fragment Mapping Overview: Sample B',
                                        'Percentage of Fragments', '',
                                        (0, 100, 10),
                                        outdir + 'read_mapping_sample_B.pdf')

    A, B = utils.retrieve_data_points_from_dict_in_dict(
        data, 'aligned_reads', 'mapq_percent', False)
    plotting.create_line_chart(A, 'Distribution of MAPQ Scores: Sample A',
                               'MAPQ Score', 'Percent of Reads', (0, 60, 10),
                               (0, 100, 20), 3, 'upper left',
                               outdir + 'mapq_dist_sample_A.pdf')
    plotting.create_line_chart(B, 'Distribution of MAPQ Scores: Sample B',
                               'MAPQ Score', 'Percent of Reads', (0, 60, 10),
                               (0, 100, 20), 3, 'upper left',
                               outdir + 'mapq_dist_sample_B.pdf')

    plot_data = utils.retrieve_aligned_reads_total_only(data, True)
    plotting.create_rep_avg_plot([(samp, i / 1000000.)
                                  for samp, i in plot_data],
                                 'Number of Aligned Read Fragments',
                                 'Aligned Read Fragments (Millions)', '',
                                 (0, 1800, 300), outdir + 'aligned_reads.pdf')
def create_trinucleotide_methylation_plots(data, outdir):
    """Make plots with CpWpN retention rate percentages."""
    meta = {
        'cah_methylation_percent': {
            'key': 'cah_methylation_percent',
            'title': 'Base-averaged CpApH Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'cah_meth.pdf'
        'cag_methylation_percent': {
            'key': 'cag_methylation_percent',
            'title': 'Base-averaged CpApG Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'cag_meth.pdf'
        'cth_methylation_percent': {
            'key': 'cth_methylation_percent',
            'title': 'Base-averaged CpTpH Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'cth_meth.pdf'
        'ctg_methylation_percent': {
            'key': 'ctg_methylation_percent',
            'title': 'Base-averaged CpTpG Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'ctg_meth.pdf'

    for vals in meta.values():
        plot_data = utils.retrieve_single_element_data_one_output(
            data, vals['key'], True)
        plotting.create_rep_avg_plot(plot_data, vals['title'], vals['xlab'],
                                     vals['ylab'], vals['xlims'],

    return 0
def create_obs_exp_ratio_plots(data, outdir):
    """Make plots to show the observed/expected ratio."""
    meta = {
        'obsexp_mappy_cpgs': {
            'key': 'mappy_cpgs_obs_exp_ratio',
            'title': 'Coverage Ratio for All CpGs',
            'xlab': 'Observed Coverage / Expected Coverage',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 2, 0.25),
            'figname': outdir + 'obsexp_mappy_cpgs.pdf'
        'obsexp_mappy_cgis': {
            'key': 'mappy_cpis_obs_exp_ratio',
            'title': 'Coverage Ratio for CpG Islands',
            'xlab': 'Observed Coverage / Expected Coverage',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 2, 0.25),
            'figname': outdir + 'obsexp_mappy_cgis.pdf'
        'obsexp_mappy_rmsk': {
            'key': 'mappy_rmsk_obs_exp_ratio',
            'title': 'Coverage Ratio for Repeat-Masked Regions',
            'xlab': 'Observed Coverage / Expected Coverage',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 2, 0.25),
            'figname': outdir + 'obsexp_mappy_rmsk.pdf'
        'obsexp_mappy_exon': {
            'key': 'mappy_exon_obs_exp_ratio',
            'title': 'Coverage Ratio for Exonic Regions',
            'xlab': 'Observed Coverage / Expected Coverage',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 2, 0.25),
            'figname': outdir + 'obsexp_mappy_exon.pdf'
        'obsexp_mappy_gene': {
            'key': 'mappy_gene_obs_exp_ratio',
            'title': 'Coverage Ratio for Genic Regions',
            'xlab': 'Observed Coverage / Expected Coverage',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 2, 0.25),
            'figname': outdir + 'obsexp_mappy_gene.pdf'
        'obsexp_mappy_intr': {
            'key': 'mappy_intr_obs_exp_ratio',
            'title': 'Coverage Ratio for Intergenic Regions',
            'xlab': 'Observed Coverage / Expected Coverage',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 2, 0.25),
            'figname': outdir + 'obsexp_mappy_intr.pdf'

    for vals in meta.values():
        plot_data = utils.retrieve_single_element_data_one_output(
            data, vals['key'], True)

    return 0
def cpn_retention_plots(data, outdir):
    """Make plots with CpN retention rate percentages."""
    meta = {
        'read_rtn_a': {
            'key1': 'read_rtn',
            'key2': 'rca',
            'title': 'Read-averaged CpA Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'read_rtn_cpa.pdf'
        'read_rtn_c': {
            'key1': 'read_rtn',
            'key2': 'rcc',
            'title': 'Read-averaged CpC Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'read_rtn_cpc.pdf'
        'read_rtn_g': {
            'key1': 'read_rtn',
            'key2': 'rcg',
            'title': 'Read-averaged CpG Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'read_rtn_cpg.pdf'
        'read_rtn_t': {
            'key1': 'read_rtn',
            'key2': 'rct',
            'title': 'Read-averaged CpT Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'read_rtn_cpt.pdf'
        'base_rtn_a': {
            'key1': 'base_rtn',
            'key2': 'bca',
            'title': 'Base-averaged CpA Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'base_rtn_cpa.pdf'
        'base_rtn_c': {
            'key1': 'base_rtn',
            'key2': 'bcc',
            'title': 'Base-averaged CpC Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'base_rtn_cpc.pdf'
        'base_rtn_g': {
            'key1': 'base_rtn',
            'key2': 'bcg',
            'title': 'Base-averaged CpG Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'base_rtn_cpg.pdf'
        'base_rtn_t': {
            'key1': 'base_rtn',
            'key2': 'bct',
            'title': 'Base-averaged CpT Retention',
            'xlab': 'Percent Retained',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 5, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'base_rtn_cpt.pdf'

    for vals in meta.values():
        plot_data = utils.retrieve_single_element_data_from_dict_one_output(
            data, vals['key1'], vals['key2'], True)
        plotting.create_rep_avg_plot(plot_data, vals['title'], vals['xlab'],
                                     vals['ylab'], vals['xlims'],

    return 0
def trimmed_stats_plots(data, outdir):
    """Make plots for post-trimming results."""
    meta = {
        'r1_trimmed_bp': {
            'key': 'r1_trimmed_bp',
            'title': 'Read 1 Percentage of Bases Trimmed',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 10, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'r1_trimmed_bp.pdf'
        'r1_quality_bp': {
            'key': 'r1_quality_bp',
            'title': 'Read 1 Percentage of Bases Trimmed for Low Quality',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 1, 0.1),
            'figname': outdir + 'r1_quality_bp.pdf'
        'r1_adapter_re': {
            'key': 'r1_adapter_re',
            'title': 'Read 1 Percentage of Reads with Adapter Contamination',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'r1_adapter_re.pdf'
        'r2_trimmed_bp': {
            'key': 'r2_trimmed_bp',
            'title': 'Read 2 Percentage of Bases Trimmed',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 10, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'r2_trimmed_bp.pdf'
        'r2_quality_bp': {
            'key': 'r2_quality_bp',
            'title': 'Read 2 Percentage of Bases Trimmed for Low Quality',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 1, 0.1),
            'figname': outdir + 'r2_quality_bp.pdf'
        'r2_adapter_re': {
            'key': 'r2_adapter_re',
            'title': 'Read 2 Percentage of Reads with Adapter Contamination',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'r2_adapter_re.pdf'

    for vals in meta.values():
        plot_data = utils.retrieve_single_element_data_one_output(
            data, vals['key'], True)
        plotting.create_rep_avg_plot([(s, 100 * i) for s, i in plot_data],
                                     vals['title'], vals['xlab'], vals['ylab'],
                                     vals['xlims'], vals['figname'])

    return 0
def raw_read_base_qual_plots(data, outdir):
    """Make the raw read base quality plots."""
    meta = {
        'r1_read_base_20': {
            'key': 'r1_read_base_20',
            'title': 'Read 1 Reads with Avg. Base Quality >= 20',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Reads',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'r1_read_base_20.pdf'
        'r1_read_base_30': {
            'key': 'r1_read_base_30',
            'title': 'Read 1 Reads with Avg. Base Quality >= 30',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Reads',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'r1_read_base_30.pdf'
        'r1_low_base_qual': {
            'key': 'r1_low_base_qual',
            'title': 'Read 1 Bases with Base Quality < 20',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 10, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'r1_low_base_qual.pdf'
        'r1_med_base_qual': {
            'key': 'r1_med_base_qual',
            'title': 'Read 1 Bases with Base Quality >= 20 and <= 30',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 10, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'r1_med_base_qual.pdf'
        'r1_hi_base_qual': {
            'key': 'r1_hi_base_qual',
            'title': 'Read 1 Bases with Base Quality > 30',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'r1_hi_base_qual.pdf'
        'r2_read_base_20': {
            'key': 'r2_read_base_20',
            'title': 'Read 2 Reads with Avg. Base Quality >= 20',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Reads',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'r2_read_base_20.pdf'
        'r2_read_base_30': {
            'key': 'r2_read_base_30',
            'title': 'Read 2 Reads with Avg. Base Quality >= 30',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Reads',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'r2_read_base_30.pdf'
        'r2_low_base_qual': {
            'key': 'r2_low_base_qual',
            'title': 'Read 2 Bases with Base Quality < 20',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 10, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'r2_low_base_qual.pdf'
        'r2_med_base_qual': {
            'key': 'r2_med_base_qual',
            'title': 'Read 2 Bases with Base Quality >= 20 and <= 30',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 10, 1),
            'figname': outdir + 'r2_med_base_qual.pdf'
        'r2_hi_base_qual': {
            'key': 'r2_hi_base_qual',
            'title': 'Read 2 Bases with Base Quality > 30',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of Bases',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'r2_hi_base_qual.pdf'

    for vals in meta.values():
        plot_data = utils.retrieve_single_element_data_one_output(
            data, vals['key'], True)
        plotting.create_rep_avg_plot(plot_data, vals['title'], vals['xlab'],
                                     vals['ylab'], vals['xlims'],

    return 0
def cpg_region_plots(data, outdir):
    """Make CpG region plots."""
    meta = {
        'ExonicCpGs_percent_covered_all': {
            'key1': 'ExonicCpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'All',
            'title': 'CpG Coverage of Exonic Regions',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'exon_cpgs_all.pdf'
        'ExonicCpGs_percent_covered_q40': {
            'key1': 'ExonicCpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'Q40',
            'title': 'CpG Coverage of Exonic Regions',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'exon_cpgs_q40.pdf'
        'RepeatCpGs_percent_covered_all': {
            'key1': 'RepeatCpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'All',
            'title': 'CpG Coverage of Repeat-Masked Regions',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'rmsk_cpgs_all.pdf'
        'RepeatCpGs_percent_covered_q40': {
            'key1': 'RepeatCpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'Q40',
            'title': 'CpG Coverage of Repeat-Masked Regions',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'rmsk_cpgs_q40.pdf'
        'GenicCpGs_percent_covered_all': {
            'key1': 'GenicCpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'All',
            'title': 'CpG Coverage of Genic Regions',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'gene_cpgs_all.pdf'
        'GenicCpGs_percent_covered_q40': {
            'key1': 'GenicCpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'Q40',
            'title': 'CpG Coverage of Genic Regions',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'gene_cpgs_q40.pdf'
        'CGICpGs_percent_covered_all': {
            'key1': 'CGICpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'All',
            'title': 'CpG Coverage of CpG Island Regions',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'cgis_cpgs_all.pdf'
        'CGICpGs_percent_covered_q40': {
            'key1': 'CGICpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'Q40',
            'title': 'CpG Coverage of CpG Island Regions',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'cgis_cpgs_q40.pdf'
        'TotalCpGs_percent_covered_all': {
            'key1': 'TotalCpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'All',
            'title': 'Coverage for All CpGs in Genome',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'tote_cpgs_all.pdf'
        'TotalCpGs_percent_covered_q40': {
            'key1': 'TotalCpGs_percent_covered',
            'key2': 'Q40',
            'title': 'Coverage for All CpGs in Genome',
            'xlab': 'Percentage of CpGs',
            'ylab': '',
            'xlims': (0, 100, 10),
            'figname': outdir + 'tote_cpgs_q40.pdf'

    for vals in meta.values():
        plot_data = utils.retrieve_single_element_data_from_dict_one_output(
            data, vals['key1'], vals['key2'], True)
        plotting.create_rep_avg_plot(plot_data, vals['title'], vals['xlab'],
                                     vals['ylab'], vals['xlims'],

    return 0