Beispiel #1
def estimate_test_time(sessions_A, sessions_B, RL_agent, LR_agent, perm_type,
                       max_change_LR = 0.01, max_change_RL = 0.05, n_test_perm = 3, parallel = False):
    '''Estimate time taken per permutation to run compare_groups.'''
    start_time = time.time()
    for i in range(n_test_perm):
        shuffled_ses_A, shuffled_ses_B = _permuted_dataset(sessions_A, sessions_B, perm_type)
        mf.fit_population(shuffled_ses_A, RL_agent, eval_BIC = False, max_change = max_change_RL, parallel = parallel)
        mf.fit_population(shuffled_ses_B, RL_agent, eval_BIC = False, max_change = max_change_RL, parallel = parallel)
        mf.fit_population(shuffled_ses_A, LR_agent, eval_BIC = False, max_change = max_change_LR, parallel = parallel)
        mf.fit_population(shuffled_ses_B, LR_agent, eval_BIC = False, max_change = max_change_LR, parallel = parallel)
        pl.reversal_analysis(shuffled_ses_A, return_fits = True, by_type = False)
        pl.reversal_analysis(shuffled_ses_B, return_fits = True, by_type = False)
    print('Estimated time per permuation: ' + str((time.time() - start_time)/n_test_perm))
Beispiel #2
def reversal_test(sessions_A, sessions_B, perm_type, n_resample = 1000, by_type = False, groups = None):
    ''' Permutation test for differences in the fraction correct at end of blocks and the time constant
    of adaptation to block transitions.
    fit_A = pl.reversal_analysis(sessions_A, return_fits = True, by_type = by_type)
    fit_B = pl.reversal_analysis(sessions_B, return_fits = True, by_type = by_type)
    true_reversal_fit_distances = _reversal_fit_distances(fit_A,fit_B)
    permuted_reversal_fit_distances = np.zeros([n_resample, 4])
    for i in range(n_resample):
        print('Fitting permuted sessions, round: {} of {}'.format(i+1, n_resample))

        shuffled_ses_A, shuffled_ses_B = _permuted_dataset(sessions_A, sessions_B, perm_type, groups)
        shuffled_fit_A = pl.reversal_analysis(shuffled_ses_A, return_fits = True, by_type = by_type)
        shuffled_fit_B = pl.reversal_analysis(shuffled_ses_B, return_fits = True, by_type = by_type)
        permuted_reversal_fit_distances[i,:] = _reversal_fit_distances(shuffled_fit_A, shuffled_fit_B)

    dist_ranks = sum(permuted_reversal_fit_distances>=np.tile(true_reversal_fit_distances,(n_resample,1)),0) 
    p_vals = dist_ranks / float(n_resample)
    print('Block end choice probability P value   : {}'.format(p_vals[0]))
    print('All reversals tau P value              : {}'.format(p_vals[1]))
    if by_type:
        print('Reward probability reversal tau P value: {}'.format(p_vals[2]))
        print('Trans. probability reversal tau P value: {}'.format(p_vals[3]))
    return {'block_end_P_value': p_vals[0], 'tau_P_value' : p_vals[1]}
Beispiel #3
def reversal_comparison(sessions_A, sessions_B,  fig_no = 1, title = None, groups = None):
    '''Plot choice trajectories around reversals for both groups.  
    pl.reversal_analysis(sessions_A, cols = 0, fig_no = fig_no, by_type = False)
    pl.reversal_analysis(sessions_B, cols = 1, fig_no = fig_no, by_type = False, clf = False)
    if title: p.title(title)