def plot_C_hist(self, param_fns=[lambda C_hist: C_hist[:,:,3], lambda C_hist: C_hist[:,:,5], lambda C_hist: C_hist[:,:,6], lambda C_hist: np.sqrt(C_hist[:, :, 3]**2 + C_hist[:,:,5]**2)], labels=['Change in x-vel tuning', 'Change in z-vel tuning', 'Change in baseline', 'Change in mod. depth']): ''' Plot parameter trajectories for C ''' C_hist = self.hdf.root.task[1:]['filt_C'] n_units = C_hist.shape[1] n_blocks = int(np.ceil(float(n_units)/7)) fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w', figsize=(8./3*len(param_fns), 2*n_blocks)) axes = plotutil.subplots(n_blocks, len(param_fns), y=0.01) #, bottom_offset=0.01) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 2*n_units), facecolor='w') #axes = plotutil.subplots(n_units, len(param_fns), y=0.01) #, bottom_offset=0.01) for m, fn in enumerate(param_fns): for k in range(n_blocks): sl = slice(k*7, (k+1)*7, None) param_hist = fn(C_hist)[:,sl] param_hist_diff = param_hist - param_hist[0,:] axes[k,m].plot(param_hist_diff) axes[k,m].set_xticklabels([]) if m == 0: plotutil.ylabel(axes[k,m], 'Units %d-%d' % (sl.start, sl.stop-1)) if k == n_blocks - 1: plotutil.xlabel(axes[k,m], labels[m]) lims = np.vstack(map(lambda ax: ax.get_ylim(), axes[:,m])) ylim = min(lims[:,0]), max(lims[:,1]) plotutil.set_axlim(axes[:,m], ylim, axis='y') self.save_plot('clda_param_hist')
def plot_dist_to_targ(task_entry, reach_trajectories=None, targ_dist=10., plot_all=False, ax=None, target=None, update_rate=60., decoder_rate=10., **kwargs): task_entry = dbfn.lookup_task_entries(task_entry) if reach_trajectories == None: reach_trajectories = task_entry.get_reach_trajectories() if target == None: target = np.array([targ_dist, 0]) trajectories_dist_to_targ = [ map(np.linalg.norm, traj.T - target) for traj in reach_trajectories ] step = update_rate / decoder_rate trajectories_dist_to_targ = map(lambda x: x[::step], trajectories_dist_to_targ) max_len = np.max([len(traj) for traj in trajectories_dist_to_targ]) n_trials = len(trajectories_dist_to_targ) # TODO use masked arrays data = np.ones([n_trials, max_len]) * np.nan for k, traj in enumerate(trajectories_dist_to_targ): data[k, :len(traj)] = traj from scipy.stats import nanmean, nanstd mean_dist_to_targ = np.array([nanmean(data[:, k]) for k in range(max_len)]) std_dist_to_targ = np.array([nanstd(data[:, k]) for k in range(max_len)]) if ax == None: plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) # time vector, assuming original screen update rate of 60 Hz time = np.arange(max_len) * 0.1 if plot_all: for dist_to_targ in trajectories_dist_to_targ: ax.plot(dist_to_targ, **kwargs) else: ax.plot(time, mean_dist_to_targ, **kwargs) import plotutil #plotutil.set_ylim(ax, [0, targ_dist]) plotutil.ylabel(ax, 'Distance to target') plotutil.xlabel(ax, 'Time (s)') plt.draw()
def plot_rewards_per_min(self, ax=None, show=False, max_ylim=None, save=True, **kwargs): ''' Make a plot of the rewards per minute ''' import plotutil tvec, rewards_per_min = self.get_rewards_per_min(**kwargs) rewards_per_min = rewards_per_min[::900] tvec = tvec[::900] # find the time when CLDA turns off task_msgs = self.hdf.root.task_msgs[:] clda_stop = self.clda_stop_time if ax == None: plt.figure(figsize=(4,3)) axes = plotutil.subplots(1, 1, return_flat=True, hold=True, left_offset=0.1) ax = axes[0] else: save = False try: # find the time when the assist turns off assist_level = self.hdf.root.task[:]['assist_level'].ravel() assist_stop = np.nonzero(assist_level == 0)[0][0] assist_stop *= min_per_sec * 1./self.update_rate # convert to min ax.axvline(assist_stop, label='Assist off', color='green', linewidth=2) except: pass ax.axvline(clda_stop, label='CLDA off', color='blue', linewidth=2, linestyle='--') ax.plot(tvec * min_per_sec, rewards_per_min, color='black', linewidth=2) if max_ylim == None: max_ylim = int(max(15, int(np.ceil(max(rewards_per_min))))) max_xlim = int(np.ceil(max(tvec * min_per_sec))) # plotutil.set_axlim(ax, [0, max_ylim], labels=range(max_ylim+1), axis='y') # plotutil.set_axlim(ax, [0, max_ylim], labels=range(0, max_ylim+1), axis='y') plotutil.set_xlim(ax, [0, max_xlim]) plotutil.ylabel(ax, 'Rewards/min', offset=-0.08) plotutil.xlabel(ax, 'Time during block (min)') plotutil.legend(ax) ax.grid() if save: self.save_plot('rewards_per_min') if show:
def plot_pair(perf, labels=['KF', 'PPF']): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 8)) axes = plotutil.subplots(4, 1, hold=True) # plot KF, PPFLC signs = [-1, +1, +1, -1] for k, key in enumerate( ['trials_per_min', 'ME', 'reach_time', 'perc_correct']): axes[k, 0].scatter(1 * np.ones(len(perf[key][0])), perf[key][0]) axes[k, 0].scatter(2 * np.ones(len(perf[key][0])), perf[key][1]) for a, b in izip(*perf[key]): axes[k, 0].plot([1., 2.], [a, b], color='black') axes[k, 0].set_xticks([1., 2.]) axes[k, 0].set_xticklabels(labels) plotutil.set_xlim(axes[k, 0], axis='y') plotutil.ylabel(axes[k, 0], key) h, p_val = ttest_rel(perf[key][0], perf[key][1]) print h, p_val if signs[k] * h > 0: p_val = p_val / 2 else: pass plotutil.xlabel(axes[k, 0], 'p=%g, N=%d' % (p_val, len(perf[key][0])))
def plot_2d(self, theta): import plotutil joint_locs = self.spatial_positions_of_joints(theta) targ_x_min = 0 targ_x_max = 80.5 targ_y_min = 0 targ_y_max = 52 targ_z_min = -40 targ_z_max = 0 n_fake_joints = 3 # number of "joints" used to just translate/rotate from positioner origin to exo origin shoulder_center = joint_locs[:, n_fake_joints] plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3)) axes = plotutil.subplots2(1, 3, aspect=1, x=0.05) axes[0,0].plot(joint_locs[0,n_fake_joints:], joint_locs[1,n_fake_joints:]) axes[0,0].scatter(shoulder_center[0], shoulder_center[1]) # draw x-y positioner box axes[0,0].plot([targ_x_min, targ_x_min, targ_x_max, targ_x_max, targ_x_min], [targ_y_min, targ_y_max, targ_y_max, targ_y_min, targ_y_min], color='gray', linewidth=2) axes[0,1].plot(joint_locs[0,n_fake_joints:], joint_locs[2,n_fake_joints:]) axes[0,1].scatter(shoulder_center[0], shoulder_center[2]) # draw x-z positioner box axes[0,1].plot([targ_x_min, targ_x_min, targ_x_max, targ_x_max, targ_x_min], [targ_z_min, targ_z_max, targ_z_max, targ_z_min, targ_z_min], color='gray', linewidth=2) axes[0,2].plot(joint_locs[1,n_fake_joints:], joint_locs[2,n_fake_joints:]) axes[0,2].scatter(shoulder_center[1], shoulder_center[2]) # draw x-z positioner box axes[0,2].plot([targ_y_min, targ_y_min, targ_y_max, targ_y_max, targ_y_min], [targ_z_min, targ_z_max, targ_z_max, targ_z_min, targ_z_min], color='gray', linewidth=2) plotutil.clean_up_ticks(axes) plotutil.set_title(axes[0,0], 'Top view (x-y)') plotutil.set_title(axes[0,1], 'Front view (x-z)') plotutil.set_title(axes[0,2], 'Side view (y-z)') plotutil.xlabel(axes[0,0], 'x-axis') plotutil.ylabel(axes[0,0], 'y-axis') plotutil.xlabel(axes[0,1], 'x-axis') plotutil.ylabel(axes[0,1], 'z-axis') plotutil.xlabel(axes[0,2], 'y-axis') plotutil.ylabel(axes[0,2], 'z-axis') plt.draw()
blocks = [2274, 2275, 2276, 2277, 2281, 2282] task_entry_set = dbfn.TaskEntrySet(blocks) bins = np.arange(0.5, 40, 0.5) labels = [] for te in task_entry_set.task_entries: if 'PPF' in te.decoder_type: labels.append(str(te.params['tau'])) elif 'KF' in te.decoder_type: labels.append('KF') plt.close('all') plt.figure(facecolor='w') axes = plotutil.subplots(2, 1, return_flat=True, hold=True) #task_entry_set.histogram(lambda te: te.intended_kin_norm(slice(3,6)), axes[0], bins) task_entry_set.histogram(lambda te: te.cursor_speed(), axes[1], bins, labels=labels) #task_entry_set.histogram(lambda te: te.cursor_speed('assist_off'), axes[1], bins, labels=labels) plt.legend() axes[0].set_xticks([]) plotutil.xlabel(axes[0], 'Est. of intended speed (cm/s)') plotutil.xlabel(axes[1], 'Actual speed during CLDA (no assist) (cm/s)') plotutil.set_xlim(axes[0], axis='y') plotutil.set_xlim(axes[1], axis='y') plotutil.ylabel(axes, 'Density') plotutil.set_xlim(axes, [0,40]) plt.savefig('/storage/plots/intended_vs_actual_speed.png', bbox_inches='tight')