def createView(self):
     hbox = gtk.HBox()
     self.label = gtk.Label()
     self.label.set_name("GUI status")
     # It seems difficult to say 'ellipsize when you'd otherwise need
     # to enlarge the window', so we'll have to settle for a fixed number
     # of max char's ... The current setting (90) is just a good choice
     # based on my preferred window size, on the test case I used to
     # develop this code. (since different chars have different widths,
     # the optimal number depends on the string to display) \ Mattias++
     self.label.set_markup(plugins.convertForMarkup("TextTest started at " + plugins.localtime() + "."))
     hbox.pack_start(self.label, expand=False, fill=False)
     imageDir = plugins.installationDir("images")
         staticIcon = os.path.join(imageDir, "throbber_inactive.png")
         temp = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(staticIcon)
         self.throbber = gtk.Image()
         animationIcon = os.path.join(imageDir, "throbber_active.gif")
         self.animation = gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation(animationIcon)
         hbox.pack_end(self.throbber, expand=False, fill=False)
     except Exception, e:
         plugins.printWarning("Failed to create icons for the status throbber:\n" + str(e) + \
                              "\nAs a result, the throbber will be disabled.", stdout=True)
         self.throbber = None
 def __init__(self, initialMessage):
     self.throbber = None
     self.animation = None
     self.pixbuf = None
     self.label = None
     self.closing = False
     self.initialMessage = plugins.convertForMarkup(initialMessage)
 def notifyStatus(self, message):
     if self.label: