def wcsolve(connection, channel, nick, cmd, args): #"""Usage: revsolve (chall nr | chall name) [user]""" """Shows how many solved a challenge. Usage: wcsolve (chall nr | chall name)""" print "wcsolve", args if time.time() - cache_ts > 1 * 60: print "time diff", (time.time() - cache_ts) build_cache() if not args: plugins.print_help(connection, channel, nick, None, cmd) return nr, name, url, solvers = None, None, None, None if args.isdigit(): nr = args if nr_to_url.has_key(nr): name, url, solvers = nr_to_url[nr] else: for key, val in nr_to_url.items(): if val[0].lower().startswith(args.lower()): nr = key name, url, solvers = val break if args.lower() in val[0].lower(): nr = key name, url, solvers = val txt = "No such challenge." if solvers is not None: txt = "Challenge Nr. %s, %s, has been solved by %d user%s." % (nr, name, solvers, "" if solvers == 1 else "s") plugins.say(connection, channel, txt)
def movie(connection, channel, nick, cmd, args): """Shows information about movie from""" if not args or not args.strip(): return plugins.print_help(connection, channel, nick, None, cmd) args = args.strip() id = -1 res = tmdb.Search().movie(query=args) if res["total_results"] > 0: id = res["results"][0]["id"] if id < 0: return plugins.say(connection, channel, "No such movie.") movie = tmdb.Movies(id) movie_info = txt = "\x02%s\x02" % movie_info["title"] if movie_info["title"] != movie_info["original_title"]: txt += " (%s)" % movie_info["original_title"] if movie_info["release_date"]: txt += " | \x02Released:\x02 %s" % movie_info["release_date"] if movie_info["vote_count"] > 0: txt += " | \x02Rating:\x02 %.1f/10" % movie_info["vote_average"] if movie_info["homepage"]: txt += " | \x02Homepage:\x02 %s" % movie_info["homepage"] plugins.say(connection, channel, txt) plugins.say(connection, channel, plugins.split(movie_info["overview"]))
def tv(connection, channel, nick, cmd, args): """Shows information about tv series from""" if not args or not args.strip(): return plugins.print_help(nick, channel, None, cmd) args = args.strip() id = -1 res = tmdb.Search().tv(query=args) if res["total_results"] > 0: id = res["results"][0]["id"] if id < 0: return plugins.say(connection, channel, "No such tv series.") movie = tmdb.TV(id) movie_info = txt = "\x02%s\x02" % movie_info["name"] if movie_info["name"] != movie_info["original_name"]: txt += " (%s)" % movie_info["original_name"] if movie_info["first_air_date"]: txt += " | \x02First Aired:\x02 %s" % movie_info["first_air_date"] if movie_info["number_of_seasons"]: txt += " | \x02Nr. of Seasons:\x02 %d" % movie_info["number_of_seasons"] if movie_info["vote_count"] > 0: txt += " | \x02Rating:\x02 %.1f/10" % movie_info["vote_average"] if movie_info["homepage"]: txt += " | \x02Homepage:\x02 %s" % movie_info["homepage"] plugins.say(connection, channel, txt) plugins.say(connection, channel, plugins.split(movie_info["overview"]))
def vs(connection, channel, nick, cmd, args): """Usage: vs "search term 1" "search term 2" -- Compares the number of google results for both terms.""" if not args: return plugins.print_help(connection, channel, nick, None, cmd) try: v = shlex.split(args) except Exception as e: return plugins.say(connection, channel, str(e)) if len(v) != 2: return plugins.print_help(connection, channel, nick, None, cmd) term1, term2 = v hits1 = google_search(term1.encode("utf-8"))[0] hits2 = google_search(term2.encode("utf-8"))[0] h1 = locale.format("%d", hits1, 1) h2 = locale.format("%d", hits2, 1) plugins.say(connection, channel, "%s %s %s %s %s" % (term1, h1, create_bar(hits1, hits2, 21), h2, term2))
def helper(connection, channel, nick, cmd, args, what): if not args: return plugins.print_help(connection, channel, nick, None, cmd) count, hits, searchurl = google_search(args, what) for h in hits: plugins.say(connection, channel, "%s | %s" % (html.unescape(h["titleNoFormatting"]), h["unescapedUrl"])) if hits: plugins.say(connection, channel, "For more results, see %s (%s hits)" % (searchurl, locale.format("%d", count, 1))) else: plugins.say(connection, channel, "Found no results. See for yourself: %s" % searchurl)
def wtf(connection, channel, nick, cmd, args): index = 0 try: pargs = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(args or "")) if parser.help_requested: return plugins.say(connection, channel, parser.format_help().strip()) if index = int( - 1 except plugins.ArgumentParserError as e: return plugins.say(connection, channel, "error: %s" % str(e)) except (SystemExit, NameError, ValueError): return plugins.print_help(connection, channel, nick, None, cmd) page = index / 7 + 1 index %= 7 term = pargs.search_term """ if term.lower() == "maddinw": return plugins.say(channel, "A guy commonly referred to as Strong Mad.") elif term.lower() == "dloser": return plugins.say(channel, "<Jhype> dloser: a thoughtful friend ") """ tree = lxml.html.parse("" % (urllib.quote_plus(term.encode("utf-8")), page)) entries = tree.xpath("//div[@class='def-panel' and @data-defid]") if not entries: return plugins.say(connection, channel, "'%s' has no definition at" % term) if index >= len(entries) or index < 0: return plugins.say(connection, channel, "No definition nr %d available" % (index + 1)) count = "?" count_div = tree.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'definition-count-panel')]") if count_div: try: count = str(1 + int(count_div[0].text_content().split()[0])) except Exception as e: print e pass txt = "\x02[Definition %d/%s]\x0f " % (index + 1, count) definition = extract_text(entries[index], ".//div[@class='meaning']") if len(definition) > 300: definition = definition[:300] + "..." txt += definition example = extract_text(entries[index], ".//div[@class='example']") if example: if len(example) > 300: example = example[:300] + "..." txt += "\n\x02Example:\x0f " + example plugins.say(connection, channel, txt)
def tbssolve(connection, channel, nick, cmd, args): #"""Usage: tbssolve chall_name""" """Shows how many solved a challenge. Usage: tbssolve chall_name""" if not args: plugins.print_help(connection, channel, nick, None, cmd) return build_cache() print solved_cache name, url, solved = None, None, None for n, u, s in solved_cache: if n.lower().startswith(args.lower()): name = n url = u solved = s break txt = "No such challenge." if name: txt = "Challenge '%s' has been solved by %d user%s." % (name, solved, "" if solved == 1 else "s") plugins.say(connection, channel, txt)
def yt_search(connection, channel, nick, cmd, args): if not args: return plugins.print_help(connection, channel, nick, None, cmd)