Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.dataclose = self.datas[0].close
     self.indicators = []
     self.strategy_expression_buy = self.params.strategy_expression_buy
     self.strategy_expression_sell = self.params.strategy_expression_sell
     self.strategies_parameters = self.params.strategies_parameters
     for s, p in self.strategies_parameters.items():
         if p["name"] == "CCI_buy_Strategy":
         elif p["name"] == "CCI_sell_Strategy":
         elif p["name"] == "Crossover_SMA_Strategy":
             sma_fast, sma_slow = bt.ind.SMA(period=p["parameter"]["fast"]), bt.ind.SMA(period=p["parameter"]["slow"])
             self.indicators.append(bt.indicators.CrossOver(sma_fast, sma_slow))
     self.strategy_parser = Grammar("""
                                     start: exp ;
                                     @exp : strategy | atomic ;
                                     atomic: '\(' exp op exp '\)' | exp op exp ;
                                     strategy: 's\d+' ;
                                     op: '\&|\|' ;
                                     SPACES: '[ ]+' (%ignore) ;
     self.strategy_expression_buy = self.strategy_parser.parse(self.strategy_expression_buy)
     self.calc_buy = self.Calc(self.indicators, self.strategies_parameters)
     self.strategy_expression_sell = self.strategy_parser.parse(self.strategy_expression_sell)
     self.calc_sell = self.Calc(self.indicators, self.strategies_parameters)
Beispiel #2
import operator as op
from plyplus import Grammar, STransformer

calc_grammar = Grammar("""
    start: add;
    ?add: (add add_symbol)? mul;
    ?mul: (mul mul_symbol)? atom;
    @atom: neg | number | '\(' add '\)';
    neg: '-' atom;
    number: '[\d.]+';
    mul_symbol: '\*' | '/';
    add_symbol: '\+' | '-';
    WS: '[ \t]+' (%ignore);

class Calc(STransformer):

    def _bin_operator(self, exp):
        arg1, operator_symbol, arg2 = exp.tail

        operator_func = { '+': op.add, '-': op.sub, '*': op.mul, '/': op.div }[operator_symbol]

        return operator_func(arg1, arg2)

    number      = lambda self, exp: float(exp.tail[0])
    neg         = lambda self, exp: -exp.tail[0]
    __default__ = lambda self, exp: exp.tail[0]

    add = _bin_operator
    mul = _bin_operator
Beispiel #3
list_parser = Grammar(r"""
start : (command eol)* ; 
command : alpha_command | animate_command | color_command | 'display' | define_command | kill_command | spring_command | 'wait';

alpha_command: 'alpha' pattern number;
animate_command: 'animate' geometry;
color_command: 'color' pattern color;

define_command: box_command ;
// box_command : 'define' name 'box' number number (color)? (geometry)? (option)*;
box_command : 'define' name 'box' number number color;
kill_command: 'kill' pattern ;

sleep_command: 'sleep' number;

spring_command: 'spring' pattern (number number number number)? (option)*;

pattern: name (name)* | regexp ;

option: '-' name;

geometry : number number | name (offset)?;
offset : '\+' number '-' number ;

color: simple_color ('\*' number)?;
simple_color: name | '\#[\da-f]{6,8}' | number ',' number ',' number (',' number)? | name '\*' number; 

name : '[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*' ;
number : '[\d\.]+' ;

regexp: 'r\'.+?\'' ;

eol : '\n' ;
SPACES : ' +' (%ignore) ;
Beispiel #4
        #tokens = tokens +' '+token[2].lower()

    return tokens

path = 'Programas_MiniJava/'

with open(path) as f:
    texto_arq = f.readlines()

texto = ''
for i in texto_arq:
    texto = texto + i

texto = retornaTokensArquivo(path)
cont = 1
text = ''
for i in texto:
    text = text + i
    if i == ' ':
        #print(text, cont)
        cont += 1
        text = ''
#texto = retornaTokensArquivo(path)

parser = Grammar(open("MiniJava.g"))
resp = parser.parse(texto)
Beispiel #5
 def buildGrammar(self):
     return Grammar(self.grammar)
Beispiel #6
calc_grammar = Grammar("""
    @start: assign;
    // Rules
    ?assign: (id eq_symbol)? logic;
    ?logic: (logic logic_symbol)? add;
    ?add: (add add_symbol)? mul;
    ?mul: (mul mul_symbol)? atom;
    @atom: neg | number | '\(' add '\)' | boolean | id;
    neg: '-' atom;
    // Tokens
    number: '[\d.]+';
    eq_symbol: '<-';

    boolean : true | false;
    true: TRUE;
    false: FALSE;
    logic_symbol: '\&' | '\|';

    id: ID;
    ID: '\w+'
    TRUE: 'TRUE';

    mul_symbol: '\*' | '/';
    add_symbol: '\+' | '-';

    WS: '[ \t]+' (%ignore);
Beispiel #7
# - # A simple calculator without using eval
# A shorter and simpler re-implementation of

import operator as op
from plyplus import Grammar, STransformer

calc_grammar = Grammar(open("calc.g"))

class Calc(STransformer):
    def __init__(self):

    def _bin_operator(self, exp):
        arg1, operator_symbol, arg2 = exp.tail

        operator_func = {
            '+': op.add,
            '-': op.sub,
            '%': op.mod,
            '*': op.mul,
            '/': op.truediv,
            '^': op.pow

        print(exp.tail, '=>', operator_func(arg1, arg2))
        return operator_func(arg1, arg2)

    number = lambda self, exp: float(exp.tail[0])
    negate = lambda self, exp: -exp.tail[0]
    __default__ = lambda self, exp: exp.tail[0]
Beispiel #8
from plyplus import Grammar, STransformer

json_grammar = Grammar(r"""
@start: value ;

?value : object | array | string | number | boolean | null ;

string : '".*?(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?"' ;
number : '-?([1-9]\d*|\d)(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?' ;
pair : string ':' value ;
object : '\{' ( pair ( ',' pair )* )? '\}' ;
array : '\[' ( value ( ',' value ) * )? '\]' ;
boolean : 'true' | 'false' ;
null : 'null' ;

WS: '[ \t\n]+' (%ignore) (%newline);

class JSON_Transformer(STransformer):
    """Transforms JSON AST into Python native objects."""
    number = lambda self, node: float(node.tail[0])
    string = lambda self, node: node.tail[0][1:-1]
    boolean = lambda self, node: True if node.tail[0] == 'true' else False
    null = lambda self, node: None
    array = lambda self, node: node.tail
    pair = lambda self, node: {node.tail[0]: node.tail[1]}

    def object(self, node):
        result = {}
        for i in node.tail:
Beispiel #9
# Eval and bridge to the scripting lang.

import operator as op
import math

# do not mess with following 3 lines.
from plyplus import Grammar

gram_text = open('grmr.g', 'r').read()
grammar = Grammar(gram_text)

class EvalError(BaseException):

class Scope:
    def __init__(self, parent, isfunc, kwargs):
        self.parent = parent
        self.vars = {}
        self.isfunc = isfunc

    def __getitem__(self, item):
            return self.vars[item]
                return self.parent[item]
                raise EvalError, "Variable not defined: " + str(item)
Beispiel #10
    # Python 3.x already have lazy map

__all__ = ["parse"]
__version__ = "0.2.0"

grammar = Grammar(r"""
@start : package ;

package : name extras? specs? comment?;
name : string ;

specs : comparison version (',' comparison version)* ;
comparison : '<' | '<=' | '!=' | '==' | '>=' | '>' | '~=' | '===' ;
version : string ;

extras : '\[' (extra (',' extra)*)? '\]' ;
extra : string ;

comment : '\#.+' ;

@string : '[-A-Za-z0-9_\.]+' ;

SPACES: '[ \t\n]+' (%ignore) (%newline);

class Requirement(object):
    def __init__(self, name=None, extras=None, specs=None, comment=None): = name
        self.extras = extras
Beispiel #11
"""Demonstrates the use of the permutation operator."""
from plyplus import Grammar

# Basic Permutations
perm1 = Grammar("""
start : a ^ b? ^ c ;

a : 'a' ;
b : 'b' ;
c : 'c' ;

WS: '[ \t]+' (%ignore);

print perm1.parse(' c b a').pretty()
print perm1.parse('c a ').pretty()

# Permutations with a separator
perm2 = Grammar("""
start : a ^ (b|d)? ^ c ^^ ( COMMA | SEMI ) ;

a : 'a' ;
b : 'b' ;
c : 'c' ;
d : 'd' ;

COMMA : ',' ;
SEMI  : ';' ;

WS: '[ \t]+' (%ignore);
Beispiel #12
user_grammar = Grammar("""
  start: logical_or;

  ?logical_or: logical_or op_or logical_and | logical_and;
  ?logical_and: logical_and op_and expr | expr;

  ?expr: un_string_expr | un_expr | bin_expr | '\(' logical_or '\)';

  ?bin_expr: (bin_string_expr | bin_passwd_expr | bin_pk_expr | bin_date_expr |

  un_string_expr: (string_field | password) pr;
  un_expr: (date_field | bool_field) pr;
  bin_string_expr: string_field string_op t_string;
  bin_passwd_expr: password eq t_string;
  bin_pk_expr: pk eq t_string;
  bin_date_expr: date_field date_op t_date;
  bin_bool_expr: bool_field eq t_bool;

  ?string_op: eq | co | sw;
  ?date_op: eq | gt | ge | lt | le;

  ?op_or: '(?i)or';
  ?op_and: '(?i)and';
  pr: '(?i)pr';
  eq: '(?i)eq';
  co: '(?i)co';
  sw: '(?i)sw';
  gt: '(?i)gt';
  ge: '(?i)ge';
  lt: '(?i)lt';
  le: '(?i)le';

  ?string_field: username | first_name | last_name | email;
  ?date_field: date_joined;
  ?bool_field: is_active;

  username: '******';
  first_name: '(?i)name\.givenName' | '(?i)givenName';
  last_name: '(?i)name\.familyName' | '(?i)familyName';
  password: '******';
  pk: '(?i)id';
  date_joined: '(?i)meta\.created' | '(?i)created';
  email: '(?i)emails\.value' | '(?i)emails';
  is_active: '(?i)active';

  t_string: '"(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*"' ;
  t_date: '"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[Zz]?"';
  t_bool: 'false' | 'true';

  SPACES: '[ ]+' (%ignore);