def rollout(envs, actor, *, batch_size=1, device=None): it = episode(envs, actor, device=device) try: buffer, queue, base, t = [], [], 0, 0 beginning = numpy.zeros(len(envs), int) while True: # yield to the caller if we've prepared a batch if len(queue) >= batch_size: # TODO a better way to collate differently sized histories yield queue[:batch_size] queue = queue[batch_size:] # make the next step cur, hx, act, nxt, env = suply(torch.clone, next(it)) buffer.append((cur, act, env)) t += 1 terminated = nxt.fin.nonzero(as_tuple=True)[-1] if len(terminated) < 1: continue # rebuild terminated trajectories for j in map(int, terminated): t0, t1 = beginning[j] - base, t - base nxt.fin[:, j] = False # extract the j-th trajectory and its terminal state buf_, terminal, hx_ = suply(getitem, (buffer[t0:t1], nxt, hx), index=(slice(None), [j])) state, act_, env_ = zip(*buf_) # react to the terminal state _, _, info_ = actor.step(*terminal, hx=hx_, virtual=True) # stack everything into [T x 1 x ...] tensors queue.append( Fragment( tuply(torch.stack, *state, terminal), # state t=0..T tuply(torch.stack, *act_, info_), # actor t=0..T tuply(torch.stack, *env_), # env t=1..T actor.reset(hx_, at=0), # hx )) # make the beginning of the new trajectory (which will be # actually copied from `cur` at the next iteration) beginning[j] = t # reduce the size of the buffer by slicing at the start of # currently the oldest trajectory base_ = beginning.min() if base_ > base: # we can reduce the size by `base_ - base` buffer, base = buffer[base_ - base:], base_ finally: it.close()
def npy_copy_( dst, src, *, at=None, _copy=numpy.copyto, ): """Copy numpy data between nested objects with IDENTICAL structure.""" if at is not None: dst = suply(getitem, dst, index=at) suply(_copy, dst, src, casting='same_kind')
def pyt_copy_( dst, src, *, at=None, _copy=torch.Tensor.copy_, ): """Copy tensor data from the `src` nested object into the `dst` object with IDENTICAL structure at the specified index (int, tuple of ints, or slices). """ if at is not None: dst = suply(getitem, dst, index=at) suply(_copy, dst, src)
def rollout(envs, actor, n_steps=51, *, sticky=False, device=None): """""" # always pin the runtime context if the device is 'cuda' device = torch.device('cpu') if device is None else device pinned = device.type == 'cuda' # initialize a buffer for one rollout fragment (optionally pinned) buffer = prepare(envs[0], actor, n_steps, len(envs), pinned=pinned, device=device) # the running context tor the actor and the envs ctx, fragment = startup(envs, actor, buffer, pinned=pinned) try: while True: # collect the fragment collect(envs, actor, fragment, ctx, sticky=sticky, device=device) # move to the specified device batch = fragment.pyt if device.type == 'cuda': batch = suply(, fragment.pyt, device=device, non_blocking=True) yield batch finally: pass
def reset(self, hx, at): """Reset the specified pieces of actor's recurrent context `hx`. Parameters ---------- hx : nested object with tensor data The recurrent state is a nested object with at least 2d data of shape `: x n_envs x ...`, i.e. having `n_envs` as their second dim. at : int, or slice The index or range of environments for which to reset the recurrent context. Returns ------- hx : nested object with tensor data The new updated recurrent state, which has the slices related to the specified environment `at` reset to the initial hidden state. The structure of the original nested object is PRESERVED. Details ------- Similar to `torch.nn.LSTM` and other recurrent layers [citation_needed] we assume the initial recurrent state to be a ZERO non-differentiable tensor. The seemingly awkward shapes of the tensors in `hx` stem from the shapes of hidden states in `torch.nn`-s recurrent layers. For example, the LSTM layer has `hx = (c, h)`, with both tensors shaped like (num_layers * num_directions) x n_batch x n_hidden, while the GRU layer's `hx` is just a single tensor, not a tuple. """ assert hx is not None, 'Pass `hx=None` to `.step` for initialization.' # make sure to make a copy of the recurrent state hx_ = suply(torch.Tensor.clone, hx) suply(lambda x: x[:, at].zero_(), hx_) # XXX could the actor keep `hx` unchanged in `forward`? No, under the # current API, since `.fin` reflects that the input is related to a # freshly started trajectory, i.e. only $h_t$ and $x_t$ are defined, # while $a_{t-1}$, $r_t$, and $d_t$ are not. `fin` does not tell us # anything about whether $h_{t+1}$ should be reset after the actor's # update $(t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t, h_t) \to (a_t, h_{t+1})$ or not. return hx_
def from_structured(cls, struct, *leading, ctx=multiprocessing): """Recursively allocate array in shared memory.""" def _empty_like(npy): if isinstance(npy, numpy.ndarray): return cls.from_numpy(npy, *leading, ctx=ctx) raise TypeError(f'Unrecognized type `{type(npy)}`') return suply(_empty_like, struct)
def to_structured(cls, struct): """Recursively rebuild the shared structured data.""" def _build(sh): if isinstance(sh, cls): return sh.numpy() raise TypeError(f'Unrecognized type `{type(sh)}`') return suply(_build, struct)
def torchify(obj, *leading, copy=False, pinned=False, shared=False): """Convert the values in the nested container into torch tensors. Parameters ---------- obj: any The nested container (dict, list, tuple, or namedtuple) of data. *leading: tuple of int The extra leading dimensions to prepend to the shape of the resulting tensors residing within the nested container. copy: bool, default=False Forces a copy even in the case when one is not necessary, which disables torch-numpy memory aliasing altogether, if the original data were a numpy array. pinned: bool, default=False The underlying storage of the newly created tensor resides in pinned memory (non-paged) for faster host-device transfers. If the original value was a numpy array, then no aliasing is possible, and a copy is made. Cannot be used with `shared=True`. shared: bool, default=False Allocates the underlying storage of new tensors using torch's memory interprocess memory sharing logic which makes it so that all changes to the data are reflected between all processes. If the original value was a numpy array, then no aliasing is possible, and a copy is made. Cannot be used with `pinned=True`. Returns ------- obj: any The nested container with torch tensors, optionally shared or pinned. Details ------- `torch.as_tensor` creates new tensors from lists of numeric data, and lets tensors and arrays through (no copy). The resulting torch tensor and the original numpy array alias the same memory, hence changes to one are reflected in the other UNLESS a copy has been made due to pinned or shared flags. This function does not copy the original torch tensors or numpy arrays, UNLESS extra leading non-broadcasting dims were specified or moving to shared or pinned memory was requested. If a copy is made then memory aliasing between torch tensors and numpy arrays is IMPOSSIBLE. As of 1.8 torch doesn't support string data types. Warning ------- Torch automatically detects if a tensor is being shared and hot-swaps correctly allocated shared storage. Hence even when torchified with `shared=False` the nested container's tensors will be correctly shared between processes. However any numpy array aliases created prior to sharing will still reference the swapped-out invalidated torch's storage. So it is advisable to preemptively torchify the data within shared memory. """ if pinned and shared: raise ValueError('`pinned` and `shared` flags are mutually exclusive.') assert all(isinstance(j, int) for j in leading) # not is_broadcast => leading has at least one non unit dim => copy # pinned => copy, because it requires allocating in non-paged memory is_broadcast = all(j == 1 for j in leading) # also True if not leading def _as_tensor(x): # alias numpy arrays, keep tensors intact, create new from scalars pyt = torch.as_tensor(x) # warn that some data is on device, and cannot be aliased assert pyt.device == torch.device('cpu') # do not make a copy, unless we broadcast and unpinned memory is ok if not copy and not (pinned or shared) and is_broadcast: if leading: pyt = pyt.reshape(leading + pyt.shape) return pyt # allocate a new cpu tensor optionally in the pinned memory (non-paged) # XXX uses PinnedMemoryAllocator `/aten/src/ATen/utils.cpp#L44` # XXX also see `torch.Storage.pin_memory` out = torch.empty(leading + pyt.shape, dtype=pyt.dtype, pin_memory=(pinned and not shared)) out.copy_(pyt) # chaining is less readable (`out.copy_` returns `out`) if shared: # move the storage to torch's shared memory (preserving the data) # this allocates shared storage, copies data to it, replaces the old storage # XXX see `/torch/csrc/generic/StorageSharing.cpp#L76-L111`:shareFilename # as of 1.8 we cannot allocate new tensors in shared memory out.share_memory_() return out return suply(_as_tensor, obj)
def numpify(obj, *leading, copy=False, ctx=None): """Convert the values in the nested container into numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- obj: any The nested container (dict, list, tuple, or namedtuple) of data. *leading: tuple of int The extra leading dimensions to prepend to the shape of the resulting arrays residing within the nested container. copy: bool, default=False Forces a copy even in the case when one is not necessary, which disables torch-numpy memory aliasing altogether, if the original data were a torch tensor. ctx: multiprocessing context, default=None If `ctx` is not None, then allocate the newly created array in the shared memory (managed by the ctx multiprocessing context) and copy the original data into it. torch has slightly better developed memory sharing functionality, hence it is recommended to use `torchify` for sharing. Returns ------- obj: any The nested container with numpy arrays, optionally in shared memory. Details ------- We use `numpy.asarray` to create new array from lists of numeric or string data, leaving numpy arrays intact, and aliasing torch tensors as arrays. In the latter case the resulting numpy array and the original torch tensor reference the same underlying data storage, hence changes to one will be reflected in the other. This function does not copy the original torch tensors or numpy arrays, UNLESS extra leading non-broadcasting dims were specified or moving to shared memory was requested (for sharing between processes). If a copy is made then memory aliasing with corresponding torch tensors is DISABLED. """ assert all(isinstance(j, int) for j in leading) # not is_broadcast => leading has at least one non unit dim => copy # shared => copy, because it requires allocating in shared memory is_broadcast = all(j == 1 for j in leading) def _as_array(x): # alias torch tensors, keep arrays intact, create new from scalars npy = numpy.asarray(x) if not copy and ctx is None and is_broadcast: if leading: npy = npy.reshape(leading + npy.shape) return npy # allocate `nbytes` of shared memory, or use numpy's default allocator n_bytes, buffer = int( * npy.nbytes, None if ctx is not None: buffer = ctx.RawArray(c_byte, n_bytes) # create an uninitialized array and copy the original data into it out = numpy.ndarray(leading + npy.shape, dtype=npy.dtype, buffer=buffer) numpy.copyto(dst=out, src=npy, casting='no') return out return suply(_as_array, obj)
def rollout(factory, actor, n_steps, n_envs, *, sticky=False, close=False, clone=True, device=None, start_method=None, affinity=None, entropy=None): r"""UPDATE THE DOC Details ------- We use double buffering approach with an independent actor per buffer. This setup allows for truly parallel collection and learning. The worker (W) and the learner (L) move in lockstep: W is collecting rollout into one buffer, while L is training on the other buffer. This tandem movement is achieved via barrier synchronisation. +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | worker process | sharing | learner process | sync +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | | | wait for the first | | collect(a_1, b_1) | | buffer to be ready | | | | (at the barrier) | +====================+ +====================+ <- barrier | ---- b_1 -->> train(l, b_1) ---+ | | collect(a_2, b_2) | | | | | <<-- a_1 ---- update(l, a_1) <-+ | +====================+ +====================+ <- barrier | ---- b_2 -->> train(l, b_2) ---+ | | collect(a_1, b_1) | | | | | <<-- a_2 ---- update(l, a_2) <-+ | +====================+ +====================+ <- barrier | ---- b_1 -->> train(l, b_1) ---+ | | collect(a_2, b_2) | | | | | <<-- a_1 ---- update(l, a_1) <-+ | +====================+ +====================+ <- barrier | ... ... | | ... ... | The dual-actor setup eliminates worker's post-collection idle time, that exists in a single-actor setup, which stems from the need of the learner to acquire a lock on that single actor's state-dict. Although state-dict updates via torch's shared memory storage are fast, so the idle period is relatively short. At the same time it takes twice as much memory, since we have to maintain TWO instances of the actor model. Single-actor setup (assuming non-negligible `train` time). +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | worker process | sharing | learner process | sync +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | with a.lock: | | wait for the first | | collect(a, b_1) | | buffer to be ready | | | | (at the barrier) | +====================+ +====================+ <- barrier | with a.lock: ---- b_1 -->> train(l, b_1) ---+ | | collect(a, b_2) | | | | | | | with a.lock: | | | # idle time <<-- a ---- update(l, a) <-+ | +====================+ +====================+ <- barrier | with a.lock: ---- b_2 -->> train(l, b_2) ---+ | | collect(a, b_1) | | | | | | | with a.lock: | | | # idle time <<-- a ---- update(l, a) <-+ | +====================+ +====================+ <- barrier | with a.lock: ---- b_1 -->> train(l, b_1) ---+ | | collect(a, b_2) | | | | | | | with a.lock: | | | # idle time <<-- a ---- update(l, a) <-+ | +====================+ +====================+ <- barrier | ... ... | | ... ... | """ check_signature(factory, seed=None) # the device to put the batches onto device = torch.device('cpu') if device is None else device # the device, on which to run the worker subprocess if isinstance(affinity, (tuple, list)): affinity, *empty = affinity assert not empty affinity = torch.device('cpu') if affinity is None else affinity # get the correct multiprocessing context (torch-friendly) mp = get_context(start_method) # initialize a reference buffer and make its shared copies env = factory(seed=None) # XXX seed=None here since used only once # create a host-resident copy of the module in shared memory, which # serves as a vessel for updating the actors in workers shared = deepcopy(actor).cpu().share_memory() # a single one-element-batch forward pass through the copy batch = prepare(env, shared, n_steps, n_envs, pinned=False, device=None) # some environments don't like being closed or deleted, e.g. `nle` if close: env.close() # we use double buffered rollout, with both buffers in the shared memory # (shared=True always makes a copy). # XXX torch tensors have much simpler pickling/unpickling when sharing double = torchify((batch, ) * 2, shared=True) # the sync barrier and actor update lock ctrl = Control(mp.Lock(), mp.Barrier(2), mp.SimpleQueue()) # prepare the seed sequence for the wroker ss = SeedSequence(entropy) # spawn the lone worker subprocess p_worker = mp.Process( target=p_double, daemon=False, args=(ss, ctrl, CloudpickleSpawner(factory), double, shared), kwargs=dict(clone=clone, sticky=sticky, close=close, device=affinity), ) p_worker.start() # now move the batch onto the proper device if device.type == 'cuda': batch = suply(, batch, device=device, non_blocking=True) # the code flow in the loop below and in the `p_double` is designed to # synchronize `flipflop` between the worker and the parent. flipflop, emergency = 0, False try: while p_worker.is_alive(): # ensure consistent update of the shared module # XXX tau-moving average update? with ctrl.reflock: shared.load_state_dict(actor.state_dict(), strict=True) # wait for the current fragment to be ready (w.r.t `flipflop`) ctrl.barrier.wait() # yield the filled buffer and switch to the next one suply(torch.Tensor.copy_, batch, double[flipflop]) yield batch flipflop = 1 - flipflop except BrokenBarrierError: # the worker broke the barrier to indicate an emergency shutdown emergency = True finally: # we break the barrier, if we wish to shut down the worker ctrl.barrier.abort() p_worker.join() if not emergency: return # handle emergency shutdown if not ctrl.error.empty(): message = ctrl.error.get() elif p_worker.exitcode < 0: message = signal.Signals(-p_worker.exitcode).name else: message = f'worker terminated with exit code {p_worker.exitcode}' ctrl.error.close() raise RuntimeError(message)
def evaluate( envs, actor, *, n_steps=None, render=False, device=None, ): """Evaluate the actor module in the environment. Parameters ---------- envs : list of gym.Env The stateful evaluation environments to step through. actor : BaseActorModule The actor, which steps through the batch of environments. n_steps : int, default=None The maximum number of steps to take in each test environment. If `None`, then steps until all environments are done. render : bool, default=False Whether to render the visualization of the environment interaction. WARNING: can only be used in len(envs) == 1 device : torch.device, default=None The device onto which to put the input $x_t$ `obs`, $a_{t-1}$ `act`, $r_t$ `rew`, $d_t$ `fin`, and $h_t$ `hx` for the actor when stepping through the test environments. Returns ------- rewards : float numpy.array, shape = (T, len(envs)) The sum of the obtained rewards accumulated during the rollout in each test environment. info : nested object with array data, shape = (1+T, len(envs), ...) The actor's afterstate auxiliary information. Details ------- This function is very similar to `collect()`, except that it records only the rewards from the environment, instead of the full rollout data. """ n_steps = n_steps or float('+inf') assert len(envs) == 1 or len(envs) > 1 and not render # always pin the runtime context if the device is 'cuda' device = torch.device('cpu') if device is None else device pinned, on_host = device.type == 'cuda', device.type == 'cpu' # prepare a running context for the specified number of envs ctx, info_env = context(*envs, pinned=pinned) # `ctx` is $x_*, a_{-1}, r_0, \top, h_0$, where `r_0` is undefined # fast access to context's aliases npy, pyt = ctx.npy, ctx.pyt # Allocate an on-device context and recurrent state, if not on 'host' pyt_ = pyt if not on_host: # XXX this also copies data in `pyt` into `pyt_` pyt_ = suply(, pyt_, device=device) # render ony in case of a single-env evaluation fn_render = envs[0].render if len(envs) == 1 and render else lambda: True # collect the evaluation data: let the actor init `hx` for us rewards, info_actor, done, t, hx = [], [], False, 0, None while not done and t < n_steps and fn_render(): # REACT: $(t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t, h_t) \to a_t$ and commit $a_t$ act_, hx, info_ = actor.step(*pyt_, hx=hx, virtual=False) info_actor.append(suply(torch.Tensor.cpu, info_)) pyt_copy_(pyt.act, act_) # STEP + EMIT: `.step` through a batch of envs for j, env in enumerate(envs): # cease interaction with terminated envs if npy.fin[j] and t > 0: npy.rew[j] = 0. continue # get $(s_t, a_t) \to (s_{t+1}, x_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1})$ act_ = suply(getitem, npy.act, index=j) obs_, rew_, fin_, info_env = env.step(act_) npy.stepno[j] += 1 if fin_: npy.stepno[j] = 0 # start a new trajectory # update the j-th env's '$x_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1}$ in `ctx` suply(setitem, npy.obs, obs_, index=j) npy.rew[j], npy.fin[j] = rew_, fin_ # move the updated `ctx` to its device-resident torch copy if pyt_ is not pyt: pyt_copy_(pyt_, pyt) # stop only if all environments have been terminated done = numpy.all(npy.fin) rewards.append(npy.rew.copy()) t += 1 # the virtual lookahead step _, _, info_ = actor.step(*pyt_, hx=hx, virtual=True) info_actor.append(suply(torch.Tensor.cpu, info_)) # return the collected afterstate data in numpy arrays info = suply(torch.Tensor.numpy, tuply(, *info_actor, dim=0)) return numpy.stack(rewards, axis=0), info
def collect( envs, actor, fragment, context, *, sticky=False, device=None, ): r"""Collect the rollout trajectory fragment by marching the actor and the environments in lockstep (`actor` and `envs`, respectively), updating `context` and recording everything into `fragment`. Parameters ---------- envs : list of gym.Env The stateful environments to step through. actor : Actor The actor, which steps through the batch of environments. fragment : aliased Fragment The buffer into which the trajectory fragment is recorded *in-place*. context : aliased Context The most recent state for the actor to react to. Updated *in-place*. sticky : bool, default=False Whether to stop interacting with a terminated environment until the end of the current trajectory fragment, i.e. until the next `collect()`. Once an env reached a terminal state, we put a record with its reset observation into the trajectory fragment and then stop interacting with it until the end of the fragment. device : torch.device, or None The device onto which to put the input $x_t$ `obs`, $a_{t-1}$ `act`, $r_t$ `rew`, $d_t$ `fin`, and $h_t$ `hx`. Details ------- Let $s_t$ be the environment's true, possibly, unobservable, state at time $t$, and $x_t$ and $r_t$ be the observation and the reward emitted by the env's recent transition $(s_{t-1}, a_{t-1}) \longrightarrow (s_t, x_t, r_t, d_t, E_t)$, with $d_t$ indicating if $s_t$ is terminal and $E_t$ is the environment's extra info. The next action $a_t$ is taken at in response to the current reward $r_t$ and observation $x_t$, the last action $a_{t-1}$ and actor's current recurrent state $h_t$: $$ \underbrace{ (t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t, h_t) }_{z_t} % actionable state \longrightarrow (a_t, h_{t+1}, A_t) \,, $$ with $z_t$ being the actor's actionable state, and $A_t$ -- its afterstate info, computed on the history up to and including $t$ and related to the composite `actor-env` transition $z_t \longrightarrow a_t \longrightarrow s_{t+1}$. Let $(s_*, x_*)$ be the environment's true state and the observation just after a reset. Assume for simplicity that $x_t = s_t$, i.e. the environment is fully observed, the actor is non-recurrent and let $h > t$. The present value $G_\pi(s_t)$ of the reward flow, starting at $s_t$ and following the policy $\pi$ afterwards, is defined as `the t-th return' $$ G_\pi(s_t) = \mathbb{E}_\tau \sum_{j=t}^{h-1} \gamma^{j-t} r^\dagger_{j+1} + \gamma^{h-t} G_\pi(s^\dagger_h) \,, $$ where the trajectory $\tau$ $$ \tau = ( a_t, r_{t+1}, s_{t+1}, a_{t+1}, ..., r_{h-1}, s_{h-1}, a_{h-1}, s_h, r_h, ... ) \,\, $$ with transition dynamics $$ a_j \sim \pi_j(a \mid s_j) \,\text{ and }\, s_{j+1}, r_{j+1} \sim p(s, r \mid s_j, a_j) \,\, $$ hasn't been is terminated mid-way. Otherwise we consider a `ceased` reward and a stopped observation processes, i.e. $r^\dagger$ and $s^\dagger$ are `frozen` at the **stopping time** $T(s_t) \geq t$ with $$ r^\dagger_j = 0 if j > T(s_t) else r_j \,, s^\dagger_j = s_{T(s_t) \wedge j} \,\text{ and }\, d_j = 1_{j \geq T(s_t)} \,. $$ This is because the rewards following any terminal state are assumed to always be zero, since the episode has ended. This data is collected by stepping through the actor and the environment in lockstep and recording it into the `fragment` rollout buffer, while keeping `context` properly synchronised. The time advances after env's `.step`: the transitions (simplified) $(s_t, a_t) \to s_{t+1}$ determine the timing in the subscripts. The `fragment.state`, aka `out`, with a terminal observation occurring at relative time $t+1$, contains the following data (the `stepno` step counter in `.state` is not shown for brevity): if `sticky` is False +---+-----+-----------------------------------------+-----------+ | | | .state | (env's | | | # +-----------------------------------------+ actual | | | | obs act rew fin | state) | +---+-----+-----------------------------------------+-----------+ | f | | | | | r | 0 | x_k a_{k-1} r_k d_k | s_k | | a | ... | | | | g | t | x_t a_{t-1} r_t \bot | s_t | | m | t+1 | x'_* a_t r_{t+1} \top | s'_* <<-- reset | e | t+2 | x'_1 a'_0 r'_1 \bot | s'_1 | | n | ... | | | | t | N-1 | x'_{j-1} a'_{j-2} r'_{j-1} d'_{j-1} | s'_{j-1} | | | N | x'_j a'_{j-1} r'_j d'_j | s'_j ------+ | p | | | | | +---+-----+-----------------------------------------+-----------+ clone | | | | | | | p | 0 | x'_j a'_{j-1} r'_j d'_j | s'_j <<-----+ | + | 1 | x'_{j+1} a'_j r'_{j+1} d'_{j+1} | s'_{j+1} | | 1 | ... | | | | | | | | +---+-----+-----------------------------------------+-----------+ (the apostrophe indicates a new trajectory within the same fragment) Notice that the record `out[t]` still contains a VALID last action $a_t$ and the true received terminal reward $r_{t+1}$. However this compact data recording does not store the true terminal observation $x_t$, because it has been overwritten by $x_*$. In short, if `out.state.fin[t]` is True, then the action `out.state.act[t]` taken from `out.state[t-1]` has led to a terminal state with reward `out.state.rew[t]`, and the observation in `out.state.obs[t]` is already the initial observation $x_*$ form a newly started trajectory. Otherwise, if `out.state.fin[t]` is False, then `out.state[t-1]` and `out.state[t]` are truly consecutive records from the same trajectory. This non-intuitive indexing notation allows computing the return for the action $a_t$ in `out.state.act[t+1]` using G[t] = out.state.rew[t+1] + gamma * (1 - out.fin[t+1]) * G[t+1] where `G[t] $\approx G_\pi(s_t)$`, and `G[N] = 0` if `out.state.fin[T]` is True, and otherwise `G[T]` is $v(s_N)$, i.e. the bootstrap value -- an estimate of the expected future return $G_\pi(s_{N+1})$ with the current approximation of the value function $v$ (under the current policy $\pi$). For example, in a complete information MDP, $v(s_N)$ is the approximate present value of future reward flow from trajectories starting at state $s_N$ and following $\pi$: $$ v(s_N) = \mathbb{E}_\pi \bigl( r_{N+1} + \gamma r_{N+2} + ... \big\vert s_N \bigr) \,, $$ where $r_t$ is the reward due to $(s_{t-1}, a_{t-1}) \to s_t$ transition with $a_{t-1}$ being a response to $s_{t-1}$. If `sticky` is True, then any interaction with the terminated environment is ceased until the start of the next fragment. +---+-----+-----------------------------------------+-----------+ | | | .state | (env's | | | # +-----------------------------------------+ actual | | | | obs act rew fin | state) | +---+-----+-----------------------------------------+-----------+ | f | | | | | r | 0 | x_k a_{k-1} r_k d_k | s_k | | a | ... ... | | g | t | x_t a_{t-1} r_t \bot | s_t | | m | t+1 | x'_* a_t r_{t+1} \top | s'_* <<-- reset | e | t+2 | x'_* a_t 0 \top | s'_* | | n | ... ... | | t | N-1 | x'_* a_t 0 \top | s'_* | | | N | x'_* a_t 0 \top | s'_* -------+ | p | | | | | +---+-----+-----------------------------------------+-----------+ clone | | | | | | | p | 0 | x'_0 a_{-1} r_0 \top | s_0 <<------+ | + | 1 | x'_1 a_0 r_1 d_1 | s_1 | | 1 | ... ... | | | | | | +---+-----+-----------------------------------------+-----------+ This option is more friendly towards CUDNN and torch's packed sequences, but it seems that manually stepping through time is more efficient. Below we depict the synchronization of the records in the rollout fragment. The horizontal arrows indicate the sub-steps of the composite `actor-env` transition. +---+-----+---------------------------------------+-----------+ | | # | .state .hx -> .actor -> .env | actual | +---+-----+---------------------------------------+-----------+ | f | | | | | r | 0 | Z_k h_k A_k E_{k+1} | s_{k+1} | | a | ... ... | | g | t | Z_t h_t A_t E_{t+1} | s'_* <<-- reset | m | t+1 | Z'_0 h'_* A'_0 E'_1 | s'_1 | | e | t+2 | Z'_1 h'_1 A'_1 E'_2 | s'_2 | | n | ... ... | | t | N-1 | Z'_{j-1} h'_{j-1} A'_{j-1} E'_j | s'_j | | | N | Z'_j h'_j A'_\times | | | p | | | | | | | +---+-----+---|--------|--------X-----------------+-----------+ | | | V V | | | p | 0 | Z'_j h'_j A'_j E'_{j+1} | s'_{j+1} | | + | 1 | Z'_{j+1} h'_{j+1} A'_{j+1} E'_{j+2} | s'_{j+2} | | 1 | ... ... | | | | | | +---+-----+---------------------------------------+-----------+ (the evolution of `.hx` is not recorded, only its initial value $h_k$) To summarize (`Z = .state`) * `Z[t], hx` -->> `Z[t+1].act`, `hx`, `.actor[t]` (afterstate) * `Z[t], Z[t+1].act` -->> `.env[t]` and rest of `Z[t+1]` Note that the environment is not interacted with at the N-th step, which is indicated by `cloning` the environment's state in prior tables. In contrast the actor's would-be reaction $A'_\times$ to $Z'_j$ and $h'_j$ is requested and recorded into `.actor[N]` of the p-th fragment, but is NOT copied into the (p+1)-st fragment, and instead recomputed anew at its zero-th interaction, $A'_j$. Similarly, we ignore the updated recurrent state $h'_{j+1}$ after the N-th step and postpone it until the next fragment. This wastefulness comes from the possibility of the actor's parameters being updated between consecutive trajectory fragments within the same batch of environments. """ device = torch.device('cpu') if device is None else device # assert isinstance(device, torch.device) on_host = device.type == 'cpu' # determine what auxiliary data should be recorded fragment_has_original_obs = hasattr(fragment.npy, 'original_obs') # shorthands for fast access # `out[t]` is buffer's $t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t$, and $d_t$ # `pyt/npy` is the context's $(t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t$, $d_t)$, `hx` is $h_t$ out, hx = fragment.npy.state, context.pyt.hx npy, pyt = context.npy.state, context.pyt.state # `original_obs` is the $x_t$ before an automatic reset ctx_npy_original_obs = context.npy.original_obs fragment_npy_env = fragment.npy.env # write the initial recurrent state of the actor to the shared buffer pyt_copy_(fragment.pyt.hx, hx) # allocate on-device context and recurrent state, if device is not `host` pyt_ = pyt if not on_host: # XXX `suply` always creates a new nested object and copies data in # `pyt` into `pyt_` pyt_, hx = suply(, (pyt_, hx), device=device) # after each iteration we construct the state `t+1` from `t`: # * `.state[t]` is $(t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t)$ # * `.actor[t], hx_` are actor's response to `.state[t]` and $h_t$ # * `.env[t]` is env's info from the $s_t, a_t \to s_{t+1}$ step # * `context` is $(t, x_{t+1}, a_t, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1})$, # the original $x_t$ (optional), and the recent env info # * `hx` is $h_{t+1}$, built from `hx_` and actor's resets # and write it to `out[t+1]`. This is OK for Q-learning methods and SARSA # since `out[t]` and `out[t+1]` are contain consecutive $x_t$, $a_{t-1}$, # $r_t$ and $x_{t+1}$, whenever `out.fin[t+1]` ($d_{t+1}$) is `False` # These methods also ignore the Q-value at $x_{t+1}$, if $s_{t+1}$ is # terminal, i.e. $d_{t+1}=\top$, and $x_{t+1}=x_*$. n_steps = len(out.fin) - 1 for t in range(1 + n_steps): # `fin` is (1 + T) x B # copy the state $(t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t)$ from `ctx` to `out[t]` suply(setitem, out, npy, index=t) # XXX apparently, torch copies host-resident data slower than numpy # REACT: $(a_t, h_{t+1})$ are actor's reaction to `.state[t]` and `hx`, # i.e. $(t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t)$, and $h_t$, respectively. act_, hx_, info_actor = actor.step(*pyt_, hx=hx, virtual=t >= n_steps) # XXX The actor SHOULD respect time and batch dims of the inputs, # except `hx`, but SHOULD NOT change or update anything in-place. # `.actor[t] <<-- info`. `fragment.pyt` likely has `is_shared()`, # so it cannot be in the pinned memory. pyt_copy_(, info_actor, at=slice(t, t + 1)) if t >= n_steps: # the T-th REACT interaction within the current trajectory fragment # is used for lookahead only (bootstrap value estimate). break # the actor may return device-resident tensors, so we copy them here pyt_copy_(pyt.act, act_) # commit $a_t$ into `ctx` # STEP + EMIT: `.step` through a batch of envs for j, env in enumerate(envs): # Only recorded interactions can get stuck: if `.fin = True` when # `t = 0`, then this means the env has been reset elsewhere. if sticky and t > 0 and npy.fin[j]: # `npy = (s_*, ?, 0, True)` (`.obs` and `.fin` are stuck), but # `hx` at `j` may no longer be a genuine recurrent $h_{t j}$. npy.rew[j] = 0. continue # get $(s_t, a_t) \to (s_{t+1}, x_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1})$ act_ = suply(getitem, npy.act, index=j) # act might be structured obs_, rew_, fin_, info_env = env.step(act_) # We cannot pre-unbind the context's arrays, since, unlike torch, # numpy does not slice scalars as views into particular items. npy.stepno[j] += 1 # gym's api guarantees that `info_env` is a dict if info_env: suply(setitem, fragment_npy_env, info_env, index=(t, j)) suply(setitem, ctx_npy_original_obs, obs_, index=j) # `fin_` indicates if `obs_` is terminal and a reset is needed if fin_: # XXX DO NOT alter the received reward from the terminal step! npy.stepno[j] = 0 # start a new trajectory # substitute the terminal observation $x_{t+1}$ with an initial # $x_*$, reset the (unobserved) $s_{t+1}$ to $s_*$ and zero # the actor's recurrent state $h_* \to h_{t+1}$ at env $j$ obs_ = env.reset() # s_{t+1} \to s_*, emit x_* from s_* hx_ = actor.reset(hx_, j) # h_{t+1} \to h_* at the j-th env # update $x_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1}$ in the j-th env in `ctx` suply(setitem, npy.obs, obs_, index=j) npy.rew[j] = rew_ npy.fin[j] = fin_ # copy back into `hx` in case it is in the pinned memory pyt_copy_(hx, hx_) # update the device-resident copy of the `ctx` (`hx` is already OK) if pyt_ is not pyt: pyt_copy_(pyt_, pyt) if fragment_has_original_obs: suply(setitem, fragment.npy.original_obs, ctx_npy_original_obs, index=t) # `hx` may have been spuriously updated on the stationary stuck inputs, # so we ask the actor to reset it one last time for good measure. if sticky: # If `pyt_` is terminal, then its original `act` and `rew` might have # been overwritten, and `hx` may have been spuriously advanced. # Otherwise, the contents in `pyt_` are from the most recent state in # the rollout, and `hx` is a genuine recurrent state. for j in range(len(envs)): if npy.fin[j]: pyt_copy_(hx, actor.reset(hx, j)) # write back the most recent recurrent state for the next rollout # XXX here `hx` is deliberately not `hx_` to avoid updating the recurrent # state due to the lookahead virtual REACT step pyt_copy_(context.pyt.hx, hx) return True
def context( *envs, pinned=False, ): r"""Allocate aliased running state for simple rollout collection. Parameters ---------- *envs : gym.Env The batch of environments used to initialize the structure and shapes of observation and action buffers in the context. Determines the number of environments in the context (dim=1). WARNING: Each environment is reset AT LEAST once. One environment is stepped through EXACTLY once using one action sampled from its space. pinned: bool, default=False The underlying storage of the newly created tensors resides in pinned memory (non-paged) for faster host-device transfers. Returns ------- ctx : aliased State The running environment-actor context which contains properly time synchronised input data for the actor $x_t$, $a_{t-1}$, $r_t$, and $d_t$, EXCEPT for the recurrent state $h_t$. See docs of `startup` for details of `ctx` aliasing. env : aliased nested object with tensor data, shape = (1, batch, ...) The extra data received from the batch of environments' `.step` upon actually TAKING the actions $a_t$ in them. Details ------- This is a version of `startup()`, specialized for actor-less context initialization. It returns a simplified context, which contains only the State, e.g. the `obs-act-rew-fin` data, and omits everything else, namely, environment's auxiliary info, actor's extra info, and its recurrent state `hx`. """ env = envs[0] # prepare the running context from data some environment, which is reset. obs_ = env.reset() act_ = env.action_space.sample() _, rew_, fin_, info_ = env.step(act_) # the buffer for the aux env info data is `1 x n_envs x ...` info_ = aliased(torchify(info_, 1, len(envs), pinned=pinned, copy=True)) # ensure correct data types for `rew_` (to float32) and `fin_` (to bool) state_ = State(numpy.int64(0), obs_, act_, numpy.float32(rew_), bool(fin_)) # torchify and alias, then add unit-time dim to `.pyt` in-place state = aliased(torchify(state_, len(envs), pinned=pinned, copy=True)) suply(torch.Tensor.unsqueeze_, state.pyt, dim=0) # Flag the state as having just been reset, meaning that the previous # reward and action are invalid. state.npy.fin[:] = True state.npy.rew[:] = 0. # zero `.rew`, leave `.act` undefined state.npy.stepno[:] = 0 for j, env in enumerate(envs): suply(setitem, state.npy.obs, env.reset(), index=j) # x_0 = s_* return state, info_
def startup( envs, actor, buffer, *, pinned=False, ): """Alias the rollout buffer and allocate aliased running context. Parameters ---------- envs : list of gym.Env The batch of stateful environments to be reset. WARNING: Each environment is reset once. actor : BaseActorModule The actor, the recurrent context of which is to be reset. buffer : Fragment The reference buffer used to gather the specs and the nested structure for the running environment-actor context. pinned: bool, default=False Determines if the underlying storage of newly created tensors for the running env-state context should reside in pinned memory for faster host-device transfers. Returns ------- ctx : aliased Context The running environment-actor context which contains properly time synchronised input data for the actor: `.state` is $t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t$, and `.hx` is $h_t$. Although `.npy` arrays are `n_evs x ...`, while `.pyt` tensors are `1 x n_envs x ...`, the data in the context is aliased, i.e. `.npy` arrays and `.pyt` tensors reference the SAME underlying data storage, which allows changes in one be INSTANTLY reflected in the other. fragment : aliased Fragment The numpy-torch aliased trajectory fragment buffer. It is created in a zero-copy manner, so it also aliases the `buffer` input parameters. Details ------- The created `context` has data in torch tensors that reside in shared or pinned memory. Only after having been created, the tensors are aliased by numpy arrays (see details in `rlplay.engine.utils.shared`) for zero-copy data interchange. """ # `fragment` contains nested containers with tensor data possibly residing # in shared memory. The `.actor` [1+T x B x ...] and `.env` [T x B x ...], # the rollout `.state` [1 + T x B x ...] # $(t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t)_{t=0}^T$, # and the initial recurrent state `hx`. fragment = aliased(buffer) # just a zero-copy pyt-npy alias # Fetch a single [B x ?] observation (a VIEW into fragment for now) npy, pyt = suply( getitem, (fragment.npy.state, fragment.pyt.state,), index=0, ) hx = fragment.pyt.hx # Flag the state as having just been reset, meaning that the previous # reward and action are invalid. npy.fin[:] = True npy.rew[:] = 0. # zero `.rew`, leave `.act` undefined npy.stepno[:] = 0 for j, env in enumerate(envs): suply(setitem, npy.obs, env.reset(), index=j) # x_0 = s_* # reset the actro's initial recurrent state of env `j` hx = actor.reset(hx, j) # h_0[j] = h_* # Create `context`, a dedicated container of [B x ?] aliased copies of # the data and the current recurrent state `hx` of the actor $h_t$, both # possibly residing in torch's pinned memory. context = aliased(Context(pyt, hx, pyt.obs), copy=True, pinned=pinned) # writable view of `context.pyt.state` with an extra temporal dim suply(torch.Tensor.unsqueeze_, context.pyt.state, dim=0) # in-place! # XXX we do this so that the actor may rely on [T x B x ...] data on input # `pyt` is used for interacting with the actor, `npy` -- with the fragment # and both are just different interfaces to the same underlying data. # anon. torch storage <<--editable unsqueezed view-->> `pyt` torch tensors # ditto <<--__array__ data aliasing -->> `npy` numpy arrays return context, fragment
def prepare( env, actor, n_steps, n_envs, *, pinned=False, shared=False, device=None, ): """Build a nested object with tensor data for rollout trajectory fragments. Parameters ---------- env : gym.Env The reference environment used to initialize the structure and shapes of observation and action buffer. WARNING: The env is reset once and one random action is performed in it. actor : Actor The actor used to initialize the buffers for the recurrent context and auxiliary info for a batch of environments. WARNING: `actor.step(..., hx=None)` is called once. n_steps : int The length of the rollout trajectory fragment to be stored in the constructed buffer (dim=0). n_envs : int The number of environments in a single buffer (dim=1). pinned: bool, default=False The underlying storage of the newly created tensors resides in pinned memory (non-paged) for faster host-device transfers. Cannot be used with `shared=True`. shared: bool, default=False Allocate the underlying storage of new tensors using torch's memory interprocess memory sharing logic, which makes it so that all changes to the data are reflected between all processes. Cannot be used with `pinned=True`. device : torch.device, or None The device to use when getting the example output from the provided actor. Returns ------- fragment : nested object with tensor data, shape = (n_steps, n_envs, ...) The buffer into which the trajectory fragment will be recorded. Details ------- We build buffers with torch in pinned or shared memory, then mirror them to numpy. """ # reset, and take a random action in the environment obs_ = env.reset() act_ = env.action_space.sample() # `info_env` is a nested container of numeric scalars or numpy arrays # representing auxiliary environment information associated with the # transition. obs_, rew_, fin_, info_env = env.step(act_) # ensure correct data types for `rew_` (to float32) and `fin_` (to bool), # while leaving `obs_` and `act_` intact as they are nested containers of # numpy arrays or scalars with environment's proper dtypes. rew_, fin_, stepno_ = numpy.float32(rew_), bool(fin_), numpy.int64(0) # XXX `numpy.float32` inadvertently allows vector rewards # the buffer for the aux env info data is `n_steps x n_envs x ...` info_env = torchify(info_env, n_steps, n_envs, shared=shared, pinned=pinned) # allocate `(1 + n_steps) x n_envs x ...` torch tensor buffers for # the observations, actions, rewards and termination flags state = torchify(State(stepno_, obs_, act_, rew_, fin_), 1 + n_steps, n_envs, shared=shared, pinned=pinned) # make a single pass through the actor with one `1 x n_envs x ...` batch pyt = suply(lambda x: x[:1].to(device), state) unused_act, hx, info_actor = actor.step(*pyt, hx=None, virtual=True) # XXX `act_` is expected to have identical structure to `unused_act` # XXX `info_actor` must respect the temporal and batch dims # the actor fully specifies its context `hx`, so we torchify it as is hx = torchify(suply(torch.Tensor.cpu, hx), shared=shared, pinned=pinned) # get one time slice from the actor's info `n_envs x ...` and expand into # an `(1 + n_steps) x n_envs x ...` structured buffer info_actor = torchify(suply(lambda x: x[0].cpu(), info_actor), 1 + n_steps, shared=shared, pinned=pinned) # bundle the buffers into a trajectory fragment return Fragment(state=state, actor=info_actor, env=info_env, hx=hx)
def p_evaluate(ss, ctrl, factory, shared, n_envs, n_steps, *, clone=True, close=False, device=None): # always pin the runtime context if the device is 'cuda' device = torch.device('cpu') if device is None else device pinned, on_host = device.type == 'cuda', device.type == 'cpu' # disable mutlithreaded computations in the worker processes torch.set_num_threads(1) # use the reference actor is not on device actor = shared if not on_host or clone: # make an identical local copy actor = deepcopy(shared).to(device) # spawn a batch of environments env_seeds = ss.spawn(n_envs) # spawn child seeds # prepare local envs and the associated local env-state runtime context envs = [factory(seed=seed) for seed in env_seeds] # prepare an aliased running context for the specified number of envs ctx, info_env = context(*envs, pinned=pinned) # `ctx` is $x_*, a_{-1}, r_0, \top, h_0$, where `r_0` is undefined # fast access to context's aliases npy, pyt = ctx.npy, ctx.pyt # Allocate on-device context and recurrent state, if device is not None pyt_ = pyt if not on_host: # XXX this also copies data in `pyt` into `pyt_` pyt_ = suply(, pyt_, device=device) try: # unlike `core.evaluate`, this loop only collects the rewards, since # actor's info may quickly exceed the size limit of `pipe.send`, and # tensors in shared memory are not resizable. while True: # collect the evaluation data: let the actor init `hx` for us rewards, done, t, hx = [], False, 0, None while not done and t < n_steps: # REACT: $(x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t, h_t) \to a_t$ and commit $a_t$ act_, hx, info_ = actor.step(*pyt_, hx=hx, virtual=False) pyt_copy_(pyt.act, act_) # STEP + EMIT: `.step` through a batch of envs for j, env in enumerate(envs): # cease interaction with terminated envs if npy.fin[j] and t > 0: npy.rew[j] = 0. continue # get $(s_t, a_t) \to (s_{t+1}, x_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1})$ act_ = suply(getitem, npy.act, index=j) obs_, rew_, fin_, info_env = env.step(act_) npy.stepno[j] += 1 if fin_: npy.stepno[j] = 0 # start a new trajectory obs_ = env.reset( ) # s_{t+1} \to s_*, emit x_* from s_* # XXX unlike `core.collect`. do not reset `hx[j]` here # update the j-th env's '$x_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1}$ in `ctx` suply(setitem, npy.obs, obs_, index=j) npy.rew[j], npy.fin[j] = rew_, fin_ # move the updated `ctx` to its device-resident torch copy if pyt_ is not pyt: pyt_copy_(pyt_, pyt) # stop only if all environments have been terminated done = numpy.all(npy.fin) rewards.append(npy.rew.copy()) t += 1 try: # block until the request and then immediately send the result ctrl.alpha.rx.recv() ctrl.alpha.tx.send(sum(rewards)) # if the request pipe (its write endpoint) is closed, then # this means that the parent process wants us to shut down. except EOFError: break # update parameters from the shared reference actor if actor is not shared: actor.load_state_dict(shared.state_dict(), strict=True) except Exception: from traceback import format_exc ctrl.error.put(format_exc()) sys.exit(1) finally: # let the parent know that something went wrong ctrl.alpha.tx.close() ctrl.alpha.rx.close() # close the environments in states if close: for env in envs: env.close()
def episode(envs, actor, *, device=None): """Episodic data generator. Parameters ---------- envs : list of gym.Env The stateful evaluation environments to step through. actor : BaseActorModule The actor, which steps through the batch of environments. device : torch.device, default=None The device onto which to put the input $x_t$ `obs`, $a_{t-1}$ `act`, $r_t$ `rew`, $d_t$ `fin`, and $h_t$ `hx` for the actor when stepping through the test environments. Yields ------ state : State, shape = (1, n_envs, ...) The obs-act-rew-fin state with tensor data and the same semantics as described in `State`. hx : nested object with tensor data The present recurrent state of the actor $h_t$, which conditions its response along with the `state` input. actor : nested object with tensor data, shape = (1, n_envs, ...) The extra afterstate information returned by the actor's `.step`. next : State, shape = (1, n_envs, ...) The next obs-act-rew-fin state with the original true observation $x_t$ before any reset. env : nested object with tensor data, shape = (1, n_envs, ...) The extra data received from the batch of environments' `.step` upon actually TAKING the actions $a_t$ in them. """ # always pin the runtime context if the device is 'cuda' device = torch.device('cpu') if device is None else device pinned, on_host = device.type == 'cuda', device.type == 'cpu' # prepare a running context for the specified number of envs ctx, info_env = context(*envs, pinned=pinned) # `ctx` is $x_*, a_{-1}, r_0, \top, h_0$, where `r_0` is undefined # fast access to context's aliases npy, pyt, info_env_pyt = ctx.npy, ctx.pyt, info_env.pyt # Allocate an on-device context and recurrent state, if not on 'host' pyt_, info_env_pyt_ = pyt, info_env_pyt if not on_host: pyt_, info_env_pyt_ = suply(, (pyt_, info_env_pyt), device=device) # let the actor init `hx` for us: `torch.nn.LSTM` performs two steps: inits # `hx` if it is `None` and then updates it. We undo the second step here. _, hx, _ = actor.step(*pyt_, hx=None, virtual=True) hx = actor.reset(hx, at=slice(None)) # collect the evaluation data current_ = suply(torch.clone, pyt_) while True: # REACT: $(t, x_t, a_{t-1}, r_t, d_t, h_t) \to a_t$ and commit $a_t$ act_, hx_, info_actor = actor.step(*current_, hx=hx, virtual=False) # STEP + EMIT: `.step` through a batch of envs pyt_copy_(pyt.act, act_) for j, env in enumerate(envs): # get $(s_t, a_t) \to (s_{t+1}, x_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1})$ act_ = suply(getitem, npy.act, index=j) obs_, rew_, fin_, info_ = env.step(act_) npy.stepno[j] += 1 suply(setitem, info_env.npy, info_, index=j) # update the j-th env's '$x_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, d_{t+1}$ in `ctx` suply(setitem, npy.obs, obs_, index=j) npy.rew[j], npy.fin[j] = rew_, fin_ # update device-resident copies of `ctx` and `info_env` if not on_host: pyt_copy_((pyt_, info_env_pyt_), (pyt, info_env_pyt)) # response: t, state[t], h_t, actor[t], state[t+1], env[t+1] yield current_, hx, info_actor, pyt_, info_env_pyt_ # reset terminated envs (see `context(...)`) for j, env in enumerate(envs): if npy.fin[j]: hx_ = actor.reset(hx_, j) # h_{t+1} \to h_* at the j-th env # s_{t+1} \to s_*, emit x_* from s_*, reset the rest suply(setitem, npy.obs, env.reset(), index=j) npy.stepno[j], npy.rew[j] = 0, 0. # move the final `ctx` to its device-resident copy if pyt_ is not pyt: pyt_copy_(pyt_, pyt) # overwrite the current state for the next iteration pyt_copy_(current_, pyt_) hx = hx_
def rollout( factory, actor, n_steps, # number of actors and environments each interacts with n_actors=8, n_per_actor=2, # the size of the rollout buffer pool (must have spare buffers) n_buffers=16, n_per_batch=4, *, sticky=False, pinned=False, close=False, clone=True, device=None, start_method=None, timeout=10, affinity=None, entropy=None ): check_signature(factory, seed=None) # the device to put the batches onto device = torch.device('cpu') if device is None else device # the device, on which to run the worker subprocess if not isinstance(affinity, (tuple, list)): affinity = (affinity,) * n_actors assert len(affinity) == n_actors # get the correct multiprocessing context (torch-friendly) mp = get_context(start_method) # initialize a reference buffer and make its shared copies env = factory(seed=None) # XXX seed=None here since used only once # create a host-resident copy of the module in shared memory, which # serves as a vessel for updating the actors in workers shared = deepcopy(actor).cpu().share_memory() # a single one-element-batch forward pass through the copy ref = prepare(env, shared, n_steps, n_per_actor, pinned=False, device=None) # some environments don't like being closed or deleted, e.g. `nle` if close: env.close() # pre-allocate a buffer for the collated batch # (non-paged physical memory for faster host-device transfers) # XXX `` and `.stack` always allocate a new tensor stacked = suply(, tuply(torch.stack, *(ref,) * n_per_batch, dim=1), device=device) # create slice views along dim=1 and a flattened view into the stacked data batch = suply(torch.flatten, stacked, start_dim=1, end_dim=2) batch_slice = tuple([suply(getitem, stacked, index=(slice(None), j)) for j in range(n_per_batch)]) # create buffers for trajectory fragments in the shared memory # (shared=True always makes a copy). # XXX torch tensors have much simpler pickling/unpickling when sharing buffers = torchify((ref,) * n_buffers, shared=True) del ref # setup buffer index queues, and create a state-dict update lock, which # makes `actor ->> shared` updates atomic # XXX randomly partial updates might inject beneficial stochasticity ctrl = Control(mp.Lock(), mp.Queue(), mp.Queue()) for index, _ in enumerate(buffers): ctrl.empty.put(index) # prepare the a seed sequence for each worker ss = SeedSequence(entropy=entropy) worker_ss = ss.spawn(n_actors) # spawn worker subprocesses (nprocs is world size) p_workers = start_processes( p_stepper, start_method=mp._name, daemon=False, nprocs=n_actors, # collectors' device may be other than the main device join=False, args=( n_actors, worker_ss, ctrl, CloudpickleSpawner(factory), buffers, shared, clone, sticky, close, affinity )) # fetch for ready trajectory fragments and collate them into a batch try: while True: for j in range(n_per_batch): ix = ctrl.ready.get(timeout=timeout) suply(torch.Tensor.copy_, batch_slice[j], buffers[ix], non_blocking=True) # XXX has fx if pinned ctrl.empty.put(ix) yield batch # ensure consistent update of the shared module # XXX tau-moving average update? with ctrl.reflock: shared.load_state_dict(actor.state_dict(), strict=True) except QueueEmpty: pass finally: # shutdown workers: we don't care about `ready` indices # * closing the empty queue doesn't register # * can only put None-s for _ in range(n_actors): ctrl.empty.put(None) # `start_processes` loops on `.join` until it returns True or raises while not p_workers.join(): pass ctrl.empty.close() ctrl.ready.close()