Beispiel #1
   def doJson(self,hours=None,days=180,tstart=None,tend=None,PRODUSERNAME=None,top='nJobsA', topsize=0):
      """ Get the list of the users
          <li> hours = use the last hours 
          <li> days = use the last days 
          <li> topsize - the size of the top list 
          <br> = 0 - all users are shown
          <li> top - select top list using 'top' column
                <li> 'nJobsA' - the number  of the jobs
                <li> 'CPUA1' - Personal the CPU used for the last 24 hours
                <li> 'CPUA7' - Personal Cpu used for the last 7 days
                <li> 'CPUP1' - Group Cpu for the last 24 hours
                <li> 'CPUP7' - Group Cpu for the last 7 days
      if days == None: days = 0
      if hours == None: hours = 0
      main = {"buffer":{  "params" : {'hours' : days*24+hours }
                        , "method" : 'getUsers' 
                        , "type"   :  False
      if topsize==0 or topsize==None:  columns+=",scriptcache"
      q = pmt.getUsers(PRODUSERNAME,days*24+hours,columns=columns)
      header = q['header']
      users = q['rows']
      if PRODUSERNAME == None:
        if topsize > 0:
            title = "Recent %(topsize)d Top Panda Analysis Users" % { 'topsize' : topsize }
            title = "Recent Panda Analysis Users" 
        title = "PanDA jobs for %s" % PRODUSERNAME
        main["buffer"]["params"]['user'] = PRODUSERNAME, 

      iNJobs = utils.name2Index(header,"njobsa") 
      iLatest = utils.name2Index(header,"latestjob") 

      jobpertime = {"anajobs" : 0, "n1000" : 0, "n10k" : 0 }
      recent = { "d3" :0, "d7" :0 , "d30" : 0, "d90" : 0, "d180" :0 }
      for u in users:
         nxtp =  u[iNJobs]
         if nxtp == None: continue
         nxtp = int(nxtp)
         if nxtp > 0 :  jobpertime["anajobs"] += nxtp 

         if nxtp > 1000:
                 jobpertime["n1000"] += 1; 
                 if nxtp > 10000:  jobpertime["n10k"] += 1
         nxtp =  u[iLatest]
         if nxtp  != None:
               diffdays = (datetime.utcnow()  - nxtp).days;
               if diffdays < 4:   recent["d3"]   += 1
               if diffdays < 8:   recent["d7"]   += 1
               if diffdays < 31:  recent["d30"]  += 1
               if diffdays < 91:  recent["d90"]  += 1
               if diffdays < 181: recent["d180"] += 1
      if topsize > 0 and top != None:
         iTop  = utils.name2Index(header,top)
         users = self.makeTop(users,iTop)[:topsize]
         main["buffer"]["top"] = { 'top' :  top, 'size' : topsize  }
         # remove thr   group 
      main["buffer"]["data"] = {'header' : header,'rows' : users }
      main["buffer"]["totaljobs"] = jobpertime
      main["buffer"]["recent"] = recent
      self.publish( "%s/%s" % (utils.fileScriptURL(),"taskBuffer/%s.js" % "getUsers"),role="script")
Beispiel #2
   def doJson(self,hours=None,days=180,tstart=None,tend=None,PRODUSERNAME=None,top='CPUA7', topsize=0,name=None):
      """ Get the list of the users
          <li> hours = use the last hours 
          <li> days = use the last days 
          <li> PRODUSERNAME or name - the comma separated pattern to select the list of the users.
          <li> topsize - the size of the top list 
          <br> = 0 - all users are shown
          <li> top - the comma separated list to select top users using 'top' columns. 
                <li> 'nJobsA' - the number  of the jobs
                <li> 'CPUA1' - Personal the CPU used for the last 24 hours
                <li> 'CPUA7' - Personal Cpu used for the last 7 days
                <li> 'CPUP1'- Group the CPU used for the last 24 hours
                <li> 'CPUP7'- Group Cpu used for the last 7 days
            The order of the column names defines the default sorting.
            <br>For example: top='cpua7,nJobsA'    creates the table sorted by "7 days " cpu and by "number of the jobs"
            <br> the parameter is essential for CLI (aka 'curl'/'ajax') clients. The Web Browser user can override the default by clicking onto the column header 
      if days == None: days = 0
      if hours == None: hours = 0
      main = {"buffer":{  "params" : {'hours' : days*24+hours }
                        , "method" : 'getUsers' 
                        , "type"   :  False
      if topsize==0 or topsize==None:  columns="name,njobsa,latestjob,cpua1,cpua7,cpup1,cpup7,scriptcache"
      elif 'pup' in top.lower():
      if PRODUSERNAME == None: PRODUSERNAME = name
      q = pmt.getUsers(PRODUSERNAME,days*24+hours,columns=columns)
      header = q['header']
      users = q['rows']
      if PRODUSERNAME == None:
        if topsize > 0:
            title = "Recent %(topsize)d Top Panda Analysis Users" % { 'topsize' : topsize }
            title = "Recent Panda Analysis Users" 
        title = "PanDA jobs for %s" % PRODUSERNAME
        main["buffer"]["params"]['user'] = PRODUSERNAME, 

      iNJobs = utils.name2Index(header,"njobsa") 
      iLatest = utils.name2Index(header,"latestjob") 
      iCpua1 = utils.name2Index(header,"cpua1") 
      iCpua7 = utils.name2Index(header,"cpua7") 
      iCpup1 = utils.name2Index(header,"cpup1") 
      iCpup7 = utils.name2Index(header,"cpup7") 

      jobpertime = {"anajobs" : 0, "n1000" : 0, "n10k" : 0 }
      recent = { "d3" :0, "d7" :0 , "d30" : 0, "d90" : 0, "d180" :0 }
      for u in users:
         nxtp =  u[iNJobs]
         if nxtp == None: continue
         nxtp = int(nxtp)
         if nxtp > 0 :  jobpertime["anajobs"] += nxtp 

         if nxtp > 1000:
                 jobpertime["n1000"] += 1; 
                 if nxtp > 10000:  jobpertime["n10k"] += 1
         nxtp =  u[iLatest]
         if nxtp  != None:
               diffdays = (datetime.utcnow()  - nxtp).days;
               if diffdays < 4:   recent["d3"]   += 1
               if diffdays < 8:   recent["d7"]   += 1
               if diffdays < 31:  recent["d30"]  += 1
               if diffdays < 91:  recent["d90"]  += 1
               if diffdays < 181: recent["d180"] += 1
         if  topsize > 0 and diffdays  > 7 :
            # exclude the old users from the count
            if iCpua1 >=0: u[iCpua1] = 0;
            if iCpua7 >=0: u[iCpua7] = 0;
            if iCpup1 >=0: u[iCpup1] = 0;
            if iCpup1 >=0: u[iCpup7] = 0;
      if topsize > 0 and top != None:
         vtop = top.split(",")
         iTop = tuple( utils.name2Index(header,t) for t in vtop)
         users = self.makeTop(users,iTop)[:topsize]
         main["buffer"]["top"] = { 'top' :  top, 'size' : topsize  }
         njobsa = 0
         cpua1  = 0
         cpua7  = 0
         cpup1  = 0
         cpup7  = 0
         finalusers = []
         for u in users:
            nxtp = u[iNJobs]
            if nxtp == None: continue
            njobsa+= nxtp
            cpu = 0
            if iCpua1 >=0: 
               cpua1 += u[iCpua1]
               cpu += u[iCpua1]
            if iCpua7 >=0: 
               cpua7 += u[iCpua7]
               cpu += u[iCpua7]
            if iCpup1 >=0: 
               cpup1 += u[iCpup1]
               cpu += u[iCpup1]
            if iCpup7 >=0: 
               cpup7 += u[iCpup7]
               cpu += u[iCpup7]
            if cpu >0:
               njobsa+= nxtp
         users =  finalusers     

      main["buffer"]["data"] = {'header' : header,'rows' : users }
      main["buffer"]["totaljobs"] = jobpertime
      if topsize > 0:
         if iCpua1>=0 or iCpua7 >=0:
            main["buffer"]["totaltop"] = {'njobsa' :njobsa,'cpua1':cpua1, 'cpua7': cpua7 }
            main["buffer"]["totaltop"] = {'njobsa' :njobsa,'cpup1':cpup1, 'cpup7': cpup7 }
      main["buffer"]["recent"] = recent
      self.publish( "%s/%s" % (self.server().fileScriptURL(),"taskBuffer/%s.js" % "getUsers"),role="script")
Beispiel #3
    def doJson(
        self, hours=None, days=180, tstart=None, tend=None, PRODUSERNAME=None, top="CPUA7", topsize=0, name=None
        """ Get the list of the users
          <li> hours = use the last hours 
          <li> days = use the last days 
          <li> PRODUSERNAME or name - the comma separated pattern to select the list of the users.
          <li> topsize - the size of the top list 
          <br> = 0 - all users are shown
          <li> top - the comma separated list to select top users using 'top' columns. 
                <li> 'nJobsA' - the number  of the jobs
                <li> 'CPUA1' - Personal the CPU used for the last 24 hours
                <li> 'CPUA7' - Personal Cpu used for the last 7 days
                <li> 'CPUP1'- Group the CPU used for the last 24 hours
                <li> 'CPUP7'- Group Cpu used for the last 7 days
            The order of the column names defines the default sorting.
            <br>For example: top='cpua7,nJobsA'    creates the table sorted by "7 days " cpu and by "number of the jobs"
            <br> the parameter is essential for CLI (aka 'curl'/'ajax') clients. The Web Browser user can override the default by clicking onto the column header 
        if days == None:
            days = 0
        if hours == None:
            hours = 0
        main = {"buffer": {"params": {"hours": days * 24 + hours}, "method": "getUsers", "type": False}}
        columns = "name,njobsa,cpua1,cpua7,latestjob"
        if topsize == 0 or topsize == None:
            columns = "name,njobsa,latestjob,cpua1,cpua7,cpup1,cpup7,scriptcache"
        elif "pup" in top.lower():
            columns = "name,njobsa,cpup1,cpup7,latestjob,scriptcache"
        if PRODUSERNAME == None:
            PRODUSERNAME = name
        q = pmt.getUsers(PRODUSERNAME, days * 24 + hours, columns=columns)
        header = q["header"]
        users = q["rows"]
        if PRODUSERNAME == None:
            if topsize > 0:
                title = "Recent %(topsize)d Top Panda Analysis Users" % {"topsize": topsize}
                title = "Recent Panda Analysis Users"
            title = "PanDA jobs for %s" % PRODUSERNAME
            main["buffer"]["params"]["user"] = (PRODUSERNAME,)

        iNJobs = utils.name2Index(header, "njobsa")
        iLatest = utils.name2Index(header, "latestjob")
        iCpua1 = utils.name2Index(header, "cpua1")
        iCpua7 = utils.name2Index(header, "cpua7")
        iCpup1 = utils.name2Index(header, "cpup1")
        iCpup7 = utils.name2Index(header, "cpup7")

        jobpertime = {"anajobs": 0, "n1000": 0, "n10k": 0}
        recent = {"d3": 0, "d7": 0, "d30": 0, "d90": 0, "d180": 0}
        for u in users:
            nxtp = u[iNJobs]
            if nxtp == None:
            nxtp = int(nxtp)
            if nxtp > 0:
                jobpertime["anajobs"] += nxtp

            if nxtp > 1000:
                jobpertime["n1000"] += 1
                if nxtp > 10000:
                    jobpertime["n10k"] += 1
            nxtp = u[iLatest]
            if nxtp != None:
                diffdays = (datetime.utcnow() - nxtp).days
                if diffdays < 4:
                    recent["d3"] += 1
                if diffdays < 8:
                    recent["d7"] += 1
                if diffdays < 31:
                    recent["d30"] += 1
                if diffdays < 91:
                    recent["d90"] += 1
                if diffdays < 181:
                    recent["d180"] += 1
            if topsize > 0 and diffdays > 7:
                # exclude the old users from the count
                if iCpua1 >= 0:
                    u[iCpua1] = 0
                if iCpua7 >= 0:
                    u[iCpua7] = 0
                if iCpup1 >= 0:
                    u[iCpup1] = 0
                if iCpup1 >= 0:
                    u[iCpup7] = 0

        if topsize > 0 and top != None:
            vtop = top.split(",")
            iTop = tuple(utils.name2Index(header, t) for t in vtop)
            users = self.makeTop(users, iTop)[:topsize]
            main["buffer"]["top"] = {"top": top, "size": topsize}
            njobsa = 0
            cpua1 = 0
            cpua7 = 0
            cpup1 = 0
            cpup7 = 0
            finalusers = []
            for u in users:
                nxtp = u[iNJobs]
                if nxtp == None:
                njobsa += nxtp
                cpu = 0
                if iCpua1 >= 0:
                    cpua1 += u[iCpua1]
                    cpu += u[iCpua1]
                if iCpua7 >= 0:
                    cpua7 += u[iCpua7]
                    cpu += u[iCpua7]
                if iCpup1 >= 0:
                    cpup1 += u[iCpup1]
                    cpu += u[iCpup1]
                if iCpup7 >= 0:
                    cpup7 += u[iCpup7]
                    cpu += u[iCpup7]
                if cpu > 0:
                    njobsa += nxtp
            users = finalusers

        main["buffer"]["data"] = {"header": header, "rows": users}
        main["buffer"]["totaljobs"] = jobpertime
        if topsize > 0:
            if iCpua1 >= 0 or iCpua7 >= 0:
                main["buffer"]["totaltop"] = {"njobsa": njobsa, "cpua1": cpua1, "cpua7": cpua7}
                main["buffer"]["totaltop"] = {"njobsa": njobsa, "cpup1": cpup1, "cpup7": cpup7}
        main["buffer"]["recent"] = recent

        self.publish("%s/%s" % (self.server().fileScriptURL(), "taskBuffer/%s.js" % "getUsers"), role="script")
Beispiel #4
    def doJson(self,
        """ Get the list of the users
          <li> hours = use the last hours 
          <li> days = use the last days 
          <li> topsize - the size of the top list 
          <br> = 0 - all users are shown
          <li> top - select top list using 'top' column
                <li> 'nJobsA' - the number  of the jobs
                <li> 'CPUA1' - Personal the CPU used for the last 24 hours
                <li> 'CPUA7' - Personal Cpu used for the last 7 days
                <li> 'CPUP1' - Group Cpu for the last 24 hours
                <li> 'CPUP7' - Group Cpu for the last 7 days
        if days == None: days = 0
        if hours == None: hours = 0
        main = {
            "buffer": {
                "params": {
                    'hours': days * 24 + hours
                "method": 'getUsers',
                "type": False
        columns = "name,njobsa,latestjob,cpua1,cpua7,cpup1,cpup7"
        if topsize == 0 or topsize == None: columns += ",scriptcache"
        q = pmt.getUsers(PRODUSERNAME, days * 24 + hours, columns=columns)
        header = q['header']
        users = q['rows']
        if PRODUSERNAME == None:
            if topsize > 0:
                title = "Recent %(topsize)d Top Panda Analysis Users" % {
                    'topsize': topsize
                title = "Recent Panda Analysis Users"
            title = "PanDA jobs for %s" % PRODUSERNAME
            main["buffer"]["params"]['user'] = PRODUSERNAME,

        iNJobs = utils.name2Index(header, "njobsa")
        iLatest = utils.name2Index(header, "latestjob")

        jobpertime = {"anajobs": 0, "n1000": 0, "n10k": 0}
        recent = {"d3": 0, "d7": 0, "d30": 0, "d90": 0, "d180": 0}
        for u in users:
            nxtp = u[iNJobs]
            if nxtp == None: continue
            nxtp = int(nxtp)
            if nxtp > 0: jobpertime["anajobs"] += nxtp

            if nxtp > 1000:
                jobpertime["n1000"] += 1
                if nxtp > 10000: jobpertime["n10k"] += 1
            nxtp = u[iLatest]
            if nxtp != None:
                diffdays = (datetime.utcnow() - nxtp).days
                if diffdays < 4: recent["d3"] += 1
                if diffdays < 8: recent["d7"] += 1
                if diffdays < 31: recent["d30"] += 1
                if diffdays < 91: recent["d90"] += 1
                if diffdays < 181: recent["d180"] += 1
        if topsize > 0 and top != None:
            iTop = utils.name2Index(header, top)
            users = self.makeTop(users, iTop)[:topsize]
            main["buffer"]["top"] = {'top': top, 'size': topsize}
            # remove thr   group

        main["buffer"]["data"] = {'header': header, 'rows': users}
        main["buffer"]["totaljobs"] = jobpertime
        main["buffer"]["recent"] = recent

        self.publish("%s/%s" %
                     (utils.fileScriptURL(), "taskBuffer/%s.js" % "getUsers"),