Beispiel #1
def getLocalTrackInfo(track):
    s = track
    if type(s) == str or type(s) == unicode:
        s = parseSPurl(s)
    # log("getLocalTrackInfo","Finding local file in index")
    artist = '%' + (s[0].split('?'))[0] + '%'
    album = '%' + (s[1].split('?'))[0] + '%'
    title = '%' + (s[2].split('?'))[0] + '%'
    duration = s[3]
    log('getLocalTrackInfo', "Called for '" + str(s) + "'")
    log('getLocalTrackInfo', "Searching index using artist:'" +
                             urllib.unquote(s[0]) + "', album: '" +
                             urllib.unquote(s[1]) + "', title: '" +
                             urllib.unquote(s[2]) + "', duration: '" +
                             duration + "'")

    conn = sql.connect(config.db)
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute('SELECT * FROM itunes WHERE artist LIKE ? AND album ' +
              'LIKE ? AND name LIKE ? AND duration = ?;',
              (artist, album, title, duration))
    r = c.fetchone()
    if type(r) != tuple:
        c.execute('SELECT * FROM itunes WHERE artist LIKE ?' +
                  ' AND album LIKE ? AND name LIKE ?;',
                  (artist, album, title))
        r = c.fetchone()
    if type(r) != tuple:
        c.execute('SELECT * FROM itunes WHERE artist LIKE ? AND name LIKE ?;',
                  (artist, title))
        r = c.fetchone()

    if r is not None:
        t = {}
        t['location'] = eval(r[1])
        t['artist'] = r[2]
        t['album'] = r[3]
        t['name'] = r[4]
        t['year'] = r[5]
        t['track'] = r[6]
        t['duration'] = r[7]
        t['persistent_id'] = r[8]
        t['pid_low'] = r[9]
        t['pid_high'] = r[10]
        t['img'] = 'http://' + net.getAddress() + '/' + r[11]
        return t
        t = None
        return t
Beispiel #2
    return t

# -------------------------------------- #
# End of Track and Art Metadata Handling #
# -------------------------------------- #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# ---- #
# main #
# ---- #
if __name__ == "__main__":
    log('Hello', "Welcome to PoleyMote")
    log('IP', 'PoleyMote now running on http://' + net.getAddress())
    mw = web.httpserver.StaticMiddleware
    app = web.application(urls, globals()).wsgifunc(mw)
        threading.Timer(1, net.startBroadcastServer).start()
        threading.Timer(3, getStarted).start()
        WSGIServer(('', config.http_port), app).serve_forever()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
# ----------- #
# end of main #
# ----------- #

# -------------- #
# Still Building #