def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Calculates Ro as a test for randomness - if R exceeds Ro given N, then set is not random at 95% level of confindence SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints this help message -Nm number of Monte Carlo simulations (default is 10000) -Nmax maximum number for dataset (default is 10) """ Ns,Nm=range(4,11),10000 files,fmt={},'svg' if '-h' in sys.argv: # check if help is needed print main.__doc__ sys.exit() # graceful quit if '-Nm' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Nm') Nm=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) if '-Nmax' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Nmax') Nmax=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) Ns=range(3,Nmax+1) PLT={'plt':1} pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['plt'],5,5) Ro=[] for N in Ns: Rs=[] n=0 while n<Nm: dirs=pmag.get_unf(N) pars=pmag.fisher_mean(dirs) Rs.append(pars['r']) n+=1 Rs.sort() crit=int(.95*Nm) Ro.append(Rs[crit]) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['plt'],Ns,Ro,'-','N','Ro','') pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['plt'],Ns,Ro,'ro','N','Ro','') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(PLT) for key in PLT.keys(): files[key]=key+'.'+fmt ans=raw_input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit without saving: ") if ans=="a": pmagplotlib.saveP(PLT,files)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes a biplot of specified variables from magic_measurements.txt format file SYNTAX [-h] [-i] [command line options] INPUT takes magic formated magic_measurments file OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i interactively set filename and axes for plotting -f FILE: specifies file name, default: magic_measurements.txt -fmt [svg,png,jpg], format for images - default is svg -x XMETH:key:step, specify method code for X axis (optional key and treatment values) -y YMETH:key:step, specify method code for X axis -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is whole file -n [V,M] plot volume or mass normalized data only NOTES if nothing is specified for x and y, the user will be presented with options key = ['treatment_ac_field','treatment_dc_field',treatment_temp'] step in mT for fields, K for temperatures """ # file='magic_measurements.txt' methx,methy,fmt="","",'.svg' plot_key='' norm_by="" if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt='.'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-n' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-n') norm_by=sys.argv[ind+1] xtreat_key,ytreat_key,xstep,ystep="","","","" if '-x' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-x') meths=sys.argv[ind+1].split(':') methx=meths[0] if len(meths)>1: xtreat_key=meths[1] xstep=float(meths[2]) if '-y' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-y') meths=sys.argv[ind+1].split(':') methy=meths[0] if len(meths)>1: ytreat_key=meths[1] ystep=float(meths[2]) if '-obj' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-obj') plot_by=sys.argv[ind+1] if plot_by=='loc':plot_key='er_location_name' if plot_by=='sit':plot_key='er_site_name' if plot_by=='sam':plot_key='er_sample_name' if plot_by=='spc':plot_key='er_specimen_name' if '-i' in sys.argv: # # get name of file from command line # file=raw_input("Input magic_measurments file name? [magic_measurements.txt] ") if file=="":file="magic_measurements.txt" # # FIG={'fig':1} pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['fig'],5,5) data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(file) if file_type!="magic_measurements": print file_type,' not correct format for magic_measurments file' sys.exit() # # collect method codes methods,plotlist=[],[] for rec in data: if plot_key!="": if rec[plot_key] not in plotlist:plotlist.append(rec[plot_key]) elif len(plotlist)==0: plotlist.append('All') meths=rec['magic_method_codes'].split(':') for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in methods and meth.strip()!="LP-": methods.append(meth.strip()) # if '-i' in sys.argv: print methods elif methx =="" or methy=="": print methods sys.exit() GoOn=1 while GoOn==1: if '-i' in sys.argv:methx=raw_input('Select method for x axis: ') if methx not in methods: if '-i' in sys.argv: print 'try again! method not available' else: print main.__doc__ print '\n must specify X axis method\n' sys.exit() else: if pmagplotlib.verbose: print methx, ' selected for X axis' GoOn=0 GoOn=1 while GoOn==1: if '-i' in sys.argv:methy=raw_input('Select method for y axis: ') if methy not in methods: if '-i' in sys.argv: print 'try again! method not available' else: print main.__doc__ print '\n must specify Y axis method\n' sys.exit() else: if pmagplotlib.verbose: print methy, ' selected for Y axis' GoOn=0 if norm_by=="": measkeys=['measurement_magn_mass','measurement_magn_volume','measurement_magn_moment','measurement_magnitude','measurement_chi_volume','measurement_chi_mass','measurement_chi'] elif norm_by=="V": measkeys=['measurement_magn_volume','measurement_chi_volume'] elif norm_by=="M": measkeys=['measurement_magn_mass','measurement_chi_mass'] xmeaskey,ymeaskey="","" plotlist.sort() for plot in plotlist: # go through objects if pmagplotlib.verbose: print plot X,Y=[],[] x,y='','' for rec in data: if plot_key!="" and rec[plot_key]!=plot: pass else: meths=rec['magic_method_codes'].split(':') for meth in meths: if meth.strip()==methx: if xmeaskey=="": for key in measkeys: if key in rec.keys() and rec[key]!="": xmeaskey=key if pmagplotlib.verbose: print xmeaskey,' being used for plotting X.' break if meth.strip()==methy: if ymeaskey=="": for key in measkeys: if key in rec.keys() and rec[key]!="": ymeaskey=key if pmagplotlib.verbose: print ymeaskey,' being used for plotting Y' break if ymeaskey!="" and xmeaskey!="": for rec in data: x,y='','' spec=rec['er_specimen_name'] # get the ydata for this specimen if rec[ymeaskey]!="" and methy in rec['magic_method_codes'].split(':'): if ytreat_key=="" or (ytreat_key in rec.keys() and float(rec[ytreat_key])==ystep): y=float(rec[ymeaskey]) for rec in data: # now find the xdata if rec['er_specimen_name']==spec and rec[xmeaskey]!="" and methx in rec['magic_method_codes'].split(':'): if xtreat_key=="" or (xtreat_key in rec.keys() and float(rec[xtreat_key])==xstep): x=float(rec[xmeaskey]) if x != '' and y!= '': X.append(x) Y.append(y) if len(X)>0: pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['fig']) pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['fig'],X,Y,'ro',methx,methy,plot+':Biplot') if not pmagplotlib.isServer: ans=raw_input('S[a]ve plots, [q]uit, Return for next plot ' ) if ans=='a': files={} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key]=plot+'_'+key+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) if ans=='q': print "Good-bye\n" sys.exit() else: files={} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key]=plot+'_'+key+fmt if pmagplotlib.isServer: black = '#000000' purple = '#800080' titles={} titles['fig']='X Y Plot' FIG = pmagplotlib.addBorders(FIG,titles,black,purple) pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) else: print 'nothing to plot for ',plot
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes a map and VADM plot of geomagia download file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE, specify geomagia download file -res [c,l,i,h] specify resolution (crude,low,intermediate,high) -etp plot the etopo20 topographic mesh -pad [LAT LON] pad bounding box by LAT/LON (default is [.5 .5] degrees) -grd SPACE specify grid spacing -prj [lcc] , specify projection (lcc=lambert conic conformable), default is mercator -o color ocean blue/land green (default is not) -d plot details of rivers, boundaries, etc. -sav save plot and quit quietly -fmt [png,svg,eps,jpg,pdf] specify format for output, default is pdf DEFAULTS resolution: intermediate saved images are in pdf """ dir_path='.' names,res,proj,locs,padlon,padlat,fancy,gridspace,details=[],'l','lcc','',0,0,0,15,1 Age_bounds=[-5000,2000] Lat_bounds=[20,45] Lon_bounds=[15,55] fmt='pdf' if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-f') sites_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-res' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-res') res=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-etp' in sys.argv:fancy=1 if '-o' in sys.argv:ocean=1 if '-d' in sys.argv:details=1 if '-prj' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-prj') proj=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] verbose=pmagplotlib.verbose if '-sav' in sys.argv: verbose=0 if '-pad' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-pad') padlat=float(sys.argv[ind+1]) padlon=float(sys.argv[ind+2]) if '-grd' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-grd') gridspace=float(sys.argv[ind+1]) if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] sites_file=dir_path+'/'+sites_file geo_in=open(sites_file,'rU').readlines() Age,AgeErr,Vadm,VadmErr,slats,slons=[],[],[],[],[],[] for line in geo_in[2:]: # skip top two rows` rec=line.split() if float(rec[0])>Age_bounds[0] and float(rec[0])<Age_bounds[1] \ and float(rec[12])>Lat_bounds[0] and float(rec[12]) < Lat_bounds[1]\ and float(rec[13])>Lon_bounds[0] and float(rec[13])<Lon_bounds[1]: Age.append(float(rec[0])) AgeErr.append(float(rec[1])) Vadm.append(10.*float(rec[6])) VadmErr.append(10.*float(rec[7])) slats.append(float(rec[12])) slons.append(float(rec[13])) FIGS={'map':1,'vadms':2} pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIGS['map'],6,6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIGS['vadms'],6,6) Opts={'res':res,'proj':proj,'loc_name':locs,'padlon':padlon,'padlat':padlat,'latmin':numpy.min(slats)-padlat,'latmax':numpy.max(slats)+padlat,'lonmin':numpy.min(slons)-padlon,'lonmax':numpy.max(slons)+padlon,'sym':'ro','boundinglat':0.,'pltgrid':1} Opts['lon_0']=int(0.5*(numpy.min(slons)+numpy.max(slons))) Opts['lat_0']=int(0.5*(numpy.min(slats)+numpy.max(slats))) Opts['gridspace']=gridspace if details==1: Opts['details']={'coasts':1,'rivers':0,'states':1,'countries':1,'ocean':1} else: Opts['details']={'coasts':1,'rivers':0,'states':0,'countries':0,'ocean':1} Opts['details']['fancy']=fancy pmagplotlib.plotMAP(FIGS['map'],slats,slons,Opts) pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIGS['vadms'],Age,Vadm,sym='bo',xlab='Age (Years CE)',ylab=r'VADM (ZAm$^2$)') if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIGS) files={} for key in FIGS.keys(): files[key]=key+'.'+fmt if pmagplotlib.isServer: black = '#000000' purple = '#800080' titles={} titles['map']='Map' titles['vadms']='VADMs' FIG = pmagplotlib.addBorders(FIGS,titles,black,purple) pmagplotlib.saveP(FIGS,files) elif verbose: ans=raw_input(" S[a]ve to save plot, Return to quit: ") if ans=="a": pmagplotlib.saveP(FIGS,files) else: pmagplotlib.saveP(FIGS,files)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes equal area projections site by site from pmag_specimens.txt file with Fisher confidence ellipse using McFadden and McElhinny (1988) technique for combining lines and planes allows testing and reject specimens for bad orientations SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints help and quits -f: specify pmag_specimen format file, default is pmag_specimens.txt -fsa: specify er_samples.txt file -exc: use existing pmag_criteria.txt file -N: reset all sample flags to good OUPUT edited er_samples.txt file """ dir_path='.' FIG={} # plot dictionary FIG['eqarea']=1 # eqarea is figure 1 in_file='pmag_specimens.txt' sampfile='er_samples.txt' out_file="" fmt,plot='svg',1 Crits="" M,N=180.,1 repeat='' renew=0 if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-fsa") sampfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-exc' in sys.argv: Crits,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/pmag_criteria.txt') for crit in Crits: if crit['pmag_criteria_code']=='DE-SPEC': M=float(crit['specimen_mad']) N=float(crit['specimen_n']) if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-N' in sys.argv: renew=1 # if in_file[0]!="/":in_file=dir_path+'/'+in_file if sampfile[0]!="/":sampfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile crd='s' Specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(in_file) if file_type!='pmag_specimens': print ' bad pmag_specimen input file' sys.exit() Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) if file_type!='er_samples': print ' bad er_samples input file' sys.exit() SO_methods=[] for rec in Samps: if 'sample_orientation_flag' not in rec.keys(): rec['sample_orientation_flag']='g' if 'sample_description' not in rec.keys(): rec['sample_description']='' if renew==1: rec['sample_orientation_flag']='g' description=rec['sample_description'] if '#' in description: newdesc="" c=0 while description[c]!='#' and c<len(description)-1: # look for first pound sign newdesc=newdesc+description[c] c+=1 while description[c]=='#': c+=1# skip first set of pound signs while description[c]!='#':c+=1 # find second set of pound signs while description[c]=='#' and c<len(description)-1:c+=1 # skip second set of pound signs while c<len(description)-1: # look for first pound sign newdesc=newdesc+description[c] c+=1 rec['sample_description']=newdesc # edit out old comment about orientations if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth.strip() and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) pmag.magic_write(sampfile,Samps,'er_samples') SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,0) sitelist=[] for rec in Specs: if rec['er_site_name'] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec['er_site_name']) sitelist.sort() EQ={} EQ['eqarea']=1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(EQ['eqarea'],5,5) k=0 while k<len(sitelist): site=sitelist[k] print site data=[] ThisSiteSpecs=pmag.get_dictitem(Specs,'er_site_name',site,'T') ThisSiteSpecs=pmag.get_dictitem(ThisSiteSpecs,'specimen_tilt_correction','-1','T') # get all the unoriented data for spec in ThisSiteSpecs: if spec['specimen_mad']!="" and spec['specimen_n']!="" and float(spec['specimen_mad'])<=M and float(spec['specimen_n'])>=N: # good spec, now get orientation.... redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"],Samps,az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",spec['er_sample_name'] orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"],Samps,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": redo=0 p+=1 if orient['sample_azimuth']!="": rec={} for key in spec.keys():rec[key]=spec[key] rec['dec'],rec['inc']=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(orient['sample_azimuth']),float(orient['sample_dip'])) rec["tilt_correction"]='1' crd='g' rec['sample_azimuth']=orient['sample_azimuth'] rec['sample_dip']=orient['sample_dip'] data.append(rec) if len(data)>2: print 'specimen, dec, inc, n_meas/MAD,| method codes ' for i in range(len(data)): print '%s: %7.1f %7.1f %s / %s | %s' % (data[i]['er_specimen_name'], data[i]['dec'], data[i]['inc'], data[i]['specimen_n'], data[i]['specimen_mad'], data[i]['magic_method_codes']) fpars=pmag.dolnp(data,'specimen_direction_type') print "\n Site lines planes kappa a95 dec inc" print site, fpars["n_lines"], fpars["n_planes"], fpars["K"], fpars["alpha95"], fpars["dec"], fpars["inc"], fpars["R"] if out_file!="": if float(fpars["alpha95"])<=acutoff and float(fpars["K"])>=kcutoff: out.write('%s %s %s\n'%(fpars["dec"],fpars['inc'],fpars['alpha95'])) pmagplotlib.plotLNP(EQ['eqarea'],site,data,fpars,'specimen_direction_type') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) if k!=0 and repeat!='y': ans=raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, [p]revious site, <return> to continue:\n ") elif k==0 and repeat!='y': ans=raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, <return> to continue:\n ") if ans=="p": k-=2 if ans=="a": files={} files['eqarea']=site+'_'+crd+'_eqarea'+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(EQ,files) if ans=="q": sys.exit() if ans=="e" and Samps==[]: print "can't edit samples without orientation file, sorry" elif ans=="e": # k-=1 testspec=raw_input("Enter name of specimen to check: ") for spec in data: if spec['er_specimen_name']==testspec: # first test wrong direction of drill arrows (flip drill direction in opposite direction and re-calculate d,i d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth'])-180.,-float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],[XY[0]],[XY[1]],sym='g^') # first test wrong end of compass (take az-180.) d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth'])-180.,float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],[XY[0]],[XY[1]],sym='kv') # did the sample spin in the hole? # now spin around specimen's z X_up,Y_up,X_d,Y_d=[],[],[],[] for incr in range(0,360,5): d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec'])+incr,float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth']),float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) if i>=0: X_d.append(XY[0]) Y_d.append(XY[1]) else: X_up.append(XY[0]) Y_up.append(XY[1]) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],X_d,Y_d,sym='b.') pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],X_up,Y_up,sym='c.') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) break print "Triangle: wrong arrow for drill direction." print "Delta: wrong end of compass." print "Small circle: wrong mark on sample. [cyan upper hemisphere]" deleteme=raw_input("Mark this sample as bad? y/[n] ") if deleteme=='y': reason=raw_input("Reason: [1] broke, [2] wrong drill direction, [3] wrong compass direction, [4] bad mark, [5] displaced block [6] other ") if reason=='1': description=' sample broke while drilling' if reason=='2': description=' wrong drill direction ' if reason=='3': description=' wrong compass direction ' if reason=='4': description=' bad mark in field' if reason=='5': description=' displaced block' if reason=='6': description=raw_input('Enter brief reason for deletion: ') for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name']==spec['er_sample_name']: samp['sample_orientation_flag']='b' samp['sample_description']=samp['sample_description']+' ## direction deleted because: '+description+'##' # mark description pmag.magic_write(sampfile,Samps,'er_samples') repeat=raw_input("Mark another sample, this site? y/[n] ") if repeat=='y': k-=1 else: print 'skipping site - not enough data with specified coordinate system' k+=1 print "sample flags stored in ",sampfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots intensity decay curves for Lowrie experiments SYNTAX lowrie -h [command line options] INPUT takes SIO formatted input files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file -N do not normalize by maximum magnetization -fmt [svg, pdf, eps, png] specify fmt, default is svg """ fmt='svg' FIG={} # plot dictionary FIG['lowrie']=1 # demag is figure 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['lowrie'],6,6) norm=1 # default is to normalize by maximum axis if len(sys.argv)>1: if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-N' in sys.argv: norm=0 # don't normalize if '-f' in sys.argv: # sets input filename ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ print 'you must supply a file name' sys.exit() else: print main.__doc__ print 'you must supply a file name' sys.exit() data=open(in_file).readlines() # open the SIO format file PmagRecs=[] # set up a list for the results keys=['specimen','treatment','csd','M','dec','inc'] for line in data: PmagRec={} rec=line.replace('\n','').split() for k in range(len(keys)): PmagRec[keys[k]]=rec[k] PmagRecs.append(PmagRec) specs=pmag.get_dictkey(PmagRecs,'specimen','') sids=[] for spec in specs: if spec not in sids:sids.append(spec) # get list of unique specimen names for spc in sids: # step through the specimen names print spc specdata=pmag.get_dictitem(PmagRecs,'specimen',spc,'T') # get all this one's data DIMs,Temps=[],[] for dat in specdata: # step through the data DIMs.append([float(dat['dec']),float(dat['inc']),float(dat['M'])*1e-3]) Temps.append(float(dat['treatment'])) carts=pmag.dir2cart(DIMs).transpose() #if norm==1: # want to normalize # nrm=max(max(abs(carts[0])),max(abs(carts[1])),max(abs(carts[2]))) # by maximum of x,y,z values # ylab="M/M_max" if norm==1: # want to normalize nrm=(DIMs[0][2]) # normalize by NRM ylab="M/M_o" else: nrm=1. # don't normalize ylab="Magnetic moment (Am^2)" xlab="Temperature (C)" pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[0])/nrm,sym='r-') pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[0])/nrm,sym='ro') # X direction pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[1])/nrm,sym='c-') pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[1])/nrm,sym='cs') # Y direction pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[2])/nrm,sym='k-') pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[2])/nrm,sym='k^',title=spc,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab) # Z direction pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans=raw_input('S[a]ve figure? [q]uit, <return> to continue ') if ans=='a': files={'lowrie':'lowrie:_'+spc+'_.'+fmt} pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) elif ans=='q': sys.exit() pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['lowrie'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCTIPTION plots and interprets curie temperature data. the 1st derivative is calculated from smoothed M-T curve (convolution with trianfular window with width= <-w> degrees) the 2nd derivative is calculated from smoothed 1st derivative curve ( using the same sliding window width) the estinated curie temp. is the maximum of the 2nd derivative - the temperature steps should be in multiples of 1.0 degrees INPUT T,M SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE, sets M,T input file (required) -w size of sliding window in degrees (default - 3 degrees) -t <min> <max> temperature range (optional) example: -f ex2.1 -w 30 -t 300 700 """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] else: print "missing -f\n" sys.exit() if '-w' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-w') window_len=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) else: window_len=3 if '-t' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-t') t_begin=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) t_end=int(sys.argv[ind+2]) else: t_begin='' t_end='' # read data from file Data=numpy.loadtxt(meas_file,dtype=numpy.float) T=Data.transpose()[0] M=Data.transpose()[1] # cut the data if -t is one of the flags if t_begin: while T[0]<t_begin: M.pop(0);T.pop(0) while T[-1]>t_end: M.pop(-1);T.pop(-1) # prepare the signal: # from M(T) array with unequal deltaT # to M(T) array with deltaT=(1 degree). # if delataT is larger, then points are added using linear fit between # consecutive data points. # exit if deltaT is not integer i=0 while i<(len(T)-1): if (T[i+1]-T[i])%1>0.001: print "delta T should be integer, this program will not work!" print "temperature range:",T[i],T[i+1] sys.exit() if (T[i+1]-T[i])==0.: M[i]=average([M[i],M[i+1]]) M.pop(i+1);T.pop(i+1) elif (T[i+1]-T[i])<0.: M.pop(i+1);T.pop(i+1) print "check data in T=%.0f ,M[T] is ignored"%(T[i]) elif (T[i+1]-T[i])>1.: slope,b=polyfit([T[i],T[i+1]],[M[i],M[i+1]],1) for j in range(int(T[i+1])-int(T[i])-1): M.insert(i+1,slope*(T[i]+1.)+b) T.insert(i+1,(T[i]+1.)) i=i+1 i=i+1 # calculate the smoothed signal M=array(M,'f') T=array(T,'f') M_smooth=[] M_smooth=smooth(M,window_len) #plot the original data and the smooth data PLT={'M_T':1,'der1':2,'der2':3,'Curie':4} pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['M_T'],5,5) string='M-T (sliding window=%i)'%int(window_len) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['M_T'],T,M_smooth,sym='-') pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['M_T'],T,M,sym='--',xlab='Temperature C',ylab='Magnetization',title=string) #calculate first derivative d1,T_d1=[],[] for i in range(len(M_smooth)-1): Dy=M_smooth[i-1]-M_smooth[i+1] Dx=T[i-1]-T[i+1] d1.append(Dy/Dx) T_d1=T[1:len(T-1)] d1=array(d1,'f') d1_smooth=smooth(d1,window_len) #plot the first derivative pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['der1'],5,5) string='1st dervative (sliding window=%i)'%int(window_len) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['der1'],T_d1,d1_smooth,sym='-',xlab='Temperature C',title=string) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['der1'],T_d1,d1,sym='b--') #calculate second derivative d2,T_d2=[],[] for i in range(len(d1_smooth)-1): Dy=d1_smooth[i-1]-d1_smooth[i+1] Dx=T[i-1]-T[i+1] #print Dy/Dx d2.append(Dy/Dx) T_d2=T[2:len(T-2)] d2=array(d2,'f') d2_smooth=smooth(d2,window_len) #plot the second derivative pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['der2'],5,5) string='2nd dervative (sliding window=%i)'%int(window_len) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['der2'],T_d2,d2,sym='-',xlab='Temperature C',title=string) d2=list(d2) print 'second deriative maximum is at T=%i'%int(T_d2[d2.index(max(d2))]) # calculate Curie temperature for different width of sliding windows curie,curie_1=[],[] wn=range(5,50,1) for win in wn: # calculate the smoothed signal M_smooth=[] M_smooth=smooth(M,win) #calculate first derivative d1,T_d1=[],[] for i in range(len(M_smooth)-1): Dy=M_smooth[i-1]-M_smooth[i+1] Dx=T[i-1]-T[i+1] d1.append(Dy/Dx) T_d1=T[1:len(T-1)] d1=array(d1,'f') d1_smooth=smooth(d1,win) #calculate second derivative d2,T_d2=[],[] for i in range(len(d1_smooth)-1): Dy=d1_smooth[i-1]-d1_smooth[i+1] Dx=T[i-1]-T[i+1] d2.append(Dy/Dx) T_d2=T[2:len(T-2)] d2=array(d2,'f') d2_smooth=smooth(d2,win) d2=list(d2) d2_smooth=list(d2_smooth) curie.append(T_d2[d2.index(max(d2))]) curie_1.append(T_d2[d2_smooth.index(max(d2_smooth))]) #plot Curie temp for different sliding window length pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['Curie'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['Curie'],wn,curie,sym='.',xlab='Sliding Window Width (degrees)',ylab='Curie Temp',title='Curie Statistics') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(PLT) ans=raw_input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: ") if ans=="q": sys.exit() if ans=="a": files = {} for key in PLT.keys(): files[key]=str(key) + ".svg" pmagplotlib.saveP(PLT,files)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION picks out keys and makes and xy plot SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input magic format file -xkey KEY: specify key for X -ykey KEY: specify key for Y -b xmin xmax ymin ymax, sets bounds """ dir_path="./" if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') magic_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-xkey' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-xkey') xkey=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ykey' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-ykey') ykey=sys.argv[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-b' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-b') xmin=float(sys.argv[ind+1]) xmax=float(sys.argv[ind+2]) ymin=float(sys.argv[ind+3]) ymax=float(sys.argv[ind+4]) # # # get data read in X,Y=[],[] Data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(magic_file) if len(Data)>0: for rec in Data: if xkey in rec.keys() and rec[xkey]!="" and ykey in rec.keys() and rec[ykey]!="": try: X.append(float(rec[xkey])) Y.append(float(rec[ykey])) except: pass FIG={'fig':1} pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['fig'],5,5) if '-b' in sys.argv: pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['fig'],X,Y,sym='ro',xlab=xkey,ylab=ykey,xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax ) else: pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['fig'],X,Y,sym='ro',xlab=xkey,ylab=ykey) pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans=raw_input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: ") if ans=="q": sys.exit() if ans=="a": files = {} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key]=str(key) + ".svg" pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) sys.exit() else: print 'no data to plot'
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots intensity decay curves for Lowrie experiments SYNTAX lowrie -h [command line options] INPUT takes magic_measurements formatted input files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is magic_measurements.txt -N do not normalize by maximum magnetization -fmt [svg, pdf, eps, png] specify fmt, default is svg """ fmt='svg' FIG={} # plot dictionary FIG['lowrie']=1 # demag is figure 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['lowrie'],6,6) norm=1 # default is to normalize by maximum axis in_file,dir_path='magic_measurements.txt','.' if len(sys.argv)>1: if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-N' in sys.argv: norm=0 # don't normalize if '-f' in sys.argv: # sets input filename ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ print 'you must supply a file name' sys.exit() in_file=dir_path+'/'+in_file print in_file PmagRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(in_file) if file_type!="magic_measurements": print 'bad input file' sys.exit() PmagRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(PmagRecs,'magic_method_codes','LP-IRM-3D','has') # get all 3D IRM records if len(PmagRecs)==0: print 'no records found' sys.exit() specs=pmag.get_dictkey(PmagRecs,'er_specimen_name','') sids=[] for spec in specs: if spec not in sids:sids.append(spec) # get list of unique specimen names for spc in sids: # step through the specimen names print spc specdata=pmag.get_dictitem(PmagRecs,'er_specimen_name',spc,'T') # get all this one's data DIMs,Temps=[],[] for dat in specdata: # step through the data DIMs.append([float(dat['measurement_dec']),float(dat['measurement_inc']),float(dat['measurement_magn_moment'])]) Temps.append(float(dat['treatment_temp'])-273.) carts=pmag.dir2cart(DIMs).transpose() if norm==1: # want to normalize nrm=(DIMs[0][2]) # normalize by NRM ylab="M/M_o" else: nrm=1. # don't normalize ylab="Magnetic moment (Am^2)" xlab="Temperature (C)" pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[0])/nrm,sym='r-') pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[0])/nrm,sym='ro') # X direction pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[1])/nrm,sym='c-') pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[1])/nrm,sym='cs') # Y direction pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[2])/nrm,sym='k-') pmagplotlib.plotXY(FIG['lowrie'],Temps,abs(carts[2])/nrm,sym='k^',title=spc,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab) # Z direction pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans=raw_input('S[a]ve figure? [q]uit, <return> to continue ') if ans=='a': files={'lowrie':'lowrie:_'+spc+'_.'+fmt} pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) elif ans=='q': sys.exit() pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['lowrie'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes equal area projections site by site from zeq_specimens_g.txt file with Fisher confidence ellipse using McFadden and McElhinny (1988) technique for combining lines and planes allows testing and reject specimens for bad orientations SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints help and quits -f: specify pmag_specimen format file, default is zeq_specimens_s.txt -fsa: specify er_samples.txt file -exc: use existing pmag_criteria.txt file -N: reset all sample flags to good OUPUT edited er_samples.txt file """ dir_path = "." FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG["eqarea"] = 1 # eqarea is figure 1 in_file = "zeq_specimens_s.txt" sampfile = "er_samples.txt" out_file = "" fmt, plot = "svg", 1 Crits = "" M, N = 180.0, 1 repeat = "" renew = 0 if "-h" in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-WD" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-f" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") in_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-fsa" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fsa") sampfile = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-exc" in sys.argv: Crits, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + "/pmag_criteria.txt") for crit in Crits: if crit["pmag_criteria_code"] == "DE-SPEC": M = float(crit["specimen_mad"]) N = float(crit["specimen_n"]) if "-fmt" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-N" in sys.argv: renew = 1 # in_file = dir_path + "/" + in_file sampfile = dir_path + "/" + sampfile Specs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(in_file) if file_type != "pmag_specimens": print " bad pmag_specimen input file" sys.exit() Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(sampfile) if file_type != "er_samples": print " bad er_samples input file" sys.exit() SO_methods = [] for rec in Samps: if "sample_orientation_flag" not in rec.keys(): rec["sample_orientation_flag"] = "g" if "sample_description" not in rec.keys(): rec["sample_description"] = "" if renew == 1: rec["sample_orientation_flag"] = "g" description = rec["sample_description"] if "#" in description: newdesc = "" c = 0 while description[c] != "#" and c < len(description) - 1: # look for first pound sign newdesc = newdesc + description[c] c += 1 while description[c] == "#": c += 1 # skip first set of pound signs while description[c] != "#": c += 1 # find second set of pound signs while description[c] == "#" and c < len(description) - 1: c += 1 # skip second set of pound signs while c < len(description) - 1: # look for first pound sign newdesc = newdesc + description[c] c += 1 rec["sample_description"] = newdesc # edit out old comment about orientations if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist = rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth.strip() and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) pmag.magic_write(sampfile, Samps, "er_samples") SO_priorities = pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods, 0) sitelist = [] for rec in Specs: if rec["er_site_name"] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec["er_site_name"]) sitelist.sort() EQ = {} EQ["eqarea"] = 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(EQ["eqarea"], 5, 5) k = 0 while k < len(sitelist): site = sitelist[k] print site data = [] for spec in Specs: if spec["er_site_name"] == site: if ( spec["specimen_mad"] != "" and spec["specimen_n"] != "" and float(spec["specimen_mad"]) <= M and float(spec["specimen_n"]) >= N ): # good spec, now get orientation.... redo, p = 1, 0 if len(SO_methods) <= 1: az_type = SO_methods[0] orient = pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"], Samps, az_type) redo = 0 while redo == 1: if p >= len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ", spec["er_sample_name"] orient["sample_azimuth"] = "" orient["sample_dip"] = "" redo = 0 else: az_type = SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient = pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"], Samps, az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] != "": redo = 0 p += 1 if orient["sample_azimuth"] != "": rec = {} for key in spec.keys(): rec[key] = spec[key] rec["dec"], rec["inc"] = pmag.dogeo( float(spec["specimen_dec"]), float(spec["specimen_inc"]), float(orient["sample_azimuth"]), float(orient["sample_dip"]), ) rec["tilt_correction"] = "1" rec["sample_azimuth"] = orient["sample_azimuth"] rec["sample_dip"] = orient["sample_dip"] data.append(rec) if len(data) > 2: print "specimen, dec, inc, n_meas/MAD,| method codes " for i in range(len(data)): print "%s: %7.1f %7.1f %s / %s | %s" % ( data[i]["er_specimen_name"], data[i]["dec"], data[i]["inc"], data[i]["specimen_n"], data[i]["specimen_mad"], data[i]["magic_method_codes"], ) fpars = pmag.dolnp(data, "specimen_direction_type") print "\n Site lines planes kappa a95 dec inc" print site, fpars["n_lines"], fpars["n_planes"], fpars["K"], fpars["alpha95"], fpars["dec"], fpars[ "inc" ], fpars["R"] if out_file != "": if float(fpars["alpha95"]) <= acutoff and float(fpars["K"]) >= kcutoff: out.write("%s %s %s\n" % (fpars["dec"], fpars["inc"], fpars["alpha95"])) pmagplotlib.plotLNP(EQ["eqarea"], site, data, fpars, "specimen_direction_type") if k != 0 and repeat != "y": ans = raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, [p]revious site, <return> to continue:\n ") elif k == 0 and repeat != "y": ans = raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, <return> to continue:\n ") if ans == "p": k -= 2 if ans == "a": files = {} files["eqarea"] = site + "_" + crd + "_" + "eqarea" + "." + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(EQ, files) if ans == "q": sys.exit() if ans == "e" and Samps == []: print "can't edit samples without orientation file, sorry" elif ans == "e": # k-=1 testspec = raw_input("Enter name of specimen to check: ") for spec in data: if spec["er_specimen_name"] == testspec: # first test wrong direction of drill arrows (flip drill direction in opposite direction and re-calculate d,i d, i = pmag.dogeo( float(spec["specimen_dec"]), float(spec["specimen_inc"]), float(spec["sample_azimuth"]) - 180.0, -float(spec["sample_dip"]), ) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ["eqarea"], [XY[0]], [XY[1]], "g^", "", "", "") # first test wrong end of compass (take az-180.) d, i = pmag.dogeo( float(spec["specimen_dec"]), float(spec["specimen_inc"]), float(spec["sample_azimuth"]) - 180.0, float(spec["sample_dip"]), ) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ["eqarea"], [XY[0]], [XY[1]], "kv", "", "", "") # did the sample spin in the hole? # now spin around specimen's z X_up, Y_up, X_d, Y_d = [], [], [], [] for incr in range(0, 360, 5): d, i = pmag.dogeo( float(spec["specimen_dec"]) + incr, float(spec["specimen_inc"]), float(spec["sample_azimuth"]), float(spec["sample_dip"]), ) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) if i >= 0: X_d.append(XY[0]) Y_d.append(XY[1]) else: X_up.append(XY[0]) Y_up.append(XY[1]) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ["eqarea"], X_d, Y_d, "b.", "", "", "") pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ["eqarea"], X_up, Y_up, "c.", "", "", "") pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) break print "Triangle: wrong arrow for drill direction." print "Delta: wrong end of compass." print "Small circle: wrong mark on sample. [cyan upper hemisphere]" deleteme = raw_input("Mark this sample as bad? y/[n] ") if deleteme == "y": reason = raw_input( "Reason: [1] broke, [2] wrong drill direction, [3] wrong compass direction, [4] bad mark, [5] displaced block [6] other " ) if reason == "1": description = " sample broke while drilling" if reason == "2": description = " wrong drill direction " if reason == "3": description = " wrong compass direction " if reason == "4": description = " bad mark in field" if reason == "5": description = " displaced block" if reason == "6": description = raw_input("Enter brief reason for deletion: ") for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == spec["er_sample_name"]: samp["sample_orientation_flag"] = "b" samp["sample_description"] = ( samp["sample_description"] + " ## direction deleted because: " + description + "##" ) # mark description pmag.magic_write(sampfile, Samps, "er_samples") repeat = raw_input("Mark another sample, this site? y/[n] ") if repeat == "y": k -= 1 else: print "skipping site - not enough data with specified coordinate system" k += 1 print "sample flags stored in ", sampfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCTIPTION plots and interprets curie temperature data. the 1st derivative is calculated from smoothed M-T curve (convolution with trianfular window with width= <-w> degrees) the 2nd derivative is calculated from smoothed 1st derivative curve ( using the same sliding window width) the estinated curie temp. is the maximum of the 2nd derivative - the temperature steps should be in multiples of 1.0 degrees INPUT magic_measurements formatted file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE, sets M,T magic_measurements formatted file, default is MsT_measurements.txt -F RMAG, sets Rmag_results format file for appending results, default is not -w size of sliding window in degrees (default - 3 degrees) -t <min> <max> temperature range (optional) """ fmt,dir_path='svg','.' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+'/MsT_measurements.txt' if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') meas_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] Results,rmag_file=[],"" if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') rmag_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] try: Results,file_type=pmag.magic_read(rmag_file) if file_type!='rmag_results': print 'bad results file, starting new one' except: pass if '-w' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-w') window_len=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) else: window_len=3 if '-t' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-t') t_begin=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) t_end=int(sys.argv[ind+2]) else: t_begin='' t_end='' # read data from file Data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type!='magic_measurements': print 'bad measurements file' sys.exit() specs=[] for rec in Data: specname="" if 'er_specimen_name' in rec.keys() and rec['er_specimen_name']!="": specname=rec['er_specimen_name'] else: rec['er_specimen_name']="" if 'er_synthetic_name' in rec.keys() and rec['er_synthetic_name']!="": specname=rec['er_synthetic_name'] else: rec['er_synthetic_name']="" if specname not in specs:specs.append(specname) for spec in specs: print 'processing: ',spec M,T,curieT=[],[],0 for rec in Data: if rec['er_specimen_name'] or rec['er_synthetic_name']==spec: location,sample,site="","","" if 'er_location_name' in rec.keys():location=rec['er_location_name'] if 'er_sample_name' in rec.keys():sample=rec['er_sample_name'] if 'er_site_name' in rec.keys():site=rec['er_site_name'] syn="" if 'er_synthetic_name' in rec.keys():syn=rec['er_synthetic_name'] meths=rec['magic_method_codes'].strip().split(':') expnames=rec['magic_experiment_name'].strip().split(':') if 'LP-MW-I' in meths and 'Curie' in expnames: method=rec['magic_method_codes'] expname=rec['magic_experiment_name'] T.append(float(rec['measurment_temp'])-273) M.append(float(rec['measurement_magnitude'])) # cut the data if -t is one of the flags if len(M)<10: print 'not enough data for processing' sys.exit() if t_begin: while T[0]<t_begin: M.pop(0);T.pop(0) while T[-1]>t_end: M.pop(-1);T.pop(-1) # prepare the signal: # from M(T) array with unequal deltaT # to M(T) array with deltaT=(1 degree). # if delataT is larger, then points are added using linear fit between # consecutive data points. # exit if deltaT is not integer i=0 while i<(len(T)-1): if (T[i+1]-T[i])%1>0.001: print "delta T should be integer, this program will not work!" print "temperature range:",T[i],T[i+1] sys.exit() if (T[i+1]-T[i])==0.: M[i]=average([M[i],M[i+1]]) M.pop(i+1);T.pop(i+1) elif (T[i+1]-T[i])<0.: M.pop(i+1);T.pop(i+1) print "check data in T=%.0f ,M[T] is ignored"%(T[i]) elif (T[i+1]-T[i])>1.: slope,b=polyfit([T[i],T[i+1]],[M[i],M[i+1]],1) for j in range(int(T[i+1])-int(T[i])-1): M.insert(i+1,slope*(T[i]+1.)+b) T.insert(i+1,(T[i]+1.)) i=i+1 i=i+1 # calculate the smoothed signal M=array(M,'f') T=array(T,'f') M_smooth=[] M_smooth=smooth(M,window_len) #plot the original data and the smooth data PLT={'M_T':1,'der1':2,'der2':3,'Curie':4} pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['M_T'],5,5) string='M-T (sliding window=%i)'%int(window_len) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['M_T'],T,M,'--','Temperature C','Magnetization',string) plot(T,M_smooth,'-') #calculate first derivative d1,T_d1=[],[] for i in range(len(M_smooth)-1): Dy=M_smooth[i-1]-M_smooth[i+1] Dx=T[i-1]-T[i+1] d1.append(Dy/Dx) T_d1=T[1:len(T-1)] d1=array(d1,'f') d1_smooth=smooth(d1,window_len) #plot the first derivative pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['der1'],5,5) string='1st dervative (sliding window=%i)'%int(window_len) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['der1'],T_d1,d1_smooth,'-','temperatue C','',string) plot(T_d1,d1,'--b') #calculate second derivative d2,T_d2=[],[] for i in range(len(d1_smooth)-1): Dy=d1_smooth[i-1]-d1_smooth[i+1] Dx=T[i-1]-T[i+1] #print Dy/Dx d2.append(Dy/Dx) T_d2=T[2:len(T-2)] d2=array(d2,'f') d2_smooth=smooth(d2,window_len) #plot the second derivative pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['der2'],5,5) string='2nd dervative (sliding window=%i)'%int(window_len) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['der2'],T_d2,d2,'-','temperatue C','',string) d2=list(d2) print 'second deriative maximum is at T=%i'%int(T_d2[d2.index(max(d2))]) # calculate Curie temperature for different width of sliding windows curie,curie_1=[],[] wn=range(5,50,1) for win in wn: # calculate the smoothed signal M_smooth=[] M_smooth=smooth(M,win) #calculate first derivative d1,T_d1=[],[] for i in range(len(M_smooth)-1): Dy=M_smooth[i-1]-M_smooth[i+1] Dx=T[i-1]-T[i+1] d1.append(Dy/Dx) T_d1=T[1:len(T-1)] d1=array(d1,'f') d1_smooth=smooth(d1,win) #calculate second derivative d2,T_d2=[],[] for i in range(len(d1_smooth)-1): Dy=d1_smooth[i-1]-d1_smooth[i+1] Dx=T[i-1]-T[i+1] d2.append(Dy/Dx) T_d2=T[2:len(T-2)] d2=array(d2,'f') d2_smooth=smooth(d2,win) d2=list(d2) d2_smooth=list(d2_smooth) curie.append(T_d2[d2.index(max(d2))]) if curie[-1]>curieT:curieT=curie[-1] # find maximum curie T curie_1.append(T_d2[d2_smooth.index(max(d2_smooth))]) #plot Curie temp for different sliding window length pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLT['Curie'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plotXY(PLT['Curie'],wn,curie,'.','sliding window width (degrees)','curie temp','Inferred Curie Temperatures') print 'Curie T is: ',curieT pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(PLT) files={} for key in PLT.keys(): files[key]=spec+'_'+key+'.'+fmt ans=raw_input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, or return to continue: ") if ans=='q':sys.exit() if ans=='a': pmagplotlib.saveP(PLT,files) if rmag_file!="": ResRec={} ResRec['rmag_result_name']='Curie T: '+spec ResRec['er_location_names']=location ResRec['er_sample_names']=sample ResRec['er_site_names']=site ResRec['er_synthetic_names']=syn if syn!="": ResRec['er_specimen_names']=spec else: ResRec['er_specimen_names']="" ResRec['magic_experiment_names']=expname ResRec['magic_method_codes']=method+':SM-2DMAX' ResRec['critical_temp']='%10.1f'%(curieT) ResRec['critical_temp_type']="Curie" ResRec['er_citation_names']="This study" Results.append(ResRec) if len(Results)>0 and rmag_file!="": ResOuts,keys=pmag.fillkeys(Results) pmag.magic_write(rmag_file,ResOuts,'rmag_results') print 'Results stored in ',rmag_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes plots of hysteresis data SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f: specify input file, default is magic_measurements.txt -spc SPEC: specify specimen name to plot and quit -sav save all plots and quit -fmt [png,svg,eps,jpg] """ args=sys.argv PLT=1 plots=0 user,meas_file="","magic_measurements.txt" pltspec="" dir_path='.' fmt='png' verbose=pmagplotlib.verbose version_num=pmag.get_version() if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-sav' in args: verbose=0 plots=1 if '-spc' in args: ind=args.index("-spc") pltspec= args[ind+1] verbose=0 plots=1 if '-fmt' in args: ind=args.index("-fmt") fmt=args[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file # # meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type!='magic_measurements': print main.__doc__ print 'bad file' sys.exit() # # initialize some variables # define figure numbers for hyst,deltaM,DdeltaM curves HystRecs,RemRecs=[],[] HDD={} HDD['hyst']=1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(HDD['hyst'],5,5) # # get list of unique experiment names and specimen names # experiment_names,sids=[],[] hyst_data=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'magic_method_codes','LP-HYS','has') # get all hysteresis data for rec in hyst_data: if 'er_synthetic_name' in rec.keys() and rec['er_synthetic_name']!="": rec['er_specimen_name']=rec['er_synthetic_name'] if rec['magic_experiment_name'] not in experiment_names:experiment_names.append(rec['magic_experiment_name']) if rec['er_specimen_name'] not in sids:sids.append(rec['er_specimen_name']) if 'measurement_temp' not in rec.keys(): rec['measurement_temp']='300' # assume room T measurement unless otherwise specified # k=0 if pltspec!="": k=sids.index(pltspec) intlist=['measurement_magnitude','measurement_magn_moment','measurement_magn_volume','measurement_magn_mass'] while k < len(sids): locname,site,sample,synth='','','','' s=sids[k] hmeths=[] if verbose:print s, k+1 , 'out of ',len(sids) # # B,M=[],[] #B,M for hysteresis, Bdcd,Mdcd for irm-dcd data spec=pmag.get_dictitem(hyst_data,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') # get all measurements for this specimen if 'er_location_name' in spec[0].keys(): locname=spec[0]['er_location_name'] if 'er_site_name' in spec[0].keys(): site=spec[0]['er_site_name'] if 'er_sample_name' in spec[0].keys(): sample=spec[0]['er_sample_name'] if 'er_synthetic_name' in spec[0].keys(): synth=spec[0]['er_synthetic_name'] for m in intlist: meas_data=pmag.get_dictitem(spec,m,'','F') # get all non-blank data for this specimen if len(meas_data)>0: break c=['k-','b-','c-','g-','m-','r-','y-'] cnum=0 if len(meas_data)>0: Temps=[] xlab,ylab,title='','','' for rec in meas_data: if rec['measurement_temp'] not in Temps:Temps.append(rec['measurement_temp']) for t in Temps: print 'working on t: ',t t_data=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'measurement_temp',t,'T') B,M=[],[] for rec in t_data: B.append(float(rec['measurement_lab_field_dc'])) M.append(float(rec[m])) # now plot the hysteresis curve(s) # if len(B)>0: B=numpy.array(B) M=numpy.array(M) if t==Temps[-1]: xlab='Field (T)' ylab=m title='Hysteresis: '+s if t==Temps[0]: pmagplotlib.clearFIG(HDD['hyst']) pmagplotlib.plotXY(HDD['hyst'],B,M,sym=c[cnum],xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,title=title) pmagplotlib.plotXY(HDD['hyst'],[1.1*B.min(),1.1*B.max()],[0,0],sym='k-',xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,title=title) pmagplotlib.plotXY(HDD['hyst'],[0,0],[1.1*M.min(),1.1*M.max()],sym='k-',xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,title=title) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(HDD) cnum+=1 if cnum==len(c):cnum=0 # files={} if plots: if pltspec!="":s=pltspec files={} for key in HDD.keys(): if synth=='': files[key]="LO:_"+locname+'_SI:_'+site+'_SA:_'+sample+'_SP:_'+s+'_TY:_'+key+'_.'+fmt else: files[key]='SY:_'+synth+'_TY:_'+key+'_.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(HDD,files) if pltspec!="":sys.exit() if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(HDD) ans=raw_input("S[a]ve plots, [s]pecimen name, [q]uit, <return> to continue\n ") if ans=="a": files={} for key in HDD.keys(): files[key]="LO:_"+locname+'_SI:_'+site+'_SA:_'+sample+'_SP:_'+s+'_TY:_'+key+'_.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(HDD,files) if ans=='':k+=1 if ans=="p": del HystRecs[-1] k-=1 if ans=='q': print "Good bye" sys.exit() if ans=='s': keepon=1 specimen=raw_input('Enter desired specimen name (or first part there of): ') while keepon==1: try: k =sids.index(specimen) keepon=0 except: tmplist=[] for qq in range(len(sids)): if specimen in sids[qq]:tmplist.append(sids[qq]) print specimen," not found, but this was: " print tmplist specimen=raw_input('Select one or try again\n ') k =sids.index(specimen) else: k+=1 if len(B)==0: if verbose:print 'skipping this one - no hysteresis data' k+=1