def test_markup(mofile):
    mo = polib.mofile(mofile)

    for entry in mo.translated_entries():
        if is_markup(entry.msgid):
            # If this is a plural, check each of the plural translations
            if entry.msgid_plural:
                for plural_id, msgstr in entry.msgstr_plural.items():
                    if not markup_match(entry.msgid, msgstr):
                        raise AssertionError(
                            "Markup does not match for %d translation of msgid %s" % (plural_id, entry.msgid)
            elif not markup_match(entry.msgid, entry.msgstr):
                raise AssertionError("Markup does not match for msgid %s" % entry.msgid)
def test_markup(mofile):
    mo = polib.mofile(mofile)

    for entry in mo.translated_entries():
        if is_markup(entry.msgid):
            # If this is a plural, check each of the plural translations
            if entry.msgid_plural:
                xlations = entry.msgstr_plural
                xlations = {None: entry.msgstr}

            for plural_id, msgstr in xlations.items():
                # Check if the markup is valid at all
                    # pylint: disable=unescaped-markup
                    ET.fromstring('<markup>%s</markup>' % msgstr)
                except ET.ParseError:
                    if entry.msgid_plural:
                        raise AssertionError("Invalid markup translation for %d translation of msgid %s" %
                                (plural_id, entry.msgid))
                        raise AssertionError("Invalid markup translation for msgid %s" % entry.msgid)

                # Check if the markup has the same number and kind of tags
                if not markup_match(entry.msgid, msgstr):
                    if entry.msgid_plural:
                        raise AssertionError("Markup does not match for %d translation of msgid %s" %
                                (plural_id, entry.msgid))
                        raise AssertionError("Markup does not match for msgid %s" % entry.msgid)
Beispiel #3
def test_markup(pofile):
    po = polib.pofile(pofile)

    for entry in po.translated_entries():
        if is_markup(entry.msgid):
            # If this is a plural, check each of the plural translations
            if entry.msgid_plural:
                xlations = entry.msgstr_plural
                xlations = {None: entry.msgstr}

            for plural_id, msgstr in xlations.items():
                # Check if the markup is valid at all
                    # pylint: disable=unescaped-markup
                    ET.fromstring('<markup>%s</markup>' % msgstr)
                except ET.ParseError:
                    if entry.msgid_plural:
                        raise AssertionError("Invalid markup translation for %d translation of msgid %s\n%s" %
                                (plural_id, entry.msgid, msgstr))
                        raise AssertionError("Invalid markup translation for msgid %s\n%s" %
                                (entry.msgid, msgstr))

                # Check if the markup has the same number and kind of tags
                if not markup_match(entry.msgid, msgstr):
                    if entry.msgid_plural:
                        raise AssertionError("Markup does not match for %d translation of msgid %s\n%s" %
                                (plural_id, entry.msgid, msgstr))
                        raise AssertionError("Markup does not match for msgid %s\n%s" % (entry.msgid, msgstr))
Beispiel #4
    def checkGlade(self, glade_tree):
        """Check the validity of Pango markup."""
        lang = glade_tree.getroot().get("lang")
        if lang:
            lang_str = " for language %s" % lang
            lang_str = ""

        # Search for label properties on objects that have use_markup set to True
        for label in glade_tree.xpath(".//property[@name='label' and ../property[@name='use_markup']/text() = 'True']"):
            # Wrap the label text in <markup> tags and parse the tree
                # pylint: disable=unescaped-markup
                pango_tree = etree.fromstring("<markup>%s</markup>" % label.text)

                # Check if the markup is necessary
                        msg="Markup %s could be expressed as attributes at %s%s:%d" %
                            (label.text, label.base, lang_str, label.sourceline))
            except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
                raise AssertionError("Unable to parse pango markup %s at %s%s:%d" %
                        (label.text, label.base, lang_str, label.sourceline))
            except PangoElementException as px:
                raise AssertionError("Invalid pango element %s at %s%s:%d" %
                        (px.element, label.base, lang_str, label.sourceline))

            # If this is a translated node, check that the translated markup
            # has the same elements and attributes as the original.
            orig_markup = label.get("original_text")
            if orig_markup:
                self.assertTrue(markup_match(label.text, orig_markup),
                        msg="Translated markup %s does not contain the same elements and attributes at %s%s:%d" %
                                (label.text, label.base, lang_str, label.sourceline))
Beispiel #5
def check_glade_file(glade_file_path, po_map=None):
    glade_success = True
    with open(glade_file_path) as glade_file:
        # Parse the XML
        glade_tree = etree.parse(glade_file)

        # Search for label properties on objects that have use_markup set to True
        for label in glade_tree.xpath(".//property[@name='label' and ../property[@name='use_markup']/text() = 'True']"):
            if po_map:
                    label_texts = po_map.get(label.text, label.get("context"))
                except KeyError:
                lang_str = " for language %s" % po_map.metadata["Language"]
                label_texts = (label.text,)
                lang_str = ""

            # Wrap the label text in <markup> tags and parse the tree
            for label_text in label_texts:
                    # pylint: disable=unescaped-markup
                    pango_tree = etree.fromstring("<markup>%s</markup>" % label_text)

                    # Check if the markup is necessary
                    if not markup_necessary(pango_tree):
                            "Markup could be expressed as attributes at %s%s:%d"
                            % (glade_file_path, lang_str, label.sourceline)
                        glade_success = False
                except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
                    print("Unable to parse pango markup at %s%s:%d" % (glade_file_path, lang_str, label.sourceline))
                    glade_success = False
                except PangoElementException as px:
                        "Invalid pango element %s at %s%s:%d"
                        % (px.element, glade_file_path, lang_str, label.sourceline)
                    glade_success = False
                    if po_map:
                        # Check that translated markup has the same elements and attributes
                        if not markup_match(label.text, label_text):
                                "Translated markup does not contain the same elements and attributes at %s%s:%d"
                                % (glade_file_path, lang_str, label.sourceline)
                            glade_success = False
    return glade_success
def check_glade_file(glade_file_path, po_map=None):
    glade_success = True
    with open(glade_file_path) as glade_file:
        # Parse the XML
        glade_tree = etree.parse(glade_file)

        # Search for label properties on objects that have use_markup set to True
        for label in glade_tree.xpath(
                ".//property[@name='label' and ../property[@name='use_markup']/text() = 'True']"
            if po_map:
                    label_texts = po_map.get(label.text, label.get("context"))
                except KeyError:
                lang_str = " for language %s" % po_map.metadata['Language']
                label_texts = (label.text, )
                lang_str = ""

            # Wrap the label text in <markup> tags and parse the tree
            for label_text in label_texts:
                    # pylint: disable=unescaped-markup
                    pango_tree = etree.fromstring("<markup>%s</markup>" %

                    # Check if the markup is necessary
                    if not markup_necessary(pango_tree):
                        print("Markup could be expressed as attributes at %s%s:%d" % \
                                (glade_file_path, lang_str, label.sourceline))
                        glade_success = False
                except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
                    print("Unable to parse pango markup at %s%s:%d" % \
                            (glade_file_path, lang_str, label.sourceline))
                    glade_success = False
                except PangoElementException as px:
                    print("Invalid pango element %s at %s%s:%d" % \
                            (px.element, glade_file_path, lang_str, label.sourceline))
                    glade_success = False
                    if po_map:
                        # Check that translated markup has the same elements and attributes
                        if not markup_match(label.text, label_text):
                            print("Translated markup does not contain the same elements and attributes at %s%s:%d" % \
                                    (glade_file_path, lang_str, label.sourceline))
                            glade_success = False
    return glade_success
Beispiel #7
    def _check_markup(self, glade_tree):
        """Check the validity of Pango markup."""
        lang = glade_tree.getroot().get("lang")
        if lang:
            lang_str = " for language %s" % lang
            lang_str = ""

        # Search for label properties on objects that have use_markup set to True
        for label in glade_tree.xpath(
                ".//property[@name='label' and ../property[@name='use_markup']/text() = 'True']"
            # Wrap the label text in <markup> tags and parse the tree
                # pylint: disable=unescaped-markup
                pango_tree = etree.fromstring("<markup>%s</markup>" %

                # Check if the markup is necessary
                    msg="Markup %s could be expressed as attributes at %s%s:%d"
                    % (label.text, label.base, lang_str, label.sourceline))
            except etree.XMLSyntaxError as xx:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "Unable to parse pango markup %s at %s%s:%d" %
                    (label.text, label.base, lang_str,
                     label.sourceline)) from xx
            except PangoElementException as px:
                raise AssertionError("Invalid pango element %s at %s%s:%d" %
                                     (px.element, label.base, lang_str,
                                      label.sourceline)) from px

            # If this is a translated node, check that the translated markup
            # has the same elements and attributes as the original.
            orig_markup = label.get("original_text")
            if orig_markup:
                    markup_match(label.text, orig_markup),
                    "Translated markup %s does not contain the same elements and attributes at %s%s:%d"
                    % (label.text, label.base, lang_str, label.sourceline))
Beispiel #8
    def visit_const(self, node):
        if not isinstance(node.value, (str, bytes)):

        if not is_markup(node.value):

        self._validate_pango_markup_string(node, node.value)

        # Check translated versions of the string if requested
        if self.config.translate_markup:
            global podicts

            # Check if this is a translatable string
            curr = node
            i18nFunc = None
            while curr.parent:
                if isinstance(curr.parent, astroid.CallFunc) and \
                        getattr(curr.parent.func, "name", "") in i18n_funcs:
                    i18nFunc = curr.parent
                curr = curr.parent

            if i18nFunc:
                # If not done already, import polib and read the translations
                if not podicts:
                        from pocketlint.translatepo import translate_all
                    except ImportError:
                        print("Unable to load po translation module")
                        podicts = translate_all(os.path.join(os.environ.get('top_srcdir', '.'), 'po'))

                if in i18n_ctxt_funcs:
                    msgctxt = i18nFunc.args[0].value
                    msgctxt = None

                # Loop over all translations for the string
                for podict in podicts.values():
                        node_values = podict.get(node.value, msgctxt)
                    except KeyError:

                    for value in node_values:
                        self._validate_pango_markup_string(node, value, podict.metadata['Language'])

                        # Check that the markup matches, roughly
                        if not markup_match(node.value, value):
                            self.add_message("W9925", node=node, args=(podict.metadata['Language'],))

        # Check if this the left side of a % operation
        curr = node
        formatOp = None
        while curr.parent:
            if isinstance(curr.parent, astroid.BinOp) and curr.parent.op == "%" and \
                    curr.parent.left == curr:
                formatOp = curr.parent
            curr = curr.parent

        # Check whether the right side of the % operation is escaped
        if formatOp:
            if isinstance(formatOp.right, astroid.CallFunc):
                if getattr(formatOp.right.func, "name", "") not in escapeMethods:
                    self.add_message("W9922", node=formatOp.right)
            # If a tuple, each item in the tuple must be escaped
            elif isinstance(formatOp.right, astroid.Tuple):
                for elt in formatOp.right.elts:
                    if not isinstance(elt, astroid.CallFunc) or\
                            getattr(elt.func, "name", "") not in escapeMethods:
                        self.add_message("W9922", node=elt)
            # If a dictionary, each value must be escaped
            elif isinstance(formatOp.right, astroid.Dict):
                for item in formatOp.right.items:
                    if not isinstance(item[1], astroid.CallFunc) or\
                            getattr(item[1].func, "name", "") not in escapeMethods:
                        self.add_message("W9922", node=item[1])
                self.add_message("W9922", node=formatOp)