Beispiel #1
def test_from_format():
    list_example_factory = ExampleFactory(field_list)

    list_data = ["Mark Dark", 5, "Hawaiian pizza"]
    example = list_example_factory.from_format(list_data, ExampleFormat.LIST)

    assert example["Name"][0] == list_data[0]
    assert example["Score"][0] == list_data[1]
    assert example["Favorite_food"][0] == list_data[2]

    dict_example_factory = ExampleFactory(field_dict)
    dict_data = {
        "Name": "Mark Dark",
        "Score": 5,
        "Favorite_food": "Hawaiian pizza"

    example = dict_example_factory.from_format(dict_data, ExampleFormat.DICT)
    assert example["Name"][0] == dict_data["Name"]
    assert example["Score"][0] == dict_data["Score"]
    assert example["Favorite_food"][0] == dict_data["Favorite_food"]
Beispiel #2
class Pipeline(Experiment):
    Class used to streamline the use of Podium.

    It contains all components needed to train or fine-tune a pre-configured
    model and make predictions on new data.
    def __init__(
        fields: Union[Dict, List],
        example_format: Union[ExampleFormat, str],
        model: Union[AbstractSupervisedModel, Type[AbstractSupervisedModel]],
        trainer: AbstractTrainer = None,
        feature_transformer: Union[FeatureTransformer,
                                   Callable[[NamedTuple], np.array]] = None,
        label_transform_fn: Callable[[NamedTuple], np.ndarray] = None,
        output_transform_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], Any] = None,
        Creates a new pipeline instance.

        fields : dict or list of fields
            Fields used to process raw data. Can be either a dict mapping column names
            to Fields (or tuples of Fields), or a list of Fields (or tuples of Fields).
            A Field value of None means the corresponding column will
            be ignored.

        example_format: ExampleFormat
            Format of expected raw examples.

        feature_transformer: FeatureTransformer
            FeatureTransformer used to transform data features from the podium "batch"
            format into numpy arrays. Will be fitted along with the model to the provided

        model : class or model instance
            Class of the model to be fitted or a pre-trained model.
            If pre-trained model is passed and `fit` is called a new model instance will
            be created. For fine-tuning of the passed model instance call
            Must be a subclass of Podium's `AbstractSupervisedModel`

        trainer: AbstractTrainer, Optional
            Trainer used to fit the model. If provided, this trainer instance will be
            stored in the pipeline and used as the default trainer if no trainer is
            provided in the `fit` and `partial_fit` methods.

        feature_transformer : Union[FeatureTransformer, Callable[[NamedTuple], np.array]
            FeatureTransformer that transforms the input part of the batch returned by the
            iterator into features that can be fed into the model. Will also be fitted
            during Experiment fitting.
            A callable taking an input batch and returning a numpy array of features can
            also be passed.
            If None, a default feature transformer that returns a single feature from
            the batch will be used. In this case the Dataset used in training must contain
            a single input field.

        label_transform_fn : Callable[[NamedTuple], np.ndarray]
            Callable that transforms the target part of the batch returned by the iterator
            into the same format the model prediction is. For a hypothetical perfect model
            the prediction result of the model for some examples must be identical to the
            result of this callable for those same examples.
            If None, a default label transformer that returns a single feature from
            the batch will be used. In this case the Dataset used in training must contain
            a single target field.

        output_transform_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], Any]
            Callable used to transform the prediction result of the model.

            If `example format` is LIST, CSV or NLTK and `fields` is not either
            a list or tuple.
            If `example format` is DICT, XML or JSON and `fields` is not a dict.
        if isinstance(example_format, ExampleFormat):
            example_format = example_format.value

        if example_format in (
            if not isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "If `example format` is LIST, CSV or NLTK, `fields` "
                    "must be either a list or tuple. "
                    f"Type of `fields`: {type(fields)}")
        elif not isinstance(fields, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                "If `example format` is DICT, XML or JSON, `fields` "
                "must be a dict. "
                f"Type of `fields`: {type(fields)}")

        if isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)):
            feature_field_dict = _filter_feature_fields(
                {k: v
                 for k, v in enumerate(fields)})
            self.feature_fields = list(feature_field_dict.values())
            self.feature_fields = _filter_feature_fields(fields)

        self.all_fields = fields

        self.example_format = example_format

        self.training_example_factory = ExampleFactory(self.all_fields)
        self.prediction_example_factory = ExampleFactory(self.feature_fields)

        self.output_transform_fn = output_transform_fn


    def predict_raw(self, raw_example: Any, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
        Computes the prediction of the model for the one example. The example
        must be of the format provided in the constructor as the
        `example_format` parameter.

        raw_example: Any
            Example to compute the prediction for.

            Keyword arguments passed to the model's `predict` method

            Tensor containing the prediction for the example.
        processed_example = self.prediction_example_factory.from_format(
            raw_example, self.example_format)
        ds = Dataset([processed_example], self.feature_fields)
        prediction = self.predict(ds, **kwargs)
        # Indexed with 0 to extract the single prediction from the prediction batch
        prediction = prediction[0]
        if self.output_transform_fn is not None:
            return self.output_transform_fn(prediction)

            return prediction

    def partial_fit_raw(
        examples: Iterable[Union[Dict, List]],
        trainer_kwargs: Dict = None,
        trainer: AbstractTrainer = None,
        Fits the model to the data without resetting the model. Each example
        must be of the format provided in the constructor as the
        `example_format` parameter.

        examples: Iterable[Union[Dict, List]]
            Iterable of examples in raw state.

        trainer_kwargs : dict
            Dict containing trainer arguments. Arguments passed to the trainer are the
            default arguments defined with `set_default_trainer_args` updated/overridden
            by 'trainer_kwargs'.

        trainer: AbstractTrainer, Optional
            Trainer used to fit the model. If None, the trainer provided in the
            constructor will be used.

        training_iterator_callable: Callable[[Dataset], Iterator]
            Callable used to instantiate new instances of the Iterator used in fitting the
            model. If None, the training_iterator_callable provided in the
            constructor will be used.

        processed_examples = [
            self.training_example_factory.from_format(ex, self.example_format)
            for ex in examples
        ds = Dataset(processed_examples, self.all_fields)

    def fit_raw(
        examples: Iterable[Union[Dict, List]],
        model_kwargs: Dict = None,
        trainer_kwargs: Dict = None,
        feature_transformer: FeatureTransformer = None,
        trainer: AbstractTrainer = None,
        Fits the model to the provided examples. During fitting, the provided
        Iterator and Trainer are used. Each example must be of the format
        provided in the constructor as the `example_format` parameter.

        examples : Iterable[Union[Dict, List]]
            Examples that will be used in fitting,

        model_kwargs : dict
            Dict containing model arguments. Arguments passed to the model are the default
            arguments defined with `set_default_model_args` updated/overridden by

        trainer_kwargs : dict
            Dict containing trainer arguments. Arguments passed to the trainer are the
            default arguments defined with `set_default_trainer_args` updated/overridden
            by 'trainer_kwargs'.

        feature_transformer : FeatureTransformer, Optional
            FeatureTransformer that transforms the input part of the batch returned by the
            iterator into features that can be fed into the model. Will also be fitted
            during Experiment fitting.
            If None, the default FeatureTransformer provided in the constructor will be
            used. Otherwise, this will overwrite the default feature transformer.

        trainer : AbstractTrainer, Optional
            Trainer used to fit the model. If None, the trainer provided in the
            constructor will be used.

        training_iterator_callable: Callable[[Dataset], Iterator]
            Callable used to instantiate new instances of the Iterator used in fitting the
            model. If None, the training_iterator_callable provided in the
            constructor will be used.
        processed_examples = [
            self.training_example_factory.from_format(ex, self.example_format)
            for ex in examples
        ds = Dataset(processed_examples, self.all_fields)