Beispiel #1
def TestVoxelize(X):
  A = point_cloud.Voxelize(0.010, X)
  B = point_cloud.Voxelize(0.005, X)
  C = point_cloud.Voxelize(0.002, X)
  if A.shape[0] > B.shape[0] or B.shape[0] > C.shape[0] or C.shape[0] > X.shape[0]:
    print X.shape, A.shape, B.shape, C.shape
    return False
  if A.shape[1] != 3 or B.shape[1] != 3 or C.shape[1] != 3: return False
  return True
Beispiel #2
def TestVoxelizeWithNormals(X):
  N = point_cloud.ComputeNormals(X)
  XX, NN = point_cloud.Voxelize(0.005, X, N)
  norms = norm(NN, axis=1)
  if XX.shape[0] > X.shape[0] or NN.shape[0] > N.shape[0]:
    print X.shape, XX.shape, N.shape, NN.shape
    return False
  if XX.shape[0] != NN.shape[0] or XX.shape[1] != NN.shape[1]:
    return False
  if XX.shape[1] != 3 or NN.shape[1] != 3: return False
  if (norms > 1.001).any() or (norms < 0.999).any():
    print max(norms), min(norms)
    return False
  return True
Beispiel #3
  def GetFullCloud(self, viewCenter, viewKeepout, workspace, add45DegViews=False,
    computeNormals=False, voxelSize=None):
    '''Gets a full point cloud of the scene (6 views) and also computes normals.'''

    poses = self.GetFullViewPoses(viewCenter, viewKeepout, add45DegViews)

    cloud = []; viewPoints = []
    for pose in poses:
      X = self.GetCloud(workspace)
      V = tile(pose[0:3, 3], (X.shape[0], 1))

    cloud = vstack(cloud)
    viewPoints = vstack(viewPoints)
    if computeNormals:      
      normals = point_cloud.ComputeNormals(cloud, viewPoints, kNeighbors=30, rNeighbors=-1)
      if voxelSize: cloud, normals = point_cloud.Voxelize(voxelSize, cloud, normals)
      return cloud, normals
    if voxelSize: cloud = point_cloud.Voxelize(voxelSize, cloud)
    return cloud
Beispiel #4
    def GetDualCloud(self, viewCenter, viewKeepout, workspace):
        '''Gets a point cloud combined form two views, 45 degrees above table and 90 degrees apart.
      - Returns cloud: nx3 combined point cloud.
      - Returns cloudTree: cKDTree object of cloud.

        poses = self.GetDualViewPoses(viewCenter, viewKeepout)

        cloud = []
        for pose in poses:

        cloud = vstack(cloud)
        cloud = point_cloud.Voxelize(cloud, voxelSize=0.002)

        return cloud, cKDTree(cloud)