Beispiel #1
def test_battle_request_and_interactions(example_request):
    logger = MagicMock()
    battle = Battle("tag", "username", logger)

    mon = battle.active_pokemon

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearallboost"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearboost", "p2: Venusaur"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearpositiveboost", "p2: Venusaur"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearpositiveboost", "p2: Venusaur"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearnegativeboost", "p2: Venusaur"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

        ["", "switch", "p2: Necrozma", "Necrozma, L82", "121/293 tox"]
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    assert battle.active_pokemon.species == "Necrozma"
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.TOX

    battle._parse_message(["", "-curestatus", "p2: Necrozma", "par"])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.TOX

    battle._parse_message(["", "-curestatus", "p2: Necrozma", "tox"])
    assert not battle.active_pokemon.status
Beispiel #2
def test_battle_request_parsing(example_request):
    logger = MagicMock()
    battle = Battle("tag", "username", logger)


    mon = battle.active_pokemon

    assert mon.species == "venusaur"
    assert mon.current_hp_fraction == 139 / 265
    assert mon.stats == {
        "atk": 139,
        "def": 183,
        "spa": 211,
        "spd": 211,
        "spe": 178

    moves = mon.moves
    assert (len(moves) == 4 and "leechseed" in moves and "sleeppowder" in moves
            and "substitute" in moves and "sludgebomb" in moves)
    assert mon.ability == "chlorophyll"

    team =

    species = {m.species for m in team.values()}
    assert species == {

    assert len(battle.available_switches) == 4
    assert len(battle.available_moves) == 4

    assert team["p2: Necrozma"].status == Status.TOX
Beispiel #3
def test_sleep_counter(example_request):
    logger = MagicMock()
    battle = Battle("tag", "username", logger)

    battle._parse_message(["", "-status", "p2a: Venusaur", "slp"])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.SLP
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status_counter == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "cant", "p2a: Venusaur", ""])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.SLP
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status_counter == 1

    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.SLP
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status_counter == 1

    battle._switch("p2a: Unfezant", "Unfezant, L86, M", "100/100")
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status is None
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status_counter == 0

    assert battle.active_pokemon.status is None
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status_counter == 0

    battle._switch("p2a: Venusaur", "Venusaur, L82, M", "100/100 slp")
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.SLP
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status_counter == 1

    battle._parse_message(["", "cant", "p2a: Venusaur", ""])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.SLP
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status_counter == 2

    battle._parse_message(["", "cant", "p2a: Venusaur", ""])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.SLP
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status_counter == 3
Beispiel #4
def test_battle_request_and_interactions(example_request):
    logger = MagicMock()
    battle = Battle("tag", "username", logger)

    mon = battle.active_pokemon

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearallboost"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearboost", "p2: Venusaur"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearpositiveboost", "p2: Venusaur"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearpositiveboost", "p2: Venusaur"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-boost", "p2: Venusaur", "atk", "4"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

    battle._parse_message(["", "-clearnegativeboost", "p2: Venusaur"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 4

        ["", "switch", "p2: Necrozma", "Necrozma, L82", "121/293 tox"])
    assert mon.boosts["atk"] == 0
    assert mon.level == 82

    assert battle.active_pokemon.species == "necrozma"
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.TOX

    battle._parse_message(["", "-curestatus", "p2: Necrozma", "par"])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.status == Status.TOX

    battle._parse_message(["", "-curestatus", "p2: Necrozma", "tox"])
    assert not battle.active_pokemon.status

        ["", "switch", "p1: Gabite", "Gabite, L99, F", "311/311"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.species == "gabite"
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.level == 99
    assert battle._parse_message(["", "-supereffective"]) is None

    battle._parse_message(["", "-activate", "p2: Necrozma", "leech seed"])
    leech_seed_effect = Effect.from_showdown_message("leech seed")
    assert leech_seed_effect in battle.active_pokemon.effects

    cleared_boosts = {
        "accuracy": 0,
        "atk": 0,
        "def": 0,
        "evasion": 0,
        "spa": 0,
        "spd": 0,
        "spe": 0,
    some_boosts = {
        "accuracy": -6,
        "atk": 6,
        "def": -1,
        "evasion": 1,
        "spa": 4,
        "spd": -3,
        "spe": 2,
    assert battle.active_pokemon.boosts == cleared_boosts

        ["", "switch", "p1: Tyranitar", "Tyranitar, L82", "100/100"])
    battle.active_pokemon._boosts = some_boosts
    battle._parse_message(["", "-copyboost", "p2: Necrozma", "p1: Tyranitar"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts == some_boosts

    assert battle.active_pokemon.current_hp == 121
    battle._parse_message(["", "-damage", "p2: Necrozma", "10/293"])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.current_hp == 10

    assert battle.active_pokemon.ability is not None
    battle._parse_message(["", "-endability", "p2: Necrozma"])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.ability is None

    battle.active_pokemon.item = "focussash"
    battle._parse_message(["", "-enditem", "p2: Necrozma", "focussash"])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.item is None

    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.base_stats["atk"] == 134
        ["", "detailschange", "p1: Tyranitar", "Tyranitar-Mega, L82"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.base_stats["atk"] == 164

    battle._parse_message(["", "-heal", "p2: Necrozma", "293/293"])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.current_hp == 293

    boosts_before_invertion = battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts.copy()
    battle._parse_message(["", "-invertboost", "p1: Tyranitar"])
    for stat, boost in battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts.items():
        assert boost == -boosts_before_invertion[stat]

        "p1: Tyranitar",
        "[from] ability: Frisk",
        "[of] p2: Necrozma",
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.item == "tyranitarite"

        ["", "switch", "p1: Latias", "Latias, L82", "100/100"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.base_stats["def"] == 90
    battle._parse_message(["", "-mega", "p1: Latias", "latiasite"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.species == "latias"
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.base_stats["def"] == 120

    battle._parse_message(["", "-mustrecharge", "p1: Latias"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.must_recharge is True

        ["", "-prepare", "p1: Latias", "Solar Beam", "p2: Necrozma"])
    move, target = battle.opponent_active_pokemon._preparing
    assert move == "Solar Beam"
    assert target.species == "necrozma"

        ["", "switch", "p1: Groudon", "Groudon, L82", "100/100"])
    battle._parse_message(["", "-primal", "p1: Groudon"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.species == "groudon"

    battle._parse_message(["", "-setboost", "p1: Groudon", "atk", "6"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts["atk"] == 6

    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.current_hp == 100
    battle._parse_message(["", "-sethp", "p1: Groudon", "99/100"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.current_hp == 99

    battle._parse_message(["", "-status", "p1: Groudon", "tox"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.status == Status.TOX

    battle.active_pokemon.boosts["atk"] = 0
    battle.active_pokemon.boosts["def"] = 3
    battle.active_pokemon.boosts["spe"] = -1
    battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts["atk"] = 6
    battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts["def"] = -2
    battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts["spe"] = 0
        ["", "-swapboost", "p1: Groudon", "p2: Necrozma", "atk, def"])
    assert battle.active_pokemon.boosts["atk"] == 6
    assert battle.active_pokemon.boosts["def"] == -2
    assert battle.active_pokemon.boosts["spe"] == -1
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts["atk"] == 0
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts["def"] == 3
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts["spe"] == 0

    battle._parse_message(["", "-transform", "p1: Groudon", "p2: Necrozma"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.species == "groudon"
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.base_stats == POKEDEX["necrozma"][
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.boosts == battle.active_pokemon.boosts

        ["", "switch", "p1: Sunflora", "Sunflora, L82", "100/100"])
    battle.opponent_active_pokemon._boosts = cleared_boosts.copy()
    battle.opponent_active_pokemon._boosts["atk"] = 4
    battle._parse_message(["", "-unboost", "p1: Sunflora", "atk", "5"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon._boosts["atk"] == -1

    battle.opponent_active_pokemon.item = "grassiumz"
    battle._parse_message(["", "-zpower", "p1: Sunflora"])
    assert battle.opponent_active_pokemon.item is None

    sunflora = battle.opponent_active_pokemon
    assert sunflora.fainted is False
    battle._parse_message(["", "faint", "p1: Sunflora"])
    assert sunflora.fainted is True

        ["", "switch", "p1: Groudon", "Groudon, L82", "100/100"])
        ["", "move", "p1: Groudon", "Precipice Blades", "p2: Necrozma"])
    assert "precipiceblades" in battle.opponent_active_pokemon.moves

    battle._player_username = "******"
    battle._opponent_username = "******"
        "ray's rating: 1049 &rarr; <strong>1079</strong><br />(+30 for winning)",
    assert battle.rating == 1049
        "wolfe's rating: 1025 &rarr; <strong>1012</strong><br />(-13 for losing)",
    assert battle.opponent_rating == 1025

    battle._in_team_preview = True
    battle._parse_message(["", "start"])
    assert battle._in_team_preview is False

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as excinfo:
        msg_type = "bad message type that should raise an exception"
        battle._parse_message(["", msg_type])
    assert msg_type in str(excinfo.value)