Beispiel #1
def get_shm_context_volume() -> k8s_schemas.V1Volume:
    Mount an tmpfs volume to /dev/shm.
    This will set /dev/shm size to half of the RAM of node.
    By default, /dev/shm is very small, only 64MB.
    Some experiments will fail due to lack of share memory,
    such as some experiments running on Pytorch.
    return k8s_schemas.V1Volume(
Beispiel #2
def get_volume(
    volume: str, claim_name: str = None, host_path: str = None, read_only: bool = None
) -> k8s_schemas.V1Volume:
    if claim_name:
        pv_claim = k8s_schemas.V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource(
            claim_name=claim_name, read_only=read_only
        return k8s_schemas.V1Volume(name=volume, persistent_volume_claim=pv_claim)

    if host_path:
        return k8s_schemas.V1Volume(
            name=volume, host_path=k8s_schemas.V1HostPathVolumeSource(path=host_path)

    empty_dir = k8s_schemas.V1EmptyDirVolumeSource()
    return k8s_schemas.V1Volume(name=volume, empty_dir=empty_dir)