Beispiel #1
def least_squares_test_III( f ):
    eps = 2e-12
    # define build points and values
    num_dims = 2
    num_pts_1d = 6
    domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, [[-1.,1.]] )
    x = -numpy.cos( numpy.linspace( 0., 1., num_pts_1d ) * numpy.pi );
    [X,Y] = numpy.meshgrid( x, x )
    build_points = numpy.vstack( ( X.reshape(( 1,X.shape[0]*X.shape[1])), 
                                   Y.reshape(( 1, Y.shape[0]*Y.shape[1]))))
    #build_points = numpy.random.uniform( -1, 1, ( num_dims, 20 ) )
    build_values = f( build_points )

    # define solver
    lamda = 0.
    order = num_pts_1d - 1
    poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
    basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
    pce = PCE( num_dims, order = order, basis = basis, func_domain = domain )
    V = pce.vandermonde( build_points ).T
    linear_solver = LeastSquaresSolver( lamda = lamda )

    coeff, tmp = linear_solver.solve( V, build_values )
    coeff = coeff[:,0]
    residuals  = build_values - V, coeff )

    # Initialise variables for the leave k out cross validation error
    VtV_inv = numpy.linalg.inv( V.T, V ) + 
                                lamda * numpy.eye( V.shape[1] ) )

    # perform cross validation on vandermonde matrix
    num_folds = build_points.shape[1]
    cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( num_folds, 
                                                seed = 1)
    for train_indices, validation_indices in cv_iterator:
        output = linear_solver.compute_residuals(  V[train_indices], 
                                            build_values[validation_indices] )
        validation_residuals = output[2]

        V_k = V[validation_indices] 
        H = numpy.eye( V_k.shape[0] ) - V_k, VtV_inv, 
                                                                   V_k.T ) )
        assert numpy.linalg.cond( H ) <=  1. / numpy.finfo( numpy.double ).eps

        H_inv = numpy.linalg.inv( H )

        assert numpy.linalg.norm( H_inv, 
                                             residuals[validation_indices] ) -
                            validation_residuals.reshape( V_k.shape[0] ) ) < eps
    def test_pce_build( self ):
        f = lambda x: numpy.sum( x**5, axis = 0 )
        num_dims = 2
        func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, ranges = [[-1.,1.]] )
        poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
        basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
        predictor = PCE( num_dims, basis, order = 5, func_domain = func_domain,
                         index_norm_order = 0.5 )

        rng = numpy.random.RandomState( 0 )
        build_pts = rng.uniform( -1., 1., ( num_dims , 21 ) )
        build_vals = f( build_pts ) build_pts, build_vals )

        true_mean = mean_anisotropic_sum_of_monomials_2d( 5, 5 )
        true_var = variance_anisotropic_sum_of_monomials_2d( 5, 5 )

        assert numpy.allclose( predictor.mean(), true_mean )
        assert numpy.allclose( predictor.variance(), true_var )
Beispiel #3
def interpolation_1d_test_I( f ):
    seed = 2
    rng = numpy.random#.RandomState( seed )

    # 1D example with least interpolation
    order = 3
    num_dims = 1
    func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, [[-1.,1.]] )
    poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
    basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
    linear_solver = LeastInterpolation()
    predictor = PCE( num_dims, basis, order = order,
                     linear_solver = linear_solver ) 
    predictor.function_domain( func_domain )
    x = -numpy.cos( numpy.linspace( 0., 1., order + 1 ) * numpy.pi );
    build_points = x.reshape( 1, x.shape[0] )
    build_values = f( build_points[0,:] )
    p = build_points, build_values )
    print 'c', predictor.coeff
Beispiel #4
    def __init__( self, num_dims, max_level, quadrature_rule, 
                  refinement_manager, sparse_grid_data, target_function ):
        self.num_dims = num_dims
        self.max_level = max_level
        self.quadrature_rule = quadrature_rule
        self.refinement_manager = refinement_manager
        self.target_function = target_function

        # for least interpolant
        poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
        basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
        linear_solver = LeastInterpolation()
        self.pce = PCE( self.num_dims, basis = basis, 
                        linear_solver = linear_solver )
        self.pce.function_domain( self.quadrature_rule.domain )

        # grid points used in the sparse grid
        self.grid_point_indices = set()

        # number of grid points in the grid. This is not equal to
        # len( self.grid_point_indices ). The later contains all grid points
        # including candidates and those actually in the grid
        self.num_grid_points = 0

        # grid points that are candidates for addition to the sparse grid
        # but have not been initialized and so can not be prioritized
        self.uninit_grid_point_indices = set()

        # grid points that are candidates for addition to the sparse grid
        self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue = []
        # Python note: heap[0] has the smallest value ( inverse of priority ), 
        # i.e the highest prioirity

        # grid points that are candidates for addition to the sparse grid
        # This object will contain the same grid point indices as 
        # self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue but is used to ensure a 
        # point is only added to the self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue
        self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash = set()

        # keep track of the number of grid points generated
        # ( self.num_grid_points + self.num_candidate_grid_points + 
        # self.num_uninit_grid_points )
        self.num_grid_point_indices_generated = 0 = sparse_grid_data
     def test_omp_choloesky( self ):

          f_1d = lambda x: x**10

          num_dims = 1
          order = 20
          func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, [[-1,1]] )          
          build_pts = numpy.linspace(-.85,.9,14)
          build_pts = numpy.atleast_2d( build_pts )
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          all_train_indices = []
          all_validation_indices = []
          cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for train_indices, validation_indices in cv_iterator:
               all_train_indices.append( train_indices )
               all_validation_indices.append( validation_indices )

          vandermonde = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          out = orthogonal_matching_pursuit_cholesky( vandermonde, 
                                                      0.0, 1000, 0 )

          num_steps = out[1].shape[1]
          # use num_steps -1 bscause leave one out cross validation is
          # invalid when V is underdterimed which happens when i = num_steps.
          for i in xrange( num_steps-1 ):
               I = numpy.asarray( out[1][1,:i+1], dtype = numpy.int32 )
               V = vandermonde[:,I]
               for j in xrange( len( all_validation_indices ) ):
                    J = all_train_indices[j]
                    K = all_validation_indices[j]
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    x = ridge_regression( A, b )
                    assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[K,0] - 
                                    V, x )[K,0 ]), 
                                           out[2][i][j] )

          all_train_indices = []
          all_validation_indices = []
          num_folds = 5
          cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( num_folds,
                                                      build_pts.shape[1] )
          for train_indices, validation_indices in cv_iterator:
               all_train_indices.append( train_indices )
               all_validation_indices.append( validation_indices )

          vandermonde = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          out = orthogonal_matching_pursuit_cholesky( vandermonde, 
                                                      0.0, 1000, 0 )

          num_steps = out[1].shape[1]
          for i in xrange( num_steps-1 ):
               I = numpy.asarray( out[1][1,:i+1], dtype = numpy.int32 )
               V = vandermonde[:,I]
               for j in xrange( len( all_validation_indices ) ):
                    J = all_train_indices[j]
                    K = all_validation_indices[j]
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    x = ridge_regression( A, b )
                    if ( len( I ) <= len( J ) ):
                         assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[K,0] - 
                                         V, x )[K,0] ),
                                                out[2][i][j] )
     def xtest_grid_search_cross_validation( self ):

          f_1d = lambda x: x**10

          build_pts = numpy.linspace(-.85,.9,14)
          build_pts = numpy.atleast_2d( build_pts )
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to Gaussian Process
          num_dims = 1
          func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, [[-1,1]] )
          GP = GaussianProcess()
          GP.set_verbosity( 0 )
          GP.function_domain( func_domain )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, GP )
 build_pts, build_vals )         
          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for i in xrange( build_pts.shape[1] ):
               if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
               elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
               else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
               train_pts = build_pts[:,J]
               train_vals = build_vals[J,:]
      train_pts, train_vals )
               pred_vals = GP.evaluate_set( build_pts )
               assert numpy.allclose( build_vals[i,0]-pred_vals[i],
                                      CV.residuals[0][i] )

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to polynomial chaos
          # expansions that are built using ridge regression
          # The vandermonde matrix is built from scratch every time by the pce
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce )
 build_pts, build_vals )

          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
               if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
               elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
               else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
               A =  V[J,:]
               b = build_vals[J,:]
               x = ridge_regression( A, b )
               assert numpy.allclose( (build_vals[i,0] V, x ))[i],
                                      CV.residuals[0][i] )

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to polynomial chaos
          # expansions that are built using ridge regression
          # Specifying  parse_cross_validation_data = True will ensure that 
          # the vandermonde matrix is not built from scratch every time by 
          # the pce
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                          use_predictor_cross_validation = True)
 build_pts, build_vals )

          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
               if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
               elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
               else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
               A =  V[J,:]
               b = build_vals[J,:]
               x = ridge_regression( A, b )
               assert numpy.allclose( (build_vals[i,0] V, x ))[i],
                                      CV.residuals[0][i] )

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to polynomial chaos
          # expansions that are built using ridge regression
          # A closed form for the cross validation residual is used
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                     use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                     use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = True )
 build_pts, build_vals )

          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
               if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
               elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
               else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
               A =  V[J,:]
               b = build_vals[J,:]
               x = ridge_regression( A, b )
               assert numpy.allclose( (build_vals[i,0] V, x ))[i],
                                      CV.residuals[0][i] )

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to polynomial chaos
          # expansions that are built using ridge regression
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          max_order = build_pts.shape[1]
          orders = numpy.arange( 1, max_order )
          lamda = numpy.array( [0.,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1] )
          # note cartesian product takes type from first array in 1d sets
          # so if I use orders first lamda will be rounded to 0
          cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [lamda,orders] )

          cv_params_grid = []
          for i in xrange( cv_params_grid_array.shape[0] ):
               cv_params = {}
               cv_params['lambda'] = cv_params_grid_array[i,0]
               cv_params['order'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,1] )
               cv_params_grid.append( cv_params )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                    use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                    use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = False )
 build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )

          k = 0
          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for cv_params in cv_params_grid:
               order = cv_params['order']
               lamda = cv_params['lambda']
               pce.set_order( order )
               V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
               for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
                    if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
                    elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
                    else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    x = ridge_regression( A, b, lamda = lamda )
                    assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[i,0]-
                                    V, x ) )[i],
                                           CV.residuals[k][i] )
               k += 1

          print 'best',CV.best_cv_params

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to 
          # expansions that are built using a step based method
          # ( LARS )
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          max_order = build_pts.shape[1]
          orders = numpy.arange( 1, max_order )
          lamda = numpy.array( [0.,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1] )
          # note cartesian product takes type from first array in 1d sets
          # so if I use orders first lamda will be rounded to 0
          cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [lamda,orders] )

          cv_params_grid = []
          for i in xrange( cv_params_grid_array.shape[0] ):
               cv_params = {}
               cv_params['solver'] = 4 # LARS
               cv_params['order'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,1] )
               cv_params_grid.append( cv_params )

          print cv_params_grid

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          #loo_cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( 3 )
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                    use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                    use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = False )
 build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )

          k = 0
          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for cv_params in cv_params_grid:
               order = cv_params['order']
               pce.set_order( order )
               V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
               for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
                    if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
                    elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
                    else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    b = b.reshape( b.shape[0] )
                    x, metrics = least_angle_regression( A, b, 0., 4, 0., 1000, 
                                                         0 )
                    assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[i,0]-
                                    V, x ) )[i],
                                           CV.residuals[k][i] )
               k += 1

          #for i in xrange( len( CV.cv_params_set ) ):
          #     print CV.cv_params_set[i], CV.scores[i]

          print 'best param', CV.best_cv_params
          print 'best score', CV.best_score
          print build_pts.shape[1]

          # ( OMP )
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          max_order = build_pts.shape[1]
          orders = numpy.arange( 1, max_order )
          lamda = numpy.array( [0.,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1] )
          # note cartesian product takes type from first array in 1d sets
          # so if I use orders first lamda will be rounded to 0
          cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [lamda,orders] )

          cv_params_grid = []
          for i in xrange( cv_params_grid_array.shape[0] ):
               cv_params = {}
               cv_params['solver'] = 2 # OMP
               cv_params['order'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,1] )
               cv_params_grid.append( cv_params )

          print cv_params_grid

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          #loo_cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( 3 )
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                    use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                    use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = False )
 build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )

          k = 0
          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for cv_params in cv_params_grid:
               order = cv_params['order']
               pce.set_order( order )
               V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
               for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
                    if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
                    elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
                    else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    b = b.reshape( b.shape[0] )
                    x, metrics = orthogonal_matching_pursuit( A, b, 0., 1000, 0 )
                    assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[i,0]-
                                    V, x ) )[i],
                                           CV.residuals[k][i] )
               k += 1

          #for i in xrange( len( CV.cv_params_set ) ):
          #     print CV.cv_params_set[i], CV.scores[i]

          print 'best param', CV.best_cv_params
          print 'best score', CV.best_score
          print build_pts.shape[1]
    def test_polynomial_chaos_expansion( self ):

        # test 1D bounded domain
        num_dims = 1
        func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims )
        poly_1d = [ JacobiPolynomial1D( 0., 0. ) ]
        basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
        predictor = PCE( num_dims, basis, order = 2  )
        predictor.set_coefficients( numpy.ones( predictor.coeff.shape ) )
	predictor.function_domain( func_domain )
        num_test_points = 20
        test_points = \
            numpy.linspace( 0., 1., num_test_points ).reshape(1,num_test_points)
        pred_vals = predictor.evaluate_set( test_points )
        x = 2. * test_points - 1.
        test_vals = numpy.ones( num_test_points ) + x[0,:] + \
            0.5 * ( 3.*x[0,:]**2 - 1. )
        assert numpy.allclose( test_vals, pred_vals )
        test_mean = 1.
        test_variance = 1./3. + 1./5.
        assert numpy.allclose( predictor.mean(), test_mean )
        assert numpy.allclose( predictor.variance(), test_variance )

        # test 2D bounded domain
        num_dims = 2
        func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims )
        poly_1d = [ JacobiPolynomial1D( 0., 0. ) ]
        basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
        predictor = PCE( num_dims, basis, order = 2  )
        predictor.set_coefficients( numpy.ones( predictor.coeff.shape ) )
	predictor.function_domain( func_domain )
        num_test_points = 20
        test_points = numpy.random.uniform( 0., 1., ( num_dims, num_test_points))
        pred_vals = predictor.evaluate_set( test_points )
        x = 2. * test_points - 1.
        test_vals = numpy.ones( num_test_points ) + x[0,:] + x[1,:] + \
            0.5 * ( 3.*x[0,:]**2 - 1. ) + 0.5 * ( 3.*x[1,:]**2 - 1. ) + \
            x[0,:] * x[1,:]
        assert numpy.allclose( test_vals, pred_vals )
        test_mean = 1.
        test_variance = 2. * 1./3. + 1./9. + 2. * 1./5.
        assert numpy.allclose( predictor.mean(), test_mean )
        assert numpy.allclose( predictor.variance(), test_variance )

        # test when domain is unbounded in one dimension
        num_dims = 2
        func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, 
                                           ranges = [[0.,1.],
                                                     [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf]] )
        poly_1d = [ JacobiPolynomial1D( 0., 0. ), HermitePolynomial1D() ]
        basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
        predictor = PCE( num_dims, basis, order = 2  )
        predictor.set_coefficients( numpy.ones( predictor.coeff.shape ) )
	predictor.function_domain( func_domain )
        num_test_points = 20
        x_1 = numpy.random.uniform( 0., 1., ( 1, 20 ) )
        x_2 = numpy.random.normal( 0., 1., ( 1, 20 ) )
        test_points = numpy.vstack( ( x_1, x_2 ) )
        pred_vals = predictor.evaluate_set( test_points )
        x = test_points
        x[0,:] = 2. * x[0,:] - 1.
        test_vals = numpy.ones( num_test_points ) + x[0,:] + x[1,:] + \
            0.5 * ( 3.*x[0,:]**2 - 1. ) + ( x[1,:]**2 - 1. ) + \
            x[0,:] * x[1,:]
        assert numpy.allclose( test_vals, pred_vals )
        test_mean = 1.
        test_variance = 2. * 1./3. + 1./5. + 2. + 1.
        assert numpy.allclose( predictor.mean(), test_mean )
        assert numpy.allclose( predictor.variance(), test_variance )
Beispiel #8
class GridPointAdaptedSparseGrid(object):
    def __init__( self, num_dims, max_level, quadrature_rule, 
                  refinement_manager, sparse_grid_data, target_function ):
        self.num_dims = num_dims
        self.max_level = max_level
        self.quadrature_rule = quadrature_rule
        self.refinement_manager = refinement_manager
        self.target_function = target_function

        # for least interpolant
        poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
        basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
        linear_solver = LeastInterpolation()
        self.pce = PCE( self.num_dims, basis = basis, 
                        linear_solver = linear_solver )
        self.pce.function_domain( self.quadrature_rule.domain )

        # grid points used in the sparse grid
        self.grid_point_indices = set()

        # number of grid points in the grid. This is not equal to
        # len( self.grid_point_indices ). The later contains all grid points
        # including candidates and those actually in the grid
        self.num_grid_points = 0

        # grid points that are candidates for addition to the sparse grid
        # but have not been initialized and so can not be prioritized
        self.uninit_grid_point_indices = set()

        # grid points that are candidates for addition to the sparse grid
        self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue = []
        # Python note: heap[0] has the smallest value ( inverse of priority ), 
        # i.e the highest prioirity

        # grid points that are candidates for addition to the sparse grid
        # This object will contain the same grid point indices as 
        # self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue but is used to ensure a 
        # point is only added to the self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue
        self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash = set()

        # keep track of the number of grid points generated
        # ( self.num_grid_points + self.num_candidate_grid_points + 
        # self.num_uninit_grid_points )
        self.num_grid_point_indices_generated = 0 = sparse_grid_data

    def build_root( self ):
        Initialize the grid by creating the root subspace
        root_grid_point_index = GridPointIndex( None )
        self.insert_uninit_grid_point( root_grid_point_index )

    def insert_remaining_candidate_points( self ):
        if ( self.refinement_manager.candidate_point_needs_func_eval() ):
            while ( len( self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue ) > 0 ):
                inv_priority, grid_point_index = \
                    heapq.heappop( self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue )

                self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash.remove( grid_point_index )
                self.insert_grid_point( grid_point_index )

    def insert_next_grid_point( self ):
        Insert a subspace into the list of subspaces in the grid
        # if two indices have the same priority the indices themselves will be 
        # compared
        inv_priority, grid_point_index = \
            heapq.heappop( self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue )

        self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash.remove( grid_point_index )
        if ( grid_point_index not in self.grid_point_indices ):
            if ( not self.refinement_manager.candidate_point_needs_func_eval() ):
                self.evaluate_target_function( grid_point_index )
            self.insert_grid_point( grid_point_index )
            # point was originally a missing parent

        return grid_point_index

    def insert_uninit_grid_point( self, grid_point_index ):
        if ( grid_point_index not in self.uninit_grid_point_indices and
             grid_point_index not in self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash and
             grid_point_index not in self.grid_point_indices and
             self.refinement_manager.grid_point_admissible( grid_point_index ) ):
            self.uninit_grid_point_indices.add( grid_point_index )
            grid_point_index.array_index = self.num_grid_point_indices_generated
            self.num_grid_point_indices_generated += 1            

    def insert_candidate_grid_point( self, grid_point_index ):
        # I think this can be removed if check is made when point is added to
        # unitialized set, check for existance must be made for uninit
        # candidate and sparse grid points
        if ( grid_point_index not in self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash ):
            heapq.heappush( self.candidate_grid_point_indices_queue, 
                            ( 1. / grid_point_index.priority, grid_point_index ))
            self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash.add( grid_point_index )
            msg = 'grid point already exists'
            raise Exception, msg

    def insert_grid_point( self, grid_point_index ):
        self.grid_point_indices.add( grid_point_index )
        self.num_grid_points += 1

    def refine( self ):
        Perform point-wise adaptive refinement.
        Extract the grid points with the highest priority.
        grid_point_index = self.insert_next_grid_point()
        if self.refinement_manager.grid_point_warrants_refinement( grid_point_index ):
            for dim in xrange( self.quadrature_rule.num_dims ):
                # todo would be better not to assume that a left and right child 
                # are both available or more are not as well
                child_index = self.quadrature_rule.child_index( grid_point_index,
                                                                dim, 'left' )
                if child_index is not None:
                    self.insert_uninit_grid_point( child_index )

                child_index = self.quadrature_rule.child_index( grid_point_index,
                                                                dim, 'right' )
                if child_index is not None:
                    self.insert_uninit_grid_point( child_index )

    def compute_hierarical_surpluses( self, fn_val, coord, grid_point_index ):
        self.insert_missing_parent_grid_points( grid_point_index )
        subspace_index = grid_point_index.subspace_index()
        return fn_val - self.evaluate_set( coord.reshape( self.num_dims,1),
                                           subspace_index )
    # evaluate all points belonging to subspaces that have indices <= 
    # current_subspace_index
    def evaluate_set( self, pts, current_subspace_index = None ):
        result = numpy.zeros( ( pts.shape[1] ), numpy.double )
        for grid_point_index in self.grid_point_indices:

            evaluate_grid_point = True
            # this is very expensive. at least in python
            #grid_point_subspace_index = grid_point_index.subspace_index()
            #if ( current_subspace_index is None ): 
            #    evaluate_grid_point = True
            #elif ( grid_point_subspace_index <= current_subspace_index ): 
            #    evaluate_grid_point = True
            #    evaluate_grid_point = False

            if ( evaluate_grid_point ):
                if ( is not None  ):
                    #evaluate basis
                    result += \
              [grid_point_index.array_index] * \
                        self.quadrature_rule.basis.value( pts, grid_point_index,
                                                          self.quadrature_rule.domain )
                    result += \
              [grid_point_index.array_index] * \
                        numpy.ones( ( result.shape[0] ), numpy.double )
        return result

    def evaluate_set1( self, pts, current_subspace_index = None ):
        if ( len( self.grid_point_indices ) == 0 ):
            return numpy.zeros( ( pts.shape[1] ), numpy.double )
        poly_indices = \
            self.quadrature_rule )
        coords = numpy.empty( ( self.num_dims, len( self.grid_point_indices ) ),
                              numpy.double )
        values = numpy.empty( ( len( self.grid_point_indices ), 1 ),
                              numpy.double )
        for i, grid_point_index in enumerate( self.grid_point_indices ):
            coords[:,i] = \
                self.quadrature_rule.coordinate( grid_point_index )
            values[i,0] =[grid_point_index.array_index] coords, values )
        return self.pce.evaluate_set( pts ) 

    def grid_point_coordinates( self ):
        coords = numpy.empty( ( self.num_dims, len( self.grid_point_indices ) ),
                              numpy.double )
        for i, grid_point_index in enumerate( self.grid_point_indices ):
            coords[:,i] = \
                self.quadrature_rule.coordinate( grid_point_index )
        return coords

    def insert_parent_grid_point( self, grid_point_index ):
        # If the parent is missing from self.sparse_grid_indices 
        # always promote it to self.sparse grid_indices. 

        # If the parent is in self.candidate_grid_point_indices 
        # keep it there so it will be refined. Doing this means that 
        # in insert_next_grid_point we must include a check that does not
        # allow points that are already in self.sparse_grid_indices to 
        # be added again. We must also evaluate
        # the target function if it has not been evaluated already.

        # If the parent is in self.uninit_grid_point_indices
        # then promote it to the candidate set. We must always calculate
        # the priority and evaluate the function if not done so already.

        self.insert_missing_parent_grid_points( grid_point_index )
        # Check if grid_point_index is in a candidate point
        array_index = None
        grid_point_index_ref=find( self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash, 
                                         grid_point_index )
        if ( grid_point_index_ref is not None ):
            # grid_point_index is not a candidate point.
            # grid_point_index_ref contains is the original index
            # contained in self.candidate_grid_point_indices_hash.
            # grid_point_index will not have priority or aray_index set.
            # only evaluate function if not done so already
            if ( not self.refinement_manager.candidate_point_needs_func_eval() ):
                self.evaluate_target_function( grid_point_index_ref )

            # promote point to the sparse grid
            self.insert_grid_point( grid_point_index_ref )

            # grid_point_index is not a candidate point so check if it is
            # an uninit point
            grid_point_index_ref = \
                find( self.uninit_grid_point_indices, grid_point_index )
            if ( grid_point_index_ref is not None ):
                # grid_point_index is an uninit point   
                # grid_point_index_ref contains is the original index
                # contained in self.uninit_grid_point_indices.
                self.insert_candidate_grid_point( grid_point_index_ref )
                # grid_point_index is not an uninit point or candidate
                # point
                grid_point_index_ref = grid_point_index
                grid_point_index_ref.array_index = \
                self.num_grid_point_indices_generated += 1

            self.evaluate_target_function( grid_point_index_ref )
            self.refinement_manager.prioritize_grid_point( grid_point_index_ref )
            self.insert_candidate_grid_point( grid_point_index_ref )
            self.insert_grid_point( grid_point_index )

    def insert_missing_parent_grid_points( self, grid_point_index ):
        for d in xrange( grid_point_index.num_effect_dims() ):
            dim = grid_point_index.dimension_from_array_index ( d )
            parent_index = self.quadrature_rule.parent_index( grid_point_index, 
                                                              dim )
            if ( parent_index not in self.grid_point_indices ):
                self.insert_parent_grid_point( parent_index )

    def evaluate_target_function( self, grid_point_index ):
        coord = self.quadrature_rule.coordinate( grid_point_index )
        coord = coord.reshape( coord.shape[0], 1 )
        array_index = grid_point_index.array_index self.target_function( coord ), array_index )
        hier_surplus = \
                                               coord, grid_point_index ) hier_surplus, array_index )
        self.refinement_manager.num_model_runs +=1

    def prioritize( self ):
         for grid_point_index in self.uninit_grid_point_indices:
             if ( self.refinement_manager.candidate_point_needs_func_eval() ):
                 self.evaluate_target_function( grid_point_index )
             self.refinement_manager.prioritize_grid_point( grid_point_index )
             self.insert_candidate_grid_point( grid_point_index )

         self.uninit_grid_point_indices = set()
Beispiel #9
def pce_study( build_pts, build_vals, domain, 
               test_pts, test_vals, 
               results_file = None,
               cv_file = None, solver_type = 2 ):

    num_dims = build_pts.shape[0]

    index_generator = IndexGenerator()

    poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
    basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
    pce = PCE( num_dims, order = 0, basis = basis, func_domain = domain )

    if ( solver_type == 1 ):
        num_folds = build_pts.shape[1]
        num_folds = 20

    index_norm_orders = numpy.linspace( 0.4, 1.0, 4 )    
    #if (solver_tupe == 1):
    #    index_norm_orders = [.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,1.]

    #solvers = numpy.array( [solver_type], numpy.int32 )
    #cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [solvers,orders] )
    cv_params_grid = []
    for index_norm_order in index_norm_orders:
        level = 2
        # determine what range of orders to consider. 
        # spefically consider any order that results in a pce with terms <= 3003
        while ( True ):
            #index_generator.set_parameters( num_dims, level, 
            #                                index_norm_order = index_norm_order)
            indices = index_generator.get_isotropic_indices( num_dims, level, 
                                                             index_norm_order )
            num_indices = len( indices )
            print level, index_norm_order, len ( indices )
            if ( num_indices > 3003 ):
            cv_params = {}
            cv_params['solver'] = solver_type
            cv_params['order'] = level
            cv_params['index_norm_order'] = index_norm_order

            if ( cv_params['solver'] > 1 or 
                 num_indices <= build_pts.shape[1] ):
                # only do least squares on over-determined systems
                cv_params_grid.append( cv_params  )

            level += 1

    print cv_params_grid

    # cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()    
    cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( num_folds = num_folds )
    CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( cv_iterator, pce,
                                    use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                    use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = True )
    t0 = time.time() build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )
    time_taken = time.time() - t0
    print 'cross validation took ', time_taken, ' seconds'
    print "################"
    print "Best cv params: ", CV.best_cv_params
    print "Best cv score: ", CV.best_score
    print "################"

    #for i in xrange( len( CV.cv_params_set ) ):
    #    print CV.cv_params_set[i], CV.scores[i]

    best_order = CV.best_cv_params['order']
    best_index_norm_order = CV.best_cv_params['index_norm_order']

    best_pce = PCE( num_dims, 
                    order = best_order, 
                    basis = basis, 
                    func_domain = domain,
                    index_norm_order = best_index_norm_order)
    V = best_pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
    best_pce.set_solver( CV.best_cv_params['solver'] )
    if  cv_params['solver'] != 1 and cv_params['solver'] != 5:
        best_res_tol = CV.best_cv_params['norm_residual']
        best_pce.linear_solver.residual_tolerance = best_res_tol
    sols, sol_metrics = best_pce.linear_solver.solve( V, build_vals )
    coeff = sols[:,-1]

    best_pce.set_coefficients( coeff )
    error = abs( build_vals - best_pce.evaluate_set( build_pts ) )
    print max( error )

    print 'Evaluating best pce at test points'
    num_test_pts = test_pts.shape[1]
    pce_vals_pred = best_pce.evaluate_set( test_pts ).T
    print test_vals.shape, pce_vals_pred.shape
    error = test_vals.squeeze() - pce_vals_pred
    linf_error = numpy.max( numpy.absolute( error ) )
    l2_error = numpy.sqrt( error.T, error ) / num_test_pts )
    mean = numpy.mean( pce_vals_pred )
    var =  numpy.var( pce_vals_pred )
    pce_mean = best_pce.mean()
    pce_var = best_pce.variance()

    if results_file is not None:
        results_file.write( '%1.15e' %linf_error + ',' +  '%1.15e' %l2_error + 
                            ',' +  '%1.15e' %mean + ',' +  '%1.15e' %var + 
                            ',%1.15e' %pce_mean + ',' + '%1.15e' %pce_var + '\n')

    print "linf error: ", linf_error
    print "l2 error: ", l2_error
    print "mean: ", mean 
    print "var: ", var
    print "pce mean: ", pce_mean 
    print "pce var: ", pce_var
Beispiel #10
    def cv_vs_error_study( build_pts, build_vals, domain, 
               test_pts, test_vals, 
               results_file = None,
               cv_file = None, solver_type = 2 ):
        num_dims = build_pts.shape[0]
        if ( num_dims == 10 ):
            max_order = 5
        elif ( num_dims == 15 ):
            max_order = 4
            max_order = 3

        poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
        basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
        pce = PCE( num_dims, order = 0, basis = basis, func_domain = domain )

        orders = numpy.arange( 1, max_order + 1 )
        solvers = numpy.array( [solver_type], numpy.int32 )
        cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [solvers,orders] )
        cv_params_grid = []
        for i in xrange( cv_params_grid_array.shape[0] ):
            cv_params = {}
            cv_params['solver'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,0] )
            cv_params['order'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,1] )
            num_pce_terms = polynomial_space_dimension( num_dims,
                                                        cv_params['order'] )
            if ( cv_params['solver'] <= 1 and 
                 num_pce_terms >= build_pts.shape[1] ):
                cv_params['lambda'] = 1.e-12
            cv_params_grid.append( cv_params )

        # print cv_params_grid

        # cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()    
        cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( num_folds = 20 )
        CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( cv_iterator, pce,
                                        use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                        use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = True )
        t0 = time.time() build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )
        time_taken = time.time() - t0
        print 'cross validation took ', time_taken, ' seconds'

        print "################"
        print "Best cv params: ", CV.best_cv_params
        print "Best cv score: ", CV.best_score
        print "################"

        for order in orders:
            residual_norms = numpy.empty( len( CV.cv_params_set ), numpy.double )
            scores = numpy.empty( len( CV.cv_params_set ), numpy.double )
            k = 0
            for i in xrange( len( CV.cv_params_set ) ):
                if ( CV.cv_params_set[i]['order'] == order ):
                    residual_norms[k] = CV.cv_params_set[i]['norm_residual']
                    scores[k] = CV.scores[i]
                    k += 1

            residual_norms.resize( k )
            scores.resize( k )

            pce = PCE( num_dims, 
                       order = order, 
                       basis = basis, 
                       func_domain = domain )
            V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
            pce.set_solver( CV.best_cv_params['solver'] )
            # pce.linear_solver.max_iterations = 3
            sols, sol_metrics = pce.linear_solver.solve( V, build_vals )
            from sklearn.linear_model import orthogonal_mp
            l2_error = numpy.empty( ( sols.shape[1] ), numpy.double )
            residuals = numpy.empty( ( sols.shape[1] ), numpy.double )
            test_pts = numpy.random.uniform( 0., 1., ( num_dims, 1000 ) )
            f = GenzModel( domain, 'oscillatory' )
            # f.set_coefficients( 4.5, 'no-decay' )
            f.set_coefficients( 4.5, 'quadratic-decay' )
            test_vals = f( test_pts ).reshape( ( test_pts.shape[1], 1 ) )
            for i in xrange( sols.shape[1] ):
                coeff = sols[:,i]
                pce.set_coefficients( coeff )
                residuals[i] = numpy.linalg.norm( build_vals - 
                                                  pce.evaluate_set( build_pts ) )
                num_test_pts = test_pts.shape[1]
                pce_vals_pred = pce.evaluate_set( test_pts ).T
                error = test_vals.squeeze() - pce_vals_pred
                l2_error[i] = numpy.linalg.norm( error ) / numpy.sqrt( num_test_pts )

            import pylab
            print residuals, l2_error
            print residual_norms, scores
            pylab.loglog( residuals, l2_error, label  = str( order ) + 'true' )
            pylab.loglog( residual_norms, scores, label = str( order )+'-cv' )
def pce_study( build_pts, build_vals, domain, 
               test_pts, test_vals, 
               results_file = None,
               cv_file = None, solver_type = 2 ):

    num_dims = build_pts.shape[0]

    index_generator = IndexGenerator()

    poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
    basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
    pce = PCE( num_dims, order = 0, basis = basis, func_domain = domain )

    if ( solver_type == 1 ):
        num_folds = build_pts.shape[1]
        num_folds = 20

    index_norm_orders = numpy.linspace( 0.4, 1.0, 4 )
    #solvers = numpy.array( [solver_type], numpy.int32 )
    #cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [solvers,orders] )
    cv_params_grid = []
    for index_norm_order in index_norm_orders:
        level = 2
        # determine what range of orders to consider. 
        # spefically consider any order that results in a pce with terms <= 3003
        while ( True ):
            index_generator.set_parameters( num_dims, level, 
                                            index_norm_order = index_norm_order )
            print level, index_norm_order, index_generator.num_indices
            if ( index_generator.num_indices > 3003 ):
            cv_params = {}
            cv_params['solver'] = solver_type
            cv_params['order'] = level
            cv_params['index_norm_order'] = index_norm_order

            if ( cv_params['solver'] > 1 or 
                 index_generator.num_indices <= build_pts.shape[1] ):
                # only do least squares on over-determined systems
                cv_params_grid.append( cv_params  )

            level += 1

    print cv_params_grid

    # cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()    
    cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( num_folds = num_folds )
    CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( cv_iterator, pce,
                                    use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                    use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = True )
    t0 = time.time() build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )
    time_taken = time.time() - t0
    print 'cross validation took ', time_taken, ' seconds'
    print "################"
    print "Best cv params: ", CV.best_cv_params
    print "Best cv score: ", CV.best_score
    print "################"

    #for i in xrange( len( CV.cv_params_set ) ):
    #    print CV.cv_params_set[i], CV.scores[i]

    best_order = CV.best_cv_params['order']
    best_index_norm_order = CV.best_cv_params['index_norm_order']

    best_pce = PCE( num_dims, 
                    order = best_order, 
                    basis = basis, 
                    func_domain = domain,
                    index_norm_order = best_index_norm_order)
    V = best_pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
    best_pce.set_solver( CV.best_cv_params['solver'] )
    if  cv_params['solver'] > 1 :
        best_res_tol = CV.best_cv_params['norm_residual']
        best_pce.linear_solver.residual_tolerance = best_res_tol
    sols, sol_metrics = best_pce.linear_solver.solve( V, build_vals )
    coeff = sols[:,-1]

    best_pce.set_coefficients( coeff )
    error = abs( build_vals - best_pce.evaluate_set( build_pts ) )
    print max( error )

    print 'Evaluating best pce at test points'
    num_test_pts = test_pts.shape[1]
    pce_vals_pred = best_pce.evaluate_set( test_pts ).T
    print test_vals.shape, pce_vals_pred.shape
    error = test_vals.squeeze() - pce_vals_pred
    linf_error = numpy.max( numpy.absolute( error ) )
    l2_error = numpy.sqrt( error.T, error ) / num_test_pts )
    mean = numpy.mean( pce_vals_pred )
    var =  numpy.var( pce_vals_pred )
    pce_mean = best_pce.mean()
    pce_var = best_pce.variance()

    if results_file is not None:
        results_file.write( '%1.15e' %linf_error + ',' +  '%1.15e' %l2_error + 
                            ',' +  '%1.15e' %mean + ',' +  '%1.15e' %var + 
                            ',%1.15e' %pce_mean + ',' + '%1.15e' %pce_var + '\n')

    print "linf error: ", linf_error
    print "l2 error: ", l2_error
    print "mean: ", mean 
    print "var: ", var
    print "pce mean: ", pce_mean 
    print "pce var: ", pce_var

    me, te, ie = best_pce.get_sensitivities()
    interaction_values, interaction_terms = best_pce.get_interactions()

    show = False
    fignum = 1
    filename = 'oscillator-individual-interactions.png'
    plot_interaction_values( interaction_values, interaction_terms, title = 'Sobol indices', truncation_pct = 0.95, filename = filename, show = show,
                             fignum = fignum )
    fignum += 1
    filename = 'oscillator-dimension-interactions.png'
    plot_interaction_effects( ie, title = 'Dimension-wise joint effects', truncation_pct = 0.95, filename = filename, show = show,fignum = fignum   )
    fignum += 1
    filename = 'oscillator-main-effects.png'
    plot_main_effects( me, truncation_pct = 0.95, title = 'Main effect sensitivity indices', filename = filename, show = show, fignum = fignum  )
    fignum += 1
    filename = 'oscillator-total-effects.png'
    plot_total_effects( te, truncation_pct = 0.95, title = 'Total effect sensitivity indices', filename = filename, show = show, fignum = fignum  )
    fignum += 1

    from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde
    pylab.figure( fignum  )
    pce_kde = gaussian_kde( pce_vals_pred )
    pce_kde_x = numpy.linspace( pce_vals_pred.min(), pce_vals_pred.max(), 100 )
    pce_kde_y = pce_kde( pce_kde_x )
    pylab.plot( pce_kde_x, pce_kde_y,label = 'pdf of surrogate' )
    true_kde = gaussian_kde( test_vals )
    true_kde_x = numpy.linspace( test_vals.min(), test_vals.max(), 100 )
    true_kde_y = true_kde( true_kde_x )
    pylab.plot( true_kde_x, true_kde_y, label = 'true pdf' )
Beispiel #12
     def test_least_interpolant( self ):
          num_dims = 2
          func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, [[-1,1]] )

          x = -numpy.cos( numpy.linspace( 0., 1., 10 ) * numpy.pi );
          [X,Y] = numpy.meshgrid( x, x )
          build_points = numpy.vstack( ( X.reshape(( 1,X.shape[0]*X.shape[1])), 
                                         Y.reshape(( 1, Y.shape[0]*Y.shape[1]))))
          build_values = matlab_peaks( build_points )

          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          linear_solver = LeastInterpolation()
          predictor = PCE( build_points.shape[0], basis = basis, 
                           linear_solver = linear_solver ) 
          predictor.function_domain( func_domain )
 build_points, build_values )
          result = predictor.evaluate_set( build_points )
          if ( result.ndim > 1 ): result = result.reshape( result.shape[0] )

          error = result - build_values
          l2_error = numpy.sqrt( error.T, error ) / \
                                      build_points.shape[1] )
          print 'error at nodes: %1.15e' %l2_error
          assert l2_error < self.eps

          poly_1d = [ JacobiPolynomial1D( 0.5, 0.5 ) ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          linear_solver = LeastInterpolation()
          predictor = PCE( build_points.shape[0], basis = basis, 
                           linear_solver = linear_solver ) 
          predictor.function_domain( func_domain )
 build_points, build_values )
          result = predictor.evaluate_set( build_points )
          if ( result.ndim > 1 ): result = result.reshape( result.shape[0] )