Beispiel #1
class OrderItem(db.Entity):
    """Продукт в заказе"""
    products = Set('Product')
    amount = Optional(int, default=1, min=1)
    order = Required('Order')
 class Role(db.Entity):
     name = Required(str, unique=True)
     description = Optional(str, nullable=True)
     users = Set(lambda: User)
Beispiel #3
class Track(PathMixin, db.Entity):
    _table_ = "track"

    id = PrimaryKey(UUID, default=uuid4)
    disc = Required(int)
    number = Required(int)
    title = Required(str)
    year = Optional(int)
    genre = Optional(str, nullable=True)
    duration = Required(int)
    has_art = Required(bool, default=False)

    album = Required(Album, column="album_id")
    artist = Required(Artist, column="artist_id")

    bitrate = Required(int)

    path = Required(str, 4096, autostrip=False)  # unique
    _path_hash = Required(buffer, column="path_hash")
    created = Required(datetime, precision=0, default=now)
    last_modification = Required(int)

    play_count = Required(int, default=0)
    last_play = Optional(datetime, precision=0)

    root_folder = Required(Folder, column="root_folder_id")
    folder = Required(Folder, column="folder_id")

    __lastly_played_by = Set(lambda: User)  # Never used, hide it

    stars = Set(lambda: StarredTrack)
    ratings = Set(lambda: RatingTrack)

    def as_subsonic_child(self, user, prefs):
        info = {
            "id": str(,
            "parent": str(,
            "isDir": False,
            "title": self.title,
            "track": self.number,
            os.path.getsize(self.path) if os.path.isfile(self.path) else -1,
            "contentType": self.mimetype,
            "suffix": self.suffix(),
            "duration": self.duration,
            "bitRate": self.bitrate,
            "path": self.path[len(self.root_folder.path) + 1:],
            "isVideo": False,
            "discNumber": self.disc,
            "created": self.created.isoformat(),
            "albumId": str(,
            "artistId": str(,
            "type": "music",

        if self.year:
            info["year"] = self.year
        if self.genre:
            info["genre"] = self.genre
        if self.has_art:
            info["coverArt"] = str(
        elif self.folder.cover_art:
            info["coverArt"] = str(

            starred = StarredTrack[,]
            info["starred"] =
        except ObjectNotFound:

            rating = RatingTrack[,]
            info["userRating"] = rating.rating
        except ObjectNotFound:

        avgRating = avg(self.ratings.rating)
        if avgRating:
            info["averageRating"] = avgRating

        if (prefs is not None and prefs.format is not None
                and prefs.format != self.suffix()):
            info["transcodedSuffix"] = prefs.format
            info["transcodedContentType"] = (mimetypes.guess_type(
                "dummyname." + prefs.format, False)[0]
                                             or "application/octet-stream")

        return info

    def mimetype(self):
        return mimetypes.guess_type(self.path,
                                    False)[0] or "application/octet-stream"

    def duration_str(self):
        ret = "{:02}:{:02}".format((self.duration % 3600) / 60,
                                   self.duration % 60)
        if self.duration >= 3600:
            ret = "{:02}:{}".format(self.duration / 3600, ret)
        return ret

    def suffix(self):
        return os.path.splitext(self.path)[1][1:].lower()

    def sort_key(self):
        return f"{}{}{self.disc:02}{self.number:02}{self.title}".lower(
Beispiel #4
 class MoleculeMerge(db.Entity):
     _table_ = '%s_molecule_merge' % schema if DEBUG else (schema, 'molecule_merge')
     id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
     source = Required('Molecule', reverse='merge_target')
     target = Required('Molecule', reverse='merge_source')
     mapping = Optional(Json)
Beispiel #5
 class Snatched(db.Entity):
     date = Required(datetime.datetime)
     announced = Required(Announced)
     backend = Required(str)
Beispiel #6
class Issues(db.Entity):
    type = Required(str)
    id = PrimaryKey(int)
    bad = Required(bool)
    switcharoos = Set(Switcharoo)
Beispiel #7
class TelegaMessaga(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    telega_id = Required(int, size=16)
    date = Optional(datetime, default=lambda:
Beispiel #8
class Comment(db.Entity):
    product = Required('Product')
Beispiel #9
class Tag(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    name = Required(str)
    problemas = Set(Problema)
Beispiel #10
class OrderItem(db.Entity):
    product = Required(Product)
    amount = Optional(int, default=1, min=1)
    order = Required(Order)
Beispiel #11
class CartItem(db.Entity):
    """Продукт в корзине"""
    product = Required(Product)
    amount = Optional(int, default=1, min=1)
    cart = Required('Cart')
Beispiel #12
class User(db.Entity):
    login = PrimaryKey(str)
    password = Required(str)
    email = Optional(str)
    addresses = Set("Shortener")
Beispiel #13
class Shortener(db.Entity):
    shortcut = PrimaryKey(str)
    url = Required(str)
    user = Optional(User)
Beispiel #14
class Molecule(SearchMolecule, metaclass=LazyEntityMeta, database='CGRdb'):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    date = Required(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    user = DoubleLink(Required('User', reverse='molecules'), Set('Molecule'))
    _structures = Set('MoleculeStructure')
    reactions = Set('MoleculeReaction')
    special = Optional(Json)

    def __init__(self, structure, user, special=None):
        self._cached_structure = self._database_.MoleculeStructure(self, structure, user)
        self._cached_structures_all = (self._cached_structure,)
        if special:
            self.special = special

    def __str__(self):
        signature of last edition of molecule
        return str(self.structure)

    def __bytes__(self):
        hashed signature of last edition of molecule
        return bytes(self.structure)

    def structure(self):
        return self.last_edition.structure

    def structure_raw(self):
        return self.raw_edition.structure

    def structures_all(self):
        return tuple(x.structure for x in self.all_editions)

    def last_edition(self):
        if self._cached_structure is None:
            self._cached_structure = self._structures.filter(lambda x: x.last).first()
        return self._cached_structure

    def raw_edition(self):
        if self._cached_structure_raw is not None:
            return self._cached_structure_raw
        raise AttributeError('available in entities from queries results only')

    def all_editions(self):
        if self._cached_structures_all is None:
            s = tuple(
            self._cached_structures_all = s
            if self._cached_structure is None:
                self._cached_structure = next(x for x in s if x.last)
        return self._cached_structures_all

    _cached_structure = _cached_structure_raw = _cached_structures_all = None
Beispiel #15
 class Additiveset(db.Entity):
     _table_ = '%s_additives' % schema if DEBUG else (schema, 'additives')
     id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
     additive = Required('Additive')
     amount = Required(float, default=1)
     structure = Required('Structure')
Beispiel #16
class Metainfo(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    info = Required(str)
    problema = Required(Problema)
Beispiel #17
class UserFlair(db.Entity):
    user = PrimaryKey(str, max_len=21)
    roos = Required(int, default=0)
    fixes = Required(int, default=0)
Beispiel #18
class Tarea(db.Entity, mixins.TareaMixin):
    id = PrimaryKey(str)
    nombre = Required(str)
    tipo = Required(str)
    creador = Required(Profesor, reverse='tareas')
    completada = Required(bool, default=False)
Beispiel #19
class ArtObject(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(str, 32)
    path = Required(str)
    f_type = Required(str, 50)
    ext = Required(str)
    preview = Optional(str)
Beispiel #20
class Asignatura(db.Entity, mixins.AsignaturaMixin):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    nombre = Required(str)
    titulacion = Required(str)
    composite_index(nombre, titulacion)
    examenes = Set(Examen)
Beispiel #21
    class Reaction(db.Entity, UserMixin, FingerprintMixin, IsomorphismMixin, Similarity,
                   ReactionStructureSearch, ReactionSubStructureSearch):
        _table_ = '%s_reaction' % schema if DEBUG else (schema, 'reaction')
        id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
        date = Required(datetime)
        user_id = Required(int, column='user')
        fear = Required(str, unique=True)
        mapless_fear = Required(str)
        fingerprint = Required(str) if DEBUG else Required(str, sql_type='bit(%s)' % (2 ** FP_SIZE))

        children = Set('Reaction', cascade_delete=True)
        parent = Optional('Reaction')

        molecules = Set('MoleculeReaction')
        conditions = Set('Conditions')
        special = Optional(Json)
        # FEAR - классификаторы
        # словарь {"FEAR":list[fear_strings]}
        # На основе реакции возраващает список уникальных строк

        def __init__(self, structure, user, conditions=None, special=None, fingerprint=None, fear_string=None,
                     mapless_fear_string=None, cgr=None, substrats_fears=None, products_fears=None):
            new_mols, batch = OrderedDict(), {}
            fears = dict(substrats=iter(substrats_fears if substrats_fears and
                                        len(substrats_fears) == len(structure.substrats) else []),
                         products=iter(products_fears if products_fears and
                                       len(products_fears) == len(structure.products) else []))

            refreshed = ReactionContainer()
            m_count = count()
            for i, is_p in (('substrats', False), ('products', True)):
                for x in structure[i]:
                    m_fear_string = next(fears[i], Molecule.get_fear(x))
                    m = Molecule.get(fear=m_fear_string)
                    if m:
                        mapping = self.match_structures(m.structure_raw, x)
                        batch[next(m_count)] = (m.last_edition, is_p,
                                                [(k, v) for k, v in mapping.items() if k != v] or None)
                        refreshed[i].append(relabel_nodes(m.structure, mapping))
                        new_mols[next(m_count)] = (x, is_p, m_fear_string)

            if new_mols:
                for_fp, for_x = [], []
                for x, _, m_fp in new_mols.values():
                    if m_fp not in for_fp:

                fp_dict = dict(zip(for_fp, Molecule.get_fingerprints(for_x)))
                dups = {}
                for n, (x, is_p, m_fear_string) in new_mols.items():
                    if m_fear_string not in dups:
                        m = Molecule(x, user, fear_string=m_fear_string, fingerprint=fp_dict[m_fear_string])
                        dups[m_fear_string] = m
                        mapping = None
                        m = dups[m_fear_string]
                        mapping = [(k, v) for k, v in
                                   self.match_structures(m.structure_raw, x).items() if k != v] or None
                    batch[n] = (m, is_p, mapping)

            if mapless_fear_string is None:
                mapless_fear_string, merged = self.get_mapless_fear(refreshed, get_merged=True)
                merged = None

            if fear_string is None:
                fear_string, cgr = (self.get_fear(structure, get_cgr=True) if merged is None else
                                    self.get_fear(merged, is_merged=True, get_cgr=True))
            elif cgr is None:
                cgr = cgr_core.getCGR(refreshed) if merged is None else cgr_core.getCGR(merged, is_merged=True)

            if fingerprint is None:
                fingerprint = self.get_fingerprints([cgr], is_cgr=True)[0]

            db.Entity.__init__(self,, fear=fear_string, fingerprint=fingerprint.bin,
                               date=datetime.utcnow(), mapless_fear=mapless_fear_string)

            for m, is_p, mapping in (batch[x] for x in sorted(batch)):
                MoleculeReaction(reaction=self, molecule=m, product=is_p, mapping=mapping)

            if conditions:
                Conditions(conditions, self, user)

            if special:
                self.special = special

            self.__cached_cgr = cgr
            self.__cached_structure = structure
            self.__cached_bitstring = fingerprint

        def refresh_reaction(cls, structure):
            fresh = dict(substrats=[], products=[])
            for i, is_p in (('substrats', False), ('products', True)):
                for x in structure[i]:
                    m = Molecule.get(fear=Molecule.get_fear(x))
                    if m:
                        return False

            res = ReactionContainer()
            for k in ('products', 'substrats'):
                for x, y in zip(fresh[k], structure[k]):
                    mapping = cls.match_structures(x.structure_raw, y)
                    res[k].append(relabel_nodes(x.structure, mapping))

            return res

        def get_fingerprints(structures, is_cgr=False):
            cgrs = structures if is_cgr else [cgr_core.getCGR(x) for x in structures]
            f = Fragmentor(workpath='.', version=FRAGMENTOR_VERSION, fragment_type=FRAGMENT_TYPE_CGR,
                           min_length=FRAGMENT_MIN_CGR, max_length=FRAGMENT_MAX_CGR,
                           cgr_dynbonds=FRAGMENT_DYNBOND_CGR, useformalcharge=True).get(cgrs)['X']
            return fingerprints.get_fingerprints(f)

        def get_fear(structure, is_merged=False, get_cgr=False):
            cgr = cgr_core.getCGR(structure, is_merged=is_merged)
            fear_string = Molecule.get_fear(cgr)
            return (fear_string, cgr) if get_cgr else fear_string

        def get_fear_classes(self):
            reaction_center=fear.get_environment(self.cgr, atoms)
            for i in connected_component_subgraphs(reaction_center):
            return  rc_list

        def get_mapless_fear(structure, is_merged=False, get_merged=False):
            merged = structure if is_merged else cgr_core.merge_mols(structure)
            fear_string = '%s>>%s' % (Molecule.get_fear(merged['substrats']), Molecule.get_fear(merged['products']))
            return (fear_string, merged) if get_merged else fear_string

        def cgr(self):
            if self.__cached_cgr is None:
                self.__cached_cgr = cgr_core.getCGR(self.structure)
            return self.__cached_cgr

        def structure(self):
            if self.__cached_structure is None:
                r = ReactionContainer()
                for m in self.molecules.order_by(lambda x:
                    r['products' if m.product else 'substrats'].append(
                        relabel_nodes(m.molecule.structure_raw, dict(m.mapping)) if m.mapping else m.molecule.structure)
                self.__cached_structure = r
            return self.__cached_structure

        def refresh_fear_fingerprint(self):
            fear_string, cgr = self.get_fear(self.structure, get_cgr=True)
            fingerprint = self.get_fingerprints([cgr], is_cgr=True)[0]
            print(  # Pony BUG. AD-HOC!
            self.fear = fear_string
            self.fingerprint = fingerprint.bin
            self.__cached_bitstring = fingerprint

        __cached_structure = None
        __cached_cgr = None
        __cached_conditions = None

        def flush_cache(self):
            self.__cached_structure = None
            self.__cached_cgr = None
            self.__cached_conditions = None
Beispiel #22
class Problema_examen(db.Entity):
    posicion = Required(int)
    problema_id = Required(Problema)
    examen_id = Required(Examen)
    PrimaryKey(problema_id, examen_id)
Beispiel #23
    class Molecule(db.Entity, UserMixin, FingerprintMixin, IsomorphismMixin, Similarity,
                   MoleculeStructureSearch, MoleculeSubStructureSearch):
        _table_ = '%s_molecule' % schema if DEBUG else (schema, 'molecule')
        id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
        date = Required(datetime)
        user_id = Required(int, column='user')
        data = Required(Json)
        fear = Required(str, unique=True)
        fingerprint = Required(str) if DEBUG else Required(str, sql_type='bit(%s)' % (2 ** FP_SIZE))

        children = Set('Molecule', reverse='parent', cascade_delete=True)
        parent = Optional('Molecule', reverse='children')
        last = Required(bool, default=True)

        merge_source = Set('MoleculeMerge', reverse='target')  # molecules where self is more correct
        merge_target = Set('MoleculeMerge', reverse='source')  # links to correct molecules

        reactions = Set('MoleculeReaction')

        def __init__(self, structure, user, fingerprint=None, fear_string=None):
            data = node_link_data(structure)

            if fear_string is None:
                fear_string = self.get_fear(structure)
            if fingerprint is None:
                fingerprint = self.get_fingerprints([structure])[0]

            self.__cached_structure_raw = structure
            self.__cached_bitstring = fingerprint
            db.Entity.__init__(self, data=data,, fear=fear_string, fingerprint=fingerprint.bin,

        def update_structure(self, structure, user):
            update structure representation. atom mapping should be equal to self.
            :param structure: Molecule container
            :param user: user entity
            :return: True if updated. False if conflict found.
            new_hash = {k: v['element'] for k, v in structure.nodes(data=True)}
            old_hash = {k: v['element'] for k, v in self.structure_raw.nodes(data=True)}
            if new_hash != old_hash:
                raise Exception('Structure or mapping not match')

            fear_string = self.get_fear(structure)
            exists = Molecule.get(fear=fear_string)
            if not exists:
                m = Molecule(structure, user, fear_string=fear_string)
                for mr in self.last_edition.reactions:
                    ''' replace current last molecule edition in all reactions.
                    mr.molecule = m

                self.last_edition.last = False
                m.parent = self.parent or self
                self.__last_edition = m
                return True

            ''' this code not optimal. but this procedure is rare if db correctly standardized before population.
            ex_parent = exists.parent or exists
            if ex_parent != (self.parent or self) and not any(( or == ex_parent
                                                              for x in self.merge_target):
                ''' if exists structure not already in merge list
                mapping = self.match_structures(structure, exists.structure_raw)
                MoleculeMerge(target=exists, source=self,
                              mapping=[(k, v) for k, v in mapping.items() if k != v] or None)

            return False

        def merge_molecule(self, molecule):
            m = Molecule[molecule]
            mm = MoleculeMerge.get(target=m, source=self)
            if not mm:
                return False
            ''' replace self in reactions to last edition of mergable molecule.
            mmap = dict(mm.mapping or [])
            mapping = [(n, mmap.get(n, n)) for n in self.structure_raw.nodes()]
            for mr in self.last_edition.reactions:
                rmap = dict(mr.mapping or [])
                mr.mapping = [(k, v) for k, v in ((v, rmap.get(k, k)) for k, v in mapping) if k != v] or None
                mr.molecule = m.last_edition

            ''' remap self'''
            if self.parent:
                tmp = [self.parent] + list(self.parent.children)
                tmp = [self] + list(self.children)

            for x in tmp:
       = node_link_data(relabel_nodes(x.structure_raw, mmap))

            ''' set self.parent to molecule chain
            if m.parent:
                tmp = [m.parent] + list(m.parent.children)
                tmp = [m] + list(m.children)

            for x in tmp:
                x.parent = self.parent or self

            self.last_edition.last = False
            self.__last_edition = m.last_edition
            return True

        def get_fear(structure):
            return fear.get_cgr_string(structure)

        def get_fingerprints(structures):
            f = Fragmentor(workpath='.', version=FRAGMENTOR_VERSION, fragment_type=FRAGMENT_TYPE_MOL,
                           min_length=FRAGMENT_MIN_MOL, max_length=FRAGMENT_MAX_MOL,
            return fingerprints.get_fingerprints(f)

        def structure_raw(self):
            if self.__cached_structure_raw is None:
                g = node_link_graph(
                g.__class__ = MoleculeContainer
                self.__cached_structure_raw = g
            return self.__cached_structure_raw

        def structure_parent(self):
            if self.parent:
                return self.parent.structure_raw
            return None

        def structure(self):
            return self.last_edition.structure_raw

        def last_edition(self):
            if self.__last_edition is None:
                if self.last:
                    tmp = self
                elif self.parent and self.parent.last:
                    tmp = self.parent
                    tmp = (self.parent or self).children.filter(lambda x: x.last).first()
                self.__last_edition = tmp
            return self.__last_edition

        __cached_structure_raw = None
        __last_edition = None

        def flush_cache(self):
            self.__cached_structure_raw = None
            self.__last_edition = None
Beispiel #24
class Figura(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    filename = Required(str)
    problemas = Set(Problema)
Beispiel #25
 class Snatched(db.Entity):
     date = Required(datetime.datetime)
     title = Required(str)
     indexer = Required(str)
     torrent = Required(str)
     backend = Required(str)
Beispiel #26
class CoffinJobs(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    context = Required(Json)
    origin_host = Required(int)
    origin_id = Required(str)
    assignee = Optional(QueueParticipants)
Beispiel #27
    class Page(db.Entity):
        id = PrimaryKey(UUID, auto=True, default=uuid4)
        created = Required(datetime.datetime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
        modified = Optional(datetime.datetime)
        titre = Optional(str, default="")
        activite = Required("Activite")
        lastPosition = Optional(int, default=0)
        sections = Set("Section")

        def before_insert(self):
            self.modified = self.created

        def before_update(self):
            if hasattr(self, "reasonUpdate"):
                del self.reasonUpdate  # block page autoupdate when provient de section

        def update_modified(self):
            self.modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            return self.modified

        def to_dict(self):
            dico = super().to_dict()
                    "id": str(,
                    "created": self.created.isoformat(),
                    "modified": self.modified.isoformat(),
                    "activite": str(,
                    "lastPosition": self.lastPosition,
                    "sections": [
                        str( for s in self.sections.order_by(lambda x: x.position)
                    "matiere": str(,
                    "matiereNom": self.activite.matiere.nom,
                    "matiereFgColor": self.activite.matiere.fgColor,
                    "matiereBgColor": self.activite.matiere.bgColor,
            return dico

        def _query_recents(self, annee):
            query = (
                select(p for p in Page if == annee)
            )  # pragma: no cover_all
            return query

        def recents(cls, annee):
            return [p.to_dict() for p in cls._query_recents(cls, annee)]

        def new_page(activite, titre=""):
            return Page(titre=titre, activite=activite).to_dict()

        def content(self):
            return [p for p in self.sections.order_by(db.Section._position)]
class Person(db.Entity):
    name = Required(str)
    age = Required(int)
    cars = Set('Car')
Beispiel #29
class Meta(metadb.Entity):
    _table_ = "meta"
    key = PrimaryKey(str, 32)
    value = Required(str, 256)
Beispiel #30
 class Score(db.Entity):
     _table_ = '%s_score' % schema if DEBUG else (schema, 'score')
     id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
     year = Required(int)
     score = Required(float)
     issn = Required('JournalISSN')