Beispiel #1
  Make your database over PonyORM searchable.

  :copyright: (c) 2015-2017 by Jonathan Prieto-Cubides & Felipe Rodriguez.
  :license: MIT (see


from datetime import date
from pony.orm import *
from ponywhoosh import PonyWhoosh

pw = PonyWhoosh()

# configurations
pw.indexes_path = 'ponyindexes'
pw.search_string_min_len = 1
pw.writer_timeout = 2

db = Database()

@pw.register_model('number', 'name')
class Department(db.Entity):
    number = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    name = Required(str, unique=True)
    groups = Set("Group")
    courses = Set("Course")

@pw.register_model('number', 'major')
Beispiel #2
                                  , INDEX_REPOSITORY_BRANCH
                                  , INDEX_REPOSITORY_NAME
                                  , INDEX_REPOSITORY_PATH
                                  , INDEX_REPOSITORY_URL
                                  , PACKAGE_SOURCES_PATH
                                  , REPO
                                  , PKG_SUFFIX
                                  , LIB_SUFFIX

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Search index
pw = PonyWhoosh()

pw.indexes_path          = DATABASE_SEARCH_INDEXES_PATH
pw.search_string_min_len = 1
pw.writer_timeout        = 3

db = Database()

# Library is the general object to store the information about
# an Agda library. Each library is associated with its different
# versions. These versions are instance of the object LibraryVersion.

@pw.register_model('name', 'description', 'url')
class Library(db.Entity):
    name         = PrimaryKey(str)
    description  = Optional(str, nullable=True)
    url          = Optional(str, nullable=True)
Beispiel #3
  Make your database over PonyORM searchable.

  :copyright: (c) 2015-2017 by Jonathan Prieto-Cubides & Felipe Rodriguez.
  :license: MIT (see


from datetime import date
from pony.orm import *
from ponywhoosh import PonyWhoosh

pw = PonyWhoosh()

# configurations
pw.indexes_path = "ponyindexes"
pw.search_string_min_len = 1
pw.writer_timeout = 2

db = Database()

@pw.register_model("number", "name")
class Department(db.Entity):
    number = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    name = Required(str, unique=True)
    groups = Set("Group")
    courses = Set("Course")

@pw.register_model("number", "major")