def getTimer(command): if 'start' in command: timerStart = time.time() return ('Started') elif 'stop' in command: timerEnd = time.time() output(f'Elapsed time: {timerEnd - timerStart}') return (f'Elapsed time: {timerEnd - timerStart}') timerStart = 0 timerEnd = 0
def builder(): with app.app_context(): user = PoohUser.query.filter_by(name=curUser).first() if user: key = " ".join(command.split()[1:command.split().index("is")]) val = " ".join(command.split()[command.split().index("is") + 1:]) userInfo = json.loads(user.additional_info) userInfo[key] = val user.additional_info = json.dumps(userInfo) db.session.commit() output('I\'ll remember that') return ('I\'ll remember that') else: output('No user')
def switch(): global curUser with app.app_context(): lookupUser = PoohUser.query.filter_by(name=userName).first() if lookupUser: output(f'Hello, {userName}') curUser = userName return (f'Hello, {userName}') else: output(f'Welcome, {userName}') newUser = PoohUser(userName) curUser = userName with app.app_context(): db.session.add(newUser) db.session.commit() return (f'Welcome, {userName}')
def delegator(app, task): # This is our exit point if 'quit' in task or 'goodbye' in task or 'exit' in task: output('\nHave a good rest of your day, Michael\n') return # This will put us into admin mode if the user enters the correct username and password elif 'admin' in task.lower(): return adminStart(app) # This is a basic property that will get us the time elif 'time' in task.lower(): return timeStart(task) # This is where we will play something on spotify elif 'play' in task.lower() or 'pause' in task.lower( ) or 'stop' in task.lower() or 'next' in task.lower( ) or 'prev' in task.lower(): return spotifyStart(task) # This is where we will be able to manipulate tasks in todoist elif 'todoist' in task.lower() or 'task' in task.lower( ) or 'to do' in task.lower(): return todoistStart(task) # This is where we enter the blackjack game elif 'blackjack' in task.lower(): return play(app) # This is where we go to get pooh to tell us the weather elif 'weather' in task.lower() or 'temperature' in task.lower(): return getWeather(task) # This is where we can do basic mathematical operations. This will be expanded later elif '+' in task or '-' in task or '/' in task or '*' in task: return mathStart(task) # This is how we switch users so that Pooh will know what information to access about each user elif 'this is' in task.lower(): curUser = "".join(task.split()[2:]) return switchUser(app, curUser) elif '?' in task: return profileAccessor(app, task) elif 'my' in task.lower() and 'is' in task.lower(): return profileBuilder(app, task) else: output('Sorry, I can\'t do that.')
def spotify(): #if 'song' in task: if 'play' in task: requestType = 'track' path = 'tracks.items.[0].uri' wordArray = task.split() wordArray = wordArray[1:] # Doing some situational configuration if 'playlist' in task: requestType = 'playlist' wordArray.remove('playlist') elif 'album' in task or 'music by' in task: requestType = 'album' if 'album' in task: wordArray.remove('album') else: wordArray.remove('music') wordArray.remove('by') path = 'albums.items.[0]' elif 'artist' in task: requestType = 'artist' wordArray.remove('artist') songTitle = " ".join(wordArray) # Making the request for the resource we need token = spotifyAuth()['access_token'] headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'} query = {'q': songTitle, 'type': requestType} r = requests.get('', headers=headers, params=query) call([ 'spotify', 'play', 'uri', json.loads(r.content)[f'{requestType}s']['items'][0]['uri'] ], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) output('Ok, here you go.') elif 'pause' in task or 'stop' in task: call(['spotify', 'pause'], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) output('Ok, stopped') elif 'next' in task: call(['spotify', 'next'], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) output('Can Do') elif 'prev' in task: call(['spotify', 'prev'], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) output('Whatever you say')
def admin(): username = input("Enter the admin username: "******"Enter the admin password: "******"ADMIN > ") if task == 'initialize db': with app.app_context(): db.create_all() output('I will store all of my memories here.') elif task == 'drop db': call(['rm', 'pooh.db'], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) output('Ok, I have deleted my memory.') elif 'exit' in task: output('Exiting admin mode') return else: output('Invalid Credentials')
def accessor(): global curUser with app.app_context(): user = PoohUser.query.filter_by(name=curUser).first() if user: if 'my name' in command: output(f'Your name is {curUser}') return (f'Your name is {curUser}') else: userInfo = json.loads(user.additional_info) for key, val in userInfo.items(): if key in command: output(f'Your {key} is {val}') return (f'Your {key} is {val}') output('I don\'t know that yet. Please teach me.') return ('I don\'t know that yet. Please teach me.') else: output('No user') return ('No user')
def getCurTime(): output(f'The current time is {str(}') return (f'The current time is {str(}')
def play(app): while True: handCards = copy.deepcopy(cards) # Dealing Pooh's cards poohHand = [getCard(handCards), getCard(handCards)] # Dealing the players cards playerHand = [getCard(handCards), getCard(handCards)] output(f'Pooh Hand: {poohHand[0]}, {poohHand[1]} ({sum(poohHand)})') output( f'Player Hand: {playerHand[0]}, {playerHand[1]} ({sum(playerHand)})' ) # Asking the user if they would like to hit decision = '' while decision.lower() != 'stay': decision = input("Hit or Stay? ") if decision.lower() == 'hit': playerHand.append(getCard(handCards)) output(f'Player Hand: {playerHand} ({sum(playerHand)})') if sum(playerHand) > 21: output('You busted') decision = 'stay' # Deciding if Pooh should hit # Check to see if we have encountered this hand before if sum(playerHand <= 21): with app.app_context(): decision = '' while decision.lower() != 'stay': playerHandString = toString(playerHand) poohHandString = toString(poohHand) previousData = PoohBlackJack.query.filter_by( playerHand=playerHandString).filter_by( poohHand=poohHandString).all() # If we have encountered this hand, ensuring we have seen it at least 10 times if len(previousData) > 10: # if we have, then we want to use the historical statistics to make our decision output('in here') # If we haven't, we want to play the probablilities of the cards remaining in the deck else: odds = calculateOdds(poohHand, handCards) if odds > .5: poohHand.append(getCard(handCards)) else: output(f'Pooh Hand: {poohHand} ({sum(poohHand)})') decision = 'stay' game = PoohBlackJack(playerHandString, poohHandString) if sum(playerHand) > 21: output('Pooh wins') elif sum(poohHand) > 21: output('Player wins!') elif sum(poohHand) > sum(playerHand): output('Pooh wins!') elif sum(poohHand) < sum(playerHand): output('Player wins') else: output('Draw!') output('\n----------------------------------\n')
def math(): output('math')
def start(): output('Hello, Mike.') while True: task = input("> ") thread = startThread(delegator(app, task)) thread.join()