Beispiel #1
    def add(self, target, y=None):
        Add a target, or list of targets.

        :param target: target or list of to be added.
        :param y: y component if target is x,y pair

        if isinstance(target, ray.RayPencil):  # Deal with ray pencil
            for r in target:
                if r:

        elif isinstance(target, list):
            for t in target:
        elif isinstance(target, ray.IntensityRay):  # Deal with ray
            self.wavelength = target.wavelength
            v = target.pointInPlane(self)
        elif isinstance(target, Vector2d):
        elif isinstance(target, float):  # Assume x,y given
            self.tragets.append(Vector2d(target, y))

            raise TypeError("analysis.TargetPlane.illegal type")

        return self
Beispiel #2
def getVector2d(prompt, default = None, maxabs = None):
    Read a Vector2d from the terminal with default and checking for the abs maximum.

    Format from terminal may be 'x,y'   OR   '[x,y]',  also each componet will be evaluated.

    :param prompt: the prompt to be displayed
    :type prompt: str
    :param default: the default value (may be None)
    :type default: Vector2d
    :param maxabs: maximum absolutle value of the Vector2d, (defaults to None)
    :type maxabs: float
    :return: a Vector2d in specified range.

    Note: strings will be evaluated to try and form a Vector2d.

    if maxabs == None:
        maxabs = float("Inf")
    while True:
        val = __getInput(prompt,default)
            if isinstance(val,str):          # Its a string
                val = eval(val)              # Eval list

            vec = Vector2d(val)

            if abs(vec) <= maxabs:
                return vec                  #  Success
                logger.error("Abs value of '{0:s}' greater than '{1:6.3e}'".\
        except (ValueError,NameError,ZeroDivisionError,SyntaxError):
            logger.error("Conversion of '{0:s}' to Vector2d failed.".format(str(val)))
Beispiel #3
    def addGrid(self, xn, yn=0, radius=float("inf")):
        Fill the TargetPlace with a set regular set of targets

        :param xn: number of targets across horizontal
        :param yn: numbers of tarets across if 0 or negative, n will  be set to that the targets are on a square grid
        :param radius: float, have targets only in a masked of  specified radius.

        Note: number of targets will be rounded to ensure an
        odd number across array so there will always be one
        at (0,0)

        dx = self.xsize / (xn - 1 + 0.1)
        #        dx = 0.5*self.xsize/(xn/2 + 0.1)
        if yn > 0:
            dy = self.ysize / (yn - 1 + 0.1)
            # dy = 0.5*self.ysize/(yn/2 + 0.1)
            dy = dx
            yn = int(round(self.ysize / dy))

        for j in range(-yn // 2, yn // 2 + 1):
            for i in range(-xn // 2, xn // 2 + 1):
                y = dy * j
                x = dx * i
                if x*x + y*y < radius*radius and \
                   abs(x) < self.xsize/2 and abs(y) < self.ysize/2:
                    self.add(Vector2d(x, y))
        return self
Beispiel #4
def main():

    #     Read in a wavefront
    wf = WaveFront().fromFile()
    wf.plot()                  # Make vertical + horizontal plot

    radius = wf.getRadius()
    yscan = np.linspace(-radius,radius,11)     # x/y positions of points
    xscan = np.linspace(-radius,radius,11)

    ws = WavePointSet(radius)        # Start with blanks set of points
                               # Make grid of points
    for y in yscan:
        for x in xscan:
            if x*x + y*y <= radius*radius:   # Inside circle
                pt = Vector2d(x,y)
                wp = WavePoint(wavelength = 0.65).setWithWaveFront(wf,pt)
                ws.add(wp)                   # Add to wavepoint set

    #       Fit zernike to 4th orders
    zw = ws.fitZernike(4)
    tprint("Error is : ",str(ws.zerr))      # Show the fitting error for each component
    zw.plot()     # Plot to same graph
    #ws.plot()    # Show the final plot
Beispiel #5
    def centroid(self):
        Get the centriod of the moments as a Vector2d.

        :return: centroid as a Vector2d

        return Vector2d(self.m10 / self.m00, self.m01 / self.m00)
Beispiel #6
    def pointInPlane(self, plane):
        Method to calcualte where the ray will striked a specified optical surface
        This does NOT alter the current ray.

        :param plane: the OpticalPlane.
        :type plane: :class:`optics.surface.OpticalPlane` or float
        :return: :class:`vector.Vector2d`, the point in the plane relative to the plane reference point.

        pt = plane.getPoint()
        if self:
            d = plane.getDistance(self.position, self.director)
            return Vector2d(self.position.x + d*self.director.x - pt.x,\
                            self.position.y + d*self.director.y - pt.y)
            return Vector2d().setInvalid()
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self, pt, index, coef):
     param pt, two dimensional point giving the location of the origin,
     param index, the base refrative index
     param coef the for radial polynomial if form 1,r^2,r^4 .... as a list of floats.
     self.point = Vector2d(pt)
     self.index = index
     self.coef = list(coef)
Beispiel #8
    def surfaceVector(self,pos):
        Method to get the Vector2d in the plane for a specified point,
        assumed to be in the plane.

        :param pos: three dimensional point in global coordinates.
        :type pos: Vector3d
        :return: Vector2d point on plane in local coordinates.

        p = pos - self.getPoint()
        return Vector2d(p.x,p.y)
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self,pt = Vector2d() ,pathlength = 0.0 , wavelength = None):
        Basic constructor for a wavepoint

        :param pt: point in the plane
        :type pt: Vector2d
        :param pathlength : the pathlength (default = 0.0)
        :type pathlength : float
        :param wavelength : the wavelength (default = wavelength.Default)
        :type wavelength :float
        self.pathlength = pathlength
        self.wavelength = getDefaultWavelength(wavelength)
Beispiel #10
    def draw(self, colour="k"):
        Draw the psf as an ellipse to the current plot axis.

        :param colour: The colour (Default = "k")
        :type colour: str or valid Color.

        n = 20
        dtheta = 2 * math.pi / n
        xval = []
        yval = []

        for i in range(0, n + 1):
            theta = i * dtheta
            v = Vector2d(self.major * math.cos(theta),
                         self.minor * math.sin(theta))
            v += Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

        plot(xval, yval, color=colour)
        plot([self.x], [self.y], color=colour, marker='x')
Beispiel #11
 def __str__(self):
     return "{0:s} wl : {1:7.4f} : pl : {2:8.5e}".format(Vector2d.__str__(self),self.wavelength,self.pathlength)
Beispiel #12
 def centroid(self):
     m = self.get(0, 0)
     return Vector2d(self.get(1, 0) / m, self.get(0, 1) / m)