def test_track_event(): """ Test that event tracking goes through """ r = popylar.track_event("UA-86484662-2", 'test', 'test_track_event', thread=False) # When not threading, we can can check the status of the request: assert r.status_code == 200, "response is not OK" r = popylar.track_event("UA-86484662-2", 'test', 'test_track_event', thread=True) # Otherwise the return value is none assert r is None, "There should be nothing to see here"
def test_track_event_with_version(): """ Test recording the software version (in this case, popylar version) """ from popylar.version import VERSION r = popylar.track_event("UA-86484662-2", 'test', 'test_track_event_with_version', software_version=VERSION, thread=False) # When not threading, we can can check the status of the request: assert r.status_code == 200, "response is not OK" r = popylar.track_event("UA-86484662-2", 'test', 'test_track_event_with_version', software_version=VERSION, thread=True) # Otherwise the return value is none assert r is None, "There should be nothing to see here"
def test_track_event_with_version(): """ Test recording the software version (in this case, popylar version) """ from popylar.version import VERSION r = popylar.track_event("UA-86484662-2", 'test', 'test_track_event_with_version', software_version=VERSION) assert r.status_code == 200, "response is not OK"
def main(): """Entry point.""" import os import sys import gc from multiprocessing import Process, Manager from .parser import parse_args from ..utils.bids import write_derivative_description parse_args() popylar = None if not config.execution.notrack: import popylar from ..__about__ import __ga_id__ "Your usage of dmriprep is being recorded using popylar ( ", # noqa "For details, see ", "To opt out, call dmriprep with a `--notrack` flag") popylar.track_event(__ga_id__, 'run', 'cli_run') # CRITICAL Save the config to a file. This is necessary because the execution graph # is built as a separate process to keep the memory footprint low. The most # straightforward way to communicate with the child process is via the filesystem. config_file = config.execution.work_dir / '.dmriprep.toml' config.to_filename(config_file) # CRITICAL Call build_workflow(config_file, retval) in a subprocess. # Because Python on Linux does not ever free virtual memory (VM), running the # workflow construction jailed within a process preempts excessive VM buildup. with Manager() as mgr: from .workflow import build_workflow retval = mgr.dict() p = Process(target=build_workflow, args=(str(config_file), retval)) p.start() p.join() retcode = p.exitcode or retval.get('return_code', 0) dmriprep_wf = retval.get('workflow', None) # CRITICAL Load the config from the file. This is necessary because the ``build_workflow`` # function executed constrained in a process may change the config (and thus the global # state of dMRIPrep). config.load(config_file) if config.execution.reports_only: sys.exit(int(retcode > 0)) if dmriprep_wf and config.execution.write_graph: dmriprep_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format='svg', simple_form=True) retcode = retcode or (dmriprep_wf is None) * os.EX_SOFTWARE if retcode != 0: sys.exit(retcode) # Generate boilerplate with Manager() as mgr: from .workflow import build_boilerplate p = Process(target=build_boilerplate, args=(str(config_file), dmriprep_wf)) p.start() p.join() if config.execution.boilerplate_only: sys.exit(int(retcode > 0)) # Clean up master process before running workflow, which may create forks gc.collect() if popylar is not None: popylar.track_event(__ga_id__, 'run', 'started') config.loggers.workflow.log( 15, '\n'.join(['dMRIPrep config:'] + ['\t\t%s' % s for s in config.dumps().splitlines()])) config.loggers.workflow.log(25, 'dMRIPrep started!') errno = 1 # Default is error exit unless otherwise set try:**config.nipype.get_plugin()) except Exception as e: if not config.execution.notrack: popylar.track_event(__ga_id__, 'run', 'error') config.loggers.workflow.critical('dMRIPrep failed: %s', e) raise else: config.loggers.workflow.log(25, 'dMRIPrep finished successfully!') # Bother users with the boilerplate only iff the workflow went okay. if (config.execution.output_dir / 'dmriprep' / 'logs' / '').exists(): config.loggers.workflow.log( 25, 'Works derived from this dMRIPrep execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', (config.execution.output_dir / 'dmriprep' / 'logs' / '').read_text()) if config.workflow.run_reconall: from templateflow import api from niworkflows.utils.misc import _copy_any dseg_tsv = str( api.get('fsaverage', suffix='dseg', extension=['.tsv'])) _copy_any( dseg_tsv, str(config.execution.output_dir / 'dmriprep' / 'desc-aseg_dseg.tsv')) _copy_any( dseg_tsv, str(config.execution.output_dir / 'dmriprep' / 'desc-aparcaseg_dseg.tsv')) errno = 0 finally: from niworkflows.reports import generate_reports from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf # Generate reports phase failed_reports = generate_reports(config.execution.participant_label, config.execution.output_dir, config.execution.work_dir, config.execution.run_uuid, config=pkgrf( 'dmriprep', 'config/reports-spec.yml'), packagename='dmriprep') write_derivative_description(config.execution.bids_dir, config.execution.output_dir / 'dmriprep') if failed_reports and not config.execution.notrack: popylar.track_event(__ga_id__, 'run', 'reporting_error') sys.exit(int((errno + failed_reports) > 0))
def test_track_event(): """ Test that event tracking goes through """ r = popylar.track_event("UA-86484662-2", 'test', 'test_track_event') assert r.status_code == 200, "response is not OK"
def main(): """Entry point""" from nipype import logging as nlogging from multiprocessing import set_start_method, Process, Manager from ..utils.bids import write_derivative_description, validate_input_dir from ..__about__ import __ga_id__ set_start_method('forkserver') warnings.showwarning = _warn_redirect opts = get_parser().parse_args() exec_env = # special variable set in the container if os.getenv('IS_DOCKER_8395080871'): exec_env = 'singularity' cgroup = Path('/proc/1/cgroup') if cgroup.exists() and 'docker' in cgroup.read_text(): exec_env = 'docker' if os.getenv('DOCKER_VERSION_8395080871'): exec_env = 'dmriprep-docker' if not opts.notrack: import popylar popylar.track_event(__ga_id__, 'run', 'cli_run') # Validate inputs if not opts.skip_bids_validation: print("Making sure the input data is BIDS compliant (warnings can be ignored in most " "cases).") validate_input_dir(exec_env, opts.bids_dir, opts.participant_label) # FreeSurfer license default_license = str(Path(os.getenv('FREESURFER_HOME')) / 'license.txt') # Precedence: --fs-license-file, $FS_LICENSE, default_license license_file = opts.fs_license_file or Path(os.getenv('FS_LICENSE', default_license)) if not license_file.exists(): raise RuntimeError("""\ ERROR: a valid license file is required for FreeSurfer to run. dMRIPrep looked for an existing \ license file at several paths, in this order: 1) command line argument ``--fs-license-file``; \ 2) ``$FS_LICENSE`` environment variable; and 3) the ``$FREESURFER_HOME/license.txt`` path. Get it \ (for free) by registering at""") os.environ['FS_LICENSE'] = str(license_file.resolve()) # Retrieve logging level log_level = int(max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, logging.DEBUG)) # Set logging logger.setLevel(log_level) nlogging.getLogger('nipype.workflow').setLevel(log_level) nlogging.getLogger('nipype.interface').setLevel(log_level) nlogging.getLogger('nipype.utils').setLevel(log_level) # Call build_workflow(opts, retval) with Manager() as mgr: retval = mgr.dict() p = Process(target=build_workflow, args=(opts, retval)) p.start() p.join() retcode = p.exitcode or retval.get('return_code', 0) bids_dir = Path(retval.get('bids_dir')) output_dir = Path(retval.get('output_dir')) work_dir = Path(retval.get('work_dir')) plugin_settings = retval.get('plugin_settings', None) subject_list = retval.get('subject_list', None) dmriprep_wf = retval.get('workflow', None) run_uuid = retval.get('run_uuid', None) if opts.reports_only: sys.exit(int(retcode > 0)) if opts.boilerplate: sys.exit(int(retcode > 0)) if dmriprep_wf and opts.write_graph: dmriprep_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format='svg', simple_form=True) retcode = retcode or int(dmriprep_wf is None) if retcode != 0: sys.exit(retcode) # Check workflow for missing commands missing = check_deps(dmriprep_wf) if missing: print("Cannot run dMRIPrep. Missing dependencies:", file=sys.stderr) for iface, cmd in missing: print("\t{} (Interface: {})".format(cmd, iface)) sys.exit(2) # Clean up master process before running workflow, which may create forks gc.collect() errno = 1 # Default is error exit unless otherwise set try:**plugin_settings) except Exception as e: if not opts.notrack: popylar.track_event(__ga_id__, 'run', 'cli_error') logger.critical('dMRIPrep failed: %s', e) raise e else: if opts.run_reconall: from templateflow import api from niworkflows.utils.misc import _copy_any dseg_tsv = str(api.get('fsaverage', suffix='dseg', extension=['.tsv'])) _copy_any(dseg_tsv, str(output_dir / 'dmriprep' / 'desc-aseg_dseg.tsv')) _copy_any(dseg_tsv, str(output_dir / 'dmriprep' / 'desc-aparcaseg_dseg.tsv')) errno = 0 logger.log(25, 'dMRIPrep finished without errors') if not opts.notrack: popylar.track_event(__ga_id__, 'run', 'cli_finished') finally: from niworkflows.reports import generate_reports from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf from shutil import copyfile citation_files = { ext: output_dir / 'dmriprep' / 'logs' / ('CITATION.%s' % ext) for ext in ('bib', 'tex', 'md', 'html') } if citation_files['md'].exists(): # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = ['pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('dmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--filter', 'pandoc-citeproc', '--metadata', 'pagetitle="dMRIPrep citation boilerplate"', str(citation_files['md']), '-o', str(citation_files['html'])]'Generating an HTML version of the citation boilerplate...') try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = ['pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('dmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--natbib', str(citation_files['md']), '-o', str(citation_files['tex'])]'Generating a LaTeX version of the citation boilerplate...') try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) else: copyfile(pkgrf('dmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), citation_files['bib']) else: logger.warning('dMRIPrep could not find the markdown version of ' 'the citation boilerplate (%s). HTML and LaTeX versions' ' of it will not be available', citation_files['md']) # Generate reports phase failed_reports = generate_reports( subject_list, output_dir, work_dir, run_uuid, config=pkgrf('dmriprep', 'config/reports-spec.yml'), packagename='dmriprep') write_derivative_description(bids_dir, output_dir / 'dmriprep') sys.exit(int((errno + failed_reports) > 0))