Beispiel #1
def extract_subgrid(g, c, sort=True):
    Extract a subgrid based on cell indices.

    For simplicity the cell indices will be sorted before the subgrid is

    If the parent grid has geometry attributes (cell centers etc.) these are
    copied to the child.

    No checks are done on whether the cells form a connected area. The method
    should work in theory for non-connected cells, the user will then have to
    decide what to do with the resulting grid. This option has however not been

        g (core.grids.Grid): Grid object, parent
        c (np.array, dtype=int): Indices of cells to be extracted

        core.grids.Grid: Extracted subgrid. Will share (note, *not* copy)
            geometric fileds with the parent grid. Also has an additional
            field parent_cell_ind giving correspondance between parent and
            child cells.
        np.ndarray, dtype=int: Index of the extracted faces, ordered so that
            element i is the global index of face i in the subgrid.
        np.ndarray, dtype=int: Index of the extracted nodes, ordered so that
            element i is the global index of node i in the subgrid.

    if sort:
        c = np.sort(c)

    # Local cell-face and face-node maps.
    cf_sub, unique_faces = __extract_submatrix(g.cell_faces, c)
    fn_sub, unique_nodes = __extract_submatrix(g.face_nodes, unique_faces)

    # Append information on subgrid extraction to the new grid's history
    name = list(
    name.append('Extract subgrid')

    # Construct new grid.
    h = Grid(g.dim, g.nodes[:, unique_nodes], fn_sub, cf_sub, name)

    # Copy geometric information if any
    if hasattr(g, 'cell_centers'):
        h.cell_centers = g.cell_centers[:, c]
    if hasattr(g, 'cell_volumes'):
        h.cell_volumes = g.cell_volumes[c]
    if hasattr(g, 'face_centers'):
        h.face_centers = g.face_centers[:, unique_faces]
    if hasattr(g, 'face_normals'):
        h.face_normals = g.face_normals[:, unique_faces]
    if hasattr(g, 'face_areas'):
        h.face_areas = g.face_areas[unique_faces]

    h.parent_cell_ind = c

    return h, unique_faces, unique_nodes
    def grid_2d(self, pert_node=False):
        nodes = np.array([
            [0, 0, 0],
            [1, 0, 0],
            [1, 0.5, 0],
            [0.5, 0.5, 0],
            [0, 0.5, 0],
            [0, 0.5, 0],
            [0.5, 0.5, 0],
            [1, 0.5, 0],
            [1, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0],
        if pert_node:
            nodes[0, 3] = 0.75

        fn = np.array([
            [0, 1],
            [1, 2],
            [2, 3],
            [3, 4],
            [4, 0],
            [0, 3],
            [3, 1],
            [5, 6],
            [6, 7],
            [7, 8],
            [8, 9],
            [9, 5],
            [9, 6],
            [6, 8],
        cf = np.array([[3, 4, 5], [0, 6, 5], [1, 2, 6], [7, 12, 11],
                       [12, 13, 10], [8, 9, 13]]).T
        cols = np.tile(np.arange(fn.shape[1]), (fn.shape[0], 1)).ravel("F")
        face_nodes = sps.csc_matrix(
            (np.ones_like(cols), (fn.ravel("F"), cols)))

        cols = np.tile(np.arange(cf.shape[1]), (cf.shape[0], 1)).ravel("F")
        data = np.array(
            [1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1])
        cell_faces = sps.csc_matrix((data, (cf.ravel("F"), cols)))

        g = Grid(2, nodes, face_nodes, cell_faces, "TriangleGrid")
        g.tags["fracture_faces"][[2, 3, 7, 8]] = 1
        # g.face_normals[1, [2, 3]] = -0.5
        # g.face_normals[1, [7, 8]] = 0.5
        g.global_point_ind = np.arange(nodes.shape[1])

        return g
Beispiel #3
def refine_grid_1d(g: pp.Grid, ratio: int = 2) -> pp.Grid:
    """Refine cells in a 1d grid.

        g (pp.Grid): A 1d grid, to be refined.
        ratio (int):

        grid: New grid, with finer cells.


    # Implementation note: The main part of the function is the construction of
    # the new cell-face relation. Since the grid is 1d, nodes and faces are
    # equivalent, and notation used mostly refers to nodes instead of faces.

    # Cell-node relation
    cell_nodes = g.cell_nodes()
    nodes, cells, _ = sps.find(cell_nodes)

    # Every cell will contribute (ratio - 1) new nodes
    num_new_nodes = (ratio - 1) * g.num_cells + g.num_nodes
    x = np.zeros((3, num_new_nodes))
    # Cooridates for splitting of cells
    theta = np.arange(1, ratio) / float(ratio)
    pos = 0
    shift = 0

    # Array that indicates whether an item in the cell-node relation represents
    # a node not listed before (e.g. whether this is the first or second
    # occurence of the cell)
    if_add = np.r_[1, np.ediff1d(cell_nodes.indices)].astype(bool)

    indices = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
    # Template array of node indices for refined cells
    ind = np.vstack((np.arange(ratio), np.arange(ratio) + 1)).flatten("F")
    nd = np.r_[np.diff(cell_nodes.indices)[1::2], 0]

    # Loop over all old cells and refine them.
    for c in np.arange(g.num_cells):
        # Find start and end nodes of the old cell
        loc = slice(cell_nodes.indptr[c], cell_nodes.indptr[c + 1])
        start, end = cell_nodes.indices[loc]

        # Flags for whether this is the first occurences of the the nodes of
        # the old cell. If so, they should be added to the new node array
        if_add_loc = if_add[loc]

        # Local cell-node (thus cell-face) relations of the new grid
        indices = np.r_[indices, shift + ind]

        # Add coordinate of the startpoint to the node array if relevant
        if if_add_loc[0]:
            x[:, pos:(pos + 1)] = g.nodes[:, start, np.newaxis]
            pos += 1

        # Add coordinates of the internal nodes
        x[:, pos:(
            pos + ratio -
            1)] = g.nodes[:, start,
                          np.newaxis] * theta + g.nodes[:, end, np.newaxis] * (
                              1 - theta)
        pos += ratio - 1
        shift += ratio + (2 - np.sum(if_add_loc) * (1 - nd[c])) - nd[c]

        # Add coordinate to the endpoint, if relevant
        if if_add_loc[1]:
            x[:, pos:(pos + 1)] = g.nodes[:, end, np.newaxis]
            pos += 1

    # For 1d grids, there is a 1-1 relation between faces and nodes
    face_nodes = sps.identity(x.shape[1], format="csc")
    cell_faces = sps.csc_matrix((
        np.ones(indices.size, dtype=bool),
        np.arange(0, indices.size + 1, 2),
    g = Grid(1, x, face_nodes, cell_faces, "Refined 1d grid")

    return g