Beispiel #1
    def test_uniform_displacement(self):

        g_list = setup_grids.setup_2d()

        for g in g_list:
            bound_faces = np.argwhere(
                np.abs(g.cell_faces).sum(axis=1).A.ravel("F") == 1
            bound = bc.BoundaryCondition(
                g, bound_faces.ravel("F"), ["dir"] * bound_faces.size
            constit = setup_stiffness(g)

            # Python inverter is most efficient for small problems
            stress, bound_stress = mpsa.mpsa(g, constit, bound, inverter="python")

            div = fvutils.vector_divergence(g)
            a = div * stress

            d_x = np.random.rand(1)
            d_y = np.random.rand(1)
            d_bound = np.zeros((g.dim, g.num_faces))
            d_bound[0, bound.is_dir] = d_x
            d_bound[1, bound.is_dir] = d_y

            rhs = div * bound_stress * d_bound.ravel("F")

            d = np.linalg.solve(a.todense(), -rhs)

            traction = stress * d + bound_stress * d_bound.ravel("F")

            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(d[::2] - d_x)) < 1e-8)
            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(d[1::2] - d_y)) < 1e-8)
            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(traction)) < 1e-8)
Beispiel #2
    def test_uniform_displacement_neumann(self):
        physdims = [1, 1]
        g_size = [4, 8]
        g_list = [structured.CartGrid([n, n], physdims=physdims) for n in g_size]
        [g.compute_geometry() for g in g_list]
        error = []
        for g in g_list:
            bot = np.ravel(np.argwhere(g.face_centers[1, :] < 1e-10))
            left = np.ravel(np.argwhere(g.face_centers[0, :] < 1e-10))
            dir_faces = np.hstack((left, bot))
            bound = bc.BoundaryCondition(
                g, dir_faces.ravel("F"), ["dir"] * dir_faces.size
            constit = setup_stiffness(g)

            # Python inverter is most efficient for small problems
            stress, bound_stress = mpsa.mpsa(g, constit, bound, inverter="python")

            div = fvutils.vector_divergence(g)
            a = div * stress

            d_x = np.random.rand(1)
            d_y = np.random.rand(1)
            d_bound = np.zeros((g.dim, g.num_faces))
            d_bound[0, bound.is_dir] = d_x
            d_bound[1, bound.is_dir] = d_y

            rhs = div * bound_stress * d_bound.ravel("F")

            d = np.linalg.solve(a.todense(), -rhs)

            traction = stress * d + bound_stress * d_bound.ravel("F")
            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(d[::2] - d_x)) < 1e-8)
            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(d[1::2] - d_y)) < 1e-8)
            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(traction)) < 1e-8)
Beispiel #3
    def rhs_bound(self, g, data):
        """ Boundary component of the right hand side.

        TODO: Boundary effects of coupling terms.

            g: grid, or subclass, with geometry fields computed.
            data: dictionary to store the data terms. Must have been through a
                call to discretize() to discretization of right hand side.
            state: np.ndarray, solution vector from previous time step.

            np.ndarray: Contribution to right hand side given the current

        d = data["param"].get_bc_val("mechanics")
        p = data["param"].get_bc_val("flow")

        div_flow = fvutils.scalar_divergence(g)
        div_mech = fvutils.vector_divergence(g)

        p_bound = -div_flow * data["bound_flux"] * p - data["bound_div_d"] * d
        s_bound = -div_mech * data["bound_stress"] * d
        return np.hstack((s_bound, p_bound))
Beispiel #4
    def test_uniform_strain(self):
        g_list = setup_grids.setup_2d()

        for g in g_list:
            bound_faces = np.argwhere(
                np.abs(g.cell_faces).sum(axis=1).A.ravel("F") == 1)
            bound = pp.BoundaryConditionVectorial(g, bound_faces.ravel("F"),
                                                  ["dir"] * bound_faces.size)
            mu = 1
            l = 1
            constit = setup_stiffness(g, mu, l)

            # Python inverter is most efficient for small problems
            stress, bound_stress, _, _ = mpsa.mpsa(g,

            div = fvutils.vector_divergence(g)
            a = div * stress

            xc = g.cell_centers
            xf = g.face_centers

            gx = np.random.rand(1)
            gy = np.random.rand(1)

            dc_x = np.sum(xc * gx, axis=0)
            dc_y = np.sum(xc * gy, axis=0)
            df_x = np.sum(xf * gx, axis=0)
            df_y = np.sum(xf * gy, axis=0)

            d_bound = np.zeros((g.dim, g.num_faces))

            d_bound[0, bound.is_dir[0]] = df_x[bound.is_dir[0]]
            d_bound[1, bound.is_dir[1]] = df_y[bound.is_dir[1]]

            rhs = div * bound_stress * d_bound.ravel("F")

            d = np.linalg.solve(a.todense(), -rhs)

            traction = stress * d + bound_stress * d_bound.ravel("F")

            s_xx = (2 * mu + l) * gx + l * gy
            s_xy = mu * (gx + gy)
            s_yx = mu * (gx + gy)
            s_yy = (2 * mu + l) * gy + l * gx

            n = g.face_normals
            traction_ex_x = s_xx * n[0] + s_xy * n[1]
            traction_ex_y = s_yx * n[0] + s_yy * n[1]

            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(d[::2] - dc_x)) < 1e-8)
            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(d[1::2] - dc_y)) < 1e-8)
                np.max(np.abs(traction[::2] - traction_ex_x)) < 1e-8)
                np.max(np.abs(traction[1::2] - traction_ex_y)) < 1e-8)
Beispiel #5
    def test_conservation_of_momentum(self):
        pts = np.random.rand(3, 9)
        corners = [
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
            [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
            [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
        pts = np.hstack((corners, pts))
        gt = pp.TetrahedralGrid(pts)
        gc = pp.CartGrid([3, 3, 3], physdims=[1, 1, 1])
        g_list = [gt, gc]
        [g.compute_geometry() for g in g_list]
        for g in g_list:
            bot = np.ravel(np.argwhere(g.face_centers[1, :] < 1e-10))
            left = np.ravel(np.argwhere(g.face_centers[0, :] < 1e-10))
            dir_faces = np.hstack((left, bot))
            bound = pp.BoundaryConditionVectorial(g, dir_faces.ravel("F"),
                                                  ["dir"] * dir_faces.size)
            constit = setup_stiffness(g)

            # Python inverter is most efficient for small problems
            stress, bound_stress, _, _ = mpsa.mpsa(g,

            div = fvutils.vector_divergence(g)
            a = div * stress

            bndr = g.get_all_boundary_faces()
            d_x = np.random.rand(bndr.size)
            d_y = np.random.rand(bndr.size)
            d_bound = np.zeros((g.dim, g.num_faces))
            d_bound[0, bndr] = d_x
            d_bound[1, bndr] = d_y

            rhs = div * bound_stress * d_bound.ravel("F")

            d = np.linalg.solve(a.todense(), -rhs)

            traction = stress * d + bound_stress * d_bound.ravel("F")
            traction_2d = traction.reshape((g.dim, -1), order="F")
            for cell in range(g.num_cells):
                fid, _, sgn = sps.find(g.cell_faces[:, cell])
                    np.all(np.sum(traction_2d[:, fid] * sgn, axis=1) < 1e-10))
Beispiel #6
    def assemble_matrix(self, g, data):
        """ Assemble the poro-elastic system matrix.

        The discretization is presumed stored in the data dictionary.

            g (grid): Grid for disrcetization
            data (dictionary): Data for discretization, as well as matrices
                with discretization of the sub-parts of the system.

            scipy.sparse.bmat: Block matrix with the combined MPSA/MPFA

        div_flow = fvutils.scalar_divergence(g)
        div_mech = fvutils.vector_divergence(g)
        param = data["param"]

        fluid_viscosity = param.fluid_viscosity
        biot_alpha = param.biot_alpha

        # Put together linear system
        A_flow = div_flow * data["flux"] / fluid_viscosity
        A_mech = div_mech * data["stress"]

        # Time step size
        dt = data["dt"]

        d_scaling = data.get("displacement_scaling", 1)
        # Matrix for left hand side
        A_biot = sps.bmat([
            [A_mech, data["grad_p"] * biot_alpha],
                data["div_d"] * biot_alpha * d_scaling,
                data["compr_discr"] + dt * A_flow + data["stabilization"],

        return A_biot