def set_param_flow(self, gb, no_flow=False, kn=1e3):
        # Set up flow field with uniform flow in y-direction
        for g, d in gb:
            param = Parameters(g)

            perm = tensor.SecondOrderTensor(g.dim, kxx=np.ones(g.num_cells))
            param.set_tensor("flow", perm)

            aperture = np.power(1e-3, gb.dim_max() - g.dim)
            param.set_aperture(aperture * np.ones(g.num_cells))

            if g.dim == 2:
                b_val = np.zeros(g.num_faces)
                bound_faces = bc.face_on_side(g, ["ymin", "ymax"])
                if no_flow:
                    b_val[bound_faces[0]] = 1
                    b_val[bound_faces[1]] = 1
                bound_faces = np.hstack((bound_faces[0], bound_faces[1]))
                labels = np.array(["dir"] * bound_faces.size)
                             bc.BoundaryCondition(g, bound_faces, labels))

                bound_faces = bc.face_on_side(g, "ymax")[0]
                b_val[bound_faces] = 1
                param.set_bc_val("flow", b_val)

            d["param"] = param

        for e, d in gb.edges():
            mg = d["mortar_grid"]
            gn = gb.nodes_of_edge(e)
            d["kn"] = kn * np.ones(mg.num_cells)
Beispiel #2
def boundary_condition(g, left_to_right):
    if left_to_right:
        dirfaces_four = bc.face_on_side(g, 'xmin')[0]
        dirfaces_one = bc.face_on_side(g, 'xmax')[0]
        dirfaces_one = bc.face_on_side(g, 'ymin')[0]
        dirfaces_four = bc.face_on_side(g, 'ymax')[0]

    dirfaces = np.concatenate((dirfaces_four, dirfaces_one))
    labels = ['dir'] * dirfaces.size
    bc_val = np.zeros(g.num_faces)
    bc_val[dirfaces_four] = np.ones(dirfaces_four.size) * 4
    bc_val[dirfaces_one] = np.ones(dirfaces_one.size)
    return dirfaces, labels, bc_val
Beispiel #3
 def bc_val(self):
     bc_values = np.zeros(self.grid().num_faces)
     if self.grid().dim > 0 and abs(self.grid().face_centers[0, 0] -
                                    .5) > 1e-3:
         # p_D = 1-x for the two Dirichlet grids
         bc_values[bc.face_on_side(self.grid(), 'xmin')[0]] = 1
     return bc_values
Beispiel #4
def bc_object(g):
    if g.dim < 3:
        return bc.BoundaryCondition(g)
    # Neumann on all but two boundaries
    dirfaces = bc.face_on_side(g, ['xmin', 'xmax'])
    dirfaces = np.concatenate(dirfaces)
    labels = np.array(['dir'] * dirfaces.size)
    return bc.BoundaryCondition(g, dirfaces, labels)
Beispiel #5
def boundary_face_type(g):
    Extract the faces where Dirichlet conditions are to be set.
    if g.dim < 2:
        return np.array([])
    if g.dim == 2 and not np.isclose(g.cell_centers[0, 0], g.cell_centers[0, 1]):
        return np.array([])
    bound_faces = bc.face_on_side(g, ["ymin", "ymax"])
    return np.array(np.concatenate(bound_faces))
Beispiel #6
    def bc(self):
        # Default values (Neumann) on the vertical fracture and
        # 0D grid
        if self.grid().dim < 1 or abs(self.grid().face_centers[0, 0] -
                                      .5) < 1e-3:
            return bc.BoundaryCondition(self.grid())
        # Dirichlet on the two other
        dirfaces = bc.face_on_side(self.grid(), ['xmin', 'xmax'])
        dirfaces = np.asarray(dirfaces).flatten()
        labels = np.array(['dir'] * dirfaces.size)

        return bc.BoundaryCondition(self.grid(), dirfaces, labels)
Beispiel #7
 def bc_val(self):
     bc_values = np.zeros(self.grid().num_faces)
     # p_D = 1-x for highest dimension:
     if self.grid().dim > 2:
         bc_values[bc.face_on_side(self.grid(), 'xmin')[0]] = 1
     return bc_values