Beispiel #1
class PositionControllerNode_ChihChun(object):
    """ROS interface for controlling the Crazyflie 2 in Gazebo."""

    # write code here to define node publishers and subscribers
    # publish to /crazyflie2/command/motor_speed topic
    # subscribe to /crazyflie2/command/trajectory and /crazyflie2/odometry

    def __init__(self):

        # Publishers: rotor velocities
        self.pub_rotor_vel = rospy.Publisher('/crazyflie2/command/motor_speed',

        # Subscribers: desired posn, current posn

        #self._goal_msg = MultiDOFJointTrajectory()
        #self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber('crazyflie2/command/trajectory', MultiDOFJointTrajectory, self._goal_callback)

        self._currpos_msg = Odometry()
        self.sub_currpos = rospy.Subscriber('/crazyflie2/odometry', Odometry,

        # end of publisher/subscriber
        # initialize other parameters

        self.data_list = [[
            'Time', 'Desired_x', 'Desired_y', 'Desired_z', 'Actual_x',
            'Actual_y', 'Actual_z', 'Desired_yaw', 'Desired_roll',
            'Desired_pitch', 'Desired_yaw_r', 'Desired_climb_r', 'Actual_roll',
            'Actual_pitch', 'Actual_yaw_r', 'Actual_climb_r'

        self.start = [1.0, 1.0]

        self.wp_id = 1
        self.previous_time = 0.0
        self.change_time = -100.0

        self.controller = PositionController()
        self.init_time = rospy.get_time()

        # initialize position and roll, pitch, yaw
        self._x = 0
        self._y = 0
        self._z = 0
        self.roll = 0
        self.pitch = 0
        self.yaw = 0

        self._z_old = 0.0
        self._z_oold = 0.0

        self.yaw_old = 0.0

    def set_rotor_vel(self, pitch_c, roll_c, yaw_rate_c, p, q, r, roll, pitch,
                      yaw, thrust):  # change arg names?

        # get conversions
        rotorvel_converter = roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust_crazyflie(
            pitch_c, roll_c, yaw_rate_c, p, q, r, roll, pitch, yaw, thrust)
        rotor_velocities = rotorvel_converter.CalculateRotorVelocities()

        # publish rotor velocities to Actuator
        msg = Actuators()
        msg.angular_velocities = rotor_velocities
        msg.header.stamp = self._currpos_msg.header.stamp

    def _currpos_callback(self, msg):
        self._currpos_msg = msg

    def get_data(self):
        self._z_oold = self._z_old
        self._z_old = self._z

        self.yaw_old = self.yaw

        # self._pos = self._vicon_msg.transform.translation
        self._x = self._currpos_msg.pose.pose.position.x
        self._y = self._currpos_msg.pose.pose.position.y
        self._z = self._currpos_msg.pose.pose.position.z

        # Convert to quaternion object for use by euler_from_quaternion()
        quaternion = np.array([

        # Determine the euler angles
        euler = euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)  # change? can i use this?
        self.roll = euler[0]
        self.pitch = euler[1]
        self.yaw = euler[2]

        # Determine the euler angular rates p,q,r and thrust
        self.p = self._currpos_msg.twist.twist.angular.x
        self.q = self._currpos_msg.twist.twist.angular.y
        self.r = self._currpos_msg.twist.twist.angular.z
        #self.thrust = self._currpos_msg.twist.twist.linear.z

        self.x_d = 1.0
        self.y_d = 1.0
        self.z_d = 1.0
        self.yaw_d = 0.0

        self.vx_d = 0.0
        self.vy_d = 0.0
        self.vz_d = 0.0

        # desired position
        #self.x_d = self._goal_msg.points.transforms.translation.x
        #self.y_d = self._goal_msg.points.transforms.translation.y
        #self.z_d = self._goal_msg.points.transforms.translation.z

        # desired orientation
        #self.quat = np.array([self._goal_msg.points.transforms.rotation.x,
        #                      self._goal_msg.points.transforms.rotation.y,
        #                      self._goal_msg.points.transforms.rotation.z,
        #                      self._goal_msg.points.transforms.rotation.w])
        #euler = euler_from_quaternion(self.quat)
        #self.yaw_d = euler[2]

        # desired velocities
        #self.vx_d = self._goal_msg.points.velocities.linear.x # may need to change in future
        #self.vy_d = self._goal_msg.points.velocities.linear.y
        #self.vz_d = self._goal_msg.points.velocities.linear.z

    def iteration(self, event):
        current_time = rospy.get_time() - self.init_time
        dt = current_time - self.previous_time
        self.previous_time = current_time

        if dt == 0:
            dt = 0.01

        act_climb_r = (self._z - 2 * self._z_old + self._z_oold) / (dt**2)
        print("z_dd_real: ", act_climb_r)
        #act_yaw_r = (self.yaw - self.yaw_old)/dt


        roll_c, pitch_c, z_dot_c, yaw_dot_c = self.controller.get_command(
            self._x, self._y, self._z, self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw,
            self.x_d, self.y_d, self.z_d, self.vx_d, self.vy_d, self.vz_d,

        #self.set_vel(roll_c, pitch_c, z_dot_c, yaw_dot_c)
        self.thrust_c = z_dot_c  #+ 12000
        print("thrust: ", z_dot_c)
        self.set_rotor_vel(pitch_c, roll_c, yaw_dot_c, self.p, self.q, self.r,
                           self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw, self.thrust_c)
class position_controller_flock_node(object):
    """ROS interface for controlling up to four Cf2.0's in Gazebo and running flocking algorithm."""
    def __init__(self, uav_ids, init, fin, vx_ds, vy_ds, vz_ds, yaw_ds):

        self.cf_ids = uav_ids
        self.number_of_agents = np.shape(uav_ids)[0]
        self.takoff_alt = 1.0  # change?
        self._pos = {}
        self._vel = {}
        self._quat = {}
        self._dist_to_goal = {}

        self._euler_angles = {}
        self._euler_angular_rates = {}
        self._z_old = {}
        self._z_oold = {}
        self.yaw_old = {}

        self.radius = 0.15
        self.d_star = self.radius
        self.MaxVelo = 1.0
        # Tune these
        self.c1 = 7 * 4.5
        self.c2 = 9 * 4.5
        self.RepulsiveGradient = 7.5 * 100

        self.previous_time = 0.0
        self.change_time = -100.0

        self.controller = PositionController()
        self.init_time = rospy.get_time()

        ### Publish ###
        # waypoint messages
        self.goal_msg_0, self.goal_msg_1, self.goal_msg_2, self.goal_msg_3 = PoseStamped(
        ), PoseStamped(), PoseStamped(), PoseStamped()
        self.goal_msgs = {
            '0': self.goal_msg_0,
            '1': self.goal_msg_1,
            '2': self.goal_msg_2,
            '3': self.goal_msg_3

        # rotor velocities messages
        #    self.cmdV_msg_0, self.cmdV_msg_1, self.cmdV_msg_2, self.cmdV_msg_3 = Actuators(), Actuators(), Actuators(), Actuators()
        #    self.rotor_vel_msgs = {
        #        '0' : self.cmdV_msg_0,
        #        '1' : self.cmdV_msg_1,
        #        '2' : self.cmdV_msg_2,
        #        '3' : self.cmdV_msg_3
        #    }

        ### Subscribe ###
        # odometry messages
        self._currpos_callbacks = {
            '0': self._currpos_callback_0,
            '1': self._currpos_callback_1,
            '2': self._currpos_callback_2,
            '3': self._currpos_callback_3

        # set parameters
        self.initials, self.finals = {}, {}
        self.goal_pubs, self.cmdVtemp_pubs, self.cmdV_pubs, self.takeoffs, self.lands = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
        for index, cf_id in enumerate(self.cf_ids):
            self.initials[str(cf_id)] = init[index][:]
            self._z_old[str(cf_id)] = 0.0
            self._z_oold[str(cf_id)] = 0.0
            self.yaw_old[str(cf_id)] = 0.0
            self.finals[str(cf_id)] = fin[index][:]
            self.goal_pubs[str(cf_id)] = rospy.Publisher('/crazyflie2_' +
                                                         str(cf_id) + '/goal',
            self.cmdV_pubs[str(cf_id)] = rospy.Publisher(
                '/crazyflie2_' + str(cf_id) + '/command/motor_speed',
            rospy.Subscriber("/crazyflie2_" + str(cf_id) + "/odometry",
                             Odometry, self._currpos_callbacks[str(cf_id)])
        self.vx_d = vx_ds
        self.vy_d = vy_ds
        self.vz_d = vz_ds
        self.yaw_d = yaw_ds

        self.takeoffed = False
        self.reached_1st = False

        self.flag = {'flying': 0, 'landed': 0, 'preland': 0}

        #        self.vstate = {
        #            'takeoff' : self.do_takeoff,
        #            'wpnav' : self.do_wpnav,
        #            'land' : self.do_land
        #        }

        # Position controller
        self.controller = PositionController()

    def set_rotor_vel(self, pitch_c, roll_c, yaw_rate_c, p, q, r, roll, pitch,
                      yaw, thrust):  # change arg names?

        # get conversions
        rotorvel_converter = roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust_crazyflie(
            pitch_c, roll_c, yaw_rate_c, p, q, r, roll, pitch, yaw, thrust)
        rotor_velocities = rotorvel_converter.CalculateRotorVelocities()

        # publish rotor velocities to Actuator
        msg = Actuators()
        msg.angular_velocities = rotor_velocities
        msg.header.stamp = self._currpos_msg.header.stamp

    def _currpos_callback(self, msg):
        self._currpos_msg = msg

    def get_data(self, id):
        self._z_oold[str(id)] = self._z_old[str(id)]
        self._z_old[str(id)] = self._pos[str(id)].z  # current z
        print("self._euler_angles[str(id)]: ", self._euler_angles[str(id)])
        self.yaw_old[str(id)] = self._euler_angles[str(id)][2]  # current yaw

    def _currpos_callback_0(self, data):
        self._pos['0'] = data.pose.pose.position
        self._vel['0'] = data.twist.twist.linear
        self._quat['0'] = np.array([
            data.pose.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.pose.orientation.y,
            data.pose.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.pose.orientation.w
        ])  # gives quaternion object
        #print("quat 0: ", self._quat['0'])
        self._euler_angles['0'] = euler_from_quaternion(
            self._quat['0'])  # gives roll, pitch, yaw
        #print("euler angles 0: ", self._euler_angles['0'])
        self._euler_angular_rates['0'] = np.asarray(
            data.twist.twist.angular)  # gives p, q, r

    def _currpos_callback_1(self, data):
        self._pos['1'] = data.pose.pose.position
        self._vel['1'] = data.twist.twist.linear
        self._quat['1'] = np.array([
            data.pose.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.pose.orientation.y,
            data.pose.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.pose.orientation.w
        ])  # gives quaternion object
        self._euler_angles['1'] = euler_from_quaternion(
            self._quat['1'])  # gives roll, pitch, yaw
        #print(self._euler_angles['1'], type(self._euler_angles['1']))
        self._euler_angular_rates['1'] = np.asarray(
            data.twist.twist.angular)  # gives p, q, r

    def _currpos_callback_2(self, data):
        self._pos['2'] = data.pose.pose.position
        self._vel['2'] = data.twist.twist.linear
        self._quat['2'] = np.array([
            data.pose.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.pose.orientation.y,
            data.pose.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.pose.orientation.w
        ])  # gives quaternion object
        self._euler_angles['2'] = euler_from_quaternion(
            self._quat['2'])  # gives roll, pitch, yaw
        self._euler_angular_rates['2'] = np.asarray(
            data.twist.twist.angular)  # gives p, q, r

    def _currpos_callback_3(self, data):
        self._pos['3'] = data.pose.pose.position
        self._vel['3'] = data.twist.twist.linear
        self._quat['3'] = np.array([
            data.pose.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.pose.orientation.y,
            data.pose.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.pose.orientation.w
        ])  # gives quaternion object
        self._euler_angles['3'] = euler_from_quaternion(
            self._quat['3'])  # gives roll, pitch, yaw
        self._euler_angular_rates['3'] = np.asarray(
            data.twist.twist.angular)  # gives p, q, r

    def update_pos(self, id, pos):
        self.goal_msgs[id].header.seq += 1
        self.goal_msgs[id].header.frame_id = '/world'  # change?
        self.goal_msgs[id].header.stamp =

        self.goal_msgs[id].pose.position.x = pos[0]
        self.goal_msgs[id].pose.position.y = pos[1]
        self.goal_msgs[id].pose.position.z = pos[2]

        self.goal_msgs[id].pose.orientation.x = 0
        self.goal_msgs[id].pose.orientation.y = 0
        self.goal_msgs[id].pose.orientation.z = 0
        self.goal_msgs[id].pose.orientation.w = 1

    def update_rotor_vels(self, id):
        # this function takes in the UAV's id and computes+publishes the rotor velocities to that UAV

        # get z_oold, z_old, and desired position/yaw

        # get roll/pitch/yawrate/thrust commands from position controller
        roll_c, pitch_c, z_dot_c, yaw_dot_c = self.controller.get_command(
            self._pos[str(id)].z,  # x,y,z
            self._euler_angles[str(id)][0][2],  # change? roll, pitch, yaw
            self.initials[str(id)][2],  # change? xd, yd, zd

        # obtain p,q,r/roll,pitch,yaw for UAV id from odometry subscription
        p = self._euler_angular_rates[str(id)][0]
        q = self._euler_angular_rates[str(id)][1]
        r = self._euler_angular_rates[str(id)][2]
        roll = self._euler_angles[str(id)][0]
        pitch = self._euler_angles[str(id)][1]
        yaw = self._euler_angles[str(id)][2]

        # convert above commands to rotor velocity commands
        rotorvel_converter = roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust_crazyflie(
            pitch_c, roll_c, yaw_dot_c, p, q, r, roll, pitch, yaw, z_dot_c)
        rotor_velocities = rotorvel_converter.CalculateRotorVelocities(
        )  # this yields a 4-element list

        # publish rotor velocities to Actuator
        rotorvel_msg = Actuators()
        rotorvel_msg.angular_velocities = rotor_velocities
        #rotorvel_msg.header.stamp = self._currpos_msg.header.stamp

    def publish_msg(self):
        for cf_id in self.cf_ids:

    def do_wpnav(self):
        # Check all cfs reached assigened takeoff alt
        if not self.takeoffed:
            count = 0
            for cf_id in self.cf_ids:
                if abs(self._pos[str(cf_id)][2] - self.takoff_alt) < 0.05:
                    count += 1
                position_d = np.array([
                    self._pos[str(cf_id)][0], self._pos[str(cf_id)][1],
                self.update_pos(str(cf_id), position_d)
            if count == self.number_of_agents:
                self.takeoffed = True

        # Check all cfs reached their initial points
        elif not self.reached_1st:
            count = 0
            for cf_id in self.cf_ids:
                if np.linalg.norm(self._pos[str(cf_id)] -
                                  self.initials[str(cf_id)]) < 0.1:
                    count += 1
                position_d = np.array([
                    self.initials[str(cf_id)][0], self.initials[str(cf_id)][1],
                self.update_pos(str(cf_id), position_d)
            if count == self.number_of_agents:
                self.reached_1st = True
                print('Initial points reached!!')
                    "Press Enter to continue...")  # use input() for python3

        # flocking path planning
            # call flocking and get the desired position of next timestep
            for cf_id in self.cf_ids:
                other_cfs = self.cf_ids[:]
                self._dist_to_goal[str(cf_id)] = np.linalg.norm(
                    self._pos[str(cf_id)] - self.finals[str(cf_id)])
                force = -self.c1 * self._vel[str(cf_id)] - self.c2 * (
                    self._pos[str(cf_id)] - self.finals[str(cf_id)])
                for other_cf in other_cfs:
                    dist_v = self._pos[str(other_cf)] - self._pos[str(cf_id)]
                    dist = np.linalg.norm(dist_v)
                    d = 2 * self.radius + self.d_star
                    CommunicationRadious = np.cbrt(
                        3 * np.square(self.MaxVelo) /
                        (2 * self.RepulsiveGradient)) + d
                    if dist < CommunicationRadious:
                        ForceComponent = -self.RepulsiveGradient * np.square(
                            dist - CommunicationRadious)
                        force += ForceComponent * (dist_v) / dist
                velocity_d = self._vel[str(cf_id)] + force * self.dt
                position_d = self._pos[str(cf_id)] + velocity_d * self.dt
                position_d[2] = 1.0  # for 2D sim
                self.update_pos(str(cf_id), position_d)

            # Check all cfs reached their final points
            if self._dist_to_goal[max(self._dist_to_goal)] < 0.2:
                self.flag['preland'] = 1

    def iteration(self, event):

        # publish goal messages for each uav

        # publish rotor velocities for each uav
        for index, cf_id in enumerate(self.cf_ids):