def __init__(self,port=1234,sub_topic="modbus_server/write_to_registers",pub_topic="modbus_server/read_from_registers"): """ Creates a Modbus TCP Server object .. note:: The default port for modbus is 502. This modbus server uses port 1234 by default, otherwise superuser rights are required. .. note:: Use "startServer" to start the listener. :param port: Port for the modbus TCP server :type port: int :param sub_topic: ROS topic name for the subscriber that updates the modbus registers :type sub_topic: string :param pub_topic: ROS topic name for the publisher that publishes a message, once there is something written to the writeable modbus registers :type pub_topic: string """ chr = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17]*100,sub_topic,pub_topic) = ModbusSlaveContext( di = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17]*100), co = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17]*100), hr = chr, ir = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17]*100)) self.context = ModbusServerContext(, single=True) self.identity = ModbusDeviceIdentification() self.identity.VendorName = 'Pymodbus' self.identity.ProductCode = 'PM' self.identity.VendorUrl = '' self.identity.ProductName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.ModelName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.MajorMinorRevision = '1.0',0,[0]*1) = Post(self) framer = ModbusSocketFramer self.server = ModbusTcpServer(self.context, framer, self.identity, address=("", port))
class IncomingCall(AbstractWidget): def __init__(self,parent): super(IncomingCall,self).__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_IncomingCall() self.ui.setupUi(self) = Post(self) self.calling = False self.call_active = False self.ui.btn_hangup.clicked.connect(self.hangup) self.ui.btn_answer.clicked.connect(self.answer) self.ui.btn_close.clicked.connect(self.close) def incomingCall(self): if self.calling or self.call_active: return self.ui.btn_close.setEnabled(False) self.ui.btn_hangup.setEnabled(True) self.ui.btn_answer.setEnabled(True) self.calling = True def hangup(self): def answer(self): def callAnswered(self): self.call_active = True self.calling = False self.call_start = time.time() self.ui.btn_answer.setEnabled(False) def callStopped(self): self.call_active = False self.calling = False self.ui.btn_close.setEnabled(True) self.ui.btn_hangup.setEnabled(False) self.ui.btn_answer.setEnabled(False) def showDuration(self): while self.call_active: now = time.time()-self.call_start minutes = int(now/60) seconds = int(now%60) self.ui.lbl_duration.setText("%02.d:%02.d"%(minutes,seconds)) time.sleep(1) def closeEvent(self,event): if self.call_active or self.calling: event.ignore() self.hangup() else: event.accept()
def __init__(self,parent): super(IncomingCall,self).__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_IncomingCall() self.ui.setupUi(self) = Post(self) self.calling = False self.call_active = False self.ui.btn_hangup.clicked.connect(self.hangup) self.ui.btn_answer.clicked.connect(self.answer) self.ui.btn_close.clicked.connect(self.close)
def __init__(self, host, port=502, rate=50, reset_registers=True, sub_topic="modbus_wrapper/output", pub_topic="modbus_wrapper/input"): """ Use subscribers and publisher to communicate with the modbus server. Check the scripts for example code. :param host: Contains the IP adress of the modbus server :type host: string :param port: The port number, where the modbus server is runnning :type port: integer :param rate: How often the registers on the modbusserver should be read per second :type rate: float :param reset_registers: Defines if the holding registers should be reset to 0 after they have been read. Only possible if they are writeable :type reset_registers: bool """ try: self.client = ModbusTcpClient(host, port) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn( "Could not get a modbus connection to the host modbus. %s", str(e)) raise e return self.__rate = rate self.__reading_delay = 1 / rate = Post(self) self.__reset_registers = reset_registers self.__reading_register_start = 0 self.__num_reading_registers = 20 # self.input_size = 16 self.__input = HoldingRegister() = [0 for i in xrange(self.__num_reading_registers)] self.__writing_registers_start = ADDRESS_WRITE_START self.__num_writing_registers = 20 # self.output_size = 16 self.__output = [None for i in range(self.__num_writing_registers)] self.__last_output_time = rospy.get_time() self.__mutex = Lock() self.__sub = rospy.Subscriber(sub_topic, HoldingRegister, self.__updateModbusOutput, queue_size=500) self.__pub = rospy.Publisher(pub_topic, HoldingRegister, queue_size=500, latch=True) rospy.on_shutdown(self.closeConnection)
def __init__(self, app): super(ControlMainWindow, self).__init__(None) # self.settings = QtCore.QSettings("root_window") = app = Post(self) self.widgets = {} self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.statusbar.showMessage("Not connected") self.initUi()
def __init__(self,side,ik=True): limb.Limb.__init__(self,side) self.side=side self.DEFAULT_BAXTER_SPEED=0.3 if not side in ["left","right"]: raise BaxterException,"Error non existing side: %s, please provide left or right"%side self.__stop = False self.simple=self self._moving=False self.moving_lock=Lock() self.ik=ik if self.ik: self.ns = "/ExternalTools/%s/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService"%self.side rospy.loginfo("Waiting for inverse kinematics service on %s..."%self.ns) rospy.wait_for_service(self.ns) self.iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.ns, SolvePositionIK) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for inverse kinematics service DONE") else: rospy.loginfo("Skipping inverse kinematics service loading") #self.simple_limb_srv = rospy.Service("/simple_limb/"+side,LimbPose,self.__cbLimbPose) self._pub_speed=rospy.Publisher("/robot/limb/%s/set_speed_ratio"%self.side,Float64,queue_size=1) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self._pub_speed.get_num_connections() < 1: rospy.sleep(0.1)
class TFHelper(): __metaclass__=Singleton """ Helps broadcasting static tf frames """ def __init__(self,frequency=50): self.frequency=frequency = Post(self) self.mutex = Lock() self.tb = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.transforms={} self.thread=None self._stop_broadcast=False self.last_keys=None self.medians = {} def __del__(self): self.stop() def start(self): """ Start broadcasting thread, blocking """ with self.mutex: if self.thread: self.stop() self._stop_broadcast=False def stop(self): """ Stop broadcasting thread, blocking """ with self.mutex: if self.thread: self._stop_broadcast=True self.thread.join() self.thread=None def __broadcastLoop(self): """ Loop that broadcasts all transformations. Started by (BaxterFrame) """ with self.mutex: self.last_keys=None rate=rospy.Rate(self.frequency) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self._stop_broadcast: with self.mutex: if not self.last_keys or str(self.last_keys)!=str(self.transforms.keys()): rospy.loginfo("Broadcasting %d frames: %s"%(len(self.transforms.items()) , self.transforms.keys() ) ) self.last_keys=str(self.transforms.keys()) for id,t in self.transforms.items(): if not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: self.tb.sendTransform(self.pos2list(t.pose.position),self.quat2list(t.pose.orientation),, "/"+id, "/"+t.header.frame_id) except rospy.ROSException,e: rospy.logwarn("Could not publish on TF topic, closing broadcaster: "+str(e)) break rate.sleep()
def __init__(self,port=1234): """ Creates a Modbus TCP Server object .. note:: The default port for modbus is 502. This modbus server uses port 1234 by default, otherwise superuser rights are required. .. note:: Use "startServer" to start the listener. :param port: Port for the modbus TCP server :type port: int """ # chr = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100) # cdi = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100) self.onShutdown=False; self.state_changed = Signal() cco = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100) = ModbusSlaveContext( di = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100), co = cco, hr = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100), ir = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100)) self.context = ModbusServerContext(, single=True) self.identity = ModbusDeviceIdentification() self.identity.VendorName = 'Pymodbus' self.identity.ProductCode = 'PM' self.identity.VendorUrl = '' self.identity.ProductName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.ModelName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.MajorMinorRevision = '1.0',0,[0]*1) = Post(self) framer = ModbusSocketFramer self.server = ModbusTcpServer(self.context, framer, self.identity, address=("", port))
def __init__(self,parent): super(IncomingSMS,self).__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_IncomingSMS() self.ui.setupUi(self) = Post(self) self.calling = False self.call_active = False self.ui.btn_close.clicked.connect(self.close)
def __init__(self, portname, rate=57142, timeout=0.04): """ DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT BAUDRATE HERE: 57142 is the factory setting of Dynamixel motors """ self.portname = portname self.rate = rate self.timeout = timeout self.lock = Lock() self.configuration = None self.motors = {} = Post(self)
def __init__(self,frequency=50): self.frequency=frequency = Post(self) self.mutex = Lock() self.tb = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.transforms={} self.thread=None self._stop_broadcast=False self.last_keys=None self.medians = {}
class ControlMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): updateFeedbackSignal = Signal(str) def __init__(self, app): super(ControlMainWindow, self).__init__(None) # self.settings = QtCore.QSettings("root_window") = app = Post(self) self.widgets = {} self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.statusbar.showMessage("Not connected") self.initUi() def initUi(self): self.ui.btn_close.clicked.connect(self.close) self.widgets["call"] = Call(self) self.ui.btn_call.clicked.connect(self.widgets["call"].show) self.widgets["import_csv"] = ImportCSV(self) self.ui.btn_import_csv.clicked.connect(self.widgets["import_csv"].show) self.widgets["received_sms"] = ReceivedSMS(self) self.ui.btn_show_sms.clicked.connect(self.widgets["received_sms"].show) self.widgets["sent_sms"] = SentSMS(self) self.ui.btn_sent_sms.clicked.connect(self.widgets["sent_sms"].show) self.widgets["send_sms"] = SendSMS(self) self.ui.btn_send_sms.clicked.connect(self.widgets["send_sms"].show) self.widgets["incoming_call"] = IncomingCall(self) self.widgets["incoming_sms"] = IncomingSMS(self) self.updateFeedbackSignal.connect(self.updateFeedback) # self.widgets["import_csv"].show() # self.widgets["incomding_sms"].show() def initSerialBridge(self): = SerialBridge() time.sleep(2.0)"AT") += [ "AT", "RING", "ATA", "ATH", "ATD", "CMT", "NO CARRIER" ] = self.cbSim def cbSim(self, feedback): self.updateFeedbackSignal.emit(feedback) @Slot(str) def updateFeedback(self, feedback): print "got feedback" if feedback == "RING": self.widgets["incoming_call"].incomingCall() if feedback == "ATA": self.widgets["incoming_call"].callAnswered() if feedback == "ATH": self.widgets["incoming_call"].callStopped() self.widgets["call"].callStopped() if "ATD" in feedback: self.widgets["call"].callStarted() if "AT" == feedback: self.ui.statusbar.showMessage("Connected") if "CMT" in feedback: self.widgets["incoming_sms"].incomingSMS(feedback) # if "CMGR" in feedback: # self.widgets["incoming_sms"].messageContent(feedback) if "NO CARRIER" in feedback: self.widgets["incoming_call"].callStopped() def keyPressEvent(self, e): """Summary Args: e (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ #closes the window on escape if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape: self.close() def closeEvent(self, event): try: except: pass for widget in self.widgets.values(): widget.close() super(ControlMainWindow, self).closeEvent(event)
class ModbusWrapperServer(): def __init__(self, port=1234, sub_topic="modbus_server/write_to_registers", pub_topic="modbus_server/read_from_registers"): """ Creates a Modbus TCP Server object .. note:: The default port for modbus is 502. This modbus server uses port 1234 by default, otherwise superuser rights are required. .. note:: Use "startServer" to start the listener. :param port: Port for the modbus TCP server :type port: int :param sub_topic: ROS topic name for the subscriber that updates the modbus registers :type sub_topic: string :param pub_topic: ROS topic name for the publisher that publishes a message, once there is something written to the writeable modbus registers :type pub_topic: string """ chr = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17] * 100, sub_topic, pub_topic) = ModbusSlaveContext( di=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17] * 100), co=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17] * 100), hr=chr, ir=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17] * 100)) self.context = ModbusServerContext(, single=True) self.identity = ModbusDeviceIdentification() self.identity.VendorName = 'Pymodbus' self.identity.ProductCode = 'PM' self.identity.VendorUrl = '' self.identity.ProductName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.ModelName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.MajorMinorRevision = '1.0', 0, [0] * 1) = Post(self) framer = ModbusSocketFramer self.server = ModbusTcpServer(self.context, framer, self.identity, address=("", port)) def startServer(self): """ Non blocking call to start the server """ rospy.loginfo("Modbus server started") def __startServer(self): self.server.serve_forever() def stopServer(self): """ Closes the server """ self.server.server_close() self.server.shutdown() def waitForCoilOutput(self, address, timeout=2): """ Blocks for the timeout in seconds (or forever) until the specified address becomes true. Adapt this to your needs :param address: Address of the register that wanted to be read. :type address: int :param timeout: The time in seconds until the function should return latest. :type: float/int """ now = time.time() while True: values =, address, 1) if values[0] is True: return True else: if timeout <= 0 or now + timeout > time.time(): time.sleep(1 / 50) else: return False def setDigitalInput(self, address, values): """ Writes to the digital input of the modbus server :param address: Starting address of the values to write :type: int :param values: List of values to write :type list/boolean/int """ if not values is list: values = [values], address, values)
def __init__(self): = Post(self) self.conn_down = True self.initConnection() self.trigger_words = [] self.callback = None
class ModbusWrapperServer(): def __init__(self,port=1234): """ Creates a Modbus TCP Server object .. note:: The default port for modbus is 502. This modbus server uses port 1234 by default, otherwise superuser rights are required. .. note:: Use "startServer" to start the listener. :param port: Port for the modbus TCP server :type port: int """ # chr = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100) # cdi = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100) self.onShutdown=False; self.state_changed = Signal() cco = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100) = ModbusSlaveContext( di = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100), co = cco, hr = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100), ir = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [16]*100)) self.context = ModbusServerContext(, single=True) self.identity = ModbusDeviceIdentification() self.identity.VendorName = 'Pymodbus' self.identity.ProductCode = 'PM' self.identity.VendorUrl = '' self.identity.ProductName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.ModelName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.MajorMinorRevision = '1.0',0,[0]*1) = Post(self) framer = ModbusSocketFramer self.server = ModbusTcpServer(self.context, framer, self.identity, address=("", port)) def startServer(self): """ Non blocking call to start the server """ def _startServer(self): print "Modbus server started" self.server.serve_forever() def stopServer(self): """ Closes the server """ self.onShutdown = True self.server.server_close() self.server.shutdown() def waitForCoilOutput(self,address,timeout=2): now = time.time() while not self.onShutdown: values =,address, 1) if values[0] is True: return True else: if timeout > 0 and now + timeout > time.time(): time.sleep(1/50) else: return False def stateChangeListener(self,address): def __stateChangeListener(self,address): old_state = 0; while not self.onShutdown: value =,address, 1)[0] if old_state != value: old_state = value self.state_changed(address,value) #print "state has changed" time.sleep(1/50) def setDigitalInput(self,address,values): if not values is list: values = [values],address,values) def triggerInput(self,address,timeout=0.5): self.setDigitalInput(address, True), timeout) def resetInput(self,address,timeout): time.sleep(timeout) self.setDigitalInput(address, False)
class ModbusWrapperServer(): def __init__(self,port=1234,sub_topic="modbus_server/write_to_registers",pub_topic="modbus_server/read_from_registers"): """ Creates a Modbus TCP Server object .. note:: The default port for modbus is 502. This modbus server uses port 1234 by default, otherwise superuser rights are required. .. note:: Use "startServer" to start the listener. :param port: Port for the modbus TCP server :type port: int :param sub_topic: ROS topic name for the subscriber that updates the modbus registers :type sub_topic: string :param pub_topic: ROS topic name for the publisher that publishes a message, once there is something written to the writeable modbus registers :type pub_topic: string """ chr = CustomHoldingRegister(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17]*100,sub_topic,pub_topic) = ModbusSlaveContext( di = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17]*100), co = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17]*100), hr = chr, ir = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(ADDRESS_WRITE_START, [17]*100)) self.context = ModbusServerContext(, single=True) self.identity = ModbusDeviceIdentification() self.identity.VendorName = 'Pymodbus' self.identity.ProductCode = 'PM' self.identity.VendorUrl = '' self.identity.ProductName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.ModelName = 'Pymodbus Server' self.identity.MajorMinorRevision = '1.0',0,[0]*1) = Post(self) framer = ModbusSocketFramer self.server = ModbusTcpServer(self.context, framer, self.identity, address=("", port)) def startServer(self): """ Non blocking call to start the server """ rospy.loginfo("Modbus server started") def __startServer(self): self.server.serve_forever() def stopServer(self): """ Closes the server """ self.server.server_close() self.server.shutdown() def waitForCoilOutput(self,address,timeout=2): """ Blocks for the timeout in seconds (or forever) until the specified address becomes true. Adapt this to your needs :param address: Address of the register that wanted to be read. :type address: int :param timeout: The time in seconds until the function should return latest. :type: float/int """ now = time.time() while True: values =,address, 1) if values[0] is True: return True else: if timeout <=0 or now + timeout > time.time(): time.sleep(1/50) else: return False def setDigitalInput(self,address,values): """ Writes to the digital input of the modbus server :param address: Starting address of the values to write :type: int :param values: List of values to write :type list/boolean/int """ if not values is list: values = [values],address,values)
class SerialBridge: def __init__(self): = Post(self) self.conn_down = True self.initConnection() self.trigger_words = [] self.callback = None def openSerialPort(self, i): try: self.ser = serial.Serial('COM' + str(i), 19200) self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flush() self.conn_down = False return True except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e: if "could not open port" in str(e): return False else: print "Problem accessing the device", e exit(1) def initConnection(self): for i in xrange(20): if self.openSerialPort(i): break if self.conn_down: print "could not establish connection" exit(1) return def readFeedback(self): print "reading feedback" tmp = "" cmt = False while not self.conn_down: feedback = self.ser.readline() feedback = feedback.replace("\n", "") feedback = feedback.replace("\r", "") if cmt: self.callback(tmp + feedback) cmt = False continue print "feedback:", feedback if not self.callback is None: for word in self.trigger_words: if cmt: break if word in feedback: if word == "CMT": tmp = feedback cmt = True continue self.callback(feedback) time.sleep(0.1) print "done reading feedback" def send(self, data): if len(data) > 0: # print "send", data self.ser.write(data + "\n\r") self.ser.flush() def sendSMS(self, number, text): self.send("SMS:" + str(number) + ";" + str(text)) def readSMS(index): self.send("AT+CMGR=" + str(index)) def answerCall(self): self.send("ATA") def hangupCall(self): self.send("ATH") def callNumber(self, number): self.send("ATD" + str(number)) def getReceivedSMS(self): pass def getSentSMS(self): pass def close(self): self.conn_down = True self.ser.close()
class ModbusWrapperClient(): """ Wrapper that integrates python modbus into standardized ros msgs. The wrapper is able to read from and write to a standard modbus tcp/ip server. """ def __init__(self, host, port=502, rate=50, reset_registers=True, sub_topic="modbus_wrapper/output", pub_topic="modbus_wrapper/input"): """ Use subscribers and publisher to communicate with the modbus server. Check the scripts for example code. :param host: Contains the IP adress of the modbus server :type host: string :param port: The port number, where the modbus server is runnning :type port: integer :param rate: How often the registers on the modbusserver should be read per second :type rate: float :param reset_registers: Defines if the holding registers should be reset to 0 after they have been read. Only possible if they are writeable :type reset_registers: bool """ try: self.client = ModbusTcpClient(host, port) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn( "Could not get a modbus connection to the host modbus. %s", str(e)) raise e return self.__rate = rate self.__reading_delay = 1 / rate = Post(self) self.__reset_registers = reset_registers self.__reading_register_start = 0 self.__num_reading_registers = 20 # self.input_size = 16 self.__input = HoldingRegister() = [0 for i in xrange(self.__num_reading_registers)] self.__writing_registers_start = ADDRESS_WRITE_START self.__num_writing_registers = 20 # self.output_size = 16 self.__output = [None for i in range(self.__num_writing_registers)] self.__last_output_time = rospy.get_time() self.__mutex = Lock() self.__sub = rospy.Subscriber(sub_topic, HoldingRegister, self.__updateModbusOutput, queue_size=500) self.__pub = rospy.Publisher(pub_topic, HoldingRegister, queue_size=500, latch=True) rospy.on_shutdown(self.closeConnection) def startListening(self): """ Non blocking call for starting the listener for the readable modbus server registers """ #start reading the modbus def stopListening(self): """ Stops the listener loop """ self.stop_listener = True while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.listener_stopped is False: rospy.sleep(0.01) def setReadingRegisters(self, start, num_registers): """ Sets the start address of the registers which should be read and their number :param start: First register that is readable :type start: int :param num_registers: Amount of readable registers :type num_registers: int """ self.__reading_register_start = start self.__num_reading_registers = num_registers def setWritingRegisters(self, start, num_registers): """ Sets the start address of the registers which are writeable and their number :param start: First register that is writeable :type start: int :param num_registers: Amount of writeable registers :type num_registers: int """ self.__writing_registers_start = start self.__num_writing_registers = num_registers def getReadingRegisters(self): """ :return: Returns the first address of the readable registers and the number of registers :rtype: int,int """ return self.__reading_register_start, self.__num_reading_registers def getWritingRegisters(self): """ :return: Returns the first address of the writeable registers and the number of registers :rtype: int,int """ return self.__writing_registers_start, self.__num_writing_registers def __updateModbusInput(self, delay=0): """ Loop that is listening to the readable modbus registers and publishes it on a topic :param delay: The delay time until the loop starts :type delay: float """ rospy.sleep(delay) self.listener_stopped = False self.stop_listener = False update = True while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.stop_listener is False: try: if not rospy.is_shutdown(): tmp = self.readRegisters() if tmp is None: rospy.sleep(2) continue # rospy.logwarn("__updateModbusInput tmp is %s ", str(tmp)) # rospy.logwarn("__updateModbusInput is %s ", str( if tmp != update = True = tmp else: update = False except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn("Could not read holding register. %s", str(e)) raise e rospy.sleep(2) if update: if self.__pub.get_num_connections() > 0: try: self.__pub.publish(self.__input) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn( "Could not publish message. Exception: %s", str(e)) raise e rospy.Rate(self.__rate).sleep() self.listener_stopped = True def __updateModbusOutput(self, msg): """ Callback from the subscriber to update the writeable modbus registers :param msg: value of the new registers :type msg: std_msgs.Int32MultiArray """ output_changed = False for index in xrange(self.__num_writing_registers): if self.__output[index] !=[index]: output_changed = True break if not output_changed: return self.__writeRegisters(self.__writing_registers_start, def __writeRegisters(self, address, values): """ Writes modbus registers :param address: First address of the values to write :type address: int :param values: Values to write :type values: list """ with self.__mutex: try: if not rospy.is_shutdown(): # print "writing address",address,"value" self.client.write_registers(address, values) self.output = values except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn( "Could not write values %s to address %d. Exception %s", str(values), address, str(e)) raise e def readRegisters(self, address=None, num_registers=None): """ Reads modbus registers :param address: First address of the registers to read :type address: int :param num_registers: Amount of registers to read :type num_registers: int """ if address is None: address = self.__reading_register_start if num_registers is None: num_registers = self.__num_reading_registers tmp = None with self.__mutex: try: tmp = self.client.read_holding_registers( address, num_registers).registers except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn("Could not read on address %d. Exception: %s", address, str(e)) raise e if self.__reset_registers: try: self.client.write_registers( address, [0 for i in xrange(num_registers)]) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn( "Could not write to address %d. Exception: %s", address, str(e)) raise e return tmp def setOutput(self, address, value, timeout=0): """ Directly write one register :param address: The exact register address to write :type address: int :param value: What is written in the register :type value: int :param timeout: If set, the register is set after this time to 0 :type timeout: float """ if not type(value) is list: value = [int(value)] self.__writeRegisters(address, value) if timeout > 0:, timeout) def __reset(self, address, timeout): """ Resets a register to 0 after a specific amount of time :param address: The register address to reset :type address: int :param timeout: The delay after the register is reset :type timeout: float """ rospy.sleep(timeout) self.__writeRegisters(address, [0]) def closeConnection(self): """ Closes the connection to the modbus """ self.client.close()