def test_complex_json(self): """Test the complex JSON project creation with only the required fields""" p.token = 'unittest2' # dataset format = (dataset_name, [ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], [[xvoxel, yvoxel, zvoxel], [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset], timerange, scalinglevels, scaling) dataset = (p.dataset, [2000,2000,30], [1.0,1.0,5.0], [0,0,0], None, None, None) # project format = (project_name, token_name, public) project = (p.token, None, None) # channel format = { chan1 : (channel_name, datatype, channel_type, data_url, file_name, exceptions, resolution, windowrange, readonly), chan2: ...... } channels = { p.channels[1] : (p.channels[1], p.datatype, p.channel_type, 'sample_data_url', 'sample_filename', 'tif', None, None, None, None) } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write(createJson(dataset, project, channels)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads(postURL("http://{}/ca/autoIngest/".format(SITE_HOST), json_file).read()) assert('SUCCESS. The ingest process has now started.' == response) # fetching the JSON info f = getURL("http://{}/ca/{}/info/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token)) # read the JSON file proj_info = json.loads( assert( proj_info['project']['name'] == p.token ) assert( proj_info['dataset']['imagesize']['0'] == [2000,2000,30]) assert( proj_info['dataset']['cube_dimension']['0'] == [128,128,16]) assert( proj_info['dataset']['scalinglevels'] == 1) assert( proj_info['channels'][p.channels[1]]['resolution'] == 0) assert( proj_info['channels'][p.channels[1]]['datatype'] == p.datatype)
def test_error_json(self): """Test the wrong JSON channel creation with only the required fields""" # Here we send incorrect dataset information # dataset format = (dataset_name, [ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], [[xvoxel, yvoxel, zvoxel], [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset], timerange, scalinglevels, scaling) dataset = (p.dataset, [1000, 2000, 1000], [1.0, 1.0, 5.0], [0, 0, 0], None, None, None) # project format = (project_name, token_name, public) project = (p.token, None, None) # channel format = { chan1 : (channel_name, datatype, channel_type, data_url, file_name, exceptions, resolution, windowrange, readonly), chan2: ...... } channels = { p.channels[1]: (p.channels[1], p.datatype, p.channel_type, 'sample_data_url', 'sample_filename', 'tif', None, None, None, None) } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write( createJson(dataset, project, channels, channel_only=True)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads( postURL( "http://{}/ca/{}/createChannel/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token), json_file).read()) assert ('FAILED' == response)
def test_create_json(self): """Test the basic JSON project creation with only the required fields""" p.channels = ['CHAN1', 'CHAN2'] # dataset format = (dataset_name, [ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], [[xvoxel, yvoxel, zvoxel], [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset], timerange, scalinglevels, scaling) dataset = (p.dataset, [2000, 2000, 1000], [1.0, 1.0, 5.0], None, None, None, None) # project format = (project_name, token_name, public) project = (p.token, None, None) # channel format = { chan1 : (channel_name, datatype, channel_type, data_url, file_name, exceptions, resolution, windowrange, readonly), chan2: ...... } channels = { p.channels[0]: (p.channels[0], p.datatype, p.channel_type, 'sample_data_url', 'sample_filename', 'tif', None, None, None, 0), p.channels[1]: (p.channels[1], p.datatype, p.channel_type, 'sample_data_url', 'sample_filename', 'tif', None, None, None, 0), } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write( createJson(dataset, project, channels, channel_only=True)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads( postURL( "http://{}/ca/{}/createChannel/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token), json_file).read()) assert ( 'SUCCESS. The information in the channel was correct.' == response) # fetching the JSON info f = getURL("http://{}/ca/{}/info/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token)) # read the JSON file proj_info = json.loads( assert (proj_info['project']['name'] == p.token) assert (proj_info['dataset']['imagesize']['0'] == [2000, 2000, 1000]) assert (proj_info['dataset']['cube_dimension']['0'] == [128, 128, 16]) assert (proj_info['dataset']['scalinglevels'] == 5) assert (proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['resolution'] == 0) assert (proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['channel_type'] == p.channel_type) assert (proj_info['channels'][p.channels[1]]['datatype'] == p.datatype) # Testing if the it allows data to be posted to the created channels p.args = (1000, 1100, 500, 600, 200, 201) image_data = np.ones([2, 1, 100, 100], dtype=np.uint8) * random.randint(0, 255) response = postNPZ(p, image_data) voxarray = getNPZ(p) assert (np.array_equal(image_data, voxarray))
def test_basic_json(self): """Test the basic JSON project creation with only the required fields""" # dataset format = (dataset_name, [ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], [[xvoxel, yvoxel, zvoxel], [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset], timerange, scalinglevels, scaling) dataset = (p.dataset, [2000, 2000, 30], [1.0, 1.0, 5.0], None, None, None, None) # project format = (project_name, token_name, public) project = (p.token, None, None) # channel format = { chan1 : (channel_name, datatype, channel_type, data_url, file_name, exceptions, resolution, windowrange, readonly), chan2: ...... } channels = { p.channels[0]: (p.channels[0], p.datatype, p.channel_type, '', 'SLICE', 'tif', None, None, None, None) } metadata = { 'Author': 'Will', 'Animal': 'Mouse', 'Date_Collected': '10/2/2015' } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write( createJson(dataset, project, channels, metadata=metadata)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads( postURL("http://{}/ca/createProject/".format(SITE_HOST), json_file).read()) assert ('SUCCESS' == response) # fetching the JSON info f = getURL("http://{}/ca/{}/info/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token)) # read the JSON file proj_info = json.loads( assert (proj_info['project']['name'] == p.token) assert (proj_info['dataset']['imagesize']['0'] == [2000, 2000, 30]) assert (proj_info['dataset']['cube_dimension']['0'] == [128, 128, 16]) assert (proj_info['dataset']['scalinglevels'] == 1) assert (proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['resolution'] == 0) assert (proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['datatype'] == p.datatype) try: assert (proj_info['metadata'][0]['Author'] == 'Will') except KeyError: print "LIMS System not working" except AssertionError: print "LIMS System not working"
def test_error_json(self): """Test the wrong JSON channel creation with only the required fields""" # Here we send incorrect dataset information # dataset format = (dataset_name, [ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], [[xvoxel, yvoxel, zvoxel], [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset], timerange, scalinglevels, scaling) dataset = (p.dataset, [1000,2000,1000], [1.0,1.0,5.0], [0,0,0], None, None, None) # project format = (project_name, token_name, public) project = (p.token, None, None) # channel format = { chan1 : (channel_name, datatype, channel_type, data_url, file_name, exceptions, resolution, windowrange, readonly), chan2: ...... } channels = { p.channels[1] : (p.channels[1], p.datatype, p.channel_type, 'sample_data_url', 'sample_filename', 'tif', None, None, None, None) } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write(createJson(dataset, project, channels, channel_only=True)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads(postURL("http://{}/ca/{}/createChannel/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token), json_file).read()) assert('Channel CHAN2 already exists for this project. Specify a different channel name' == response)
def test_single_channel_json(self): """Test the basic JSON project creation with only the required fields""" ocp_dict = { 'channels' : (p.channels[1],) } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write(json.dumps(ocp_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads(postURL("http://{}/ca/{}/deleteChannel/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token), json_file).read()) assert('SUCCESS' == response) # fetching the JSON info f = getURL("http://{}/ca/{}/info/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token)) # read the JSON file proj_info = json.loads( assert( proj_info['project']['name'] == p.token ) assert( proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['resolution'] == 0)
def test_create_json(self): """Test the basic JSON project creation with only the required fields""" p.channels = ['CHAN1', 'CHAN2'] # dataset format = (dataset_name, [ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], [[xvoxel, yvoxel, zvoxel], [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset], timerange, scalinglevels, scaling) dataset = (p.dataset, [2000,2000,1000], [1.0,1.0,5.0], None, None, None, None) # project format = (project_name, token_name, public) project = (p.token, None, None) # channel format = { chan1 : (channel_name, datatype, channel_type, data_url, file_name, exceptions, resolution, windowrange, readonly), chan2: ...... } channels = { p.channels[0] : (p.channels[0], p.datatype, p.channel_type, 'sample_data_url', 'sample_filename', 'tif', None, None, None, 0), p.channels[1] : (p.channels[1], p.datatype, p.channel_type, 'sample_data_url', 'sample_filename', 'tif', None, None, None, 0), } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write(createJson(dataset, project, channels, channel_only=True)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads(postURL("http://{}/ca/{}/createChannel/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token), json_file).read()) assert('SUCCESS. The information in the channel was correct.' == response) # fetching the JSON info f = getURL("http://{}/ca/{}/info/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token)) # read the JSON file proj_info = json.loads( assert( proj_info['project']['name'] == p.token ) assert( proj_info['dataset']['imagesize']['0'] == [2000,2000,1000]) assert( proj_info['dataset']['cube_dimension']['0'] == [128,128,16]) assert( proj_info['dataset']['scalinglevels'] == 5) assert( proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['resolution'] == 0) assert( proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['channel_type'] == p.channel_type) assert( proj_info['channels'][p.channels[1]]['datatype'] == p.datatype) # Testing if the it allows data to be posted to the created channels p.args = (1000,1100,500,600,200,201) image_data = np.ones( [2,1,100,100], dtype=np.uint8 ) * random.randint(0,255) response = postNPZ(p, image_data) voxarray = getNPZ(p) assert( np.array_equal(image_data, voxarray) )
def test_complex_json(self): """Test the complex JSON project creation with only the required fields""" p.token = 'unittest2' # dataset format = (dataset_name, [ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], [[xvoxel, yvoxel, zvoxel], [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset], timerange, scalinglevels, scaling) dataset = (p.dataset, [2000, 2000, 30], [1.0, 1.0, 5.0], [0, 0, 0], None, None, None) # project format = (project_name, token_name, public) project = (p.token, None, None) # channel format = { chan1 : (channel_name, datatype, channel_type, data_url, file_name, exceptions, resolution, windowrange, readonly), chan2: ...... } channels = { p.channels[1]: (p.channels[1], p.datatype, p.channel_type, 'sample_data_url', 'sample_filename', 'tif', None, None, None, None) } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write(createJson(dataset, project, channels)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads( postURL("http://{}/ca/createProject/".format(SITE_HOST), json_file).read()) assert ('SUCCESS' == response) # fetching the JSON info f = getURL("http://{}/ca/{}/info/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token)) # read the JSON file proj_info = json.loads( assert (proj_info['project']['name'] == p.token) assert (proj_info['dataset']['imagesize']['0'] == [2000, 2000, 30]) assert (proj_info['dataset']['cube_dimension']['0'] == [128, 128, 16]) assert (proj_info['dataset']['scalinglevels'] == 1) assert (proj_info['channels'][p.channels[1]]['resolution'] == 0) assert (proj_info['channels'][p.channels[1]]['datatype'] == p.datatype)
def test_single_channel_json(self): """Test the basic JSON project creation with only the required fields""" ocp_dict = {'channels': (p.channels[1], )} json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write(json.dumps(ocp_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads( postURL( "http://{}/ca/{}/deleteChannel/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token), json_file).read()) assert ('SUCCESS' == response) # fetching the JSON info f = getURL("http://{}/ca/{}/info/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token)) # read the JSON file proj_info = json.loads( assert (proj_info['project']['name'] == p.token) assert (proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['resolution'] == 0)
def test_basic_json(self): """Test the basic JSON project creation with only the required fields""" # dataset format = (dataset_name, [ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], [[xvoxel, yvoxel, zvoxel], [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset], timerange, scalinglevels, scaling) dataset = (p.dataset, [2000,2000,30], [1.0,1.0,5.0], None, None, None, None) # project format = (project_name, token_name, public) project = (p.token, None, None) # channel format = { chan1 : (channel_name, datatype, channel_type, data_url, file_name, exceptions, resolution, windowrange, readonly), chan2: ...... } channels = { p.channels[0] : (p.channels[0], p.datatype, p.channel_type, '', 'SLICE', 'tif', None, None, None, None) } metadata = { 'Author': 'Will', 'Animal':'Mouse', 'Date_Collected':'10/2/2015' } json_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') json_file.write(createJson(dataset, project, channels, metadata=metadata)) # posting the JSON url and checking if it is successful response = json.loads(postURL("http://{}/ca/autoIngest/".format(SITE_HOST), json_file).read()) assert('SUCCESS. The ingest process has now started.' == response) # fetching the JSON info f = getURL("http://{}/ca/{}/info/".format(SITE_HOST, p.token)) # read the JSON file proj_info = json.loads( assert( proj_info['project']['name'] == p.token ) assert( proj_info['dataset']['imagesize']['0'] == [2000,2000,30]) assert( proj_info['dataset']['cube_dimension']['0'] == [128,128,16]) assert( proj_info['dataset']['scalinglevels'] == 1) assert( proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['resolution'] == 0) assert( proj_info['channels'][p.channels[0]]['datatype'] == p.datatype) try: assert( proj_info['metadata'][0]['Author'] == 'Will') except KeyError: print "LIMS System not working" except AssertionError: print "LIMS System not working"