Beispiel #1
    def test_scalar(self):
        # indexing with scalar
        A = self.A
        X = [A, A, A]
        S = slice(None, None, None)

        # index rows (single scalar index for all list items)
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, ([0], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[0].tolist())

        # index rows (separate scalar index per list items)
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, ([0, 0, 0], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[0].tolist())

        # index columns (single scalar index for all list items)
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S, [0]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, 0].tolist())

        # index columns (separate scalar index per list items)
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S, [0, 0, 0]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, 0].tolist())
Beispiel #2
 def test_mixed(self):
     A = self.A
     S = self.S
     J = [
         self.B, [1, 4, 5], [True, 2.0, False, 6],
         np.array([2, 3, 9], dtype=np.int32),
         np.array([-3, 9])
     J_1 = [
         self.B, [1, 4, 5], [1, 2, 0, 6],
         np.array([2, 3, 9], dtype=np.int32),
         np.array([-3, 9])
     J_2 = [
         np.r_[self.B, False], [1, 4, 5], [1, 2, 0, 6],
         np.array([2, 3, 9], dtype=np.int32),
         np.array([-3, 9])
     X = [A, A, A, A, A]
     Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (J, S))
     for i, y in enumerate(Y):
         self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[J_1[i]].tolist())
     Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S, J))
     for i, y in enumerate(Y):
         self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, J_2[i]].tolist())
Beispiel #3
    def test_slicing(self):
        A = self.A
        J = self.J
        S = self.S
        X = [A, A, A]

        # out of bound slicing results in empty array
        S1 = slice(12, None, None)
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S1, S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.shape == A[S1].shape
                            and y.tolist() == A[S1].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S, S1))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.shape == A[:, S1].shape
                            and y.tolist() == A[:, S1].tolist())

        # slices with negative indices
        S2 = slice(-2, None, None)
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S2, S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[S2].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S, S2))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, S2].tolist())

        # simultaneous row and column slicing
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (slice(None, None, 2), slice(None, None, 3)))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[::2, ::3].tolist())
Beispiel #4
    def test_pylist(self):
        # indexing with python list of indices
        A = self.A
        S = self.S
        X = [A, A, A]

        # indexing with list containing non-int()-able item
        # should raise exception
        class Foo:

        J = [1, Foo(), 2]
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            vfuncs._idx(X, ([J], S))
Beispiel #5
    def test_boolean(self):
        # indexing with array of booleans
        A = self.A
        S = self.S
        B = self.B
        B2 = np.r_[B, False]
        X = [A, A, A]

        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, ([B], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[B].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S, [B2]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, B2].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, ([B, B, B], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[B, :].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S, [B2, B2, B2]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, B2].tolist())

        # length of boolean array allowed to exceed that of "indexee"
        # as long as exceeding entries are all False
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, ([B[:3]], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:3, :][B[:3], :].tolist())
        B2 = np.hstack((B, np.array([False, False, False])))
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, ([B2], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[B, :].tolist())
Beispiel #6
    def test_intarray(self):
        A = self.A
        S = self.S
        X = [A, A, A]

        # indexing with array of integers

        # negative indices

        # out of bound indices should raise exception
        J = np.array([42])
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            vfuncs._idx(X, ([J], S))
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            vfuncs._idx(X, (S, [J]))

        J = np.array([-13])
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            vfuncs._idx(X, ([J], S))
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            vfuncs._idx(X, (S, [J]))
Beispiel #7
    def test_check_inputs(self):
        A = self.A
        J = self.J
        S = self.S
        X = [A, A, A]

        # simultaneous indexing of rows and columns disallowed
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            vfuncs._idx(X, ([J], [J]))

        # indexing just rows should not give error
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, ([J], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[J].tolist())

        # indexing just columns should not give error
        Y = vfuncs._idx(X, (S, [J]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, J].tolist())

        # indexing X=[A, A, A] with [J, J] should give error
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx(X, ([J, J], S))

        # index [A] with [J]
        Y = vfuncs._idx([A], ([J], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[J, :].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx([A], (S, [J]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, J].tolist())

        # index [A] with [J, J, J]
        Y = vfuncs._idx([A], ([J, J, J], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[J, :].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx([A], (S, [J, J, J]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, J].tolist())

        # index [A, A, A] with [J]
        Y = vfuncs._idx([A, A, A], ([J], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[J, :].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx([A, A, A], (S, [J]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, J].tolist())

        # index [A, A, A] with [J, J, J]
        Y = vfuncs._idx([A, A, A], ([J, J, J], S))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[J, :].tolist())
        Y = vfuncs._idx([A, A, A], (S, [J, J, J]))
        for y in Y:
            self.assertTrue(y.tolist() == A[:, J].tolist())

        # indexing [] with [J] should give error
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx([], ([J], S))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx([], (S, [J]))

        # indexing [] with [J, J] should give error
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx([], ([J, J], S))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx([], (S, [J, J]))

        # indexing [A] with [] should give error
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx([A], ([], S))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx([A], (S, []))

        # indexing [A, A] with [] should give error
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx([A, A], ([], S))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vfuncs._idx([A, A], (S, []))